Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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i huk. wum., r. i i ii . i , Anvil it i;m..
-- A
But All District Judgw Say They
Hate Not Made Any Selections
for the Position.
Intense silence concerning the
identity of whatever man they may
be considering; appointing: as jury
commissioner under the new law
signed yesterday by the governor Is
preserved by the seven district
Although each and every Judge de
clared, "I have not read the bill and
no particular man Is under considera
tion," the fact tbat several ap
plicants for the position have pre
sented their names to the Judges is
generally known at the court house.
Another fact which ha broom known
It that Blectlon Ommlloner Mcorhead.
who under the law may be appointed, hat
mads no application for the job and dnea
not want it. Ho announced this fact
himself and criticized the law aa giving
the commlnflnncrwho may bo appointed
too little aY Action In making up Jury
list. A moi led key system, which Mr.
M orhead characterized aa "hocua pocus"
la provliled by the Jury commissioner act.
"I have made no application for the
appointment." said Mr. Moonhead, "and
do not want It"
Not aa Good Jarert.
A claw of Jurora whose average Intel
ligence will lie, less thnn that of Jurora
now serving In the court will be the re
sult of the law, Mr. Moorhead predicted,
with the probable result, aa foreseen by
him that Judge will find It necessary to
excuse fewer business and profetslonal
t ,men "because there will be fewer In-
rteiiigent men on the llata" when selec
tion la made by arithmetical calculation
from the reglrtr.itlon records and poll
book a.
"Aa a result of the hocua poous which
he will be required to use In employing
tha key number aystem," he said, "the
commissioner will not have the body of
tha county to choose from, but mill have
about 3,r-00 men selected by arithmetical
calculation. He will have the rlpht to
challenge men who may be proven by
Investigation to be unfit Tha challenges
may or may not be upheld by tiie Judges.
"Tha result probably will be a list of
Jurora whose average Intelligence will
not l up to tha present standard."
War Sends Down the
Price of Gladiolas
At last the war can be thanked for
helping to reduce the prioe of something.
ror montns price or almost every article
on the market, whether It be food or
chemicals, copper or toys, have been
mounting skyward as the buttle lino.
hava been drawn closer. But now one
article has been discovered that la ac
tually a gwl deal cheaper, wholly because
of the war.
The cheaper article la the sladlol and
kindred nursery bulb. Imported from
Holland. The reason is simple: Holland
haa been the great source of supply for
all Burn pa; aa well as America, In that
Una Ot goods. But now Europe Is too
busy fighting to plant gardens, aa prac
tically the entire Dutch export' supply
Is coming to this country, with a natural
decline In the market price. J
An Omaha florist says that ome bulb
that used to bring several dollars per
pound may now be bought foe U is
cents per pound. Bulbs generally were
never known to be as cheap as they are
tow. It Is aald.
The local branch. No. 6, of the Na
tional better Carriers' association,
known as the Gate City branch, haa en
dorsed the proposition for the purchase,
or the Auditorium by the city. At a
meeting held in the Swedish auditorium
mis organization pledged Itself to work
for the bond Issue to buy the Citv Audi.
torium. nnd the members) Individually
pledged themselves to get out and work
hard, to do all in their power to bring
ouc a laraa vote, and to tak anm ...
. with them to the polls on the bond elec
While the city now has the chance to
buy the Auditorium at $150,000, or the
actual Indebtedness of the company
louay. me. property is assessed as high
as S205.00O. This in what tha
and the Board of Equalization value the
property at, and it Is now offered to
the city at a trifle over half tht amnnni !
The ground Itself on which the building
stanaa is lsz reet on Fifteenth street and
&i feet on Howard street.
Mr. H. Foster and Miss Evelyn Foster
have returned from Tllden, Neb., whero
they took Mrs. Foster for burial to her I
old home. Mrs. H. Foster, who lived at '
!M5 Wirt street, died last wrTHc from
dropsy after a slckmns extending over
three months. She la survived by her
husband, four daughters, three of whon
live In Omaha, and one in Wyoming, and
by two sons, one nt Sioux Cltv and one
In Omaha.
Spriaar Colds Art Daasrrosi.
Don't run the risk, get a 50c bottle of I
Dr. King's New Discovery now. The first
dose helps you. All druggists. Advertise
Dr. John R. NUlaon ha returned from
Iiochester, Minn., wnere be was In a hos
pital six weeks following an operation for
gall atone. Shortly after hi return bom
hi brother, Henry O. Nllsaon. was taken
to tha Methodist hospital here suffering
from typhoid, he being considered fn a
critical condition.
Taktaa- Car tr tM Children.
No parent would consciously be
careless of the children. Joe A. Roa-
marln. Clarkson, Neb., use Foley s
Honey and Tar for hla two children for
croup, coughs and colds. He says, "W
are never without Foley Honey aod Tar
In tha house." A distressing rough, sleep
less nights, and raw. Inflamed throat lead
to a run-down condition In which the
child is not able to resist contagious or
Infectious disease. Foley's Honey and
Tar is truly healing and prompt In action.
Jt relieves roughs, colds, croup and
whooptng cough. Boid everywhere.
Dependable Quality Merchandise at
$1.50 SILK HOSE,
A big special lot of pure Silk
Hose, with double tops, heels
and toes, both black and col
ors, every pair perfect, regu
lar and out sties,
ft. tifl flllk llrsfl, fHo.
All-tha new colors. Fawn, Hel
gtan blues, putty, ato.. some
with fancy tops, great value.
at the prion,
7rwi Wilt Hoot Hoscin h)aCk,
white or tan, on sale a e
Saturday .-. . . 7C
Children' MhIc- Hose, black
and white, spe
cial, pair,
4th Floor
Fom-Uall (Yoquet Seta, nicely
finished, special Bat
nrrtay at, each
11a Her Hkates, Union Hard
ware Co, make, good steei
rollers, eitend to any
lie, on sale, ,,,,,,,
Tennis llaruueU, a splendid
assortment, at dC QQ
080 to J)0.i70
Men't $12.50 Suits $8.50
Za Domestic Boom.
Blue Berg or fancy colors. Men
that do not care to put too
much In a work or every day
suit should see them; they are
right up-to-lhe-mlnute In etyle;
young men and innn'a elea. Sat
urday. 112.60 Suits $8.80
Demsstlo Boom Only.
Yeans; Man's Baits, SS.OO We
have over 50 nulls that are only
ine and two suits of a kind.
They are $10 suits, sold In our
Main Inpt.. 2d Floor, Saturday
Se offer choice of all these 110
ults at $8.00
Bomsstto Boom Only.
A Big
1 rTSKi 'L
ran i i i
Children's Wash Dress
y c rt. .w -
es $2.50 and
ues, sizes 2 to
s t va ?a
Special Sale Saturday on New Spring Shoes
for Men, Women and Children
Women's Shoe and Oxford, $4.00 yaluea aand, aray or black top, button
or lace: also Oxford, pump and colonial ...fa. 60
Men'a Bhoes, button or lace, cloth or leather tope, t3.00 value for....1.88
Little Oenta' Shoe or Oxford, l.OO valu, Saturday 9l.eS
Child' and Infanta' tan or black button or lace: aJno kid Mary Jan pump.
76o and l.OO value at 7 60 aod 6O0
Women' black cloth top button, rlcl kid vamp. $3 00 value $1.8
Newest etyle In Queen Quality Hhoee, oxford nnd pump now on 4i Jly
and aale. Btetaoa and Crott shoe for men: O-rover and Qaeea Quality
ahoes for women.
Be Oar SHaplay of Shoe la toe lata Street Window.
$1.50 Ball Bearing Roller Skates 1 1Q
Special for Saturday Only . . r
To Talepboao or
Lo wheel ball bearing;
I.awn Mower . .83.88
lliKh wheel hall bearing;
Lawn Mower. .S4.M
Ortan Catcher. up
from 39o
Soreea Wire, Soreea
Door and Window
Any lr.e Hardwood,
irreen flniah door,
Adluetable Korean Win-
dowa, up from.... 85o
law mcwxma
Weolal alprtaa Opuu
la- Sal Saturday
-blad Ldiwn Mower,
fully warranted, fS.88
Fancy Un Kence. up
from, per runnln
foot 80
Fancy Flower Bed Bor
der, up from, per
runnlnc foot 4o
pi pmt olillllB ilM
J'oultry Nattinr. dnubl
saivanlsed. 1-ln. inenli,.
o per i. foot, or,
per 10 so,. feet in
full rolls aoc
Embroideries and Ribbons
Rcaiitlful IJMn. l-'m broideries). In
good assortment of pretty pat
terns, special bargains,
at, yard, 15 and ,
9 l.OO KmnrHrlcry Flounrtnjtft, Mc
A fin line of 27 and 80-ln.
embroidered flouncing, good
quality new designs. HQ
two lots, yard, and OaC
Kvtra Wide Ulhhons, a big as
sortment ot the newest weavea
and colorings, in plain colors
and fancies, checks, OA
plaids and stripes, yard, a&aC
23c Ribbon at 19c Yard A big
assortment of plain and fancy
ribbons, to 25c yard 1 P
values, yard, 10 and IOC
Ladles" New Neckwear, two splen
did special lota, Satur- nr
ly. 50 nd OC
Save 1-3 On Your Trav
eling Goods Purchases
Thoee Waterproof Matting
-Cases are just dandy for sum
mer vacation trips, light,
strong and very neat, worth
onetthird more, Q Cf
Sl.OO to PO.OU
Trunk of All Kinds, every
wanted style at one-third lest
than worth.
Wardrobe Trunks
at ...$17.50 to 805.00
Itegnlar Blzea
at SS.OO to 815.00
Boys' Suits at $1.95
In Domewtlc Room.
Blue serge suits, fancy colored
suits, the greatest assortment
of suits we have ever offered
at 11.96; this season's colors
and the styles; $2.60 and
$2.96 la the regular price;
Saturday we offer
s,$l 95
them at one price,
Bomsatto Boom Only.
Boys' All-Wool Blu Berg Baits,
$3.80 A true Mue Serge Huit
with full lined knickers, ages 6
to 10 years, on eale in the Do
mestic Room, Rat, at . . $3.80
Manufacturer's Stock of Spring & Summer Suits
on by our buyer now in New York on sale Saturday in three
Choicest bargains of the season.
and $27.50
Suits at
$29.50 to
Suits at
$13.95 I $19.50 $35.00
Nearly 200 Classy New Tailored Suits in the season's best styles
and colors; in gabardines, poplins, serges, cheek suitings d 95
and novelties; made to sell at $25.00 and $27.50; at, choice. .plO
Over 100 Handsome New Tailored Suits, including; a choice lot of
6ilk suits and broad assortment of tho season's most popular weaves
and colorings; in wool suitings, $29.50 to $32.50 values, 1Q50
choice .' $10
Just 89 Elegant Silk Suits and Finest Quality Cloth Suits Nearly all
exclusive designs, $45.00, $50.00 ay d $55.00 values ; elegantly 4j O C
tailored; the season's richest weaves and colorings pOD
You'll pronounce them the choicest suit values shown in Omaha
this season when you see themv Don't miss the opportunity to get
first choice Saturday A. M.
New Spring and Summer
Coats Assortment broad
enough to please the most
particular; values we aro
confident you cannot dupli
cate at the prices $10.00,
$12.75, $15.C0, $19.50, $25.00
Blouses and Waists An almost unlimited assortment at
from $2.95, $3.95, $5.00, $7.50 to $12.50
Qualities at each price we believe you'll find superior.
Children's White Dress
es; a charming assort
ment, $1.50, $1.95, $2.95
up to $10.00
$.3.00 val
14 years;
O. O. D. Order Takea.
Any uls fancy oiled
finish Screen Drain,
up from S1.B0
Knook down Screen
panes, up froni..3So
Screen Wire, black, per
square foot Bo
Galvanized Screen Wire,
per square foot....Uo
Extra heavy, beet Gal
vanised Wire made.60
Cedar Poata, up from,
"h iao
Poultry Nettlna, double
au.lvaiilxid, 1-ia. mesa.
?er q. fU 1 '., or, per
0 q. ft. In full
roll ai.8
TM 1 P Tift," . rvt t IT I o t nitnt l - rttti t w r.-
Saving Prices; the Best the Markets
' "
r 4 .
Pretty Urtdermuslins Most Pleasingly Priced
Assortment broiul enough to suit tho most, particular pur
chaser, .and from tho simplest and most inexpensive to the
finest, most elaborate creation. You'll find quality unques
tionably superior.
Crepo de Chine Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers and Slips, also fine
nainsook gowns and skirts, beautifully triminod
with laces, embroideries, insert ings and ribbons,
garments worth to $G.OO, samples and broken lota,
on sale Saturday, to close,
Skirts, Gowns and llain or Kn
velone Combination Halts that sold
up to $1.60, big assortment, at 69c.
Ladies' Knit In Ion Hull, silk or
plain llslea and fine cottons, to
00 values, la
two special lots
. . . . 35c and 40c.
Infants' Vests, rilk and wool,
values, in three lots at
$45.00 to $55.00
Suits at
Beautiful New Dress Styles;
three choice lots just receiv
ed; great variety of beauti
ful new designs for street
and afternoon wear; special
values, $14.85, $19.50, $25.00
Children's Spring Coats
Four splendid lots
at $2.95, $3.95, $5.03
and $7.50
Men's 3Ac Hllk Iltme, all colors
and sizes, on special sale at,
pair 25r
Pi. A
Oar Aim Is Quality Goods at a Sar.
las; of & to eO for tas reople.
J( lbs. best Uranulatw) HuKar.81.00
iH-lb. sarkM beat lliKh Urudn Jm
inond It Flour, nothlna better for
bread, pie or cakes, per ai k, 81.75
Make your own bread; ll payo.
I-Mj. run I'Yncy Hweet Sucar '01 .,,
Wax. Ureen, Htrlim or Lima H-nnH
for lio
3-lt. t ana Pumpkin, Hominy, riuuer
Kraut ur liakd Heaii for ... TH
11 bar Hnat-'Kin-All, llamoid ',
Ieno or Laundry Queen White
laundry Hoap for 86a
Fancy iolln Mantoe Vffee, lb 80o
The beat Tea Klftlnaa. lb 18V0
Tho beet Strlotly rreaa rr. P
Aoaea 80o
Nothlos finer at any price.
1 f Mail 1
a Filled
liin .
$-0 98
Children's Muslin rants or Hkirta,
to 7Ec values, daintily trimmed
with lace and embroideries, sam
ples at, pair SAc and 12 He
Ladles' Fine Lisle Yosts, with fancy
crocheted yokes, non-slip shoul
ders, any style, to 60c values, lfo
all wool and part wool, to $1.00
1212S 25t? and 45tf
$4.98 Shapes Reduced
A large variety of fine Milan llenipa,
riabi Hemp, Ijiaeret and Pyroxellne
Ilraid Shapes; black and color
Netnest Stvles in Men's Sarins' & Summer Furnish-
Several very fortunato cash purchasws enable us
to offer you truly extraordinary values.
Wash Ties Silk
AIbo mercerized, la all col
ors, athletic or regular, val
ue to a. 00, In 3 Iota,
at ... OS. G9t 40c
finished, made to sell ut
25c and 35c, at.l2tf
Men's Silk and Hllk MnUhed Hummer Hhlrta $3.00 to IG.00
values, In all newest colorings, ail finely tailored, choicest
values ever offered in Ottiaba, Saturday, special
at 83.08. 82.08 "d 51.08
lrea and Work Khirts, to $100 values,
Men's Kilk Neckwear, all new spring
Htyles and colors, regular 4 6c value,
special at ' 133c
Men's Humruer
shlrta and drawers, to Tic gar
inent values, at 45c
The beat dreamery Hut tor, carton or
bulk, lb 3
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ler, ih aao
F'anoy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, nnr
pound BSo
t lb, irood Hutlurln 83o
Full Croajii. New York White. Wi
roneln Cream or Youna America
Cbeeaw. 11. SOS
Imported Hwlna or Kmtuefort Clieene
per lb
noaDA oBara TMvn srsoiAXi
A carload of eitra fancy Florida
C.reue 1-Tuit will so on al Ftlday.
46 Hire, that sella reaularly at liVo
Vrtday, eaoii frt
it Ue. that sells reru'arly at 10.-,
Friday, each Se
Ldinlt: 1 doten to a customer.
of the World Offers at Each Price
In the Lace Department
fl.ftO I .are Honoring,
flue line of beautiful
lice Flouncing, that
1.60 yard, two special
iota, yard, 70t and..
7c A
sold to
Oriental Kdgesi, most popular for
the dainty neckwear so much
In vogue, choice values
at yard, 3t and ....
aloncioivnca Klgc and Insert
ing, dainty patterns made to
sell to 16c yard, at, f
yard OC
Prelty (limy Iu-es,
choice special values, yd.
lrMty Knibrolrlerrxl llainlkrr-
rlilt-f. lo S5c values,
Indies' lnre Linen Hand
kerchiefs 7ic
A Big Special Sale
Men's Hats
Hats Marie to Sell up to fCJ.OO,
good styles for spring and
summer wear, new colors,
two lots, QC
t 81.3." nd yoc
John II. stelaon Hats A big
showing of the now shapes
st. up
from OOtUU
( lilllicn Cloth llata, both
wool materials and crash, up
to 7Bc values, IC
choice tOC
Drugs & Toilet Goods.
1.60 box 1 Trfl Fac Powtler
fur Bo
l.BO bottlo Orlf-ntal I'roam .tae
26n bottle Klmo hlntcrn' Ron
for lOo
Kc Jar Fond Vanlnlilna Cold
Cream lo
BOr- fr Tonrt' or Aubry Slaters'
t'oM Prajn aao
TSf .lar Pompnlan Maaaaa Cream
for BOo
0r bar Jap Hme or ralmollv
10c bar Thyalclana' or Piira-non'
Honp So
4 10n bar TVrnxM Soap...,a8o
5 10c roll Crepe Toilet 1'aper, aso
Liseret or Milan Hemp
Smartly Trimmed in the Season's Approved
I Materials Including the
New Wings and Flowers
to $
$2.00 Children's Hats
An exceptionally attractive line of
fhlldrem's Keady-to-Wear llata, spe
cially priced for (Uturday at
big assortment at
Hn VHty rajainas, mercerized and
nainsook, $3.UD values, in white and
colors S1.45 d GOC
I 0 I'alr of Men's Hose, guaran
teed to wear for sii months,
Saturday for 40c
TioaTtita KUUI TOM
IS lbs. beet Cooklna Potatoes . .170
Fancy California llhubarb. S lbs.
for loo
hunches Home Urown Onloo. .bo
Kxtra laree elalk Celery ..... 8Se
Freeh Axparafua for lOo
New Cabbage, lb S'j
Klim Tomatoes, lb . loo
I'kJii-y Mushrooms, 1-lh. bx....45e
Fancy Urin Cucumbers, each. 18e
Fany Head lettuce, per heada-TVe
FYesh He i. Carrola. Turnips. 8Uei
loia or Keilluhe. large bunch. .4
7 lbs. Moiled Whit Breakfast Oat
meal for afto
The best Domestic Macaroni. Vermi
celli or Mpuhettl, uku TU
cans Oil or Mustard Sardines, .aio
$1.50 Corsets at
98 Cents
The aell-known and very pop
ular "Reduce-l"" Corsets. In
extra length, medium bust
models, with reducing strap,
$1.50 values, at 980
Vrsel WNt. ladles' or chil
dren's, to $1.00 values, all
slr,es, special 49?
Summer Netting Coreets, Just
the thing for house corset,
ppeclal GO
sue Hanltary Aprons. .. . 10
50c Tlraaalers, front or back
fasten, special 30
Fine 811k Hweatern, newest
colors and styles. ... $4.08
Children's Konipem at..40c
Third Floor Saturday
Framed 11 cm re, regular val
ues to 76c, big assortment
popular sublecta, Oq
choice OUC
Framed rictnree, worth to $2,
In square or oval frames, gilt
or brown. 120, 14il6 or
14x2.. big assortment of
splendid subjects. QC
each aOC
Fourth Floor Saturday
Why pay more: Saturday?
16c 20-Mule-Team Rorax TVie
10c lb. Moth ball at t lb, for loo
2Rc bottl Sal Hpatlca,.,;.SM
1 bottlo Sal Hepatlca 7
60n jar Mentholatum ., Ma
37K bottle Horllck'a lin.ltt.l
Milk for aa.e
26o bottle Danilerlne ISO
60c o. Wblte Rob Perfume. tfte
!6d Tooth Hruehe for ,,,,.10o
26c bottle Orrl Root Tooth Pow
der for t
TSc Ideal Ilstr Rrtieli o
7Br Rubber Olovea for . . ...8o's Shampoo for sale
26c Auto Sponge for lOo
Kid and Silk Gloves
l.OO Quality Lamhskin Gloves,
white, black and tan, about 60
dozen In the lot, special a
at. pair UC
lft-Ilutton Length Bilk fllorea,
with guaranteed finger tips, to
$1.25 values, black or r r
white, at. pair OjC
Kayaer's Wlk Gloves, tha guaran
teed kind, In 2-button r?f
length, at 81.00 nd. OUC
18 and lrt-Untton Lenjrth, in all
colors, with embroidered or
contrasting backs, eyr-
rair, 82.50 to 4 DC
Kayaer's Chamolsetto Gloves, reg
ular 76c values, 16-but- Jf
ton length, special .... 3i7C
The most complete assortment ot
new styles shown In years
Ladles' 08c up to 810.00
Children'a ....from S5c up
The best No. I Pork 1 93
Loins Saturday . . ,iwC
First Quality, Not Frozen or
Storage Meats
No. 1 Pork Roast; b.. Saturday U
No. 1 Hteer Pot Roaet, lb, Sat. SVle
No 1 Hteer Hlb Hull. lb. tlat....8VtO
No. 1 Hteer faihouldar Mieak, lb. 18U
lu lbs. beet l-eaf Lard, Hat. Sao
Smoked Meat Specials Saturday
Armours Star Hama. lb lVkO
So. I l-an Bacon, lb 18 V
No. 1 Ba k Baron, lb 18H
No. 1 Plrnlc Hama. lb SH
1IH Park Ke lirim S3o
FVesh dressed Lambs and Chickens
for your Sunday dinner at lees than
wholesale. Oet Hayden'a price
ursi it pays.
! I
.; i
1 1