T2 the bee. omaha. APRIL 1915. -y, WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but ta Insure proper ciant.ratio. must be pre sented before 11 o'clock noon for evening edit. on and T H p. ro. for mo-ning ana SnnHur edition. Want a"e received sfter uih hours will he under tba heading. 'Too Late to Classify." CASH RATE. . . en enneaeutlve time. cent word each Insertion. , ... Three times "ttkln ona weak. I out word each tneerttoa. On time, t rents a word. fHARGR RATES. evwn eonaecuttre UmM. etntl ! h Insertion, . Three tlma within one week. " ttbe each Insertion. Ona time, II cents Tme. Count six aeertuta worda to -" Win imam charge, 18 eentg. A UrrrtlMneit Inserted ta wrtU sleoonUnued giaat ba stopped OT r.v tea ardor. within fifteen days after tba """ ttoa of tba adrertleement Tn au place yovr want ad la Tba Baa y telephone TELETHONS TTLWt Unclaimed AMwert to the Kfimnnan' PtnmTl UHDJIV W - -w WtmiJ-wds erf other answere .;. ailed for ajrtd delivered ,-r-; waek. It ta reasonable to suplsethat ti .w. i ki,.-w have mads tna TV-j.. ' - .1 i -ot cell answers. ad fur cat result. ia flu, g. no. i't p v mn M M 4 1-22 M rs t irT ti r i ri r i im it r-1 417 iu It r 4it li M m t M 48 r-r ri &: ta M if lint r k 4 ijto i rs w 4-T t-4 KT ),u0 -e M I'M . IW M M lf 14 M P le 14. m . n ir J rt mil i ft M W I4 14 1(11 i4 1571 14M 1674 1179 1M DBATHI AKD FPHKBAli OTiC"!l HTNEB-Brldnet. April , ftt Bt. J aeph'a hoepltal. nie. Funeral Thuradajr w"lnf .VJS-t t man a chapel at o'clock. Interment at tn. Mary a cemetery. ' CARD OF THANK. WK wish to thank our kind friend. i and nalkhbora who weraaoklndto u durlna the aickiicea and death of our dear aoo. ilrSlTb MRS. OE. A. HEPP AND BON. DEATHS AlD rcRBRAI ROTICM Tha funeral of Matthew Hoover wlU ba held wMh Maaonlo honora Wedneaday. April 21. at 1 o'cl.Mik from A. J. JacKaon a chapel. 17i leavenworth atree4. Inter ment at Koreet Uwn. Blua dja will open at tha Mnonlo temple at U.M p. m. The brethren of tha lod-e are expected to do their duly and attend tha laat rltaa of our ared brother. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha-John and Mildred AhlMrand, im North Nineteenth. lrl; Oacar tad Maria Andereon, U14 HprlnK. Clrl; Klmont and Vivian Kltoh, 4735 North Forty-flrat, ftlrl; Giovanni and Maria Urandlnato,. 1UU North Seventeenth, boy; Stephen and Mary Hutfleea. li'tf Dorcaa, iirl; Hana and Nannie Jenaen, 4U26 Camden avenue, alrl; Kranceaco and Maiia Upari. Ill Mouth Peventh. slrli Albert and Uirlay 1'erry, VSul South Sixteenth, girl,; William and Jeaaia Pearaton. 424 North Twenty third, boy; Krank and Bell Townaley, 4407 North Tweutyflf th avenue, boy. Deatha Ralph Brooke, t, 1714 North Twenty-fifth; M&tt Hoover, n, 1U North Fifteenth; Kmma Jackaon, 4S, 7 South Twenty-eUrhth; Peter J. Olaon. 4X, 111 Kort avenue; EH lea O. Petteraon. C, t North Thirtieth. MARRIAGE LIECKRES. Tha followlsr partnlta to wed hava been I tsued: Name and Realdenco. Axe. Jamea lterlert Adama, Fremont M NetUo ltuth lirosa, Uayea City, Kaa.. M John C. IAvrrmore, Oraylaa, CdU..... It hYleda H. Marah, Valley M Abraham U Rhanvey, Omaha M Myrtle. A. Treaaider, Omaha.M..M... M Howard Ouy, Florence X Anna Hauaeener, Omaha. 16 Arthur Nelaon, Omaha, It Oertrude Uurltr, Omaha II BVILDINO PERMITS. Ray Porenaon. SW4 Laka, frame dwell ing. 13.260; j. , K. Murtach, UU Blondo, retMtira, MX). TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS ' Exclusively in Tho Ites. Daws Twva. CAMERAPHONK. 10 DOUGLAS ST. Winning Back. 2-reel Broncho drama. ' Your Baby and Mine. KL drama. Arnoroee a Little llHtrhet. K LIT 13 NO 2. ' i;il FATiNAM ST. lJaty In a Seminary. Lubln comedy. The First Conitnandment, Kalem drama, 8 r.ela (featurlnn Tom Mtwre). FAKNAM THKATKK. 141e FAKNAM HT. Runaway June will be shown here every Tueeday In connection with our regular program and a Keystone comedy. HIPP THF.ATER. UTH AND HARNKY Hon of Paramount Pkrturea PARK THEATk.it. Feature program dally. Wayaiuue Coiuedlea. alt N. UTH. PAK1.0K THEATER, 14uS DOUUIAS. A NUtlit Out. 2-r. Lsaanay com. tChapllnj. The outlaw a Hrldi". Soiig drama. Fur the Alan She .ovedEdleon drama. IrH I Nf ESS tI'IEATK R. 131 7 -U DOUU LA S, Bub Leonard and Ella Hall In "Mavis of tlte Ulen," 2-reel drama. Vlulct alereereau In "WUd Blood." Merta. ALAMO. MTH FORT. Her Bargain, 2-reel Big 17. Uirl and tne Spy, Hex orama iv ana noutn, pier, loinmiy. AI.HAMB1U, U74 NORTH 24TH ST. I'oreat Brasentlmenls. I-r. Malesllo. The Fatal Bean. Evans' Eurky Day. CLIFTON. Military Ave. and Burdette. Tha Wrxth of the Ooda, t-rcel special for tonight only. DIAMOND THEATER. 210 LAKE ST. 1 he Je Tliat Lasts, Powers. Hay He Won the Widow. Joker comedy. Wild lnah Hum, 2-reel Oold Seal. FRANKLIN. I4TH FRANKLIN. The liailioad Raiders of '42, KaJein dra. The Trap Door, 2-renl Kalem dra. Tne Mauler of Hla House. Vltsgraph com. FKOLIC. 4U4N. TtTiTsTT v ul oiea Friday night with a star Mutual pros ram. Watch for the Mutual clock aui 11,600 phctoDiaver. Uiand, "Theater Beautiful." lMh-Binney. r'jieclal Mutual irasterpleos, "Tha Out i t," in fivo parts. illl'PODRCML THEiT a.14 CUM IN a! Saints and hi "in. ra, Amertiaa drama. I,unway June, llth eiOKue, In I yarls. lve in Armor, Keystone comedy. IT. FIVE REELS. 1TH A IASJUST.' .lloliig a tiue, -reel Kalt-m drama, ipll a Column, Vliasrapb comeOy, 1 1 Guardian's I'liemma, Relig comedy. IV Y THKATKK. iiiil A mTb I ' HL ETT El Matr Key, No. 14, -reel apeclal. aia Nvr Lk, 2-renl Victor. Ii'e Blank Vote, Joker oomedy. IOYAL THEATF.lt. t4-4 CALDWELL. in the NU'ht. 2-rel Eclair. Aliit a H- anflel. K Ko. ocmedy. 'N ir n JeaU.ney Tumbled, Big C. LuXHKuP Til iCA. UTH A LOYhRopT 'o the Wim. 4-rer Flood feature. Pnzs in Every l ackage, coiuedy. today's complete movie pr.oc.ram. Exclusive.,' la The Ile orh. PAXrr.. vm davfnport. The Hovernor Maker. J-reel Hlnnn. Jed'a Utile Klriement. Nestor comedy. Venaeem-e of Kampnon, Po-era drama. FI BirRHAN7 J4TJ7 AMKfC Mr. J bit and tha Ldy Keformer, Vita com. A V!rei Heenie, 2-r. Vita dra Hroncho Ullly'a Tearlilnan. Ke. V. dra. oath. ARBOR, :eo AND ARBOR. Ro of the Alley. S-rrel Fo prodnrtlon. Derree of Pentlny. (Mary Mrkforfl.l AP'I,II, 2K24 LEAVKN WUHTH. Ilearat-Hell No. 28. Mllllonnlie'a Hundred-Dnllar Bill. reel Vita. com. Monkey HumneM. Inh. com. Cor.t.-MBIA, 1710 riOl TH 10TH. t'ounteaa VeaehCa Jewela. Kanay dr. A Fortune Hunter. Vitaaraph comedy. Ieetlny leode. Blaraph drama. ' OOMFOHT, 24TM AND VINTON. The Twenty Mllllon-I ollar Myatery. Leet epleode. Tricked. lwmlno. A One-Nlatit Stand. Keyetone. FAVORITE. 171 VINTON. Hearot-Aell No. U. Tlw Mttle HI raw Wife. J-r. Feea nay dr. "KM. 13,8 SOUTH ISTli. When the Pplder Tore Ix'oae. liummlt. Under the Tahlee. J-r. Lr Ko. comedy. The OM Tutor. HI IT. LYRIC. 1417 VINTON' Human Menace. 2-reel Oold Real. Htreeta of Make Believe. Imp. Unlvemal fity. Special. I'AKTI M K. O.D A N I EAVI-iNWrtRTH Jeaa WIITard In "Heart I'unih." The Storm. (J. Warren Kerrlran.t t'omo early. Five reela of plcturee. VENEZIA. VU WO. UTU ST. Poor reela of Mutual alett West. MONROE, 2S65 PARNAM. Hla Brother's Keener. 2-r. BlocraDh dra. The Capitulation of the Major, Vita. com. The Phantom Thief, Kdlnon drama- Beaaea. BENSON THEATMK. W MAIN ST W. Korrtcan In "The Guardian of Hla Flock." J-r. Slory the Clock Told, Imp. A Chanre In Lovera, f. Ko. comedy. Coaacll Blatla FUTE NO. I, 64S BROADWAT. The Ulrl at Ione Point. Kalattn ilnm Her Huehand'a Sin. 2-r. Kdlnon drama. The lputy a puty. IllogTaph drama. NICHOLAS 647 BROADWAT. Hearet-Solla- No. 20. Mr. Jarr Ilrlnga Homo a Turkey. Vita. O. Polaon 2-reel Kalem drama HOPF;ll THEATER. H7 KIIOAtlW The Stool iMirron, 2-rnel Victor. in Katal Klaa, Joker comedy. Affair of the Terrace, Rea drama. RF.RRP TMir ATlr.n 9inn ivn ikr ana A Theft In the Dark S-reel Hdlem drama.' When Dumbf Huh Saw the Joke, Vlta- MAGIC THBATKR. 24TH AND O BTS. The Heartbreaker, 2-rel Bi U. Clutch of the Emperor, Re drama. aavll.e. ORPHETTM. MTH AND M. No Fenrlna; Maater. Ihp. Dra. Katty-a Faithful Fido, Key. Com. Runaway June. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1807 Cumin Doudaa 2447. Renovatea feathers i mrr niKnrfiwi ana aown covera L'UCKT weddlnj rlnga at"Brodeaaarda- Inveatlirata Y.M.C.A. oufa- Park, aummer. WE rent, repair, aell needles and parts for all sewing machlnea. NE BRASKA CYCLE) CO., "Mlckel'a," Wedding announcements, Iotif. Pta. Co. DR10HHMAKINU, tallor.ng, alterationa. juaiaiimro, t aaa. He a I IXi. TWIN City Dye and Cleaning Works , 407 . ..... ww... v., ViiruiT. TT Call for and deliver. I'ouglaa 1MI. CKNTKAL Tin Shop, Rmmer Haarage. 1117 Dodga St Douglas 4684. AUTOMOBILES 1811 FORD ROADSTER 200 U1J FORD TOURING r 1H4 FORD TOURING 164 1911 HUPMOBILB ... 475 U14 HUPMOBILB 7B) IW1 CADILLAC. so 1IU CADILLAC 77,0 VHM CADILLAC 1,150 114 CADILLAC 1,1V) All of our oars are In first-class ehaiie. We carry the goods and make the price. Write fur our full list. INDUSTRIAL OARAOE CO.. 2th and Harney. W. C. MARSH, PRFSIDBNT. 1!2 Cadillac VJ6 1912 Premier 1710 Ml Glide HhO lmo Bulck tt A. A. AHLMAN, 2U64 Farnam St. C ELSA06ER, eapert radiator and lama repair. Ty.TO. asot Leavenworth. $100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair, t-oua repa. ttaysaorler, 110 N.ia o AUTO Clearing House, Ca Fsrnam, buys and aells used rare. Phona Douglas Hit.- Overton's for leaky radiator. fc)c, dealera. Want an auto. C. J. Canaa. MoCague bid g. VK1LIE touring car. Addresa S 197. Bee. Industrial Oarage Co., loth 4k Harney Sta. Motorcyrlee. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCI J-:8. llargalna In used machlnea. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 27U3 Leavenworth. BUILDING MATERIAX. NAILS, 22.20 per keg. Fence, aheet roof ing, etc., In proportion. Uenerai Mr can U la Co.. Oniatia's great mall order house. BUSINESS CHANCES Javeetmeata. Our Nebraska farm mort- Eagea are not affected by u rope an wars or panics. Amounts $400 to 120.000. We collect all Interest and 7 Principal free of charge; 40 j cars In the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss Is our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Wl Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg . Omaha. o 7 S. 1TI1 ST On account of sickness, 12-room rooming house will aU for tlA): coat W year ago; no fake; come and i. Tyler KK1 w. FOR SALE AND RENT We will aell the rurnlaiungs and fixtures of the took hotel, and will rent the building; every thing new end in good shape; the only botrl In town and doing a good bualneaa. eight bedrooms upstairs; office, parlor anting room, large oearonm and good kitchen downstairs: electric light: no suam heat. 11. C. Thomas, Cook. Neb. THEATERS Buy, lease or sail your ttae ater, machine aud suppiiee through Theater Exchange Co.. 14ue Faraam L iKiuglaa It&l fclGNH. anuw cards Clark Son. D. UI1 LIST YOUR BUSINESS wRh ua for auk-k actioa aad aqua re traatmvnt QUICK SALS COMPANY, 411 Pee bldg. Phone Red M64. RHU, estate Business places aupplied or liandled; all atatea. F. V. Knieat. Omaha. TO GET In or out of buaineas call on GANG EST AD. 404 Bee Bldg. 1K'U. S477. WHY rentT Will sell ItiO-acre farina In Red River Valley, kilna, erect buildings, supply cows and tioga on first payment of t.w aud II per acre and Intoreet at I per cent each year thereafter W. JlTeinplelontOJ Bee Bldg . Omaha A WELL established "cleaning aad dyeing plant, up to date. Part cash required. Ada 1 ess K-231, Bee. CLAIMS PAID. WILL casta county claims. Douglas ifca. KDICUtOML The Van Snnt School Stenography Pur athoal. t 00 to 4 04 Nmht arhool. 4 14 to 1:11. I'tb and Farnara Bt "-nea aM7. FOR eale the foUowlna arholaraiilna in a 1 1 rat clxaa Omaha Hualneaa Colleae: Ona unlimited combination buaiaeee and ahortliand couree. Ona unlimited buelneaa eeurae. Ona unlimited atenorraphio course. One three mo D tha bualneaa or ataoo frihlc couree. Will bo aold at a d.'acnuat at tha office of the Omaha Bee. Boyles College Day School. Night School, oomplete bualneaa couree. complete ahorthand or tenotype course, complete telegraphy rourae. civil service branches and K.ng lleh. Studenta admitted at any Uma. Write, phone or call for 1911 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. ROYLRH, President Tel. D. 1646. Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Nab. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC waKhera, 240. 7R: electric Irone. 12 2S, with Oeneral Mercantile Co., Omaha's Ureal Mall Order House. FDR BALK Faraltare, Hoskol4 oseSs, Bte. DF.SKS busht and sold. J. C. Reed. 1207 Famam St. D. 1tt. FURNITURE BARGAINS. Refrlgeratora. kitchen rahlneta. china cabinets, dressers, tables, chairs, ate. 1S30 Morth 24th. Webster 1W7. llersea as4 Vehicles. Matched Teams 2 Iron grays, 2 bays. I grays snd I blacks, slso nair of mares with mule colts. Old I'oppleton Place, Willis A Sherman Aves. SHIP nve stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and ih link age. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. HOUSES FOU SALE llth and county line. Tel, South ?02. FARM wakona, 0 and up; harness, 140. Johnson-Danforth ''.. lfilh aV Clark Bta TEAM of I year-old marea, wall matched, .nw, w-jrmi -1 1 u worn norae, weight 1.4on, and handsome black and tle for children; bargain; party going to r rancisco April 111. . Z4Z1 Dodge St. REAL bargain for cash to settle our es- m luii-oiooa t-ercnerons, mare ana gelding, weighs. 2, W0 !!.; t matched pair of brown mares, 2.8O0; also Pemheron mare and rolt; muat be aa represented or .....ny rnunnfn, it-J lolge Ml. cor. 4 St OH SALE A team of mares, wagon and harness. Will sell separate. Owner leaving city. 1221 S. S4th St Live at imi. f t. M.Hk... MARTIN BROS. CO.. Egonance Bids. Maalral laatraaseata. FIRST-CLABH comet. Webster 628L Slightly used high grade piano. D. 2017. Peeltrr Kgga as4 aappiiea. 8TERBOTYPB matrlcea make tha best and cheapest lining for poultry houaea They are 17x22 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee offloa Mtsed grain, 1J0 Iba., I1.7&, Wagner 801 N.la 1'rpe wrltera. RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for 24. Oliver Typewriter Agency, IW16 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exc. 106 Farnam. Mlsreilaaeoaa. ELECTRIC MOTORS 1- H. P., 230 volts. I phase, new I 7 2- 11. P 1M voltM 1 l.--- n. 7 l-H. P., 220 volts, I phase', new"..!."!!." to x-.', few voiia, s pnaae, new 17 MVUlUi l-K. W., 110 volts. D. C, new I 71 o-n., ., nv voiia, u. v;., nsw ,,,, ioo w., i.w-eo volts, new as l-H. P., gasoline engine ft) 6 H. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov ernor log LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111 S. 12th St o FOR SALE New and second-hand oarota and bucket billiard tables and bowling alleys and aoceaeorlea; bar fUturea ef all kinua; easy payments. The Brunswick Hal ke-Col lender Co., 407 -4a a. itb at FOR SALE One car of buttermilk after May 4. Address 1014 N. 2Uth St.. fcouth Omaha. W. W. Hill. 2 iand m h. ur..u W reck. 1.0., ii aul A bargain, new stenotype and aecond hand L. C. Smith typewriter, 1120 takes both. Address H. R. Olaeser, Austin. Minn. IF YOU have anything to aell. call the National Sale and Auction Company.' THEY SELL EVERYTHING Call Red 724. 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP-Stock In the Doud Sale A Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. M-hand machinery. H, Groea, 21 and PauT 1 ELECTRIC piano, 1 Nelaon piano, 1 set buggy harness, 4 electric celling fana, 60 electric light fixture, lumber, tools and plumbing supplies. For sale or trado for diamonds. J. C. Ish, Executor 701 B. Hat Ava Phone Harney 241. FURS STORED Absolut Guarantee Against MOTHS, FIR rJ. BURGLARS. REFERENCES: ANY BANK. G. E. SHUKERT, Telephone Douglas 1647 and We Call for Ooods. 401 8. 16th ML Will HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, must be rapid. Prefer soms experience... 240.00 SALESLADY AND DEMONSTRA TOR for city work; good salary and commission to right party. STENOGRAPHER, bright, capable young lady for insurance ofriee; good appearance. Start at 160.00 8TENO. AND BOOKKEEPER, small office, excellent opportunity Hi.OO ASST. BOOKKEEPER, capable of handling lot of email accounts. ...(54)0) STENOGRAPHER, prefer experi ence In credit reporting work ISO 00 WESTERN R EF. A BOtND ASfiTN.. 7M Omaha National Bank Bldg. NO FILING FEE." Can plaoe a few good students from business oollegs. BUSINESS MEN'S REF. ASS'N.. mSi Woodmen of World. SOLICITOR, City. 160 to I. Watte Ref. Co.. hle-OM Brandeia Thea, STENO OUT-OF-TOWN. 1.0. BOOK- KEEPER A.NU BTCNU., . BOOK KEEPER AND BTENO., k. CO-OI'ERATIVB Rl iE Elt ENC IB CO.. lulo-14 CITY NATIONAL NO FILING FEE. BE8T COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROGERS REF. CO., jM-l State Bank. FIRST -CLASS lady bookkeeper and stenographer, for permanent position. Muat be capable and have bualneaa abil ity. State experience and give referenoa. K 21 Bee. Kaetery aad Tea dee. LEARN hairdreastng- Oppeabeua Parlora WANTED Expert prssser tlady), dry cleaning department Bluff City Laua dr. Couniil bluffs. la. llaaaekeepera aad Daaaeatlre. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FKEK until you get tha deal red reeulta This appllea to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa Brief ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler luuO. W ANTED White girl for geuersvl aouee work; two In family; not at home noons. Call H. after I p. m. GOOD girl wanted for llgl't huueawork. Hot of treatment and a dandy home to null I girl. Treated as one of family, phone Harney 4:'xe or Harney S.SS. WANTEl A girl lor general house a or k. 1X3 bo. 21st IIELP WANTED FEM A IE Hssaekeesen an-.l ltnetl WANTED Middle-aged white .n-.-housework; small family, .'nn.. 201, rare Bee. WANTF.I In family of two. good, expe rienced colored cook; no washing. Ap pjyMr. Hsll. Union Outfitting Co. WANTED Girl for general housework; Two In farnly.CairDougles 92. COMPETENT general gM wanled; must go home nlkhts. Harpey 'I4. WANTEI inpctent girl to do gen eral housework: good wages; apply with reference. Mrs. Leonard A. Spalding. X3 Harney Pt. WA NTEH A girl for general housework; good home and good wages. l.?39 S. 3ith Ave. Harney 2604. WANTEI A good girl for general house work. Mrs. K. A. Simon, 2316 S. ?2d St. WANTED- glrffor general housework. Wal. 24o9. D. 210k. D. 712. WANTED A white alrl for general houeework; no washing and no cook ery. Web 4!1. 2fi22 N. lth St. WANTED A middle-aged woman for nouFewora. zt j nun ri. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework ; no washing or cooking. 2164 fl 33.1 St. CAPABLE white girl for general house work; must be neat and a good cook. 40R3 Isard St. Wal. 22. WANTED A OIRL AT ONCE TO AS SIST WITH HOUSEWORK; NO WASH ING AND NO CfXlKINO NICK. PLEAS ANT HOME FOR GOOD GIRL APPLY AT 6402 AMES AVE OR PHONE BEN SON 24. MUerllaneoas. LADIES to sew at home, all or spare time. Good pay. Work sent prepaid, end stamp for reply. Ivanho Mfg. Co., fit. Louis. Mo. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as tratigars are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 81. Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's guide a: V'nloo gtatloa HELP WANTED M ALB Clerical and Of floe. TRAVELING; SALESMAN, Crock ery, glassware, queensware, etc.. 2100.00 STENOGRAPHER, for country bank, young man, good habits; rapid stenographer f 56.00 STENOGRAPHER. Young man, small office; chance to learn a good business I 60.09 TRAVELING SALESMAN, high class man, for jobbing trade; splendid opening staple article, can make UM to 130) STENOG. AND BOOKKEEPER. Hustler, who can take charga of office and storeroom and handle large number of accounts f 86.00 JUNIOR OFFICE CLERK, young man who wants to learn mechani cal drafting I 26.00 WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., 762. Omaha National Bsnk Bldg. SALESMAN, specialty Commission Salesman, city Good proposition Salesman, heavy hardware 1100 Salesman, real estate Commission Saleaman, oil Salary and Commlaslon Stenographer 175 (Stenographer, out-of-town lft stenographer and clerical V' Repair man, typewriters 110 Watts Ref. Co.. KW-10-42 Brandela Thea. BOOKKEEPER., OUT-OF-TOWN, SOME INVESTMENT. 1136. BTKNO., R. H. .EXPERIENCE, 1H6, BOOKKEEPER. SOME STENO.. I&0. rlTY SOLICITOR. 196. TWO ENGINEER!, OUT-OF- TOWN, SOME INVESTMENT, 1126. SALES AND OFFICE MANAGERS. AT TRACTIVE PROPOSITIONS, INVEST MENT REQUIRED. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-14 CITY NATIONAL NO FILING FEE. Stenographer, mercantile concern.. 75.30 Typist and clerk 35.00 Young man, clerk 26.00 BU8INER8 MEN'S REF. ASSN., 121-20 Woodmen of World. BRIGHT young man with 11.000 to Invest can secure responsible and remunerative position with established . Omaha firm, psylng 2140 per mo. salary and share of profits; Investment fully secured. All re plies held confidential. Give atre, past sx peiienoe, references, etc. Addresa C KM, Bee. BRIGHT young man for general offloa work.. Apply at onoe. Midwest Bond tug Co.. 211 Bee Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A'SSN. 72 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Aareata, Salesaaea aad Solicitors. Agents Wanted We want some ona to represent is lay every town In Iowa and Nebraska aa we own and control some of the bet Im proved and unimproved farms In Min nesota. We are selling the farms on liberal terms, ao the renter and city man with a small capital can own a farm and watcn it Increase In value under hla touch. We handle corn and clover landa only, and invite Inspection, aa wa have tha soil and. get the rain. Government statistics show that the state of Minnesota Is coming to the front tn farm products. Minnesota land will show a greater In crease In value In the next three years than any state la the union. The land where corn la king and clover queen. Writ, wire or coma and see us. Lib eral inducements. E. S. BABCOCK LAND CO.. Austin, Minnesota. WANTED Ten high-class farm apeclaUy aleamen. Apply Immediately. Bain Broa Mfg. Co.. Cedar Raptda, Iowa. o HIGH-GRADE aaleeman, U6 dally guar anteed. Imperial Mfg. Co., N. Main St., Council Bluffs. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men in Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Association. tl'J-A City Nat'! Bank Bldg. YOU'LL never get rich working for others. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business? We start you right! No previous experience necessary; but small capital required. Big profits In this great re-order business! Full details free. White Wonder Company, 224 Na tlonal Safety Vault Bldg.. lenver, Colo. Factory aad trades. Drug store snaps; Joba Knelst Bee Bldg. WANTED M EN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE and sucept positions at good wages. Boss Barbers calling on us for help. We prepare you In few weeks. Tools furnished. Wage while learning. Call or write, MOLEK BARBER COL LEGE, I leak B, OMAHA. NEB. YOU MUST THINK We give you expert auto training; eara a real salary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course in Elec. Ltg. A Start'g systems; free catalogue. Amer. Auto College. 164 Farnam St., Omaha. LATHERS wanted, 70 centa per hour, out of city, lockout. Call for Mr. Austin. Harney Hotel. WANTED Experienced sheet metal workera; no other need apply. Denk rruui A llerma. Sheet Metal Works, 314 214 Id St., Sioux City, la. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition jo, on account of big trade. Wages for I and 10 cent work. Electric iiiaaaage taught. Hydraulic chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas St, Omaha. BARBER W ANTED State age and ex perience: If you ' boose." do not writs. Enoe O. Wonder. Ptsgah. la WANTED A rtret claaa auto repair man. None other need apply. Send refer encea In flrat letter. Rock Port Garage A Machine Co.. Rock Port. Mo H Ueellaaeeaa. WANTED 1, o men to eat ham and eggs, lftc. Coffee John. 24th and Capitol. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile du ration at minimum coat Aak for cata logue "?' aud explaaatloa of oar get results method. r NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1414-17 lodge Street. Orneoa, Neb. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. It month; pull unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partciuiara. Franklin Insti tute. Daat 221 D Ruchister. N. Y. IIELP WANTED MALE MUerllsHreaii. ANTED Name of mep, II or over, l.-hlng government jobs. t5 month. No I'nll HTi-Mrv. Al.lress Y 4K, Roe. lie an .uto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go Into the auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shoe v ill bring this result for you. Write for free 1 booklet Nnt'l Auto Training Ass'n, Ml N. th Ft . Omnha. Neb MEDICINE lecturer, registers! Nebraska. German Doctors. Council i.l.uts. SITUATIONS WANTED TRCSTWORTHY young man of ability desires position as caM.ii-r or clerical ! 'C""Z?AnThU"Jr,g JT jm "I1 wl" cond'f out-of-town Job; ver' . 11 . i'mi. 'r rii 1 j wurn nun wnir.n Tnnt nent a-ork. Phone Douglas 6'J37, or ad dress L-iX', Bee. LVCE curtains and fancy clothes care fully wsKhed. Webster 4?K3. EXPERIENCED ypung man wants to wV tl'H gi n lllil hnlal U. Ark nr asiw b lnl I Wants to go to work. Will work for ; private family. Honest and sober. Ad 1 dreea K 3W, Bee. j WANTED Work on farm by yoi'ng Itallnn. Experienced. P-aslllo CrauVri, care notei noma. Uma ha. Neb. AS housekeeper on farm near Omaha. Douglas 6371. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lnat some art Ids would well to call up the office of the Omaha At Council Bluffs Street Railway com- fiany to ascertain whether they left It In he street rare. Many artlclea each day are turned In and the company ta anxloua to rep tore U em to the rightful owaer. Call Doug. 41 MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUFI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every caae treated. Patients must come to the of fice, 4O8-0-10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Eta DR. WILLIAM CREIGHION MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. Y. o ESTABLISHED 1894. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. Th ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundredg of men, women and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank II. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diaeaees with testimonials. DR. K. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg DRUG habits successfully treated. 6-day guarantee; harmless and painless method; full Ltock; yon can be treated at home. Address Dr. C. C. Altken, Us Park Ave. Phone Harney 3394 , MAIL ORDER BUSINESS SAVE 26 to 60 per cent on furniture by trading with General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Great Mall Order House, 716 S. th St. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge, plants, roses, concord grape, fuc doxen Home sales around, list & Rlggs, Benson. Omaha sales ground, 24th and Cuming. Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benson 634. M. P. BYKD NURSERY CO Bargain prices at our old location, 17th and Dodge. Phonea: D. 449H and Web. 416L BEAUTIFY your home with the finest of nursery stork ever grown. Bee for your self. Gate City Nursery. Phone D. 2060, Sales ground. 111! Dodge St. CHOICE, complete line of snruba, ever greens, ornamental and fruit trees; save agents' commission. J. Westrom Nursery Co., at old location, 20th and Harney Sta. PERSONAL $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS Unless wa receive K subscriptions to the L. H. Journal, ll.6u; S. E. Post, 11.60; or Country Gentleman, $1, In April (also 600 by Sept.) that 17,000 for THE IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION can- Bot be earned. Your renewals contribute 1 centa, Phone Douglas 716I, or mall, Gordon, The Magazine Man OMAHA. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasooi .tlon building at 17th St and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlss assisted. Look for our Uav elers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army industrial borne so licits your old clothing, furniture, mags tinea. We collect. We distribute. Phona Douglas 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horns, 1UO-U12-U14 Dodge St. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Assesstssia . A. DWORAK, C. P. A., Addresa 431 Ramge Bldg.. Phone Douglaa 7404. Addlaaj Stachiaea. Da I too Adding Machlnea 411 S. 11 D. 1441 Adder Mcu. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. A waiver FtataalaaT. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 414 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Architects. Bverett S. Dodda. 412 Psxton Blfc. D. WSL Aata aad Maaaeta Kepalrlea. Mtgnsto repair work a pociaJty. D. 1411 Aaetloaeere. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-11 W. O. W. R. 2286. Dowd Auction Co., 1116-14 W. O. W. R Sllae HrlallaeT. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 102 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. rase Kaaadriea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta C'araewtere aad Cwalractara. STEVENSON. 13 8. 22d. Douglaa U20. Calaa I'alallea. Ruth Letcarord. deenrsttng. firing. R, 4S41 Civil tsilartn. m. j. lacy. t.u bes bldq. pquo 4711 t ream Separates. Tba Sharpies Separator Co.. llth A Fern. Daaraa Aeaaeaaiea. CHAMBERS Academy, ctaaalc. D. 1871. Try Msckte's first. 1114 Harney. Doug. 6444. Clstera aad Well Dlaalaa. NEED well or clatera '-leaned or dug? BCHAFKER does It Phona Web. UJL Dnsjaaklag, Terry Dreeaiu&k'g college. KHh A Farnara, lleelvee. INVESTIGATIONS carried out tn any part of United Statea. Canada or Mexico, ft Fax ton Blk. Doug. U72. Walnut IM J AM to ALLAN. 212 Neville Block. "Kvlk dence secured in all casta Tyler 1134. LIVE WIRE Bl'RINESfl MEN OK OMAHA Deatlsta. Dr. Pradhurv. y r.,n ?j w. O. W.BIdg. Bailey, th Dentist, .04 City Nat l Ba n k. Taft Det lal Booms, 1617 Douglaa D. 2187 Pyorrhes. Dr. Flckea. 724 Clly Nat Bank. lire re. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on HO orders; cataloguea free, bherman St Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Hat rera. Straw hats dved. Dora Flsele. UM C. Nat Everything: far Wewvea. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bos pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and style; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal imunH 1 L'oiiH'ee Dim 1 ijte. : NEW YORK sample store Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and j drneyes sacrificed 20S N. Hth St. I'larlaae. BATH'S, norlsta, 1S04 Farnam St. D. m00. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. ' HESS Ac 8WOBODA, 1415 FarnanTst. I . . 'A. DONAOHUE. inn Harney Doug. 1001. LlabtiBK Flxtares aad Wlrlas, DURK1N Thomas. Douglaa Soil. 241 Cuming St. live fttoek Reaiedles. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 407 g. 13th. Red 451 Meanenaer aad TuaMn : WHITE LINE. W0 N. lth St. Doug. 2311 I Ma a It, oatotnee ,! x.4ae Sapatlea. : MFfl Af liul.. T I A . .. Theo. I.lehen A Bon. 1614 Howard. D. 4111 Maeeenrs. BATH""'' niAsr.. airnhnl rub. Laura " Wilson, 1S02 Farnam. room 2. Doug. 87B1. Open evenings and Sunday. MIPS JACOBS, mass. Tel. Doug. 4:97. VISIT Miss Venlta. new massage parlora; alcohol rubs and scalp treatments. 109 S. 17th St. MASSAOE. 1771 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. Clara Iee. bstli snd maanaee. Doug. 8761. V Briigman, mass.,2B Karbach Blk. R.2727. MASSAGE 620 Bee Bi.lg. Dong. 6372. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug" Maaseara, COHA BELLI NGY 111 SO. 17TII ST. Upstairs. Wslk right In. Msgnetlc va pors, other sntlsfactory treatments and baths. REASONABLE UNTIL THURSDAY 10 TO 10 MISS STAPLES, masa.. eiec. bath. D T13. Open eve.. I p. m.; Sundays. 13 to 6. Motlns Ptctorea. OMAHA. Film Ex., llth and Doug. Motion Picture machine and film bargains Printing. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St. COREY A M'KKWZIE PTG. CO. D. 2044. CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUG. 3764. Osteopathic phyaiclaata. Dr. Rericha. 203-4 McCagite Bldg. D. 3fi3, tr. Peterson. 403 Brandeia Bldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldg Paten te. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. 11. A. Bturges, 630 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Paten I)...io,n.- AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. llth St HUGH M MANlfft. 417 N. 40th. H. 6721 Omaha Paste Co. Snowflske paste. D. 1760. Plamea Renovated. PLUMES At HATS made over, cleaned 4 ci in ivi uar, -j rmton. L. Prlatlaar. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug! 644. RoAih KtlniltM B B B Roach powder. Merrifs Pharm. lata mm A Time x.mW w SAFES r,sav'??: WA AA xW port 140a Uoagm. p. 15. Shoe ReyalrlaaT. . , FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 1 a 11 E. M CLARK A SON. 1U S. 1ITH ST. Steel Celllna-s. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. Store aad Offlea Ftaierea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture snd Supply Co.. 414-14-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. OMAHA Towel Supply. IQT . Bth. D. US. Tallora. CHAS. C. LANDERTOU. 108 N. 16th St Tranka and Salteaaea FRELINO A STEINLB, 180 Farnam St Veterlaarlans. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 46"2 Center. Wal. ton Wlnee and Llqaora. ALEX JETES. 201-1 8. lth St Wlnee, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners. 11 to 1 lOc. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th: California wine. 11.25 per gal. Write for price Hat HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUBBL lfcth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family Uquora at Klein's Hq'ior House. 22 W isth. tJauatas 14 Wall Fliwi riral.. QUEEN City Oeanlng Co. makes old wall fsiuieu wa aa use new. Ty ler 1481. ' SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO FOR MOTORCYCLE Hava a, P. car, stripped for racing; engine, trans mission, magneto, etc, just overhauled. Rear Urea &fx4-tnch Nobby Threads and new. Only late model two-speed motor cylea considered on this car, if anything like even trade la expected. Address S. AUTO TRUC KFOR SALE. Half-ton auto truck with top. Just the thing for a market gardener. Price, I3W for qul. k sale. Truck la In In good run ning order. BURUKSS-ORANDBN CO., 1511 Howard. 80 A. Boya Co., Neb., to trade for good suto or cottage. Address P 822. AUTOS I have 2 Brush autoa In freight house, with about U0 freight against them. What will you trade mo worth tluo for them. Have to be taken out Monday. Let me know Immediately. Ad dreas 8. C. :. Bee. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains see tha "Automobile" dasaLU cation. HAVE diamonds and other property. I wlah to trade for smU auto or motor cycle. Address S. C. 19, Bee. JITNEY BUS Will trade my Internet of a 1400 payment on new II. Studebaker delivery car. balance of which can be paid at per month. Will trade for vacant lot worth l'k. Address B. C. 130, Bea JITNE BUS body for trade; what have you? yi?n Farnam. LAWN mower, 60 ft. lft-cent red garden hfiM mnmAm In. .Imi'.U 1 hoe and revolving lawn sprinkler; all fine 'viiuuiuii. i 111 vraoe enure lot or any ttft-m wnkr.l.lv l .... j . . , imo anjp-neu Sealna mai-hina nr 1, rul . Ir x . a ., W4. Hee" - ' LOT IN DIX, NEB -On Main line R. R. ValllM Xnll t Itu. ... .- I . . ' bull dog, or what have you? 9 822. Bee. MAP Large roll map of Omaha, Just the thing for real estate office. Address 8 C. k4. Bee. MILLINERY, an established location and money maker. What have you? Satia faction sua i an teed. WlU stsrt you right and stay with you a while. Address 8 C.. r.'. Bee. ' PIANO Conover. Baby Grand piano mahogany caae. We have uaed this but Ihr.-e months and aa we are going west will trade. Coat ua I7&0. Address 8. C 2. Bee. PIANO A slightly used Wellington piano for diamond. Aildreaa S. C. X3. Bee. PIANO Want a good light driving out fit for Lyon A ileal y upright piano. Atidreea 8. '. Kl. Bee PI.AT tioOK Two large insurance plat books; Balatea Indexed. Address S. C. Bee. REFRIGERATOR Hava nearly new Peerleaa refrigerator, used onlv two months, 100-pound capacity. Address 8. C. -. Bee. snii i r.itfr t.tjjii. j SF.AlKlNs Have 1 whole Alaskan sea 1-4 skin; 2 Alsskan seal ladles' coats; have) been used for exhibition only, and 4 whole) deer skins; will trade for S-pasng csr In good condition. Address r 4fl, WILL trade kl'fhen and bath rooti linoleum for child's bed and high chair Addrexs S. C. 9,11. Bee. SIGNS, sheward. Clark 4k Son. D. 1271 PIANO Want a Ford runabout. In good running order, for best vacuum washer manufactured or a selected Lyon A Heajy upright piano costing $X0 cash. Addres n. t:. vn, nee. TYPEWRITERS 2 L. C. Smith typeJ writers, latest model. No. 6; as pari, payment on lot in good location. Adri areas . C. HTi. Fee. WANTED To trado wagons. 2H. for one two heavy lumbeJ horse, harness and) WO N. th St. single wagon. Call moo WHAT have you to swap for complete) brick making outfit; been used very llt-a tie. P. Simpson, R. F. D. 1, Bos 64 Genoa, Neb. . " - " " -s FOR RENT Anartmeats aad Flata. IIO.H), THREE large rooms part mod. flal for small family. 1JMR Elm St. D. Tl CENTRA L N"; equal n price or quality j i-roora nouse; 4-room iiat. ov in. kh. FOR RENT S rooms with toilet and bath, easy walking distance and cloa to car. lli.60 per month. T. SULLIVAN. 215 Brandeia Theater BliJe Doug. 4411 FIDELITY ffV. FREJ Phone Douglas 2S8 for complete list of! an vacant nouses ana aparimenta, ais for storage, moving, packing, shipping. CHOICE APARTMENTS. Ssve car fare. 6-room modern. Janlton service. CALIFORNIA APARTMENT! fee janitor. Douglan 6237. VIRGINIA, corner of Park and Popple ton Aves.. 6-room SDartment. flrat class In even- particular, vacant May 1. HarJ ney M7. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin lulled and up-to-date 3, 4 and 6-ronn apartments In city. Ruildtng Just fln Ished. Flora Apartments, 31 Jones St.- ST. GEORGE. 113 N. 3ll Ave.; flve-roon suite; select West Farnam dlslrlctJ Phone Web. 1674. v x i v j i . r. ArAninr.ni, , 1007 So. 30th Ave., six large rooms, all very light. Ideally arranged, private fronl s ml rear entrances, private porch, head hot and cold water and Janitor service furnished. , PAYNE A SLATER CO., . 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. l-BOOM BRICK FLATS ROOMERS. 6-room apartment, 8. W. corner 34th and California St. ?212 California M 113 S. 30th Five rooms. 207 S. 30th 3 1 O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 4 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2711 1 Famished Apartaneata. 2 OR 4 rooms furnished apartments foi housekeeping. K22 Farnam. Famished Hooms. MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heati 110 mo. and up: cafo Id connection. D.(BU STEAM heated rooms, 62 week. Hotel, Council Bluffa Ogded, FURN. room; nice, quiet plsce; 3618 Ohld St. Wen. 6. call eve, and mornings 2412 CASS ST.-Newly furnished or urel furnished rooms, single or en suite. transient rooms, 60c and II pel day, or by week, also housekeeping rooms, iiw lfoage. MOD. rra. In private family. 27. Web. 221 fJ ROOMS FOR RENT Clean, bright alH rooms at reaaonanie prices, 1904 Capitol Ave. rnone uougias Famished Hoasee. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 135 7-rom. 1322 N. 41st St. nicely furi nlshed, . close to car line. Possession May i. . . GEORGE A COMPANY. . Phona D. 764. 802 City Nad Bk..BldgJ Board aad Rooma. KTCELT furn. room with board, 14.50 and . z&oz hi. Mary s Ave.. H1 xkx. HARNEY. a20 Room and board D. 2447, U5 NO. 23d. pleasant room, good board w m w-3-.a,. .'rii mi I iem. Light Haaaakaaplast Raoaaa. STEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kltcbi anette furnished. Ogden Hotel CoJ voum:u uiuiia, la. lloasekeeplag; Roonta. FARNAM, 2822 Three nice housekeeping rooina, uerinciiyi gaa range. DAVENPORT, 2018 TWO OR THREH N1CEL.X FURN. FRONT HKPG, ROOMS. Halls. BEST equipped lodge hall In Omahn! also largo modern dance hall, fines! floor In city. Druid Hall .2414-16-18 Ames Ave.. Web. 2900 or Web. 782. 1 Haaaaa aad Cottagee. FOR RENT $65.00 i Dwellinj?, 414 So. 38th St. ; tileel vestibule, reception hall, fronJ and back parlors, dining rood and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heau garage. All in first class com" dition. Location A-l. Benjj 8. Baker. Phones D482, H317 For Rent A strictly rnoderri seven-room flat, $22.50. 16tM aud Corby Sts. Phone Donglai 4174. FOR RENT. Seven rooma and hall, strictly moder hardwood finish In first storv. three oearoc-ms upstairs, one bedroom or den and bath on first floor; 84). Thla housd lrontH on a paved street. 2 block a fmn car line, and has a laran lot with heau tiful shrubs and plenty of shade. Arrange menu, can ds maae lor use ol the adjoin ing gTouna ior garden purposes wanted. , J. H. DUMONT A CO., ' 416-11 State Bank Bldg. Phona Douglas M MODERN BUNGALOW. The rent you are paying for an house downtown will make the monthly payments on a modern well-built bunn. low. See me this evening any time afteg b.-u. nenaon car. get orr at Slat St come eoum nair a Clock to No. Phone Benaon 13. F. S. TRULLINGER, Bensan. FOR RENT. 1008-10-12-14 Dewey, si .oo. . 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Open Sundsy. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Douglaa 6013. Wslnut A'37. DUNDEE houae. all mud., i-r.. t2i Dundee, all mod., hot water heatJ 8-r., . 1 W. L. Selby & Sons, Slate Bank Bldg. Phone Dong. 1S10. GOOD -room modern link houae foi rent, .sice corner lot. for only 3t . N. 9lh Ct. corner Corbv. W. H. GATES, I M7 tjmnha National Bank Bldg. 4 S CASS. 4 rooma mod,, fine yard. Uuw ail v xi.t wi in r..... , - .w.i.w, imniw II, mnj . 2'4 rarnnm. 8 rooma, modern brick tjOJ l.l N. th. 7 rooms, modern. a. RING WALT. Brandels Theater Bldg j NEARLY new modern 7-room house, neai cars. Inquire itJU Atbstor St. ,