Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1915, Page 6, Image 7

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    ,OAY, ArRIIi 29, 1015.
nm hee: omaita.
T Bm Publishing; Cowpsnv. -Proprietor.
Fntered at Onnh postefflca aa second-class matter.
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Fnd notice of rf ddrr or rompielnte or
irregnlarltv in delivery to Omaha Bee. Circulation
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Chlcago-SOl Hearst ButMIng
New tors Room 110. IM Fifth ltnu.
Ft Ixute-BCB New Bana of Commurr.
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"Address communications relating to and odt-
lortal matter to Omaha Bra. Editorial Department.
Stat Nebraska. County of Douglaa. aa.
Owtaht Wlllleme, circulation manager of Tha Baa
publishing company, being duls- a worn, ears that tha
average circulation for the month of March. 191a,
waa ,WZ.
DWH1HT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Buhecrlhd In rnf presence and worn to bafora
Sue. Uiia M day of April, If l.
W3BERX lktiNTER, NoUry Publlo.
robacrlbera ImtIbc Cm cily temporarily
tboold hay The Bee an ail ad to them. Ad.
eeea will ba cbanfcd a often aa reqaciud.
f April tt
Thought for tlw Day
Seecteef by Mrt.tC L Riehtn
If you with your ntiohbort tt ste what God it
likt, you mvtt let thtm tt what ht can ma
you likt.Charltt KingtUy.
Not too Uta yet to paint up. '
Only four days mora before tha voting.
It looks as tf Florence war doomed to be
municipal orphan, at least for a while.
Cleveland also haa 6-rent water. Can any-1
one tell why Omaha haa to pay 31 centsT
Florence and Benson may console them
selves by watching arbiter Omaha's smoke.
The mayor put the ball over the plate, but
the senator muffed It. Anything symbolical Id
the play?
Still, ai their own horn-blower, these latter
day Tote chaeera are but faint Imitations of the
prototype. .. .'..'.,.
BUDBiauiiai advance towarq equality win
have been made when the face of electric light
meters correspond with the bills. . i
No matter which side scores In the Syracuse
play. Harvard cannot fose. Plaintiff, defendant
and presiding Judge wear crimson colors.
Wonder It our saburban neighbors realise
f of what they have deprived themselves by not
being anneied in time to mix In our city election
The starting point of the women peace dele
gates Is the declaration, VWe are sisters." Yes,
and the men on both sides of the firing line ar
brothers. . .
Every visitor to Omaha is impressed with
the bustling and businesslike appearance of the
city. It is up to ttfose of us who are permanent
residents here to mike the most of it.
Relief maps of the route from the entrsnrs
of the Dardanelles to Constantinople show a
rugged, eenil-mountalnous country, 'but with
enough cultivable land to furnish the cemetery
necessities of the trip.
Commenting on the Omaha bread case de
cision, the Lincoln star says:
There is something grotesque In all ordinances
that ems. to preecrtbe inorably both tha sitae of
tha loaves and the prtcaa they shall command.
But the Omaha ordinance did not do it it
merely prescribed the weight of the losf.
Ths British Parliament regards a general
election as an inconvenience at this time and
plans sn extension of the present term until the
war Is over. This system of term extension will
appeal with peculiar force to Nebraska office
holders. Its simplicity and efficacy admirably
contrast with futile arguments poured into un
responsive ears at Lincoln.
Questionable Use of Our Ting.
Another very interesting question has arisen,
to add to the complexity of the war problem, r
far as the United States is concerned. From
I'irls comes word that arrangements have been
mrde by the hospital service to have ambulances
that approach near to the firing llci carry the
fart snd B tripes ss well as the Red Cross em
Llim. It la not a novel experience for Old Glory
tn be under fire while on an errand of merry,
hut how will this practice affect the matter of
neutrality? Is it not likely that the practice of
sklng protection under the American flag, first
resorted to by a British sea captain, may spread
until we see a large part of the war operations
carried on under the banner of the United
States? There are other neutral 'countries
why use only our flag? ,
The hospital work, as well ss the general ac
tivities of the Red Cross, is humane, and neces
sary, and neutral, but the presence of the fla?
of a neutral nation on the firing line will not
materially contribute to the settlement of the
dispute between the belligerents, and may pro
duce bnpleasnnt complications. It is a questiona
ble t se at present for the American flag. ,
In Fairness to Simon.
Vote-hunting sharpshooters on the political
firing line are expected to use any missile within
reach, but in all fairness to former Representa
tive Edward Simon, the public is entitled to
know thst the aasanlt to discredit bis sponsor
ship of the mothers' pension law is contradicted
by the official record.
While no member of the legislature of two
years sgo had any monopoly on the Introduction
Yf mothers' pension measures any more than, on
any other subject, Mr. Simon's bill, Mouse Roll
No. it, was the first to be presented, and in sub
stance the one to be enacted. 'Everyone famil
iar with legislative procedure knows that where
bills on the same subject are introduced simul
taneously In both houses the speedy achievement
of the desired result Is expedited by acceptance
by one house of the framework of the measure
passed by the other, and this is what happened
with the mothers' pension bill. The senate file,
coming across before the house had-acted upon
the house bills, was amended by Incorporating
the additional features of the bills Introduced by
Representatives Simon and Jeary, and by an ex
traordinary action recognition was given to the
two mothers' pension champions in the house by
specifically adding their names as Joint Intro
ducers. '
The record Is found on page 77 of ths
House Journal for 1913 in the report of the
committee of the wbole( Which was unanimously
adopted, and reads in part as follows:
Amend hat part showing the Introducer by ad
ding after the word, "Introduced by Senator J. K.
Ronerteon of Holt," the words, "and Representative
Kdward Hlmon of I'ounlna and Edwin Jeary of Lancaster.
If the record is the best evidence this should
be conclusive aside from the fact that those try
ing to disparage Mr. Slm.on's work hsve waltei
two years to discover that be had no part In pro
curing the passage of a law for .which his coi
lesgues In the legislature themselves at the time
gnye him his full share of credit. ' ; ,
. Effects of the Early Sprinf . ,
i Aquarius, or Saggttarius, or whatever of the
geds of the Zodiac' presides over the, destiny "of
April, seems to nave muddled his "medicine a
little this time and Is furnishing the world with
dogday weather about three months In advance.
And this unusual heat is having a' most unpleas
snt effect on the temper of folks, for tt must
be responsible In some measure for the super-
hosted controversies in progress In every direc
tion. Candidates are calling each other names
in public, legislatures are bandying epithets n
post mortem arguments over what did or did not
happen, notable leaders of thought are pursuing
each other in court, and manifestations of a
spirit of strife may be noted in every direction,.
This is lamentable, and if the weather Is to
blsme, a prayer for a mild cold wave would be
Justified under the circumstances.
Elder J. B. Waif laid, prealdlng .elder, and Rev.
Robert U Neeh. paator. have sent out card for tho
dedication of Bewerd Street Methodtat Eplaropal
ehurrb an Sunday, May 1ft.
.Tha treat railway company haa received two
summer care from tha factory.
The new home of Fred Prexel on Tenth and Wil
liam street, was tha acrns of a Jovial bouse warrolnd
laat night.
- A wedding that Interested Omaha peopl was that
of II. U Dovey- and Mlas Rva Knapp. which took
place at tha bi-tdo'a tome tn Ptattamouth. Mr. Dovey
waa for a long time taller of tba First national bank
Gkuah loat tha ball game te Cleveland by a aoore
of I to 1 Tho local fans are placing great atore for
future game on the return to the club of Frank
Bandle. tba favorite catcher.
Mrs. Cortwft. lfll Howard, offers good wages for
a gui for general bouaework.
Mr. and Mr. Jordan of Bt. Louia, with their
daughter. Mra. J. J. Dickey, of thla cjiy, hava goae
te rifomla for a vllt.
For the thirteenth of (he serlr of te' Ladle'
Muai'al axlty the program we g-n by tba Miaecs
Reckwll. Judaon. Edith Jemc, Hello, ptuil. Minnie
lull, Bertha Toe and Georgia Boulter
Mr. (Jcoige M. Rlbble and MUw Kva M S. Clark
re married at tt Baraabaa church. Tha ceriupnr
was performed by Rev. Canon Patterson.
New Test for tha Boycott '
The Indictment by a federal, grand Jury In
Chicago of a number of Individuals, officers of
labor unions, contractors and others connected
with the building Industry will bring to a test
of court another feature of the "restraint of
trade" function of the anti-trust law. In this
Instance the point involves the refusal by tha
building trades mechanics,, under 'agreement
Vlih the contractors, to use materials not pro
duced in Chicago. Tho effect has been, to close
the Chicago market, so far as possible, to man
cfacturers from the outside.
While the action la referred to as a boycott,
it comprehends a much broader application pt
the laws of trade, and Is likely to open up for
rnnUdcratlon a very general field of commercial
and industrial practice.' First of all will corns
the rttestlon of, the virtual monopoly that Is
thu established, so far as Chicago is concerned,
on certain kinds of building material. Then
w II come the question of tbg right of two or
r.-uro to agree to concerted action in the doing
of a thing thst Is lawful for either, but which
is held to be conspiracy when subject of agree-
i nii-nt. Other lesser points will no doubt be de
i veloped, but these main factors in the probleri
I v.111 be of utmost importance.
Theoretically, free trade is , an Ideal condi
tion; In practice, It has been found expedient to
make provision against certain phases of unre
stricted competition by protective regulations,
liow far tbeae may be applied, first by labor
onions in their own behalf, and then by con
tractors and manufacturers with lsbor unions,
for their benefit, is the point to be determined.
- -. .
As the administration proceeds with the
Alaskan railroad much Instructive information
may be gained from Canada's . experience in
building the Grand Trunk Pacific. The Do
minion put millions Into the road with a view
to opening up the northern wilderness to settle
ment. ' Settlers nave not flocked to the region,
the company wfclrh agreed to operate the road
refuses to take It over and the government has
the largest pf white elephants on Its bands.
, The claim thst "music hath charms to soothe
the savage breast" is supported by numberlees
I tests, But until It etneacy is proven by sooth
ing the turbulent vocal spirit of Omaha cam
paigners, cautious spectators will hold to the
I Missouri exclamation.
Deeds of Daring in Movies
Clevelaad Koffett la Amerteaa atagaala
IN TUB spring of 113, while Oeorgs and Brteil
Williamson were down In the West Indies on their
submarine shark-killing expedition for tha movie, as
already related, they made some motion picture studies
of a diver In a diver's suit, working at the bottom of
the ocean, and "ore Wllllamaon posed quite often
for thcue pictures before a motion picture camera
under the water.
In the manner of a professional, b put on the
helmet and ponderoua coMume and descended to a
convenient wreck while two natives' pumped air to
Mm down tho hose and had their own motion pic
tures Uken at th same time. Unfortunately, the
natlvea became so much Interested In this picture
taking that at one moment they quite forgot to pump
thus leaving Cleorge Wllllamaon fifty feet below the
surface with no air to breathe. Had not Krnest seen
the danger and leaped to tha rescue it Is tlkely that
George's Career would hav ended .suddenly, for a
diver's life goes out Ilk a snuffed candle If the air
hose falls.
Another caen waa related to ma by Harry Benham.
a star of the Thanhouaer company, who waa nearly
killed i few montha ago while poatng In "A Man
Without Fear," a thrilling melodrama. In the courae
of which ho waa Imprisoned by anarchlat in the cabin
of a coal barge, a real barge that lay at New Rochelle
being uaed. Having buret his bonds, Harry crept
along the deck over pile of coal and finally, seeing
no other way of escape, leaped upon a great steam
coal ahovel that was Just swinging It black load
toward the shore; whereupon a Bwede who was operat
ing the derrick and holatlng machine, and Who had
been watching the pursuing bandits with bulging eyes,
so far lost hla aelf-poaaeaalon that be pulled the re
leasing lever at the wrong moment, and suddenly,
Benham. at the top of his flight, felt the coal falling
sway beneath htm and found himaelf dropping down
with tha load through the opened ahovel scoops. Fran
tically ha clung to the timbers above him and yellei
to the Bwede, who now. in his agitation, closed the
coops so violently that tha actor's wriggling less
3 vist missed being sheared off 'by the maastva Jaws.
Many other motion picture artiala rave had ex
citing experlencee at Niagara Fall a, but the film taken
on July 2a, 1S11. by Walter Arthur, veteran camera
man of the Vltagraph company, easily ranks as a
record , of dara-devll achievement here, mnca It shows
the actual paeeaga over tha falls of Bobby Leach,
the only man who ever performed thla feat and lived
te describe his sensations. And Bobby description Is
rather vague, stnoa he was unconscious In his bsrrel
during moat of the trip.
' ' For years before this crest adventure Leach had
followed an adventurous Atreer as a showman and
acrobat. Ha had mad many balloon aiy-enslons and
had dropped often tn a parachute, once from the height
of two mile. Ha had dived from tha great Suspension
bridge, MS feet high, that spans Niagara river, and
four times he had gone safely In a specially con.
tructed barrel through the whirlpool rapids, where
Captain Webb lost hla life. Finally, after years of
hesitation, h made up hla mind that It waa possible
for a man to go ever the great cataract In a barrel and
live, and. If o, ha, Bobby Loach, was the man to do
It. In vain bla friends and his wife (she rsn a little
restaurant near the falls, on tha Canadian side) trlel
to dissuade him. Th thlpg could b done, he declared,
end he was" going to do It. At this Urn Leech waa a
white-haired man welt over fifty.
There were two thing h could do to help hla
chances: h could provide th best kind of a barrel
to carry hint over th falla and he could aelect an ad
vantsgeoits point for launching tlfls barrel. For weeks
he experimented with kegs, beer barrels and hogs
heads, setting these adrift from various points In th
river abova the falla' from th American aid, from
th Canadian side, from this or that Island, and then
following thlr tumultuous courses and drawing what
concliialons he could from them. In om cajea ha
placed animals In th barrls.-a cat. a dog. or o
chicken. to se it living creature could go through
that rag of waters and survive, but they never did.
This did not deter tha enthusiast, however, and ha
proceeded to -perfeet his barrel, which waa made of
quarter-Inch Iron platea with a manhole' on one eft
and a heavy Iron cover that could be bolted in place
after Bobby was lnslds, so as te mak th craft water
tight. .Near on nd waa a hole about an inch in
diameter, stopped up by a champagne eorfc with a nail
driven through It and a cord tied to the nail ao that
Bobby could, pull th cork out from tha inside and
perhaps get a little air tf he found himself suffocating.
Aa a matter ef fact he never touched thla cork dur
ing" the swift Journey because be fainted away when
the barrel took Its great plunge.
Another camera artist who baa bad many adven
tures In motion picture work hi Cart Gregory, veteran
camera man of the Thanhouaer company.
"One of the first big motion plctura atunts I re
mnober." he said, "was when wa sent a White steam
automobile at full speed over the steepest part ef the
Palisades snd let It smash down, with a wicked noble
man inside (played by a dummy), a scoundrel who
bad choked and beaten his young and beautiful Ameri
can wife, and had fiercely pursued her when she wss
rescued by a gallant American lovr In his automobile.
There were five operator with cameras ready wait
ing for th smash-up, one man at th top of the
paJleadea to get tha praclpioa, and four of ua down
at th bottom on th shore of th Hudson rtvr with
ur machines pointed up at various steep angles. When
we heard th director shout, w began turning our
machines, and each on of ua got a section ef the fait
We had filled up th ateamer tank with gasolln
tn tha hope that It would explode In the air It
turned over and, sure enough. It. did. . t go a picture
showing the automobile shooting straight out from
the rock wall, then turning a clean eomersault, than
with smaah of black smoke, blowing Itself into a
thousand pieces. One ef these, a heavy chunk ef
steel, whlsaad by my head and buried itself In. tha
ground. W gav the wreck te a policeman, who
aold It for He."
Women artlsta, aa well as th men, show courage
In facing dangerous motion, picture eltuatlooa ' when
ever the director aaalgna them to aorae hasardoua
role. That, by the way. is an Intereeting element
In th motion picture business, the desire of tho
artist to pleaae tha director. If a young woman with
tha real motion picture seal in her Is asked to appear
In a photo-play as a snake charmer, with real snakes
colled about her, tha chance are that ahe will step
forward and do tha thing, as Mlgno Anderson did
when her director cset her for "The tar of the BMe
Mlgnon Is K years old and weighs ninety-seven
pounds, but she handled a rock python apd a blaca
snake from tha Bronx Park 7.oo like a veteran. These
hideous squirming creatures could easily have crushed
her frail body with their great constrtctlng muscles.
At another time. In a eporlms photo-play. Mies
Anderaon' rode a' horee tt from a burning barn after
anting on his back for a minute or ao with the flame
all about her (they were real flamea of a real bin
that waa burned for tho occaakn). before aha could
mak the frightened animal leave his Stall. Then he
ran as if all the devils In th country wore after him,
while Mlgnon dung to hla mane, and the camera man,
grinding oi'tiMe. got the thrilling film that ha wanted.
Again, aa a heroine saving her dying father,
Mlgnon raced a fast train In an automobile, speeding
It up to fifty mllea aa boar, although she had only
a week to learn how to do th thing.
"Weren't you afraid T" I asked.
"I had no time to be afraid," aha laughed. "I was
too busy changlnf gears. Tou aa. I had to let that
train beat me firat and then beat th train. It waa
a neck and neck race "
"A real race?" . '
"Didn't th peopl on the train knoW about It In
"Not a thing. I Juat waited where there wa a
stretch of road paralM with tha track '.and when th
regular faat paaaenger train cam along I started the
car and th camera man alerted hla machine.
It ahould be aald in thla Instance that tha man
agement an netted tu Mla Anderaon that an expert
chauffeur he allowed to. tmperaonate her in driving
the car whli h aoulii have been easy, lhanka to cap
and girle v-ui Ml -ron e soortlng pride required sha
rsce the ira.o Lcraclf. and race It she did.
Blue ( llgliram Dnadr lloae.
PAIjMJT.R. Neb.. Aorll T the RriMnr
of The Bee: Rluegrass, If properly cared T
for, will make an end of :he danlclion.
This gram loves lots of water aTtd a rich
sell ,md wanty clipping, t'loae mowing
cripples It and aeems to take th llf
ut oi' Its very roots. It should be heav
ily watered and not mowed at all for a
year If the dandelion Is well seeded. The
grass thus reaeeda ths ground and be
come ao thrifty that It will choke out
the dandelion and about everything else
that grows in the same ground with It.
Including alfalfa and fruit trees, ss the
farmer well knows to his cost. The first
thing is rich soil. The second Is a wet
oil and tha third Is very high and Infre
quent mowing, but the main thing Is
water. Keep th sod soaked.
My lawn when first started became a
beautiful mat of dandelions. I could wet
only part of It. This wet part ts free of
th pest. The dry part still breeds dande
lions. After the pest is cleared out of the
ground by the wet treatment th earn
condition must continue, as the dandelion
will start again, I believe no lawn should
be mowed after July 15, so ss to let tha
(rasa get a good fall growth and mak
a good mat on th ground. Bet the mower
very high If you like and cut off the
weeds above the grass, but let the grass
grow in the fall. C. 8. M1NNICH. M. D.
Mnale an Aeaet to m City.
OMAHA. April 18. To th Editor of Th
Bee: I wa pleased to read your excellent
wrlteup yesterday on tha opening con
cert by the Mendelssohn choir and the
-Chicago Symphony orchestra. This rec
ognition of the efforts of Thomas Kelly
to build up a musical atmosphere In this
city Is better than getting up a parade
to follow his hearse after he is dead. Mr.
Kelly deserves much credit. He haa
worked hard and tha people ahould sup
port his efforts to give Omaha a worthy
singing organisation. He la not asking
for any particular credit or sympathy,
for he la a practical man. He made a
five-year contract with tha-Chicago or
chestra and thla contract haa Just expired.
I am told by a member of the choir, a
friend of mine, that the recent series of
concerts Just paid out. That should not be
th case. Mr. Kelly should not hav to
feel any uncertainty as to th financial
success of aucb a musical enterprise as
t believe Omaha la Just a little bit tardy
In Its support of those who are giving
their lives to the 'musical culture of the
city. Music la Just as much a part of
the city's life as street cars, automobiles
or other material considerations. Mr.
Kelly is a producer, taking this in a strict
economlo sense. He Is a producer in the
sens that good music makes for better
citizenship and better cttlsenshlp makes
for better Omaha. I am glad that you
gave Mr. Kelly the praise he deserves as
a leader and, of course, this praise Is ex
tended to the members of his choir as
well. . 1 wss tpld the other day by a man
whom I believe knows, that Kelly is the
best choir leader this side of Chicago.' I
haven't met Mr. Kelly, for several weeks,
so It cannot be charged that anything 1
say here is "Inspired."
I do not want to be understood that
Omaha Is not musical quit the contrary
but I do maintain that now la the time
to make some signs which will be under
Stood by Mr. Kelly and those working
with him that Omaha apprectsted th
aerie ,of aprlng concert he gave during
the laat five yeara and that stronger su '
port will be assured If these concerts wilt
be continued for another period ef five
yeara ' B. B.
Deapollere of Natore.
f OMAHA. April 2S.-To the Editor of The
Bee: I waa very glad to see the article
on "Wlldflowera and Picnickers'' by "M.
L." In Sunday's Bee and only wish that
It might had even mora prominent apace
o that "all might see."
I, too, am keenly Interested In the virgin
woodland about. ue and aa I have' not the
privilege of possessing any of It myself
I cannot poesibly be criticized for mer
cenary motives. Therefore I feel free to
discuss the criticism in that letter which
was as Just as the Invitation was gen
erous. . ' ' '
I do not know so much about the region
north of Florence because my ''Haunts"
are for th moat part along th Missouri,
down towaid Bellevue that moat de
lightful Chllda' Point region, amongst
th hills and dales and virgin forest,
which I do not doubt those splendid men
composing th Fontenelle Forest associa
tion contemplate some Hay acquiring and
preserving for th public. .
Time and again have I strolled along
th paths to and from that region, so
magntflciently and luxuriously favored
by Dame Nature, only to have the pleas-,
ura and Joy of the scene blotted by .the
frequent eight of Immense bunches of
Withered wild flowers which a few. hours
earlier had been ruthlessly, and greedily
plucked by thougntlera youth of spend
thrift maturity, and a oultkly tired of
ami thrown by tha wayside. - .
I 'do not, end hardly think that M. U
would, object to the bona fide plucking
of a spray for a button-hole bouquet or
even, when they are plentiful, to the
Careful digging up of' a root for trans
planting at borne: but th ruthless, ael
ftsh mania for wholeaale plunder is most
emphatically to be discountenanced. The
prodigality -of nature la a source of in
spiration when 'contemplated "in place";
as soeu as severed It quickly becomes
dross. And,, in paaalnr, It may vary ap
propriately he stated that th bird are
a much a fixture in the landscape as
the flowers, and when ruthlesty killed
are but "food for worms'' and thence
forth some "life" Is -Inexplicably absent
from the canvas.
: Bo It ia regrettable that In this, as in
ether Mature, people cannof practise
temperance but must needs have total
prohibition forced upon tliem. aa is Ui-
esse in every tourist region where even
(he plucking of a twig ta penalised.
I suppose, however, that It Is Idle to
dwell upon the subject. It seems that
there always, have been. and . probably
will continue to be. some pmiple to whom
the lovo of "Veraonal Liberty" and th
Winning of a raoe In feverish commer
Clallam is the acme of true satisfaction.
' . . A. W. ANDERSON'.
felleaga Qaotea the Rrrard.
OMAHA. April To the Editor of The
Bee: I see some would-be wise boy ia try
ing to take away from Ed Pinion the
credit dc him for the paage of th
mothers' pension law. flnion Introduced
that law, worked for It. fought for It and
boosted for It all through its devious
passage through the committee snd sip to
and including the governor's signature.
On pag 7T of the house record on the
forty-eeventb day or the Wi session Ed
Simon's name waa specifically amended
to that law. If that doea not conatitut
being the father of a law, I would like
know what doea. I served with Ed
glmon, la th legislature and wUI say
tost he wss fesrtes. efficient snd aotlvs
and represented his constituents well.
What more could be asked ef a repre
sentative of the people T
"How's the rye crop In your section,
farmer?'' asked a pert town youth with
Intent to chaff the bucolic one.
"Lead failure."
"For lack of rain?"
"Naw. for lack of ditllleris. Olridap,
you mules:"LouUvllle Courier-Journal.
"I notice the road asnis who held up
the train worked with different methods.''
"In what way?"
"While one waa rifling the load, the
other was loading the rifle." Haltimore
Customer Have you an alarm flock
that will wake the help without waklim
up the whole house?
Clerk No. medarn; but I -can give you
one that will wake up th whole house
wlthqut waking the help. Ronton Tran
script. "I could hsve done better , than to
marry you."
"A common cry among wives, my dear.
Tou women shouldn't blame ua men for
lack of business acumen. To assure
yourselves thnt you have married ss well
aa possible you ahould Invite sealed pro
posals. "- Louisville Courier-Journal.
mv5 mine onrx mtr!
Mrs, Phstpurre Percy Bsrgoolt inse
rted? Taken In by a designing parlor
maid? How shocking!
Mrs. Stufdrol Deserves It. I say. Ought
to have looked up her references before
he hired her. Judge.
Manager I say, can we get anything
like a real doctor tn this Jay town to at
tend a sick sctor?
Village Inhabitant Pure Just go to
that corner grocery. You'll find a man
there who's all right at coring hams.
Baltimore American.
"Father," said the small boy, "what ts
the fourth dimension?"
"I can't be bothered about that Just
stow, my aon." .
"Why? Is thst a foolish question?"
"I guees the question Is all right. Hut
I must say I never heard' an answer to
It that atruck me ss very sensible."
Wsshlngton Star.
"Men are slow to embrace an oppor
tunity," remarked the sage.
"But they are always looking for a
chance to hug a delusion,'' added the
fool. Cincinnati Enquirer.
"What's your hired mm plowing up
your front .yard for. Blinks?"
"My 'daughter has a new .camera, snd
the Instruction says to break tip the fore
ground before taklnr a picture, and T
couldn't verv well let her do that hard
work." Philadelphia Ledger. .
Poor, tired little shoe! fncOmplnlhlng
They give their life to fulfill
The orders and calls und commandments
Of feet that never are sthl.
They tramp orr the hills and the mead
ows. And mud Is their chief delight,:
Thev were trim snd shining this morning,
Now thev arc a woeful slht.
Thev are scuffed snd muddy and dingy;
Their tonatics hang panting- fr breath;
For the little feet thst wear them
Have run them almuH to desth.
And while thev are busy .destroying.
I'm busy finding a way
To buy new shoes on the morrow,
To replace the ones of today. : . V
For new-shoes, prired ss a treasure
Today: tomorrow are old. -But
at slufit of -Innocent faces.
I have not tho. heart to scold. .
Though each year they're a bit larger.
And cost Just a trifle more;
And each year they wear a bit faster
Thsn they did the yeer before;-
For the little feet In the Piture '
Will low their desire for play.
And soberly walk in the highways
With no longing or wish to stray.
So I turn to my work with new purpose.
And new courajre for the fight;
And through blinding tears, as I view
Those shoes are a beautiful sight.
Then I gather them up with rapture.
And thank the Lord with a will.
For the rouph little shoes, worn and
And the feet that never are still.
Omaha. . . DAVID.
- , .- . .
Your digestion, your gen
1 lionlfli will nil be
greatly benefited by the
timely use of Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. It is com'
pomided from absolutely ;
pure ingredients and those
best known as real aids to
the Stomach, Liver and,
Bowel f. It exerts a gen'r
eral tonio effect and helps
Nature promote , ' health,'
and strength in the entire
' digestive system. Try. a
bottle today but be sure
j you get . i
Stomach Bitters
(H . It takes Father Time
. many seasons to
fully "age the picked
leaves that finally go in
to your Tom Moore I "
Yet we know of no
r tr
"EM VvS- , - -
u other way to pro- ;
duce that mellow flavor
for which they always -come
bach for Moore,
LlTTLS Ton ' 5t V
When yti 're locking
for a shorted snoe.
Turn 'tUttU Tone,
esSSj BctaseU Cigar Co 618 So. IStk St., Omaha, Distributer.
, ..r.,T,Vi.rc - 7fnll
Averaging about two cents a mile in daily
use, Ford cars are a necessity to every
business man, doctor, salesman or farmer.
And they serve the family just as well.
Every man is his own mechanic with a
Ford. No need of high-priced experts.
And "Ford After-Service for Ford Owners'
is a good thing to remember.
Buyers will share ia profit if we sell at retail
300,000 new Ford cart between August 1914 and
August 1915.
Runabout $440; Touring Car $490; Town Car
$690; Coupelet $750; Sedan $975, f. o. b. Detroit
with all equipment.
On display and sale at Ford Motor Co., 19J8
Harney St.