Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. TH PI Si) AY. ATiiH, 2H. 1 )!.".
SVEN HEDIN, NOTED SWEDISH EXPLORER, hu visited both fronts of the German
lines, In France and in Poland, and will write a book of his observations. The photograph
shows hiin, with his assistant, conversing with an officer on the eastern battle front. Hedin
cast in his lot with Germany at the beginning of the war. Then the kaiser invited him to
visit the battle fronts and he spent several months in the trenches, observing modern war
fare at close range.
r cf COMPANY -
Alliei Are on Offeniire, but Berlin
Says Their AtUcki Hare Not
LONDON, April 28. The official
statements concerning the fighting In
to rletnlty of Ypres are contradic
tory. It would appear that tbe Ger
man offensive north of that .city
which resulted In the recent gain
of nearly three miles, nas reached Its
limit, and that, although the Ger
mane hold most of the ground they
rained the question now is whether
they have sufficiently consolidated
tbe line to retain It."
The rush ever, the British troop ere
ow Mid to have taken the offensive and
art striking toward St. Jul'an, whlrh the
Germans captor''., while lh Frvnch. on
the left, not only have pushed the Jer
maae from Llserne. their new lodernrnt
on tha west bank of the canal nearest
Oaials, but have crowed tha canal anil
hold Ret Baa, on the eat bank.
Saya Altaeka Pall.
' Ttva Oerma) official eamraiinli atlon .of
today, which records na progress for lii"
Oermen troops, admits thai the Brltlh
took tha offensive toward Pi. Julian, hut
Insists that the successive, attsrks broke
Soma sections of the Rrlt'sh press pro
fess tha belief that tha crisis In the new
haltls. or aeries W battles, for the French
coast baa passed, but ohte are of the
opinion that tha end la not yet.
"Tha fata of Calais atlll hsnss In tha
balance." says the Evening News. "Oer
mans are not disheartened. They are not
Marring and they ara capahle of a great
sustained offensive in Flanders."
Pregrrrea Toatlaaea.
PARIS. April i7.-The following official
communication was Issued by the war
efflca tonight:
"To tha north ot Tpree our progrees
continues, as well as that of the British
army. We have taken a number' of
prisoners and have raptured a quantity
of ma tori I, (ncludlnr bombthrowers snd
machine gune.
"On the front of Lea Epsrges-at Remy
trenoh of Calonr.e. the German attacks
have., been completely repulsed. At one
Point of the front aloha an officer esti
mates tha killed at 'nearly 1.000. We
have taken the offensive and ara making
"At HartmanaWallerkopr, after having
retaken the summit, we advanced for a
dlsUnca of 2U metres down tha eastern
Donyi Predicts
New Germano-
Italian Alliance
TURIN. Italy. April . (Via Paris )
Count Apponyt, leader ot tbs opposition In
Hungary. te quoted -in an Interview In
the Btampa aa declaring that the war
must lead to tha reconstruction of a row
i erful Oerman-Itetla alliance, capable ef
enforcing peace by force and also the
freedom of tha seas.
To attain this object tbe count Is r.
ponea to nave aeciarea it is neceesary
tit avoid resentment between tha countries
nhlch wouU be Involved. lie therefore
urges Italy not to be tempted bjr what
Seems to be a favorable opportunity to
push Its pretensions unreasonably. Count
Apponyl expressed the hope that there
would be no break in tha relations be
tween Austria and Italy, for "It Austria
la crushed a Russian victory would con
ttltute a Muscovite danger today and not
(Continued from Page One.)
Crickets Devastate
Many Acres of Wheat
srOXANC, Wash., April Zt-SI hun
dred acres of wheel has been destroyed
by crickets In the Wiison creek country
of Grant county. Washington, according
to a report mad by C, W. Creel, cereal
and forest taeect expert, connected with
the federal department of Agriculture
. Millions or Ineetta have invaded the
Wileon creek valley and trenches three
miles long have been plowed on the (.000-
acre farm of one rancher, who has estab
lished a patrol of sis men to destroy the
Insect. Governor Lister has heea ep
pealed to for flO.OC to aid In the fight en
the casta.
Hevesirili ar Ocean Steaaaera.
twt. rrtvf. Belled.
SCW TOKK... u OailMsg
.''i'' ''"-if
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" . "" i i i .1 i i iif miiiihw iim nniiinii iimmymuini m mmmmi i nUii 1111,1,1 n Ifcn ifuwiii i inrnr-
Don't Give Up!
f . flea the due to
jM weak kidney
' i j v more
common than
is years aao.
a ee or ding to
the census.
Over-work and
worry are the
cauaea. The
kidneys can't
keen up, and a
alight kidney
w a a k n eaai la
usually nog-
I M M - M
"Ok. low sty back aurta." "
wa, sow say eaca anna. hfcv bclu(
dliiy e pel Is. alck headaches, or urinary
disorders, dou't mistake the rauae.
rigtt the danger. More rare aa - to
diet, bablta, etc, and the uae of Doan'a
Ktdeey Pills ought to bring quirk re
lief. There ara hundreds of thousands
of people all over the world who recom
mend Uvan's.
( A Case Right Here
in Omaha
Wra. U ft. Levin. 21 Franklin (t.
Omaha, says: I had no little trouble
from a dull, heavy ache aeroas my kid
beys and at times It was so bad that I
couldn't do my housework. I often suf
fered from headaches and my kidneys
acted irregularly. JJoan's Kidney Pills
restored my kldneya to a atrong,
healthy condition and all tha other all.
ments left ma."
50 l all Drug Stores
fetrJUWi Ca fw. fturYalaJs.Y
fcrfi'i I iSslsssilliaiiSBMSBaaeBSsMBSaaxexgataM
French apparently have resumed the of
fensive In that region.
The most significant happenings in the
diplomatic situation la tbe recall to Rome
ot the Italian ambassadora in London,
Parla, Berlin and Vienna for a conference
Ith the minister of foreign affairs.
Austria la credited with making new
concesslnns to Italy. Italia
llevo that the points still
twecn Itsly and Austria do not make an
agreement Impossible.
r'renrk Advaace lata Floadere.
PAK18. April .-The French war offlra
this afternoon gave out an official report
on tha progrea of hostilities reading:
To the north of Yprcs we have con
tinued tt make progress. This is par
tltularly so on our left, where we took
six machine guns, two bomb throwers
arid much war material, at th esame time
making several hundred prisoners. Includ
ing a number of officers.
The losses of taa enemy were heavy.
At a single point on tno rroni not r
from the cansl we counted over sw oooies
of German soldiers.
On the heights of the Mouse along tne
front of Is Epsrges-naini neray. nm
trench of Calonne, we continued to gain
ground, advancing about one Kilometer
Uwo-thlrds of a mile). Inflicting heavy
leases on -ths snemy and destroying a
German battery."
Brit lasts) At tBCttS Rrelxt
BERLIN. April M.-Vla London.) The
Qerman army headquarters alarc today
gave out the following official statement:
Western Theater Tha English at
'temtted'yeelerday to recapture the terri-
inr whl.-h thev had loat In Flandere. In
the afternoon they commenced an attack
on both sides of the Tpres-Pilket high
road, but tha attack broke down com
pletely meters In front of our posi
"A second English advance further
east during the evening had tha same re
sult. Iters also the enemy Buffered heavy
lessee. The 'enemy did not attack on the
western bank of the canal
"In the Champalgne district an exten
sive French group of fortifications was
taken by us by storm during the night
north of I-e Mesnll and successfully de
fended and maintained against several
counter attacks The enemy again suf.
f.reH heavy losses, sixty unwounded
Frenchmen, four msihlne gune and thlr-
teen mine throwera falling Into our ,
"Between the Meuse and tne ffioaeue
only fierce artillery battles took place.
A strong French night attain in i
Pretrs wood wss repulsed with sanguin
ary losses.
"After their unsuccesslul anvancee or
April ? the French have made no more
fresh ettempta to attack our poelttone on
"At Altklra.-b one of our e latere
trouglit Uown a French aeroplane.
"Ivaetern theater: We took poaaeaslon
of Russian positions extending over a
front of twenty kilometers tU miles) to
the northeast of Buwalkt
"To the north of Prsasynsa (northern
Polsnd) two officers and i70 Russians
ere taken prisoners yeeterday and three
machine gune ware captured."
"Yesterday's official French and Brit
ish eommunlcatlona again furnished In
teres! lag proofs of the means whereby
the public In the countries of our enemies
la being misled.
The French oseert they have recap
tured Ilartmans-Wellerhopi. wnun we
took away from thasn oa April In
reality no attacks at all have bea made
sine tbe unsuccessful attampte to re
capture the aummlt an tha afternoon of
April . Therefore the summit la In our
"Tha British report Wys that the
French, advancing oa the left wing of the
Briliaa. have recaptured the village of
Ilet ae la Flanders, la . reality, this
village was hot attacked yesterday. Fur,
therraors. the British report alatee that
the) Oennaa report regarding the capture
of four British guns Is not correct."
Battle of Stry Enters Fifth Day.
PKTROtl RA D, April . (Via London.)
The battle of the Russian and Aturtro
Oerman armies in the vicinity of ftry.
In the Carpathian mountains,' has entered
Us fifth dsy with no signs of diminishing
and with the outoome atlll undecided.
Fighting Is progressing In the narrow
mountain defiles and there la little op
portunity for the earning out of maneu
vers. ' The exceedingly strong Austro-German
force, according to the meager reiorts
received here, la dally receiving reinforcements.
r iSCr 1 Methodist Bishops ;;
Meet in Des Moines
DE8 MOHNE9, la., April ffl.-Twenty
Methodist blshopaj representing the
United States, China and South America,
met here today to arrange dates and
places for holding the .. various church
conferences and to assign bishops to tha
The occasion la tha semi-annual meet
ing of the church heads.
Among tha, early arrivals are Bishops
Jamea W. Bashford, representing China;'
Homer S.. Stunts, representing South
America, and , Frank M. Bristol of
dying wife. The operation lasted thirty
minutes, more than a quart of blood
being taken from Dr. ftpeldeL His wife
died a few hours later. Dr. Speldel la
reported to be in a critical condition.
but his physician says he will recover.
Read Tha Bea t "Bualneaa Chances"
and get Into your own business.
BEATTI.E. Wash.. . April M. Dr. Wil
liam C. Ppeldal, who waa a foot ball
star at the University of Washington In
1803 and tha University of Chicago In
1904, submitted to an operation for trans
fusion of blood yesterday In an unsuc
cessful attempt to save the life of his
Decide on
An Executor
wli Q f h as the ; ability,
resources, organization,
experience and perm-'
' Such is the' Peters
Trust Company, which
acts in this capacity at
no greater charge than
the individual executor.
Consult us freely
upcn this subjects
-' r--- - sflll"S.sW jtkWm- a
'The Store Beautiful"
Or kin Brother.
Announce the Opening
of their New Store for
Women, at the corner
of 16th and Far nam
streets , in new U. S.
Bank Building, on nexts
The Baby's Specialty Shop
It's not a department that's been added
just because we ought to have some sort
of an infants' wear section. .
It's a real specialty shop, complete
with everything recognized as neces
sary for the baby's wardrobe.
Every mother should be thoroughly well
acquainted with this interesting section
devoted to Infants Wear.
The very moderate prices will soon
demonstrate to every mother the folly
of using her , own valuable time fashion
ing baby clothes.
- .The completeness of our stocks will
leave nothing to be desired.
A Special Display Thursday which
will be appreciated.
We request the pleasure of a visit.
esante Waae Bbcrp Tnlrd floor.
Purchases Made Thursday and Friday,
April 29th and 30th, Will Appear on
the Statement Reaching You June 1st
Beauty and Style
Not until you wear a War
ner's Brassiere will you realise
how perfectly they fit and how
exquisitely the delicate laces
and embroideries harmonize .
' with the daintiest lingerie; in-
deed, it is a beautifully fitting
lining background, if you
please for your sheerest
blouse. . ..' '
, When you select your ..... '
- corset, or any time yon ;.,'
; are near our .Corset "7,..
Section, ask to see
Warner's Brassieres "
Beautiful Silk and
Cotton "Crepola" Crepe
Novelty Half Price
25c a Yard
An unusual Yeductlon . in price, due
to our policy of disposing of broken
lines on short notice. There are soma
very choice colors to select from pink,
Maixe, rose, etc. ,
. Half Price, - . 25 a Yard
D. M. C.Cottons
t: -Another large hipmt iiaa arrived. . We
can now . supply yon with rery number H
crochet -rotton and eveTy ckr of embroidery
cotton in D, M. O. - ,
' Ton are cordially invited to attend the
dally jetMons in Art AeedJework, from
3 to o p. m. ; . (
Ark Hopartmsat Third' noor.
May First
Further particulars in Thurt
day evening' i papers, Plan
now to attend
t - f sasji safJ a . .
k A Jr I
Use This Opportunity
S42.0O Gaa Ilanffe, only JJ34.00
$30.00 Gas) Range, only $25.00
On the Club Man,
fS.OO Down Then f l.OO Weekly.
This is the Beautiful AB New
Idea Range. These Prices During
This Week Only Our
1S1B Harney Street.
iae 8 YZ 11'?) !
Wgnt swap for
something else more useful
to you? Ue the Swappers
column of The Bee.
r-Northwestsrn University r
College of Engineering
Five rasni ( brasa. tbonash trslslsg;
sull tkM), la which sack 4Mt ntrnttm
uuull utMlt ol Individual atttatioa
from hw4 erotorm. Ciesllul bulimias.
daifn4 Isr tks aurpsss, ltk SR-ts-exa as
srltia. Uimrpss4 opportunities la
(rt aaalBxrluf proJU s4 to mM sa
nra. A rna orisaiiatioa. shsaipre or
mbarfualas inaliloss. Writs tor "BoM
Prvsttva rsr BBaiawrlBa aaS book lot tt
JOXM T. XATTOmO. Dtraotot
Seaaatoa. SUlaoia.
If you want to keep your hair ia
food condition, tha less soap you use
the better.
aloat soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries
the scalp, makes the hair brlttte, and
Is eery harmful. Just plain mulsttled
eoooaout oil (which la pure and en
tirely (Teasel), ta much better than
soap or anything elee you ran uaa tor
shampoo! na". aa this can't possibly In
jure the hair.
81m ply moisten your hair with water
and rub It In. One or two teaapootv
tula will make aa abundance of rich,
creamy lather, and cleanees the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The . lather
rinses out easily, and removes every
particle of "dust. dirt, dandruff and
excessive oil. Tbe hair dries quickly
and evenly, and It leavea It fine and
silky, brlfht, fluffy and easy to men
ace. Too can get mulsifled eocoanut oil
at moat any drua; atore. It la very
cheap, and a few ouncea la enough to
last sveryone la the family for mo a tha
Mew Show
Chunj Va Fouo
Geo. Richards & Co.
Paul Kliest & Co.
Dix & Dixie
and "A Pawn of Fortune"
1)c Admission Iflc
I Umeeerred Seats. lOo Bztra I U
V 1
a ad
moeei Mat, SOa.SI.S0l Bvs. aOe-SA
BToalao M StSOi Mat. at St30.
w'VZ' May 4-5
OaTAmX.n nOKlUV rreeoata
Moudo Adams
sTaxt Week A BnTkarfly om tbe WaaaL
ejday oolety BTWht.
bo. nraLM, ramcit umn
Assisted by Bt-h Iaaears la a
StaarlaaT aaA XaaiasT Specialty
Between Aeta.
SEata. IUh Wed., Tbwra, Baa .
nsrbta S6o a ad sOaT
aTaras taa Tope
Columbia ThrN. .5:
taalae- IMsaa Mnataee Bvary Week Bay
4-Aea Coasedy,
"Quality Street"
Romsef Pirasisint hctarcs
Bum ramnvM
"Captain Courtesy"
luiwrrow-aiuoo, anreaa ia
-tub GArrrrB.-
Omaha va. CIoux City
April 97.20-290.
Roorke Park
Frtlay April SO. Ladle-
Game cUed a P. m.
Bieksl a ad
Wat soa
Braadoa slaret
fTed Taaaa.
Daily u.u
Vboaa sew.
Ojfc ku: BUa Hmu
rTr, rrTn7.r-
Sa." TTm. . 1 "
Saweav aae Sauav),