Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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iuu o wire
w m u m. ' a
A Weak, Nervous Sufferer
Restored to Health by Ly-
dia E. Pinkham. Veg
etable Compound.
Kaaota, Minn. "I am glad to say
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vetretable
Compound has done
more for me than
anything else, and I
had the best physi
cian here. 1 was so
weak and nervous
that I could not do
my work and suf
fered with pains low
down in my right
side for a year or
more. I took Lydia
E. Pinkham's Veee-
table Comnound. and now I feel lilcn a.
different person. I believe there la
Nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound for weak women and
)roung girls, and I would be glad if I
could influence anyone to try the medi
cine, for I know it will do all and much
nore than it is claimed to do." Mrs.
Clara Franks, R. F. D. No. 1, Maple
trest Farm, Kasota, Minn.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced of the ability of Lydia E.
Tlnkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health by the many genuine
avnd truthful testimonials we are con
stantly publishing in the newspapers.
) Jf you have the ftlightest doubt
Vhat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you.write
(to Lydia E.PinkhamMedlcineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
tnd held in strict confidence.
at Uospe's
This favorite Piano is the
Piano for the home. A singing
feme, easy action and of lasting
durability. Designs are " the
latest. The Cable-Nelson Pl
ane 1 made in handsome ve
neers, mahogany, oak 'and
curly American walnut, highly
polished. ' Lowest prices rang
ing from $275 up. Cash or
Don't Fail
to Attend Our Used
piano sale
Now going on. Over 50 Pi
anos in walnut, mahogany, oak
and ebony canes, selling from
$00 up, on $5 monthly pay
ments. Well-known makes
such as
Steinway $275
Kremlin ......... jj139
Hamilton .$159
Hinse 9129
McCammon $69
Boudoir .$119
Burton $149
A. Uospe Co.
1513 Douglas Street
"i . t ') A
A solid svtwuaot treatment that oures
Plies, FU-.uia and Remal Diseases
arlLboot the us of a knife. Ma ehlar.
fat at, atker or oiuor seowai so
aesthetic uxd. No umieoeaarjr as-
IB J lluui uuBlua
ahtaraotead Id eaerr case accepted.
r ri row am cum a
The aura first, thea tbe par. Tun's say
Cllcy. It's latr sod square. I also gie a
a.... ., h i i r- m rnr will last
a Ills time. Wnie lor free wrucS
. jaa uu ftrw
I,aIMr, sae mtwwm wi
I 1
; Nebraska
Bodies of Mr. and Mn. Herman
Wruck Are Found in Debris of
Their Burned Home.
WEST POINT, Neb.. April 20.
(Special Telegram.) The mystery
surrounding the tragic death of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Wruck, whose bod
ies were pulled out of the ruins of
their home during today, is hourly
deepening. The body of the woman
was found almost consumed during
the morning after digging for hours
in the debris of the cellar, where it
had fallen from her bed room in th3
second floor. The floors in the liv
ing rooms were found spattered witit
The fir? completely wrecked the dwell
ing, rendering It difficult to form any
definite theory as tu the cause of the
death of the aged couple, but sufficient
evidence Is ihown to prove that a severe
struggle took place between Wruck and
some one unknown before the fire
Popular belief is that Wruck was at
tacked In his home for the purpose of
robbery, and that the bloodstains and
other evidences of fighting were caused
by hla attempts to defend himself.
Mrs. Wruck was extremely deaf and
near-sighted and was presumably In bed
upstairs at the t'me. The theory of the
killing of the woman by the man and
his subsequent suicide la scouted by all
who know him. Coroner Riley will hold
an Inquest during the day. Intense ex
citement prevails and many rumors are
afloat, but up to this time nothing defin
ite or certain has developed.
Wruck wa planning to start for Oregon
today alone and had a suitcase packed.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. April Jft-(Speclal.)-WTille
driving a bull and three
cows from a neighbor to hla own farm,
seven miles northwest of this city, late
yesterday, Frans Wteck was attacked by
the bull and seriously Injured. lie died
last night as a result. Wleck was ac
companied by a young man named Schtp
man. When the animal turned It
ferociously went for Wleck, knocked him
down and crushed him. Schlpman came
to the rescue aa soon as possible, but
Wieck's neck, It was later found, had
oeen oronen. mm conscious, he was
brought to a hospital In this city and
lived until midnight The animal was
without horns, or the man would have
boon frightfully mangled. Mr. Wleck, a
prominent and well-to-do farmer, waa
years of age and leaves a widow and
nine children, most of them grown.
DUNBE7R, Neb., April SO.MSpeclal.)
The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the
Woman's Missionary society of the Ne
braska City Presbytery, will be held here
In the Dunbar Presbyterian church on
April 22-23. Some seventy-five delegates
will be present. The officers of the so.
ciety are: President, Mrs. Wilbur W.
Anness, Dunbar; vice president. Mrs. F.
Ii. Mason, Lincoln; corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. Philip K. Slaymaker. Lincoln;
treasurer, Mrs. V. I. Roole, Adams. Mrs.
Frances J. Dlefenderrer of Chicago and
the Rev. Dr. John Wright of West
Africa will deliver addresses Thursday
and Friday evenings, respectively. Rev.
Dr. B. M. Long of Lincoln, state evan
gelist for the Presbyterian churches, will
also be present Friday evening.
Notea from Gaffe Cos at?.
BEATRICE, Neb., April 20. (Special.)
As a result of the saloons being voted out
at Wymore an effort Is being made to
close the pool and billiard halls at that
Place ana me question of issuing per
mits will probably be submitted to the
voters on a referendum.
The police force got busy Sunday after
noon and arrested seven autolsts la this
city for violating the speed
Three of. the speeders, George Maurier,
A rile Culver and Dean Dempster, paid
fines of tl and costs each, and the cases
of Joe Berks, F. G. Claussen and John
Huntling were continued over until
Wednesday. Joe Graff proved aa alibi
and was releaaed.
Announcement was received here Mon
day of the death, of Joseph Hull, a former
Beatrice resident, which occurred at his
home near Clear Spring, Md., Monday.
He was engaged in farming in this county
before his removal to Maryland.
The 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mi
William Calkins of Wymore died from an
attack of the measles last week. The
funeral was held Kunday afternoon. .Mr.
Calkins la an engineer on the Burlington.
Notes from Sarsreat.
SARGKNT, Neb., April 20. (Special.)
A third election was held for the purpose
of locating the new school house and for
the third time the voters of the district
wero In favor of the present location,
four Hundred and sixteen votes were
cant, the largest poll ever registered In
the city. Over a year ago 18.rX was
voted for a new house, but dissatisfac
tion over the location has caused a delay
of a year in the building of the house.
The hinli school debating team, consist'
ing of Ralph Brooks. Clark Hart and.
John Wittemyer. with Douglas Finley as
alternate, defeated the Ansley team at
the Freeman Opera houae here a week
ago and are scheduled for a final with
Broken Bow In the near future.
Don R. Leech, having been superinten
dent of schools here for the last twi
years, has been retained for another year
with an increase of salary.
Wnt Polat Kara Iloase Baraed.
WEST POINT. Neb., April 20.-(tpe-cial.)
Fire broke out at 2 o'clock Satur
day afternoon at the farm house of
Henry Rasmus, southeast of West Point.
The loss was total, building, furniture
B.UU tailing (iuxrrij iwiiig: vuiiiyiieiy un i
troyd. Fire Is supposed to have origl-
natcd from a defective flue. The prop- i
erty was only partially Insured. I
Rent room quick wi'.h a Bea Want Ad, !
ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a
See "For Rent" Ad. i
A Winter toaak Itarta the Laaaa.
Dr. Hell's Plne-Tsr-Honey stops tho
rough and prevents your cold getting
worse. It's guaranteed. Only c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
"Tiz" Gladdens
Sore, Tired Feet
No puffed-up, burning, tender,
achinif feet no corns
or callouses.
Use TIT"
"TTZ" makes sore, burning, tired feet
fairly dance with delight. Away go the j
aches and pains, the corns, rullo'im-s. !
blisters, bunions and chilblains.
TI2!" draws out the acids and iwlsona
that puff up your feet. No matter how
hard you work, how long you dance, how
far you walk, or how long you remain
on your feet, "TIZ" brings restful foot
comfort. "TIZ" is maglcnl, grand, won
derful for tired, aching, awollen. smart
ing feet. Ah! how comfortable, how
happy you feel. Your feet Junt tlnnle
for Joy; shoes never hurt or seem tight.
Get a JR cent box of "TIZ" now from
any druggist or department store. End
foot torture forever wear smaller shoes.
keep your feet fresh, sweet and hnppv.
Just think! a whole year's foot comfort
for only 15 cents.
STANTON. Neb., April !0.-(8pec1al
Telegram.) Alfred Pont, editor and
proprietor of the Stanton Rnglster, died
this morning at 1 o'clock. He was one of
Stanton's most progressive and Influen
tial men, and through his efforts a new
high school building was erected, sewer
system Installed and the light plant pur
chased. He was 49 years old. He leaves
a wife and two children. The funeral will
take place Thursday afternoon.
John Hoffman, aged 62, died at 5
o'clock this morning. He has been a
resident of Stanton county for twenty
ona years and leaves a wife and seven
grown children.
C lipid at West Polat.
WEST POINT. Neb.. April 20.-(Spe-
clal.) Tha approaching marriage of
George Boyer and Miss Ella Stark, both
popular young people of the city, Is an
nounced. Marriage licenses were Issued during
tho week to Michael F. Cateley and Miss
Minnie Hugo, William E. Blelmeister and
Miss Josephine Meier, all of this county,
and to Joseph Sperl of Omaha and Miss
Mary Kugl of South Omaha.
Water I-ow la Upper Platte.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., April .-(8pe-
clal.) Water in the North Flatte river Is
getting unusually low - for this time of
tha year. Measurements taken by En
gineer O. J. McNamara this week showed
that the flow If It continues as low will
be hardly sufficient for Irrigation pur
poses in this part of the valley.
Writ Polat Appolatments.
WEST POINT. Neb., April JO.-XSpa-
clal.) Mayor Kerl has appointed the fol
lowing city officers, to serve during hla
administration: , City attorney, P. M.
Moodie; city physician. Dr. H. S. Sum
mers; "chief of 'police, Charles Nits; night
marshal, Herman Boldt:, commissioner
of waters and sewers, Leonard Malchow.
! .!l.
Hi mm v. : MlaPr s HS
pp- ''111 KWrn
iLWl'lV---- r-IIIM-aTiaaiiil ii M I KTIinli ilaWlaal jl I isW BlM ff ' T IsaTtsMl''1'1 JsWalsaaW aT . ssflH ataxia I UJ. .! . ,T.aJsutl. a U f i Si sSI iai ss Hra mmt' 4 f
W sb a Lisna w-t majcrm rr-wati m sj-s-ni ii a a vja t - m
James Madison "Father
THE FOURTH PRESIDENT of the United States considered it a greater honor to be declared die Father of
the Constitution than to have been elected twice to the highest oftke In the gift of his countrymen. No mora
ardent, intelligent, far-sihtied and constant student of goMrnmental prcfclems ever lived than Madison. They were
his Lfe-long passion. He it was who labored with all his gigantic ability and indomitable will to have deep! imbedded In our
National Lav those vital principles which forever guarantee to all Americans Religic:s,C6nmierti4 and ftrrorul Liberty. In
private tfe he vas genial and social yet temperate. Many a foaming glass of good barky-malt beer he drank with his bosora
friend Thomas Jefferson Father of the Declaration of IndependenceT Madison died at 8$ and Jt&rson at 8; both were unalp
aUy opposed to tyrannous Prohibition Laws, and advocated legislation which encouraged the brewing indusiry. Upon the
tenets of the Constitution of theUS-r.(to which Madison devoted the best of his genius) Anheuser-Busch $S y?ars ago
bunded their great instmxtioruTday 7500 people are daily required to produce and maiket their honest brews. Their chief
brand Pudweiser is sold throughout the civilized wodi the drink of your forefathers the drink of the noblest Ca3l wr.? ever
lived the drink of the great triumphant nations. Bivfwpispr sales exceed any other beer by millions of bottles.
Viators ag 5c Louis are courteously invusd n taspact a f f
wru-oMmtioa. AnheuscrBusrh Cn nf rIKr
I - iJ I j-,-. II 1 I sum a 1 1 o
SsaaBaa semammmmF--
Attorney! Were in Wait for Norton
Measure Had It Been
' (From a Staff Ctr'nntint.
LINCOLN. April 20. -Spo lnU-UHa-jllon
Imperiling all IrKi'lntlon a.rd after
jthc formal adjournment of th IcKtxIatuiv
, on April 8, tl'irliiK the five days In which
the clock was held back, s threatened
tat one time In ronniM lion with the Nor-
ron measure tor an erricicncy survey
Tho hill was vetoed Morula: afternoon
lV the governor and the threatened unit
as not hroimlit, but on good authority
It Is raid that a Unt-nln attorney had pre
pared raner In a mandamus suit analnat
K. A. Wnlrath. secretary of the senate,
The nraver of the suit would have lci
to compel the ecletnry to correct Ills
Journal to atiow that the Norton bill ac
tually rased the tip;er house on April 13,
Instead of April 5
This all bringa up the hint thrown out
by Attorney General Heed during the
( losing days of the session, which at the
time cauncd the legislators some little
worry, that the fictitious adjournment
might cause trouble.
The turning back of the clock, however,
la a legislative practice of long standing
and It Is not thought that there Is any
substantial cause of worry In regrd
thereto, especially after all these years
of parliamentary procedure.
BROKEN ROW, Neb., April 30.-(Spe-
clal.) Ilecause she is alleged to have
been whipped by her mother until her
body is a mass of bruises, Lucy, the
S-year-old daughter of Mrs. Delia Butler
of this place, has been taken away from
her parent by County Judge Ford and
placed In the care of Sheriff Wilson, who
will try to find a comfortable homo for
tho child. Neighbor teattfied that the
woman waa In the habit of beating the
little girl, while the mother defended
nerseir oy claiming that the child was
unruly and needed punishment Dr,
Hurst, a local physician, examined the
girl while she was attending school and
found her back covered with welts and
bruise. There were also bruises on the
arms. The evidence tended to show that
the instrument of punlsihment was a
quirt, doubled over. The child's school
teacher gives her a good record. In pass
ing upon the case, the court scored the
defendant and mentioned that a re
formatory for parents who were cruel to
their children would be a good thing.
Want Olson for Jadsra.
WEST POINT, Neb., April .-(Spe-clal.)
A petition to Governor Morehead
asking for the appointment for former
Slate Senator Olson of Wlsner to the
i IS
Distributors. Omaha, Nebr.
Familiet Supplied by G. H Hanarn. DeaW PSooe Douglas 250
Mrs. Agnes Temple Royer of North
I'lutte will represent NeWaska at the
world convention of the I-alls of the
Maccabees In New York City In May.
Mrs. Effle Cro'ser. commander of Laurel
hive No. 19 o Omaha, la the alternate.
Mrs. Royer received 1,500 votes out of a
possible 1.7C. Mrs. Nellie llellwlg of
Lincoln waa the other candidate for dclci
Judgeship created In the Ninth district,
waa circulated In this city this morning
and received tho signature of all the
local members of the bar.
RROKF.N ROW, Neb . April .-(Hpe-clal
Telegram) A I van Street a 16-ycnr-old
boy living south of Merna, died In a
mysterious manner early this morning.
He took a dose of effervesent salts of a
' t. 'w'' v
Sttyks of the Tniies
Women who are particular hnoio that
Fry 8 Shoes and
their purpose best.
The model hown today is designed
to bring out the slencljfTOss of the
foot and the grace of tho arch.
Comes in combinations of black and
white, and black and fawn. Two ,
little buttons add a smart touch.
Our showing of high boots and low
slippers In short tongus Colonials, Pumps
and strap effects with the popular gray,
white, putty and sand cloth and buck
quarters are the most popular for spring,-
S3. GO and $4.50
bLJ r ,i.aVy.-fc.
raAMCRj or ihi coNkmvnuN o na uaATNaav
of the Constitution
standnrd brand and a few minutes later
got into convulsions, dying a short time
after. Dr. Morrow arrived befora tha
boy died and pronounced ftie esse one of
strychnine polsorlng. The whole family
had been using salts from the same bottle
with no III effects. Coroner IaikIIs will
hold an inquest.
olf from Falrttary.
FAIHltt RY. Neb... April (Special.)
F. D. Bradley, agent for the Rock Isl
and, leeelved approximately lao.ono In pay
checka from Chicago fast night and dis
tributed them to the Rock Inland em
ployes Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Poland, who have
been conducting the Mary-Etta hotel for
the last seven year, are arranging to
leave for Junction City, Kan., to make
their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Poland
have had charge of the Mary-Etta ever
since It was opened.
The union evangelical meetings, which
have been In session at the tabernarle
since March 11, will close at the end of
this week. Evangelist Oscar Ijowry haa
already secured u00 conversions. It Is esti
mated that d.OOO people attended tle Sun
day meetings and seventy-five conver
sions were secured In the evening. Tues
day was set aside as a "day of prayer"
In Falrbury. A sunrise prayer meeting
waa held In the talernacle. This was fol
lowed by pi'syer meetlnga in the Com
mercial club rooms, churches, a well aa
ten oottago prayer meetings In the rlty.
Darken Gras
Hair, Easy, Safe
Something New Not "a Dye
Acts On Roots Makes Gray
Hair Glossy, Soft, Dark.
If your hair la gray, streaked with gray,
prematurely gray, faded or falling, sim
ply apply Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer to
hair and scalp, a few times, rubbing It In
gently with the finger tips; no'hlng else
required. Thla simple treatment makes
your gray hair dark, soft, fluffy, thick,
giving the abundance which makes the
hair so attractive. Q-Ban la not sticky
or messy; hsrmless. Also stops dandruff,
falling hair or Itching scalp. Guaranteed
to darken gray hair or no charge. Try It.
Don't stay gray when Q-Ban will so
easily darken your gray hair. Big 7-os.
bottle only Kc at Sherman McCnnnell
Drug On., Owl Drug Co., Harvard or
oyal Pharmacy, Omaha, Neb. Out-of-town
folks supplied by mall.
Slippers serve
W ''
il 'j, it' i ; j
Parity asd mid tr tha Bloed With
Hood's arsapariUa.
In the spring your blood needs cleanelng
snd enriching. Tou feel poorly, and there
ts more or less eruption on your face and
body. Your appetite Is not good, your
sleep Is broken, and you are tired all the
Tou need Hood's Saraaparltla. It Is the
one safe and effective tonic that has
stood the test of forty year. It mskrs
the pure red blood that will make you
feel better, look better, eat and sleep bet
ter. It Is the old standard tried and true
alMhe-year-round medicine for the blood
and the whole system.
Ask any druggist for Hood's Parsapa
rllla, and Insist on having It. Nothing
else haa tho same formula or Ingredients,
and so there Is no real substitute. Get It
today. Advertisement.
Ktraordlnary values In Mnmnnit HIiikk,
ljaValllrea, Ear Screws. Prnrf Tins. Ktc.
LadlM' Pi a m a 4
Hint, i nli
Iltla 'Tartar- eft
tloa-' aiaaniina
Tf7 Mvu'a Dlamoni
Ktna. prong Tooth
Mounting, H 75
oiid ri3
11 1' a Moath
It a Month.
11.10 Bniralat can ba rntlrlr DataohM. aa wat.
ran ba worn aa a pandant, or a. a twinilar vatrh.
rina sold flllrd, small annular alir. Full U-ltnbr
Jcv.lad Bl-kl aioT.mant, panrtant at. altln-r
wlilta or fold dial. Ouarantord 90 raara. flrarrlrt
i SO jwara. nrarfi't
.:: $14.55
can M adluat.4 to anjr li, aa
tmrh link la dtalatla. ha.a
cu'. tha orlca u "hM rfn-a"
nffar thla la i fat mndal Wiiat Watrh at.
Tsrmsi 11.80 a Month.
Opsa Sally tUl V.K. Satnrdajrs till i30
Call or writ for Catalnir No. IK.3. Phono
I'ounlua 1444 and our salraman will rail.
L B Br) Crtdit Jewelers
as Sonth lth St..
Trial Quart
end Leather
Covered Flask
Finest Whiskey
Lowest Price L
1V art not afraid tolrt rm fry Fl l-Star Wlilakor a
nr.ipanaa. It'a a nuiv. Iionast hl.ajr of bwtt poMihta
(ualltr. It navar fall. th. man who nlly nora
ooa wniaa.x. inriuua aa axra rraa iraal t
jrith rtor mtor far Itrht Onatrta rf
Fels 3-Star Whiskey
hlppad olrrct at foliontas vholaaaW pairn:
Masuro dlaV"""
QTS. Full $"fi.95
Measure dm
Ul avoarca rBr n7Tn..r
Inrludlns froa. hanHiioni., handr. Ivnthar
nwi naas nnra with Pala -mar Wlua
h.y. If not aatiallad aftar yotl drloli ro.
Trial Quart, ltiint ahipmant at our as
panaa. and wa will aand an anuaj quan
tity of any whlaa.y ytm noma In aiAhanya.
na matter bv whom maila or auld-but yuo
maa hap tha loatha rrovcml Saak Ht'a
roura ahaolutalv. Wa ara an Olil. Kitah
l.hfd, Ki'linhh-Vlrm. f'anllil ll") ll
0S ata Was., saaaaa Ctty. Ma.
Just abls to make rods innst arl
laylna- nothina- aahla haa hla noso
to tha arlndatona. ripand less
than you sarn anil open a
One Dollar will start you. Ap
ply business methods to your
private affairs. Have a part of
rour Incoinat Deposit It resular
y each week.
' Orlna ua that dollar today.
24 th and M Streets
H. C. BOSTWICK, PreaWent
F. B. GETTY, Cashier. .
(aval Dlatrlaatara
Omaha, Maa.
APPLE ' to 4 ,eet 10e Not
nrnvrq to 8 teat 150
6 to 6 feat 20 Thua
100 Concord Orapes 83.50 f l.ou
1,000 Catalpa Bpeclooa ks Order.
Cash With Order. Bent Jrepaid.
1801 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
1 cwi ci itmr
p ,A 1
1 II a