Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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ave Boot rrt It Now Beacon rr
arg-Orandii Co. LlBhtln fixture.
Today Complete KoTtt FrofTsjn"
tlassttled section today, ana appear In
th Bee BXCLUSIVELT. rind out what
li varleu moving ptctur theater offer.
Approve acooraeaa's FayroU Tho
city council haa approved Klectlon Com
ml1oar MoorbesxVs payroll for the rltjr
primary on April . the total relnr KM.
Brttoa to Meet .Friday ermine at
I o'clock all men and women of British
rtesrent and affiliation are Invited to
meet at Jacob' a hall, 1714 Dodge street.
tavohe Ooiaa and Xoaa William
Rldwell of Hale, Mo., matched coin with
two strangers at Eighteenth and Hodge
street and lout hta watcli and II.
UMaoaes-e Vjf Trlday The prisoner
Indicted by th recant federal grand jury
In thl district will be brought before
Judge T. C. Munger Friday morning to
Inter their plea.
A Baring of, Tim for both cuatomer
Snd yourself when your office la con.
violently located. The Be Bulldlng
"thm building that I alway new"
makes thl laving aura.
The State Bank et Omaha pays 4
per cent on time deposits, I per cent on
savings aoeounta, All deposit In thl
tank are protected by the depoiltor'
guarantee fund of the Ut of Nebraska.
lCr. Taartil Oolng Seat Havln
een the Vanderbtlt cup presented to the
winner of the Vanderbllt oup automobile
race on the Pacific coajt recently, at
an early hour Monday morning Mr.
WUUam K. Vanderbllt, Jr.. will pas
through the city over the Union Pacific
(North western, enroute home to New
Knife ana Tork Clab's Third Sinn'
The Omaha Knife and Fork rlub will
glre Its third dinner of the season April
W at the Rome hotel, when Paul
Wlnthrop Brown, editor-ln-chlef of the
fit. Louis Republic, will deliver the prin
cipal address of th evening. Mr. Brown
will hare for hi subject. "How Xncle
Ram Regulates HI Own Business."
SCENE FROM "SARI," the Luen musical hit produced by Henry W. Savage, and which
comes to the Brandeis for four nights, starting Sunday.
... jn-r mitm-x
intl i'lt 'i( rlrtt
Omaha to Make Big
Showing at Fremont
Letter Carriers' Meet
That Omaha will be well represented
at the state convention of letter carrier
at Fremont on Arbor day, when a spe
cial train will leav over the Union Fa
ctftc, I already an asaured fact. William
Maher and W. C. Bouk of th local asso
ciation were at Fremont yesterday to
confer with the committee about neces
sary arrangements.
On the special It I expected that Poel
master Wharton, Assistant Postmaster
Woodard. Assistant Superintendent of
Malls Kleffner, Congressman Tiobeck.
Senator Hitchcock, National President
Oalnor of Muncle, Ind, Charles V. Ferry,
trustee of the United States Letter Car
riers' Mutual Benefit association, and
other prominent men will compose the
party. Accompanying them will be the
Omaha Poatofflce band, the ladle' aux
iliary and several officer of th Ne
braska association.
Th Fremont committee ha arranged
a special program, including as speakers,
Postmaster Francis M. Brown of Lin
coln, "Stand Together ;' Oeorgs Kleff
ner, "Retirement;" J. Homer Clark. Lin
coln, "Organisation;" Congressman Lo-
beck. "Work In Congre;" Ed J. Oalnor,
Jehn C. Wharton. Gilbert M. Hitchcock.
Congressman ' Stephens, and other.
Whose subjects have not yet been an
BOtmoed. Invocation will be by Rer. W.
H. Buss, and the toastmaater of the even
ing will be Ross Ia Hammond.
Is view of the conrlng national oonven
tlon of letter carrier in Omaha In Sep
tember, th various towns represented In
th stats convention will send large
delegations "Nebraska night," as asked
for by different free delivery offices
which are to help entertain th national
delegates. On Labor day, September a,
a monster parad will be held, with car
riers in full uniform coming from cities
and towns within 200 miles, and the local
committee expect that the attendance on
that day wll be In excess of 5,000.
Letters coming from many of th
larger eastern cities Indicate the dele
gates will come in special trains, bring
ing their bands with them.
For 1M7 at least half a doxen cltlea have
already alvnlfled thlr intention of en
tering the competition for the prlvllng
of entertaining the convention at that
The local committee of Branch No. 6 is
working to Insure th success of th
Omaha convention and raising funds to
defray expenses. They will have Souse's
band at the Omaha Auditorium Sunday
afternoon and evening. My a. to help
swell the funds. The Omaha Commercial
club and other organisation are assist
ing In this matter.
All Yardi and Alleys to Be Raked
and Put in Shape Today and
Aiki Former Name Baok in Her Pe
tition, but Deoree Does Not
Mention It.
Maude Adams to
Play "Phoebe of the
Ringlets" Again
Miss Maude Adam come to the Bran
del theater for an engagement of two
day beginning Monday, May S. Miss
Adams has decided 40 present Barrie s
comedy, "Quality Street." throughout her
weatern tour. Thta play was originally
given Immediately after "The Little
'Minister." It haa alwaya been referred
to as one of the . actress' .biggest suc
cesses, and many people who did not
have an opportunity of viewing the work
when first given have been hopeful that
Mlsa Adam would revive it- This ah
ha don thl season and the work la
enjoying even greater popularity than it
did when It was first presented. The role
enacted by Mies Adams In the comedy
Is that of Phoebe- Throssell, and she Is
one of the most charming of sll the
Barvle heroines.
Citizen are urged to put forth a
special effort today and Saturday
to clean their yards and alleys. Be
ginning next Monday, the wagons ol
the city street maintenance depart
ment will collect this material with
out charge to householders.
The free collection will be re
stricted to such rubbish as may ordi
narily be raked up In yards, but will
inot Include ashes, garbage or general
household rubbish. The thought is
that householders who throw dis
carded articles ot.wear or such large
articles as old gasoline stoves Into
these heaps need not expect to have
the material hauled away by the city
free of charge.
Ashes Not Moved.
On the other hand, It Is explained that
the collectors will not draw th lire) too
closely. If there i an old pair of hoe
or a tin can or two In the heap of rub
bish no objection will be made. But ashes
will not be removed on this oocaslon.
Householders are expected to have their
ashes and discarded perambulator and
other articles hauled away by men who
make thla a business.
Health Commissioner Connell Is eo-op-
eratlng In this campaign by directing his
inspectors to serve notloes In case where
householders have allowed unsanitary ac
cumulations of rubbish In their yard or
alley. In such case removal la made
compulsory and come within the proV'
Ir.c of th health department.
Let Children Help. '
Th city official wish to awaken a
spirit of civic pride throughout the olty,
They bellcvu the school children of the
city could do much toward thla end end
on Saturday by spending a few hours
each. It Is stated that 3,000 school
children could on (Saturday make Omaha
a city beautiful If they would, by putting
forth a lettle fort, each taking pride
In hi or her own yard or alley.
It la requested that the heapa of rub-
blah which cltlsena would hav hauled
away by the city wagona on Monday, be
placed In convenient place go that the
man will have no difficulty In getting the
The wagon will be started out early
Monday morning and will cover th en
tire olty, which ha been divided Into
rifty dollar round trip to Portland
Seattle, Taroma, Spokane, Everett. Van
couver. Butte, Great Kails, Lalstown
and many other points In the Northwest.
Ticket on sal dally. For further par
ticulars Inquire of Chicago, Milwaukee a
at. Jaul Railway, U1T Faro am St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Th river ia now falling at Ojnaha and
other -points. Th gaug read 111 feet
above the lowest recorded mark, a fall
of feet during th last twenty-four
TnslsMsl few Bllloaeaeaa.
Por a long time Mis lajiu Bkelton.
Churehvlll. N. T , wa bilious and bad
sick headache and dlscy spell. Chamber
lain's Tablet were th only thing that
gave her permanent relief. Obtainab
everywhere. Advertisement.
Cabaret Features
Carded for Alumni
Prom at Fontenelle
A photograph of her husband dreesed
In woman's clothing figured In testimony
of Mrs. Linora RawlUer Cannon, which
resulted In the granting of a decree of
divorce from J. Martin Cannon of Flor
ence by District Judge Sear.
Mrs. Cannon wa married to Mr. Can
non November 26. She filed suit for
divorce February IT and haa Juat been
granted a decree.
'I found a photograph of Mr. Cannon
dressed In woman's olothing among hla
effects," she testified. "He was fond of
wearing an apron and of doing housework."
Mrs. Cannon testified that tier husband
had no affection for her and treated her
coldly. He used harsh language to her,
she asserted.
Phe declined to make any statement
concerning the divorce. "I am on the
verge of nervous prostration a a result
of this case," she declared. "I am tried
of notoriety. I will not say a word."
Alimony Graated.
Mr. Cannon wa awarded $X0 alimony
by agreement with Mr. Cannon, out of
which he will pay her attorney's fees.
6he was given poasesslen of $1,KX worth
of household goods which are at Mr.
Cannon's home near Florence.
In her petition Mrs. Cannon asked
restoration of her former name, Mrs.
Lnora Mary Itawltser, but no provision
of this kind la made In the decree.
Mr. Cannon Is living with hsr mother
and a bby daughter bom several month
before Mr.' Rawltsera death.
Mr. Cannon at the time of filing her
petition declared ahe married Mr. Cannon
while still In an agitated condition of
mind as a result of the death of Mr.
Rawitser and feeling the need of some
person on whom to depend for care of
herself and baby daughter.
Water Board Now
Perusing Eeport
General Manager Howell of th city
water plant I not yet ready to tak the
public Into his confidence by dlvllgtng
the contents of an audit recently com
pleted by a Chicago firm. He declare
that member of th Water board Sr
perusing the report and that h t not
authorised to give th report out at
thla time, although the report. ia a publlo
document and will be paid for by th
The men sent her by the Chicago
auditing concern wok red six weeks and
covered the entire period alnce th water
plant was tnken over by the city.
Memburs of the Water board are
now "reruing" the report, copies of
which have been made for them.
O. W. Merrow, Jr., of Hartford. Conn.,
who killed himself with a revolver near
Rlkhorn Tuesday night, registered at the
Wellington hotel Monday morning and
paid his rent tor several days In advance,
at that ttme he appeared to-be In the very
best of apirlts and laughed and Joked
with aeveral people in the office. He re
marked Tuesday afternoon that he was
going to Lincoln for a day or so and left
iho hotel shortly after noon. An ad
ministrator will lie appointed for his
estate uoon the arrival of G. W. Merrow,
sr., cf Hartford, who left for Omaha
Most Old People
Are Constipated
Th wear of years Impair th action
of th bowel. With advancing age
people are disposed to restricted ac
tivity and exercise, which Is responsi
ble for the constipated condition of
most old folks. Th digestive organs
are more sensitive to the demands
made upon tbem and rebel more quick
ly. A mild, effective remedy for consti
pation, and one that Is especially suit
ed to the needs of elderly people, wo
men and children. Is the combination
of simple laxative herb with pepsin
that la sold In drug stores under the
name of Ir. Caldwell' Pyrup Pepsin.
A free trial bottle can be obtained by
writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 5J
Washington 8t., Montlcsllo, 111.
Bo-called cabaret features In connection
with th much-talked of alumni prom to
be given for High school alumni and
student at Hotel Fontenelle. April 2t,
will be-entirely by - former and active
students of the school, It is announced.
It will be Just a special program of
musical entertainment, the committee
says, and not what I ordinarily regarded
as a cabaret.
The High Hchool Glee rlub and octette
will furnish aeveral number between
dance. Howard Sleberg asd Harold
Nelson, senior students, will sing aolos,
and Mlaa Pauline Trout and L.yl Jack
son, former students, will offer Instru
mental solo. Mis Helen Kroner end
Harry Walker, former student and win
ners of lite t'astle dancing trophy cup,
will demonstrate th latest steps.
Doa't Let Yesr Cold Oet Worse.
Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey will cure your
cough and give you restful sleep. Good
for children. Only t6o. All druggist.
Burlington Starts
Work in the West
With the return of good weather in
th west work on the Burlington's Our-nesey-Audover
cut-off. over the Nebraska
boundry on the Powder river line is be
ing pushed end th forces have ben
materially Increased. This is the cjt-off
that I to give Omaha the abort route to
th Caspar oil fields and the northwest.
Work has not yet stsrtcd on th Chalco
Yutan cut-off, the contractor holding off
for the ground to settle and dry up. It
Is thought that work on the grade fur
this lino will commence shout May 1 and
be completed within ninety days.
Cross, Feverish, Sick Children
Need "California Syrup of Figs"
Tour child Un t naturally cro and
peevish, (tee If tongue Is coated; this la
a sure' sign Its Utti stomach, liver and
bowel need a cleansing at one.
When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold,
breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat. aleep
or act naturally, bse sour alomaob.
diarrhoea, remember a gentle liver and
bowel cleansing should alwaya b the first
treatment given.
Nothing equals ''California Syrup of
Figs" for children's Ills. Give a lea
spoonful and in Just a few hour all th
foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food.
clogged In the bowel, passes out of tli
system and you have a weU and playful
child again. All children love thla harm
less fruit laxative and It never fall to
ffeot a good "Inside'' cleansing Direc
tions for babies, children Of all age and
grown-up sr plainly on each bottl.
Mother keep It bandy In your horn. A
little given today saves a sick child to
morrow, but get th genuine. Ask your
druggist for a SO irent bottl of "California
Byrup of Figs." Then look and aee that
II It made by (lie "California Klg F rup
I Company. " W make no cheaper site.
I Don't be fooled. Advertisement.
Vi, $30, $35 and up
Clear Cut
Blue Serge
NicoiTs Standard Pure
Wool Non-fadintf Blue
In three weights.
In three shades.
Made in the careful
Nlcoll way hand tailor
ed in soft form fitting
style. It's easily the "best
buy" on the market
$25 the SUIT
A wealth of other new
fabrics await your
Batter drop in today?
NICOIX TheTkilor
"W Jerrems' Sons
200-21 i So. 15th St.
10 YOU
Know of
than mortgages on new homes,
which are back of all Horn
IBS ft A
You can Invest a large or small
sum aeekly or monthly and con
vert It Into caah on short notice
or leave It as long ss you wish.
Our booklet, the "New Wey."
fre to any address. 4.11 vea full
Asaerioea Security Company,
rueai Ageats.
Cor. irtfc a Ssaglaa, roaad Floor
iStore Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M.i
urgess-Wash Company
Thiir. Ii. Arll 1H. 1I.V
'everybody's store
-Phone II. 187
Remnants of $1 to $1.50 Silks, 69c
Q I IOKT ltniitiis of the most
O nw sluidt's Hie torcsrn
You ShouM See Thi
MINIATTRB reproduction of
the Twentieth Century's
most wonderful achievement
A tomplete working; model .10
feet long, topographically cor
rect In eteiy detail, showing
with wonderful clearness the
Culehra cut, the Uatun l-ske. the
locks, the canal tone find other
You should see It and don't
fail to bring nr send the chil
dren it Hill he a great educa
tional feature for them and they
lll enloy It.
Instructive Lectures
Every Half Hour Daily,
10 A. M. to 5 Pi M.
favoml weaver 1 1 Ards to 7 vnrds. black and all the
toil, iiK'hulin";:
3fi-lnrh chiffon taffeta ,'lb-lnth black mefcsalines
IJ-lnrh natural pongees 3-lnch black rhlffon taffetas
4 2-Inch silk poplins, plain 3 2-lnrh stripe tub silks
40-Inch crepe de chines 24-1nch figured foulard silks
86-lnch blnck peati de sole 36-lnch stripe mesaallne
Remnants of Silks at 29c
one big lot of plain and fancy allk. such ss taffetas, foulards, mes
snlines. etc., 1 to 6-yard lengths, were 60c, sale price, yard, 2c
Bnrgeae-BTaah Co Mala Tloer.
and Dress Patterns at
95c7$r.45 and $1.95 Each
CONSISTING of embroidered crepes In white grounds with neat
colored dots and figure, flowered voiles, flowsred rice cloth,
tissues In stripes and checks, woven flaxont In chocks and stripes,
dtmlttee In dots, flowers, stripes and checks. Plain crepes, figured
crepe de chine, fancy stripe ratine, dresden wash silks, laoe Toiles,
flue ginghams, embroidered Swiss, etc.. etc.. lengths 2 to yards on
special sale Friday, at, O&o, $1.45 and per pMer.
Burgess-sTash Oo.- Basement.
The NEW SUITS in the Basement
Section Friday at $9.95 and $12.95
THK basement nection hns been popular this week with
women who insist m stylish garments which at the
same time are practical. Yon will like the clever suits we
are selling at $n.!5 and $12.95.
Women's New Coats, $4.95 to $7.60
The coats are a close set-ond to the suits, we selected just the
styles our customers prefer There iB the "Army" coat,
"Sport" coat, novelty checks and plaids, covert, serges
and poplins at $4.95, $5.95 and $7.50.
New Shirt Waists at 79o
A splendid assortment of voile, organdy, batiste and French lawn
waists. Many have dainty trimmings of insertion and lace, unusual
values at 70c.
Sateen Petticoats, 59c
Full flaring flounces, all In clever
atyles, specially designed, abso
lutely correct In fashion and spe
cially priced, at, ,59c.
Shirt Waists, 20c
Another lot of soiled and mussed
gists on sale Friday. These
waists are taken from regular
second floor stock and well worth
11.00 and 92.00.
Bargess-Vaaa CoSamat.
Machine oil,
large slxe bottle,
for 6c
Children's hose
supporters, all
colors, pair . .&o
Shoe string shop
ping bags, each
for 10c
Chinese ironing
wag with handle,
each 1c
Pearl buttons, card
Heavy oar pet
thread, all colors.
spool So
Darning cotton,
card lo
Hooks and eyes,
all sires, card lc
Hair net, large
slie with elastic,
I for 10c
Tape, 18 yards
to bolt .... lOo
fiOO-Yard basting threexl,
Swk1 for . .
Hair pins, pack
age for lc
Safety pins, 8
cards for . . . .5e
Common pins,
paper SSc.
Hair barrettes,
each Oc
B argess-Masn.
Silk finish cro
chet cotton, all
colors, spool, ftc
100 - Yard ma
chine silk all col
on, spool ... 4c
Twist, all colors,
spool lc
Co. Bmat.
School Girls' Cor
set Waists at 99c
E ITH Kit bottom or steel clasp,
batiste or Jane cloth, also good
assortment in women's waists for
house wear, were 11.60, for 00c.
Bargees-sTash Co. Basem t.
WITH FOI.IAUR, many budded and
In bloom, locally grown and all
ready to set out. Including:
Advance orders accepted for one
dozen or over. Phone Mr. 8. John
son or Mr. Merner.
10c Each, or $1.00 a Dozen.
Aaron's Stock of Jewelry Novelties
in Basement at Greatly Reduced Prices
THE assortments are still quit large and attractive and you'll
find most anything imaginable In the Jewelry novelty Unt.
Six groups:
Aaron's novelty
inerly to Ac,
sale price
Aaron's novelty
merly to BOc,
sale prlo
Aaron's novelty
merly to 75r,
sale price
Jewelry, for-
.... 3c
Jewelry, for-
Jewelry, for-
Aaron's novelty Jewelry, for
merly lo f l.OO, f-
sale price , IOC
Aaron's novelty Jewelry, for
merly to $i,as QQ
sale price MtC
Aaron's novelty Jewelry, for
merly to fa.OO, OQ
sale price OaC
Bargees-Wees. Ca
I aee ia sat.
CHIFFON in the Basement at 15c
IT Is the favored of all the new style wash fabrics
and colorings are appealing; yard, 15c
Jacquard Silk, 19c
Also cotton fabrics, silk stripe
voiles, fancy printed silk and
cotton crepe de chine, values up
to 40c the yard; perfect goods,
at, yard, lire.
The design
Flaxons at 12c
Beautifully designed flaxons,
for summer wear, large etylw
assortments, light and medium
colorings, very special, at the
yard, 12 He.
Novelty Cotton Suitings, 6y2e
86 and 40 Inches wide, Including crepes, rice cloths, ratines,
voiles, etc., plain shades, were up to 36c, the yard, A He
Red Seal Zephyrs, 8 Vic
The most famous of all fast
color. 3 to 10-yard lengths,
neat checks, stripes and final!
plaids, yard, 8 4c.
Dress Percales, 5c
Yard wide light and dark per
cales, also several small lots of
various grades cotton goods;
up to HHc values, yard. Be.
Apron Ginghams, 2ysc
Checked short mill lengths,
best grade, Friday forenoon
only, yard, 2 He
PiUow Tubing, 12y,c
4 2 and 46-Inch Indian head
pillow tubing, desirable lengths,
yard, 1324c
Friday Afternoon, Beginning at 1:30
Plain colored and tancy printed soisettes and poplin, values up
to yard. 25c, at, yard. 7 He
Bargees-sTash Co. Basement.
These Are "Cleanup Days" in Omaha and
Here Are the Things You Need at Burgess-Nash
rasa .
I'l-Quart gray enamel dish pans, first quality, 60c values, 1AV.
Hupner's unlver- i Transmlss-1 Flower and
v e g e t a ble
seeds, 3 pkgs.
for 10c
sal polish, aee It
d e m o nstrated,
bottle 2.V
Kl IlllfcK HOME
60-foot. 4-lncb garden hose, 6
ply quality, complete with coup
lings, $4.30. Iu 4-tnch size
for S.OO.
I s s I p p I
grass seed.
Lawn mowers,
14-inch sice,
good cutter,
special, $2.&Oisq. feet.
Moulded guar
anteed hose,
Inch, per foot,
litr; 4 Inch,
per foot. . 15c
Lawn rakes
at 8c
One lot of good
grass sboars
and grass
books, good lvc
values .... 10c
Turf edgers
at eoc
Tbree-pieca Japanned war aet,
including one 50-lb. flour can,
good bread box and 6-lb. sugar
can, three pieces, regular $2.50
value, at SI.7S.
LATORS $1.19
Nine-cup alum
inum perco
lator, exactly
like lllustra
tlon, g u a r a n
teed and a
$2.50 value.
Friday . .91. IB
Poultry net- Screen wire
ting, in solid cloth In solid
rolls, per 100 rnll. nr an
Hlfoot ....lHe
water cool
48c; S-quart
alxe, esc.
rake and culti
vator . . 11.35
Very good
kitchen knives,
15c values, 9c
Cedoline oil
mops, complete
with handle,
etc value. 89e
sprinkling caee, 4-
Sloan's practical
ers, 2-quart sire,
site, .MK-j 4 -quart
Garden spades
at sue
Hound pointed
shovels . . . 69c
Bpadlng forks
at 50c
Garden rakea
at tOc
Cora bl nation
BargMB-aTasa Co. Baaetaeat.
quart sue. 23c; G-quart aUe.
2SX-; '-quart siie. SOc; 10-quart
sue, 4 c j iz-quart slie, 49c.