Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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Tonr digestion, your son
oral health will nil bo
jrrently benefited by the
timely rise of Hostetter's
Stomnch Tiittrrs. It is com
pounded from absolutely
pure ingredients and those
best known as real aids to
the Stomneh, Liver and
Bowels. It exerts a gen
eral tonic effect and helps
Xature promote health
and strength in the entire
digestive system. Try a
bottle today but be sure
you get
Stomach Bitters
Orientals Make Exquisite Rugs
But Dreshers Go Them
Better on the Cleaning.
Turkish Rugs Handled As
Daintily As a Fine Hand
Made Lace Hand
kerchief. The poetic "Oriental" may know
how to create a priceless dream of
a rug, but Dresner Brothers, the
Cleaners and Dyers with the $57,000
plant at 2211-2213 Farnam St.,
have It all over the Orientals them
selves, when It comes to cleaniug
the Oriental floor coverings.
There's a stubborn Impression
prevalent among many that an Ori
ental rug cannot be cleaned this
Bide of Asia or some such country
but these stubborn ones don't know
Dreshers or Dreshers' capabilities.
Now then, Dreshers have cleaned
and are cleaning the very highest
priced Oriental rugs In Omaha; not
only that but hundreds of western
out-of-town folks who possess per
fect treasures of Orientals are senu
lng them in to Dreshers. Dreshers
will give you a list of several hun
dred references; you will be
astounded and Dreshers will be
pleased with the answers you get.
Make the effort. If you have a
Turkish rug to clean ask those peo
ple who know, whether or- not
Dreshers are the people to whom to
tend the rug.
If you then conclude to favor
Dreshers with the work your rug
will be handled as carefully as
though It were a filmy, hand made,
lace handkerchief. It . . will come
back to . you intact; thread for
thread; it will come1 back to you
with better colors than when you
pent it in; It will come back smooth,
velvety, comfortabe, inviting and
luxurious to trod upon. There isn't
a grain of injurious 'chemical used
in the Dresher Rug -Cleaning Pro
cess; in fact, "Al" Dresher offers to
drink anything used In, the process.
Dreshers do more rug cleaning
and better rug cleaning- than auy
other concern in this section of the
west; they equal, If not surpass, the
experts in the European centers.
Every yard Of floor covering feoing
through thfc process is strictly guar
anteed and Dreshers are financially
responsible should anything go
wrong while cleaning your rug, but
nuch a thing as a failure here has
never happened yet.
This is the time for rug cleaning.
Spring housecleaning is in order and
you don't want to have dirty, dingy,
lifeless and germ laden floor cover
ings about. Just gather them and
phone Tyler 745 fora Dresher man.
Then, when you re-lay .the rug in
your home you will call in the
neighbor, to show them the sort of
9mg cleaning Dreshers do.
Leave work "at the plant; at
Dresher the Tailors, 1515 Farnam
Bt.,.or at the Dresher receiving sta
tion la the Pompeian Room of The
Urandets Stores. Dreshers pay ex
press or parcel post charges one way
on any sized shipment to any point
In America.
r j
Redecorated and refurnished
throughout at a coat of $5,00u,00
is again at home and seeking to
please you with a Bigger and
Better Show than ever.
Maxim's Models
Living Iteproductions of the
World' Masterpiece.
Jones & Sylvester
"Two Song Drummers"
Cuerro & Carmen
European Harp and Violinists
Reed & Wood
Kong, Dance and Character
With Clara Kimball Young as j
the ' Ruiiau Girl,- married to .
two men both of whom are I
sincere in their attachment. !
The Missouri Valley's
Greatest Farm Paper.
110,000 Copies Weekly
75.009 miAm 150 miltt ufOmmka
Omaha Man Chosen to Till Tlace
Lonj Held by Major Fmier
of Madison.
i From a Stiff r"rreir.nd-i-t.)
LINCOLN. April 2t. iSpr lal. -M. F.
Kliawr of 'lirahn h.n been elected ins-;
Jnr of tho Fonilh regiment. Nebraska Nn- .
tloiml guard, to f l' th" vaeanry caused
by t lip resignation of Major Frizior of
Mndlson, who p-tircd beranxe of ill .
hfHltli. Mr lor Klsueser received two;
V'tes rente tb-in hli principal i pponent
ami till morning the elation bail j
been rlofl pno.nh vote rn In for tho ,
otli.r man to have nihil'- the eloetlmi I
ti Major Frailer bad born a member
of tho guard for uboii twenty ;inrs !tneU llonril Meetlnw.
There will lie a meeting of the State
Live Shirk Runltary board on Saturday.
May 1. for the purpose of discussing the
sanitary conditions find the shipping of
llvo stc rk between Kansas and Ne
braska. The Kansas plate, hoard hai
been Invited to lie present.
Wttinn riearis Gulltr,
Plm. L. Watson, who was arrvated at
Kearney last week for Belling lacks
without an examination as to their condi
tion and contrary to the atate law gov
erning the shipment of such animals to
this state, pleaded guilty yeaterday, ac
cording to Information received by State j
Veterinarian L. J. Ktgln this morning I
and was fined M. and costs amounting I
to $18.20. A dczen other counts against
hlni were dismissed. It la the Intention
of the department, according to the state
veterinarian, to enforce the law rigidly
in such cases.
Call for Bank Statement.
The secretary af the State Banking
board has Issued a call to the 777 state
bank of the etnte for statements of
bustncHH of date of April 21. This is an
Increase of twelve banks over the num
ber when the statement if February "J9
last was made.
C heckliiK I n Phone Book.
John V. VanZant, chief accountant of
the Interstate Commerce commission,
connected with the telephone depart
ment, is In Uncoln checking up the
books of tho Lincoln Telephone and Tele
graph company, according to a custom
started by the commission in which all
tho most important companies are
checked each year. This Is the first visit
of the accountant to Lincoln.
Independent Officer In West.
K. B. McKlnnon of Washington, secre
tary of the National Independent Tele
phone association, is In Lincoln for
few days.
New Veterinarian Sworn In.
Dr. J. 8. Anderson of Seward, who was
some months ago appointed state veteri
narian by Governor Morehead, to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
Mate Veterinarian Kigln, was sworn In
this afternoon and will begin the duties
of the office Monday.
TEKAMAH. Neb., April 24. Special.)
District court has been In sesslun all
week and several Important matters have
been settled. The recent grand Jury
brought a number of Indictments for
liquor selling and gambling and in every
Instance the accused have failed to go
to trial and have pleaded guilty. The
court has been lenient with them, but
In his sentences the judge plainly stated
that If they ever came before him again
lie would mako the penalties much more
severe. Fines have been administered ag
gregating over S3.000 dollars and they have
been paid. Not only fines, but Jail sen
tences were given, -the guilty ones to bo
paroled for the term of two ycurs to
James H. Force, who has been appointed
probation officer for Burt county. The
following received fines for ' gambling:
Charles C.' Taylor, ' Howard King. Henry
Bowland and George Modlln, all of Te
kamah, and Dr. W. J. Lukford, and Frank
Dlddock of Decatur, on the same charge.
The salutary effect on wrongdoing In this
county has been excellent.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 24. (Special.) Gov
emor Morehead this morning appolntc I
a list of delegates to the National Con
vention of Charities and Correction which
meets In Baltimore May 12 to 19. The
list is as follows:
Pr. J. A. lavltt. Normal: Mrs. J. A.
lavltt. Normal: Lincoln Frost. Lincoln;
Rev. F L. Wharton. 1tncoln; Howard
Kennedy. Lincoln: W. T. Fenton, 1-an-caster;
Mrs. W. T. Fenton, I-ancsster:
N T. Harmon. Incaster: Rev. O. M.
Johnson, Hethany. William M. Clifford.
Lincoln: Father Joseph Reusing, West
Point: Rev. C. K. Howen, Imperial; J. A.
f Kennedy. Omaha; Mrs. H. 1- Keere,
Wa th' 11: Harry . rveeie, vvaiioni. i "-.
H. R. Carson, Norfolk; Miss Lena f..
Ward. Milford; Rev. R. F. Moran, uen
ton; Mrs. N. J. Croaslund, Wayne: M.
Andreasen, Omaha; Dr. (J. K. Williams.
Ilavelock; B shop George A. Heeoher,
Kearney; J. N. Pryden, Kearney: pan
Morris, Kearney: F. W. Ilernilnghausen,
North PlHlte; W. V. Hoagland, North
i'latte; Mrs. W. V. HnaKland. North
Platte; Miss Lyda J. MrMahon. Geneva;
Pr J. M. Talcott, Crofton: Pr. F; A. Sed
lacek. Omaha: K. '. Maggl, Lincoln; Pr.
Inoro Perry Webster, Washington,
P. C.
SUTHERLAND. Neb.. April 24 (Spe-
rial.) Kffeotlve Friday morning, a ion
: solidation of the Sutherland State bank
and the Farmers bank of Sutherland was
announced. The new institution Is to be
known ss the Farmers State hank and
' the capital stock has been Increased to
I f-'S.miO. Kach bank formerly had a capi
, tal stoi k of tW.Km. D. C. Wilson is nanu -l
j as president and C. A. lu cashier. The
I Farmers bank quarters will he used.
' Lightning destroyed a barn belonging
I to J. M. Shoup, whose farm adjoint
Sutherland. Thursday evening. A horse,
grain, hay, harness, etc., were lost.
Alllaarr Defeats Oajallala.
ALLIANCE. Neh.. April 24 (Special )
Alliance defeated Ogallala In debate on
guvci iiiii-nt ownership uf rallroada last
nilit Alliance took the affirmative anl
wns repieticntf d by Charlotte Moliring.
N-.-ll T.ih, David Legch; Ogallala. the
negative. b Iissel Chlnlgrln, Ruth Col
lins ind Winifred Overstreet. The Judges
were Siieiinltnoent f. M Matheny.
S .nt's Bluff. Superintendent R. M.
Marra. Brldeeort; Pean W. T. Stoi k
daj3 of Chadrnn. Alliance will he rep
. resented at the state debate at Lincoln
May 14.
Mothers9 Day Proclamation
Set Apart by the Governor
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LISJOOI.N, April :i.-Ppe lrtl -Following
the rtiMnni of the :ist few years.
Uovernor Morehead this morning In a
proclamation dcslitnat-d S i-u'sy, May ,
at Mothers' day and nsks that a fitting
observance of the day be ,"ollocd.
Th- proclamation follows
"Gratitude la one of tin cardinal vir
tues: to remember gratefully acts of
klndneas bestowed Is an evidence of true
nobility; to exemplify this by word or
died Is commendable In all.
"One day of the year has hern aelccto-i
In which this may be
shown In a manner
that must tend to make ourselves and
others lietter. It l the dav wherein we
show by some outward token how dearly
we esteem the one w no gave us birth,
and watched over us In our Infancy mid
youth, and who has at nil times hn n our
bc-t friend. That friend is mother.
Last District Contests in State High
School League Will Be Held
This Week.
LINCOLN, April H.-(Speclal i-The
final district debates In tho eighth an
nual series of the Nebraska High School
lcba.tlng league will be held thin week,
and then the championship schools In the
twelve districts will each send a repre
sentative to compete for state honors at
the state debate. Saturday morning. May
10. High School Fete day.
The concluding district contests April
Jn will be: Osceola. (lnv tl.i ni.
tiMi fvi t,i c,.- -;
' " nun
c-itseiii. uroaen now, Oakland and
Hloomfield meet April 17; Gillon and
Kearney at GUlon. April 29, and Beatrice
and either Tecumseh or Humboldt at a
dato this week, not announced.
South Omaha and Nebraska debate
scheduled for last night were postponed
to April 36.
Results of other debates and the
schedule of the six final contents this
week follows.
Geneva, winner from Kxeter. against
Clay Center, winner from Giafton.
Scheduled for Anrll 2.1 at 1 1.
by Geneva by default.
v.nunipionanip Petiate Asceola, winner
from Stromeburir nenlnai nnwi ,i
Osceola, April 30.
Championnhlp Pebate South Omaha,
winner from Omaha and North Rend.
against. Nebraska City, winner from
Stella and Rellevue. At Smith Dninha
April 24
Ilavelock against Lincoln, won by Lin
coln. Lincoln, champion, winner from
Wllber, Ilavelock and t'nlverslty Place.
Valentine against Atkinson, won b
Valentine by default.
Valentine against Long Pine, won by
Vaulentlne by default.
Camploushlp Debate O'Neill against
Valentine. At Valentine, April in. Won
by O'Neill. J to 1. Judges: Superintdent
R. O. Jackson, Rushvllle: Superintendent
I J. Knoll, West Point; riuperlntendet
F. E. Wever, Atkinson.
Chamiiionshlp Debate West Point, win
ner from Fullerton and from Stanton,
which defeated Winner. Rattle Creek,
winner from Norfolk and I'llger. At
Battle Creek, April .10.
Oakland, winner from South Sioux City,
asalnHt Wakefield, winner from Pone.
Won by Oakland.
Championship Debate Oakland against
Bloomfield, winner trom Randolph and
Pierce. At Oakland April !7.
Mlnataie against Alliance. Won by Al
liance by default.
Championship Debate Ogallala, winner
from Sidney, against Alliance. At Alli
ance April 23.
Hardy against Lawrence. Won by
Championship Debate Blue Springs,
winner from Dlller and from Red Cloud
(which defeated Guide Rock), against
Hardy, winner from Lawreflce and from
EUgur (which won from Falrbury). At
Blue Springs April 80.
Tecumseh, winner from Pawnee City,
agalntt Humboldt, winner from Table
Championship Debate Beatrice, winner
from Auburn and Wymoro (which de
feated Falls City), against Tecumseh or
Championship Debate Oxford, winner
from Beaver City and Franklin, against
Trenton, winner from Cambridge (which
defeated Bartley) and from McCook and
Franklin. Won by Trenton: unanimous.
Gibbon against Mlnden, winner from
Harvard bv default. At Mlnden April 8.
Won by Gibbon; unanimous.
Kearney, winner from North Platte,
against Hastings, winner from Holdrege.
At Kearney April 20. Wen by Kearney;
Championship Debate Gibbon against
Kearney, winner from North Platte and
Hastings. At Gibbon Arrll 29.
North Loup against Ansley. Won by
nsley. . . . .
St. Paul against Sargent. At St. Paul.
Won by Sargent; unanimous.
Championship Debate Sargent, winner
from St. Paul and Ansley, against Broken
Bow. At Sargent April 30.
Ludi Holds the Job;
Primary May Be Late
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 24. (Special.) The ap
pearance In The Bee this morning under
a Wahoo date line that a primary might
be called In Wahoo for the purpose of
electing a postmaster for that city and
that Senator Hitchcock had made some
intimation that a primary might be called
to settle the matter, itt not worrying N.
J. Ludl, secretary of the state printing
board very much.
Mr. Ludl received the appointment as
postmaster at the hands of the president
some weeks ago and a notice of the ap
pointment was received by him together
with the blank bond. Mr. Ludl filled out
the bond and returned It to Washington
last Monday and does not believe that
there has been any change or Intention
t'j make the change.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
I.INCOlN. April ?4 (SiK-cial An
order has been lamed by the State Rail
way commission covering the printing of
advertisements by telephone companies In
directories. A complaint was made bv
Representative Ktebhlns of Pawson county
against the Gothenburg Telephone com-
pany for its manner In Inserting adver
tising In the directory published by them.'
! The complaint stated that the adver-1
! tlaements were Inserted in the center of.
; the paaes and thus the nsinea were j
i rrarated and ai eorlir.g to th complaint
made it difficult to find the names I
j needed. The order conies sr an agree-1
ment entered Into and specifics that ad- j
vertlsemnts niy n piaceo at me iop ana
bottom 'if rages not to exceed one-inch
In depth so that the names all appear
together on the page.
Everybody Reads Bcs Want Ads.
"In keeping with the custom of the
last several years In 1 1ns. state, and in
many others, I take pleasure In naming
, the second Sunday in May Mothers' day,
; and would suggest that everyone wear a
flower of some description during that
day as an Indication of the special recol
lection of mother. It la a tcautirul cus
tom and worthy the attention of every
one. The day la Intended to start In the
mind splendid recollections of the past.
and wIM make that simuay more sacred i
than It otherwise would be. It would
ha well If special mention of the day be
maile In all the church's throughout the
state. ,
"I therefore recommend that Sunday,
the !th day of May. be observed as
Mothers' day and trust It will be recog
nised as generally aa circumstances will
State Declamatory
Contest Entrants
! SlliXKY, Neb.. April 2i (Special. )
; The Nebraska High School Declamatory
i ashoi tat fou contests will be held May 7.
j The places have riot been determined upon
I as yet. Any contestants who have not
i yet been certified may be certified to the
secretary, W. J. Kraham, Sidney, Neb.,
any time prior to April 29. The following
Is a list of contestants so far reported:
.Oratorical Donald Pa bell. Chadrog,
"Spartacufi to the Gladiators:" Grace
Foster, Sidney, "Cuba Must He Free;"
Claire Gentleman, Atkinson. "Hlalne's
F.ulogy of Garfield:" Victor lAingren.
York ."A New Patriotism;-' lialph Nlcker
son, t'apilllon, "The Kvolutton of Patriot
ism. "
Driiinatlo-Hlldred Ooff. Pierce. "Rock
of Ages: Lura Haw kins. Alliance, "The
Oypsy Flower Girl;" Fred I'eterson
"The Hov Orator of Zapata
f it y
lea Ragalns, Kearney, "If I Were
Kins:" Mflilred Rogers. Wahoo. "I-eah.
the Forsaken;" Clare Rosenburg, Lexing
ton. "Ole Mlstla."
llumorour-Ruth Cleveland, Arnold,
"Naughty Zell;" Hannah Cotant. Alli
ance. "The Aspiring Dishwasher;" Martha
Hoogner. Wakefield "11111 Bra4 and the
Ulg Lie;'' Prudence Maeomber. Crawford,
"At the Photographers:" Hadassah Mc
Glffen. Fremont. "Spoopendyke's Private
Theatricals;" Golilah Tomlln, Geneva,
"Cupid and the Cadillac."
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN." April 24. 8pelal.) State
Auditor Smith received $29,000 paving
bonds thlsi afternoon from South Omaha
for registration.
Commercial filth Officers.
rrATTSf!OrTH. Neh.. April 24.-(Spe-rlal.)
At a meeting of the Plaltsmouth
Commercial el'ih last evening the resig
nations of President 13. J. fllcbcy and
Secretary J. P. Taller were accepted and
ft. It. Wescott was elected president and
T. H. Pollock, secretary for the ensuing
There's One Place
i I V ' ' ' ' ' ' '
in Omaha
in which to eat; where everything ia cooked better;
is served better; and where the surroundings
are better than anywhere else in town. Half the
pleasure of lunching, dining or supping is in the
enjoyment of your environment and you pay no
1 ' i.
Mil ! WtV
I'M11:! TiS'1'
:!!!!!!. tp
Dr. Bradbnry la Vaw Locatloa
Our bridgework is comfortable,
in talking;. In fact, you do not
they are artificial teeth.
j A
Have It Done the Bradbury Way
We issue shoppers' mileage. J'viD
Railroad fare for fifty miles allowed.
26 Years in Omaha.
ll-SS Woodmen of th World Bid., 14th and raraam
Vbone D. 1760. Hoars to Si Sunday a, 10 to 13.
Rlieunnatlsm Can Be Cured
Why suffer when the new treatment will positively cure Rheumatism
in ten days. Stop Buffering and avoid serious complications which may
bother you for Hte. Call or write for teatlmonials and full particulars.
814 Be Building.
f v-Js II e
k MB
i , :-:;''-;r
C ' Jt 'f ' ' " ' I
fj . V
Pretty Jane Komray, who plays the n
benua part In "Woman Proposes." the
headline feature at the Orpheunt this
week, lost her father In the big war and
three wceka hence she will give up the
stage to take vp the work of a member
of the Red Cross corpa
Miss Komray, In the part of "Rose,"
has been pleasing Onibeuni patrons all
She has tendered her resignation and
when the play reaches New York, about
the middle of next month, she will board
a ship bound for Germany. She has sev
eral other relatives fighting for the Ger
man standard, and to help the causa
they aro laying down their lives for she
Is wlllli.g to sacrifice her stage career.
Her home Is In Cleveland.
Reische Appointed
to Normal Board
(From a Staff Oorrespondent.)
LINCOLN, April 24.-Special .
H. E. Relsche of Cha.ron has been ap
pointed by Governor Motrhead to a place
on the State Normal besrd to fill the
position now held by Mr. Otttys of Uni
versity Place, whose term will expire
September 1. Tt Is understood that Mr.
Oettys was not a candidate for the re
appointment. There la a normal school
at Chsdron, and this places a meml er of
the board In each town where tktre Is a
school. Mr. Relsche la a hank enthler
and waa a member of the 1913 setrim of
the legislature. He Is a democrat.
premium for this added inducement
to go to the "one place."
Sunday Night "Dinner de Luxe"
from six to nine at one-fifty tho
person. A solect musical program
by Christman's Fontenelle Orches
tra makes thie a feast of musio as
well bb of food. Table reservations
may be made by phone or in person
with M. Chas. Muynard.
"Built for You to Enjoy"
Dr. Bradbury ta Hew Xoeatioa
The Patience of Your Friends
is sorely tried if jour teeth do not havo
proper care. Their regard for you will dis
appear, for it is nn unclean condition.
to say nothing of the danger to
your health.
Our methods are the most up-to-date and scientific,
rainless work is emphasized.
Latest Method Bridges
$2.50 up
durable and allows absolute freedom
realize yourself and no one suspects
Omaha, Nebraska.
$7-50 $650 and $g i
BoyV New Spring
Norfolk & Juvenile
Need we urge you
to such values as
Glen UrquharU and Tartan
Plaids, gray and blue serfo.
stripes, shepherd checks and
hoiitt of novelty mixtures
all color Norfolk or semi-
Norfolk styles, and a wonder- ...
ful showing of Juvenile Vestee Suits. All sites from 4 to 18
years. Fully balf the suits in sale have two pairs of knickers.
ttl6ofTlOWARD TH
Hope for Drug
All desire for opium, morphine
and heroin removed permanently In
five days.
All desire for cocaine or alcoholic
stimulants removed In three to four
day a.
No Pain or Suffering
Treatment harmless and positively
Tar when satisfied that all crav
ing and desire has been removed.
One at our physicians will treat
you In your own home If desired.
Our terms are reasonable and
payment easily arranged to suit
you. Call or write.
Will move Kay 1st to 1147 rark Ave,
M rark Ave.
Eureka Drug Treatment
Address U. a. firoreham.
raon Karaey asta.
V Fer
Pure Malt VJhiskey
Is an absolutely purs distillation of
thoroughly malted grain which
prompts the stomach to healthy ac
tion. It promotes digestion aikl as
similation of the food, enriches the
blood, and brings strength and vigor
to the system. For a tonic In Spring
tlms you should
"Get Duffy s ind Keep well"
Sold by most druggists, grocers and
dealera. 11.00. if they can't supply
you, writs us. Useful medical boo ti
le t free.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co
Koehester, M, T.
$2,000,000 more
toward the Cause
The Board of Directors of
the Chicago and North
western Railway Co. have
just authorized the pur
chase of $1,500,000 worth
of equipment. They be
lieve in "Buy-It-Now."
The Chicago Great West
ern has contracted for $585,
000 worth of new material.
Do your part buy that suit, that kitchen
cabinet or that plow--and
.-s b
b IU
I Typowrltors 1
For Ront
any make yon want
t $1 and Up Per Month
z Central Typewriter Exchange t
Phone Doug. 4121.
This Is the time of all time
for the U. S. A. to make vaM
strides. Let's all set huay
a met w jwj vmtjfuw i