Bringing Up WlU. YOU LIPME- 1J aY. J- k sw a ... ... PINCH HITTERS WIH FOR LINKS Sdueiber and Eterdon Engage ia Pitching Duel, Which Former Wins 1a th STinth. MILLIE AKD AITXAN DO WOES i 1 LINCOLN, Nb.. April Ik tSpell Tel egram.) Lincoln noted oat I to i vic tory over Omaha her this afternoon1 by ninth-inning batting rally after dm had been set down. Both tem played oc trail and tbe largest crowd of th son ssw Lincoln win JU flrt practice ram. Barney Schrelber. formerly with Den-j ver. and Everdon war exeeedtngly'etlngy with hrts, the blow being evenly divided. The pinch hitlers. Von tbe garnor Lin coln. ,- . ' - Th Tiger scared, ;flfl In the Bocond it Rchrriber' . single and Williams' cioubla. Omaha evened th oouat In the fifth, when Whalen walked, took second on Kafora' crtflo and cam horn on Everdon' single to left. i ' Omaha took tli lead In the eighth when Km walked, with one down, and want lo second on Hueiaman' bunt. . with Mutisms a safe at first Thome ad vanced th r-nner with a lioer to Rohtn and all hand were aaf when h dropped th ball ftchtelbnar aacrtflca fir counted Kru." In th ninth Carlton popped out, but Sillier,' baton for Kruer. atnaied and Altmaa doubled, Milter iln to third. PotS acorad on Sohrelber'a atncl.' UNCOLN. AB. R H. 0 e . o - i I l 0 o. I 0 $ 0 ft ft i 0 o. A. 0 0 0 0 Wolf, tf... ...... M'fiafflcao, ea. H'.ru;BUr. lb... , C nrlion. rf Kruottr, lb..... - Bohrt;. b...(.. f-hrelbr, tf.... Williams. C....J. T. Krhrtlber, p. Mceon. P Ni lntyre 1 8 t 0 ... . & .... e Miller . Altman More ... Total..- XT I . OMAHA. A 8. R. A. 0 ft 0 1 I Payne, M. Tirn, Jh. Kru. If... 1tu-inman, I rf... cf.. ll.. Tonon, lileihner. Whnlcn. K afore, c. verdon, ,p Total l.ln.-olh Omaha ...M ..ft t .. 0 I T ft ft ft 01 1 ft ft ft v.n4 fnv ftrhretber In ihth. in ninth. ' Halted tor Ktuenei Hau1 for Jioht-n in nmin. y Ran tor Miller in Itlutll. Two-bate bit: Wlllama, Altman. 1-eft n haeee: fman. w, htiu. .'nut: Hihrilr. X: nr f ) .balls. V.1TI Brreinr, S: oft Mnn 1: off Everaon. i. fi nan i fiitama. nil oy iiitrnm hall r Hy i-K l.relT. Hielmn. Van Skkle. Time: 1;W Via- 1 Omaha and Lincon ' ! Dates in Schedule Are Switched a Bit ' r KourWe. owner of th Omaha club, ' ml Iluh owner of th Lincoln ' i :ub. dlaeatlifled with th Wtem loau ihdul a far aa Omaha. aadJUaooln ' krae are concerned, have entered into n fTerment to awttch a few of the date : Th arbedul a ' publuibed' by 'o Still did not rail for a same betaeen Omaha and Lincoln In Lincoln .until June IS, o Ruurke and Jone a freed to 1 k;!!t the flret Omaha date, two vame h. r and two la Liocoln. IJnroln aa to have played In Omaha May it. X IT and U. With th awttua (ante will be played In Lincoln May tl n1 3. Then on th June eerie In Lincoln two ame will be trnaf erred to, Omaha, June U and M. Th fuHo-wlnJ w aerie in July and Aucuat remala a cliduld. Tbua th achedul read tame wlta Lincoln at Onutka May . 3. Jun . 1. July 1ft, U.-Aouet U U. Oaroea at Uncoln read, Way r,'. . Jua W. It July a, ZX'i. AuruefJ. 9, . y Th contemplated tranafer of cam will he announred to O'Neill for that official' ac tion. - . . ' , . .1 mrrleea r AsartttM At C'olumbua luikvllle Beealte. R.H.E. 7 8 I Col'imtiu liiut'i-lfi: loulevila. riorthrup and C't ii"iui; Colimibua. KayT and CVlmn. Ai k..i. City K H fci t. f aul 11 H t Kali City.' - U I Hotu-rlH: Ht. Paul. Wllllama, fiteele nJ Johueun; Kanae City, Uure, lUatt tiiid Wirl At Milwaukee s R.H.E3L Unni-Mpulia ................4 t t ililue : i ft 1ft 1 Kit. n' ' Minneapolis. Wtlltama and r!ii!ivan: Mllnaukee, UevUk, aad liiha. At ritv:anil KHd Indiiinapuae 1 H t ClreUiiiJrf.,. I It 1 hilurlrs: lndianapolla. Willi and Oos t. t'lrveiuiU. Jaiues, Jirentva aad buw'r, V'it jTi Q ' - a. If i J II . a IW bsbv w bbbbbbi rmr ar w - I w atkrra AwmIiIIm ateealte. A( AtlenUb Atlanta, ft; New Orleane. T. At t,aiiaB4,o 'iiatiaova, ft, Uw pliie, 1'. - . .. - ai Mule Rock little RcKk, 4; N'Aeh- vl'.ie, il. - l Hit iiilnshank Hirm:nlain, 1; Uo. I'.'. i .- . Father UM tOO TO STOP'. TO MAKE A LITTLE THE STEAM I ' Vt I J ' . . V V, AS 1 Omaha Fails to'Get Fred Thomas Back Pa Rourka haa fal'.ed to land rraddl Thome a he en fondly hoped. The Cleveland club hat sent Thoma to the Portland club of the Paciflo Coaat loop, Thomaa waa A atar -on th Rourk quad laat year. It went tip to Cle re land, but th wealth of Inflrld material ther mad It ImpoMlbl for him to land. Marty Kmc had hoped to ft Fredlo araln, eepeclalty a Thorna refueed to to to New Orleana whrre the Indian wanted to nd him, 11 would nav mad a mletty neat addition to th Rourk Infield. ... STAGE ALL SET F06 DRAKE. RELAY MEET Sixth Annual Event to Be Held Sat urday, with Every Indication of Seniational Sncceii. ALL WESTERN SCHOOLS ENTXE.ED DK8 MOINEB, April lS.-Oood weather Condition I th needed requirement to mak th alxth annual Draka relay meet th athletUj exiccei of th year. , In num ber and quality of entrlea. In the Intereet throughout th wett. In th arrmnsmnu j made In Da Motnea for both entertain ment and care of th college vlaltora and i In tb al ef advance ticket thl meet urpaeae all th other. Each of the twelve event on the program of tha aft ernoon ha -It different' western, uni versity, oolleglat or high school Inter est. Th college men of Iowa will watch th performanrw of Charla Hoyt, late of Greenfield, now of Qrlnnell, In hie first eollcg competition. Th , showing , of Drake, Ames aad th atal university teams will also be considered as Indication- their relative strength and weakness for th state intercollegiate field meet. Th atar of Co and Morning side, .will he watched for possible point winners against thea leant. Th showing of th many new teams of th high school also will have their particular Interest to the follower of th high school field mert. Ajiai't from these will be th battle of th beat In tha west, a molded Into re lay teams la th university section. On of the will be th meeting of Chicago Purdu. Northwestern. Kansas, Ames and Iowa In th two-mil,, th rivalry ef th flret three named being liable tb t ult in a new world's record for the dis tance, Ames. Iowa, Missouri and North western are especially Interested In th mile, because it I conceded that In thl event they have listed . their streuges teams, Chicago, Drake and Nebraska em to nave the das of the-half-mile, and thl vent la being awaited with In tereet at Drake, where the two defeats administered to the star Drake team by Chloeso a year ago still araoambared. The four-miie, hi which it seems Me tbat sis team capable of breaking th western record will meet, as well aa three team not so strong, makea that vent th especial attraction ef th day. i n en i no by teams follow: ' Malf Mile. Illirh SMvl f-A Cherokee. East Dea Motnea. Konda, Kt! Iode. Urlnnell, Hampton, LeMareTMar. sheUtown. Maeoa City. Newton. North Ie Moines. Hsymour, Sioux City. Web ster City. WW n, Molnee. T i wo wile, university Am, Chteaxo, '?. "a. Northwestern. PuMue one Mile. Colletre-Co. Cornell. Ds imnntu, uigniami Far. Fann. blmpeon. South Dakota ettate. Two Miles. High Mchool-Cedar Rapids, Clarion. Karlham. Kjmt Dee Molnee, rt. ioIk. Msnbailtewn. Knnh ii ui... OelwWn. West lM Molne. . Half iltl. Unlverslty-vAmea. Chicago, Drake. Iowa. Kansas. Missouri, Ne braska. Two Miles, College Carleten, Coe. Cor nell. Ia Molnee. Grlnnell, llamllne, Iowa. W eeleyan. Moruuieaiue, fclinpeon, ixmth Iakita Mate. Yankton. hhuttlo iOn-e. Yards Cedar Rapids, Cherokee, Kast Les Moines, ft. Mi, itrmneiL Marehailtown. Newtun. North n eei Lee Moines. rour Milea, Lnlveralty Ames, Chicago, Drake . lows, Illinois. Kaneas,. Mlnne seta. Michigan. Wu-r.ntn. On. Mile. High BchoolAlhla, Cedar Rapids, Kast Is Molnr. rt.'LHwIge. In d'anola. LeMara. Marshalltown. Newton, ottumwa. Ceymour. blou Ctty,( West Des Moines. . r - " Half Mile. CUe Oew. Onrnell ru buque. Orlnnell, Highland Park. ' Morn lnswda, tyrniih Dekota university. Medley- Hare, Thirteen urions Cla r1on. Iester. Last Dee Moines, Ft. IVidge Hauipten. -Meson City, Newton. Water loo. Weet Dee Mulnea. t On Mile. University-Ames, ("hlrsst), Iowa, Illinois. Kansas, .Minnesota, ills ourl, Neotthweatern. Nbrs. CsMsat Leesrwe Hraa'lts. At Lo Angel-. , R It E. rriica I T Ia Angrles c a i Patterte: Couch. Rsrham and Clark Ilvshes and Droohs. Bole. r. At Portland H H K Vent., ' PclUand .,.,,.....,...... ! l l i Ratterin: Htnliv anrf Uliu. t ...w - -. Carls. h. . T ' " At Oakland 1 RHF alt Lake Cltv. riatterlas: Gregory and Rohrer; Boyd and Kuba. Cwlleae Base Ball Cornell. 11: Klami- a 4Baea. VnlversUy of Miyuaa. 14; 'Was hi ngl on and Lee, L Army, lu; Lafayette, T. Harvard, ft, ,1 o Maine,.. Taree-I Teese W las. IOWA, CITY. -, April Ik-omea. Tel egram.i Javenprt Ttaite-1 lu-gulars, I luaa l ulvrrsliy, 4. TUB BKK: CopvrlsM. 115. International Newa Servke. CLAD TO tEE VOO IIARQUARD. PITCHES A HO-HIT COMBAT "The Bube" Wina Great Hurlini Duel from Booker, Shutting Out Dodgtrt, Two to Kothing. LOBEBTU WOE? 19 A FEATUBE NEW YORK.. April 1ft. Rube Marquard pitched m no-hlt game today and shut out the Brooklyn Nationals, 1 to 0. Ruoker, tha veteran lefUhander of the Brooklyn, opposed th Nw Yorker, and It was a great pltchere battl. Only three men reached bae en Marquard, two oft bases on balls and on m an error by Fletcher. Only three ball were hit to th outfield. Marquard also helped to win his own gam by driving in th second run scored on Rucker, Next to Marquard' pitching, Lohert's all-around work waa the feature.. Until he filed out to Wheat In the seventh in ning he had reached first base eight con seoutive times. Including yesterday's gam. Bcorei HOOKI.YN KSW TOOTIC rhiilts, .. I ll ASeeflsTssa, el t 1 1 lrs. ef.. 4 ttxrr,., ,.... 4 III Wh(. If... I 1 Ibsrt, Si , I I I Out)i, n, I I Ftrhr. ss. 4 I 1 Hiimmal, lb I 11 Sflurn., If.... 4 11 enssl, rl.. 1 Mrkl. la,. 4 1 If ft MrOsrty I Thorp Tt.M i Ilmnesa, rf OMsrers. s.... S 1 t afcr."V::: 5 : i J 5M"". jjjj-j "'. P J 1 ToUlf M SU 1 t I ft ft 'ft Rseas. p.... l TpUIi'.....H iuii'l nrfwilrl,tn AAAAAAAaaa -- n, v v if v ,w v v V r New York OOOlftolO 2 Ratted for Btengel In seventh, iiatted for Rucker in eighth. vn urroti; nnw xora, j; rirooKlyn, 1. 1 SKvbane. hits Rums. Stolen bnse: 7; Brooklyn. I. Raaa on Off Mar quard. S; off Ruoker. . Btmcir out: By L W".r,i ,;-.b,r Rucker. 1; by Ragan. 1. lld Pitch: Rucker. Jilts: Off Rucker. f '? VJ?, Innng; off Raffan. 0 In one Ilart'" J1, u,npv' RlaTler and Phtla A ra la Trim Breves. . f lta-f.WT , tl . r m ...... . j,jru is. rnuaaeipnia de feated Boston again today, T to 1, Hlta hllnnh.J 4m S 1 . . I .. . . . . . . . . , ww iiiitnis, imreuwr wun emre by th Rravea' Infield accounted fnft at 1 1 kK srt I u. w e , bun "Jli T. r"m: rer. tne . iiiri inn uui ner waa in line lorm. 1 Urn.l n. ,Ii.h1. - . , a ,,i AlteinHilnsr flurrlpe of rain, snow and rail skirled about the,playcr during th FlULAnrXPHTa. BOOTrtM. firms. Sb.,.4 sMorsa. rf... 4 SSI ln?rotS."' ! ! 1 ib.... t i tKH-ker. If... I s s rs,..ii. , . I I rr.r.m, rf..4 , , , lf. ' lata 5i L ' .?' 1 I ! lb. 4 I 11 t ft Nlthoff. Jb.,4 I a isrellli. IV... 4 1 ft t ft I.uilMlis. is. I I II SUarmsvli, ss 4 1 1 Kllllfav. . , I , j . . . ........ Msysr, ....4 111 iKus, ... I ft I 1 Htr.. p.,. i a n , 4 -uuwn ... v v e a Tstals.....MTt7u" Batted for Hughes In tghtb. Philadelphia 0 0 ft 4 ft 0 I ft 0-4 Boston ft ft 0 1 0 ft ft ft ft t Two-base hits: Byrne, Schmidt, Crevath, Mesee. Three-base hit: Uchmldt. Stolen haeee: Whltted. Smith. ecrtftoe hit: Luderus. lmubl play: Oowdy to Kvsra. l-eft on basee: I'hlladelrhia, I: Boston, ' Has on errors: Philadelphia t; Rfton. 1. liases on balls: Off Mayer, 1: off llurhes. 1. Hits. Off Hughes, t In eight Imilnss;, off Strand. 1 In one in ning, btrui-k out: By Mayer, 4; by Hushes. ; by Strand, i- Tlmi 1:88. TJra rlfea: Bvron and Orth. . Cerele Bats Cabs. ' CHICAGO, April IS. C Louis defeated Chicago by 4 to I m a game today. Cheney wtldnes In th third Inning caused his retirement. In this Inning three base on bails, three wild pitches, a 1 stolen base end a single ea-h off Cheney and Standrldge, the recruit pitcher obtained from baa KYanclaco, tttve RL Louis the game. loak pitched l mldseaeon form In th "Indies, hkore: ST. CHIOAOO. Poise, ef. .. 4 I onoos. rf..." lit, Mususs, Mi. t I 4 ritbr, as... I ft ft 4 W:lMr, If.. ft It ISrhslte. If.. I I I M sxlller. Is... 4 ft I I Slsiriaaa. S 4 I 1 I 1 Viusa, rf... 4 I SH.i.r, lb,.. I lit a a n-k. is.... 4 I l awuiUsM .f4 i a a I'ailsaw, a I ft t SAn-twr. S....I 14 1 '". s I II SM.Lamr, lb ft 4 4 ft L. ft 4 1 ft -bm.,. ...l a . I lsa4rl4, l 1 1 a toia.....i lug t Tatsls SB I n l, i St Louis. ft 04vftftft 4 Chicago ft 1 ft o 1 ft ft ft o-l Two-bee hit: Baler, Reck. Stolen bases: IXjlan. Hugglns, fir, rjarned runs: Off Doak, t; off Cheney. 1; off btandrldse, 1. Saorlfue hit: Flslwr. Double plays: Reck to Miller te Hugglns, Zimmerman to Archer to Baler, Saiar tun asalsted). Left en bases: St. Louis, ft: Chicago, 4. nr-st base on errors: CI 1 oago, I; St Louis. 1. Ha sea on bells: Oft Cheney, I; off Stand rid sr. ft; off Ooeh, 1 Hits: Off Cheney, t In two and a third Inning: off Standrtdge, a In six and two thirds Innlnga Struck out: By Doek, ft; by Cheney. 1: by eUandrtdire. a Wild lichee: Cheney (J). Siandrtdg. Um pires: Qulgley and Eesua. Time: l.-uu, Bedlesr Take Beeeuisl. CINCINNATI. April lft.-ClnclnBatl evened up matter with th Pittsburgh by winning the second game of the aeries her tocav, I te L Two wild pitch ss by Ronton lu the fourth Inning were responxlble for Pittsburgh's only run. Otherwise h pitched In mid season form. Harmon pitched good ball, lejeune'a en or making one of Cincinnati a rune poesanle. Smrt. rtTTSBVROM. CTNCtKHSTI. ... ABH.O.AB. ABMOAg "W. SLaesa, ef. ..I ll K.r... ss.,4 I 1 I kilUisr u . 4 a a a a Viu. ..... 4 1 I t, Ik . 4 I I MlueaiB. rt 4 1 I Uimh f. 4 1 Omrtjmt, as.. 11 O.taoa. A... 11 Harsua. .. H-HiitS. rt. I I I i a Oros. I,.,. ft I la. th.. Sill M.llolts. k 14 1 ft IMa. .....!( ftssisa. p... I ft I Teles.... i t M M I Touts at t R U ft PtMsbureh ...i. ...I v,) Cincinnati ft ft ft ft ft i a j Mnlen base: Olson. Karned rua: Off Harmon. 1. Sacrifice hits: C.roh Moll wits. Johnston. Ift on bases: Pwts buinb. ; Cincinnati. 4 Flt-st on vrmr. lin Innsll. l. lutsr on balls: Harmon 1: Hriiton. i. ti in k out: llv nrntnn .' M lid pil'-hs : Nation.! f ntplirs: Kloin mi .u, ,x .in,,- i .ir OMAHA. KRIIAY. APIill, MY.'MX: WHAT A BtAUTIRjU .VAVfcEt . NAX- tJtAaua, I AMER. tAAOUE. W.UPct I - W.UPct. New Tork.... ft l.oW Chicago 0 Lono Phlladelpiila 1 l.fH Phllaoelphia, .1 1 Jt Chicago 11 Cleveland ....11 JKJ Plttsbur,h ..I I .MO Washington .1 1 .KM Cincinnati ...1 1 Jtm Detroit .1 1 .") St Lout 1 1 .ton Boston ,.11 ) R"ston 11 .ftno New York....l 1 " .BTO DrWklyn ....ft I .OOOj St. Ixiuls 0 1 .000 VED. LJiAQCB. AMER. ASSN. W.UPnt. W.UPct. Chicago 1 1 .M7 Louisville .... 0 LOW Newark .... I .snout. Paul 1 0 l.ono Rrooklyn, ..I J .ftno Indianapolis .1 ft l.Otfl Kansas City t .800 Milwaukee ,.1 0 L0O0 St Louis II .400 Columbus ....01 .0(0 Pittsburgh ,11 . Cleveland ...01 .OOH Ruffalo II .4i Minneapolis .0 1 .0"0 Baltimore ...1 4 .360 Kansas City .ft 1 .000 , Yesterday's Hesalts. AMERICAN UiiAOUM. Chicago. 18: St. Louis, ft. . Cleveland, 4i Detroit, i. New York, t; Washington, 1. Boston, ft; Philadelphia, 2. . NATIONAL HCAOUB. Philadelphia, 7; Boston, 1. Rrooklyn, 0: New York, 1 Pittsburgh, 1 Cincinnati, a 8t Louis, 4 Chicago, a FEDERAL LBAOUB. Rt, Louis, 4i Kansa City 4. Buffalo, ft; Baltimore. 2. Pittsburgh, 3; Chicago, 1. Newark, 6; Rrooklyn, 17. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. - ' fiOulsvlU. I; Cleveland, 0. rt. Paul, 11; Kansa City. I. ndianauoll. )vj Cleveland, L Minneapolis, 4; Milwaukee, a , Gesnea Tedey. American League Chicago at St Louis, Cleveland at Detroit. New Yorkat Wash InKton. Boston at Philadelphia. National League Philadelphia at Roe ton. Brooklyn at New York, lPtteburgli at Cincinnati, St Louis at Chicago. Federal League Brooklyn at Buffalo, Plttaburgh at Chicago, BeiUmor at New ark, WHALES LOSE TO YIS1TIHG REBELS Poor Fieldinf Spoilt Mordecai Brown'a Chance of Winning First Game for Tinker. DICKSON MASTEE OF MOUND CIUCAQO, April 15. Poor fielding 'spoiled Mordecai Brown's chance of wln Inlng hi first gb-me wlUi the Chicago Fd lerals today and, anyway, Dickson waa jmasTer of every threatening situation, so I that Pittsburgh Inflicted th local' first dtfeat of the season. I to L Dickson atruck out aeven Chlcagoan and Played a clever fielding game, Mc-i Connell succeeded Brown when the latter retired In favor of a pinch hitter, taore: RHE. Pittsburgh ...ft ftftlft-lftft Chicago lOftftOOOO-lTp Batteries: Dickson and Berry; Brown, McConnell and 'Wilson. Tlpteee Trla Hewarks. BROOKLYN. April lS.-Th Brooklyn f ederals scored ton run hi the fifth 1n o'ng against Newark today, defeating the visitors, ,17 to a Fifteen batter faced Whltehouse' and Billiard In the. big In ning of the game, alx hit.- five passe, two, error, two steals and a wild pitch accounting for th high total of run. St atdw had a hltless game UP to the sixth, when ha eased up. Toward the end Man ager Ma gee used several Substitute. Th hitting of Mage. Kauff aad WeetersUl were features. Score: 1 ' R H Q Newark ft 1 0 1 ft I ft ft 1 ft I t Brooklyn ft 1 ft 1 1ft 4 ft 17 14 4 Batteries: C. Whltehouse, Billiard, Brandon and Raiidan; Seaton and Lend. Watson. . ' Terrla Leae te Bleee. BALTIMORE, April U.-Buffalo fll en Sugg for eight bits and six run lit the first three Inalnga. 'winning today game from Baltimore, (to 1 Smith, who re lieved Sugg, allowed oaly two hlta la six Inning. Bedient pitched good ball for Buffalo throughout fieore: R.H.E. Buffalo I I 1 ft ft ft ft ft f M 1 Paltueore ...1 ftOOftftftftl-lftt Batteries: Bedient and Blair; Suggs, Smith and Owens. Kawleda Beet Terriers. KANSAS CITY. Mo., April li.-Raw. ling' atagl aad advance te aecond on a bed throw. Easterly' bunt and another wild throw gave Kansas City a r.inth Inning victory, 4 to t. in the last ef a three-game eerie with St Louis. Mcors: R.H E St. Louis ft ftftftlftlftft 1W Karaaa City .ft ftftftfttftll-4 11) Batteries: - Davenport, Blank. Wlllett and Chapman; 3. Johnson and Easterly. KEARNEY SIGNS Ft)RTY BASE BALL PUYERS KEARNET. Neb.. April la. (Special -Manager Matnsy of the Kearney Buf faloes' State league team, eteted today that he had forty men signed for th sea son s play and that' these men would be tried out at once, practice beginning text Monday. Bom good rhea are aaaoag the uneup ana it u espected fast t can b put In tb field. . Table Reek Defeevte Pawnee City. TABLE ROC-K. Neb.. April ia ftpeetal ) The TsMe Rock Hnrh school base bail teai defeated the Pawnee City High arhM4 team yesterday In the first iuui r : , Standing of Tjeams I ,f the M-asiin r a vr pf 1 to I st Paw- j nee -City. 16. 1815. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus i 1 i " i l W IT -IT COST Five nwniJHED DOLLAR tM VA5E. HAS a i i OVER THE VORUO' RED HOSE DEFEAT THE UACKIAH CREW Clever Work on Part of Boston Ken Enables Sox to Score Victory, ' Five to Three. SCHAKO'S HAND "IS ' DTJUBED PHILADELPHIA, April U.-Clever work by Lewi at bat and, en th bases, together with Speaker" faat running and a lng1 by Hoblitaell in the ninth In ning enabled Boeton to defeat Philadel phia here today, I to a Bush was taken out owing to wlldaes in the fifth inning and Collin waa knocked off the rubber In six Innings, Wyckotf and May fin ished the contest S Chang's hand was split by a wild pitch in tha second In ning. Ha will be out of th game two or three week. Bcore: n m HUArnj'HiA. AB.H O.A I AB.H O A MoopsT. rt. .4 1 I SMarpky, ftb-Vl 1 ft I I ". .4 I ft IWsUaT'rtr.l i " " J S.ksr, cf.. I 11 ooidrlnt. If.. 4 111 I If 0 11 OLaJole. lb... 4 Oil Kcott, ss.... Ill) OScbsna, .,. ft 1 Osrdnsr, lb. fill M.Aoy. I 111 rsrrlTO, ... 1 0 I 1 OBtrunk. ef..)4 111 rolllns. p.., ft 1 ftBsrn-. ss... I ft mts. p....,j i B.ah. I o t a Hsarlassa ,ft ft ft WTcHoff. p.. I I Toui..:...nuiIiVD'Tl' 12211 . . Vetals II TIT lift a Batted for Oolline in seventh. Batted for McAvoy in ninth. Boston 0 0 1 1 0 ft 1 ft s-I Philadelphia 0 ft ft ft 1 0 ft i-S Two-base hits: HobliUell. Olllrlng. Mo Avoy, Strunk. Stolen basee: Speaker. JUewls. Esrrsed runs: Boston, ft; Phila delphia, t. Sacrifice hit: Hooper, Cerri gan, Oardncr, Walsh (), Barry. Left en baaea: Boston, ft; Philadelphia, a First base on errors: Boston, 1; Philadelphia. 1. Baee on balls: Off Cell Ins, 1; off Bush, ft; off Wyckoff. i. Hlta; Off Col lins, ft in six Innings; off Mays. 1 in three inning; off Bush, ft In four and a third Innings: off Wyehoff. ft in tour and two. thlrde inning. Struck out: Bt Collin. !;,!?? M.4, Bu,h i: b wyckoff, i. Wild pitch: Bush. Umpire: Chill and Connolly, Time: 1:30. . Tlgrrrs Defeat ladlss. , DETROIT. AprU lfi.-DetroH defeated Cleveland by I to 4 today in a game mad noteworthy by the large number of extra base hits. The visiting player made four doublee, while the Tiger garnered three triple and a home run. Cleveland had a food chance to win in the ninth, when Daues passed two substitute batters, but the necessrv hit waa lack- ore: OLBVELAKD. - DBTROrT. AU.H.O.A E AB.H.O.A B. tlhold. cf.. 4 lit floss. SS....4 (ll Tsmsr. lb.. I 10 1 uTossf, Ik... 4 1 4 1 Cnapsiaa. Hi I 1 1 I -Sh rf 4 I Jscksoa. rf.. 4 1 c Oawtort. rt 4 I 1 Oraasr, If... I 11 Vsscb, If ... 4 1 0 .... 1 -" - V . B nTD , ip, , ll SB Mshls. lb.,1 114 ft VIU, b. t ft 1 ON. III. s.. 4 4 10 uuis(e. .. 1 a I 1 a Hlsen. Mortoa. , HmHh ... Htmnost Bacers .. 1 a t a ' '"-i a Tetsli M I 7 ll I ToUls.. ... 1M1I 1 lotted tor hhieios in ninth. . "Kan for Smith. Batted for Morton In ninth. rton In ninth. , ...0 1 0 0 ft 1 ... Hlti Cleveland ft ft 0 0 Detroit uwu ..... w S V V S V o Two-base hits: Shields, Jackson fl). a THAT VyiCP t J Av e a-- I I I 1 Attf XI, 11 1 J, I . JfV I -r T 1 'Paint jjeacli guite . ' -r ' Regular $7.50 and $8.00 Values. - Saturday and Monday Only Tbftftft uiu art made of the regular Palm Beach Cloth, bearing the label and manufactured by tha greatest Palm Beach Mill la America, at BAnford, Mains. They gr properly shrunk and arc qualities you bar always paid $7.60 and JS.00 for. . Wft are selling thorn at thl low price now so our tailor hop can have amplft Urn to take car of all alteration aad thus handle them at a minimum expenie. We make no charge for necessary alterations. Tha sutu coma in plain tan. plain fttftel gray and blue with cnalk-ltne gtrlpea. Tha ftlias rua from 14 to 41 In reg ular, atouU. alirna and ihorta. Soma men will buy three or four ults, go coma early for, your selection. Proper Furnishings for Men While selecting your Palm Beach Suit Saturday, glance at our now furnishing and hat. Tou will ba Impressed with th beautiful soft ahirta with French cuff a at 81.50 Tha ilk ara unusual value thl year, priced from A'LKiI to 80. OO. Pvr ' Our hat man will help you aeleet tha hape and color in a hat becoming to you. Ha will ahow you Stetson and our own label hat at 83.00. 83. SO and 84.00 tha new had and block. , . 3 413 South 16th Street. Lelbold. Three-base hits:4 Dauxs, Craw ford (2), Oraney. Home run: Cobb. Stolen bane: Cobb, Veach (2), Steen. Earned run: Off Dauna, 4; Off Steen, a Sacrifice hit: Turner. Stanajre, Vltt. Sacrifice fly: Barbara. ' Double play: Young to "Bush to Kavanag-h, Left on base: Cleveland, ft: Detroit a First base on errors: Cleveland. 1; Dtrtrolt L Bases on balls i Off Dausa, ft; off Steen, I: off Morton, I. Hits; Off Steen. 1 in five and a third Innings: off Morton, 1 In two and two-4hlrda Inning. Struck eut: By Dauea, ! by Morton, i. Wild pltoh: Da use. - Umpire- Hlldebrand and O'Loughlln. Time: 1:89. . Yaakee Trim Be maters. WASHINGTON, April IS. Fisher passed eight men today, but his good work In th pinches held Washington to one run, and New York won a to 1 victory. Three of Fisher's bases on balls were given in the - seventh, but a strikeout and good fielding prevented Washington from scor ing. Harper, for Washington, was taken out In th first Inning after he had passed three men and made a wild pltoh. Ayras and Ben'iev finished th ""., Score: NEW YORK, . WASHIHTTON AB u rt A It AR.H.O.A.C. Malssl, lb... Ill IMssller. rt. I 0 4 Mlfti, If 410 0 Fonter. lb... till CYee, ef I 0 I s -PMiias, w.... WIIIUDM. lb 4 1 I I I I' Mnrssn. th., 114 1 lShsnks. If., 1114 rips, lo..... ill rook, rf.,... II Pscklnps', ss I 4 Boon, lb... 4 11 .4111 Sllcilriee, ss. 4 4 s I 4 Nun'sukr, 4 1 1 1 Hsni-y. 111 Fisher, 4 ft 4 Alssmim .. Harper. ,.. 4 I I J Touts..... ft 17 1 lAysrs. p t 1 J Acost 44 . flntley. .. 0 1 Tick -. 1 4 4 Totals... .. idU I Ran' for Henry In ninth. Batted for Ayer In eventh. - Batted for Bentlcy In ninth. ; New York...., 1 OftlftlOOO-4 Wwhlngton ...... .0 M 1 M M M Two-base hlta: Boone, Williams, Mat el. Earned rune: New York. I; Wash ington, 1. Hits: Off Harper, none In two-thirds Inning; off Ay era, ft In alx and a third inning; off Bentley, 1 In two in ning. Sacrifice hit: Cook. Stolen base: Cook. Double plays: Peckinpaugh to Boons to PI pp. Wllllsms to McBride, Peckinpaugh to Ptpp. Left on base: New York, S; Waahlngton, M. - Base on bails: Off Harper, 8; oft Ayer. Z: off Fisher, 8. First base . on error: . Washington, 1 Btruck out: By Hsrper. 1: by Avers. I; by Flsheri 1 'Wild pitches: Harper. Fisher. Umpires: Mullaney and Evan. Tim-.jJ:10.. .. ,( ; j.-i -j,. Mesa Sleaghtee . Brewas. ' ST. LOUIS, April . If. v-The Chteago Americans by. bunching hits with errors and bases on ball In six Inning today cored sixteen runs against St. Louis, which failed to send a man. across the plate. Faber waa Invincible. Score: OHICAOO. BT. LOUIS. AB.U.O.A.B. AB. H.O.AC. Qulalss. If.. I I ftShettoa. H.. 1 1 1 0 Weaver, ss.. 4 I I ft ftAastln. 8a... 4 0 14 BColltss. .11- 1 I OB.Wslk'r. rf I 1 4 .4 J.Colllas, of 4 I I 0C.Wa)k'r. cf 1 4 4 1 rslsrb, rf... ft ft Ies, cf.. I 1 4 Brief, lb-...'. 4 t ft 0 Pratt, lb.... 1 4 0 10 Koursler, lb I 4 4Wslsh. lb... ft III .... I ft T 1 ILtni. SS...4 ft I 1 I Hair, 0. II I I 4 Kaufman, lb 4 114 .v. ,1,1 r. l a , a . .-. ..... mm.. a . . n w, . . . . w . . Fseer, p.... 4 r. ....! v a i i Alexsaosr. tl I t I ToUls M14Z7U Hocb. ft 41 Perrrmss. Bemerdar. I 4 I I ft . wiiiissis ,.i a Tetals M 1 B it Batted for Baumgai jvr in nlntn. Chicago 7 ItlllM 1-M fit Louis ft ft ft ft 0 ft ft ft 0-4 Twtvbase hits: Faber, Qulnlaa. Weaver, J. Collins. Waleh. Stolen bases: E. Cot Una (2). J. CoUlna (Z. Felsch, Weaver. Hhotten. Earned runs: Off Hoch. 7 In two-thirds Innlnga; off Bausngardner. 4 in eight Innings. Sacrifice hlta: E. Collins, J. Collina, Breton. L(t on bae: Chi cago, 4; St Loula. 10. Rase en error: Chicago, a Bass en belle: Off Hoch. 4;, oft Faber, I; off Ferryman. 1; off Baum- 95 if? gardner, J. Hits: Off Hoch, 1 In two third a Innings; off Perryman, k in one third Inning (two rune, one on In second); off Baumgardner. 10 in eight Innings. Struck out: By Faber, 10: by Baum rardner. 4. Wild pitch: Raum-rardncr. PasRed ball. Schalk. UVnplres Nallln end Dlneen. "DAD" SHANER ASSEMBLES ' MEN FOR FAIRBURY TEAM FAIRBURY. Neb.. April 15. -(Bpecia!.)-"Dad" Shaner, ' manager of 'Fblrbury' state league oese Dan icuq, niwmDirtr his pupils on th diamond of th baa ball park Tuesday afternoon and gave them a chance to show what they could do. About a dozen player wer on hand and' the balance of tha thirty player who have signed up are arriving- In the city dally. "Dutch" Sholl. the Hubbeli pitcher who played on Falrbury' ' semi-professional , team last year, waa on 'deck, and he ex pect ts 'iBi-.d a berth with headquarters , at Falrbury. MoCU, another ieml-pro, who looked after thing In the right rr-! den of Falrbury' team last year. 1 also' In the tryout McCatl ha a good batting record. Bowhay, a pitcher from Liberty. Neb., will arrive today and start work. ' He. pitched here during the tournament, last August. "Twins"' Hawk, th horn' run hitter from Bruntng, will make an effort to secure a place; NO SPARRING EXHIBITIONS' FOR CITY OF GRAND ISLAND . - i GRAND ISLAND. April 16.-(gpeclal.) Finding- a prize .fight .an ath letic association under th guise of "sparring contest" and', bclmr unable to find; any officers'- of th "athletic asso. elation." Mayor Ryan announced today through' tha press that arrest would fol low any effort to pull oft auch a match or exhibition. A few year ago an 'at torn pt of, the Jtind was made , in, Grand Island and stopped, by' Governor 'M aits hea. :r i . f 'Vx; The? flavor Is Just as dtstlhctlva as thq labsL . . . v g-Welmfl rft.g CreBa.WagA LERCfl 8t VAN SANDT. - Wbotcsalfti jDlifriwOtors 311 SelTltiSt. OtMtMeNebr. f rioNCgt , ) Dou(8S 2155 end A 1679 The quality printer urge his customer to spend money for good engravings, because it is money well spent. The best printer in the business cannot get re' salts oat of an inferior cut. We make them to suit the job. - v. - ' V H' ' V'l.' "i OROTTftO BROS. CO. Dlatri bitter Osaaee, Keb. , 1 " 1 ' 1 ' ' . 1 Mil I' J I