Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Jlmtritnt Capture Ostry Mountain
in Face of Banians' Dei
perate Fire.
' BERLIN. April J6, (Vla Lon
don.) The storming by Austrian
'troops of Ostry mountain, to the
north of Brskld Paw. which wn re
ported In the Austrian official bul
'letln, Issued yesterday. Is described
by the Tageblatt correspondent In
the Carpathians as one of the most
brilliant feaU of mountain fighting
during the war. .
Ostry mountain, with Its sister
height. Swlnnln mountain, which
(was stormed April 9, dominates the
road and the railroad from Munkals
to Lemberg. It Is approximately
'MOO feet btgh and has precipitous
sides. The Russians, working In
cessantly for months, bad converted
the mountain Into a natural fortress
with, rows of trenches and machine
gun positions rising on above the
other and It apparently was impregnable.
Wmm Fall at Amr Caet.
Its ainsrtrm. bo aeier. the eorre
uponAent says, was deemed Indispensable
In orfiar to open the way tor aa Invasion
of GeJIot and rettere pressure cm Vseok
vessvead on the positions further to the
west. Orders were. rn to take It at
any ooeC
gap eiter asp was drtren aaainet the
Jtoastsa position at the baae ef the
rommUrn. telne fields were laid and ex
ploded and all the raaournes of modern
xotae warfare were employed to artve
Ot RnaetaM frora their evened posi
tions, aad to prepare a way for a storm
asatost the rumroK.
The AcetrUss. commanded by General
Hoffman, aoeordlng to the correspondent,
dashed from their positions and dashed
up the height. Position after position
m taken by storm. Oops la the Aus
trian lines torn by machine can firs
closed automatically as successive wares
of troops swept upward to euooass, which
the writer says, "like the federal chare
at Leofceat Mountain, probably was be
yond the expectations of the command
ers.' and the snmmtt was occupied.
Knee IMttl Bravely,
The Russian resisted bravely and 100
men were left dead or wounded In the
occupied trencbea ' '
The German troops, under Oeneral
Hoffman's command, meanwhile had
cleared the heichta te the weet of the
mountain top.
The sueress, the ' Tageblatt eorrrspond
nt telegraphs, sires the Austrians and
Oerrnana complete eoatrol of the Orava
valley and advance the Austro-Hunvaiv
Ian line eset of Ussfls: pas twenty kilo
meters (abeot eleven mites) Into Oellclan
Iterritnm ' . .
The weausor in ins cerpetnians m bow
ull aprtnr and It Is having the snoet ln
splrlns- effect upon the troops. Russian
orpees, uncovered by the melting snows,
oleon the atmosphere and cause the only
Rains and floods still continue In south-
eat OeJIci end Bukewtits, greatly ham
pering operations. The Russian and Aus
trian lines at aome places are separated
ty three kilometers 01.1 miles) of ln-
kindatrd country. '
? VIENNA (via London), April H-The
following official statement was Issued
ty the war of floe today: ,
"la the Carpathians, In the sector seat
pt I'seok peas, the fighting contlnuea
IWe captured yesterday a new vantage
point to the southeast of Koilnwa, taking
jsevareJ offloers and mors than 1,000 men
ITtsnner. V
1 "In order' to regain the height which
they had lost the Russians made severe!
tcounter attacks and also attacked the
Neighboring diet He u. especially the height
lof Ostry and a position to the east of
pstry. All the attacks were repulsed with
fcesvy Russian losse Two Russian bat
talions wers almost completely anni
hilated and 109 prisoner were taken.
-uur troops, pursuing ths enemy, eeeu
ed twenty-sts Rassian trenches, whloh
tamed nooh war material. The Rus
sians before Ussok paa. after their at
s failed, retreated la full flight We
around to the southeast of
! Start Hew HhmhI.
( 1XWDON. AprU M-Jn the meantime
ths Austrian Germans havs sUrtsd
pew movement la the Carpathian Ap
parently they have withdrawn the fore
Which attempted te outflank the Ros-
slaas la ths direction at Btry and are at
tacking them la the neighborhood of
tuaeok pass and to ths seat of that point
LAuetrt claims to have gained a oenstd
sweats suooea In the capture ot sddt-
ttonal helghU and prleoners. .
(Continued from Tea One.)
Don't Nerle rsr mm Colds.
; Dr. King's New IMscovery should be In
levery home for cnughe snd eoMs. Cblli-
Iren and aged like It SOa All drugglsta
asvertl iiisnt.
Read The Bee's "Bualnee Chances"
land get Into your own business.
Dalntk Geta Rawiag IUre.
riluth Boat club will hold the North
iWMtcra International rowing racaa this
glan official report or today claims
the repulse of tnree German attacks
south of Dixmude, which Indicates
that the German contention that
their advanra was made over a front
extending from Tpres to Dixmude
was accurate.
The latest official German communica
tion claimed the recapture of Ilserne
from the French, but the Belgian report,
made subsequently, asserts that posses
sion of the town waa won for a second
time, and that the French were greetly
assisted in the assault by Belgian artil-
ery. Luieme, on the weatern side of the
canal, has been a bone of fierce conten
tion, having changed hands four times In
the course of the present fighting. Its
Importance la due to the fart that Its
possession would give the Germans an
Important hold on that side of the canal
and would compel the alHee to readjust
their line.
That the possible outcome of the fight
ing along ths Yser Is causing anxiety In
England Is Indicated by the demand of
the press this morning that the govern
ment expedite the sending of a new army
to Freno.
A strong German offensive Is under
way also at BL Mtblel. Thus the two
points where the eOrmsn offensive
ceased before Christmas on the Tsar and
at Rt. Mlhtel have been chosen for the
resumption of activities In the spring.
It remains to be seen, however, whether
these points have been selected ss feints,
while the main onslaught la made elsewhere.
The eastern front Is receiving scant at
tention. Official reports merely speak of
detached actions In ths region of the
Carpathian passes.
Britten Attacks ReawUed.
BERLIN (By Wireless to London). April
77. The German army headquarters today
gave out the following official statement
dealing with the military, operations of
"Western theater: The British attacked
in Flanders with very strong forces the
new line of our positions north and north
east of Tpres whloh runs three to .four
kilometer south of th previous Una,
from close to the north of Dechoudt
farm on the Tser canal, by way of Rt.
Jullen In the direction of Orafenstafel.
"Thee assaults, whloh partly were at
tacked In the rear by German artillery
southeast of Tpres, completely broke
down under our fir with extraordinarily
heavy losses.
"Tho , enemy's fir completely demol
ished the bouses In Llserna. which wers
vacated by us during last night. The
brtdgeheed situated on the left bank Of
the .canal. Immediately, to the east of
Llserna still Is being held by us.
"la the engagements hitherto fought at
Tpres. our troops took fifty, machine guns.
"We bar commenced to bombard the
Important railway Junction and military
headquarters at Poportnghe, about twelve
kilometers west of Tpres, with appreciable
Success, . . , , ... , , .
Tn ths forest of Argonne. a French
night attack to th northeast of Vlenns-
le-Chateau was repulsed.
"In ths Meuss hills we also secured
farther . advantage yesterday. Although
the French brought p new forces th
attacks by th snemfagalnst Ouf posi
tions at Combrea failed.
'A fierce attack In th forest of Ally
was repulsed by us wlth heavy loses to
Che enemy. Further east of this district
ihm enemy gained no now ground.
"n nocturnal hand to hand fighting we
also worked our way suooessfuUy la Ls
PretT wood.
Th. enemy, repeatsly commeneed at
tacks last night agalnat out position on
Hartmans-WellerkoDf. Ail his attacks
"In th eastern theater of th war the
situation remains unchanged."
Oeraaaua Aftaeks Iteimleed,
LOJCDOPr. April JT. The following re
port from Field Marshal Sir John French,
sommander of ths British forces at the
front, under today's date waa given out
here today;
Teaterday all German attack north
east cf Tpres were repulsed. In th after
noon our troops took ths orfenstv and
mad progress near St Julian and to th
west of that plaee, . .
"Th French co-operated on our left
and further to th north they retook
the oours of yeatsrdar's fighting
our artillery took first advantage of
several opportunities for Inflicting sever
oasualua on the enemy.
"On the remainder of the front there
Is nothing to report. In addition to th
destruction of Courtral Junction, men
tioned In the oommlque last night, our
airmen yeeterday bofohad successfully
stations and junctions at th following
Tourooln. Routa!. Ingelnwmster.
Stadea, Langemarck, Thielt and Roulera,
elgtava Ream la Threa Attaakav
LONDON, A prfl S7.-The following Bel
gian offkaal report oa the progress of
hostilities, dated April to. was given out
In I.nn1on today:
"last night our Infsnrry repelled three
attacks made south nf iJiimude by the
(Germans, who again are using asphyxlaU
Irig gaeea. The Germans sustained heavy
Todsjr along our front the artillery of
the enemy has shown a certain amount
of activity. Our artillery replied with suc
oese snd by a strong fire proved of use
ful help to the FYench. These troope mode
sn stuck on Nseme, which yesterday
fell Into te hands ot the enemy, but
which was a erf tied from them again this
- Freneh f'eatlaee Advaece.
PARt-t, April S7. The official state
ment given out today by the French war
office reads:
"There la nothing to odd to our com
munication of last night except that we
consolidated our positions snd continue
to make progress to ths north of Tpres
and also on the heights of the Meuse.
"The summit of Msrtrrsns-Wlelerkopf.
which was taken from us yesterday
morning, was recaptured by our troops
the evening of the ema day. Ws slso
took some prisoners.
(Continued from Page One.)
Methodists Will
Raiso Three Millions
to Pension Ministers
CH1CAOO. AprU i7.-fnans to rslse a
tlo.0M.WD fond to provide pensions for
retired Methodist ministers, their widows
and orphans were outlined at a national
convention of biehops and conference rep
resentatives of the Methodist Eplscopsl
church opened here today.
In an address of weloome, George v .
Inxon, president of the Chicago Home
Missionary and Church Extension society,
said that provision for old sge was a
great modern, humanitarian movement'
snd that the ohurch owed to Its retired
ministers a debt it could never repay.
The pension plan Includes the estab
lishment of a retiring annuity based on
years of servlos.
Rev. Joseph B. Htngeley, corresponding
secretary of ' ths board of oonf erence
claimants, who made an address, stated
that the movement ror retiring compe
tency for aged ministers wss on In sll
th great denominations and is being
pushed wKh greet force by the Presbyte
rians, the Methodist churches. North and
South; toe Protestant Episcopal, ths Dis
ciples dnurch and certain sections of ths
Congregational churches.
The Methodists, with whom ths tlO,-
000,000 movement is but a few months
old. alresdy havs obtained tl.000,000, Dr
Hlngley said.
The present Intensive campaign," said
he, "will reach Its culmination at the
meeting of the general conference at
Saratoga Springe in Msy, Ull"
The meeting here ls being sttended not
only by men prominent In Methodism, but
by representatives of other denominations
with pension schemes of their own. Ths
denominations. It Is said, are aiding each
other In tho movement
Department Orders,
WASHINGTON, AprU 17. (Special Tel
egram.) Poatmaatera appointed) - Ne
braska Head, Arthur county, Clara
Grows, vloa A J. Use. resigned: Roaooe
Keith county. Charles E. Thalken, vlco
J. H. gulnton. Mouth Dakota Now I in,
Hakkon county. George 1 etoughton
vloa U. A. Mile restaned. Wyoming-
Noble, Fremont county, i"red Cram, vtc
A. B. Ktner, resigned.
The following new postofftces were
eetaUlahed in Wyoming, with the follow
ing postmasters : CrauM. Lincoln county.
John P. Rockefeller; Powder River. Na
trona county, Alan J. nosa; runianey,
Hut Springs oounty, Clara B. Punteney,
The poatuffloe at IQaton, Goshen county,
Wyoming, has been discontinued: mall
to Fort larsmls.
aa by said law provided, shall conduct
and fully provide for the holding of said
election, giving notice of ssld election In
the usual manner.
"Done at the city of Lincoln, In the
(tate of Nebraska, thle 19th day of
April. 181&.
"In witness whereof I have hereunto
subscribed my name and aet the seal of
said state.
Attest. Charles W, Pool, Secretary of
What Brown Sayo.
Relative to Oovernor Morehead's proc
lamation. Attorney J. P. Breen. author
of the consolidation law, said: "The law
of consolidation require that all sur
rounding cities coming within Ha pro
visions must not only adjoin Omaha, bat
must also b supplied with all four pub
lic utilities, namely, water, gas. light and
street csr service. , Hence as Florence Is
not supplied by gas from Omaha It does
not com under ths consolidation procla
"Of course.' said Mr. Breen. "both
Florence and Benson can still vote them
selves Into Omaha under th old law."
It places ths little city In a leas de
sirable class so far as Omaha ls con
cerned, according to Judge Breen. "Per
sonally I am In favor of taking Florence
In." said Breen, "because the people out
there seem to went It
It is understood that under the Rlne
amendment to the city charter Omaha
will be able to extend Its limits and con
solidate with adjoining cities by ordi
nance after th recent consolidation bill
has consolidated Oreater Omaha.
Leustkev Cms Meevrlag.
WASHINGTON. April 17 WSpeclal Tel
grain.) The interstate Commerce com
mission has ordered a hearing be held
at Omaha on May 4 In the omnpleint of
ths Commercial club of Omaha against
Anderson and the Hallna Hlver railroad.
Thla proceeding Is assigned for hearing
only ror the purpose of giving the Brav
Ie!U Lumber company, WaXrath' A finer
wood Lai nib r oompanv and the MoMhane
lumber company aa opportunity of
showing that they have end are entitled
to reparation to shipments made by them
and Involved In the original case.
England Prohibits
Cotton Exportation
Save to Allies' Ports
LONDON. April S7. Th exportation of
raw ontton from the United Kingdom was
specifically prohibited In a special sup
plement to the official gasette. Issued
The prohibition covers all foreign porta
In Europe snd on the Mediterranean snd
Plack Sea except those ot France. Russia,
Slaln and Portugal. Russian porta on
the Baltic are Included In the prohibited
The demand of (he British public for a
specific, prohibition against ths exporta
tion of cotton has been Insistent but the
government heretofore was contended
that the export has been prevented by the
general blockade against Oermany.
NEW YORK, AprU I7.-Melv1n V. B hep-
pa rd, holder of the world's championship
smsteur running records and represeata-
tlv of ths United State In several Olym
pic contests, filed suit today for 135,000
for damages because of Injuries sustained
by a fall In Madison Bquars Garden Fab-
tuery 10 last, whloh ha alleges removed
Im from the field of athletic. Th de
fendant are the F. and D. oompany, th
show corporation and th New Tork Ath
letlo club.
Th complaint sets forth that Bheppard
while competing In a loo-yard race tn the
Garden stepped Upon a rotten part cf
the flooring and waa thrown and Injured.
Perkins oounty, and died from Injuriee
received, arrived here this afternoon for
Villa's Aviator A
Resigns to Return
to British Army
BAN ANTONIO. Tax.. April I7.J-Re-
s ponding to a message from bis mother In
England announcing the killing of his
tw0 brothers In the British army In ths
taking of HUI No. SO, and begging him
to coma homo and fight for England
Major Eduardo D Beiuer today wired
his resignation to Villa, In whoee army
he has fought for two years. Bequer,
whoee mother Is English, was reoently
made active head ot ths aviation corps
In Villa's army and waa sent to San An
tonio. He wired to New Tork to ship his
aeroplane to Canada, from where he will
sail to Jotn the British colors.
Everybody Reads Bee Went Ads.
Serial of Man Wl Was Sfcet.
6TURG18, 8. D.. AprU rT. (Special Tel
egram.) The body of Fred Harvey, for
mer resident ot Sturgta, who was shot
on Friday last on a ranch near BLxby,
FALLS CITT, Neb., April J7.- Special.)
Miss Mary Lemon and Will Krata wsnt
to Atchison, Kan,, on Saturday, where
they were married by the county Judge.
Th bride I a member of the graduating
class of th Falls City High school of
1914, Sh elosed a successful ' term of
country school Friday ot last week. Mr.
snd Mrs. Krata will make their horn oa
a farm south of th city.
FALLS CITT. Neb.. April 7.-Spoial.)
John Hutchison and Miss Ima Watson
were quietly married at the home ot the
Brethren pastor. Rev. Stuckman. on Sun
day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison
will hav obarg of the Beaohy farm
northwest of ths city during th abseno
of Mr. and Mrs. Beacby In the east
50c Shrubs
at 10 c
Althaa, Boston Ivy, Honeysuckle. Hy
drangea. Koeea, ' field grown, IT vari
eties,, bpirea lllue BlUardl, Dougtasel
Van Houtiet, Anthony - Waterer, Coro
chorus, Mahonla. etc, usual prioe IQc,
thla week 10c. Large shrubs at a alisnt
advance. - Nln varieties ot choiceat
bedglnss to select from.- 10 to 10c per
foot. Shade tree In oomplet variety,
large and medium slse. Specimen ever
greens dug with ball. Fruit tree,
plants, eto. Choloeet Gladlolas, Dahlias,
etc. Thla Is our annual closing sale In
which w offer by far-the moat com
plete list to select from In the middle
west and is well worth careful examine
tlon. We have goods suitable for ths
moat pretentious eststes.
Cars pass door. Samo old address
615 Broadway
Two Doors Weet of Postofflce,
Council Bluffs.
Li .fie
TV T thfc clubs you
will meet majori
ty of our customers men
who demand original de
signing and who get it
rom us si from
S25 to $50
Tailoring Co.
315 South 15th Street.
LetMeMahe Your Spring Suit
In addition to a
perf oct fit, I give
yo u tho newest
fabrics, tho latest
styles and expert
$25, $30 and $35
and 5om at $40
Every Garment Cut,
Fitted and Made in
Orchard & Wilhielm Co.
414-16-18 South 16th Street
All Quarter-Sawed
Tan1f1 On If Trat.
,A wa) m- a wwwa .
In Terr way this Is a high grade plaee
ot furniture. It Is made of selected quar-j
' teraawed oak throughout. Br touring In'
carload quantities we are able to offer
, thla fine dresser for r
f, r
.v. "
The baae Is 40 Inches wide and 22 inches
deep, the top drawers are swell front and
the mirror Is French bevel piste. 17x30.
Altogether a remarkable value at
Large Quarter-Sawed Colonial
Dressers, With Oval Mirror, for $20
Another wonderful value tn bedroom furniture. Selected quarter
sawwd oak throughout, rubbed and poUahed finish. 40-inch baae with
two large and two small drawer and oval mirror, bevel
pUt. 2Jt2l: a big value for aPaCU
Hiis is tho only store in Omaha 'where yon can bay a
J ,
. r4ta'
I 1 II I - -
am ' .
"litloT Porch Shades
The eome tn two lenctha 4 ft. t tn. hunxalow length are priced
$2JS0,-$3J50, 94.75, ?0.50 and $8.00
for 4 ft.. S fu ft. and U ft width.
luU 7 ft. tech length am priced
$2.75, $3.75, 5.00, $0.75 and $8.50
For 4 ft-, tU, t ft, 10 ft. and 12 fU widths.
For genolne porch comfort, ahade front the hot sun. privacy from the
street and no lessentng of the free circulation of air, yea can onlr
be satisfied with "Vador ahedea.
Wo Are Sol) Omaha, Agrata.
Cretonne Pillows, 95c and $1.35
22x22, fUled with silk floss.
Printed quality, per square yard . . . . : 40$ to 70
Inlaid qualities, per square yard to $1.75
More patterns to choose from, fine grades for the price; that's why
this Is the linoleum store of Omaha and why we can bay a fresh
carload every few weeks.
"Crex" Grass Rugs
Summer Rugs For Porch and Bedroom
Vim show yon the finest assortment of patterns
and give you any slse from 18xs( Inches to 9x12
ft. for 40a. eso, 8O0, ft. 00, $130. (2.HS, f.TB,
mTJia and aajvo.
v Coma and aaa them heforn mu ti
your porch ruga.
This Gas Range
Standard Connection Included.
SO-dsy Wee TrUI and then
gS.OO monthly paysnent.
Undoubtedly, the biggest gas store bar
gala in the city.
Come In and see It.
I r' ,1
' ...nili Isniasasi f"a'",X
are exclusive Omaha agents
Decrott Jewel Uaa' Raagra.
414-416-418 South 16th Street.
The Taxidermist or the Tailor
Ton know the differences between the taxidermist and
the tailor.
The taxidermiBt is a staffer;
the tailor is a draper.
Some ready-to-wear clothes are
the work of a taxidermist. They
are stiffened and stuffed with
hair cloth and canvas until they
will fit anybody who has
the three dimensions height,
breadth and thickness.
Thompaon-Belden clothes for
women present-their compliments
and their claims on the score that
they come nearest being the well-,
draped garments of an expensive
tailor or dressmaker of any ready-to-put-on
clothes ever offered in
They are tailored by the best artists in America of fab
rics nnequaled for newness and desirability, in styles
recognised as airlhoritatiTe.
If you want to be the stuffing for a taxidermist snlt we
cannot supply you.
But it's a distinct pleasure to show these high grade
tailored suits at
$19.50, $25, $29.50
No extra charge for alterations.
The Store for
Shirtwaists '
Where new blouses ever
come and leave again while
still new. Late arrivals,
dainty and attractive, are
modest In price
$1.05, $2.95. $3.95.
75c Towels 35c
( Unusual indeed; they
are but slightly soiled,
these fine hack towels, and
regularly sell for 750.
Wednesday, 35. .
New Colored Dress Linens
From France and Scotland
50c to $1,00 a Yard
Dress linens are'beooming scarce and the demand for
them is becoming greater. Light weight dress linens and
the heavier weaves in the wanted shades of pink, green, ;
putty, rose, heleo, natural, tan and oyster white, are here
in great variety. '-, y- '
Dress Goods Section Main Floor.
:. , .: A ;
Hotel Gr is wold
The most.' modern and homelike hostelry
In Detroit.- Located In the center of the shop
ping district and within short walking distance
of all the theaters. Come where TOU will be
properly- taken care of at
Reasonable Rates
1JU aad op. European. '
Finest Musical program la the dtr; dancing
every evening. YOU ' will have MY personal
sawlWSSwwVesa,rlt BBBBBi ml ii Ii Bsaevsi ssi a
fjay42XIJ ilu ALL WEEK
Xa 'sTeaeay Meax"
FYTOAI iartermsnoa, teoleA.
bAllalsa Ur ta Wsa.atuaee
Tfcs Huinis
Tea saeetjeea OuxUf a-Olaf".
Omaha vs. Oloux City
April 27-2-2-80.
Hoorke Park . s
Friday AprU 80. xXUea' Day
Game raUed P. M. .
ASsawsS Tande-
Dany atal
snast. e.L.
raea IKw. M
Othsr soul Bias R
H..tlaaS a
rldolMrrt k- Twada Bra. W.
uaNiliWDMBibA OrSk Trl Wlr.
lrkal 4
serii a
Tg. raifc i
Star Aggregation.
srlei Wsi. SOo-SUOi srrra. aoa.
OMSK at icora
Oro&JLB Tasatss
Tar StSOi Toeteae aaa wb
lairrai LTitm ita w ajaj iTaoj
sTsaa Week A amSSerfly em e VVmL
essF aVMaaay STlabi.
Aio.rnLn, ravajroiai xxmn
Asaataa Wr XMsrM Haansis ta a
- a7 aa4 I--rinr ensiSsltjr
ataae. Ba Vet, Th'
ia wee rauz I
aTlamt as 4 Ms,
LiU Rcai if PiriBosBtPlcturn LI
ToAar aa4 Taardr
"Captain. Courtesy"
1S12H Dodjc St. O.t .1 tl
Rt DUtrie
m-ali: 0llr, lc . Bi O.U l;i?s