Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 19, Image 19

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satukhay. ArniE
. UIU-J4.. T".
fob nr.xr
Honae aval Cnttaarea.
WEST FARNAM district. roorn modern
liouw convenient to two car line: fine.
.ocaMenl poeaeaaioa May 1. Appiy MO N.
4M Pt Tel. Walnut 2171.
We Kara a. complete Hat of all boon a,
apartments and (lata that are for rant
Thla llat can b seen frws of charre at
Omaha Van A Storage Co , " P. isth St.
ALU sitae. M i r month 'ip W aitor.
Gordon Van Co.S
K mn St Tel. P. M r Wah, 1M
T (J. RppH palmar StoTI!
f J AVVV-U 1207 Farnam, IX ai.
B tha Central Furniture Store. FRKE
Globe Van&Storage
Store, moves, pack a, ships; storage, 11
rr month. Whan you move call us.
Satisfaction guar, p. 4? and Tyler iVK
I Ids. baihuik. ahlUDlna. 1711 Webster :
r -
Ids, pm-aing, shipping. 1,711 Webstar St,
IXtugi 14.
TTniieoq U parta of tha city.
Crelgh Bono & Co.,
Re BMg.
Mora ttlfleee.
2,060 square feet, with fuM basement- Ex.
oelleot West Farnam location.
1M W. O V. Bide;. Phone Dov-lss V,?X
BTOR8 or office, modern" M; near post- -r. giconins.
Barn. 1 - 4
LARGT9 barn for rant, for automobiles.
38 Howard St.
Tele buya averythlng 2d hand. Tyler MIS.
OFJri;jfi furniture bought and aold. al.
C Read. 1207 JTartuun. Doug. $144. .
BKVF.K or 8-rooin houae in Weet Farriam
or Field Cluo Districts. US to ISO; best
kind of tenant.
W. L Selby & Sons
State Bank Bldg.
Phone poug, WO,
. Arautaissufc,
FOR information about cheap lands In
southwest Arkansas, write W. L. Per
il in , A tidown, Ark.
FARMERS, do you 'need money T Vnc-
4 Pfr op.nt. dealing otreot with bor
rower, zt per cent straigBt commission;
rorrespondenoe solicited. Address Dept.
P, Security Farm Loan Asa'n, Ik) N. Lear-
own DL unieakBi in. '
Live Oak Colonies
Gutter county, California, U dajty trains
to and from Sacramento City. Penetual
' water right, Beat of soil. Learn how
we furnish our settlers with cows, horses
and necessary farm implements. Also the
many other convenient and helpful de
tails we have worked out t nike our
proposition desirable. We want substan
tial, experienced farmers, not shoe-string
speculator. Prices low, terms easy.
W.T.Smith Co.
Peak B, City Nafl Bank. Blag. ;
Live Oak Colonies; none betW.'" W. "f!
Smith Co., U-14 City Nat, bk. P. 2$1.
FOR SALE Farms, 10 and M acres, in
PeeU, CoU. Write LfeUUer, I36i Ogden
Ave, Chicago, III.
Iowa. .
havb t6u a fakm kor balet- m
Write a good description ot your land
and send it to the boux C;ty, la.. Journal,
"Iowa's Most Powerful Wsnt Ad
Auidium." Twenty-five worus every Friaay
evening, baturuay morning and evety
aaiurday evening and Sunday rnoruipg
or one month, giving sUlsen ana on
twelve dilferent days lor Hi or U words.
Largest circulation of any 16w pews
paper, 2M),0Uv readers daily in fur great
cortunlty. fc),uW area irrleated whet
and altaiLa land lor ecivieaxin at vaiier.
Uciul Ml.M to tau oar acre: filteea years'
time. For particulars, write Vailer Faint
t-aiM vx., to tuw, vaiter. toot.
Nebraalua. :
East Neb. Bargain
u,a acres six miles irom rviuisuurg.
-Neu., aid one and one-half mils from
ltaeville. Neb.; (-room house, all modern
throughout, with electrio lights; barn 3.1x48
with shed l'xlo0; two good hog houses,
all floored and divided into pens; granary
)x3Z; machine shed 16xlu0; some good
fruit trees; 60 aoies wild pasture; 70 acres
AifaiLi; a acres timothy and clover; Ian 1
Ites slightly rolling, but not rough; good
irons and good soil. Price $40,um. Write
P. N. McCOV. 711 SUta Bank Bldg,
New York.
Price Gratifies and Location BaUafiea.
bo forty thousand each week look for
my rare bargains that they tan depend on.
140-acre farm with 21 cows, team, farm
machinery, hens and seed grain. Price
4i per acre.
tn-acre farm with five cows and hens.
Price $oa
luO-acre farm with 10 cows, team, hen
and farm machinery. Price $j$ per acre.
6-aere. farm buildings worth $4,0j0;
good land. Price $a,iuO. $600 cash, iu
1 early buys any of these farms. R. K.
fare paid one way to purchaser.
Writ for photos.
l'4: g. Salina 8t.. Syracuse, N. T.
. SAlataeavla.
BARGAIN 240-A. farm ) m. from Min
neapolis; Ut A. under cult.; 40 A. good
meadow: 60 A. timbered pasture; can
practically all be cultivated; good corn
land; farm Is fenced; 10-roora house, barn,
granary, machine shed, windmill, 12
head good milk cows, 4 good horsaa, har
nesses, wagons, complete set of machin
ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the
farm goes at $46 per acre: $5,000 cash,
balance can stand for 10 years at fa per
tent. Schwab Bros., 104 Plymouth Bldg..
Minneapolis, Minn.
South Dakota.
Southeastern VoutU pskola. tha land ef
firoroia. Only about 1.400 altitude. Ideal
ylng land, drained by creeks, beet of
black loam foil, rU;ht in corn belt, alfalfa
will malt farmers rich, rtouthweetern
Iowa people bought over i,000 acres within
tnree yeara near ivarine. Ainuaf im
ra farmers, bankers and merchants.
Our Iowa people who moved up among
us, eur greatest booatera Investigate to
your heart a content, but get boas' for
your own Interest.
Hpring bargain of solid section, well
lm oroved and in excellent oorumunlty and
not far from German church; best of
soil and ideal In lay. $46 per acre; reason
able terms. If you mean business, get
busy but no iraaes contouerea.
204 McCaue B.dg., Omaha.
Carthage. Boutli rWikota offloe.
niandld MO-acre valley farm, ama
bldgs., best of neighborhoods. $ miles to
t,.w,i ifi7 fift ner acre.
S30 A. $0 ml. Ho. pak. state capital I
ml. small town: Imp i sale at big sacrifice.
Cartaon A Wallln, Omaha Neb., MoCague
Hdg.. Omaha-1 Carthase. no. uaa.
, Waahlagtoa.
COMB WEST Pure water, fine climate,
fertile aoll; low prluee, easr term, nave
a large eeletUon to draw from. If you
are interested in tne west and Washing
ton, address Edward Abellng, Gpldoadaue,
$11 TO $11.0A made promptly. F. D.
Wead, v.) pid., lHh and r arnam 8t
CITY and farm loans. 6, 6. 4 per cant.
J. rt. uunMini t o.. 416 Htats uaoa.
IVANTfcfr-City loar.s and wartanu. s
Faraanr Hmith Co.. laJO rarnam Pt
XlONtT on haiid for city and tarm loana
H W. Hindrr. City Nati onal Hank Blrt
WaNTEr Olty loana. Trust Co-
'1EE ua flrat for farm luaoa in eaatern
b. Uolted States Trust Co.. Omaha.
CITY JOANS. C. O. Carlberg,
Ilrt-411 Prnrifl Theater IM.
1 . t.. " V'
lOil Cmaha Katleeal. i'bane Uooslaa JTll.
Tr Title Ouarntea aid Ahatract
t fl Co.. a modern abstract ofie,
l.'th St. Fhone D. MS?.
KlCU Att r UAt'T i.0. VlJeat abe traai
offloe In Nebraska, tot Kranjala Thea,
FOR SALEBV eaner, I acres, houaei
fruit trees, herrlea irapea. chicken
bouae, barn- Walnut WH,
$275 per acre buys 14 acres, II blocks of
$400 par at re buys T errs II blocks from
$600 per acre buys 3H acres two Mocks
from ear and paved street.
$c00 per a ore. two blocks from ear and
raved street.
$Wo per cr, oa ear lint and $
$1,000 oar sere buys 10 acres, between
two oar line on Dundee bill.
p. C PATTERSON, rhone poug. wr.
A Desirable Home
2005 Spencer St.
If you want a well built t-room home
that is well arranged and In a dealrahte
location, yv'l should look at this at once.
It has reception hell, living room, dining
room and kitchen on the Ilret floor fin
ished In quarter-sewed oak eaoeptlnf the
kitchvn. lias tfi'ee well arranged bed
rooms and bath oa second floor; full
baemnt; firat-clasa plumbing and beat
ing. A uereno for two cars. On psved
street, and the price has bean rut to
if sold at onee. Pleaae detft bather
the tenants, but see ua about It.
Open for Inspection
NT 19TH 8T
East front en Boulevard. No specie)
taxes, beautiful hle trees. cement
the iiorep.
Bin rooms on one floor; modern eacept
furnace; oak floors; beautifully deoorsted.
compinauon ugnting mtgres. rrifi
a small payment down, balance
same as rent. W. U. Adainaon, Owner,
261S N.ltb gt. . -....
Call Pauf- t atvy day tx$ ereek.
S rooms,- sak finish. Just a cosy home,
all modern, bathroom elegantly furnished,
eement basement, south front lot. pared
street, paving paid, just a little north of
semin far.
312 Brandels Theater BMg.
Lea WSitTroti i a y" Vor TUa How."
Would you Invest In a new, modern,
elaaey, up-to-date home (f you oould
It tor a good deal less than (W vslueT
Wa have a dandy, fine plaae of 1 rooms
and sleeping porch, with cement gars SO
and driveway, located on Wvan St., ono
block from the ah 61. car. wnicn we
are going to sell this week. Tha owner
will leave today pr tomorrow for Illinois,
and positively must U it. We have the
kev and an automoblla. Are you inter
ested? ,
rATT4r; mVETMr:r(T vo:"r',i
Ware Block. Ooug, 17L
Want a lttT
Full o feat, UTi3 Lake St., ail improve
ments! eood dlstrlflt for home or amaJl
flat: two car lines. Owner will sail low
or build for yo on paymentg. t!heprd,
tfJOi Wirt at.
. 11 . . m.i 11 11 .1 . 11 1 1 aw
Cheap Lot
$1,100 buys tha northeast corner of J
and Arbor Sta, 4Vxl40 feet in sum, with
all apeclals paid in full. Nonresident
owner authorises this lew price tor quick
sale. Investigate.
George & Company
Phone t. 7M.
01 City Nafl . Wd.
inmll Cash Payment Pown
Here It Is:: Blx-room, brand new bunga
low, oak finish, strictly modern and up-to-date
In every way; choice corner lot;
psved street Hanscom park district.
Price for this weak ask us about it.
Terms arranged, or good lot taken a first
payment, bee this at once.
Rasp Bros.
Douglas 1G6.V
10) VcCague Bldg.
T rooms, all modern, blrrh finish, ex
cellent condition, fine eaat front lot.
paved t sect, with paving paid: first-class
neiFnoornooa, joii one oioca nortn or
Field club. Price onir $2,600. will grant
term It need be.
J12 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
W. Farnam District
$28 PER MO.. $100 CASH.
Burs real bargain In 8-r. mod. horns:
paved St., best location and tot; U blocks
KNAP in T-r., mod., full lot. ' paving;
paid, N. B. Hanaoom Kark, amy i,oo.
Any oner ana terms consinerea.
M KITKlt- K K. rJ. t O. 1. !.
$15.00 Cash
and tlt.00 per month buys you two of the
choicest lots in the southwest part or tne
city, at the northwest corner of 43d aad
Jackson Sts. Only two blocks from street
ear. and these lots win no worm more
money in a few years, it you want to
make a good investment It will pay you
to see about these lots.
Creigh, Sons & Co,
Pouglas 200.
MM Bee Bldg.
For Sale
Five-room house, modern except heat
Everything In good condition. Part cash.
balance montly payments. 71$ S. 21st St.
the bee Want Ad Are" Uest Business
Booster. '
Special Bargain
-400x140 feet.
front, delightful
.location: ziw b. Ud kt., wun large,
wait-built, lu-rooro houee; hot water
heat; oak floors upstairs and down;
splendid condition: new plumbing.
Price $7,000, with all the ground, or
tt.vOu with houae and one lot. A
bin SNAP.
Dundee Special
$7.000 One of the best built and most at
tractive well arranged houses in
Dundee district, (or the price,
choice location. House has hot
water heat, beautifully arranged,
and built by the owner for a home.
Scerlal reasons tor selling. Ask to
see it.
D. V. Sholes Co.
tte-l City Nat. bank b.dg. Doug. 4.
Cseil Blaffs.
IN Council blurts-All modem home.
Practically new. Nine rooms. Beauti
ful location. Oarage with reu.ent drive
way. Fruit tre.a and garden space; l'
blo-ka from liroedaay. Conveniently
located close to aehools snd churches.
sirs. Anna Bender, 144 Park Ave. TL
Bij C$h Demand and Larg Tt
ereasa In Stock Start Sharp
; Adrasce in Wheat
OMAHA. April It, IMS.
A big easli demand for wheat and the
Iarr daerenae in stocks, both at Min
neapolis and rulutb in the last five
ay has eired a sharp advance l the
wheat market
The com receipts fviay totaled eighty
one care. The demand was good and i
'"' '! sOvtnced from Uf. I
There was a'so a good damana tor
oats and they advanced V. '
Experts say that the trsde li confronted
by a very unusual i-aeh wheat situation.
i is no lenger a rase of price, hut of
obtaining the arain. With tha cntl..n
of India, tha preunt eiportlng eountriea,
ths I nlted Ptetcj. Canada and Araen
tlna. have either sold or already shiimed
practically all their available surplus.
R;islaot wheat la not available arfd the
wheat bulla predict that there will he
the greatest scramble for the small aralU
able supplies ever known
Clearances were: Wheat anil floaie
fii'J'W cor- .000 b". pats,
1,007,00) oil.
Liverpool close: Not quoted.
rrlmary wheat receipts were M9.M0 bn.
and hlpmenu fl,0o bn agalnat re-elpU
of bu. and shipments of i.000 bu.
laxt year.
Primary eom receipts wsre f$.0o bu.
nd shipments l.ftiB.OnO bu., sarsinst re.
reipta of $.0,CO0 bu. and shipments of U..
bu. last year.
rrlmary oata reoelpte were 7$.0fl0 bu.
r,ihn,,u "t-one ' against reeelpts
pf ss.noo bu, and shipments of T0S.O0O bu.
last jreaj.
Chi... iiWfc. v-orn. wau.
Kansas CJty
rt. l-euis
r wii.-n"ri 1 er'.7i 8 ears, T1V. No.
i:ais. TiVe; f cars, TlUj( cars, nvei
m- yniiw: e eara twet), 700. No.
yeilow: I ear q. No. I mixed: g ears.
. t a can.
mixd: eai
T04e; 1 car, c; i
jxo. a mixeo: 1 oar,
fanm.a: 1 ur q4m .
r Vn"n".s ' No- 4 wmt: 1
" : 1JF', oampie. 1 ear. Me,
Itye-No. 3: 1 ear 11 Oft
Omaha Caab Piam urk,.... N- a ...
key, iLo6HSl K'4; No. 1 turkey, $1.6S1.W;
EfkH"1' No- 3 hard. K.iiV,
rU; No, $ BPrlng. H.Sfflltt; fr9, I
i.p"Ti.M4; io. t flunim.
Rtr?J!4ci K0, t yellow, 71if T.'.c; N
IIOW. IT IX A. A Vullnw 7rtLvtff71 .
h?; jrl1f'., aWnS'le; No. yellow, gi
J?DSi.r- I '."d. TlViTlc; bfo. 2 mixed!
lS.2Uc- No, t mlxod, T0'4Wlc: No. 4
Miiaea, iwpiwe; mo. mixed. WWOc;
Pl'r '. Osts: No.
white, 64Val;: standard. 54Sflo4ic: No.
S white, eJWjiMe; No. 4 white, HfiMH.
Barley; XUlliijg, WH: No. 1 feed. ojj
ia, ' l-cl,'09i l-oli
Ffatwres a( tbe Tratlaar Closlas;
Prices esi Board af Trade.
CHICAGO. Aoril ICWheat ran at
time today mearly la a bushel. Tha iumo
was aacompanied by assertions Uiat for
eUmers were buying new crop deliveries
and were also purchasing new crop flour
on aceount of the beilst that the war In
fluence would extend into the 19H har.
unuauaiiy noavy prom taking.
though, ed to a reaction, the markat
closing unsettled, Ho off to $We up com-
fared with last night Com gained IHtt1
to IM et and oaU e to IV''1
1c. In proivlalnns the outcome varied
from Eo decline to Ua advance.
uuying demand centered ohieflv on the
July option, aw oron month, and
seamed to have broadenaeV amt away be
yond what would naturally bo require.!
to cover any previous short aeiling. word
of big advance In nrlrea at Buenoa
Ayree and of extraordinary European
competfUpn for what little was left of the
Argentine surplus emphasised reports of
foreign buying.
BeJrs of wheat futures tiere to renJIxe
profits amounted to several million
buahela, but tha market showed a de
elded tendency . toward a setback. The
market also responded more or less to
tha bullish Influence of hua-e nnrl
clearances for the day and week,
nignrr pricea lor rorn were oaefl
largely . 00 ; bullish , crop reports from
Five reams.
' Built-in effects.
All mod era. . a
Partly stuecb. ,
Paved street.
, .Very nice location.
American Security Co.
Poug! as M!2.
Walnut 3027.
7 Rooms, 7
All Modern,
on 26th Avenue
The owner of thte property ' has In
structed ua to aeiU and we would be glad
to show you a good home wlthtn ten
minutes' walk of the heart ef the city
that can be bought at a ligure that will
surprise you.
HASTINGS HEVUKJf, 1614 Harney St.
22U to $300 buys lots On or pear car in
northwest and other part of city.
$400 buy better lota, having u.y water.
sooJ bu lota on grads, fine view, wawr
and sewer, at 7th and lorcas.
7W tor signuy lot on ua Ave., near
$io for tot en Military Ave.
itO for lot at iJodf e aad 444 tit-, In West
for lots in Field club district.
1.0UO lots to rhoosa from.
D. C. PATTKHtiON. Douglss 2K47.
,Uoa. bAHUAINti.
2200 cash. T-room house and 44 acre
all In fruit. t..
$260 cash, a-rooro modern house near
Pt and Meredith Ave.. $t leO.
$joo casn, t-room tottage, iSih, near
Fiankltn ht., $2,260.
tuoO each, T-r., on Park Ave., $4.iJv. '
kjiu rash, a-r.. 2th, near IMouuo, J,')
T-roora modern hou, b. itii Ave., iie.r
Poppltrion Ave., $a,70.
t-r. modern houae. 8, 25th Ave.,' near
near vooiworth Av., $S,it0; only tv.ou
Inquire 412 Ksrbach Slk. Doug 2607.
A few high, aigntiy Ion, on car tine, all
stret Improvements in; good netaubor
hood: price low.
WKlGH'i" 4V LASBURT. Phone I) I.
and desirable for aoinehody to securs for
a kima or an investment. We can see
the advantages in the property vou have
ftr aalo and iltu supply the man who
want the advuntoBce. Ltt u sell that
good home of ours.
U12-1. W O. W. Blda. Phone Touglaa!kVT.
LIST your pror-eri'TVlih M. it. Lander
you. 202 Nevlll BU. V, ituo.
CANADIAN farm for sal. or trade fur
city property. For particulars, address
W, . While, 224 8. th kL. Omaittv
? 7
n .. ..
M ..
$1 1$
$4 n 14
.. 41 W 4
Vhi.. ,.?.'"Jwre retorted fodayt
K 12- """I .'": 1 car, $1 &.
i.l"; io. durum. $1,494
l.e Corn: No. 1 white, T2Hitr72Ac: No.
i white, nfemc: No. 1 white, 7jB73c;
So, 4 arhKe, 7jsf71V!; No. L whits, oi
Tl'ie: No. ( whlia 7m.:MTna.- 1
Argentina and on the tlrM big lake ehip
I m nle of the vesr. H.lde, Iht-ie hiv
vaan eaies nrij a.-i,4 nupiHtn, 111. -iui-Ing
a round lot to exciter. Oats went
up s-rsle with other cereals. Clesraiees
of pioia than l.OftMtW bushels at the sea
board helped to ruMatn the advance.
lncraed warehouea etorka of IkhI
made that atapla relatively wask. The
strta of pTk and rib", however, had
not enlarged as much as expected, and
prices for tot) articles mounted higher
with a rain and hnsa.
I Range of prices on futures:
Artlclel Open. I Hish.l I.ow. Close Yes'y
I 1 1
May.j 1 l
Mir.t i ni
1 tXK 1 l
1 Ht
t 3iV 1 1V 1 1 'H
Oata 1
I1? rr4
17 TTH
17 !TV IT I U .
rr Ttl
17 SO
IT 4' IT
17 li t
10 H . ! 1" 0TV
1 OTW1
10 ir
10 40
10 10
10 40
W 40, 10 KWI
10 ns' 10 in
1 o 1 1 trrv,!
m 4:v,' 10 40
4Q I 10 K
Chicago Cash Prtcea Wheat: No. 1 red,
$l.atr .; No 2 bard, llail - Corni
No 2 yellow, Ta'i4j76c; No. 4 yedow. 74
itTte; No. 4 wpite, 744jC. Oats: No.
white, eVT','X atannaro. ninnc. r-ji.
No. 1 $1 l. Barley; ltti0r. Heed .Tim
othy. $4 Snfi6.SP: elover. $.x (HT1 ProW
alonai Vprk. $17.10, lard. $9.87V; rlha. W.U1
- ...
BT TTI.K-lower; rraiuery,
rcrinHlaher: reoelpte. $1,40$ oapea: at
mark, caaea Included. l4JllHe; ordinary
firsts, m'awix'tc; uraia. hciiisc.
PiTATOKH-r,,n"' receipia, rar,
tichi and Wisconsin, red, 4n3e;
Michigan and Wisconsin, white, 40WH.C
PtiULTRY AUve. higher; fowls, lbkic;
springs, lie.
BITTER ro. I. Mb. eartons. Sir; No.
I t-lh. tubs. .. . ,
CllfcEPE-Imported Swiss. Be; Amerl
ran iwt.s. Sec; bleok le 2te twins.
luUat daisies. THoi trluleto, line; Young
meriJaT laci VluelahJ brick, IS'ic; llm
burger, l ib., Wl l-lbj 20c; New York
white. 19ci Importail Frenoh Roquefort,
FlBH-.Trout, 14e: large erapples. IBe;
hellbul. lie; elianrtel oatUsh, ic. herring,
L: rodflah, 1$e; mackerel, c;
. $?WEET POTATOES Kanaae. $2.75 bbl,
BKIKk' Ct'TS-No. i ribs. 1V; No. 2,
14Hc; No. 2, U'o. No. loins, Jc; No. 2,
17c; No. 2. Jc. No. 1 nhtieks. .n; No. a
Kjc; No. 2. tHc No. I rounds. 12V4o: No.
J. 12c; No. 3, llo. Ng. I plates, 8i No. 2.
7Vc: No 2. ic.
POl'LTPY Brollerg, tocj spring chick,
ens, IVi hena. Hoi cocks. IVl roostera,
$Hc; stage. iucka. $o; gesae. 10e;
turkeys, ISClSo; pigeons, per do., OOcj
duoks. fuir feathered. 1 $ t-ese, full
rathered, lot sqvaba. Ho. J. Il.tuj No. $,
Krult and vegetable prices furnished b
Gllllnelti Fruit company:
V'ltl'lTft Oranges: California .navels,
all slsca, H7fc per box. five-box lots or
more. $- per bog; fancy BunUlst, sorts.
irtiW 11 wihi u mp box: cnoinft zfi dhii.
$3.50 rer box. Orapefrult. 4(ia $3.M per
box; Mh. $2.7 ftr box; mi, par uoi,
k... ttnn nar box. Auplns. extra fancy
W. W. Pesrmalnes. $1M par box; extra
Fancy Ppltsctiburgs, $1.60 per box; extra
fmiry black twla. I1.H! per box; extra
fancy Black rlen ravl. $1 BO per box;
extra fancy t ith Oanos, par box:
Wineraps, $1.78 per box. Bsnsnas. $2.00
fi t A per puncn, eo vr m. ii'iiuiri,
New York Uanlah cabbage. 2e per lb (
California new cabbage, to 100-jh.
ei-alea, V0 per lb; celery. Jumbo, 0e
ficr dOS. ; peppers, 00c per papnui. ncau
ettuce. $100 per nos.; leaf lettuce, euo
per dos.l fancy tomatoes, $4.M per crate:
choice tomatoea, $4.0 per crate; red
onions, 2c per lb.; rgdlshes, IxV per dog.;
ertlrhokes, $1 60 per dos.j turnips, Wo par
dos.; endive, soc per lb.; spinach, 60c par
. fc.i,aa.i anrauta. 20o ner lb.: Pars
ley. We per do. Onion sets, yeilow an4
red, $110 ft btl.l white. .W per bu.
Htraw berries, Louisiana, pints. $228 p
cmjf Pototoes, coiorsao rturaw, 100 per
bu.; Red River Ohio. $100 per bu.; Min
nesota Whites. er bu. Sweet pota
toes, seed stock, aeiiverea April lo 1
$2 00 Icr barrel. Mushrooms. Wo per lb.
iw.i.i. 1 U ner sack. 10c ner dos.
Cider. x.M per keg. Nuts, No. I Call-
.i-. 11 40 ner box: neanuts. raw,
To per lb.; roaetefl, sW per fb.; raw, sack
loti. Jumbc, $c psrlb.i aslted. l per
can. . .,
M I PC r ; LlA n nu u o--r nr. -"w "j
4c ner lb.; cracserjacg, pr -,
esse, l.T; cnecaere, ,a.w v(
Case. !.,.
Now York General Market
vrw VORK. Aoril W. SUGAR Raw,
firm; centrifugal, 4.ioi molasses, 112rj
refined, steady; futures opened qu'et and
steady and at midday were net unchanged
to 2 points lower.
Bi'TTK.n- Unsettled: receipts, J
nr.amarr extras. M score. 16'21V0I
creamery, higher scoring, SWMic; firsts,
seconas, -..-triu-jIrr-ular:
receipts. 25.M1 cases.
f ..w aaf hared extras. I2c; storage packed,
extra firsts. 8a4jo; firsts, Va; reg
ular packed, extra nrsis, '. ira, a
. m n rhv hannarv whites, fine to
fsncy,'23c; nearby hennery browns. 22'
"r-iiB-XTSPV-HtriTi: rerelnts. .ifO boxes
i.ia whole milk, fresh spertsls. ok
lMc; state whole milk, average fancy, li
pnrt.TRT IJve: steady: western broil'
era, 4ftJ4Sc: fowls. WujUtioj turkeys, Utf
l&c; dressed, quiet; western froson roast
ing chickens. 1772ie: frexh fowls, iced, 14
t16V4c; frozen turkeys. 1521c.
Corn aad Wheat Hesrlosi Ballctl.
Clear weather prevailed gll over Na-
braaka and Iowa last night with no
Central No. of Temp.
Station. Stations. High. Low
Columbus ...1 SS
Loulevllle- ...2i 70 . 44
Indianapolis .li tu ' 4
Chicago ......24 ' f . 44
Pt, Louis tu 74 4
Pes Moines. .24 $0 so
MlnncsiHilis M 74 ' 44
Kan. City.... 24 7 4
Omaha IT 4
i ' :IS
.. ' 00
.. .00
..V .tx)
I.lifht frosts occurred In northern' Ohio
aad heavy frosts in West Virginia. Show
ers occurred in the extreme upper Mis.
Kteslppt valisy snd upper lake region. A
feu of 1 80 inch occurred st St. Paul,
Minn l A. WLLSH.
. l,ocal Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
Mienrapells tire I a Market.
May, tl In: July. ll.M no i nara. i.i;
No. I northein. $1 $tV,ftl o",: T".'o. I
northern, tl.ti 1.7V.
BAKI.KY tKiil76c.
BHAS-IS.W. ' '
COKN-No. f yellow, Tlfi7m.
OATH No. 2 white. btWHC.
Kaaui City Grain and Prov-teleae.
: hard, tlMnl.M., No 2 red, $164; May,
$ltH: luly, $l.MVl.a'e; tesU-mUr,
(Ol.K-.Si). 2 mixed, TbW!c: No. 2
white. 7tc; No 2 yellow .io7tVc: No. $.
V-Vr; May. T4Vi July, T6V; SeiHember.
OATS-No. 2 while, MH8"e:
mixed. W-3WHc.
St. 1-oola Grata Market.
ST. laOUlS. April 1 W 14 K AT No. 2
red, $l.fev4tl7; No. Z hard, tl.t?!.-.
Mav. July, ll.rrv.
'OKN No. J. TOHc.i. No. 2 whit. 7c;
Msy, 73'c. July, '
OATb Nt 2. :J0c: No. f white.
l.leeeKMl liraisi Market.
firm: No. 2 Manitoba. IS d: No. 2. Us
l'd: No. 2 hard winter, 1.1s M, No. 2 red
western winter, i 'a
CORN-Spot, aulet; American mixed,
new, ts 7d: mixed, old. Is fed.
FLO! R Winter patents, Ss td
Omaka Hay Market.
PRAIRIE HAY-Chotoe upland. $12.0019
12 W; muat be extra choice In light balee
to bring IDUi No. 1. 112 Wtfl J.uO; No. 2 No. 2. $)W10.0o; cnoioe mid
land, S tMi'llO), muat be chok-e and llwkt
balee to bring $13 Ou; No. 1, 110xaU.U;
No. 2. $l0.ryvall.f1; No. J. $ttVfUi.u): choice
lowland, $'0t'(10v0; No. 1. WtVlOOU
N I" '.'! O": No. S, V..0tl 00.
. STRAW I'holce wheat straw i. quota
ble at $.' 0f4 0i. A choice article possibly
ought bring $4 60.
ALFALFA Choice pea green, fine stem
snd leafy, $14 00; No. I. $1? Oo'.il3.60; No. 3,
iLOOOfrUOO; No. 2, r.OOtilo.og.
fornla wainuta, I80p"r. iw.s
nuts, 12'ic per lb.; Brsxlle. ll'M per 10. j
W -o. flgsr$:oo per box; hallowl datea,
$c per Ib.l filberts.' 15e per Mb.J pecans,
in aimonoe. per iv. iiir
Good, 5tronj and Fairly Active
Trade in Cattle ef Al! Kindt
Sheep Stronf.
TOUTK OMAHA. April 1. 11$
Receipt a ware!
Cattle. Moea, Cheep.
Ofthlal Mon'av
S.S74 T 1.34
Offlloel Tuesday....,
Orficial Wednesday
Official Thurattay...
Lstiniate Friday ....
, e.l-
Five dari this week.. J
4S cm nm
Pni day a last week
i..ll, 1
4 K.VfO
Pa me
1 da 1 weeks ago 1.?70 tM
lyl weeks ato i0.$7 w? V'"!i
1 days 4 weeks aao .T4
!ame oava wrevka im
Pame days la at war. 14 .- 40.111
1 he following table ehows the average
Of rattle, haaa an J aaan at the Mouth
I Omaha lira stock -nark at for the year
Cattle f m tfllJT 7.T4 .....
noes Lcvts v.m
ftieep M7,14 aOS.dht
ihe fololwing table shows the average
price for hage at the South Omaha live
stock market for the last few days, with
Date. 1 1!15. l14.ill2.lll2.;ill.ilSl 1.
Mar. tl.
April 1.
I 451 1 t Til 41 Ml f M
I 21 Til I 210 7 $
1 i 1 i t n rriio tvH
Aprtd I
I 201 I M
I TO f
April 1
April 4.
April I
(ft I SI
t III 0 2uho ! a
f al r'10 431 T
T 6 $ n ia) II
It 10 Jil M
Ieo 1 liiio ie to
4 I 10 OM
Ml f ?l f T0 00
l ! w ! w T 2l
i to) to
!MI 7 I M 2d
T ) al M
Ml $ 77)
I 741
April $.
$ wv,:
I 47
Auril T.
Anrll A
I 43
I 7l
April 1AI
i m
April 11
April 12
1 n
April III
$ c:
April 14
1 j $ to
April l.i
t 07t:
I til I M
April K!
ruceiots and dianoaitlnn of llv stork
at the Vnlon stock yards. South Omaha,
fer twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock
p. pv yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H
C. M. 4r Ft r. Hy. J
Wabash Ry J
Mo. pnclfte rty. . 1
Union pacific Ry... J 12
I N. W.. east ... I 3 ..
O. ft N. W M-eat.. S . 1 '
C. St. P.. M. & O... 1 2 .. . ..
C., Tl. A Q., east.... I t -;
C.; B tj 'west ... 14
It. . s r., eaai 1 .,
tola Central Ry 2 -
Chicago Ot West.. t
Total reoellXa 29 T It t
Cattle, Jlpga. Sheen
Morris A Co 21
Swift A Co Tl
Cudahy Packing Co.... 1.44
Armour at jn in
J. W. Murphy....
Llnooln Pi
Packing .Co...
f4. O. Packing Co.1......
Vanaunt CM
Benton, V. 0, dt Lush,
lllll A Hon
r. 11. pa via a to
3. R Roth & Co.
Roaenatuck Proa
Kellogg 1
Sullivan Bros!
Mo. Kan.-Cal. Co.
Huffman ,
Tannsr Bros
Jchn Harvey
Dennis a FTSnclS...
Otbsr btiyors ,
TS H.214 I.T4 Aithoueh it wsa a frlday,
when the demand ia seldom brisk, there
waa a good, salve market this momma,
with everything selling Irseiy and with
kar ataara a little stronger even than
yesterday. As high as $SH0 waa paid tor
good heavy beeves, that figure being the
best prloe 01 tha weak or weignw avi-.
Good yearling hwljere sold up to $ w.
which la also top fr.r tha week. There
were very few atockers or fesdere ta
sight, but they commanded firm rtoe.
Quotation on' cattle: uoot to cnoiue
comted beeves, 2yi . hr. j .86; fair to good
corirfad . beeves, 91.Mhfl.Hi; common to
fair oornfad beeves, H.sutT.aOi good to
choice heifers, $.tjt?$.0v; good to tihoioe
oows, $4.36jT.10 fair to good cows. $4 o
f.2r; common to fair cowa, 2.J.fWj
good to choice stackers and feeders, 7.2
fe7.8f; fair to good atockers and feeders. numiiinn to fair atookerg and
feeders. W.Ouwfl.OO; stock haifera, 25.8tf((i
f Si; stock cows, 2&.kJ4I.W; stock calves,
KZi0.w; veal caivtss, i.yiiu.w, v
bulls, stags, etc., $, stock buiU,
Representative sales:
At. Pr.
At. Pr. '
1M t M '
out IK
ui4 tan
-.1 1
..'..1010 V ft
W k
..1114 T M
,1BI S !
... lrm 1 av
It.,. I4lt t M
f Ill
7 IS
IT tt T ! 14 ...
.... Tl t W I..--
I W IH T...
i M7 1 ft
... kl IS
...1144 Sit
... it 4 a
...lilt T ft
...Uit T 1
1d:0 4 n .....
t so
Ill I tO U).
1000 I 0
.... 4 I an t
.... I7 4 J
.... tkt I 6 1
.... H0 7k
in Ik
, no. 1 to
lil t tt
i 1
S. :::::
rfis I
..VTI4 $ 7
..Uk4 1
m is
1 1WW
I... k..la4S
mil t
teo I k I ,.
29 T at . I
.. H t 14
,. U0 St 0
S1WV . .MW.
(40 I tt I Sit T I
4 4 t 00 10 t T bl
... 14 M t '..1000 T St
.... to T w
K4. .'4 I TV
14 W I at
t 4l T It
li Mi t tt
HOGS A very light Friday run showed
f ahmi) aliiv.aavan cars, or 4.a2 head.
oonatituting ma sir reusipt. i"
for the flvo days thl week is 42,0, j
being ,20& smaller than a week ago, but
mora than 4.O0O larger than a year ago-
There was a large proportion ef light I
and light mixed hogs In today' offer
ings, and shippers were able to take close
to half the supply, paying ertoe that
wer a big dime and in a good many
caaea lOi&Uta higher. Packer buyer acted
uncertain aa to uat what they should
do, and their bids went up and down all
tha morning, being at time to more than
mitk. up. and at other limes aa much a
a big dime better. Seller were very
bullish and asked prices that wer in
msny Instances as' much aa lfte higher,
but when Lhe packing ond of the supply
finally moved it was at figure that wvte
generally a good loo higher. Trade was
a rather drawn1 nut affair, and It waa
well along In tha forenoon before a clear
ance wa finally made.
The general market waa a big lOo
h'ghcr. Bulk of all the sale landed at
$7.U(7.. sa against yesterday'a spread
Of $7.0641.20. Today' top reached $7 20
Current price are practically as high
sa at any time this vear. although to
day"a average falls a llttl abort of the
$7.1 cost ot January 1 Bulk at the first
of the year was selling at 7, with
a top of S7.X0. and these price wer du
plicated today.
IUpreaentativ gales:
He. At. Sk. TV. Ke, t gg. r.
ox sir w IH Tl tat ... T to
14 1 1 Tit It W ... 1(14
to V let fit 41 tut 4 T tl
U 1(7 ... T II TT... "4 ... T II ,
4 I I ... T 1714 41 ... T t
It t It T 1714 tt J4 ... ttt
to M T tt
SHF.RP The market o pan ad earlier thl
morning thun an any previous day of th
wk and the normal run of sheep and
lambs for a Friday was disposed of at
mines s-enerally steady to a ehsd higher
than Thursday, or about steady with
Monday, the high time of the week.
While the feeling wa a HtUe better
trade wae none too active, yet a clearance
was before the noon hour. Th
bulk of the lambs sold around $J0cv
10 if,, with two cars making a top of
$l,40. againat a top of $10 4a at the oloao
of last week. The Belmont ewes, similar
tu some at $ on Monday, brought th
sairv price thl morning.
The week receipts to lata have keen
moderete, estimated at 43,74 head, againnt
33.10 a wak ago, 41.762 two weoka ago
and 41.111 a year ago. Prices are about
in the earns notches as on the first dsy of
the week.
Quotations on sheep and lsmbs: Lanihs:
I.iiht. $10 "'"d 10 40; Ismhs, heavy. $8 7V.1i
1000: yerllnr;a. light. $Viefl9 A: yearlings,
heavy, IM.iiOnitO; wethers, good to choice.
b.0VUl.0f wethers, fair to good. $7.77yr
$f0, ee, soct to choice. fTTj'SI. ew.
fair to aoot, t,.ojtt; ;s.
Kepresertntlve sslrs:
No Av. Pr.
4M fad lamba m IN
4U Mexican lambs M
4-'l fed Ismba 10 M
440 Colorado ewes 4) T 7
$S4 Mexican lambs TT 10 nt
iH fed lamba T4 W M
fed lamb. , W
74 native lambs 7 04
294 fed lamba an jo 4
75 fad lamba I M
!T fed ewea U M
12 native feeder lamba M o
M native feeder lambs 74 0$
2u fod lambs to MM
Cattle trtrs
eeipts. ) head: market firm: native benf
ft.ers, A.oft.: western steers. 0l
W; cows spd heifers, e:.047.IO. eslves,
24.75W4 .
HiXW Receipts. 11. head: msrkat
strong and higher: bulk, IT.lsT.M, light,
T.I4,T.t; mixed. IT.JitJI.a; heavy, ti.iuH
T.4n; rough, tltt-wTO) pigs, tAOoHrT.on,
head; market stroeg; sheep, $.".sai1t."
lamba, $.Jt.ri0c.
1 Kaaaae City Lift oeti Market.
TL Jiecelpts, 200 head; market stress I
prime fad steer. tlMM; dreeaad boef
ateera. 7 1047a 00; western atera, $.7VJ
JOOj stergere aad remtera. n wulla,
5A00, calves. lfcfliTO.Qt).
HOUti Receipts, 2.&00 bead market
higher; bulk of salee. $T.tMi7. 35 ; hejwy,
72o7. penkers and butchers. $T.2aij)
f 40: light, $7 S.1T7.40; plre, $7.XMiC sV
Sll&l-Jr' ANP TVVDS necelpta. .fn
bead: market higher; lamba. tSTNtMOat;
yeaxiirgs. MtTi.4; wethers. $7 7Na,Tfc;
woe, UMfja-tO
. Lewie Lie Market.
ceipts, 1000; market atrong, native beef
steers, t7.0OfTe.7v; cowg and naifers. (a.M
tiH3A. eto.Rcrs and feeaera. $n.7M!C.;
eoutham steere, tAtfTT-T; cowB end hei
era. $4 owr.oO: native ealvaa, t ooiaH 00.
HOtiS Heoelpts, s.twu head; market
higher; plga and light $.0u'(i7.7E; mixed
end wiilehere, $T4ofl".T grood heavy,
. un ivfil I dm Sana
head; market rtcady; wes, tsflaSi
(ambe, , $.HfM0.tirearllnge, ".tv-e.Wj
.Iioare4 'y earllhga, JrT.Vir..l.
Slows City l.tre Stork Mawkee.
STOTJX nTY. Ja., April tt-OATTL-.
ftecelpta, " neaa- mrfi sreaoyi .
live eteore, ; butchers, 4
T 15: cows and keifera, $ Wjl4 H eaaneea,
($S.0f4J; gteckers and f sellers, ga.snei
7.40; calve. K.6UUv.0O; bulls, stag a, eta,,
nous Reeeinu. t) head; market w
hlgtwir; heavy. 7.1fct3rt.0; mixed. P-?
T.lfi: llfht. riM&t.Vi bulk of gales, 17.10
St. Joseph Hva tek Market.
ST. JOSEPH, April !,-; A TTLTA-Re.
celnts. 20 head', market Steady: ateera, 4ft; cows and hatters, .00f.26i
ealves. tt oMsl.ftn.
HOG Receipts, 2.000 head; market tftff
Mo higheri lop, f? M: bulk of sale, $?
atMRirp AND LAMBa-R.eeJnts. l.ftOt
hrnd; market Wlt.4 bifhar) ltiMI. W-fO
0 '
Coffee Market.
NFTW YORK. April l.-COrrE-.The
market for coffee futureg opened at an
advance of t to 0 points and sold about
8 to 0 paints higher on the aattve market
aa the result or covering and little trade
buying which appeared to be Inspired by
the diminishing antoe stocks and rPrta
ot a continued active r.uroian oamaeui
la the primary markets. The demand
was by no means active, however, and
prices later reaoted under realising, with
the rloso 1 to 4 points higher. Km us were
1I.2M bscs. April, foje; Msy. 4 01c; June,
e.Odci July, T.lKej August, T.c; (Seiiteitiher,
7 8Jc; October, T.toe; November, T.4Ae: re-
eember. 74lel Jaauary, T.aasi rebruary,
7 .too: March, 7.c. Spot, steady; Mlo Ms.
T. no; Santos, Na. 4, War. Coat and
freight offerings ware unchanged. Rio
exchange en London wa l-lr'd lower and
the bantos market waa unchanged.' nut
Rio waa 1 reig higher and Santo rifieka
showed g loss of 164,009 bags over night.
Metal Market.
NEW TOTtK, Apr" M. MJ5TALS lAad,
easy. $4 IMJt.iW; Ltmdoti, U) 7 d. Sialter,
nominal; London, .44. Tin, qujet and nom
inal; five-tan lot offered at $4.00. l"p.
per flrmi eleetroiytle, i.g. i f.w: casting,
il.V)4lo.a. Iron, ateody and unehang.d.
At London: bpot copper, no ivai loiwr,
76 6s. Spot tin, W4; futures, tl-H 10s.
Antimony. ioWlJiT.
Cottoa Market.
NEW TORK, April 18 COTTOX-rM-tnios
alosed unsettled; May, lO.utc; July,
Wc; October. lOTOei lcamber, 10-;
January, lOMo. Spot, steady) middling.
JO.Kic; po esles.
Tha cottoa market closed steady t a
nat advapc of 1 to I polnU.
Dry Goods Market.
Cotton goods today were very strong and
advances were made. Terns weremsrked
up sharply. The wool msrksts were
steady. Keady-to-wear industries wort
active on goods for tmmeoiste delivery.
Rvaienrated tpplea aad Dril Fratta
APPL Dull snd weak.
DRIED FRt'ITS Prune, guiet.
cots, dull and easy, peaches,.
Retain, neglected.
weak. DUN'S
2mprrrmsit a Whole Is of Gratl.
fytng; Prprlas.
NEW YORK, April WR, O. rUBi
Co.'o review of trade tomorrow will say:
Progress In trade continue and th
improvement a a whole ia of gratifying
proportions, but there is nothing in the
commercial situation rvaemhllng the re
markable revival of activity on the stock
exchange, with sales of over a million
hart a dsy. Thla speculative move
ment, while having a somewhat Umulat
Ing effect upon buntness sentiment, per
hap discounting the future, bs no
conn terra rt In actual Industrial and rrwr.
ehandlelug condition a they exist to-
flay. The cotton good markets sre act.
vo and the mill are -wall supplied with
orders. Woolen good ere strong. For
eign trad, continue actlv in certain
lino. The wsr orders aontrlbut to
great prosperity.
Activity In export trade still contrasts
with limited domastl buying in iron and
steel. There has been a marked expan.
ena In the foreign damaod.
Bank clearings for the wk amounted
t a.Uelil,t.7, aa increase of AT per cent
as compered with the am Week last
Business failure during th week tot si
SOI ss against io for the correspond lug
week last year. Failures In Claaavda num
ber sixty-four sa compared with thirty
for tii earna week bxt year.
new York Mowy.
PA f'K.R Aifti. per eent.
day bill., 4.7ysO; for cable, 4. 7 too; for de
mand. 4 7916.
) SILYBR Bar, iff. Mexican dollars, ffi
j UONDH Government, firm; railroad,
I TIME teOANS-Stroncer; sixty anJ
i ninety da vs. Ctttja per pent; six months.
'U '4 Per cent.
CAUij Wbl-Essior; nurn, 2 per
cent; low, 2 per cent; ruling rat, t par
cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing, 3 per
eent; flered at 2 per cent.
Closing duotatlona on bonds todsy' wer
ss follows:
B. g. est. ta, rag ... MW Mo. re. or. 4. 4
4 eoaas. V. C. t .... u,
V t. . I"' '4 Y rlty 4U. 14
de maps. flx. T. mat. 4ia. ...let
V. T.. W. H. A H.
d eue .11
Panama . o-a. .'"' M rsina 4a stu
a .liasa staa IrrH Am m - . 7
.a $ psitejivwj w w av tt
A. T. Y. . 4t. lUO. I. U at. li
Arsieur A Ta 4V-- T. A T.
AUrbiarm .. r. aaa. a n
pal. Ohio 4 KW 0 eaa. 4 4 j
rtvaa. A Okie 4H.. M Kaaliag gaa. 4.... 4
r a. J I 4.,... L A a. P. r u
CHUM 4w0.. taiwa ffc 1. 4a. Sf
o bv. a m raf. 4a Ia
r. H rat. 4U..... 4. -t. fa ,
ft 4 R. it. r( . 471 .. RMa. m(
RrM n. 4. M Unlna rxclfle 4.... tM4
lTU. Vlaetrtr ....' In r' i
Ot. No. M 414a... 4Ult. g. gahher t....4t
III. I'en raf 4... II. 8. ktaal la m
-IV. eo. tti. . . - -na- -.
BQTisf of Speolaltiei Frequently
Offiet fey Sellinf f tandardi
Eiientiallr Two-Sided.
NEW TOBK. April J-Aprt from
freeh ebulll'loe of speculative btsly.
which vii most Conspietioug In various In
duMttlal equipment lesues. todays active
stock market was eeeentlslly vwo-s.rtec'..
That 4s, the buvn of apclxUles if
e.uently was offset by heavy a,,l te o.'
standard shsres. which yielded mum o'
their esrly gdvsntexe, although clos.u 1
with general net gain.
Thai iinreatraln.d tradtrs ot the flvi
half hour, prohahly allhout rrl(el 11
the anna's ef the local sxtjhan, fs
conflnnd in a great measure to rhgrei o.'
fomrenles whIHt ere supyoeed t li I 1
fee. mt of renminerative orders t.a
V.uropegn he.ljlgerata. Apieil'in Luc.
irtoMre rese or li 4xli
lna alnwat l . iv
outset New Yprk Airbrake 1. and 11 1 r e
nus other Induetrlal and rqulpmen. fta 1
to points. Airbrake tnoreaeeo. s a-..
vane to 1 pointa In the later teed Mi
but most of the others in that $rcuf ,r,
l-sck anprtsdably,
In a w todsv rtse In the a-e!l!
rsr specialties wss arreptej ss a tl a
outgrewlli of the recent gyrgUi' ,1".
Rulilebam Steel, first of the IivMMti 1
eeneeiws to msko market r.rna t
wer business. Te what oeten menit.
tlon rf "Deols sr. 4 "vndlcta ' fig
ured in the day's tr rations iwut t
mata a matter ef debate r Indhldnel
Renresentstlve taaues wsre tinder ra"d-
erate preaeure threugboet the ,esinn
even though snms. particularly Cn td
States Steel. atalnd their blghet prlc
of two mr-mnt. 1 nton raotno. rsanin
and a fsw 4Xhrs, whieh are commw y r-
garaea a market purnmneri, .e.j .
(itweat levels In the final hour Irwxifh
wss marked by a en'sK of f rlw.
Financial condltlona were again highly
favorable te bullish Interesta. J
WaetkarW bed werk4 4weeeea -of
riand for high grade Investment lue
he gueeese of the New Hsven railroad
eote issho giving stimulation to this In
Oulnr. Refined copter rose to th new.
lugb pria of m rtJ nd clearinH Us
li'led to betterment in general lines ef
nierchanlae. . ' ... ..uin'
Total sale of atooi gmotinUd t Ll.
Ikan. ' . ' , '
Bonds as a wbote devrliwexi tWoaaVsr
beadesieyea apother large "Jun'
fradlpV Total anle. paf value. tr-
t'nTiad' .Mtates reupall " sf advgnrH S
'Kumir of sales an; 1a4$) au4iMa'
aa starns were as rninwi
.l t8H M lan
rM 4. ? 1 '
IUDI4 Traejit.. f hi H .
biaaiiln tlaete
-aia rmm'mjm
CkH at. A St. P,,.., 4,t" . H.. atuj
Chiwse A k. ) isfHi I
Chlea rfM ,, It
Colar.-)., lr.,,. kfce) MH
tint "
...j. - U
f.i.r. it a aoriaara
tlaaaar A ilia OcaaH
4k P. 0. r4...-.
natiiiere' aaonrliUn ...''
. -a ... a
rianarel BlaelrtS t'4 11 HI
liiul Warohava rre... ... t.! tA
Utaat are. Or rtte tl.roi
Uueaaaoaiai Enrlersilee., 4,r4 w
itoiiM. v.aatrai ,,
(.(Mkarau.k Mat, ,,,. H. 11
'havfaOa Caaaer I.4K) '
nlraalnal Narvailar ,. ex) 11
tlH Ilk
iW '
ti ;tt
K Otr anutkars.... V ka4
Lahlak Valla l.tao 144 7
141) UH,
iAul.ritts A Neakrill.. i.i
Slatlaas alMayia WW Si . :
41.4a, I rpsw .,u I.rei , 1M isk
kilwoarl, K. 4 T,, .4J I4H lito 43
Mltaaurl raclfla
' 'anal aiaeutt
Matlasal 1.h4 .,
.am. fc upper .......
New Vork Ostrsi ..,
N. Y.. N. H. ...
bariegt WMWr,.,
tvarlhara lf r
1-arlfiC Mall
faatilo Tol. Tot ...
T.tet 4T ; a '. '
i.iv . t t . I U, t 7'k ;,
t.eoo tv, i2, . .
Wl 1CM l.H 14
t.tft ie ,t , l-t .
:o to - - .v
tm uu t
2,. 2't l ii
rullwa rin'. t r
. lfe.T. l ' ' J .
SimOIkx , I 1''v t 1
lar.valle Iras Sll...t V.ent I4' , t,
'aik tl'anl F a..,.
f.vk eln4 H, M...., 4t ' i I
, t
i4. L s r, m sto
Vou'liere raeltie ..,.,
Snuihara K llway ....
Tawataw I Waaar , . . . ,
Tanas Kitmprnmy ,,...
t'niea paeifta
t enon parltlt phi
t'nlied stata. Siaal...
V. g. aiael m
t'lah Caapar
tlMlk nf4
WMtara t la
WoftUnsheetae Rlat?is
ft .
14 . ,
Mil 4.
net' It 1
It A
M.V laiv U ii
7o oca, m i,
Irt.oe ', 4H 1
v0 . I !'"
, 24.1IO set, Mb Vi a
li t 4
4 re ' tk '.
4, ins : 47 . 44 4
TtKol ssiao fer lb ear, kri,
London tnk Market. "'
LO.VDON, April !.-Anari n saouri.
ties on th Stock exchanae wr qniaTer
with a ed mdertone. fnlted Stt
Steel wa the most attlve slock on ths
list. Th- clorltig wss steady.
rlJ.Vt -De. M-44) yer ounr.. - ' . ,
MONKT-l'.fHi p-r esnt.
.niSCOCNT RATKJ-Mtort b'Jlf. rTti per
cent; three months' bills. 2 per trnt. .
-. , '4
j .. . .. . , ' U""V....
r)lhV To'daV w. Ml st 4T'
the corresponding day .!t . year $2,705,-, ......
, LAMOXI, U . April l$.-epe.J. Tale
gram V Th laornlc teeter At - the
Salat' eoeference was tg ''History ef
Iducetlon" by Prof. . M. McDowetl, feli
lowinw whl.-h Bishop J, AK Brecktr of
Ohio prfh4. , i V, . i
A telegram frm President T. M.. Smith
tat that he to Improving and ex parted
to sit up ri hi rhalr today for tha first
tun. Ati ah H. Cliriatenaott. now rir
sionary bi .the South Sea lslaada. wa
chosen to th office 4vf seventy. ' He aloe
wr the following msn: t, A. Dowkrr of
Independence, Mo.', Richard P. Weaver
of Brown City, Wleh., H inane n W..Svt
age, i IgtAly returned from the flout j Sea
I sis ads. and John JLGrkw oat Flint. MkJv -
Coiumbug fieU pf Lamonl retimed a
senior prrxident ef th etruacll 4r vp
presidents of seventy, whl:h office h ha
bold tor thirty yr. i ' '
Trie evening p,kr a Clf K. K'.
Kvsus ot Grind fPid. MUb.' ' r"
Iowa N jCettea.'' .,'
MieSOl'RI VALLEY Th ferty-ilxto
annual convention of tto Harrlgon
ty buevday cboi gaoaftaiiew will 1
held at the Cliriaitae) cbnrca o VIitsi-in
Valley April o and . .....
IPA GKOVK-Mr. Valentin '
Shearer, wao came to tbls county sho t,
twenty year age from . Feaneylt ai-,
died her Vvednnsoay frm cancer of t .1
tomacb, 4t4 l yeara, .
IAXIAN-Mra. Margaret Carl'i ..'
sged H, t-eaa.4 away Men day ., ,
tlrt. Earlywlrta ba lived an the re;:.'
many year ud t survived by her b i
bard and leer 4taigltLr ad seven. .in
IDA GROVC Attorney Will E. .'onn
ft on. one ef the beet known riMlo:i
in the- Mate end chairmen ef laat ya's
republican statu convention, departed ym
terdny. In oompany suit S;7ward t'- i4y
f Wkliuis. on i i--in!L teur to tb
Orleoi. lfy wlU Honolulu a wes t
and divide six weeks intaeii Jspag aie
th eectein coast of Cbtna.
IDA 43ROYX wgvr Chlsholm ef near
batll t.reok, who riMly brotijiht i-i
one of the Hggest wolf pelts ever aocure f
In Ida couity. Oii week, captured eight
wolf tub am) brought them liv to inn
city end collected $'i 1cnintv on lbte.
Afterwards they were kilUa gad tneo
bodte burned, by rder of the eeuaty
IDA GROVE The ministers af this city
were threw Into ronaterpation yeai.i
4Var by tt aettain ef the city eonncil in
refuauig lli enae fer the ereetta ef a
woodaat tbrA-4 a prormtxant car
nar in Ida Urova. Tb 4-wvkal ws en
Oie ground thatth struetute asked
within the town e fire limits. I tie . mm?
Winona, tnd.. during iay hnd Jurst,
UmH 9 Mm rtaff..
Amerl.aa Ttao I. 2.
i..m.A. Vim.. U.mS H