Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    THH HKK: OMAHA. HJIIUY. AVIUl. 1(1. 1Mo.
comnrlse most of the Jitney
drivers of
twine llrnd for a whole block wth ran
nrvl In tome Instances huslnrss ha been
Interfered with. This la a menace In rase
of a, fire. It Ik a regulation which has or
In being adopted by every city in the
The new regulation will be in force be-
teen I a. m. snd 7 p. m . covering all of
the buy hours t the day.
Superintendent Kugel and Chief of Po
lice Dunn believe that automobile drivers
will quickly fall Into line with this propo
sition, which is promulgated In tne Inter
ests of the city.
Omaha, and which seceded from the
original association some time ago. Stunrt
p. Dale, one of the managing offl-os.
Is the special motorcycle cop of the Jit
ney driver, and in said to have already
levied some fines on them for violation
of traffic and other rule,
A motorcycle traffte? officer of their
own, to iVgulate conduct of Its Jitney
drivers. Is announced by the Omaha
Motor Bus association, which Is said o
if L J
sY .
New Regulation to Be Enforced in
Business District on Certain
Streets Set Aside.
By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, April 15, 1914.
' w. u av -v . v-a v v
'ELU with danrlng Bnd dining and bridging, the gsy world hm
llf managed to slip through another bp r son of social strife
f f From now on unfit the fall society will spend Its time Jaunt- i
lng and at the Country club. For the Jaunters. a charmlni Superintendent of Police Kucel
opportunity awnlts thorn to discover American hauntp. With many It will 1" bcfcln Sunday to enforce the
be the first glimpse they have had of their native land, for Europe up until parking of automobiles on terta'n
a few months ago seemed to exist for the convenience and enjoyment of 'downtown 'street, which will be
the American wayfarer. marked by white linen In the center
The first part of June always saw a goodly number of Omahans set- Cf such thoroughfares the "effect of
ting sail for European ports, but Its present distraction will cause them to
wend their ways elsewhere.
The Panama expositions will doubtless prove the Mecca for overland
To Honor Mrs. Rothschild.
Mn. Pamuel Katt and Mm. J. H. Kati
rave a tea thli afternoon between the
hours of 1 and at the home of Mrs. J.
K Kate In honor of the ninety-third
birthday annlveraary of their mothrr.
Mra. William Kotharhild. The rooms were
decorated with Klllarney roses, ferns and
Jonquils. In the dining room Jonquil
were need in quantities and the lights
shaded with yellow.
Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Roths
child's grandchildren, the Misses Mildred
Rubel. Heine Iluhel, Fay Hersog and
Cfrtta Hertoa;. About seventy-five guests
vera entertained.
Entertain! at The Dantant.
The drama section of the Association
of Collegiate AJumnae will entertain at a
The danaant Saturday in the ball room
of tit Hotel Rome. The following women
' have been asked to assist;
Mesdames Mesdames
Iraper Fmith. John Rlngwalt,
H. V. Burster, E. F. rX-k.
A- F. Jonas, J. L Kennedy,
Osgood Eastman,
W. F. Ourley,
Ward Hurgss,
W. Buchols,
K. J. UcVann,
Victor Hosewater,
C C. Rowswater.
Charles Aull,
KMirar Poott,
Lowiie Chllds,
George long land,
Rome Miller,
8. 8. Caldwell,
Theodore Ring-wait,
E V. Benson,
W. U KeJby,
F). W. l)lon,
Luther Kountse,
Charles) Kounlse,
C. C. Relden, ,
George Joslyn,
Louis Nash.,
this new regulation being to prohibit
tinllmited parking of automobile)
a'ong the curbing.
' j The streets to be marked are:
... . .. ,, . i Eighteenth and Nineteenth, JIarney
literature department of the Omaha 1
Woman's club at tea Wednesday after- to Douglas: Seventeenth, Harney to
noon, April 2S.
For Wheatley Concert.
The following have secured boxes for
the Wheatley concert at the Ttrandela
theater for Friday evening:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Messrs. end Mesdames
T. J. Mnhfpnev, . 1. Heston.
C. C. Allison, T. f. I'vrtie.
I-,. C.Nssh. Jl . Krans.
B. A. McI)ermott. Adolph Htorjs.
Capitol avenue; Fifteenth, Jackson
I to Howard; Douglas, Fourteenth to
Twentieth; Capitol avenue. Four
teenth to Seventeenth; Howard, Six
teenth to Seventeenth.
Automobile owners and drivers
may leave their cars at curblngs for
a period of not more than thirty min
utes at one time.
To 1.1 ml I lasts.
Sew for Relief.
The West Farnam circle of the Franco-
iteigian nmn na iss meeung mis j A tpf,rM provision Is made for llmlt-d
sriernoon si me nome or miss jessie i nlJmher of taxlcahs to stand in front of
Millard. About twenty-five members the htrU, Two special officers will lo
wers present. - ; )n Hutidny to enforce this regulation. In
lenses where cars sre found to have been
parked at curbing beyond the legal time
i B. Johannes,
J, H. Lnimont,
H. GHfford,
L. M. Lord,
E. W. Nash,
I. W. Robot ns,
N. P. reu,
A, V. Holdredge,
Philip Potter.
v. F, Baxter,
vr. c.
W. K.
A. V. Bvwmui.
Herbert Rogers,
O. M. liltchoock,
(fenry Doorly,
H. B, Howell,
W. it WsUon,
Charles) Rich,
f C. Oeorse,
Joseph Polcar,
M. C. Peters.
W. A. Smith,
Jeeale Arnold.
J east Millard.
Anna Peterson.
tuphemla Johnson
Informal Luncheon.
Mrs. H. U. Whltehouse entertained at
luncheon today at her home. The table
centerpiece was a mound of red and white
carnation. The guests entertained were
C It. Marley.
W. H. Dorrance,
C Benson,
N. II. Nelson.
George I mane, Jr.,
Henry Keating,
.?. A. l'ennody.
Charles Myers,
11. U I'nderwood,
R. (). Itlormsn,
W. J. Csttln.
K. F. Rrallry.
F. a. Goldatrom.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given In honor
of Mr. Adolph I. Inn at his home last
and the owners are not at hand, cards
will be attached to the cars as a warning,
evening. The evening was spent with j giving Information regarding the new
musio and games and the guests present
Mary l.nge,
Anns Jorgensen,
Lillian Lage.
Fmlly Kshler.
Marin Jorgensen,
Eva Hensley,
F.lmer Wahlstrom.
David Iag,
Arthur Wshlstrom,
T .... ..I. M. U. mmm
Mr. ana Mrs. j, m. jorgensen.
Mrs. A. Larsen.
Henry jge.
Adolph I. lng.
Nelson Jorgensen.
J. A. Freeland,
A Jetes,
W H. Oould. Jr.,
.. F. Dlmlca,
8. C. lverlng,
A J. IMerson,
J. A. Rogers,
X. M.HHassett,
II J. Haekett,.
C M. Johnson,
Kdsard Johnson,
H. t'oon.
Arthur Kuhn,
11. V. Carlson,
.Scottish Rite Entertainemnt
. The Scottish Rite Woman's club has
arranged an entertainment In which only
children will participate for Friday even
ing at the cathedral. The musical pro
Si am Is given under the direction of Mrs.
Charles R. Thlem, those taking part in
cluding Alma Chapman, Francis Patton,
Helen Wltikleman, flertrude Thlem, De-
Itt Brady, Irene Coefeld and Cecelia
'Hauflatre. A string trio made up of
(lertruila Thlem, Miilsrd Rogers and
, Francis Patton will give selections, and
the minuet will be danced by Cecelia
Hauflatre. Ruth White. Helen Uregg,
Uertrude Thlem, Harold Johnson. IlowsrJ
Johnson, Floyd Green and Dew Itt Brady.
The hostesses for the evening will be:
Mesdames Mesdames
, A. H. Olmslead. Roy Hcott,
E. P. I'pdyke. O. Vincent,
F. E. Hlnkey, Thomas Falconer,
C. A. Grandan, Vm Htlles.
If. C. Calkins. Klnter Weberg,
H. B. Crouch, Zuro O. Clark.
Musical Section Entertained.
Ths regular meeting of the musical
section of the Association cf Collegiate
Alumnae will be entertained Tuesday
afternoon, April t at the home of Mra
H. I Mossman. Miss Orma Jones will
be in charge of the program, which will
be devoted to modern Italian music.
Papers will be read by Mrs. Roy IHiherty;
Mrs. F. W. Johnson, vocal numbers;
solos, by Miss Alice Fry and Avis Rob.
srts; mandolin solo, by Mia Herbert
Woodland, and piano numhera by Miss
Mabel Hendrickson.
Sterling: Club Entertains.
The fteriing club entertained at
luncheon followed by cards todsy In the
Olive room of the Hotel Rome. This was
the last party of the season snd the
gnes included
Pleasures Past.
The Fontenelle club held held the
formal opening of the playground
Wednesday afternoon at the first weeney-
wurst feast of the season. The teachers
of South Omaha were the guests of
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
Dr. E. K. Patten and family are visit
ing Pr. 8. R. Patten of this city. The
visitors are on their way from Van
Nuys, Cel.. to Bangor, Me., where they
expect to make their home.
Personal Mention.
A dsughter wns born to Mr. and Mra
O. C. Redlck Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Connor returned
Monday from Excelsior Springs.
Miss Marie I-eda Proulx has left, the
CI ark son hospital and Is at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. E. W. Nash.
Miss Ophelia Hayden leaves this even
ing with her uncle, Mr. James Hayden,
for Hot Springs and Old Point Comfort,
Vs., for a ten days' slay.
egutatlon. This card feature will be used
for a reasonable time, as the chief of
police wants to give the motorists a fair
opportunity to acquaint themselves with
this parking law.
H will bo expected that, cars larked
within the authorised cones wilt he run
in diagonally, thus enabling an easy start
when ears are driven away.
The parking of automobiles along curbs
fi the downtown streets has grown to be
a serious situation, some of the curblngs
I iawWe' a
1 1
i 1 1
1 1
Keep Year Dowels Hearwlar.
Aa everyone knows, ths bowols are the
sewerage system of the body, and It Is
of the greatest importance that they
move once each day. If your bowels be
come constipate, take a dose of Cham
berlain's Tabids Just after supper ani
they will correct the disorder. Obtain
able everywhere. Advertisement.
with S-ln-One. Biota
eut scrstches. Sends
tain and finger mark
to Umbo. Brings hack
bright new look. Wipe
with damp cloth and
3-in-One. Po1lsh,rubbing
with grain of Wood.
A Dictionary ci a
i with every bottle.
0c,2Sc,S0c allstorss.
' Thrse-ln-One Oil Co.
N.Bdwy, N.Y.
Omaha Firm Given
Contract to Build
Sioux City Plant
The Johnson Electric company of this
city hss been awarded the contract for
the electric light plant which Is to be
built In South Hioux City. The bid was
17.400 and was the second lowest. The
contract was awarded on ths grounds
that the Omaha firm would give the best
return for the money, and therefore the
lowest In the long run. Work on the
plant started Wednesday morning.
W. W bowser,
J. L. Pries.
W. A. Spencer,
MUU n t Irlfflth,
J. Mclntyre.
V. L, Hemptl.
Howard hienizer,
(iuy tevcr.
J. A. Tntfpart,
J H. Carter,
Frank Wry.
K. C. Conly.
Original Cooking Club.
Mrs. Joseph Barker entertained the
members of the Original Cooking club
todsy at her home. Covers were placed
Mesdames Medline -
Kamoe4 Hurnn. W . 8 Pniiplcff n,
I other K'ouMiic. t.c rue 1'iins,
M'mher oli elzrr, ('hai'les Koinitrc,
Snl H'.rK, w. H. Wheeler.
Joseph l-arker
With the Card riave.s.
Mrs. M C. iraham enteitn'nel at cards
Wednesday afternoon. Tv-o tables were
placed for the game and prists were won
by Mrs. J. C. Reeder and Mrs. C. U
March. A centerpiece of lull,,, enlivened
the tuncreon tsble auO lutndpalnted
favors were prrsentod to the guests.
St Jchn'B Hi'h Sthr.ol Prom.
The senior and Junior classes of Kt.
John's lijgli ec:ool wilt give their annual
piotii lhl evtnlng st Chambers' academy.
The ball room will be elaborately deco
rated with 'file class coloi a. bUck and
Kewi of the. 7ayfareTS.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. H.nbner. Sir.
PhUlp Blolil-y and Mr. Fred C. Haynrs
are regUterd at the Kims In Kscelsior
On the Calendar.
The Kt A Vlrp club will give a dsncln
petty Tuesday evening of next wetk at
Ctiumb;s' academy.
Mrs. YaxJ( Hailcr will entertain the
Food Souring in
Stomach Causes
Indigestion, Gas
Wonder what upset your stomach
which portion of the food did the dam-age-lo
youT Well, don't bother. If your
stomach Is In a revolt: if sour, gassy and
upset, and what you Just ate has ferment
ed Into stubborn lumps; head dissy and
aches; belch gases and acids and eruc
tate undigested food; breath foul, tongue
toated Juat take a little I'apes Ulapep-
sln and In five minutes you wonder what
became of the indlgeatlon end distress.
Millions of men and women today know
that It la needless to have a bad stomach.
A little liaepaln occasionally keeps this
delicate orgsn regulatsd and they eat
their favorite foods without fear.
If vour stomach doesn't take care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; If
your food Is a damngo Instead of a help,
rememlier the quickest, surest, most
harmless relief Is Pape'a Dlspersln which
-eosts only fifty cents for a large case at
rug stores. It's truly wonderful It dl
Kests food and sets things straight, so
gcntlv snd eaally that It-Is really aston
Uhtn. I'lrsse, for your sake, don't a
on and on nlth meak, disordered stom
ach; It's so unnecessary. Advertisement.
Brandeis Stores
Saturday we shall have
the greatest sale of
31 Miner y
of the season. The values
truly are wonderful. The
millinery is extraordi
nary in every particular.
See the Sixteenth St,
windows. Watch Ads,
Tslophoae Jong. 19&3.
Stockings, 8 Vic
Women's snd Children's K"lne Cotton
Seamless Stockings Double - soles,
heels and toes. Black and 0 1
tan. A pair JC
f iu ; i i. mn i. m n - a mm n i i im .... ,i u i m i n i i j n
Men's Sox, 8 Vic
Men's Fine Cotton Seamless Sewks
Black and navy; double 01
soles, heels and toes. A pair ojl.
See the Battleship in Action
Friday and Saturday will be the last two days of this exhibition
of the miniature battle ship "Massachusetts,1' It is a mechani
cal marvel automatically fong through the many maneuvers
of a battleship in action its funs are fired; Us wireless cracks
and snaps; its searchlights are thrown to many angles; It is a
very interesting sight.
Lce Piece, 2Vac.
A M fxt of Cample Pieces of Laces,
msny different kinds 21c
'Each piece "'3'
Handkerchiefs, 2 Vic
Women's snd Children's Handker-
With fancy initials 2C
or plain.
Hpeolal, each.
Great Sale Sample Lingerie H
Saturday we shall sell at about half price the sample lines of
one of New York's leading makers of fine, dainty lingerie. In
this sale will be the daintiest mulinwear conceivable, In all of
its many forms. Exquisitely made and elegantly trimmed gar
ments in a great variety and almost unlimited selection about
half the regular prices.
'Thim ' m- . , ,. .TTTT
Linen Specials
Table Damask 25c
2.000 Yards of Turkey Red evnd
White Damask All In deafr-
shle lengths. Very
special, a yard
Toweling 5c
Full Bleached
Toweling Dice
effect; soft and
absorbent. Reg
ular 7ttc value.
Friday. r
. a yard JC
M-lnch Padding
The heavy
fleeced kind to
protect yonr ta
ble. Reg. price
30c.. 8eJe
price, yd.,
$2.75 Spreads $1.98
100 Marseille Effect Spreads
Hemmed ends. . All pretty
patterns. Reg. $2.75
values. Friday, each
8c Napkins for 5c
160 Dozen Mercerised Napfldn
Hemmed, ready to use. SeU regu
larly for 8c. Very special f"
Friday for only, each DC
Notion Specials
Inside Skirt
Belting Black
and white, A
yard 6c
8-Yard DoKa of
Tape A. bolt.le
Hooka and Eyes
Black and
white. Two doc
en for 1c
Mercerised Cro
chet Cotton
Past colors.
Spool Sfgo
12-Yard BolU of
Blaa Tips A
bolt So
M. ft K. Knit
ting Cotton
ball so
J. O. King's Ma
chine Thread)
Dos. spools. 15c
200-Yard Spools
of Thread Four
spools Bo
100-Yard Spools
of Good Sewing
Bilk 8pl. .3!ac
Best Da r n I n g
Cotton Friday,
a spool...... 1
8-Yard Bolts of
Best English
Twilled Tape
Bolt 5c
V o m e n's and
Children's Bar
rettes W o r t h
to 25c. Kech.So
Soap8& Household Needs
Diamond "C"
Soap 10 bars
for 22c
Fels Naptha
Soap 10 bars
for 38c
Pearl White
Soap 10 bars
for -29c
20-Mule Team
Boras One-1 b.
package 7c
Mqnld Veneer
Fri. 25cslie.16c
Household Am
monia Quart
bottle for... 12c
Special, 2fic else
for 16c
Peroxide Soap
10c cak for. 6c
Pure Castile
Soap and Wash
Rag, for 6c
Old Dutch
Cleanser 10c
can for. .....(
Fine Remnants of Scrims, VoMes
and Etamlne Worth 25c. 4 f
Friday, a yard 1UC
1,000 Full Sise Laoe Curtain
From 40 to 60 Inches wide. A n
Special, each HifC
10 Dosen 6x4 Tapestry Table Cor
ers Worth 11.50. Sale
price, eaoji
Double fold etamlne and scrim with
ribbon edges. Special,
a yard....i
A Wonderful Lot lof SlSuit
T T 1 . aSl jm
values at so.yD rx
if i
An unusually elegant collection
of handsome new spring suits
that hare juat arrived to sell at
this little price.
They are' of all-wool poplin,
serges, gabardines, shepherd
sheeks, covert cloths, etc., In all
of the beet shades of the spring,
Including the very popular
shsdes of blue. There sre black
suits, too.
Many different styles, everyone
of them fasclnatiing, and each
being up-to-the-minute.
All sizes for misses and women,
14 to 13 and 84 ts 44; also sizes
for stout women, 39 to 53.
We shall not state their real worth; you can judge
mat wnen you see them, i ney are great values at
hrtday price, choice for only...
$8 95 1
Wash Goods Spe'l
Dress Goods, 19c
Dress Materials, Including Silk
and Cotton Crepe In printed
and plain evening shades; Silk
Organdie and Silk Brocaded
Ratine 36 and 40 Inches wide.
Worth to 50c. Friday,
a yard
Tissues 10c
Woren Stripe
Tissue Fast
colors, 27 inches
wide. Worth 15c
and 19c. in.
A yard... 1UC
India Linon
lla m
Inches 1
gular II
Sale M
White India Lin
on 28
wide Re
price 15c. Sale
a yard . . .
Suits, Coats Dresses Worth $ Q
As High As $10, Friday for
Here is a great collection secured from an Eastern jabber at
radical reductions from their regular prices. The assortment
comprises ' the styles and colors, that are admired for their
style and chosen for their practicalness.
SILK and Cloth Dresses
Many different attractive
COATS for women, misses
and juniors Sample coats
and staple styles. Long and
short coats, Dalmacaan
coats, miltary styles, silk and
satin coats, fine serge coats
and many other.; They,
are in checks, plaids, novelty
cloths, white serges and
other like materials, many
of them reing real silk lined.
Actual values as high
as $10, Friday in
i 11I1CU.
styles in new spring silk
dresses as well as many of
the more practical models
for general street wear.
They . are fashionably . made
of messaline, poplin and, dif
ferent kinds of novelty
cloths in the shades that are
most popular this spring;
5, 6 and 17 C
dresses. Friday in P
the Basement . . . .
SUITS for women, misses and juniors, scores of winning
styles, including jackets of various lengths. All of them are
good, practical models, not this season's suits, but made
of materials that look well and will rive excellent service.
Suits for gins, ages 13 and 15; suits tor misses, 14
to 18. and suits for women, ages 34 to 44. They
were bought to sell for $ 10, Friday. . j.
Choice 23c
An assortment of colored wash
dresses worth' to $1. A lot of
wash waists. In white, colored,
lingerie and tailored as well
as some silk and
net waists. Worth to
11. Friday, choice of
fcli aseVsisseeeeet
Waists 1.79
Handsomely made silk snd lace
blouses, comprising blouses-of
crepe ds chine, tub silks, messa-
unes and other spring ma,
terlals ; all new colors g rj r
and blaoks, too. IS YM
nuru so uu si; r n- m
dar In Baaement for. . A '
Vml 1 lit "
40-Inch Voile Plain colors,
blue, lavender, navy, tan,
maize, putty and sand. Regular
20c value. Special, f A
a yard .1UC
Crepes 15c
Best Quality 24-Inch Chiffon Crepe
-In white and tinted, grounds;
dots, strtpes, florals, rose- 1 C
bud, etc. A yard 1JC
Domestics, Muslins,
Sheets, Etc,
27-Inch Best Quality Galatea Suit-.
Ins- All the leading- styles and col
orings. "Hjrderrade" and other sta
ple brands. Rerular Q!
ISO value, a yard.....
3-Inch Dress Percale Full stand
ard (4xM cloth In a choice assort
ment of ltrht and dark grounds,
pure Indlg-o dye. Worth lA
lc: Friday, a yard
Plata Wktte 4e-lBh Telle a ad
Sheerest MereesrtaeS Wktte Batiste
BeaatHnl, seft, etlstry faerte se
snrk la ! fev street aad '
evealas wear. Ileaalar 7tir
rs lie a yard fac
Pllsse Crer
a-erie finish neibb
underwear and children's
St Inches wide. Worth
lc, a yard
J J-T-nch ;Oenu!ne EhMrlish Shlrtins;
Poaa-ee In black and white stripes
and flcures. Rsg-ular ISc and" - q
lo values; a yard '
Genuine Krtnkle Rlpplette Bliss
Fafcyns Standard make, all the
leedliw colors and stripes; lensrths
to 16 yards. Worth 16c; , 7tSr
-Pure white, soft lln
Ibble weave, for finest
al, a
Mill ResasMiBts aad Reaanaata frent
stock et leadlaa (toa Wask Geeds,
ark as Drees Prtats, Dress Per.
rales. Dress fteettyra, Kbstss Ckal
lte, Dress Batiste. Apron Olaakasse,
etc. Values to loci Fiidar,
as Ions as let Usts, a ysrd . .
J7-Inch Beautiful Dress Zephyrs
Neat sprlns; snd summer welsjht
g-lnsrhams In all the choicest staple
colors and designs, abso- 7lAr
lutely faBt. Friday, a yard '
SS-Inch .Unbleached Muslin Stand
ard heavy round thread quality, soft
finish easily bleached. 4Mc
Worth 7c. a yard.....
St-Inrh Bleached Muslin Extra fine
quality soft finish, free from dress
Ins. Regular c value. RVzC
a yard
41 and 46-Tnch Genuine Bleached
Wamsutta Tlllow Tblnsr, also the
celebrated Anchor Brand The best
cottons manufactured. Regular 20c
and 2Sc valuea. Friday, 42- t ?r
Inch, a yard li 46-lnch. a yd.. .vv
Sheets and Slips
72xSO-Inch Bleached Sheets Extra
a-ood quality, made from full stand
ard soft finish muslin; S-tnch . 29c
hems, ftpeeial, each
42x3f-Inch Bleached Pillow Slips
Same quality, to match sheets.
Going lo Make (iver Lusl Year's Cioihcs?
If the material Is still good we ran 0vn or l)e it so it will
be about as icond as new. Makes no difference whether It ts
silk, wool or mixed goods, we can give you a good Job, and will
guarantee satisfaction or make no charge.
' I)o such ripping as necessary and then send to us before re
making. We can do better work on the ripped goods.
Our Dyes have IJfe and Luster. Consult us about your
'Spring Cleaning, Including house furnishings that require Care
and Skill In handling.
"Good Cleaners and Dyers'
1518-16-17 Jones Street. Phone Douglas 983.
Branch Office, JiOIB Farnam Kt.
Elegant Hats at About V2
y mhs
A large collection of
handsome hemp sail-
ore trimmed with os
trich bands, with a
smart tin in front. All fash
ionable spring . colors and
combinations. Usually they
would sell for t 1 OC
&1 ?in "PVirlnv in T B 7'
tAJs-aWs) -sv aavsi
Friday Corset Bargains
Front Lace Corsets Medium
bust and long; hip, with elastic
band at bottom of corset In the
baok; shield under lacing in
front; six heavy gar- f rA
ters attached p 1 eOU
Summer Net Corsets Bought st
at a special price. Guaranteed
rust-proof. Sizes 19 to SO.
Regular 76c values, each.
A comfortable and perfect fit
ting corset, with rust-proof bon
ing. Medium bust and Rood
length over hip. Extra 7C-,
protector under front steel I OC
Brassieres Made of a new venti
lating cloth, with embroidery in
sertion and edge, trimming;
hooks In the front. j f"
Friday, each CoC
Women's Fine Cotton "Cumfy-Cust"
Vests Each
Clothingf Specials
Friday every article of merchandise in our
great Basement Clothinj Department offers a
sound money-saving opportunity to you,
Men's and Young Men's Purs All
Wool Suits Fancy worsteds and
blue serge suits, thoroughly de
pendable and guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction. Easily worth
1 11.60. Basement en rt
prloe pOeOU
Men's and Young Men's Suits
Large selection of patterns. Theee
are unusual suits. A special r
lot for Friday's selling, at pD
Work and Business Trousers
Every pair guaranteed. Hairline
corduroys, tweeds and worsteds.
Sold regularly at 12.60. Special Fri
day, In ths basement, QQ
a pair yleelO
Work Trousers Ths best assort
ment ever shown. Pure worsted and
rase I me res. All else. $1,49
2S Raincoats Full etrapsmd and
csmented throughout; g-uaraoteed
waterproof. Tan ahadea. Aala
farlea. Sold everywhere S9 QQ
for ts.OS. Krldey. a pair.
rale MJde OvesalU
T Mrrf
Shoe Bargains
Women's Fine Drees Pumps Pat
ent and dull leather; combination
cloth tops or plain. Strap and Co
lonial styles; hand turned soles.
All the very latest patterns. Prac
tically all si sea. Worth my jt Q
J4.00. A pair ..faCs40
Women's Dress Snoes Patent
leather vamps, with gray or fawn
cloth tops; buttea styles. s0 or
All slses. A pair pas.OJ
Tennis Shoes for the Family
Slses for men, women, beys sad
children. First quality rubber soles,
with strong canvas uppers. t"fl
A pair OUC
Specials in Shoes
Juliet House Bllgtpera Plain com
mon seaae toea; fteteat Up f O
or stays. Hbr beeia. H Af
All slses. A pair
Ctalldreo'e Drsss WlMr Patent or
dull leather; aatl stsaipasi s1 In
narural Usu. AU 51.41
slses. A pair ,.
44 Pair of Odds and Ends la 'Good
Shoes Women's shoes, white can
vas oxforda snd emtnpe; tojra' ox
fords and a few or the ehfl- f m
drea -all kinds Frl- ZDC
day. a pair ww
Bargains for Boys
$2.95 n
ait wmr- Sl
$4 Velour Fabric Suits, with
extra pair full
lined pants.
Without a donbt the best wear
ing fabric ever put into a boys'
suit. Eight neat (ray and brown
patterns to ehooee from. Slses
6 to 17 pears; Friday very spe
cial, a suit,
Boys' Wash Suits.
Worth to $1.50, at. . . . .
Sample suits and slightly soiled suits
that originally were worth It and 11.60.
Russian. Oliver Twist. Middy and Sailor
styles; slses S to 10 Tears; plenty of
plain wafts suits, choice for B9c.
MenY Furnishing Specials
TS Dosen Men's New Spring BMrU Neckband and
collar attached styles. Meat patterns. mm
Worth to 76c Each )UC
so Dosen Men's Spring Weight Union silts In ecru
and faney mixtures; alas Conde Pores mash; short
or long sleeves. Worth to $1.00. ' gn
A suit, 50e snd VdC