T11K HI-IK: OMAHA, MONDAY, M'Rll, 1H, 1915. 8 &Zrttt&. jry T, n G n Some Queer Superstitions : of Love Europe's Great Struggle Will Arouse the World To Much Higher Ideals "Information? 11 By Nell Brinkley Copyright, 1916, Intern! News Service. & By 1KKXE WKSTOX. By DR. CH ARLES II. PARK HURST. It li I fact that ought not perhaps to surprise ua that In the sarae month In which mm arc computing the coat to the world of the blood that la being- abed on KnMtin battle- field they are a Wo calculating the gain to the world In the acquisition of higher Ideals, In the broader rap upon the doctrine of the brotherhood of man. In a more earnest torch after the . thing that are true, and In a deeper ex perience of what ever . la spiritual and eternal. Uvea t a auch aa are now being chronicled work upon the hearta of men ', In something" th him war that earth quakes work in nature, which shatter the mountains and lay open the seams of Bold. The soul is that half-asleep Vlnd of thin that rannot be aroused Into full wakefulness except by being startled Into It. We read In the Hebrew scriptures that l -e only after Moses had wit nessed the strange seen of the burning bush that he felt equal to becoming the emancipator of the children of Israel. So In the newer scriptures Is the story of the war In which Paul was fitted to become the chief apostle of the ohurch by the dasxllng experience of the great light whlcJi he encountered on his war to Damascus. There is enough In any man to make of him a prophet and a master of events If only he be overtaken by some Influ ence penetrating enough to reach Inward to the hidden spot where are closeted his possibilities. That la the philosophy of the present In tellectual and moral and religious condi tion of the world. It has been stirred out of Its sleep and will be still more thoroughly aroused than It Is now by what the coming months have In store for ui. Unsettled conditions make men aearch for more stable foundations. An English writer has recently made the - statement that Rngllsh publishers are now Issuing only 00 per cent of tho usual amount of novels, and explains It by say ing that the appetite of the reading pub lic Is for literature that deals with what Is real rather than with th fMJtous. .All of which Is a symptom of the deep ening of the popular consciousness. The same Influence Is also affecting the world religiously. Every Quality sug gests Its opposite. If beauty render de . formlty more repulsive, so deformity Im parts a new charm to beauty, and th very horror of th times, th flendlsh- ness of them. Is Itself suggestive of it opposite, and creates a longing and a passion for "whatsoever things are hon est. Just, pure, lovely and of good re port." And th lesson Is being burned In In a way unparalleled In our history. Both here and abroad are evidenced the preliminary symptoms of a quick ened religious life. Peoria are praying even while they are killing. It seems a monstrous Incongruity, but on needs not to be a great psychollglst to understand how that can be. Men's souls are roomy and ran contain Incompatible passions without danger of mutual Interference.- If on were plsoed on th planet Mars, with eyes strong enougn to appreciate the tumult that racks th city of New Tork on a busy day, with the population surging from north to south In the morn ing and back again from south to north In th evening; carriages, wsgons, de Ill STERLING LIVES A GIRL Who Suffered At Many Girls Do Tells How She Found Relief. SWHng, Conn. "I am girl f 22 year and I used to faint away vary month and was very weak. I was also bothered a lot with I emal weakness, I read your little book Wisdom for Wo men,' and I saw how others had been helped by Lydin E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and decided to tryit, and 1 It has made me feel like a new girl and I am now relieved cf all these troubles, I hope all young girls will get relief aa I have. I never felt better ia my ufe'-Mrs. Jon TrrxxAULT, Box 118, Starting, Coon, Massena, N. Y. "I hav taken Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I highly recommend it If anyone want to write to ma I will gladly tell fcer about my case, I was certainly In a bad condition aa my blood was all turn Ing to water. I had pimples on my face and a bad color, and for five years I had been troubled with suppression. The doctors called it 'Anemia and Exhaus tion,' and said I was all run down, but Lydi E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound brought me out all right "Miss Lavtsa Myees, Box 74, Massena, N.Y. YoansClrls, II oedTLii Advice. Girl who are troubled with painful or Irregular periods, backache, headache, draggtng-dowa sensations, fainting spell or indigestion, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking l.y ' ia E. II&Lbatn's Vegetable Compound. livery carta, elevated trains, automobiles snd black specks mcssoring five and a half feet by a foot and a half, all steadily perambulating snd erurrrlng In every direction between times, what kind of sn Impression would It leave upon him, with every object movliiK with a deter mination that appeared sa tho'igh its own existence and the existence of every thing els depended on the turmoil being kept up, and with only enough Interval of comparative quiet between evening and morning to allow the ferment to renew Itself with unabated ferocity? The Impres sion made upon him would be exactly that which Is msds when we look upon a live ant hill or a hive at bees. whire esch little Insect Is tremendously busy, but without any appearance of arrompttah tng anything. And yet all this miscellaneous and complicated scurrying la not st all foolish or meanins-less In the first plitce, It Is In keeping with the general order of thlnge To be stationary Is against na ture. (Everything below and above Is In stinct with the spirit of motion. It Is a law of the universe. Its life depends on keeping a-golng. It is the rule of th heavens snd all the wsy down to th minute atom, whose component elements maintain a syrtem of infinitesimal revolu tion like that of th wheeling of the planets around the sun. Motion thus Is otio of the fundamental Ideas that, the Creator carried Into the construction of th universe, so that the unrest of the city is only In keeping with the general scheme of things, and a sleepy town la an offset against the laws of good behavior. And not only thai. It la th policy In pursuance of which men and things, the planets and the stars work, out their destiny. In a hive of bees each little In sect Is tremendously busy, but without any appearance of accomplishing any- ming. And yet It Is accomplishing some thing all the time. Th full meaning of Its unresting activity It may not Itself appreciate, and mey not be at all evident to th eye of the observer, but In some way It counts In the summing up of the general result. It I In that way that we hav to regard much of what looks to us to be our own meaningless activity. Ther anneaj-. , b very little to show for each day's exertions. We travel over a great deal of ground, and go through a tremendous amount of performance, and at th end of th day aak of ourselves what It all amounts to. That, however. It the way w achieve cur destiny, for with us. aa with th perpetually stirring honey bee, ther Is mors In life than we find In It ana more than w consciously put Into It Do You Know That Just a a deep sea fish, when brought to th surface, sometimes bursts open, owing to th removal of the great pres sur to which It has been habitually sub jected, so th diamond, fetched from th bowels of th earth, la liable to explode. In many Instances large ones hav actually burst In miners' pockets or even held In the warm hand. There has been recently placed on ths market a gun for sporting purposes In which compressed carbon dioxide la used a the propelling agent. Th carbon dioxide Is contained In a small Inter changeable case holding sufficient for from 100 to WO shots, and lodged In ths gun. 1 . .. On civilian, and on only, has. a right to pass through marching troops-namely, a court physician on his way to a royal residence. He can make even th house hold cavalry open their ranks to him. Mr. Kennerley Rumford, th popular singer, is acting aa a chauffeur at th front. One bullet find a lodging In : body, It can now be located In a few minutes by means of th X-ray and quickly extracted. "It la all don In a fw minute,'" say aa expert, "rive seconds for a wound In th hand, ..thirty seconds for on In th foot and ten or fifteen minutes for a wound in th ab domen." ' "Th Marseillaise," th national an them of th French republic, was written and composed In 17M. Bead it Ilere See By special arrangements for this paper a photo-drama corresponding to th in stallments of "Runaway J una" may now ds seen at in leading moving jiictura theaters. By arrangement with th Mu tual Film Corpora lion It la nt only pue slble to read "Runaway June" each week, but also afterward t see moving pictures Illustrating ur story, Copyrujht. Ulfi, by BerUl Publication Corporation. lYsorsti June, th bride of Nd Warner, Im pulsively leaves her husband on their honeymoon because she basins to raaila that ah must b dependent on him lot suoney. Bh desires t be Independent. June la pursued by Utlbert til ye, a wealthy married man. fib escapes from bis clutches with difficulty. Ned searches distrautediy tor June, and. learning f faly s designs, vow vengeance on tiliu. After many adventures June Is rescued from river plrstes by Durban, an artist. Khe poses as th "tiplrtl ot th Marsh," Is driven out by Mrs. Durban and Is kid naped by tilye and Cunningham. June stapes, tries sweatshop work snd Is dis- yoaaeseed by her landlady. Wye finds une In he tenement huine and drives Cunalnsham away. FLfcTfcKNTH KPIHODK. HAt last. My Love!" CHAPTER 1. At th moment that Blye mat June, Ned Warner was aprtnrtiig up the stairs, bis Jaws set and hi flats clinched. It ws thus that Ned Warner bad, after all hi weary pursuit, found hi bride In the presence of Ollbert Illy. Beyond th door th dark, handsom man with th black Vandyk had led th teautlful Utile runaway bridj t a heavy men with thick lidded eyes and a "Hello! Hello! Hello! riease give m information. I want th email fat one with the yello' curls, for I want some thing very 'mportant! And only h know. (If he shouldn't who does?) "-Is thU Information? Listen. I want pleas put ma on the wire of the man who wants me, too. I don't know his number. I don't know where he lives. No, I don't know th street or the town either. And I don't even know his nam. Not even his nam and initials I What? it at the Movies. round head bristling with short hair. He sat In a chair, and In tils hands waa money. He rose aa Juno was led up to him. and into her hands he thrust the money. Then he smiled at her, whlU tillbert Bly stepped Deck, suavely amil me and stroking his black Vandyke with his long, lean, white finger. June sprang from the fat hand which were about to be clasped upon her shoul der and from that wide, thick ami! upon th face of th heavy man and, laughing nervously turned to Gilbert Bly, who bent his dark, handsom head abov her and spoke to her In hi low voice. Crash! The door splintered and saw way, and through It burst th wild eyed Ned Warner, hi law set and his fists clinched. For a second he stood bewildered by th Strang light which flooded this larg room; then, with an oath, he sprang for th black Vandyked man. He clutched hla flngor around th throat and, with a savage roar, bore Gilbert Blye to th floor. Th runaway brld uttered shriek after shrink. At the door downstairs there stopped aa electric coupe, "'driven by a sharp fea tured woman with a long- nose and high arcbsd brows. Site Jumped out, and from th dim hallway there 'cam a short, thick man with a short, thick stub of a cigar In on corner of hi mouth. It waa th well known and Justly famous pri vate detective. Bill Wolf. "Oot olm. Mrs Ule." o triumphantly I I I'm - mighty -rry. I don't know what he look Uk either. I only know one no, two things can't you get him from that? I know that he' llvln' and I know that he' splendid! And nothing els do I know. He must hav been ring ing for me, too. That la If he's had a breathing minute to lean back and wish that he might find the only girl ia th world! Up till now I've been busy my self. I've been growing and finishing myself into the girt that la the best I can do. I've been saving my heart and thinking- and working- so I might be pos sessed of a soul and capable hands. I've husked. "Tour husband I right upstair -with the girl." "The viper!" hissed Honoria Blye and dashed Into the dim hallway. Bill Wolf caught her a ah started up th stalra 'Not so fast, madam!" h called, and laid hold of her arm. 'This way, please." w "But my husband! Th girt. June!" "They're here all right, and they can't get away. Here' your picture,, ma'am, and here's your bill." He handed her a larg roll of paper and two photographs, en of Gilbert Bly and one of June. Upstairs ther waa a aoen of wild confusion. The runaway bride, her mother. Iris Blethering and the vivacious Tommy Thomas war creaming In hys teria, while the heavy man with th thick eyelids and the man with the white mustache and Bobble Blethering and half a dosen other men rushed upon the fiercely struggling men on the floor. "My husband!" shrieked June. "My husband!" Into this tumultuous scene there rushed Marie and Officer Dowd and fat old Aunt Debby Juat as the man by main strength dragged from Gilbert Blye th maddened assailant who had sprung upon him, Gilbert Blye rose, feeling of his throat, and for a moment he contemplated Ned Warner wtlb dexed bewilderment; then a flash of anger came Into bis cheeks and hla black eyea biased. "Let him go:" he yelled, and. thrusting th heavy Kdwards out of his way, he made a mad rush for the man who had attempted to strangle hint. It was huge Officer Dowd who this time Jumped In between the two furious combatants and. with the aid of hair a doaea strong men, prevented the desper 1 been growing a merry smile so I might win th. happy-habit for rood. Oh, I've keen most busy Just living and rounding out th angle ot mind and heart. And now now I hav time to study on which side my hair looks best parted and what color looka best next to my face, so I may please a prince. "Listen. Information I don't know his street number nor the town where he lives nor even the color of his eyes but pleas find hlmand put him on the wire." And say Information, cocking her head and tucking In her chin, "aura, my dear, ate encounter which would have ensued. 'My husband!" sobbed June, and tried to throw herself upon him, but he turned from her. "Ned! Mr. Blye!" A hand was' laid upon Ned' arm Iris Blethering. She had forced her way through th excited throng. "Why, Ned!" she called, shaking hla GAS STOVE COMFORT WITH "PERFECTION" OIL PERFECTION OU ia NEW PJERFEC TION OIL COOK.STOVE, nukes cooking- easier and quicker. Tie NEW PERFECTION favhts Instantly and refu Istrs by raising- ejr towering the wick. No aire to clog, ne teed tube to warp. The new nrcleat ceoking even give you all th economy of artless cooker with none of the bother and extra step. Jest pull s damper, and the ovea be comes a firtkae cooker. Use it as aa ordinary ovea when yon with or open the door and wse the two evea burner ) bk th grats burners. ' On -"OOM-e-r YTJ VES ' i -a STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBAA5KJO OMAHA there' been plenty a-calllng who are hav ing their breathing-minute and thinking of finding the 'only girl In the world,' but they, too, are poverty stricken In addresses and numbers and any little thing I might nab onto to locate Heart' Desire. Which one I It that' been call ing that'a the one you're looking for? I'm the one Mg information! I know al most everything. And sometime I get him! But I was born of Venus and sometimes I fsil. Oh, sometimes I fall! But I'll do my best and give you the one who sounds like the one you're looking for. Good-bye!" Nell Brinkley. arm and looking at the eyes from which the light of reason seemed to have fled. "Ned, listen to me! It' Iris! Don't you see? This is a motion picture studio!" (To Be Continusd Tomorrow. The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. ia) i u V ' .r..AitSISJ. liTSM i r:aV4w2 There Is no step along the rose-strewn path that Icsd.-. to the altar that Is rot haunted bv Its own pet superstition: and the nearer to the lovers goal, the mora thickly these superstitions cluster. And herein lies much of the charm of wooing snd being weed; for not a step forward can he taken without a dellphtful trepi dation as to whether It will be lucky or tho reverse, wise or foolish. It Is such pleasing fears, such delicious doubtlngs, that feed the flame of love, snd add a greater brightness to its halo of romance. Every maid, for Instance, knows that If she marry In the month of May she .m .... ih. H.vhnt what of all Will lUirij l ur . i " the other months of the glad yesr of wedding? Which will bring her happi ness, and which must she shun? Hap pily she is not left to her resources in deciding this crucial question, for love's calendar has all been land-marked for her guidance. She Is told, on unmis takable authority. When February birds do mate You may mate, nor dead your fate. , ..... ... V. .... wi n rl a hlnw. II JtU wnrn ,.in,in ......... . i .toy and sorrow, both you'll know. .narry in April wnen you can, Joy for maiden and for man. Marry when June roses blow, Over land and sea you'll go. Those who In July do wed. "And so on, until December snow fall fast, marry, and true love will last." In nil the year since June and Oeto5rr seem to shine with brightest promise oil nuptial bliss, and the day of haprlestV omen are June 4 to October 8. The mald who wears her bridal veil on either of these golden days Is assured of all sweet things In her wedded life. Then each month has Its unlucky day, which lovers on wedding bent will be wise to avoid. After all, they only num ber thirty-two In the year, so that is a liberal margin for felicity. Thus In Februthy. th. 7th and ISth must be struck out of the nuptial calendar: In March, the 1st, 6th and 8th; in April, 'the 6th and 11th; in May, the Bth. th and 7th, and so on to the 17th of December, the last ill-omened day of the year. Of all the days of the month, the th holds least promise of happiness and the 3d the greatest. Even in lucky June lovers must give the 7th and 10th a wide berth, and In October the 6th. ' ' Having chosen the month In th llfrht of this good counsel, a crucial question still faces the would-be happy couple, Which day of the week shall It be? And here none but the blind the wilfully blind need go astray. Friday la admit tedly a day to avoid the altar except In Scotland, where It Is, curiously enough, the favorite day of all the week. .Tues day and Wednesday are full of promise; Thursday has one conspicuously lucky, If inconvenient, hour that before sun rise; while Bandar, Monday and Satur day are neutral days. The qualities of th days ar fairly displayed In th following not unfamiliar lines: Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health. Wednesday the best day of all; Thursday for crosses, Friday for losses. Saturday no luck at sll. When once the happy day Is fixed, be ware of changing it. for that way cer tain disaster lies. Household Hints To remove rust from steel motaten piece of soap and rub all over the steel then powder and some bath-brick snd rub well. Polish with a. clean dry rag. To polish mahogany wipe with a cloth wrung out In cold water, then rub for twenty minutes with a dry cloth. DON'T "GET HOTMfi ' " F 1 over a smutty kitchen range. 3-in-One keeps nickeled parts shiny. Makes top and lids clean easier. Splendid, too, for gas stoves. Makes keys hold tight work rieht. a uictionary of a nun- a nun- Cm urea ouicr uses witn every bottle. 10c, 25c, 50c all stores. Three-ln-Ona Oil rvJ 42 N.Broadway, N.Y. am a '