Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    T11E Ri:K: OMAHA. FRIOAY, APRIL lrt. 1J.15.
Dress Warm and
Keep Feet Dry
Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to
Take Salts and Get Rid
of Urio Acid.
Rheumatism I no respecter of air. Ml,
color or rank. If not the mott dangerous
of human afflictions It U one of the moat
palnfuL Those subject to - rheumatism
should aat lea meat, dress as warmly aa
possible, avoid any undue exposure and,
above alt, drink lata of pure water.
Rheumatism la caused by uric add
hlch U generated In the bow I and ab
sorbed Into the blood. It la the funotlon
Of the kidney to filter thia acid from the
blood and cast It out In the urine: the
fore of the akin are alao a means of
freeing; the blood of this Impurity. In
(amp and ohllly, cold weather the skin
pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys
to do double work, they become weak and
sluggish and fall to eliminate this urio
ldd which keeps accumulating and cir
culating through the system, eventually
settling In the Joints and muscles causing;
tlffness, soreness and pain called rheu
matism. i
Jit the first twinge of rheumatism get
from any pharmacy about four ounces of
J ad Salts; put a tableepoonful in a glass
of water and drink before breakfast each
morning for a week. This Is said to elim
inate uric aold by stimulating the kidneys
to normal action, thus ridding the bloo'd
of these Impurities.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless and
Is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with llthla and
Is used with excellent results by thou
sands of folks who are subject to rheu
matism. Here you have a pleasant ef
fervescent llthtar-water drink which over
comes Uric add and is beneficial to your
kidneys as well. Advertisement.
Eases Quickly When You Apply
Little Mueterole.
And MUBTEROLE won t blister Ilk
the old-fashioned mustard-plaster. Just
spread it on with your fingers. It pen
etrates to the sore spot with a gentle
tingle, loosens the congestion and draws
out all soreness and pain.
MUSTEROLH la a clean, white olnt
ment made with oil of mustard. There's
nothing like It for quick relief for Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Tonallitta, Croup,
Stiff Neck. Asthma, Neuralgia, Head
ache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism
Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back
or Joints, Sprains, Bore Muscles, Bruises,
Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds on the
Chest (It often prevents Pneumonia).
Nothing like MVSTEROLE for croupy
At your druggist's. In 860 and 60a jars,
and a special large hospital else for 12.60.
Be sure you get the genuine MU3
TEROLE. Refuse Imitations get what
you ask for. The Mueterol Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Extraordinary values in Diamond .Rings.
La Vallleree, Ear Screws, Bcarf fins, Etc
US Ladles' Wail
Ring, lie: soils, sold.
Uftta "Perfeo- ef
tlon" aoutlnl
It a Moan.
Man Diamond
Rtos, ( prong TWMB
ft.M a Urate
113 Bn.j:tt can be entirely detaesed. ee watch
re a be warn aa a paadanl. or a a regular watch.
Flaa sold filled, amall popular alee. Kull le-Rubr
Jeweled nickel movement, pendant aat, either
white or solo aim. uuaremeeo w rre. dwj.w.
ran be adjusted to any elae. as s4 A EC
-h link la detachable. We have It ale V af
the prloa to "bed rock" and I tl thla Uleet modal Wrist Watoh St.. w
Terms 1 $1.60 a Month.
Opes, dally till a P.M. Baturdays UU 1 130
fell or write, for Catalog No. Boa Phone
Douglas 1444 and our salesman will call.
Credit Jewelers
409 South let St.
uuaa. wpn.
Barceas-sTaah Co.
Don't itch!
The moment that Rcsinol Oint
ment touches Itchlnf skin the kch
ing stops and healing begins. That
is why doctors have prescribed it
successfully for twenty years in even
the severest cases of externa, ring,
worm, rubes, and many other tor
menting, disfiguring skin diseases.
Aided by warm baths with Reslnol
Soap, Resinol Ointment makes
sick skin or scalp perfectly healthy,
quickly, easily and at little cost
JLeslaol contains nothing- of s hareh er
iaiertona nature end cu be seed ireelr avea
on the leaderest or neat Irruated eurtaca.
Every dm (let sella Reeinol Ointment aa4
Reaiaol Soap, tar trial (tea, writs as Dept.
I S. Reaiaol. Bahuaare, Mi.
DiitingTiished Churchmen and Lay
men Attend Silver Jubilee of
American Catholio Uni.
WASHINGTON. I April 18. Tha twn-
ty-firth anniversary of tha Catholio Uul
verslty of America was celebrated here
today la the presence of one of the most
dlstlngulslied assemblages of Catholio
olergy and laymen ever gathered In thla
country. The three American oardlnals,
eight archbishops, thirty bishops, thirty
monslgnori, eight heads of religious or
ders, sixty representatives of colleges
and universities, over MO clergy and hun
dreds of distinguished laymen and women
from all over the United States were
present. 1
The ceremonies began thla morning
with solemn pontifical mass at St. Pat
rick's church, at which Cardinal l'atley
of New York was celebrant and Cardinal
Gibbons delivered the sermon; followed
by a luncheon, and later, academic exer
cises at which a letter from Pope Bene
dict XV was read and addresses wore de
livered by Cardinal O'Connell of Boston,
President G. Stanley Hall of tha Ameri
can Association of Universities, Dr. John
Cavanaugh, president of Notrs Dame uni
versity, and Bishop Bhahan, rector of
tha Catholic University of America.
Cardinal Gibbons In the course of his
sermon at the pontifical mass said:
The growth of democracy doea not
Imply that each man shall become a law
unto himself, but that he shall feel In
himself the obligation to obey. If the
enacting power has been transferred from
the will of the ruler to the will of the
people, the binding, coercive power has
been laid with greater stress of responsi
bility than ever before upon the Individ
ual conscience. Unless men be taught
that obedience is right and honorable and
necessary aiiko for private interest and
public weal, legislation will avail but
little, the lawmaking power will become
a mockery and .the DeoDle themselves
will complain that legislation has been
carried to excess."
Cardinal Glbbona' Address.
Cardinal O'Connell'a ' adaresa at the
academlo exercises on "The Office and
Responsibilities ot the University In
American Life" was In part aa follows:
"We stand today at the beginning of a
new era In the history of higher Catholic
education In America. We rejoice In the
goodly heritage of these twenty-five
years; but we also look with solemn
thought to the future
"The existence of this Catholic uni
versity Is an evidence quite aa much of
our Interest In our country aa of our in
terest In our church. Both Catholic and
American, the university will gain forca
through Its service to the country, while
Ita Catholicity will keep It In constant
and unerring touch with that tremendoua
spiritual world power which has main
tained tha whole truth among alt na
tions. In all ages the Chair of Blessed
President Hall Speaks.
President Hall of the Amorlcan Asso
ciation of Universities In his address at
the academlo exercises said In part: .
"Tha medieval universities were not
flat Institutions, created by church, state
or millionaires, but they grew inevitably
out of tha Inmost needs of the time, and
bulla and edicts usually confirmed a
status already attained. Their close re
latlons to tha ehuroh rave to learning a
consecration that It never had In an
tiquity, ana wmon It may never have
aa-ain. Tha fifty-five universities es
tablished In Europe a century before the
discovery of America, and their work and
Ita results constitute perhaps tha great
est achievement of tha middle ages, and
weir erreofs upon the progress of Eu
rope and tha world has been without pre
cedent or parallel."
Letter from the Pope.
A letter from Pope Benedict XV was
read at the exercises' today commemo
rating the twenty-fifth anniversary of
the Catholio University of America. The
letter speaks in high terms of the work
of the university and of tha gift of 1600,000
from the Knights of Columbus for the
endowment of scholarships, The letter
la aa follows:
"To Our Beloved 8ona, Jamas, Cardi
nal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore;
-onti, varainai rarley. Archbishop of
new xork; William, Cardinal O'Connell.
Archbishop of tsoaton; and to Our Other
Venerable Brethren, tha Archbishops and
Bishops of the United States of America:
"Greeting and apoatolio benediction.
We have recently learned that prepara
tiona were being- made at Washington
for observing with due solemnity the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the found
ing of the Catholio university, and thai
the celebration, graced by your presenoe
and by that of distinguished members
of the laHy, would be quite In keeping
with the singularly happy character of
the occasion. That you, beloved sons and
venerable brethren, should, above all, re
joice- at tna prosperity of tha university
is obvious to every one who realises that
the beginnings and tha gratifying prog
ress of this seat of learning- are owing
o-yewauy i your wise and timely care.
Ana yet I tils joy of youra la not so pe
iuuv 10 you out. mat we, also, may In
sime wise snare it. Tor we love nav.
we dearly cherish the American people,
forceful aa they are with vigor of youth
and second to none In efficiency of action
and thought; and as we earnestly realre
that an ever-widening path to thb highest
level of human achievement may open
before them, so we cannot but feel the
aeepeei pleasure at everything that
furthers their progress.
'UI1I I - .. .. .
,, iu yuur ureiess endeavors you
aimed not merely at enriching the mind
wth learning; what you chiefly sought
waa to Imbue It with that heavenly wis
dom whose 'light cannot be put out' and
'with which all good things' shall come
to your flooks. Thess proofs. Indeed, of
your pastoral solicitude must appeal to
every fair-minded observer as worthy of
the highest commendation and deserving
of the appreciation and support of your
fellow-cltlzens, especially of your Cath
olic people, and In particular of your
Praises Kalghts of rolasakms.
"In this connection we will not with
hold our praise from tha Knights of Co
lurobus, who, aa you lately Informed us,
cy weir splendid contribution to the
funds of the university have carried Into
eireot meir wisely conceived design of
extending to yowng men less favored by
fortune the advantages of a solid and at
the same time a Christian education. This
noble example of beneficence, which all
koo.I m-n approve, we hold up for Imlta
t 1 11 rnd generous emulation to all who
..r blessed with means; and we heartily
wish that you yourselves, beloved sons
and venerable brethren, will advance the
cause of the university by sending to It
Put in ostensibly for repairs and supplie, tho impression prevails among American
naval officials that it, too, will intern like the Prinz Eitel Friedrich. Kronprins, form
erly a crack North German Lloyd liner, had been at sea since August 3, last, and in that
time had sunk fourteen allied merchantmen, valued at $7,000,000.
t- : ) . -v. Si
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students whose superior qualities of mind
and disposition give promise of the best
results. In addition to other advantages
v.hlch are thence to be expected, the
clergy of the church In America will re
ceive one and the same culture and tiatn-
Ing; and this we speak to those who
know by experience means without doubt
clergy whose piety will bear richer
fruit because of their more active and
more harmonious co-operation for a com
mon purpose.
"This blessing we implore with prayer
ful Instance from God; and aa an earnest
of heavenly favors and a token of our
good will, we most lovingly In the Lord
bestow upon you all, beloved sons and
venerablo brethren, upon the rector, the
professors and the students of the uni
versity, and upon the Knights f Co
lumbus aa well, our apostolic benediction.
"Given at St. Peter s, Rome, March IS,
1916, In the first year of our pontificate.
Thirteen Thousand Men Will Quit
Work When Whistle Blowi at
4:30 This Afternoon.
Young Scientist
Discovers an Anti
Typhus. Vaccine
NEW TORIC, April U. The man of tha
hour In New York medical circles today
waa Dr. Harry Plots, the young bactet
lologlst of Mount Slnal hospital, who an
nounced last night at a meeting of the
New York Pathological society that ha
had discovered an anti-typhus vaccine.
In view of tha recent spread of this' dread
disease In Serbia, where many physicians
are leading In the fight against It, the
discovery was hailed by physicians as
timely as well as Important.
The germ of typhus fever which the
new vaccine la Intended to combat haa
been christened by Dr. William H.
Welch, head of the medical department
of Johns Hopkins university as "Bacillus
typhll exanthematus," Dr. Plots an
Dr. Plots Is 26 years old. He entered
the pathological laboratory of Mount
Slnal hospital as an Interne to discover
the origin of a fever called Brill's dis
ease, and Isolating the germ which
eaused It, found that the baclllts was
Identical with Urat of typhus fever.
Good for Sick Headaches.
Constipation i causes sick . headache and
Dr. King's New life Pills wlU cure It.
Take a dose tonight. 2fc. All druggists.
CHICAGO, April 15. Word went
out from union headquarters to "pull
out the carpenters when the whistle
blows at 4: SO. Without a sign of
compromise there drew nearer a
clash between 13,000 union carpen
ters and 600 members ef the Carpenters-Contractors'
It la estimated a strike by the car
penters would throw out of work
60,000 other building; mechanics, and
If continued would affect 50,000
wage earners In allied lndustriea.
Both, sides said they were prepared
for a long; struggle.
last them strike," waa the defiant mes
sage that passed between employers). "It
would be business suicide to pay carpen
ters 70 Cents an hour. " 1
There are about 4.S00 buildings under
construction In Chicago and the union
men claim that work will be stopped on
90 per cent of these. ,
"Ruildlng operations In Chicago thla
yoar would reach $300,000,000 In cost If It
were not for the labor troubles," said K.
N. alg, secretary of the Building Con
structions Employers' association. "Be
sides the normal run of business, which
is half of that figure, there were a num
ber of big works under contemplation,
like the Field museum, to cost 6,000.000,
and the new Union station and tormlnal,
to cost MO.Ono.OOO. These will have to be
postponed If the carpenters go out.
Menibet-s of tha Carpenters-Contractors'
association told - today of "a copper
riveted war pact" between the various
organisations of employers who are de
termined to enforce the uniform agree
ment, which already has been accepted
by some of the labor unions.
NEW YORK, April 15. David Plade.
ireinber of the law firm of Blade St Blade,
attorneys for Raa Tansar in the breach
of promise suit she brought against James
W. Osborne, former assistant district at
torney of New York county, appeared la
the United States durtrtot court hare to
day and entered tentative pleas o not
guilty to two Indictments oharglns? con
spiracy. He was placed under 16,000 ball.
which was furnished.
Albert J- McCullough, a deteotlve em
ployed bv the Blades, who la nndir In
dictment with them, surrendered today.
Orancieis St ore's
Great Sale of Fruit
Trees on Saturday
5,000 home grown, fine, hardy apple trees, 5
and 6 feet high, including practically all
best varieties; Saturday, choice, each ...JJC
Cherry, pear and peach trees and currant
bushes at very special prices Saturday.
, :f.UimLArjtc-Jm cuu. J-- - 'ft. . t.i. sMwauueikw VA T lnllivillll i MCMUifKnmt MB lit is:lw, -s- nn!tr Uii .
npnf' papfipsiei
I r At Groceries At p.,,; CtAM, w I
yr a a taia uewi K,9 "V I j
1 r
At Groceries V t pj. Stores
These Luscious Oranges
are sold by all good dealers everywhere
Price are low and the fruit was never more delicioas. Sweet, firm, tender,
beaYT with juice free-peelxntr, seedless, beat for all culinary uses.
Sunkist Oranges
Famous Stedlets Navels
Health demands oranges, especially
daring the Spring and B a miser, wbea
tb blood needs cooling foods.
And oranges contain Jutt the right
amount of fruit acids to keep the di
gestion In perfect working order.
Send for free book that
describes scores of ways to
prepare delations Sunkist
dishes. HesJtbnl ormitges
for them
can be served, with the help of
this book, every day without mo
Use Sunkist Lemons, too. Use
the juice In place ot vines-sr.
Ask for our lemon book, also; which
shows 80 ways to employ these best of
alHemons. o&j)
California Fruit Growers ExcLanfe
139 N. Clark SL, Oicaro, I1L
Insist on
Clothes can be washed in cool
or lukewarm water, and come
out sweeter and cleaner, with
half the usual hard
x work. ,
will convince you that the
Fels-Naptha way is not only
the easiest, but the best
way to do your work.
rata a CX, FrUTadelphia.
Offden G. A. R. Veteran Has
Strong Praise for Mineral
James A. Wear, rustodlan of the Car
negie library at OsMen and well known
member of Tx Logan Poet No. 3, O.
A. RH found relief from a distressing
ease of aclatlo rheumatism by taking
Akos, the new California medicinal min
eral, for one montlv. After trying va-
rloua remsxltea without success this
veteran decided to give Akos a trial.
Now he In recommending It to all com
rades and friends who are suffering
with any of the ailments for which
Akos Is recommended.
"I suffered with sclatlo rheumatism
andi had pains all through my body,"
said Mr. Wesr. "I tried several remedies
without relief until I tried Akos; and
now, after taking Akos for one 'month,
I am greatly Improved In every way and
can walk without a cane.
"I can cheerfully recommend Akos to
all persons suffering with rheumatism.
I am a member of the DIs Logan Po.t
No. I, department of Utah. O. A. R., and
trust that soma of ray oomrades may
sea this testimonial and benefit by us
ing tha wonderful mineral. I used tha
Internal mineral and tha compound) with
good results and shall continue tha
treatment until I am fully cured."
asri - . :
. 4AM KS A.
Akos Is nature's own remedy not only
for all forma of rheumatism, but also
for stomach, kidney, bladder and liver
trouble, diabetes, Brlghfa disease, ec
sema, catarrh, piles and other allmente.
Akos Is now being Introduced In Omaha
at Bherman 4k MnConnell'a Kth and
Podge St. store. Visit, phone or write
tha Akos man for further Information
regarding thla advertisement.
There can be no doubt in your mind which one of
sereral high grade articles offered to you at a fair
prioe to select provided one of them has a free coupon.
Why not let your good judgment dictate your
choice in this instance.
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Premium Catalogue?
. The sooner you start saving the coupons the
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Phone Douglas 1889, Luzns Mercantile Co., Dist
Fred Krug Brewing
At the
Buddha! I
1 Qunaaa cruelty (W lao. hi maco.
Raxkeo, btlstbo) srs sow asoding whst ahslJ be the
tats el Asian Elam Dodss. Cnuc Kennedy aat never V
had to face criminals of such csstss LceSing. But the
way that Crai leans tha vary Too. lht contajna that nutor-
Kua UnanUl. ans unsereanaue rhe uunaman, la )uet another .
at the perfect metntstj U)
GstPL-7ITr ,
dlU S A3 E
m. it mm aa eeaa mtntttm iiiiiii.ilai.ii
i. .St.
en. lea-lyalMag tlaa Ksbm,
- ieV-iAfWsj-::i v