Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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rea) a I Heeeaed from Rlve
fal Taaie.
- Built tn 11. lost overboard from a fer
.Tyhont and reecueo' after thro weeks In
the watr r the Cumberland river, sold
for a mera song hecauee it wu regarded
a lit Hit mora thin "Junk." and now ba
in rebuilt lwuii experta regard it a
one of the finest toned InalninwnU In
tha country that la the hlatory of tha
pipe oran at Ft. Iavtd'a Kpler-onal
church. It or'frlnn.1 mot was 14.400
Tha oraan waa built eluty-threa years
sro by a Ronton firm, stayed for thirty
yeare In a church In Baltimore: then It
wag aoM to tha Cumberland Md.)
church, tt waa while It waa helnir trana
ported to Cumberland that tha accident
befell It Aa It wea being ferried acmee
tha Cumberland river It allpped from tha
boat and lay aubmenred for three weka
before It waa rescued and taken to Cum
berland. Thirteen years aaro the Rev.
lr, Bar (ten preaented It to Pt. lavld'.
Tha work of taklne; tha organ to pieces
and putting; It together ajraln I aa rflfl
eult aa making: a watch. The worhAla
heln done hy former Choirrrater R. E.
Holloa-ay. He la aa precise and ralna
taklnjr In h'a work aa the rnoet careful
There are 1,14 plpea In the Organ, tha
htrtrxet being fifteen and one-half feet
long and MxlR Inche In diameter. The
mallest pipe la three-fourtha of an Inch
long and one-eighth of an Inch In di
ameter. In between theee two extremee
are plpea of every alao and tone, from the
deepen t baa, whoaft vlhrationa make tha
walla of heaxleM maaortry quiver, to tonea
tt hljrh and th'n and treble that they can
hardly be ' heard at all. lndlanapolla
Newa. .
' All Biitlah roina are legal tender In
i See the Battleship Maneuvers .
0 Saturday will be the Omaha public's last opportunity to ee this
wonderful miniature, battleship jet into action. They will have
the privilege of seem how a "regular" battleship maneuvers. It
is pronounced an exact model of i real battleship and is of much
interest. Shown on second floor, Boston Store Building. School
children's essays must be in the store Saturday morning.
$5fi00 Stock of "Hy grade" Mil
linery In . A Big Saturday Sale
-er y""t
Specials in Newest Spring Gloves
Kayaer and L. I.. Guaranteed WeahaMe Chamolaeue Glove In white, a f
natural and pongee; alto whlta with black backa. Specially iiSf
Priced for Snturrtr. nelr AJ
nni'i Tn-riiy Ratr ' Heavy
ttrtk ailk tilevee Hklla laek
mea waite wilt aeawr erelderee
black keeks and Tie vena.
Daarantee allp tn every pair,
VJ-aaaew'e 1 we-Claaa llk fileva
atlk. aawble lnee4. It leek, white, !-
ejee a ad tM. lta f tk Balli" ef the
reanlap no mm aa ajlsvea.
While a llanltea ajaaatlty laata,
a pair
Worth to
. t . .
Worth to
Our buyer in Chicago Monday and Tuesday closed a deal with
jobbers in Chicago whereby he secured 350 shotc-room model
hats, including street hats and dress hats, copies of many of
the smartest models of the season; some of them , illustrated
This purchase brought to us a wondrous
selection, many of the hats being worth
$12, several of them much more; all on
sale Saturday at the one magnetic price
$5 Jap
l nil t i:S
) ' 1 1 1 I ' ulli '
anese Panama Hats for
More than 200 styles for misses
and juniors, In genuine sun
bleached Japanese Panama hats.
They -are Intended for girls from
six to 15 years, and are very
smart for school and street wear.
Fetchingly. trimmed in velvet
ribbons, ornaments, Roman bands,
flowers, chiffon drapes, etc. Four
6f the fascinating styles are
pictured. "
Ilat Worth to $5.00. f
Saturday, at ..1.)
i u
2,000 Untrimmed Shapes 79c and $1.39
jt w ' 1 . 1 i a a. a
4 f
Beautiful style j !n hemp, Milan hemp, there m& some
leghorns. More than hah of this lo are solid black or .'
white hats; the remainder the season's best colors. There
are large sailors, medium pokes,' turbans, mushroom hats, (t
... . .1. 1 e r . i V
cit. , wurui up tu j, ciuru4j, very special
79c and $1.39
Flowers and Fancies Worth to $1, Saturday 25c
Sample lines of pretty flowers and 111,1111,11 ' ' Included are all of the best patterns
fancies bought at a very low price O ft 0 of the Season-Daisies, pond liUcs,
from Spiegel Bros., No. 5 N. Wabash uJ June roses, American beauties winrs
Ave., Chicago, go into this big sale. , and hundreds of others; choice, 23c
Munsing Underwear
A great al Saturday for Munsing "Inregu
Ltrt" in underwear for women, children "and
Women's Mnnainf Union Sulta Dna cotton; low
ne-k ainl aWvvltMt or wing !eere; cuffvv
and umbrella kn at y lea. Kecrlar an4 ex- M
tra atiea. Worth to 6!c, iuu 0
Women's Munsing Comet Cover and Veata With
long or elbow alcarci. I'anta to maton, Ovirfrj
or umbrella knee ityUa. IUgiilar and eitra "iMp
wirt. Worth to 6c Special Sat. a sarment
Wonjefl'a Munalnj Union Sulfa rina Hal. lxw
Dfck and aloevelrsa; cuff and umbrella,
knea itylea. Keular and extra elseav
Worth to 1.2o, a suit
Womeo't Munalns Union SulLa--Mercr1ed llfHes;
low nec and alev .;.; uf and umfcrnila knee
style, high neck, loan aleevee; low neck,.
elbow sleeves; ankle length. Valui
2. Saturday, a suit
Munalng Union Suits for Qlrls and Dor In
prlag and summer weljtKU and stylea.
Open crotch or drop seat Worth to
69c. f?pcUl, a sun
d llfHes ;
1U knee
kT In
Ercl'jsive Asnt in
Muasia Swear.
Omaha for
,aa la I
Boys9 $5 and $6.50 Suits $q85
Saturday, very special at
!or tVn 1,000 boys uh bousht at a big
sacrifice are in thia tale. 427 atuta in the lot
hava two pair of pants. Many with a belt to
match on the extra pants.
All Iho eulu are of this season'a tnsaufaotvre, aplen
&iir tiulored niodela In all the neweat pattern
(;ien Urquhart Plaids, Tart&a Checks. Bew shade of
shadow plalde, neat frays la stripes, checks and
p.auia, la brown, tiu and tan, X treat
assortment of iutfcraa. 1'lenty of yry
sue, to 17 year a. JUl at otte bla sale
r3 s j-r U
fi $5.00 Boas' Blue httf&k-J
V 1 f
Serge Suits $3.50 ' r3
C. ... 1 !..... . ..
uitiiy pure wool dii
full linei knickers.
wit a
SatuTjjy, for.
blue scree suits. Balkan mod?! Nrtrfcllr
Ages 6 to 17 years. Special
e s e
Children's and
Juniors9 Coats
Saturday at $1
Values are up to $4
About 200 coats that are rood
in every way cloths, colors,
etc. Many large enough for
girls aged 17 years; they ranre
from six years up. Special. $1.
Juniors' and Childs'
Coats Saturday $5
Values are up to $10
Many odd and sample coats In
thisMot, including the popular
sport coats, the belted loose
flared models, etc., in Checks,
navy, tans, etc. Ages 6 to 17
years; Saturday, choice for $3.
Childs' Wash Dresses
Saturday but $1.98
An attractive feature of this
selection is the - intermediate
sizes for full grown girls, 8 to
15 v years; requiring fuller
dresses. They . are in . plaids,
chambrays, crepes, etc. All
good wash colors; choice$1.93.
Woman's Pure Dye Thread flllk
Rtocklnita All tha lateat ahadeaand
black and whlta. Hull faahioned
with reinforced heela and toaa; dou
ble aola. Vade by well- f f
known mimifictuMH. R. hS
lar II and $1.25 vala, pr,. WWW
.Woman a JTlber Hilk Boot 8tookln-a
ll new colon. Also llxle
etooklna In blank, Uu "and whlta.;
Full faahioned and neamlaaa,
mHced aoles, heela and toaa; n f
wide (Tartar topa. Rerular Sp
prxia iSc, a pair. ........... W
Man's Ulala Thread Jinn Full aeun
leaar" Navy, - blank - and - tan, double
aolaa, heela and loea; alao blaak
with apilt aolaa. Regular - n t "
IVrTT:. . :. ; . . lZic
Womaa'a 1A. Thread BfooTliiea
Black, tan., white and blaelt with
split aolea. All seaiuleaa; double
heals and toaa. Regular ni
lo values, Saturday. - '' I X7-f
a pair . A4,2W
Men's Pure Thread Silk and French
Imported Llala Hoae block, while
and tan. Many faabloned nf
with hlfh spliced heela and ' JSC
toea: double aolea. A pair....""'
Chtldran'a Stockings Black, white
and colors. Medium XtiA fine Tlb-bed:
Hale; double kneea, heela .in 1 I
and toaa. Special at- IZTyC
7 . . .
urday, a pair
Seta Jn
Pretty Collar acd Cult
Pwtaa embroidered and
Oriental net. very .'
very dainty. A aet
Vaeteee New and effective, styles.'
Iiwlaa erahrolJered, net and
Orlantal laoa rtery . . , t
tuueh In voajua. Up from.'.
Ribbons '. ':
Rl-bbona for ' millinery' and other,
uaea. Colored velyeta In 'Aline
and roae . sbad hav. iunt ar
rived. They are very araroe now.
-In. Taffeta Moire Oooti oolora.iQ
for hair bowa and aaahaa, ard..l'C
Warp Print Pretty dealgna,
tncaea wida.- - Yard.. ,
No. li Plat Vervt Ribbon 1 l
A yard
Fruit Trees Only 5c Each
Saturday the greatest sale oC Fruit Treee ever held In Otnaiva, 6.000
home-grown, first claaa trees, flea and etx feet hlh, oC the noet popu
!r Tarletlea, lacludlns; the foltowtag : .
Apple Trees of Many Varieties
Grimes Golden
Talman Sweets
Northern Spy
Ariouuaa Black
Den Davis
Iowa Blush
Alse Cherry. Pear and Peach Tresa
end Current Bushes at special prices
Smart Modesin Spring Footwear
Wtohert and Oard
nar's Arehmeda
Pump s Tha new
punrp of tba year,
made with a eprtnr
arch which Ineurae-
tha ehae of tha
pump aa lona; aa tt
a worn.
All alaea.
Pair . . .
Bath Mtpipera Jpr
Ma and Woman.
Vary Practical and
uaef ul Had of
Tnrklah toweltns.
Uhed. All i He
alaea. rale . . . . WW
nam aMa Law IXrrplWl er Weaaeat Olaek a ad
n a . . .
w" aaaa aaeaa le aay nasi
e. All asaaa. A .T77. .
Woman's Fine Draae
Hhoaa laoa and but
ton . styles. Cham
pane, gray and a
saw mixed . oolor
eloth topa. BVery
one of these are ex
ceedingly ao nn
Child rtn'i Dress
Shoea Oun metal or
tan oalf. with colored
cloth tops. Splendid
shoes and servioe
able; nature ehaoad
lull. Ait
smy.Tfaay atva
Drugs dnd Toilet Articles Sp'c'ls
Melba Face Powder lAnbry
an suaaes. buc stie.St.
Java Ktoo oe Pxw3tr
Ail shades- A txu.SBc
Prophylaetle Tooth
Brushee Each . . . . 11c
lAtstrtie Nail Polleh
l.o else 1S
Maioroa tky tUrvmm
0o alse box. . . . . .ate
Madame Ise BeA'a race
Powder 49o alse... lis
Cream Elcajra tfrs els
Jeraxa's Beneola Al
mond Lotion 16c
4T11 White Roe Ulye
erlne Sp Cake.. 11c
Paoker'a Tar cioaa t5c
stie cake 14c
60c she bottle 29c
Aboaita face Iowder
ail ahadaa, 60c alte.S9o
tda May Para Powder
lie ska for 11c
Tw)Ue Dear ToUet
Water-TCe botUe..59c
lee Belle Brilllaatlne
tee Ja bottta Uc
La Vlvtaa Fee Powder
So stse hot for. ,2Sc
Poad'a V a a I a h I n k
Oeaja 80c jar ISc
riatcher'a Caatorla
iSo bottle for 1ee
Hstarln l also bot
tle for 6c
Lydla Ptnkham'a Conv
pound II 00 slse...fTa
Special Sal of Rubber
Dressing Combs St'rd'y
Beerham'a PUla 16c
alse box for 1te
Stuart's Drspepela Tab
lsta 11 alse bos...69o
Dan d e r t a a toe alse
bottle for We
Haye Hair Health
11.00 sire bottle 87c
Pure Castile Soap Mb.
bar for 12e
U sun en's Talcum Pow
der A eaa -..Be
Tettow'a Talcum Pow
der 26 alse can-...Pc
Ivory or Wool Soap
S b.ra for 17c
Sanr-riush :5c site
can for.... 15e
Pela Naplha Soap
Special. 10 bara far. 38c
We develop yeur photo films free
whsn prints ere ordered. All films
at apeclal prices Saturday.
Suits, Coots and Dresses--Many
Wonderful Specials for Saturday
Among the recent purchases by our buyer w-hil;
in the East were some great lots of mer
cnanaise wnicn now are arriving almost flail)
Ve are going to off erhese purchases from
time to time as the conditions permit. Saturday
some or we cream ot tne assortments go on sale.
--- ......... f, uu.ij. . avuiv v h. uviuu ui nib. WI J ju SAIC.
Silk Tailored and Sample Suits at $18.75
"A 'aV.a alaa m
, une 01 tne cniei groups secured on this Eastern trip was this fine lot of
suits. On many of them the selling price does not coyer the cost of mak
ing. This great selection goes on sale Saturday offering notable values
There are fine silk poplins, silk failles, silk ' mohairs, silk snow flake, poplins, and
taffetas; also there are seventy-five beautiful tailored cloth suits. They are in all
yi me ooa roiors, sucn as joeigian Dine, sana, putty, uopennagen, t? 1 ,f7C
navy," black and white checks and black. Inspection will quickly V U
prove tlieir. value.. Selling Saturday, choice of them all for only. ... $,
. v ; Sifk Lined Top Coats,
r Saturday, for $10.00
One ot the apeclal purchases waa about 200 coata.
largely In smart. . anappy. materials with Peau de.
Cygne llnlcga,- stripe color comblnatloija - There are
alao aereral aample garments In this aaeortment,
featuring all the sew strap and belted, flared bottom
and -the' Russian, JCossacfc models. The colora are
navy." Belgian blue, blaok'and white checks, taa
corert clotha and black. They are decidedly fi a
unusual yalnes at Satorday'a price of p 1 U
Street - and walking akirta, In all beat models of
the- spring. i,. Qorvtxilj jjiade of gabardinea, taffetaa,
obeoks,. . aeries and popllna ' Saturday's
special price is only
Street and Dancing Frocks, .
Saturday Choice for $14.75
Assembled here are raried aaeortmente of the niftiest
street frocks, smart afternoon dresses and dainty
dancing and party frocks. The manufacturer of
this lot also sold us his samples at the same pro
portionate big reductions -all grouped together at
one price for Saturday's selling. r" '' '
The colors are light blue. pink, malaa), lavender and
white In dancing frocks. Street frock are In Belgian .
blue, navy, tan, potty, etc, aa Tell aa black. Brery
frock offered Is new and crisp, correct, as to style
and la every way desirable. Women's tfi J err
and misses' sises are Included. ' Saturday. p 1. I d
Stunning Chiffon and Flower Bordered Blouses,
Georgette Crepe Blouses and Extra Quality
Crepe de C tune Blouses $38
. Special purchase makes this price pos
sible. There are dressy and semi-tailored
models, short or long teleeves: They
were bought last week : in New York
and have every, new feature: Several
models to select from at this one special
price. All the wanted shades. A lim
lted quantity, worth $5." Choice, $3.98.
Corset S pecials
Coraeta for Medium and' Slender
Figures Made of Columbia batiste,
boned with rust-proof double wire;
trimmed at top with satin ribbon
and wide lace. Long hip with two
hooka below front ateeL Bones are
floseed at bottom so they will not
wear through; six heavy &. Cf
garters. Saturday, for y 1 .D U
Girls' Corsets Y comfortable cor
set, because It la made Just for
glrla changing from the corset waist
to oo rests. Lightly boned a
and Just the right length. . . . . . y 1
Broken, Lots of CorsetsLow and
medium bast Materials are coutU,
batiste and fancy broche. &
Special p
Art Needlework
Mercerized Cordonnet Crochet Cot
ton Dyco, R. M. C. Bucilla and
Royal Society Bread e; white f
and ecru. a. a pool- f C
Mercerised Embroidery Cotton
White and colora. Regular f
price S for Be; 4 akeina tor. . , . OC
Imported Japaaeae Bamboo Baskets
-'For fruit and flowers, alao serv
ing trays. V aloes from 11.60 eve
to $3.00. each......... f DC
Stamped Night Dresses -On extra'
quality nainsook, neat designs.
Regular KOo values. OC
eac h JOC
SUmped Pillow Cases Slae 42x36
inches. Neat conventional designa.
Worth 50c. special - in
a pair lUC
American 'lieaaty Paokagee Con
sisting of pillow tope, scarfs and
centers, with floss. Regular 50c
valuea epeclal, each t
Package I UC
Stamped Towla On hook towel
ing with plain stripe; alao guest
slae Turkish, with pink and blue
borders. Regular Z5e values, f A
each '. 1UC
Hand-Kmbroldered Scarfs and Cen
ters On natural linen, embroid
ered In colora; conventional de
signs. Regular prlC'y 11.00; f A
sale price, each OuC
Tatting Shuttles Black, white.
blue and pink; sal elsea. r
Worth lOe, each
LOT II $1.1 9 Garments,
Worth to $2The sheer dain
tiness of these garments will
appeal to all Many of the
styles and models are new to
the underrirment trade. There
are gowns, envelope chemise,
combinations, : skifts, prlncdss
slips, drawers, etc. Saturday,
a .
us ms
LOT III $1.49 Garments.
Worth to $3 Garments un
usually sheer end dainty and of
refined quality, such as Is sel
dom shown in , ordinary Une.
Every garment for women's
desires Is to be found In this
assortment Odd and sample
farments, rarely .exclusive,
aturday, $1.49.
Other Noteworthy Sale Specials
Choice of many samplea worth to
$5. Saturday for 92.39.
Choice of many, samples worth to
S. Saturday for 12.89.
Choice of many samples worth to
IT, Saturday for 3.49 . .
Choice of many aamplea worth to
.60, Saturday for t4.e.
Especial attention le directed to the wnuaual quality ef this aeleetlea aa
It comprises by far the moat exquisite group ef eettea lingerie and the
daintiest we ever have offered on sale.
Fine Serving Trays for $1.50
50 Pine Serving Trays Size 10x19 inches. Mahogany
ana rumea oaic, grass over veneered wood to match; wood
ana brass handles; felt bottom. Best workmanship
and. finish. Good 53.00 values; Saturday, each. . . .
Dainty Lingerie About 772
A New York maker of very fine lingerie sold
sample line at 50 cents on the
dollar. This line is one of the
highest grade, daintily made
. assortments In New York. We
,have divided the purchase into '
several lots, as there are hun
dreds of garments-and no two
. alike, . facilitating selection.
LOT I 79c Garments, Worth
to $1.50 -Included are gowns,
combinations, slips, skirts, che
mise; drawers and corset cov
ers; pretty laces and embroid
eries, sheer lingerie cloth.?, rib-
-bon trimmings, etc., 79c
Fresh Carnations 2c Each
Very special Saturday; beautiful carnations, each ...2c
4.ns of UiV'ffrtu Yade?"a'lna Bulba I Sw P Mad Other FloWeTS
Keslar price 'Jtc a doaoa; a I . c r o . .
Saturday, wh 1C at Special rnees on Saturday