to THK BKE: OMAHA, Fit I DAY, APRIL, .TO, 1913. Brinincx Uo Father CoryHsht I'll. International vw Kerrlc. Drawn for T- Pe by George McManus I XV HICKEY HE SMQ TOU WUZ A CTCS r-.i . . . THT a, peanut vould look like a Panama t ON TOUR BRAIN b u I ' DID HE KNOW vA)tT VHERE TO FIND HIM - ml tAV DID YOU TELL CAMPER. hONAHAH that i wh? a 'ORKEMT HEAD-1 rjUL 1 J I WUZNT TALK1N' TO HIM IT VOZ. ME COTHER! 7 I ' I J" s V DAT'S ME orother: YEt-l 6ED T-j fl i v i t c' , OMAHA AGAIN WINS FROM SIOUX CITY Hustles Six Runs Over Plate is Opener Off Woodburn and Cop Third Game Handily. CIOSMAN RESCUES ROY CRABB Standing of Teams WESTERN IAHUB. Omaha Tipeka Wlrhlta .... Lw Molnea lnvor Ht. Joseph . Hlnux City LJncoln r. w. vt .va .m . .ma .300 Deii, if i o i ilVhalen. rf 4 0 1 Galloway, Sb v I 1 0 J'elleher, ss t . I J Inher, lb SO sistthews, 2b 10 0 HheatsJi.. c 10 1 e 1 0 t Gonhorn, p. 4 0 " 0 usskiii, p ooo Total ...... A hurling gent by th name of Wood burn eisayed to do a little heaving for Flout City yesterday, but In tb very opening stanr. Mr. Woodburn encoun tered large crowd of bad luck and be fore Joan Clark gave htm permission to hike for the nhnwer batli, Marty Kruge demon Uonrklrts had splashed kalsomlne U over lilm and reentered alx run. tnotiKh to win the combat. All of thla happened with two. out. Bouthpaw Hall wan, Kay Bee dlerd. relieved Wotidbiirn and pitched good ball, but Omaha won, 7 to 4. ' The Rourkcs mutilated Woodburn'g benders In a moat horrible faahion. Tb mutilating, analsted by a couile of big league errora by Bheeban, msd tho home bug quite happy. With Pmlth and Ureen down. Krug started the flreworka In the fatal olner with .a base knock, and Thomaaon aent hta bona to third with Texan leaguer to center. A. walk to lluelaman choked the runway. Kro!rr II an (.nod Time. Then Ernie Krueger. who enjoyed moat proaperoue afternoon with threa a.lld rracka, puahed a Mnile to center, counting the manager and Tommy. Krtta richllebnr waited for a nloo 'jne and cleared the' track with a tremendous double to left. At thla point gheelian and hta bobtiling came Into play, quite profitably for our side. M'halen rolled one to th ahortatop and before the pill was recovered Hchllebner bsat It aafoly home and Red waa perched on tha kejr atone. lloy Crabb poked another one at Ptieelifin and aa the 111 aln rolled tantalUhigly Into left flM AThalcil Boor- Here Mr. Woodburn hid hi nialPH adieu, while Mr. Hallman ambled Irom hla tepee to ot'llge until tha eighth. Inainna) t'mmea to Rearer. Crabh twirled the opening frame with out trouble tiut found the going . too nravy In tha eeoond and third and Krug vii compelled to aak Cloeman to ahoot hla aouthpaw alenta acroai the platter after the UUte atanaa. Henellng opened the aecond with OouMe. Not caring particularly whether ha arored or not, the Rourkea played for the batter ou the two aubaeauent ouU, both via Whalep ta Hclillebner, and Hona llng advanced a baae each time, acortiur on the aecocd one. liallman beat out ail Infield hit to atari tha third. Cooney waa eaay, but Mail man made aecond on the out. Sheejian puled a alap to right and Joah Clarke bueted a triple to left renter, producing three Juicy markera. On Kane'g Infield uut Joah counted. That waa tape for the Invading hoat, aa Cloaman waa la no nioud to permit any more runa. In fact, but two Mta were garnered Off of the doughty little aouthpaw and onry twlao did the hostile get to aecond, and t'ooney, on of the adventuraome youth, waa caught arloep at that station by the ever-alert Krueger. Pall aqaeraa Play Aaala. Juat to aaeure Ooaman that they were till with him, the Hourkavlnlana made a seventh run In tha eighth frame. Huela man walkod and Krueger'a blow to left advanced hlra a Back. Bchllebner laid down a neat aa orifice bunt and HueUmun counted on a aqueeae play, with Whalen bunting tha pill to Kane. If ou will caat a glance at the box aoore you will notice among other die ttnttlve feature of the combat waa tha failure of Jamea Kane to connect. Three yainea now Kane hag failed to do better thug put a sero In the lilt column. The laat game of the eerie will be played today. Cy Foraytha la booked to join tlie euad and paatlme In left field. lUlph Wlllia wUl probably hurt tMre: OMAHA. NAjT. L.KAGUB. AMKR. LEAGUE. ' W.l..Pcl.l W.UPct. Phlla. 11 1 .&VW Detroit . ....U 4 .TOO Cincinnati. St. Ixin.. Chicago.... Ronton . .'. PIMnbOrgh Hiooklyn . New York AMEK. t .MSNew York.. 1 4 ."H 7 .611 Chicago .... T MW 7 . 0 6 i 0 J K ,MH Wanhlnrton 7 ( .EM .ItM lloaton .... S t ,4MI .ItV.iC'leveland.. 7 .437 .V,7 Phlla 4 1 .Ml .nHt. Lnitla... 4 U .AO 1Oiilnvlll lnd'nailn 10 4 t. Paul.... 0 & Mln apulla 0 Cleveland.. 7 7 Knit. City. 7 Milwaukee, fr- Culumbue. ..1 U AftSN. KKD. LEAGUE W.IIct. W.Ul'rt. 10 4 ,714'Brooklyn ..! . .THNewarkv .... .0 .i(Th1uBgo .... I (").l'lltaburarh. . 7 Kan. ClVT.. 7 .7 Ituffalo .... -H Haltlmora .. 10 JKi .071 8t. Lotil.... I .U7 Yntrnlir'l Wenolt. . WEHTERN LKAOUK. Denver. 4: Topeka, 5. Hloux City, 4; Omaha, 7.' HI. Joceph, 5: Ilea Moinea, a Lincoln, : Wlihlta, . AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York, 6; Muaton, 4. I'hlladelphla. a. Waahington. 1. , HI. Ixnifa, 1; Detroit, i. Cleveland, h: Chicago, 4. NATIONAL LHAOUK. Cincinnati, in; Ht. IxMilax f . . fiocton. 13; New York, 8. Urooklyn, 7; Philadelphia, 4. ' ; . KKDKRAL LEAUl'B. fit. Ixul. littfcburgh. 1-7. Ralllmore, I; Urooklyn. 11. AMERICAN ASBOCIATION. Cleveland. ; Coltimbua, a Kartna City, 10: Ht. Paul, 7. t Milwaukee 10; Minneapolis, t. . Jiidlaiutpolla, ; Loul villa, & J . v Uaatei Tscar, Weatern league Denver at Topeka. Hioux City at OmaJia, 8L Joseph at Out Moines, Uncoln at Wichita. American Lengu i'etrolt at Chicago, St. lxiuls at Washington, New York at UiiHton. National l.ea sue Ronton at New York, ltrMklyn at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at I'tttahurgh, Kmlerai Igue Bt. Ixula at Newark, Clilcaso at IHiftalr, Kanaa City at Baltimore, inttaburgh at Urooklyn. 10 0 0 26 1R ..M 4 -A One emt when winning run scored. Topeka ..:.... 1 001 O 0 0 1 2-11 Denver 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 Two-he hits: Cochran. Rappa. Lattl- more, Monroe, Drover. Sacrifice hits: Talllon, Kelleher. Finher. BacHflce fly: Jankaon. Double play: Kellaher to Matthews to Miner, rttolen bane: Cooh-i ran. Mlta: Kf Clunn. I In elnt Innlnrn: off Qanver. 1 In two-thlrda Innlns: i.ff Ooahnrn, 11 In eight and one-third Inning.: err itanKiii, i in two-thlrda Inning, llaara ' on balls: Off Clunn, off Ooahorn. J. ! Struck out: By Clunn, ; by CJoshirn. S. ' Hit by Dltchri ball! Hv I'limn I Oonhorn, 1. Tlnm. Cmplies: Oele'l and Parent. I FED CAUSES 0. B. B. TO FORFEIT GAME Boil of Braves Won't Flay Olanti with Benny Kauf, Hurdler front Gills, in Lineup. PULL OFF CONTEST, ANYWAY WOLVES KAT IP TKiKH aad Wlrhea laiar fraaa Hehlad nifrr.Mi. Klgbt-Raa Lead. W;r.H,TAi K"n' 2 -After. Wichita hail al nun.i ll.n..m .i.i.. Ln.h,Uflri tnr Innlnga thny came fro.n ' ' ' won me game, to H. Lincoln u.""d 1v" Pltchera In an attempt to stop the Wolves Bcore. Hchllebner Krueger. llenallng. stolen baana: Tnoirukaon, fheehan. Henellng. Hailfle him: Kchllebner, Whalen. lilts: Off Crabb, 6 m three Innlnga; off Cloa man, 1 in alx Innlnga; off Woodburn, 4 In two-thlrda Inning; off Hallman, S In alx end two-thlrda Inning; off Kelly, none in two-thlrda Inning. Left on baaea: Omaha, a; Hioua City, &. Struck out: By Crnbu, I; by Cloeman, ?A by Woodburn, I; by llailmen, L Time of game: 1:40. Cmplre: Van Mrkle. DRIMHERI DrriDAT OKI MOIRKS at. Jaaepha laark Hla la rear laalaga aad Wl. DM Ml N KM, April SI. Joseph bunched hits on Thomae In the aecond, ninth, aeventh and eighth Inning and defeated Dea Moines today, S to . Vance waa dnven from the boa In the eighth Inning when Dea Moines scored three runs. The locals had twelve men left on baaea, Bcore : BT. JOSEPH. AB. It IL 6. A. E. W. Patterson, aa. .. 4 o 0 t I 1 Vox. itt ,... J 10 10 0 Walson. rf 4 1 2 10 0 H. Patterson, lb. ... 4 1 V 1 0 Hiitton, u. i 0 1 0 1 0 Williams, rf 4 0 1 S 0 0 .... I 1 0 I a 0 .... 4 I t 1 0 .... Ill ISO .... 10.00 Wolfe, tf : '.vicdafflKan. aa. Hierbauer, lb..., Mclntyre, rf Altman. ef H. Hchrelber. Jb Krueaer, Ju...,. McAllister, c... McAlllaler, c... a. Hchrelber, Narveaon, p. Morris, p.,., Ma eon, p..,. Dawawt, p.. LINCOLN. AB. R. O. 0 0 Totals Pownall, cf.. Ware. 2b..., Graham, If... Henry, ib.... Tydeman. rf. Ril'P. , Jb..;. Rltter, aa GilffHh. c... ikiuthern, p.. Cochran, p... Nicholson .. Totals ...h 7 S WICHITA.' AB. R. "V ? , w 11 H. 0 1 li O. 1 I t 1 0 0 0 0 A. tl 2 tl o s t 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 A. 0 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 4 0 12 O Day. sb. Whhrow. c. Vm, p. , ittrown. p. . Totals AB. R, 1U O. A. E. ftinltli. If 4 0 0 2 0 0 Ki.n. fti 4 0 1 1 1 e Krug. b 4 1 1 1 1 0 Thomaeoti, rf 4 1110 0 1 1 u-Ionian, rl 2 t 0 1 0 0 K nw rer. c 4 1 I I 1 1 hhtlHier. lb. 1 1 10 1 0 W hHleti. aa. 2 1 0 1 4 0 CVabb. p. 1 0 0 1 0 0 lloainan, 4. S 0 0 0 2 0 Totals St 7 7 17 10 1 61UUX C1TT. A 13. R. H. O. A. E. H'ooiiev. 2b C 1 2 1 M,ntii. aa. 4 112(1 Clfcrae, If 4 110.00 Kaue. lb I 0 0 U 1 0 lirnahnK. 4h 1110 4V n.lim.i. cf 4 0 0 2 0 1 W orinlck. rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 rtj.p. c, I 0 0 2 0 0 WcM-illaa. p. ...... 0 0 0 0 0 O Kallnuui, l 1110 2 0 K-liy. p. 0 0 0 0 1 0 'lile 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total B 4 T 24 W 4 flira United fur Kelly ia nioth. I DEB MOINES, AB. R. II. , , , I 27 O. IS 2 10 A. I 27 14 E. 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Hahn. rf. ..... Hunter, rf. .. buwyer. 2b. .. Jonra. lb Xllla, If Tannehlli, 3b. . Hartford, as. . ttreen. u . . . . Thomas, p. tiregory, p. .. dhaaley ...... Total ...... Batted for Thomaa In eighth. St. Jowpli 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 Des Moines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Three-baa hit: Wataon. Two-base hlta: WtlhroW. H. Patterson. Dllla. hac- nfue bit: Thomaa. Htrvu out: By Thomas. 1; by Vance. 6; by Gregory, 1. Haaee on balla: Off Thomas. 1: off Vane. 4 lilt by pitched ball: Br Vance. Breen: by Thomas. W. Pattereoa. Wild prtchea: Vanve tl). Hlta: Off Thomaa. t in eight Innlnga; off Vance, 7 la aevea and to- thirua innings. Left oa baaea: Hi Joenph. : la Molne. It Time: 2:11. umplra l."uiiik 1 0 s o-s Two out when wlnnlna run acored, -nattea ror riouthern n aighth. Runner out, touched by Cochran. Lincoln 2 0 li 0 0 0 0 0 ff-a Wh hlta 0 0 t 0 0 0 I 0 1-4 Three-baa hit: Mclntyre. Two-bane hit: Kruegey (1 , Pownall, Wares. Altman, Morrla. lft on bases: Lincoln, 1"; Wich ita, a. Blruck out: By B. Hchrelber. 1; by Morris. 2: by Kouthera. 4: h I'm hnn J. Baaea on balla: Off B Hchrelber. I: off Narveaon, 1; off Mason. 1; off rtouthern. off Oochran. 2. Base on balla: Off R Hchrelber, 1; off Narveaon, 1; off Mason, 1; off Southern, ; off Cochran, 1. Wilu ltcn: Southern. IKiuble playi il. 8hrel er to McOafflmn to Blerbauer. Ktnl.n baaea: Wolfe, Altman i4. War, Henry. napp. raririce nita Altman. McAlllater tl). Henry, lilts: off R. tkhrelher, In I wo and one-third Innlnga: of Narvlnon. I In two-thlrda Innnlng, off Southern, 11 In eight Innlnga: off Cochran. 0 in ona Inning. Umpire: Mvera. Time: 1:10, Cy Forsythe Now a Rourke Athlete Cy Eorsyth. who romped around right field at Topeka last year and poked the pill for an average of .314. la now a mem ber of the Rourke tribe. Pa Rourke com pleted the deal for the Kaw'slugger and Foraythe will , be here today. Rourke had been dickering for Cr for the laat weak, but Ravage wouldn't let him go until he got a man from Kanaaa City. 1 STECHER MAKES SHORT WORK OF PAT CONNOLLY FREMONT, Neb., April .- Special) Joe Htecher again made short work f Pat .Connolly here lent night. Connolly went on lu plaoe of tha ''Mysterious Conductor" and waa flopped the first time In aeven minutea, and the aecond time In sis minutea The first wall was secured without the scissors, but to pleas the crowd Joe used tha famous hold to Hop l"Bt tb second time; TOPEKA WHI OVER B4BtO Braver Laa After Doable Tied la Klaata laala. TOPEKA Km, April .-Aftc Mon. toes double tied the score iu the ninth urover nroit me winning run serosa with a einaahtng double to right. Topeka win ning, a te i. fcoore: TOPEKA. A B. R a ixuh u li t . ri'oi-x C'lty ilune Una 'i iitae l tu. '. .4 0 1 1 0 0 Cochran, lb..., Talllon. If Ja.kaon. rf.... II a yea. rf , lUlrtX. lb 1 altlinor. ib. l!oh. aa...... Monro, C..1... clunn, p Daauner, p.... Grover, p . 1 200000 0-4 . I 1 S 0 10 0 0 1-1 . u.rfce Twu-bas Lii: Total eVcor, cf i DEN VKIt AB. H. 4 0 H. O. A. Ei till t 0 10 12 14 110 0 1 It 0 0 2 2 11 010 210 0 I s 0 0 0 0 10 10 " 'rt m "4 t. A B s 0 0 NfVHAT AOOUT IT? oh: NOTHIN' I THOUGHT MONAHftiN MADE ITUPJ Good, atone by Cutnhaw and O'Mara aaved several run. Score: BROOKLYN. PHILADKLPM1A. AB.H.O.A.T. AB.H O A B. O'Mara. aa.. 4 1 1 4 1 Brraa, Ib... 4 114 1 Daubert. Ib. I I 14 DBancraft. a. 4 1 2 1 I fvrnal, rf..t I I tOvlwr, If... 4 1 I , 1 WhMl. It ... I 1 1 1 lrralh. rf.. I I I'nuhiw, tb. 4 lit 0 Whined, ef. 4 1 0 Vy-r, rf...t IS aid, lb... 4 1111 Brknlta, k. I I I I lb. I 1 Minor, a.... 4 1(1 OKiilitar. a... 4 Dll. 4 0 1 tPamaraa. .. 1 Oea. be, p. Tstala it II 17 17 I'arkart .... 1 Wla 4 tKock 1 ,0 10 I It 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 Olaoa. IS.... I 1 Mot I vita, lb I 1 WlDfB, .... 4 1 Nouslaaa, s- I 1 Wasner .... 1 1 Dale, 4 V KalalU Baatoa, . NEW YORK. April 20. -Th game be tween the New York Giants and the Boa ton National was declared forfeited by CmpIre Qulgtey because Jamea Gaffney, president of the Boston rluh, refused to permit th team to play the Gianta with Benny Kauff, crack center fielder of the Rrooklyn Federals, In th Gianta' lineup. Kauff jumped to the Giants about five minutes before the time for calling the game. Notwithstanding that th gam had been djrHre.1 forfeited, play waa started fifteen minutes after the time scheduled for the game. Left Oat mt Mae a. Umpire Lason tald that Prenldrmt Tenor of the National league had told him that Kaurr inouia not pi. hi was ien out; ivarh rf.. of th Gianta' llneinp. McOraw played Harno. aa. .J. .... ... Killllar. If inr game, atter reminning iiaimey tnat c-riffltb rf. It had been declared forfeited. Oroh. lb Play waa started after a lively verbal encounter between Gaffney gnd McOraw. When McOraw announced that Kauff would play Ire this afternoon's ganre, Gaffney declared he would refuse to permit the teem to play. Maranvrtl, as captain of th Boston Braves, Informed Umpire Julgy that Boston wo'Jld not play, whereupon Qutgley declared t gam forfeited to New York. Umpire, Reson, prior 10 Qulgley'a de claring th game forfeited, ruahed awwy- to a telephone for tnatructlona. , . Still Matter of Dlapate. Thar silll Is dispute whether the gam that wan iilayed was a practice game or the official gam. The gam was started after Umpire Kason got In Communication with President Tensr, a the second of a double header, the first of W'hlch waa forfeited to New York. Thl game .mav eventually be thrown out. It reinr.lnn for President Tener to clear th muddle. - In further discussing his refusal to play Kauff, President Gaffney of .Boston took th stand that he did not car to be In volved In any baae ball war. "My team ' Is not permitted to plat against any Federal league club, neither can it play against any ' Federal league player," he Argued. , ' ' ' Explains to Teaer. At league hcadquartera Mecretary Hedy Icr said that Umpire Eaeon had lele V honed President Tener explaining the situation that the league executive In structed the umpire to notify Manager McOraw that Kauff was Ineligible to plsy with the New York club.. President Tener ruled that Kauff. hav ing Jumped Horn Organised Bass Ball to the Federal league, had automatically auspended himself. As a result Kauff la rot eligible to play with any club or league of Organised Baa Ball until h has been reinstated by the National commission. Tald 4 Kxplala. President Tener also Instructed Vmplr t'ason to explain the situation to Mo Grsw and to declare th gam forfeited to the Boston club In cass th New York club manager persisted In playing Kauff. Frod Merkl. first baseman of the New York Nationals, brok his left arm in the alxth Inning ef today's game when he fell frying to field a wild throw by Mar cuard. New York won th gam. C to 1 Score: Total! It I IT 14 4 Patted for Demaree In th seventh. Han for Luderun In tha ninth. Batted for Oeechger in the nlnth. Brooklyn 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 8-7 Philadelphia 1 2000010 0-4 Two-baae hlta: Stengel. Byrne, Paskert. Three-bnse hit: Bancroft. Homo run: Bancroft stolen bases: Cutnhsw, Man croft. Earned runs: Brooklyn, 1; Phila delphia, a Sacrifice fly: Cutshaw. Double plsy:. O'Mara to Cutnhaw to Daubert. Left on base: Brooklyn, 0: Philadelphia, (. Banea on errora: Brooklyn, 6. Baaea on ball: Off IJell. J. Hlta: Olf Demaree, 11 In anven Inning: off Oeechger, 2 In two Innlnga. Struck out: By Dell, a; by Demaree, 2. I'mplrea: Byron and Orth. Reda Beat St. Loala. ST. LOU 1 3. April . Cincinnati beat St. Louis by 10 to 0 hero today In a see saw game marked iy heavy hitting and numerous errora on both aides Soorej CINCINNATI. BT. LDUIg. AB.H.O.A.t!. AB.H.O.A.K. i Hutiina. lb. 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 IDoUn. If.... 4 1 4 0k ft 4, rf..... 4 1 1 1 1 lMlllar, lb... 1 4 11 I 1 IWIliun, rf. 4 1 I 1 4 iBerh, lb .... 4 11 4 1 ORutlar, aa... Ill 4 OHnrArr. a... Ill I llkiak. a 44 4 I ixlrlner, p.... 4 a 4 Kucha 1 , 4 Tolala.....U U 17 11 I JiK ' ToUla 44 IT 17 II T . Battcd for DoiiglsMS in seventh. Batted for Dnle in ninth. . .' ' Batted for Wllnon in ninth. Cincinnati 0 1 0 2 6 1 1 O t10 St. Louis 6 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0-9 Two-base hits: Butler, Hugglns, Sny der. Three-baae hit: Wlngo. Stolen baaea: Butler. S. Earned runa: Off Doak. 2; off Griner, S; off Douglas, 1. Sacrifice hlta; Ixng, Miller. Butler, Kllilfer, Snyder.- Ilt on baaea: Cincin nati. II; St. IaiuIs, S. Bases on errora: St. Louin. 1; Clsj Innatl. 1. Baaea 011 balla: Off Douglass, 1; off Dale, 1; oft Doak. 1 lilts: Off Douglass. 7 In six Inning; off Doak, 17 In eight and one third inning; off Orinor, none In two thlrda inning, lilt by pitched ball: By Doak, Leach; bv Griner. Klllrfer. Struck out: By Inuglaaa, 1: by Benton. 1: by Doak, a I'mplrea: -Rigler and Hart. w'lu.iia aL 1 viwwjwi iianiigi Sia wiiiihh a, lam Attractive Prices in AH Leather Suit Cases and Bags Just at the beginning of the going away season we are offering some urf usual bargains In Suit Cases and Bagg. They are made by Tybusb Bros, of New York, and are constructed to standi the rough usage of the baggage handlers. They come in full leather or linen lined, band sawed and have the best of heavy belts and lock. They are good looking and such as any one would be proud to carry. We quote a few prices below: $6.60 Quality Bags and Suit Cases $5.00 UO quality Bags and Suit Cases $7.50 U2.50 quality Bags and Suit Cases $10 ,16. GO quaUty Bags and Suit Cases at ....$18.50 I J JLr . JXJI N 1 Lewis Athletic Underwear $100. I No underwear fits so well as the'Lewis, We are offering aa a special this high! grade garment. In athletic . style union suits with the Lewis name stamped on it for 11:00. The crotch- stas closed and no other garment Is so comfortable to wear. When warm weather compels a change try some of these. - cfy' vj' M4 M 418 South lth. t WILLIE HOARE ARRIVES ' . WEEK BEHIND SCHEDULE Willi V. Hoare. new golf professional at the Country club, has arrived In Omaha a week behind schdul Hoar waa booked to arrive April JO, but was delayed. To prove that he la a claaay profcaalonal. Hoar regiatered at the Fontenelle hotel upon hta arrival. YOUNG OMAHA COUPLE . IS WEDDED AT PAPILLION Announcement was made yaaterday of th marriage Friday at Papllllon of IJl liaa Harriet Ellsworth, eldest daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. WllUnii H Etlaworth, aad John C. Haarmann of Omaha. Mr. and Mr. Haarmann will be given a re. rtptlon at the Elieworth home. ItOS I fayette avenue. til tvenlng. They hsd Intended kechia th- ids"'I secroi, a few days, but when Mrs Haarmann con fided in her mother, an informal ratifi cation of the nuptials v. a arranged. THE DAGUERROTYPE: May 9th, 1840: A most important consummation has been attained in this won derful nrt. In Philadelphia, likenesses of the human face hare been taken by it. The resemblance is divine. I i BOSTON KW YOWC. AO. H O. A F. - AB H O A Mmaa, rf. ... I lit Hurray, af.. 41104 ' I 1 lo.l. M ...a a i i a OilMrt rf . 4 4 4 4 (.chart. Ib. . I a a Miiarflask bit Sit in.i. Oalliae. 4 14 1 SHurna. it.... 4 I I s si. rr...a a a erku ik a i a a. SVhmKt. lb. 4 111 1 lilraai. lb.... i a a barta a. rf I 1 a rara. e.V.T4 141 ftrluua. I I a , Jamra. .... 1 4 I I'McLaaa ...10014 atrwnl 1441 . . B I I 4 4 Craichar, B . 1 4 1 I 4 ms-. rf . . . I iun SVhmKt. lb. 4 111 I 4 lira Smltb. lb.... I 1 i ag.,b Mara.Yll. Bill itf.y, t....t i iu., I 14 II 0 THBle IT HUM Hatted for Morsn in smrenth. Batted for James in fourth. Batted tor Marquard In eeventh. Boator. . 1 4 n New lork 1 I 1 a i a-g Game call in aevinth. darkneaa. Two-baa hlta: Ma ran villa C'l. Mage Thr-baae lata: Moran, Murray, Mae (11. Home runs: father. Murray, Gowdy stolen baaee: Bum. Kotwrtson, Xlurray, loyle. tKiwdy, Maranvlll. Kamed runa: New York, 1; Boaton. 0. Kaciiflce bit: Fletcher. Iioubl piay; Maranvllle to Kltapatrt.k to tv-!imidt. Ift on baaea: New York, ): Boston. 7. Baae on error Boston, t. Basse on balla": Off Marquard. . off Hess, 1: off Oiulcher, 1. Hlta: Off Jamea, T in three Innlnaa; off Heaa. 2 in cne-thlrd Inning: off Cmtcher. 4 in three ant twivtl.lrOa Innlnga. Hit by pitched ball: B James, Doyla, bv Has. Fletcher and Robertson. Struck out: Bv Marquard. 4: bv James. 1. Chiplre: Qulgley and Raaon. Prilla Ual I D4rra, PHUADKl.PHIA. April 2 Brooklyn hit tbe deltterv of Demaree and aided Lv rrcr of th ehutne team cteuiei i nl.a- J dell hla today by 2 to 4 Ot-aWier. who ru- I lleved lieiitarwe at th beslunlng of the ciablh Inning, waa given poor aup)Jrl. PhlludelUla alao. batted bard, but loug (unalug i.aWhe b Meyer and Uiret So. J 18401915 Seventy five years ago before the days of photography, the firm of Lemp was brewing ne beers the oldest brewery in America with a national patronage. The "practice that makes perfect" has brought to Americans of today, the unrivaled flavor'of v ass V'r-.-, 'J" 'rf' mJt!2afV' I f av a ers met' Compare it with no other beer; for it flavor is its own delightfully, wholly Falstaff. Berieatd. Bread and beer are mad of aba -aaaie aiawnaia: caraala yeasl and waiar. Bread la lolld base la liquid tola are k'f aly iiourl.tunj. i PBFrlHau prrw.-r1b beer la li reduce enerft, bund imm and atrenctbea aarvea. tioug beer Is In alUir ol hla. Th Falstaff af Ufa Hcjnry Rohlff Company. Diatributor. 2567-69 Leayenworth SL, Omaha, Neb. Telephone: Doug. 87 Q ' 1