Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1915, Image 1

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IV advertising in The
Dee the storekeeper takes
his show window Into
the home of every reader
VOL. XL1V-N0. -Go.
he Omaha
' 4
.blooseTelt Tells Jury of Dealings
with Barnes and Piatt, Scor
tag Triumph Orer His
JConrt Saya Defense Hat Bight to Try
to Prove "Corrupt Alliance"
J' as Justification.
SYRACUSE," N. Y.. April 2. Theo
Iflore Roosevelt today went upon the
Vitness stand to defend himself In
the suit for alleged libel brought
fegalnst him by William Barnes.
When the colonel's name was
railed he arose from hts seat at the
table occupied by his counsel and
Smilingly walked around to the wit
fciess chair.
In reply to a question he said he
was the man who made the state
ment complained of. He added:
"I am 58 years old and have a wife
nd six children."
i , . Story ( Early Life.
' In reply to question by Mr. Bowers
(tie told In a firm, clear vole the story
.of hi early life. Then he sketched his
political career.-He told of his appoint
ment on the civil service commission, to
the offloe of police commissioner cf New
York and assistant secretary of the navy,
lie then told of organizing with General
IW'ood the rough rider regiment to
participate in the war with Spain.
Mr. Ivma, Mr. Barnes' attorney, objected
to this line of testimony and Mr. Bowers
aid he vaa trying to show lust who the
witness was.
Justice Andrews said the witness had
(Setter confine himself to the issue.
Later the colonel "aid: "I was elected
' itovemor of New York in 18SB. Then I
lecame vice president of th United
, States. I became president when Presi
dent ; McKinley died from a gunshot
wound." ,
Bur wltk Politics.
Coming down t-i the time he left for
Africa Colonel Roosevelt sketched his
! movements for the benefit of the Jury.
$lnce tils return, he said, he had been
busy writing and that at times "I was
jjusy with politics."'
, "I have been." he went on. "A cltlsen
t New York all my life. I have always
lived In New York City or Oyster Bay,
here I first voted. .
"I do aQt remember Just where I first
fnet. Barnes, but 1 think tt was during
my campaign ior governor. I - waa -introduced
to hira by the chairman oi some
'committee in New York." -.
. 1i "Later la Albany I saw him many
times. In 198 1 had a number of con
ferences with hira. I had more with him
traa with any. other of th leader ex
'ccpt Mr. Piatt and Mr. OdelL
-', "We had many political dlscu'.ilons.
)For the most part they were in regard
o the relations between myself and the
"yjlcader of the republican organization.
L particularly Senator Piatt. There were
f tcrtaln Issue between u two. Piatt was
J known a' the boss of the organisation
Khlch controlled the majority of the re
publican member of the legislature, who
sometimes co-operated with the demo
crat. We were at odd principally over
legislative matters."
- The witness ' addel that he ' also dis
cussed legislative action with Mr. Barnes.
I "Did you talk to Barnes about canal
atnatter at any timer , .
) . Mr. Ivin objected to the question on
the ground that It waa Incompetent and
Irrelevant.: He was upheld.
Ublse UxT" asked Mr. Bower. .
; Mr. Ivin wa on his feet In an. Instant
With an objection. Justice Andrews said
lit appeared to him that the defense had
M. right to prove If possible that there
existed between business) and politics a
corrupt alliance, or that there was on
etween Mr. Barnes and Mr. Murphy.
( "If these thing can be proved," said
ithe court, "they may establish justifies
itioB of this alleged libel." The court
Ifchen "rruled the objection.
I . Tbe court added that the defendant had
Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Weather
i Forecast till T p. m. Wednesday :
' For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
.-Partly cloudy; not much change In tem
: terature. - at Omaan Yesterday
Hour. - Peg.
6 a. m "I
t a. in ba
T a. m 57
S a. m So
S a. m ..... M
10 a. m
11 a, m 73
12 m 78
1 p. m 1
2 p. m.v 81
t p. m 81
4 p. m 74
6 p. m 70
5 p. m
1 p. m SH
S p. m ,S7
CaaratlT Laeal Reeera.
! ' ISIS. 1914. 1913. 1912.
Pghest yesterday 71 2
west yesterday 65 34 M VI
an temperature 53 M 4S
edpitatioD 17 0 .01 .
Temperatures and precipitation depar
turee from the normal:
formal temperature - 83
Kxcess for the day 1
Total cxreas since March 1 20
Normal pwlpllallon lOlnch
' kxceas for the day W inch
- Total rainfall since March 1... .2. 29 Inches
Kxoeas aince March 1 Winch
Ieftcienry for cor. period, 1H14..1.02 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1913 l-4 Inches
Reperta froaa Statkuas at T I. M. (
Station and State Temp, nigo- nam
T 4 A' .alhar
T p. m. esc fall..
fhntnna rain..
4avenport, pt. cloudy..
Jenver. pt. cloudy
lea Moines, cloudy....
North Platte, clear
Omaha, cloudy
, 7
, 74
, 74
.ftaptd City, clear
1 hhrridan. clear
, pioux City, rain
ifraleatlne, clear
1 A. VtL&li. Local Forecaster.
AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORT LOCOMOTIV E that fits the rails of the Carpathian rail
ways and is used by the Austrian government to bring up supplies. It will haul five or six
heavily laden trucks. .
Kill h --: ts. n '' f -jfi' ' or;. -
Take Action Favorable to Holding
Convention on Train on Way
to Irrigation Country.
The meeting of thf Nebraska
Press association next year may be
held during a tour through the
Scott's Bluff country. This was sug
gested at the meeting yesterday in a
resolution and the resolution passed
recomending such a move to the ex
ecutive committee. It is up to the
executive committee to choose the
meeting place.
In order to bring this about the
constitution was changed to elminate
the clause which provides for assem
bly In Lincoln every other year. The
constitution - was- also changed to
limit the membership to actively en
gaged newspaper men.
; A dinner was held at the Hoter
Rome last night by courtesy of the
local committee and the trade supply
men and a tbeattr party t the Bran
dels followed... ".-
' Davis la Prealdrat.
Horace M. Davis of the Ord jour
nal became -president "of the Ne
braska Press association yester
day by the customary succession of
the vice, president to that place, and
Clark Perkins of the Aurora Repub
lican was elected vice president.
which is the position most sought
after jn the association, because it Is
the direct stepping stone to the pres
idency the following year.
C. C. Johns of Grand Island waa re-
elcted secretary-treasurer, and Eunice
Hasktns of the Stella Press was elected
corresponding secretary. .
To Appolat Commit teemea. .
Six members of the executive commit
tee are to be appointed by the new presi
dent, but he will not be able to make
these selections at once or. account of a
change In the constitution which makes
this selection a little harder than it ha
been in the past. This change, which
with other changes In the constitution
was adopted at the morning session, re
quires thst the executive members be
chosen one from each congressional dis
trict instead of at random as hitherto.
Mr. Davis, the new elected president,
said he would have to have a little time
to consider before making these appoint
ment. '
The association voted to appropriate
XlOO to help fight a case in the supreme
court involving one subscription to the
Columbus Telegram and one to the Crtti
Democrat. Subscribers refused to pay,
and the district court' ruled against the
subscriber. The' matter was carried to
the aupreme . court, and now the Presj
association ha decided to take a iiand
and see that the subscription is paid.
ioti Battoa fer Bralnrrd.
President H. A. Bralnerd of Hebron
was presented with a gold button In honor
of his past presidency. The button is
inscribed with the letter "N. P. A., P.
P.," which stand for Nebraska Press
association, past president.
The women- attending the association
were entertained at luncheon by the De
borah Franklin club at the Hotel home,
while the men were entertained ' at a
lurcheon at the Paxton by The Omaha
Bee, World-Herald and Dally News,. .
Alleged German
Spies Indicted by
London Grand Jury
LONDON. April SO.-True bill were re
turned by the grand jury in the Old
Bailey police court today against three
alleged German spies, Kuepferle, Hahn
and Muller, charged with sending mili
tary Information to v Germany. Anton
Kuepferle professes to be an American
and it ia believed be come from Brook
lyn; Muller claim to be a naturalised
Englishman, while Hahn admits he I a
Strict precautions were taken today to
exclude all outalder at the hearing.
While the Judge wss addressing the
grand Jury even the ushers were turned
out of the room.'
When the cases are heard in camera
next week every person connected wlLa it
w Ul be sworn to aecrae
Loneliness Causes
. Homesteader to
Commit Suicide
PLATTE, Neb., April 20.
TfcleBram.) Withr a , bullet
through lil heart and-a revolver clasped
In his rijcht hand, Horace Bartholomew, a
bachelor homcteader. was found dead in
his bed at his lonely ranch bouse near
here yesterday by Sheriff Salisbury. ,
The bJdy had lain there for many days
and was . btully" decomposed. .Bartholo
mew waa 91 year of age and had lived
alone on his sand hills claim for many
year. It I thought probable that loneli
ness affected hi mind.
No relatives of the dead man reside
here, although he Is thought to lave two
sisters residing In the east. Letters found
near him indicate this. An effort is be
ing msde by the authorities to get In
touch with those slaters. Sheriff Sails
bury went to the man' houv hopln to
see him. Upon arriving Vhe waa con
fronted with the ghastly scene.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 20. (Special. )-Stat
officials are moving back, In several in
stance, t the 'Old quarters from which
they were driven by . tho advent of the
legislature, their rooms having been taken
for the various legislative employe. The
hotel commission and the gam commis
sion have moved bark- to the second floor,
the former having been In the, basement
and the . latter having shared, quarter
for the last three months, with the fire
commission on the fourth floor.' The la
bor commission Is moving back to the
third floor from Its temporary basement
quarters. "
The Appeal
the Governor
Perfectly Proper
Judge Leslie.
The Bee's Suggestion that every
one interested in saving Leo M.
Frank from the death - sentence
'write' at once to the governor of
Georgia to urge commutation, is
being received with many expres
sions of approval as offering the
only practical way to prevent what
so many believe to be a miscar-
riagr oi justice. I
"I am decidedly of the opinion that the death sentence npon Leo
M. Frank in Atlanta should be commuted by the governor of Georgia to
a definite prison term," says Judge Leslie of the district court. "It
would not be seemly for me to comment on the decision of the United
States supreme court, but there can be no doubt that the public opin
ion of the country is aroused in favor of Frank, and personally I
believe he is entitled to the executive elemency. The .appeal on the
part of the people to the governor on behalf of Frank is a perfectly
proper procedure."
No special form of letter is required. The main thing is to let it
be known by' the authorities that the court of public opinion does not
believe Frank has been proved guilty by a fair trial. The letter should
be addressed to Hon. John JL' BJaton,. Governor cf Georgia Atlanta,
Foreign Minister Asserts England
Stands for Independence and
Integrity of China.
LONDON, April 20. The preser
vation of the common Interests of
all the powers in China by the In
surance of the independence and the
integrity of the Chinese and the prin
ciple of equal opportunities for the
commerce and industry of all nations
In China was declared by Edward
Grey, foreign secretary, to be the
policy of the British government in
."Sir Edward spoke in the House of
Commons. He was asked a number
of questions concerning the negotia
tions now going on between China
and Japan, but replied that under
present conditions while the negotla-1
tlons were still proceeding he was
not able to give a detailed statement.
Speaking generally, however, hede
clare that the policy of the British
government In China continued to be
governed by. the terms of the Anglo
Japanese agreement as defined
above.- v : - ' '
Nelson Estate Goes
To Family and to
Public Bequests
KANBAS CITY, April M.-The will of
the late William R. Nelson, editor and
owner of the Kansas City Star filed for
probate today makes the widow and Mre,
Laura Nelson Klrkwood, their daughter,
trustees for life for the greater part of
his property.
It provides that they shall i take the
income, but the principal l to be kept
Intact for the creation after their death
Of a fund, the proceed of which,- after
providing for any children that may be
born to Mrs. Klrkwood, are to be used
for the public benefit.
Rate Hearings Ordered.
WASHINGTON, April 20 (Special Tel
egram. ) The Interstate Commerce com
mission haa ordered a hearing held at
Omaha on June 26 on the complaint of
the Commercial Club of Omaha agalnat
the Atchison. Topetia SanU Fe rail
road; also a hearing held at Lincoln June
J8 on complaints of Abel sV Robert
against the Missouri Pacific . Railroad
company, and W. R, P-rooks Coal com
pany analr.n the Wabash railrcad.
of the People to
for Frank is a
t ... - . v s f. .-' 1
President Says Real Duty and
Opportunity of America Will
Beg-in When the Fight
ing Ends.
United States Only Country in World
that Can Give Disinterested
Advice and Assistance.
NEW YORK, April 2 0. President
Wilson, In an address at the annual
luncheon of the Associated Press
here this afternoon, gave a definite
statement of his idea of true neutral
ity and of the duties that devolve
upon America's connection with the
European war. The prertdent de
clared that the neutrality of the
United Slates was jiot a petty desire
to keep out of trouble, because there
was something so much greater to do
than fight. A great distinction, he
said, was coming to the United States
the distinction of a nation of self-j
control and self-mastery. ' He said ,
such a nation was bound to play an j
Important part in adjusting the af
fairs of the world once the fighting Is j
Alidad I
"We have no expansion ambitions," he
declared, "we do not want a foot of
anybody's territory. I-n't such a nation
hound to be free to serve the other na
tions?" The president wss Introduced by Pres
ident Frank B. Noyes of the Associated
Press and was greeted with cheers.
' "I am deeply gratified by the generous
reception you have accorded me," he
said. "It makes me look back with a
touch of regret to former occasions when
I have stood In this place and enjoyed a
greater liberty than ia grsnted me today.
There have been times when 1 stood in
this spot and said what I really thought,
and I pray God those days of Indulgence
may be accorded me again. But I have
come here today, of course, somewhat
restrained by a sense of responsibility,
that I cannot escape. For I take the
Associated Press very seriously. I know
the enormous part that you play In the
affairs, not only of thl country, but of
the world. You deal In the raw material
of opinion, and If my convictions hav
any validity, opinion ultimately govern
the world.
It I therefore of very serious things
that I think aa I face this body of men.
I do hot think of you, however, as mem
ber of tbe Associated Press- I do not
think of you a man of' different parties
or of 'different 'racial derivations, or of
different religious - denominations. I
want to talk to you asto my fellow cltl
sen of the United State. For there
are serious thing which a fellow cltl
sen, we' ought to consider. , The times
behind us, gentlemen, have been difficult
enough; the times before use are likely
to be more difficult, because, whatever
may be said about the present condition
of the worlds affairs, . It I clesr that
they are drawing rapidly to a climax, and
at the climax, the test wilt come not only
of the nations engaged In the present
colossal struggle; It will come for them,
of course; but the test will come to us
particularly. Do you realise that, roughly
speaking, we are the only great nation
at present disengaged. I am not apeak
ing, of course, with disparagement ef
these great nations in Europe which are
not parties to the present war, but I am
thinking of their close neighborhood to It.
"I am thinking, however, their live,
much more than ours, touch the very
heart of the business;, whereas, we have
rolling between us and those bitter day
across the water, 3,000 miles of cool and
silent ocean. Our atmosphere Is not yet
charged with those disturbing elements
which must be felt and must permeate
every nation of Europe. Wherefore Is it
not likely that the nation of the world
will some day turn to ua for the cooler
assessment of the elements engaged? I
am not now thinking no preposterous a
thought as that we should sit in Judgment
upon them. No nn'iii is fit to sit in
Judgment upon nu .titer nation, but
we shall some day have to assist in re
constructing the processes of peaoe.
Think of America First.
"Our sources are untouched;', we are
more and more becoming by the force of
circumstances the mediating nation of
the world In respect of its flnanoe. We
must make up our minds what are the
best things to do and what are the best
ways to do them. We must put our
money, our energy, our enthusiasm and
our sympathy Into these things, and we
must have our Judgments prepared and
our spirit chastened against the eomlne;
of that day. Bo that I am not speaking
in a selfish spirit when I say that our
whole duty, for the present at any rate,
Is summed up in this motto, 'America
first.' Let us think of America before
we think of Europe, In order that Amer
ica may be fit to be Kurope's friend when
the day of tested friendship comes. The
test of friendship Is not sypipathy with
the one side or the other, but getting
ready to help both sides when the strug
gle Is over.
"The basis of neutrality, gentlemen. Is
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
Free Coupon
For the
Beat Movies
By special arrangement with
. eight of the leading moving
. picture theaters THK DFK is
enabled to give it readers a
coiubinat's.n coupon good for
a free admission to any one
of them on day tperifled.
In Sunday's Bee '
Craft Stranded in Dardanelles Blown
Up to Keep It from Falling
Into Enemy's Hands.
1 1.1.KTIW. !
LONDON. April 20. "War Sec
retary Kitchener Is very gratified
at the response of the nation
to the recruiting appeals," Chancel
lor of th Exchequer Lloyd Georg
told the House of Commons this aft
ernoon. The speaker added that tho
government did not believe the war
could be more successfully . prose
cuted by means of conscription.
LONDON, April I. The British
admiralty announced officially today
that the British submarine E 16 was
destroyed In the Dardanelles by Brit
ish picket boats. The text of the ad
miralty announcement follows:
"The submarine E-15, which
grounded on Kephes Point last Sat
urday, appears to have been In dan
ger of falling into the enemy's hands
In a serviceable condition. Great ef
forts were made by the Turks to se
cure it. Attempts to destroy It by
long range fire of battleships failed.
"During the night of the llth two picket
boats that of the Triumph, under Lieu
tenant Commnnder Rrlck Robinson, who
commanded the expedition, assisted by
Lieutenant Arthur Brooke Webb, R. N.
R.. and Midshipman John Wolley, and
that of tho Majestic, under Lieutenant
Claude Godwin, both manned by volun
teer i rew attacked (lie submarine. The
boats were subjected to a heavy fire, es
timated at over 200 rounds, from Fort No.
. which was only a few hundred yards
distant, and a number of small gun at
short range. Notwithstanding this,
submarine was .torpedoed and rendered
useless. The Majesties picket boat wa
holed and sunk, but the crew wa saved
by the other boat and the only casualty
waa one man who died of wounds.
"Vice Admiral De Robeck spesk In the
highest terms of all concerned In this gal
lant enterprise. Lieutenant Commander
Brio Robinson . ha been promoted to a
commander by the admiralty and a report
haa been called for on the Individual serv
ice of other officer and men with a
view to their recognition."
A dispatch from Constantinople by way
of Berlin received Sunday said that the
British submarine K-15 had run ashore
In the Dardanelles while reconnoltering.
It was shelled by a Turkish battery, some
of its crew killed or wounded, and others
taken prisoner by the Turks.
Some Money Lapses
Into the .. Treasury
From Appropriation
' Fom'a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April .--(fipeclal.)-Out- of
the appropriation for salaries and wages
lit state Institutions under the Board of
Control, made by the test legislature,-the
urn' of $27,36 will lapse back Into the
state treasury unused. This is according
to an announcement made by the board
this mornmg, the figure for th blennlum
on tht salaries fund having been com
The exact f Inures are not at hand yet,
some contractual obligation being still
Incomplete, but the board . will have a
surplus that will be somewhere around
$125,000 In the maintenance fund. There
will be a total exceas In both fund of
about $150,000.
Subtract from this sum the $77,000 de
ficiency appropriation made necessary by
the Inability of the board to transfer
fund from one institution to another, and
there will be a total of sbojtt $73,000 that
will actually ba saved out ax the original
appropriation for the biennJe-st.
Grand Army Fixes
Memorial Day
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. April . (Special.) Mon
day. May 31, will be observed as the
official Memorial and Decoration day. ac
cording to orders issued today from
Orand Army of the Republic headquar
ters at the atate house. This year May
30 fall on Sunday.
The atate statute prov idea that In such
cases "the next succeeding secular or
business day shsll be a holiday." Many
posts, however, have made requests to be
allowed to hold special exercises on Bun
day afternoon. The department grant
them permission.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN'. April (SpeciaD-Oov.
ernor Morehead ha received a telegram
from Secretary of State Bryan in which
the latter Informs htm that h will do
everything he can to get the "Uberty
Bell' train to top over in Nebraaka
cities on Its- way to the Panama exposi
tion. The famous bell will travel to the coast
on a apecisl train. Omaha and Lincoln
had been negotiating for visits from the
train, and the chief executive took the
matter up with the secretary ef state.
! LEAVENWORTH, Kan., April SO.-Of-
flclals at the l"ntted States penitentiary
were busy today .planning the assign
ments to work In the prison of ' th
twenty-one men who arrived yesterday
I to serve terms. In connection with th
Terr Haute election conspiracy ease.
Ieputy Warden Reno aald , he ex
pected to send Donn M. Roberta, ths
mayor to the office of the superintendent
of construction to become an assistant.
Dennis )-hea. the sheriff, will enter the
prison blacksmith shop, while Judge Ell
Redman, because of his knowledge of
the law, will be assigned to the office of
the r-ord c'.ark.
FOR HILL 110. 60
Engagement Southeast of Yprei
Most Important on Western Front
Since the Battle of Nenve
German Report Charges Allies with
Using Shells that Generate
Asphyxiating Gases.
The Day's War News
GKRMAWa M tDR attacks yesterday
la the districts whir a the Freneti
dertaken reeeatly. The SlerUa
tatemeaf aayw the Germans sac
reded In peaetratlasr fear French
pioa It tea a aad stermed mn4 re
rapled the lllnsre at Rmhermrriil
that the K-1B, loss ef whlrh sear
the Dardanelles waa known ev
eral days aara, waa destroyed hr
aaherc, the pnrpnae helaar te are
rent the Tarks from aetalalaar It.
nevertheless are receiving atten
tion la hlcher aaartera, are heard
ia Rama the effect that artnal
Karapeaa peaee may he eeneladed.
wlthla the aear fatare. . .
Rt'SSIA FtFKT, which haa been atw
taeklasr the Rosahara. la reported
to have eaaaed the aeatr action af
two Tarklah torpedo Vaat de
stroyers. '
whlrh attempted ta Invade Ocr-
drlven away with the leas ef TOO
ITALY'S DRCISTOX lor er aaralast
war la believed la Roane fa be im
minent. Herman aad Aaatrlaa aan
baaaadors at Rama are rsaarla;
. ta leave the ceaaty.
at a fixed policy ta resrard ta the
altaatlea hronaht ahoat by the
, war. A representative af Klasr
. Coastantlne la i em hi way ' ta
Vienna and Berlin, probably aa a.
political aalsalaa.
LbNDON, April 20. Although, the
German claims on tbe one hand and
the British and French en the ether
are diametrically opposed In the mat
ter of the outcome or the battle for
Hill No.. 60, southeast of Tp res and
aear the northern extremity, of the
British lines, the facts at hand Indi
cate that this engagement was the
most Important, along the British
front since the battle of Neuve Chap
elle, and that It perhaps presages the
expected general ' British activity In
i " " .
British Still Doialante.
The British, whether or not they hold
all the ground gained, undoubtedly still
dominate a part of Zandfoord ridgs, line
of hills running southeast of Tprea and
commanding the road' from Tp're to
Menln. The losses In this fighting have
not been announced. Judging from dis
patches reaching London they have been
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Suicide is Verdict
' in De Reuter Case
LONDON. April S0.-A verdict of sui
cide while temporarily Insane was
handed down today after, an inquest into
the circumstance of the death of Rantn
Herbert De Reuter, managing director ef
Renter' Telegraph company, who waa
found dead April 18 at his home In Sur
rey. De Reuter wa prostrated by the
death of hi wife five day ago. A dis
charged revolver wa found near his
is the newest of the agricul
tural sciences. It's develop-'
ment has been brought about
by the changes in farm capital.
The pioneer days required only
a few hundred dollars. Now
the average Nebraska farmer
requires $16,000 capital.
The successful farmer of
today is a business man,
employing not only more
capital than the average
village merchant, but con
ducting a greater variety
of enterprises.
Farm values in the Middls
West are rising, but a glanco
through the want ad section of
today's Bee will show you
many productive farms reason
ably priced,
Telephone Tyler 1000
TrrvSoa Rmd U'at Adt"