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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1915)
8 THE KKK: OMAHA. Ti;i;si)AV, AI'ML 20. 1 !M T. WANTS $50,000 FOR A FORCIBLE KISS If n. Edith Hiclu it Sains A- A- . Clark of Council Blnffs Brfore Jndge Leilie. G HAITI) JTJH1 TAKES A HARD Mrs. EdHh HIcHe, 21 ysrs of sga, in suing Albert A. Clark, 60, wealthy resident of Counrtl Bluffs, for $50 000 damages In District Judge Les lie's court, alleging that Mr. Clatk forcibly took a kiss on April 21, 113. Mrs. Hlrka la of prepossessing appearapce and appeared In court fashionably dressed. The kiss, an alleged attempt to em brace Mrs. Hicks and altered mental suffering caused to her by his con duct, are elements In her claim for durageft. ' ..mK. Clark's defense is a denial of all Mrs. Hicks' charge and a counter charge of conspiracy to compel him to pay a' large sum of money. ' Mr Hick Is now living at the Harney hotel with ttt husband, L.vla Hicks. In April,' 19IJ. she was employed at Mr. ClarVa' home aa overseer of servants during the Illness of Mra. Clark.. lllcka waa employed by Mr. Clark aa a rhsuf fsur. , Jarr Beleete. A Jury waa selected at tha morn'.ng aes alon or court John O. Teller and Matt tiering, representing Mra. lllcka, que tloned jurors regarding, their opinion of damage aulta brought hy women against men. -while W. J. Connell and A. 8. Ritchie, representing Mr. Clnrv. Inquired whether the fact that tha plaintiff la a handsome young woman would Influence any verdict they might reach. The following- jurors answered these questions to tha satisfaction of the attorneya: . W. T. Rprlngmejrer, clerk. Kenson. C. S. Anderson, Inaurance caalilor, 114 North Twenty-fifth. O. W. Springer, cigar salesman, 8301 Maple. ' . Jacob Katelman, real . eatate dealer, S7 Webater. J. C. Carter, bookkeeper, 41 South Twenty-firth tvrnni, William H. Uulld, railway chief clerk, tins Chicago. Wllllnm (Jlhba, farmer. Benson. Herbert Wing, plumber, 71 North TMrty-third. - W. H. McXermott, laborer. 113 North Frventeenth. Herbert I. Brown, checker, 319S, Iari mnr avenue. VV. o. Templeton, Insurance agent, 4804 Chicago. O. I Wetmer, hardware dealer, ' 830 North Thlrty-ftfUi avenu. Salt far Slaader. Preparations for trtnl and the securing of evidence for the case now on trial during lfil4 were conducted so vlrorouaty by opposing attorneya that- a second suit for llOft.ono damegee brought by Mra. lUika for, alleged slander waa tha result. As an outgrowth of . tha second ault an Indictment waa ret.irnod by tha . last Krand Jury. A contest waa also waged by opposing attorneys aa the result of an attachment by tha plaintiff of an extensive new auto mot lie secured while . Mr. Clark.' waa trailing visit to Omaha. The si'lt now . on trial waa originally brought In Council Bluffs, but was trans fcrred to Omaha on account of failure to secure service on tha defendant on tha low a aide of tha river. Wedding to End International Romance T J . - v Jit i ' . .iiV" . ' v 4 t. - , i - - - - I t ' V 1 i v " . , ' ' Mi ' i r ' - - I . r i ;-:;t ! ' ' i i .'. ;t - . , - ,,..,. ...... , i ' ". ' S'-j- 1 l-i i I - "! ny .Sr)'. aVaH ag)atMaBtaaasBWBasaejBBttsBBalMHHBBgaB By MELLIFICIA. Moiuiay, April 19, 1915. E DON'T want any llttl boyg at oar party. This Is a little. glrl'a party," said Miss Helen Lawrence, Young Women's Christian association secretary, of the children's party which win d neid tnis evening at the association building. One hundred young women rejuvenated to little glrlg and clad in their best bib and tucker, or apron and Mary Jane hair ribbon, are expected to at tend the party. Ice cream cones and animal crackers, peppermint and the familiar barber-pole stick candy and other goodies dear to the Juvenile heart are promised for the "eats." Only children'! games will be played. The affair is one of the monthly series given under the auspices of the social committee. Miss Cora Evans is assisting In the work. Sapper Dance Parties. Dr. and Mrs. J. K. S'Jfnmers will give a box party this evening at the Brandeis. Iater they will entertain their guests at the auppcr dance at the Fontenclle. Those present will be: , Mr. and Mrs. Moshlr Colpetier. Mr. and Mrs. feor,p 1'rlna. Mr. and Mra. Charlea T. Kountse will have guesta at the supper dance this evening. Her guesta will be entertained preceding the dance at the Brandeis theater. Mr. and Mra. E. A. Higglns and Dr. and Mrs. B. A. McDermott will attend the Orpheum this evening and later have a table at the supper danca at the Fon tenelle. Mr. C. W. HuU will give a theater party this evening at the Brandeis fol lowed by eupf4-r at the Fontenelle. Hia guejits will lie Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart 2d. Informal Sinntr. Mr. Iloger I. Druvllte of New York City, war guest of honor at a dinner given at the Fontenelle hotel Saturday evening. Covers were placed for: Misses Mlsnes Muriel K. Eldrldge, Ruth Neff, Bertha Necf, Messrs. Rip;cr P. Uruvllle. J. W. Eldrldge. Bertha Petersen. Meser P. C. Holmes, William Christie. Woman'i Clnb Section Meets. Tho philosophy and ethics department of the Omaha Woman's club waa enter tained for Its last meeting of the year at the home of the leader. Mra. S. A. Col lins, Ratnrdsy afternoon. Mra. Collins waa re-elected leader, Mrs. R. H. Manley. assistant leader, and Mrs. K. Oehrle, secretary-treasurer. Misa Claudlo Call away will continue at Instructor. Carna tion pinka were used In the decorations and the luncheon waa carried out In a color scheme of pink and yellow. Those present were Edward Johnson, Krl Stanfleld, T. R. W ard. R. H. Manley, Miseaa Claudia QalMway, Carrie Boutelle. Mpedamee Robert (illoVr, N. H. Nelaon, K. Oehrle. B- A. Collins. Misses Minnie Jensen, Mabal Khn. Daffy Dill Luncheon. The Daffy Dill IUncheon club met at the home of Mra. M. 8. Loree Thursday afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hasty two weeks) frtom Thursday. Rummy Club Party. Mra. E. H. Oaks entertained the mem bers of tho Ri'tnmy club Thursday. The rooms were decorated throughout with spring flowers and the prises for high scares were awarded to Mesdames H. E. AGAIN HEADS ETHICS DEPART . ME1TT OF WOMAN'S CLUB. "i NJW V.' P "V . 1 ill ' -. Newton, E. H. -Oaks and M.' M. Kline. The club will meet again In two weeks at the home of Mrs. Thomas Heelan. The members are: Merdames P. Mi. hrens, J. W. Hood. It. K Newton, W. F. Loree. Frank C. Hogan. Frank O. Browne. Mesdames B. H. Oaks. Thomas Hcclan, W. A. Hmlth. Aloxender .Totes, r. F.. IxvoJoy, M. M. Kline, Wedding; Announcement The wedding of Miss Harriet Holecek of Creto, Neb., and Mr. John A. Walker of Omaha took place -. In the Uncoln cathedral at : o'clock Wednesday nrnrnlng, , Father O'Connor of flc4aUng. The attendants were Miss Delia Holecek, sister of the bride, and George Kuber,. Following the oremony a wedding break fast waa served 8J. the home of tha brldc'a klster, Mrs. F. J. Marshall, 1446 Garden street. Mr. and Mrs. WsJker went to Ivnver for s short trip. They will he at home after May 1 In Omaha. On the Calendar. Mra. David Baum will entertain at luncheon Thursday In honor of Mrs. Ben Boyce of Chicago. The Coronado club will give a dancing party thla evening at Chsmbera' academy. Mrs. Anthony Merrill lectured this morning at the home of Mrs. J. T. Stew art. Her subject wss "Teats and the Irish Revival." The Clnosam club will give a dancing party this evening st the Scottish 1X110 temple. Mra. A. U Patrick wUI entertain the Thimble club tomorrow afternoon. Fortnightly Bridge Club. Mrs. B. A. McDennolt entertained the members of the Fortnightly Bridge club this afternoon at her home. The guests present were: Mesdames: Cornelius Riley, Carl IjouIs. Misses . Misses Marie Riley. Mesdames: Helene Blxby. Irene McKnlRht, Louise Ktorx, Olga sHors. With the Bridee Players. One of the Monday afternoon bridge clubs wss entertained today at the home of Miss Clara Thomas. Three tables of players were present. The Tuesday Bridge club met today with Miss Elisabeth Omgdon. Three tables of player were entertained. Mrs. A. L. Reed waa hostess this after noon at the regular meeting of the Original Monday Bridge club. Eight guests were present. In and Out of the Bee Hi?e. Mrs. F. H. Cole apent few days In Lincoln last week. Mias Nan Murphy left Saturday even ing for Excelsior Pprlnga, where she wilt Join her father, Mr. M. R. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kierstead left last night for a two weeks' stay st Ex oelelor Springs. Dr. and Mrs. H. Arnold are sojourn ing at Excelsior Springs. Mrs. D. J; O'Donahoe, formerly of Omaha, but now living In New Tork Olty, la visiting frlenda here. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Ransom, accom panied by their niece, Mia Anna Covell, left the Utter part 'it last week for a month In California. The Bee Want Ads Are Beat Business Boosters. Fashion Hint : ' v.-; - . - - - . ' - ' j i - ' j: :' : - . ; , I : -a ' . . . j s V " v An International romance, with a beau tiful and accomplished Omaha girl aa the center of Interest, will be consummated next month In Norway. Miss Minna E. Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moiita Meyer, and Felix 8?hradter. of Berlin. Germany, who have been separated for almost year by th fortunes of war, will be wedded In Norway, where Mr. Brhradter Is teaching school. Ml Meyer plans to Icavs In about three weeks to sail abrond. The young people met In lirrlln, where Miss Meyer spent several year stud) Ing mulc. The engagement was announced a year irfco In February, and Miss Meyer returned to this country several month later. Mr. Hchradter was to . follow shortly, and the wedding waa to be cele brated In Omaha, but these plans mis carried because of the outbreak of th war. . r For many weary . weeks. Miss Meyer heard not a word from her betrothed, but when word cam that ha waa safe tn Norway, Miss Meyer decided to Join him there. It Is said that by long residence In two other European countries, Mr. Hrhradter may b forced to sen- In thos srmlo ss well 'as the German army, If he Is taken. For thla reason, he Is unsbk to leave Norway. COLLEGE PRESS IS MEETING Difficulties Which Confront the Papers Published in Omaha Are Shown. ' TO ELECT OFFICERS TONIGHT That the cotfege papers published In Omaha labor under an unusua! handi cap In getting advertising was brought out st the opening ti e second annual convention of th Nebraska College Prese association In th Ixyal hctel. Thla handi cap consists of a rule of the Associated Retailers providing that no advertising shall b given to college papers. Th provocation for this rule was also mentioned. A solicitor for oqllega paper ada called at one of th big stores for aa ad for his puper. Being unsuc cessful, it Is said, he threatened to hav the atudents of his Institution boycott the stor. R. O. Paisley of the VnlversHy of Omaha publication. "OaUway," presided at the meeting and Cecil F. Lvrty of University Place, editor of "The Wea leyan," waa secretary. Editor Woods of the Orrlng Courier and Arthur V. Khater of 1'roken Bow, ad dressed th morning sr-aston.-- Edgar 1 lower? of the Columbus Tele gram, on "Gathering Nwa." and Ross Hammond or the Fremont Trlbunte, on "The Mechanical Construction of a Newspaper." were on th program for afternoon addreases. elvctad. . Editors snd business managers of twenty -I wo rollrg papers are members of . th association. The rcprenentatlvs of the local school papers hav also been Invited; to attend the sessions. JUDGE LEWIS IS HEARING PERSONAL INJURY CASE With the new Jury panel the Omaha division of the federal court opened this morning. Judge Robert E. Lewis of Den ver presiding, owing to the Illness of Judgs William H. Munger. A Jury waa Impaneled quickly and the case of Erhard Corneer against the Missouri Psclflo Rail road company for $16,000 damagea on ac count of personal Injuries sustained at a crossing on Thirty-eighth street, Omaha, Is 'Ming tried. BUILDING HELD UP UNTIL PROTESTANTS ARE HEARD Building Inspector bridges' haa been directed by the city council to stop further work on a box ' factory, ssld to have been started on Center street, be tween Sixth and Seventh streets, until protests of residents may be Investigated. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Get 36-cent bottle of Da&deruie at any drug ator. pour a little Into your hand And r:l It wel' Into th scalp with th finger tips. By morning ,9 moat. If not all, of thla awful scurf wllliave disap peared. Two or three applications will destroy every bit of dandruff; 'stop scalp Itching and falling hair Adver By LA KACONTEISK. Summary frock of white Indestructible voile, cmbivtdered la black and yellow oiU-. TI.e lung slevea bodice la ktiUred oier th shoulder with a portion t tit iodice iri. with nl banging loot over a girdle of blaca velvet, which is axteuded In ssh end. Th skirt U birred at the top, with to .iks t th center Uld cloely t'o ther. A run Ing Ihui4 of the volla Is embrotdered with !uU arid frilled with narrow edging 1 ft M4. a I tU brio of the skirt- J Combination Side Pleated Shirt f 'f'jyrri-rnTVq ,. jjj;: ilj;; , s;j TO. With Jtemat 3-lnrh box pVemtm group of 0 half-Inch, aide pleats going from renter to right and left. ' Above skirt should be prepared from straight width of goods and ahould not be cut gored at top. Al low two Inches for the hem and two Inches for shrinkage on each width of goods used. Material ahould mea sure three yards around bottom be fore pleating. Price 32.50 f pirating only. All wool or ail slU goods hold pleat best. Avoid cotton mixtures. SEND VOITI GOODS. OUDK1W K1I.LKU PItOMPTLV. WATCH FOB OT1IKU MODELS. Everything In Pleating. Covered Buttons, Hemstitching, plcot Edg ing. Bend for free Price List. The Ideal Button & Pleating Co. 107-100-111 South 16th St, Omaha, Neb. COUPON NO. 5. This Coupon Is good for 10 If applied as payiuesit on this skirt before May 4th, 1013. tHit this out and a-nd vrllh your order. Thi is the time to put your furs and other winter apparel in cold storage. Phone Doug. 1614-our wagons will call. Per fect protection of all kinds aagiaaBiagaBnBnaBBO : - n - h i rtr n o sin 1 1 Our Dry Air Cold Storage for furs, winter apparel, rugs, etc. keeps them perfectly and in sures them against loss by fire, burglary, etc., etc. ,IV Great Spring Sale of Draperies and Curtain Materials Begins Tuesday Thousands and thousands of yards of curtain materials combine to make this sale one of the most wonderf id in the season's calendar. Gigantic cash pur chases of more than twenty-two cases are involved in this magnificent event Sale Prices. Are From One-third to One-half Those Q That Are U sualty Asked for Goods of Similar Quality )n this sale are hundreds of pieces of Bungalow Nets, Filet Nets, Bobbinettes, Et amines, Scrims, Voiles, Mar quisettes, Imported Madras, and Duo Etamine and many other curtain materials IV -l I Note the Bargains: 100 Pieces of Bungalow Net, Filet Net and Novelty Net From 40 to 50 Inches wide; white, ivory and ecru. Worth to $1.25, a yard. . . L25cM 1 ssm a .aM . a l wo uaaes or importea dcoccn Mad- ki r a White, cream and colors. t '-giSHdB M -PI m m i- 1 Adding interest to this oc casion are fresh lots of lace curtains at the-same little prices which made' Monday's sale such a success. Much to clioose from and a wonderful opportunity. Note the Bargains: Fine Imported Cream and Colored Scotch Madras From 45 to 60 inches wide. Just 68 AA pieces in the lot, worth to. Mf $1.50; special, a yard. . . tsftV 75 Pieces of Double Thread Bobbi net All widths, up to 2 yards; white and ecra. Worth 60c. 1 r Until sold, a yard IOC 90 Pieces of Mercerized Mar quisette White, ecru and ivory. 50 Inches wide. Regu lar price 50c; sale oe prlce, a, yard afcijC Marquisette All full bolts. Regular 3oc value. Very e special, sale price, yd. . C All the Scrims and Marqui settes, with lace edges, on to this sale go at, yard.3C Etamine, Scrim and Voile Ribbon edges and plain colored borders. From 2 to 10-yard lengths. Worth to 45c; a yard 10c Fine Colored Over Curtain Ma terialsLook just like $1.25 Sunfast goods. Just 58 nr pieces; a yard s&OC "65 Pieces of 36-Inch Colored Border Scrim Full bolts. Reg ular price 20c; sale price, a yard , :5c 100 Pieces of Plain Voile White and ecru, off the ia bolt Special, yard ... 1 Etamine, Scrim and Voile Plain and fancy centers, rib bon and hemstitched edges. Full bolts. Regular price 45c; a yard. . 25c Unusual Opportunities for Outfitting Economically are Offered Women by Tuesday's Sales in Basement 3ROWNELL MALL, OsaaJM. Bates. Bor4ln and lajr School for Otrla and Young Womtn Cartt first admiti to fiinitli. Vmmi. VcllvKley tin oili.r collrcss. Frtratloii for brvn tlr snd la.t, litf.. iSTilCSD COOMC9 TO M1QU SOXOOX. tttLASiV AX lioustiioia Arts, Mhi.-, litmnuium. tVmiQ SAT ItCMOOl FOB UTtXS SIUI. For Catalogue address tha frinclpsJ, KSM SUrUMU 0sTOST. Suits for $12.48- At this price we have grouped all the better suits and a lot of new arrivals suits that are sokl usually for $17.50, $19.00 and $22.50. They are silk poplin, whipcord, gabardine all stylish materials represented. The colors are sand and putty, Belgian blue, battleship gray, staple colors and black. Sizes 14, 16, 18, 36 and up $f AQ to 44; also extra sizes, 46 and V I to 48 for stout women; Tuesday.. 4W Dresses for $3 (MBBBBHBJBlBBlBBBSBiaBSSMBBSSSSSJSBS NSsBBSSSBSBS SMSBSBSSSBBBBBB A very special lot of splendid silk and cloth dresses for women and misses many ditfe rent, styles, all good practical dresses. Several hundred to choose from. Good range of sizes. Regular $5, $6 and $7.50 values; Tuesday, for irff mm S3 Muslin Underwear at Very Special Basement Prices Tuesday A speelsl lot ot Fine I Night Gowns, Psttlcosts, J women s Bitpor NUhtou out Women's Corset Core rs I Children's PUln snd Em Nlht Gowns. Cora bin- Combinations, stc- 6c Wom"". ft.fScoV -l embroidery broidery Trimmed p,." Iwiih uibroidorad bottoma. rj f I trimmed. Regular ip I Ail sixes T::x...rr.'..!...-25c c.iu.. 1 5c Apir."; ;8C Coats for $4.95 We have assembled a special lot of fine new spring coats for women and misses. Dozens of pretty styles, many different kinds of materials; military coats with loose backs, with belts to fasten in front or back, new fancy turnup collars; fancy tweed, satin and silk coats, pretty check and tan 'J coats, etc Many sample coats, in J nr I all the new colors. They sell reg- v1 J 1 ularly for $7.50 to $10. Sale price. For $1.39&$L98 Spring and Summer. Dresses from a great purchase elaborate creations in fine white dresses, plain and fancy colored dresses fancy crepe materials, fine colored linens' striped tissues, etc Sizes for women and misses, 14 to 20 and 34 to 44. $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 values. .$1.39 $5.00 and $6.00 values n oa nttona. Fattlco&ts. ijry I and 71C VSIues, J .-V14 OC Tuesday, each ... 4 JC