16 Bringing Up DODGERS TRIDI1PH; RECRUIT OH HOUND Itnt'kljn Tmraa Tablet on Guuita, Taking Ltt Game of Series by Fir to Thrrt Soar. 'PE2ITT ADAJfAXT TILL XUiTil I lfJTW TORK, April hl-Brooklyn turned the tabt) en tb .Vw York Nationals, I taking tlM last game of th series, I to t I Apptstoa. a recruit iiwmbw of the Brook lyn, ajtalked hie first maor legu ftm. and Ml Nnr Tort t six hits. Perrttt, pitched wall for McOraw taaas tortil the niaUi inning, whoa, with tb scar IM. Wheat alt a home rua. Twa ether runs followed on a psss, a 'doable end tw single. Poor. ooaxnr. Nrw to wit AH H Oil AO M.O.A g. Or Man. a . 4 It I norT.e, rfl I I I Va a. ef .. II IDnla. Ik ... 4 lit lkl, at. 2 t lsber. 1 . 4 I 1 I WI, If .. 4 l irwrw KM I I KinH Itl t 14 Mwh. If ... 4 I 'VM a, lt I Marti. Ik . I III 1 Han, rf.4 It IMmf, ft . 4 I Mri-arlT. .. t 1 t Mtrr. r... t t AlfHUm K t -rrHl. .. I I Htakarteua . I txaW m r 1 Totals a n I i Batted for Perrttt In tba moth. DnukiyB .0 1 a Xew Tork 0 1 1 1 Firs base aa arrora: Kaw Tork, J; Brooklyn. 2. Two-baa bit : Btnl. Hon run Wheat Stolen baaaa: Mo t arty. Merkle, Snodgraa. I.ober1 Iou bio plsy: Doyle to Fletnher to M !; AppWton to O'lUra to HumrrjaL Uaaa on balta: Off ffrrltt. t: oft Applton. I. truck uti fy Harritt. 1; by Applton, L Implraa: IU1t ami Hart. -Vaoeo WII4, Ba Win. ClWriMNATI. O. April It-Vanna'a wilrirwao la tha thlrj tunin coat fltta burah tho third (am of Ui antra. Cin cinnati winning. 4 to S. la thla Innlnc Vaaro four baara an bail, hit an- ilhr man. which wllb a alnalO. lava Ctrvrlnnali thro runa. litis laaa. wbe atartad for Cincinnati, waa aio win. but ha manaad to hold down the hitting ot Ifttaburfn. and Il-, who riivd him In th alahth. held the vl-Mtora f for tha romalndar of th (apn. Rorf: riTTUBttlOM. CINCtX!ATI. AH NO AS All HO A rmr. If . . i 1 1 lrk. rl ... i 1 1 JaM, 11 7 IHwh. ..! Via. IB I IKIIk-Mr, It.. 1 4 HltMOfH. rft I t Urlffllk. rf. 4 J !)mm, rf. I rh, lb..., 1 MMtbr. I t ., I ( ...! I M ,1 1 II. Ik I I u Wmmv ...I lilirk.. ....! 14 1 miMU. ....! 1 t HMUIM, p. I t rwn. ... I 1 I 1 IMI. Y.M. I 04 nllHl, l TUI 14 tnil I kiMl'ku, p I MII ... I ToUl M I 14 It I Hatted tor Cunilman In th aaventh. Hatted for Ucrbor In tha ninth. Plttcbunrh ft I o a a e I ClneiiiaaU 1 0 Thraa-baa hit: Hrhani. k1b baa: Iaarb. Karnad run: t'onalnian. Doubl f'laya: Vane to MH"rthy; Olimn to laraot to Alnilwlta, Oorbrr to Mr-t'arthv: iron ta Moilwtta ll. Maaa on balia: Off Vino, k. f( Consul man. 1; oif 1uuk laaa. 1; off Data. I. IIIU: Off Vanro, I In two and two-third lnnlnc; otY Cun aalman. t ht thra and ona-thlrd Innlnga; orr KanttehtMr, I In two Innlnua; off iUoaclaaa. ta aoaa and ona-llurd la nine a; off Ial. non In on and two thlrtla Inntngja Rtrurtt out: Hy Iouiasa, . L'mplr: Kem and Kmalla. Cab Dafoat Card. rnnCAOO April 1 Oood hom run fnllnwrna' Moljury'a alngl In th fourth Inning, aav Chtcafo a 4 to I vl-torv ov Bt. Lsula today. Th othar ai-orva main by Uta iocala war th rult of daring; baa ruiiiilna; and bunched hi la. Tha ftekllna; ut l-ulaa waa a feature. Boor- trr. ut'ia. citiCAno. ABM OAK IBHOIt N cf....t 1 a I'M. rf I t I heu. at I I I tlruaar. I 1 t 1 Jk.kr. It.. I I I ttrkuii. It . I 1 1 Millar, !... 1.1 tlleirtaaa. nl 1 I I I ailaua. rf . 4 4 .ir. Ik. . ak, .... I I iwuiuua. efl t i -anti tar. . Arkar, a... a 4 a tliaea, I 4 1 4M.La.rrr. II I I 14 itar. a-., t I Ltar, a. I .....I ia MraU ..... Tai IT I'M U 1 . u at it i Huaglna out. nit by battd balk hailed for I'aruiger In ninth. battd for Oritur In ninth. St. Luta I 1 0 Ithfsaata Jl0 Two-be hit' Glann. Hunt run- flood. Plolea baa: Bearbxr. Hugaln. richulto, Mmmtrnui, Klaher. Hacrtftce hit: f letter (2). Doable play: tluaatn to arirurvr to Mulrr; Klah.r to M larry to HakM-. fieck t iluriina to Allller. Pint oa arrora: Bt. Iouia. I. Baa on balia: Off Ortnvr. 4; off l-avenrtrr, (. Struck ut: r lavender, . by Oriner. I. .'m ptra: (vulgtay and baaon. CUBS ORDERED TO PAY A BONUS TO HAGEMAN CINCHNNATI. April H.-Th O,kaao Natieaalg wr today ordered by th Na ttoaal Baaa Ball eommlaslon to pay to riayar K. M. Ilaaaman tM, tha bonua aallad for In hi 114 coatract, and also to submit ta tha player a contract for Ital eocjtalalcg th aasna bonua rlauee that waa oontalnd in lila 1'4 roBtrart. Th4 Chicago club ocatadd that Hagamaa had coco t them after half tha aaaawa waa aver tby wr only ln 4bt4 t him for half th bonua COULD AND HUHN TO MEET CRANE AND FEARING ' Flfl LA DK Laf"H IA . April 14.-J Oould ad W, H. T. Huba. th tltieholder a, wl.l ' meat Joseph CTan i-S O. R. Frarlng of Boatoa tomorrow tn th final round -t tha aaauil tournament for the national 4touUa court tani ehaanponMp. In Me aami-nnala rouad today Oraaa and Fearing woa an aaar victory ewer t". H. Cutting and E. M. H. Rocb of Tugeda aa atrakght arta. Si, - aad 1 ' I i y v yV Jm j 4CA MR?, PiLt VOrr TW f , HE SlN) f no ( VHATb AC-jPCX i HV A CiGCM she NICE : f TttH. COMtt I tlr;, THE HOUR- J"HE - " HA WRITTEN AfiO I , VMENYOO TOMXWIWOV- M P S rsi AVAX-AND WHPn" MATTK"5tn r-rri 1 iT Father WHALES TRIM PITTSBURGH Good Work in SLnt- Girei Ciictfo Dediinj Tmllj aai the Otune. 7IELDI50 OS BOTH SIDES FAST CHICAGO. April M.-A timely alnfl ft tha ninth by llanford, pinch hlttla for Prendrrfaet rva CMrifO the decldlnc tally and a 4 to I victory over Pittaburfh today after tha vlaltora, on Konetehy a alnfla and Yerkea' triple had tied tha cor in thetr half of th lnnlnc. Both Rore and Prenderraat wore In ood form and tba fleldlnk of both aid waa faat ipit the cold weather Hcor: H H K Plftburah I 11 It LI 7 Chlcatro 0001 4 I Batterl' Plttnburah. ftoaa and Berry: Chlraco, Prenderaait and Fl.hr. Horse Racing Was Prosperous in 1914 A copy of th new wlnrace and lirTbtitty book of tha National Trottlne: ataoclatloa iaauad for th jon of 1913. baa Won received by Tba Bo. It con talna aummarlea of 1.400 maatlnr In which trotting" and paclna; horaca com peted durini 114 and tha name of all living horaea with racorda that bava raoed alnc Ull tomther with tha claaaea to which they ara eligible under tha alidtna; aral rula now In operation. Harnea racing had ona of tha moat prottparoua year In Ita hlalory In 11 and waa almont tha only aport which did not auffer on account of depraaaed In duatrial condition. In aeoordance with thee condition the IM allgtbimy book la greatly Improved ovr Ita 114 predereaaor. Links Come for Two Games With Eourkes F- today and Hunday Malty Mclntyra will bring hla Unk to Omaha for a coupl of comhata with tha Rourka tribe. Tha two team apilt at Lincoln In a two am aerlea thr. Both limn will be called at I o'clock. Lin up I Otniha. hlelbnrr Mreen Poeltlon. Klrwt .... . Hecond .. Third ... , Hhort ... . Irft .Canter .. . tllk-ht ... Catch .Catch .. Iltch ... Plt'h ... Plfh ... . Plti h .... Pitch .... Pitch .... Lincoln. I3lerlaur IJovd .. W. Kruearer ..MoUaffig-n , Wolfe Hchralber CarUton Wllllnm Klly Uimin ...B. tkhrtbar Maaoa Payna Whalan Krug 7'homaaon Itrlanmn Kfnra R. Kruearr.... Closrnan Jchnnon Willi rttylo Hlodr-etl Kvrrdon ATHLETIC NOTES FROM PERU STATE NORMAL SCHOpL PKKTT, Nb.. April U.lPclalV-Tha athlntio ground at tha etata. Normal chool have been drained and a five foot tunnl la to b placed on on aid lo carry off the flood water. Stone ate ar t ha provided to Beat I.OOS. Coach Johaaon announoaa th follow ing anhadul for ba ball: CVitner at Pru, April H. Dn at Peru Arrll . Ntraka Indian at Peru, May 1 and n. Wealeyan at Peru, June 1. Peru nt Crete. My Iz Peru at Coiner. May 1 Peru at Wealayan. May !4. Accei'tanCfB r being received for the ! Invitation nit to b held at Peru Ma T. Oold. etlver and brona mkdala will b given for plaee In each event. Al ready a number of contestant have Je nlfted their Intention of competing. COLUMBUS BASEBALL FAIR IS SUCCESSFUL COT.fMBr". Neb.. April l .-tBpeclal.)-Tha baa ba'l fair which waa held la it weak resulted In a financial urc. Th net receipt war 11, ri. Th women of Columbu aided greatly In making thla (air uccerful aad worked uncraalngly , tor thla purpo. Mnar Juatu la bucy 4 lining p hla plavor. Practic work will trt April in, an Indian team playing her on April 4 and 2t The regular eaaon win opn at Columbua Tudy, May . ERNEST WOLFF ON TRAIL ! ac rmiDi c nc oiTrucoc ur vuui k. w ui i nviikiia Krrieat Wolff, maaagvr of tha Brrn- Hammr and Mlckal'a Ylctrolaa. would Ilk to hear from a roupla ef good pitch er, hi wanta on for a gam Saturday aad aaothar for a gam Sunday. Call Douglas t"4 during th day. or Wcbatrr TIM n the avrnlng. t'mmut l.e Saaa. At 1 Arrle- R H R San rraacta a I ! jd Ansrlea I 1 !latta1e: Ban Prnrca, Mmlth. Bsr tarn. KIM.elr and eVrmldt; x Angele. Burr. gad Hot. At Kan faki ie- R H It K't le liy 4 : CaklaJid 1 ' UattrUa: Halt I-k City. J. William, aad Itonrer. (Mk'and. Prulett and Klll'iH Al Port lead K-lf E Veelce 1 I Paruaad .. Ill I Ultartaa Vantca, Httt anal Mltse. Pert La a. HgguUwcbaaa aad Oanarh. THE BEE: Copvrusht. iIO. International gervle. MACKS AND HOSE BATTLET0 DRAW Hittinj of Oldriss and Mclnnii Features Long-Irawn-Oiit Six-to-Six Game. BOOT FOR FIVE OF RED SOX PTIIIjA DHLPHl A , April 1.-The hitting of Oldrtng and Mclnnla featured a long-drawn-out gam) her today between Philadelphia and Boaton. Play waa topped owing to darkneia at tha end of th ninth inning. In addition to tyln tha aoore with a homo run In the a-vnth Inning. Oldring mad a doubl and a aingle. whtl Mclnnla made three alnglea and drova In two runa. Umpire Connolly put five of the vUltlng team off the field for yelling from the bench. Hcore: tOWTOfl. PltnADBIJ-Hla. AJl.H O.A r AB.H.O.A B. Nwir, rf . 1 Wruraar. Ik . I 1 1 raker. . I lanrla. If.... I tMurvhr. ftk.. 0 1 1 4 w.l.h. rf ... 4 1 coloring. If.. 4 I 4 , IJol., th... 4 1 I Ilokiiital lb I I 14 1 tMrlnaM, lb. 4 S 1 0 14 MrTor. C .. J 1 I 0 0r4nr. S. 4 I 4 lpp. e I 1 1 4 1 4trunk. rf... t 1 1 H.rrr, ..... t t 4 j I Braila. p.. I I Carrtcan, ., I Tkaatta, ... Ruin, p l l Cnitkrk, p. Mer.. p HanrUra . 1 Jaarrlk ... 1 1 t Hh.w.er, p. 1 I IX.Iee .... 1 0 Tkoiapaa . . . - Tti M n j Tetaii n 17 1 Hatted for tanigan In eighth. Ratted for Oometock In ninth. Hatted for McAvoy In fifth. Uattad for Bhawkey In ninth. Boeton 1 0 0 1 - Philadelphia 0 0 14 0 10 0-4 Two-baaa hlta: Wagner, Ruth, Old- ring. Barry. Home run: Oldring. Ktolen haea: Hpeaker. Ilohlltzrll. V.arned runa: Hoeton. 1: Philadelphia, a. Uouni piava: Scott to Hoblltaell; Lpp to Barry. Baoej on bail: orr nutn, t; on aiaya, i, vn Hreaaler. 4; oft Bhawkey. 4. Hit: Oft Kuth, h In five Inninga, nona out In the fifth: off Comatock. I In four lnnln; off Hiler. t In flv Inning, lilt by pitched hall: Hy Ruth, Barry, ftruck out: By Kuth. i: by Brelar, 1: b Hhawkvy. 4. Wild pltchea: Hreaaler, Ruth. Lmplrea: Connolly and Chill. enatora Wla rtaal. WAHHINQTON, April 11 Washington won tha final game of the erle from New York today, 4 to 2. making tha moat of Brown' wlldnaea In th box fur th vlaltora. Ha allowed nine basea on balls, which forced In on run In th flrt In ning and produced another In the alxth when couiAed with a sairlflce and a hit. A aingle and triple In auccovxton In the aecond made another tally. Oallla held New York down In all but th second In ning, when a hit. an error, a fielder' choice and a double (teal by Cook and Sweeney brought In tha vlrttor' two run. Hcore: NIW TORK WASHINOTOS. Ait.H.u a AV H O .1.1. M.IHl. lb.. 4 I t) Mnaller rl . I I I IM.I, lb. ..41 Milan, rf.... i William.. Ik 1 It Mnraaa, Ik.. 1 keh.nka. II... (11 1 Alnaniltta, . I 4 I Hi brl4a, M. Ill Ullli. p.... 14 Hnk .If 41 . cf 4 11 Pip. Ik 4 1 1 O., rf .... 4 1 Park!, I Bene, (k... 4 I I ttweaeer, cf. I 4 rea, p.... It TeUU m 4 24 II I Total T fl 14 1 i New York 2 v 0 v 0 V J Waahnglon t 1 0 0 1 4 Two-baa hit: Brown. Karned run: Washington. I. Three-baa hit: IToter, Cre, hltanks. Stolen baaea: 11pp. Cuok, Sweeney. William. Alnrmtth. Utvsva on lalla: Off Brown, a Ban on error: New York, 1. Struck out. By Uallla, J; by Itroaa. 4. L'mpirea: Uvana and Mul lanvy. Indiana Take Weird Oa. DirTRfJJT. April IS. In temperature little over the frtealng point Cleveland defeated Lkktrolt today, to 4, In a gam that dragged through nearly two and half hour of almoet atery known kind of baa ball. In tha aeventh Inning four single, a double, a paa and a aacrlftce tlv netted the visitors slk run and gave tham a lead th Tiger could not over come. Hcore: fajDVKIJINn MtTROlT AH H O A K ab H O. A r. lalknl. rf . 4 I I I trullar. a .. I I Taa. k... i I Turaer. Ik-. I Ckapaiaa. I Jacaana, rf., I (traaar. If . . t Barkara. t. I 4 l'ehk. rf I rmfor4. rl Vaark, If .. t K.Tkna'. Ik. t ) I phial.. Ik . 4 I . 4 I tvui. lb I I Mi'Km. r.... 4 1 Si'aret. p . ..I Solano, p . (ldbatter p Jat-ibeoe -. 1 Has raw, p i Jnna.. I Wankgana 1 Totals M II IT II 4 - ;-- Total. .11 I II 1 Patted for Hagermaa In the alxth, Uatted for Boland in th eighth. -! Cleveland 0 0 1 I 1 Detroit 0 1 0 3 1 j4 Tv.-biH hit: l a vet. Vitl. HtileUle Thr-b bit: Chapman. Stolen baaea: Iihold. chapman. Jackson S, Cobb !. Irft on basea: Cleveland. : Itrolt. 11. Has on error: Cleveland 1. Re on balis: Off Cavet. 2: off Boland. I; off Hagerman. 4. off Jones, 4. Hlta: Off Cavet. 10 In Sevan Innings: on noiana. i In one Inning: off ldbetter. 1 In on In- i rf off llacerman. i in nv in ning: off Jones. 1 In four Inning Struck out. By Cavet. I: by Haaerman. 1; by Jones, t l'mpirea: O ltruglilin and rtii'ie- btand. Brawa Beat aiesg. 8T LOUIS. April 14. laoudartnllk pitched a anaatnrly gam thla aftrraooa and ehoultt have ecored a shutout over Chicago. St Louie won. I tl rfr of eommlMrtoa nd on of co.nmtoWn account for th visitors' run TU bom team counted on btt and goad b run ning, boor: miCAon BT. laTTt", AB.H.O.A AS H O A Qalalaa. If. 4 hatoe. H . I I I t I taw. a 4 a B t'mlllaa. tk 2 e 4 1 Wales. H.. 4 I I lliataw. Ik 4 I t I I I Walker, af I I 4 I Pratt. Ib I I I I j 4 1 rf . . I I 4 I ! I I lraa. aa . . I I I I 1 I t allaae, a I I I I I a t La isiik p I I I j J iVliu. rf 4 Palank. rf .. I net Ik .. . halk. e l Bretea. Ik.. I Itaaaell. .. I Ctoartte. p. . . I r'aueator t 44 Tatal a unu I Total..... Batted ft imi i tor K'.-h la th aiath. t t 1 0 0- 2 Chicago Si. Ltil Twawba hit: 000102 4 Kanffmaa (Ti. Stolen ba: Wavr Daubl Pay: Agnaw to Pratt !rt bsa on arrora: Bt Louts, I: Cbiesur. I. Ba on balia: Off St JU 2; off tu4mtllk, S. Hlta Off OMAIIA. SATURDAY. ArKn. 17, 1915. Standing of Teams NAT I. LKAO-VK. AUER. LEAOCK. W.Kprt.l W,L.Prt. New Tork.. I 1 .arr chlcaifo I 1 ." Cincinnati ..I 1 .tr Cletrland . 1 .7 Chicaito ....2 1 W, Washington.: B.ton 1 1 .SWPhlia. ,1 I'lilla 1 1 .flV'Boeton 1 St. Ioila...l g :m Ietrolt 1 Brooklyn ..I 1 .iTO1 New York.. .1 .:7 .:! .Kit I ittabtirah .1 t .WW. Ixiiil....! . FED. L.HAOI-K. I A M K It. AFSTN. w.npct.) W.UP t chlcgo ..I l .TO1 Ioulavilla ...2 0 l.ono Brooklyn .. 4 1 .rHt. Paul 1 1 Newark ...I I .SH Indlanapolln.l t Kan. City. .4 2 .W Milwaukee.. 1 1 Bt. I-oul...l 2 .4OTi Cleveland .1 1 .r40 Buffalo ....2 I .4"VMInneapotlB.l 1 .W Plttbumh..2 4 .m) Kan. City... I 1 .rl0 Baltimor ..2 4 .lAColumbua ...9 I .000 Yeeterday' Ralt. NATIONAL. L.E1AOUB. rhllndelphta-BoKton. rain. Brooklyn. 6: New York. 2. Pittsburgh. 2: Cincinnati. 4. Ht. Lou1. 2; Chlcaajo, 4. AMERICAN LBAOOa Chicago., 2; Bt. IxmiIb, 4. Cleveland. : Detroit, . New York, 2: 'Washington, 1 Hoeton, 6, Philadelphia, 4. Called; dark ne. FEDKRAL. I,EA.OUB. Brooklvn-Buf fnlo, wet grounda Plttehurgh, 2; Chicago, 4. Baltimore, 4); Newark, 2. AMERICAN ASBOCIATION. Indiana polla, 4; Cleveland, R. I.oulevllle. 2; Oilumtwa 0. Mt. Paul. 4: Kaneaa CltvT . Mlnneapolla, : Milwaukee, 4. Game Today. American Leagu Chicago at St Ixul, Cleveland at Detroit, Boston at Wash ington. New York at Philadelphia. National Ieague Brooklyn at Boeton. Philadelphia at New York. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, Bt. Loiii at Chicago. Federal Leagu Brooklyn at Buffalo, Chicago at Ht. Ixiula, Kansaa City at Pittsburgh, Baltimore at Newark. Russell. 4 In six and two-third Inninga; off Clootie, 2 In one and one-third in ninga. Htruck out: By RJusmII, 2; by lAudrmllk. . t'mptr: Dineem and Nallln. - . - , BACK WYOMINGQUARANTINE Stock Growers Decide Actios to Guard Against Foot and Mouth Disease Proper. SOUTH 0MAHAHS TO CASPER DOVO LA P. Wyo., April 14. (Special Telegram.) Th closing aesglon of the Wyoming Stock O rowers' association wag held thla afternoon. Tha old offi cers war re-elected and Thermopolta waa chosen for th next meeting. Th quarantine aetabllahad by Governor Kendrlck we endorsed, and It wag rec ommended that the regulations bo etrlctly enforced and no special privilegea ranted while there waa a Possible chance 2 j for tha disease to be brought Into th .ta. The tocWmen today llstend to ad drearcs by General Freight Agent Miller of th Ncrthvrtarn. Stat Veterinarian Davis and former Governor Carey. To night at tha Hotel I.abont they vrer tendered a banquoat by the cltlson of Douglaa. and th lata train) carried moat of tbm away. The Omaha delegation left this after noon for Casper, with th exception of Secretary Stryker, who spoke at th ban quet tonight for South- Omaha. Th Omaha man ar pleased with their trip and declare thla th best convention they ever attended. The weather ha bean Ideal, th attendance of atockmen baa been large and tha entertainment offered by Douglas all that eoutd be desired. 1 ; America a Aa. e ! At Columbua l , I-tilav1ll ; Columbu Battcrlea: Loulavllle latloa. R.H.B. 2 4 ft 0 4 2 Mlddleton and a r1 -...r... . 'mIii.K.,. Schneiberg, Turner - ' and Koberteon , j At tTeveland R.H B. Indlanapolia 4 4 0 4 Cleveland 6 S 1 I Batteries: Indianapolis. Burke and Uossrtt: Cleveland. Carter and Bawler. AtKansaaCIU R.ll.K ! Kt Paul 4 11 4 tvsnsas 111) k II 1 Hattertes Bt Paul, Ksrrer. North. Itosrdman and Johnson; blanaes City, Allison and (lethal. At Milwaukee RH BV Minneapolis 11 2 Milwaukee 4 S 4 Batterlea: Mlnneapnll. Ingvrvell and Oharrlty, aulllrsn Mliwauk; Young, Shakclford and Hugh, Hrenaaa. Steel Subsidiary to Reduce Workers' Pay PITTSBURGH. April la RaduoUona In wages la th hat mill dauartmenu of all th work of th American Sheet and Tta Plat oompany. aa important subsid iary of the United Btata Steel tlon, waa announced today. -PEA KING" HELD INSANE FOR THREAT TO KILL NOclAIjr Arts. April K. Jos Betan oourt. "Pa klny" of the a est coast of Me i loo and aald to be a member of a rich Ctn family. a committed to th county Jail her today oa an Insanity r barge H waa alleged to have told a girl dark In a drug etor that ha would kill hr. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus TOWN OF WOODRUFF PARTLY SUBMERGED Dam Down Valley Breaks After the Streets Were Flooded to Depth of Three Feet NO FURTHER LOSS OF LIFE HOLBROOK, Ariz., April 16. The flood which swopt away th reservoir damg at Lyman and Hunt, and sub merged parts of St. Johns yesterday had Inundated today the town of Woodruff, twelve miles southeast of here. Water, diverted from tho overflowed Little Colorado river, sub merged part of the streets to a depth of three feet before the Woodruff dam burst and relieved the pressure. Fie to High Oroand. Meantlm all th people of the town had reached high ground and there were no fataMtlea to add to the list of eight lives loat by th breaking of tha Lyman dam Wednesday night. The Little Colorado was out of its hank at this point early today and ris ing steadily. Every precaution had been taken, however, and no material damage) waa expected. Believe Plot Exists to Blow Up K. C. and Omaha Cudahy Plants KANSAS CITT. April 15 A man who officers said waa earning four aticka of dynamite wrapped In a package, and sev eral feet of fus with a dynamite cap attached, was arrested tonight by detect ives In Kansas City. Kan., aa he waa en tering tha grounds ot the Cudahy Packing company, a portion of whose plant was wrecked by mysterious explosions last Sunday night. The man gave tha name of Jchn MulvahllL Two companion ar reeted with him gave names of Max N. Barren and R. E. Con!:y. All deny that they had any Intention of setting an explosion or that they knew anything of th explosion laat Saturday night. According to th police, Mulva hlll, who waa n employ of th packing company, haa been under surveillance sine Isst Monday. Chief of Detectives Flenimlng declared in a statement that he had learned today tha engineer room of th Cudahy plant was to be wrecked tonight. Mulvahill was questioner for several hours tonight. A. Ia Barger, an attorney for th Cudahy company. In a statement Issued later, said tha company officials believed a plot existed to destroy the Kansas City and the South Omaha plants and to kill soms of the officials. "We expect other ar rests to follow" he said. German Children Slain by Air Shells AMSTERDAM (via London). April 14. Dlspatohes received from Freiburg in Brelagau, grand duchy of Baden, an nounce that a hostile airman dropped bornba there at noon yesterday, killing tlx persona and Injuring a larg number, most of them school children. Flv bombs, the dispatch says, were dropped In th Stuehllngcn quarter. Two of them fll without doing harm, but ths others killed two men and four chil dren and seriously wounded two men and eight children. A number of other chil dren wer slightly hurt SOUTH OMAHA TEACHERS PAY A VISIT TO OMAHA Fifteen teacher ot th South Omaha P.lgh school yterday visited Omaha and took a fleeting glaac of th city. They went to Fontenell park and enjoyed a "welner roast." cooking their repast on the public roaster which I provided by the park authorities. Dick Bumll. auparvlaor of th play grounds, found soma wood for tha teach er and helped them mak a fire, which pleased th pedagogoaa Fontenell park I already a popular place for the klddlee and even tha older people. Both base ball diamonds ar being patronised and ths new play apparata la appreciated by hundreds of boy and girls. llhrary Batlgtaa- few a Saw. BROKEN BOW. Nab.. April la tfino elaL) Th library board ef tht city haa definitely decided that the new tl0,00 Carnegie library building ahall be built of vittou brick, coating 254 40. and ratea vi'. Is stone Contractor f3dr has com pleted th preliminary arrangement and. iaathr permitting, will break ground for 'the aa atrurtur the first of neat ek. The board nadded that the heat waa none too good for this latest addition to the jcty's fine buildings and haa ordered th 1 highest grade af material throughout. HARD BLOW FOR PRICE FIXER Jourt of Appeals Holds Kellog? Con tracts Violate Sherman Act and Common Law. PATENT DOES NOT PROTECT PLAN DETROIT. April 11 In denying a mo tion filed by the Kellogg Togsted Com Flake a company against the government's petition for an injunction to restrain the company from fixing the resale price of ita product, th United States circuit court of appeals ain a decision filed yes terday in the district court, ruled that th owners of a patented csrtoon cannot dictat the selling price of th good which th cartoon contains. The govern ments petition filed In December. 1912, ttarked tha selling plan of tha de fendant company, stating that It speci fied the price which the Jobbers, th wholesaler and th retailar ahould charge for its product. In it motion to dismiss th govern ment's petition, tha Kellogg company contended that Its ownership of a patent on th cartoon in which its product was marketed gave it the right to fix the price of th product In lis decision the court of appeal aays: "Tb manufacturer sells at uniform rrlce of 22.50 per case, exaotlng from th Jobber an agreement to oharge the re tailer a specified price, ths JoBbers de fault in this agreement authorising the manufacturer to refuse to deal further with him. This provision haa been strictly enforced bv tha fWanrtanta refuse to continue dealings with any Jobbers who fall to maintain prlcaa so iixea. "Th broad questions presented are: Whether a manufacturer In connection with an absolute sale of tt Jobber miy lawfully control th prl? at -.Ll.t. . i . in compiet package shall be re sold by the Jobber or hv th i.iu. who buys from th Jobber and (2) whether the oiling pjan in queatlon Is an unlawful restraint or raonoDolv. actual n. ... tempted. "Th general rule Is welt eetlled that a System of contracts hetween mantifat- turers. Jobbers and retailers by which xne manuraetnurer attempts to control the price for all aalas by all dealers at wholeaale or retail, whether purchasers or subpurchasers, eliminating all com petition and fixing the amount which th Consumer Shall lie- r, mount a tn rsarealnt of trade, and is invalid both at common law and so far aa it effects Interstate commerce under the Sherman anti-trust law. "It seems entirely clear that "the de fendants selling plan here In question goes beyond any protection afforded by th patent on the cartoon and la In Its essential principles violative of the Sher man act" Girl's Body Found Near Trysting Spot; Alleged Lover Held NKW TORK, April 14. New York's lateat murder mystery assumed new angles today after the police bad estab lished to their apparent eatiafactlon the identity of the victim aa Miss Claudia Hanatmry of Lanalngburg. N. Y., arrested Raffaele Vlullo, a well-to-do contractor, and charged hlra with homicide. Tha new element waa th discovery. In Troy, N. T.. jof Mrs. William H. Burk. who formerly l w - ui- ri...ti it . . . aa tarn -uuuav ninwur, ana WHO erroneously had been reported mlaalng. Tha spot where the stara girl's body waa found, in a vacant lot of the As tor estate tn tha Bronx, was her trysting place, according to John F. McKenna, watchman on tha estate. McKenna told detectivea that he had seen a girl and man near tha spot oa several occasions. Tha girl he Identified aa the ona whoaa body lies In the morgue; the man as Vlullo. Vlullo, whose fountain pen. the police assert, was found near th body stoutly refuted after many hours of cross-examination, th accusation that he had caused tha girl's death. Xewe Bfete af DeabJ. DE3HLKR. Neb.. April ia-(lpec'.at) H. M. Harms, secretary of th Cosnraar ciai olub. and C E. Bauer, one of the directors, will attend the meeting ot tb Commercial Club Secretaries of Na braska, to be held in Lincoln May S and 4. B. L. Graham has bea re-eleoted prin cipal and Mtea Joaphln Harney teacher of th primary department ot th Dah- ller publio schools. Aa auto polo company wUl put on aa exhibition at the Thayer county fair grounds at Deshler May a Deshler Tillage officials have reoatred word from Attorney General Read that where a town haa voted on th quastioa of bunday ball ft ta not necessary to vet on th qtacation again until th people re- qceet It Th special election to have ' been held April 20 will not be held. 1 Farmers tn tha vtctntty of Deahlar were ! entertained at a get-together meetreg bald : In tb school house Tuesday evening orr- der the suspires of tne Commercial club. :Tbe rounty fair was discussed by Albert Csughey. and the ftnendal condition et tha road districts was presented by C. L. Richards, county attorney Refreshments ware served. ( GERMANS LOSE DIG FIGHT INHDHGARH Picked Army Attacks Russiani Marching' on Berei and is De feated After Long: Battle. AUSTRIAN DIVISION WIPED OUT GENEVA, Switzerland, April 16., (Via Paris.) The Tribune publisher a dispatch from Unvgar, in north eastern Hungary, saying a great bat tle has been fought between the Strj and the valley ot tho Ondava. A German army composed of picked men attacked the Russians marching on Bereg. After thirty-two hours ol severe fighting the Russians repulse J the Germang and captured a Quantity of arms and ammunition. Another dispatch received hr from Vienna says slxty-ftv Austrian officers have been disciplined for negligence which resulted In th the annihilation of a division of reaervea near Bereg and tha Austria defeat in tb Sarao region. Tha asnounoemrmt also is made tn Genera that Austrian troops from the Serbian frontier are being sent to the Trentlno and that a number of them al ready have passed through SeJsburg. Hew Note af Haartlna. HASTINGS. Neb.. April IS. Special) Mayor Madgett, who was Inaugurated Tuesday night, has Issued a warning that all laws will be strictly enforced and that persona who cannot obey fhetn to the letter had better be moving at once. Major Crosson of th Nebraska, Na tional Guard, has been appointed chief of police, fnieceedrng George Harm, for everal years the leading home run hitter tn the State base ball league. Charles E. Bmekman Is the new city attorney. The Chamber of Commerce has begun preparations for an old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration and a fall festival In Hastings this year. Hasting was the first city in tho stste to hold a fall festival. None was held last year, but this year's event win be bigger than ever. Action on the application for saloon licenses was deferred by the city coun cil Tuesday night. It Is reported that remonstrances may be failed against a number of the applIcaUona A new license haa been granted to the Hastings Brewing company for the year beginning Mary L News Notes af Mallea. MTTLLKN. Nb., April 1, (Special.) Greek Parsons left for Missoula, MonU where he will spend ths usmmer In the mountain Mrs. Lloyd Temple expects to Join her husband on their claim In Wyoming as soon aa Mr. Temple gets his house com pleted. Ths merchants of Mullen have been roahed since the snow blockades have melted away. Scores of four and six horse loads of supplies are going out. some aa f ar as ftfly miles Into Cherry and MrPherson counties. -Then Glands Swell Bleed Heeds Attention Een a Sweat Gland May Reult in Severe Consequence. la ear Intricate body the us of S. S3, S. for tb Hood haa a most remarkable Influence. W Bttla realise our gland ular system. It may be a tiny bulb no trigger than a pin point, and yt If a dlaeaae germ get into It, ther is a tramendous swelling. It become a fcotl. a carbuncle, it mag b a "blood riling,' and It Is often a source ef con tinuous misery if mot checked. Many of the moat eseruclatlng forms of tor turs begin with th wUlng of a tiny gland, caused by a dlaeaa garvn. And it la & 8. a that spreads througtwrut the blood circulation to prevent Just sash aondlaotks. Or tf they hav al ready started, al. a a, will soon pat th blood In SkAch a state of health as ta vrcon th taadaatey ta glandular rwelltagav It la a natural medial n for the blood- last aa asssBtlal t health If the blood be Impure, as are the meets, fats, grains aad avgai of eur daily fod. It contains one isurradleat the aotiv purpose of which Is t stlsnulat tb zchang ef vr flesh for dead or waste matter. Get a bottle of & a today of any druggist, aad If yowr c 1 stubborn, writ te tee MediaaJ Advlr. Th Swift Specltle C , lt bVwIft Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. Thts department is la rfaarg of a ntd phyaioiaav