The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN. THE WEATHER Cloudy VOL. XMVXO. 200. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOItMNO, APIUL 17, 1915 TWENTY PAGES. Ob Trains and at etel Mew sHaada, fa. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. V CAH'T FIND A MAN TO UMPIRE GAME; LAST ONE IS SHOT Suburban Teams of Loi Angeles Unable to Secure Arbiter After Spectator Puts Two Ballets in Eeferee. HE RAO BET ON OTHER SIDE Wounded Official Takes Gun from Assailant 'and Chases Him from the Field. WONT FUNCTION ANT MORE LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 16. t El Monte and Irwlndale, suburban base ball nines, began hunting here today for somebody who would be umpire, but found no candidates. After one umpire had been chased j out of yesterday's game, John Hayes, I a rancher, undertook the position, ' and upon announcing his first deci sion was shot twice In the breast by ' a spectator who bad bet on El Monte. 'Hayes called time, rushed upon his ! assailant and took away the weapon, with which he drove the man from rna nam- He then finished the game, but ( declined to officiate in any more. He was not dangerously hurt. May Confiscate , German Craft for Each Vessel Sunk i FARTS. April la-pM. Leguales Mesau ftan. president of the Brittany Ship Owa lers' association, has suggested that the minister of marine replace eaoh ahlp be lion Sing- to the alllea sunk by a German jatibtnarin by a 'vessel of corresponding else from toons the S78 German ahlps ginning of the war. This M. De Masau- p-an . believes would cause German ship owners to do their utmost to Induce Km gror William to put' a-stop to a method lef warfare the cosC of which was born ky tbem. The proposal of. M., De Majauba.n has fceen ; taken Into . consideration by ' the French government bat before It can be put Into -execution an arrangement must tw reached with the British authorities. Former Soldier ; : . v .'v , Conf esseaMurder ' . of Young; Woman ' LIMA, O.. April 16.-Doran 8.. Riddle, kiged X, a machinist, was awaiting a hear ing in police court here today .charged with the -murder of Susie Oolenuvn, aged .36, a faotorT" worker, whose body' was ifound yesterday near the. Lima railroad y,a.rda. ; According to the police Riddle, who was formerly a corporal In the United States army, confessed shortly after his arrest last night. The police said the girl was about to become a mother. Riddle told the police he struck her with the iron door of a fire box. crushing her skull. He gave no motive for the attack. In his room the police found the girl's pocketbook and several garments stained wtth blood. jChinese Here to. Study Newspapers of U. S. SAN FRAKCISCO, April l.Threc j Chinese publishers, members of a , eom I mission appointed by President Yuan (Bhl Kai of the ' Chines repuMla to In inpect the newspapers- of the United f Htates.' seeking suggestions for their own papers, arrived today ' on the steamer Sierra, The members of the commission are Tsung Han-Fang, L4 Bum-Ling and. Tang "Wen-Ping. ' i . "American newspapers are regarded as the beat In the world," one of the mem bers said, "and our government selected them as our tiidy ground In preference to the English papers, after much eon-n Wd deration." . The commission -also will , report on tlnandsj conditions. The Weather U Forecast till T p. m. Saturday: -6Vr Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Partly cloudy; not much change in tem jieratur. ' Teaaeratre at Oniaiut Yesterday. Hours. Peg a. ra 8 a. ra 67 T a. ra (6 S a m a. ra 66 10 a. iu 11 11 a. ro T5 13 tn 78 1 p. m St) 2 p. ni .". 82 3 p. in.. i S3 4 l. m 83 5 p. m 61 p. in SO 1 p. m 78 S p. m 7u CiMiratlT Xtormi Reeorel. 1916. 1K14. 1911. 1911. Highest yesterday S3 s 8 40 )xwst yesterday U 61 64 34 Mean temperature 7 N S7 Precipitation .; 0u . .00 .0U Teiuperatures and precipitation depar ture from the normal: , Normal temiwrature 61 Kxoew for the day 18 Total deficiency since March 1 S7 Normal preclplUttkon 10 Inch Iicflciency for the day 10 Inch Total rainfall lnre March 1.... 112 Inches Deficiency since March 1 68 inch i pflcieticy tor cor. period, jm. .1 u inches I Excess fur cor. fx i U.d. 19U 2.ul inches Henorte from tatlona at T I. M : nation and State Temp. HIkb- Rain - of Weather. 7 p. in. eat. (all. Cheyenne, part cloudy i Javenort. rart cloudy.. ' Ienvr. cloudy Ui Moines, part cloudy.. w Vorth ftatte. cloudy To Omaha, clear 7 Rapid Clly, cloudy fthertdan. clear M ioux City, clear 76 Valentino, cloudy 5S M 12 . T U -Oil M .00 74 .UU V? .00 70 .HJ 8 .01 fi . 7 ,u X indicate trace of precipitation. - . It. JouJ wrecaater. ONE OF THE INCIDENTS for France, captured by the the German emperor. . " S i' f f ,16 : J 0 WESTERN GRAIN MEN GATHER IN OMAHA - Reception Held at Omaha Grain Ex change, Convention Following1 . and Banquet Concluding. FIVE HUNDRED IN ATTENDANCE i i . 1 Five hundred grain men concluded the first day's program of their two dare Beaaloa of the Western Grata Dealers' association In Omaha,' with a banquetat. the Hotel Fontenelle last night at .7:3trVcloclc. It re quired almost the capacity of to big banquet and ball room ot the hotel toccomnoate--U'ct6wd, 'Stilt there was room for the cabaret artists to all ft about among the chairs and tables and' show off their several. Various and divers stunts to the best advantage In all parts of the room. ; ' Male and female cabaret talent was employed, and some clever Binging, dancing and chefttnut-cracklng was dished np for the entertainment of the--, visitors. ; ' ' . r Speech making was more or less ta booed, althoi'Rh one formal speech was scheduled. But the grain men had llst enfd .to upoches and shop-talks all day. They were ready for something lighter something to wash the mind clear of shop-bUHtnebs and leave Jt in a mood re ceptive of the things to come at the business session this morning. ' Ptekell Talks Grain Men. The only formal speech of the even ing was that of J. Ralph Plckell of CnW cago. editor of Prloe Current Qmin Re porter. He chose for his subject, "Truth: A Tribute and Some Other Things." Then he soared Into the rubject and made it lively enough to satisfy even those who had come principally to enjoy the cabaret. t An automobile trip starting at the Fon tenelle Just after the cU-se of the after noon session, took tha grain men all over the city. The Omaha grain men, besides giving the visitors a banquet, were anxious that they , look over the elty and get soma Idea of its Industries and its general aoope. They took them to the moat in teresting points in the city, where they saw parks, now just turning greon, saw large aubstsntlal buildings in the busi ness district being torn down, only to make room for skyscrapers: saw .other business blocks already in process of con struction and got f.i J goneral Irlea of Omaha's present era of . pro'aierit y. t'owtrlll Extends Welcome. President F.'S.'Cowglll of the Omaha Oraln exchange openel the convention at the Hotel FontenelW In the afturnoon with a brief address of welcome, dur ing which' he remarked that ' as Omaha was a home market for tne gain men. he wanted them to feel thoroughly at home while here. He emphasised the faot that Omaha la the second largest primary grain . market In the United State. ; Defending; Nebraska's recently erected public warehouse law. while expounding what such laws ought to be, when pa sued by a stkte legislature. Attorney Edward P. Smith of Omaha, told tne grain men that although banks are allow J to ac cept deposits of money without giving bond direct to the depositor, no grain or elevator man should be allowed to aooept grain for storage without giving a bond to protect the farmer. He asserted that there are now six bankruptcy cases in Nebraska courts, as the result of grain men selling stored grain on a rising mar ket and then being unable to deliver to the farmer on demand. Continuing said Mr. Smith: "Publlo warhoune Uws, to e satis factory and workable, should be co I tionsl to the elevator men. in Ne- bruska. ratber than compulsory; storage charges should be fixed, rather than sliding. In order to be fair to all; and such laws should aatisiy the farmer, the country elevator man, the terminal mar ket man and the banks. Publlo ware house certificates ought to be as ood collateral as government bonds." Mr. IConUaued o. kiu FUs Coiiuna Ob-) .. .. i OF WAR Italians, fighting Germans, and being led past CHICAGO STRIKE BEC0HESL0CK0UT Building Trades Employes Who Would Continue Work Referred to Union Officials. WTXL BRING IN NONUNION MEN CHICAGO, April Sixteen thousand union carpenters. striSing for an increase of 6' cents an hour, were under the ban of a lockout or der by their former employers today. Painters, lathers, plasterers and sheet metal workers found themselves in similar circumstances and enough al lied trades were affected to bring the total of idle men beyond 76,000. The carpenters were on strike from 4: p. m. yesterday until midnight. Then tha lookout order went into effect and today men who wished to bolt tha striko order and continue at work were told to carry their, grievances to the union of ficials. , .... . j . All Hands I.atd Off. When work ceased on spproxlmately I 4.000 of the i,e00 unfinished structure 'In the. city the contractors laid off all hands xoept a few men retained to clean tip odd Jobs.. Watchmen ware employed' to keep close vigil over unfinished build ings. This- precaution ; was ' deemed par ticularly necessary because of the de cision of moat of the employers to bring non-union workmen' into Chicago from other cities. " " " - ' ; - Contracting painters and . decorator Save decided to substitute strangers I for 9,000 union brush wlelders, who were locked out because 8,000 of their number struck In protest against . the antl-etrike agreement which all members ,of .the Building Construction Employers' sfso elation wore pledged to exset from all building crafts. . . Violence Reported. Violence already han been reported by men Interested in the painting and deco rating trade. A big automobile carrying men armed with brass knuckles and black Jacks appeared on the north side, and several non-union men were beaten, according to reports. Knights Templar Elect Officers and Conclude Conclave The forty-third, annual conclave of the grand commendery,. Knights Templar ot Nebraska met in the Masonia , Temple yesterday morning and concluded the business before adjournment. Will A. Keedhant presiding. Shortly . after o'clock members . of Mount Calvary commandery, Omaha, in uniform, at the Hotel Fontenelle, met the delegates to the conclave and escorted them to the temple, where they Immedi ately went Into soettlon, listening to re ports and disponing of matters left with Secretary White since the laet conclave. During the time whep the' knights were holding their session the wives of the viuitors were the guests of the wives of the Omaha knights and were given an automobile' ride about' the city,-returning to the hotel Just before the lunch hour. . The following officer were elected and Installed: Grand - Generalissimo Claude Watson, Nebraska City. - Grand Captain General Wyraan . B. Clapp, Kearney. ' Grand Henior Warden John 8: Herman. Tecum'h. , i Grand Junior Ward en Kd ward C. Jack-( on, umir. j braaka Cltv. tlrand Tressiirer-Onore H. Thummcl. White,'! Grand Oinbha. Recorder Francis Omul Standard Bearer Charles I.. tuxk, Omaha. Grand Sword Brsrer-Jehn W. Mltch'11, Superior. Grand Warder Jcsoe D. Whltmore, Grand Island. Grand Captain of the Guard -Arthur C. Stem, Chadion. Movies Used to Teach Foot Ball BI"OMINGTOV, Ind , April 1. Mo. j tlon pictures of foot bll games plsyed ULSt season was the first courte pre- j scribed for candidates for the Mi foot : ball elfven at It. d, ana university when' Coa- C. C. Childs began his spring train- j ing season hre yeft'trday. The n.n had th use of a local motion picture theater and Coach Child dlseuniied the different methods of attack and defense as they were thrown upon the screen. He said be would centtnuai this form of Instruc tion for ten day before taking the men out on Uie field. YILLA AND WILSON PROBE "VIOLATED" HEX NEUTRALITY Bryan and Daniels Seeking to Find Out if Japanese Have Estab lished Naval Base in Turtle Bay. flUT)T"R. ' Uttut.iv . IF SO. A PROTEST IN " Washington Agency of Northern . . , Chieftain AlSO Begins investl- gation Of Incident. TJ. S. OFFICIALS POOH-POOH IT WASHINGTON. April IS. While disinclined to credit reports that Japan had established a naval base at Turtle Bay, Lower California, United States officials today instl- i tuted an investigation to learn ex actly what use the belligerent war ships were making of Mexican terri torial waters. ! Secretary Daniels telegraphed Rear Admiral Howard of the Pacifio fleet the substance of the published stories mid asked him to ascertain whether there was any foundation for them. ' Secretary Bryan bad received no In formation from the American consuls In Lower California to the effect that the aJapancse intend to establish a naval base there, but It is understood he Mill communicate the press re ports to them, with a request for any facts that may bear on the subject. Villa. Orslfr Pros. Enrique C. Llorente, Washington repre sentative of General Villa, telegraphed Kstcvan Cantu, military governor of Lower California, which Is controlled by the Villa faction, to make an Investiga tion of the' situation. Comma,nder Nomura, naval attache ot the Japanese embassy, called Informally en Kevy department officials today and assured them that there was no truth In the reports that any attempt was being made to aetanllsh a permanent naval base. He Is understood to have explained tbat the presence ot the Japanese warships was due entirely to tha accident to tha cruiser Asama, whloh ran aground there recently. ' . ' There was Informal 4tscaston of the Turtle Bay situation at today's oablnet meeting, but the general tendenny "as to discredit report that have reached hr. Cabinet officers who ars In touch with Amerloan wrecking eomrmnlss attempting to floaC the' Asama pointed Out that the rel was est in tho snud almost te Its decks. Navy officers who "nave given at tention to the aubject sax & would not be urprlsing If the Asama was never .re floated. , i - ' ' ' Attract Wide Attention i .The published reports, however, at tracted wlle atention arodhg diplomats and officials. The fact that British col- Iters were assisting .the Japanese war ships convinced high officials that there could be no foundation for the Idea that any movement was afoot to establish a permanent base. Should it develop that the British and Japanese vessels were actually using Mexican waters as a temporary bass of supplies It is considered possible that tha attention ot Mexican authorities may be culled to it by the Washington govern ment and the matter also be brought to the attention of Great Britain and Japn Liberty .Bell Will Be Taken to West Upon Special Train PHILAPKI-PHTA, April l.Myor Blankrmburg today signed the resolu tion passed by the city councils yester day authorising the taking of the liberty bell to the " Panama-Pacific exposition. The relic will not leave here until after the Fourrh ot July and will be accom panied by , a committee- of twenty-four eouncilmen and other cltlaens. The. old bell will be taken west en Si special train. It will be. placed on flatcar, so that the people enrouta may have an unobstructive view of it. DENVER PAPER ENJOINS : PAYMENT TO SPEAKER X) FN VER,. April M.-8ult was ffle4 in the disti-ict court here today by the Denver Post, through F. G. Bonflls, secretary' ot the Post Printing and Pnb llahing company, to enjoin th payment pf Sl.iiOA voted by the legislature at fts recent seiwton to Speaker P. B. Stewart for Incidental expenses. THE-GATE-CITY-Or-THE Omaha is entertaining the Western Grain Dealears' association. Next week we will be host to the Macca bees and the Nebraska edi tors. Something interesting and worth while to drop in on-here all the time. Never In the history of merchandls-Ins- haa there -been such a favorable time t' set Into bualnens as riuht now. As i look over my list It seems as If you could not leave my office without finding- lust whst you want I can suit the man or woman with a few hundred dollars or have a bua Ineiia for the man who can spend 1100.000 and secure coatrol of s bu IneM worth double that amount. .Writ or see m st once. Foe roishav laforasatlon about tat euportf uUy. Ma ta Waa Ad seoiloa of Tfes Be teoay. immm Bombs Dropped by German Planes Near London Cause Little Damage LONDON, April 1 It Is reported that a German aeroplane at midday today dropped bombs nesr Heme Bar In Kent. Jl mlloa from Canterbury. An aeroplane " flopped bombs on ravorsham was j aim appejentljr was poor. Flying' over ttttinghoume the airman I dropped another bomb.' but the only re suit was tha digging of a hole In an orchard. Rtlll another bomb was drop- vi ,n, chalk quarry. The German fren started for the sea by way j f Real from which direction Is bad i r.ord over Kent It has not as yet been conclusively de- itermlned whether on or two Oeiman ! roplsns took part In the raid in Kent BODY OF COLONEL NELSON MID AWAY Business is Practioally Suspended in Kansas City During the Funeral Services. STAR EMPLOYES PALLBEARERS KANSAS CITY, Mo., April Flags were set at half-staff here to day, schools and public libraries were closed and hundreds of business houses and factories suspended oper ations during the 'hour of the funeral of William R. Nelson, editor of the Kansas City Star, whose death oc curred Tuesday. The services at the Nelson home wera open to the public. Private ceremonies later were held at Mount Washington cemetery. Bishop Cameron Manit. . Episcopal bishop of Florida, and a lifelong friend of Mr. Nelson, arrived today to have charge of the ceremonies. Pall hearers were selected from among the employe of the Star, various departments being represented. There were, no honorary pall bearers and simplicity marked all arrangements of the funeral. Many civic and commercial organisa tions gathered to attend the service In membership bodies. Score of former friends of Mr. Nelson were present from other cities. Swiss Officer Says All Campaigns of . . Allies Are Failures BERLIN, April M-rBy" -Wlrcles 'to BayvtUa, N. , T.)-Th Overseas New agency today gave out tha following; Aeroplane scouts report that, be Kind tha . French front therr are 'continuous movements of lanre bodies of troops, In dicating an intention to, renew th at tacks. . . , ... ;..:! Similar report from Austrian head quarters describe th four week battl In the Carpathian mountains ss the mt glgantlo In ' the- history of th world. aGOO.coo men . participating. This battle reached a climax several days ago.- The Russian offensive was halted and re pulsed with the most appalling losses. On soma days as many as 600 trains were used .for wounded. Th field . hospitals are overcrowded . with wounded and sick and thousand succumb without adequate medloal attendance. . , ! "A high 6wla officer who ha studied the situation, according to a Zurich news paper, characterises as utter failures th French and Russian offensives as well as ths attempts to forea th Dardanelles. He ay the failure, together w'th th Inability of th British navy to de feat and annihilate - the German iiavat forces 'dearly Indicates thai the triple entente has lest ,th war 'and that the only question now remaining I when this truth will be realised. "Prof. Oskar Von Mueller, president of th society of German engineers, has kiotlfled th American Engineers' as sociation that tbe German engineers will not attend the International Engineering onngtesa st Pan Francisco, since they are busily engaged In serving tha father land." Bryan Notified that Conditions in Mexico City Very Serious WABKIMOTON, April Jl-Duval West., special representative of the State de partment, today telegraphed Secretary Bryan that conditions In Mexico City were again becoming serious, owing to ths lack of foodstuffs and the Interrup tion of communication. The department immediately notified Consul Bllllman st Vera Cru to urge the Carransa authorities to co-operate in clearing the railway to th - Mexican capital for th shipment of suppltea ABOARD UNITED STATES SHIP COLORADO OFT MAZATLAN. Mexico, April 14. (By Wireless to Ban Diego. Cal., April 14) Th Carransa gunboat General Ouerrero, which failed to salute tbe flag of Admiral Thomas B. Howard, commanding ths Pacific fleet In accord ance) wtth naval custom when th Gen eral Ouerrero arrived yesterday, " fired the delayed salute of seventeen guns to day. The Colorado, Admiral Howard's flagship, returned the salute, gun by gun, A French mining company operating at Santa Rosalia, ninety miles southeast of Chihuahua, la reported to be without sup plies because of the confiscation of Its teamsr by Carransa forcea , SIMPSON ORATOR WINS PROHIBITION PPRIZE AME8, la. April U.-Bpeolat-The "dryeat" oratorical contest held In Iowa during the year was th collegiate debate of th low IntercolloKiat Prohibition association held at Simpson college. In tlanola The debate was on prohibi tion. Medals were awarded by the Simp son College Prohibition aaoctatlon. Klght Ioma colleges and universities took part. The first rash, prite, 7&, was given C. J. Martin of Simpson. Second prise went to R, U Mitchell of Morningslde colluce. J. li. bpsrgo of Central Holiness univer sity receiving the third aware. this afternoon. The report, however. Indicate the presence ot a single ma chine. The Oerman machine, which was of the biplane typo, flew also over Bheernesa. There the anti-aircraft guns fired on It and the machine was seen suddenly to dip. Th spectator thought It had been winged and cheered wildly. Tha aeroplane, however, recovered and i Rga'.n ascended. Then It traveled t a ' high speed across the Isle of 8heppey at 1 tha .nouth of the Thames and eeosped to j . . . the open ocean. Apparently no bombs FRENCH AVIATORS ALSO BUSY war dropped In Sheerness. j .. British aeroplanes are said to hy Paris War Office Say German Head gone In pursuit of ths machine which appeared over sittingbonrne. I quarters Successfully Bom NELSON W. ALDRICH DIES OFJPOPLEXY Former United States Senator Ex pires at His Home After Illness of Few Hours. BTJTUAL WILL BS IS PR0VE5LXC3 SaBBSS- NEW YORK, April 16. Nelson W. AW rich, for thirty reara United States senator from Rhode Island and republican loader whoa name was stamped upon tariff and currency legislation of bis party, died of an apoplectic stroke at his home on Fifth arenne here today. He had been 111 of Indigestion gtnee yesterday af ernoon. Until then he had been In excellent health. He was tn hts seventy-fourth year. (Senator Al drlch will be buried tn Swan Point cemetery, Providence, R. L, Sunday afternoon. Dr. John S. Thatcher, the family phy sician, had left Mr. Aldrlch leas than half an hour before he died. When Dr. Thatcher left th patient appeared to be recovering from th alight attack of In' digestion. Ten minutes after th physi cian left Mr. Aldrlch suddenly became unconscious and died within a few min utes. Members of his Immediate family wen hurriedly summoned when he became tin conscious and were at ths bedside when he died. They Included his wlfs an I Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., his daughter, and Wlnthrop Aldrtoh, his so John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. was notified within few minutes after Mr. Aldrlch died. - Mr. Aldrlch became ill early yesterday afternoon. ' Dr. Thatcher was summoned, but -could not be reached, for- ASUn X, Thorn. was summoned ; to th Aldrlch home.' He diagnosed Mr. Aid rich's Illness tCpsrttntwd.vaa.Paew FlTnCootnn Two.) Armour. Says .Unions Are Not Necessary ; For Welfare of Men CHICAGO, April 11 J. Ogden Armour, president of. Armour Co., testifying be fore the United Htates commission on In. dnstrlel relation , today expressed th opinion that industrial , unrest in the United Htates Is slowly decreasing. His own employes, he said, were adequately protected through the privilege oC ap pealing to th respective form. The witness said that h keep in touch with employe in their homes through foremen and ths company's welfare work ers. Employe are privileged to appeal to the president of th company when they think subordinate officials deal unjustly with them. "Do you believe a proper standard of living can be maintained by a weekly wags of SIS. GO?" Mr. Armour was asked. "It la a very broadband difficult ques tion," hs replied. He denied that his company took ad vantage of .sn overjupply of Immigrant labor to pay lees than living wage. Mr. Armour said that he did not be lieve that unions were necessary to th welfare of employ. . "Th sucoess of an employer depend on the employs," said hs, "and to gel ths best work of th employ the best wage the market affords must be paid." Mr Armour said hs would - not have organiser around the plant fof reasons both Industrial and economic. "As soon ss a union has a llttU power it commits excesses," hs said. s Customs Men Watch . for Prize Fight Films NEW TORK, April It. Warned by H. C. Btuart, special deputy collector of cus toms of this port, that word had been re oe trad of an attempt to bring Into New fork th Wulard-Johnson fight films mad at Havana, every examiner em ployed by ths port appraiser was on ths watoh for them today. A similar warning. It was reported, has been sent to th customs officials of all Atlantic seaboard cities. Commenting on this action, Jess Wil lard said. " gusa that means ws can't afford to take any chance of losing ths film Just t present. Tou can aay for me that w did not expect to bring the film In at this tlm and that w have mad no ef fort to break past the customs house with them and don't intend to make any such effort" Diggs and Caminetti Ask for New Trial BAN FRANCISCO. April 1 (.-Counsel for Maury I. Dlggs and F. Drew Camliv ettl, convicted under th Mann act, peti tioned the United States circuit court of appeala for a reheating of th case. Dlggs and Caminetti were found guilty in 1911 of transporting Lola Norrls and Marsha Warrington from Sacramento, Cel., to Keno, Nev., for Immoral purposes. Dlggs received a sentence of two year and a fin of 11.000 and Caminetti alght eea months and Sl.MU. Caminetti la the sod of Anthony Caminetti, United 8ta,tes oornuiuarHBSt pf U&migTsUoa, BOMBS DROPPED VITIlin THIRTY MILES OF LOtlDOtl Oerman Aeroplanes Make Daylight Flight Over Several Towns in Vicinity of the British Capital barded from Sky. FIGHTING IN WESTERN ARENA The Day's War News CKOmCIAL REPORTS from Ban- vary deeerlb a battl ta tH Tar. path la a resrtoa as a reaalt of a nmaa attack sa a Raiilaa amtl tlea. Tb eelllstoa oeeaml In the saetlon fcetwreea the Rtry and Oadava rivers, and ths Gerwiana are said, to have heea heatea baric. DISPATCH FROM th Italia froa tler say Italy aew has 1,300,000 Idlers (ally e)lppal aader arena. Tha people aad srorero naeat still hope, however, to aveld war. ANOTHER RAID hy a rnu air hip the third la as snaar days -was reported today front Leadoa. It Is said that a Dertnaa aeroplane' dropped hasnhs la Kent at aooa. Last, Bleat's Csppella raid resalted la eaasldorabla taast to prop erty, aItho-as;a, so far aa ta knawa, aa lives wera last. Rl'SSIAMS HATID taken ap the at tak,alaaur fh Wavaaw froat after tha leas; wtater lall. They claim tha ' eaptara af a Ulaa-s aear Sooharsew, aheat thirty Miles . from tha Polish capital. la the vlclalty of Oaaowets, aear the Praulaa froatler, ftghttasr also has heea reaaated. HOLLAND IS BTIRRBD deeply hy tha alaklas; af th Datoh ittaawr Katwyk heart a a- a eargo eoa.t laed to tha aravcramaat af Tha Netherlaad. ITGGESTIOHr HAS heea made to tka Freaeh aalalatry of saarlaa that raah ahlp of the allies saak by ' Garsnaa sahtaartars ho replaced by vessel af . rerreapoadlasr sla fraaa aer tha 7S Geraaaa ves sels detalaed la Freaeh warts. - U)NTX)N. April J 8 -Osrtoan gsro plaoes this afternoon wsrs dropping bombs In Kent within thirty miles of Tbe machines first made their ap pearance over Hern Bsjr, to the east ' of Canterbury and about fifty miles ' from London.-, Within few mlnutea ' they were reported over Canterbury, closer to tfc,e capital, and very shortly afterward they appeared over Favor sham, and then over Bittlngbourne, not more than thirty miles away, dropping bombs on each town.' This was the third German aerittl attack on the eastern counties of England within the last thirty-six hours. The . two previous, attacks were made at night by Zeppelin' air ships. Thla raid waa carried out by aeroplanes. Freaeh Aviators Also Bmay. Aerial onslaughts, however, have . not been limited to the Germans. French, of- . flda! reports claim a successful bom bardment from the sky of the Imperial Oerman headquartera tn retaliation for a Zeppelin assault on Nancy. A German wireless credits to a Swiss -newspaper the statement thst French slr merf have dropped bomba on several Ger- . man 'towns unprotected by anti-aircraft ' guns- . London no longer considers Itself Im mune from air raiders of the Zeppelin type. It la realised also that sven asro planea could bombard the city. Zeppellna on their recent night raids have traveled further from their Cuxhavan base than the distance front Cuxhaven to London, and aeroplane thirty mile from th ' capital and choosing their own courts, hav brought a new conception of ths effective range of this type of machine. Nevertheless ths publlo is skeptical of ' the powers for harm of Zeppelins, the (Continued on Pare Five, Column Three.) Ideal Want Ad Weather like any other Balesmeu, Beo "Want Ads are influenced hy the weather, especially cer tain classifications. Take for example, the Houses and Cottages For Rent, Furnished Rooms, Real Estate and' other classifications that require . outside investigation. It is an easy matter to coax people out when the weather is balmy and spring-like. Your want ad placed in next Sunday's Bee will bring you maximum of re sults. N Telephone Tyler 1000. THE OMAHA BEE -Everybody Heads 13 e Want Ada,