TUK BKK: OMAHA, TJIIJIWDAV, Ai'KII, 15, 1915. Bringing Up Father CnpvrtM, 111. International Nana Kervlc. m e Drawn for The Bee by George McManus I HOPE. MY HU5BAM0 ' WILL CE.T, ACOUMMTED WITH ALL THE PROMINENT kylFIM TOMICUT AX KitOC f bPiFELPvjFs reception: PLEA.bE" TRY VtTH THE. O), MENTONlCHTS JU- DOIT NOW REMEMBER PKK OUT THE. DKCEW MAN ANO TRX TO ET IN VTH MrA INVITE, M1M TOOJT THE Elt5$EW' CUV N THE HOUtE -HE't HAVE k OMMER WITH US TOMORROW!. BUT- 7 I ar w a ki . a a.. v - b a - j 1 i ( I . I I I LiUT mJW I li I I . V 1 - A 1 ' I LEAVE i-. , K li fe lip- -fM Sk. 1 IJII 111 aTY II IX . AT ay i am Jmi . . 4T, I 1 I I JTT S. I I J I A J -"Ww 1 T - a i jr A 1 w .7 mmh a rm'.. '.-sir- V BRAYES SHOT OUT BY LOVLYPHILLIES 'World's Champion Bate Ball .Team Defeated in Opening: Game by Three to Nothing. BAN JOHXSON ASSIGNS UHPIKES FOR OPENING GAMES. ALEXANDER HURLS IN FORM l BOSTON. April 1.-Tha Bravra t-rt-lvrd a aetbark from rhlladclphU today at the atart of their qcaat for a acond pen.'.ent. With AlrxanUr pitching- re markably wH for the opening- name of the eeawin. the world'e champion were ehut out. . KpecUculajr fielding r Whltted and Xugey. reo.nt addition to the vlaltora rank, aided materially In the tiicea. , Rcaldra the ruatomary flag raining nd n-.ayor'a throwing of the ball, the open ing ceremonial Included preaentatlona to luey and Whltted of the Philadelphia iam. The gift were mada y the Brave, through Manager Stalling. Dugey and Whltted wore member of the Boton tram when It won the champloo altlp last year. Score i AU H O R. AB.lI.O A i:, Bvn.. 4b... t I Mrn, f.... I B.nrrott. nl III .... J J ' 4 11 ate to a ....,. mu I ToUlt M f 77 It ... ....... i,. i itooooio i l Two-b hit: Klllfrr. Whltted. Stolen haw.: Kvera (2). Hmttli. Ha-rlflce hit; inim, Nlehuff, Iiderua. Left on baae; l i.ilaj.-lt'hla, ; Hoeton. . bftllai Utf Aienaer. i, on iwu-iji... Htruck out: r Alexajider, S; by -l.lph, t. Times IM. t'mplre; Byren and Orth. Oodaere icaay for Glaat. NEW TORK. April 4.-Th New York National opened their rhamplnnnhlp aea e..n here today wlili an eay victory oyer Brooklyn, the former chaaiplon winning by a aoore of 1A to . , Mi Oraw'a team ft off to an early lead by hammering J'feffer fo reven run in th f lrt and cond Innlnir. rVihmut topped New York for few Inning, but in the aixth Inning the home team piled up five more rune on four double. In !nle. tel and an error. Brown, who untuned wa even lei ffeotly. Koyie. up fiv time, hit two double and three alngle ki.d acored four ruii". SJcore: BROOKLYN. KW 7pR .. m t I I IDoyle. b.... I I I a w- II... 4 1 4Dnnlly, II. r-.th, rl..l I I I M,"?i.Vi! I Whlle4. el. 4 a I 1 rt.Amldl, lb. I J .... 1 ft rim 12 It. Vfc. ..I 1 riXL'; 7b: I ! I .Man.a-.ll. - J J J J KII.H.r. ... I 1 t I ly-v4 ! ! ! ! I v 'V? ' . -J CIIlCAOOf Aprl 14.PreMdnt Ban Johnann of the American le&cue ha an nounced th assignment of umpire for the opening game a folloV: IMneea and Nallln at Ht. Louis, O'Longhlln and llllinrand at Detroit. Evan and Mul- laney at WaahlnKton, Connolly and Chill at Philadelphia. Nallln and Mull&ney are new nien on the staff, the former-having been with tbe International league lat eaaon and th latter with th Texas circuit. w'he.. it... 4 1 i riM.hw m,t a i a i l...l. I. 4 Sit t SHur... U....J I 1 I I m.h. It I I I i l 'rp, H... 1 J M.v.ri,. ... I 4 f lMyrm. .... 4 J -( .....-1 atewwi. .. a a a Toui n ta n l JOHNSON BLANKS YANKS AT CAPITAL Wilson and Hit Cabinet Members See Senator! Defeat Highland- ' era, Seren to Nothing:. WALTER'S WORK IS FEATURE Standing of Teams p. w. i ret. , V 10 l.ono 11 0 1.000 k 1 . 1 0 l.9 Ill -1.000 1 1 .000 , i , o 1 .ooo ,., 1 ' 0 1 .000 .i 10 .000 WABHINOTON, April 14. President Wilson, several -member of hi cabinet and st huge crowd today Washington defeat New York, by a oore of 7 to 0, In the opening gam of the base ball season her. The presldnnt . began the gm ' br throwing the flrat ball to tTmplre "Blllir" Bvan. With Secretary Bryan. Lane, Daniel ahd Qarrlson. b remained throughout th game and warmly ap plauded the beat plays. A baso ball bat and tll Inscrlbea with the name of Francl 8ayre. th grandson of President Wilson, were presented to . the ' president during the game by Manager Orlfflth of tha Wash ington team. . J . Th game, played In Ideal weather, was featured by the pitching of "Walter John- on, who allowed New Ycrk but two hit, and by , William' catch on Cree line drive In th fifth with two on bases. Three of Warhop four paaaea. which wer followed by hit, resulted in run. With tbe bases full in th fifth, Cook misjudged Morgan at. which went for three baae. and Washington scored thre runs. Washington scored again In the etahth en Alnsworth hits, error by High and ,MumI Wnd aacrlfioe by M(W- ler and Fowter. Score; ' NEW TORK. WAsillKOTOW NATIONA1. LEAGUE. Chlca.ro ... New York Philadelphli Plttsburgn Cincinnati 8t. txtula Brooklyn . Boston ... AMER. LEAGUE. FED. LEAGUE. W.UPct.l W.L.Pct. Chicago ,.10 l.ono) Chicago ... 2 1.000 I'hlla. X 0 l.niioi Newark ...a 1 ..wi Cleveland..! 0 l.Ofrtl Brooklyn ..3 1 .7V) wash l o i.onot st. Louts... a l .wit Pt. Louis.. 0 1 .(tO Kan. City.. S .400 Detroit ... 0 1 .onol pltteburgh.. J S .20 Boston, ... 0 1 .0001 Buffalo ...1 t .260 New York. 0 1 .000 Baltimore... 1 S .-M Yeaterdar' Keawlta. FEDERAL LEAQUH. ft Loul. J- Kansaa City. 1. Newark. 7; Brooklyn, 8. Buffalo. 1; Baltimore, 6. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago, 7; Bt. Louis, . ClevelHnd. f, Detroit, 1. New York, 0; Washington, 7. Boston, O; Philadelphia. 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 8: Boston. 0. ' Brooklyn. New York. 18. Pittsburgh, ; Cincinnati. 2. t)t- Louts. 2; Chicago, T. Game Today. Federal Leaeme St. Lnuta at Kansas City. Buffalo at Baltimore, Newark at urooxiyn. Pittsburgh at Chicago. American Lengue Chicago at 8t. IJtils, Cleveland at Detroit. New York at Wash- lnston. Boston at Phlladelnhla. National League Philadelphia at Boa- ion, HrooKiyn m isew Yprk, Plttsourgn at Cincinnati, tit. Loul at Chicago. ii 1 1 1 1 iw i i ' MnlMl. b.. 4 Miih, If 1 0 , , ft 4 ftps, ID i CVi-k, rC.4 cknpa , u f 0 om, Sb... . a uy. .. I 1 Wurttop, p... t Ab.H O.A-f. AB.H.O.A.S. IB h hits: Fisher, Long. Stolen bases: Fisher. Good. 1'helan. Vttlllama. Kc.hulta Zimmerman, Bocha. Earned runs: Off Bailee, I; off Vaughn. 1. Sacrifice hit: Williams. Left on baaea: St. IxjuIs. ; Chlcano. 10. Base on errors: Chicago, 1; ft Iouls. 1. Bases on balls: Off Vaughn. : off Ntehaus, 1. Hits: Off Bailee. 10 in s innlnss: off Nlehaus. 1 In twa Innlim Hit by pitched ball: By .Bailee, Vaughn. 8trurk out: By Vaughn, 7: by Bailee. I: by Nlehaus. J. Time:. 110. Ilmt.ir..- QulgU-y and Iason. Zlanwul I a.a.a. ..... a a t!s as a a rieirher out. hit by batte dball. Hatted for I'fettcr in th third. tti.d for Schmut in th seventh. trooklyn ??!!!??? Nsw York IMMI1I -W Base on errors: New York. I; Hrook- i t.iu hits: Dovie (Z. Meyers. knulirau. Thort. Lokwrt. Three-base hi.- n h.. , tionia run: rletrher. Ki.n it..l hit- M.rwie. blolen bases: mkmI- .... Markia 1-ft on bases: N ew York, 4; Brooklyn, luble play: T"ISiuUl? Hetrher to Morkie. Bases on baW? Off P!-ffir I: off t4-limui, l. on urown. Tru I. titrurk out: By Heffor, t ; by Kvhmuts, I; by Brown. 1; by Tes t.a.i. a. Passed ball. Mrc'artv., Hits: in W.rrar. 1 in two Innins: off flcmuta. J in four innings; off Brown. 4 In two tnninss. Time: S;I. Implres: Klgler Slid HH ..m.l'DnU CINCINNATI ' .UHOAE ABHOAE r.-. M....4 i ot ...J J J vi.. . ! i aiitn.r. if. 4 1 J J r. tka 1 I a oriima. rt..a a Hia.Kuia. ill I I I SOrak, Jo...-a 11 1)M. rl.,1 I 4 OIw. lb.... 4 114 1 O.rwr. M...4 8 4 tMl'lt. b4 4 11 4 uiioo. t....a a i iia. 4 it; u.uu..ia a I t 4 . 1 1 iu ti?ar. a T.l. .... I D 14 11 IHM T.OMBl.r . 1 1 TeUls.....Ma tf 14 4 Kan for Dooln In the ninth. halted for Mhneider In the ninth ritl.burifh 0 1 J - llnrlnnall - To-bs hit: J. Wgner. Olson. Vlox. Three-lee hit: Hlnchman. Stolen baae: Hin hman, lleuna, Uerber. J. Wagner, Tinbly. Karned nini: llttsliurr.H. a avr;rice bits: Ieieun. Muiju.llan. l-ubl ly: Olson to lieraiig to kiull- Us; Grrber to i. Wagner to Johnston. Ixtt on bases: Pittsburgh. S: Cincinnati. . Bane on errors: ptilsbiirgh, 1: t'tn I'liiiail, 1. Bases on balls: Off Mrtjulllan. 3: ulf Anwt, 1; off Scluitider. t. Hlu: Off Aniw, 4 In four Innings; otf Hi-hiwlter. i In five tunings, htruck out: By M-vul. Ian, 4: bv Ames, 2; by Schneider. L Time: I'lTiplrra: Klem and Kmsll. r. tr i. chh'aikv ASH DA B Ak.H O A t tv.l... cf ... 4 I D4. it 1 I a hm. a a a a i., a a a TRYING TO REVIVE HIGH SCHOOL GOLF TOURNAMENT, The Omaha High school golf tourney may be revived thl spring. John Mor ns, a junior at the school, la attempting to Ur up Interest In th event and be. lleve he will b uocefuL He plan en three elghteen-hol matches to be played on the course of the three coun try, dub. Harold Johnon. runner-up in in aiai tournament last year, won tne twa previous high school tourha. menta. KRUG APPOINTS BREEN CAPTAIN OF ROURKES Marty Krug, manager of the Rourke. announced Just before going to Lincoln that Dick Breen, aecond baseman, would act a captain of th Bourk tribe thl year. With Manager Krug In the outer work and Captain Breen In th Infield boneheed play ahould be rare occurrences on the Omaha nine thl year. SCUL HAS BEEN EVOLYED THROUGH COUNTLESS AGES The aoul is not created at birth, ac fording to U W. Hoger. national lee - n u'r. a I a t ;turer of the Tbeoaoptikal society, who lectured laat night at the Theosophlcal hall In Th Bee building on "Reincarna tion. ' It ha been evolved, he declared, from the spiritual side of th universe as world and stars have been evolved from th physical aid. It th human aoul bad been evolving for ten of thousand of year. said. It was easy to account for th diffe .nee a oi mentality ana morality that un doubtedly exist at birth: but If the soul 1 created at birth and ono Is gifted with genius, while another I blighted with stupidity, there could be no justice In life. r-M nr. M . 4 Mmv, lt .. I iixk, rt.. I4M.4. rf.... a m.. s ... a tvrmser. a t at... a r.i.i.u. .....a MRS. JOSEPH C. GREEN DIES AT HOME IN OMAHA Mra Joseph C. Green, a resident of a a 5 ."r.."aba ! I a j!0'' thlrty-.l year, died Tue- i ir, is.... a a i i i sviiiitaauk ta a i a i . rwu, ib.. a t $ a a lAreMr. c ... 4 i a t ivauis, a .. a a a e a i at Tutait u n ii a i-1 pH.. .... I Hv .... 1 . .-h.ua. a.. 4 llba I a . ToUl u a M at, a , M.M.-d tor Klie in the seventh. l an. J for Nirhaue In th ninth, i t I ae a I I 1 i- ).....! e-i ';iiM hits: An her, hater Thr's- day at the age of 74 year. Nsw M 11 ford uquehanna county, Pennsylvania, wa her birtbplao and early home. Besides sister and brotiisr residing la Nsw Mil ford and at Btnghamton, N. Y., h is urrtved by her husband; a son. Georg Oreen, the Omaha bandmaster, a daugh ter, Mra Joha R. Deonut pf Omaba. and several grandchildren and great grand children here and at Chicago. The fu V 1 IKosUer, rf.. SSI a cmiuo. e.... a i a a t a awmiaiM. s4 tit a 11 vMorsu, 2V, 1 till 4 1 OHIianka. It... 1 a lM l)rlln. as, 4 1 t 4 I Alnaattla. a. 4 a 0 4 OJohnaoa, .."4 1 4 Total. M I 11 11 I Totals I U 11 U . 1 Washinnton ... t 0 1 a o t l '-i ew York o o w u v Two-base hit: Alnsmlth. Baaea on balls: Off Warhop, 4; otf Johnson a. 'hree-bas hit: Muritan. Kacrtrtce nits: Milan, Bhanks, Moeller. ftacrlflc flies: oster. 'V llllama, Morgan, citoien drmis: Hluh 2). Iiouble play: Cook to Plpp. Left on ' bases: Washington. ; New York. . Bases on errors: New York. 1; Washington, t. lilt by pitched ball:' wy Warhop. Morgan. Time: 1:42. Umpire: fcvan and Mullaney. . Boa Defeat Browns. PT. LOUIS. April 14.-Chtearo and Bt. IaiuI opened the Aerican IraKU season her today, by, a thlrleen-innlng game, which the visitor won, 7 to . In the last nnlus- k'ournler's triple Drougnt in urtec and Belialk. who had singled. On the fol lowing out Fournler came In . with the winning run of the game. In (the acme Inning St., Loula also took oq new life and scored twice, but fell a run short of tying the score again. Mayor Kiel ultcheil th' eflrst ball. Uovernor Major of Missouri and many other notables were present. Hcore: AB.H.O.A.a AJI.H.O.AE. Quialnt, r-lia 1 Ogbottoa. If.. 4 t IKIy 114 0 Aurt.n, Sb... a t 1 4 War, a.i I I I IBWalk'r. rf 4 1 a a CH'ckbrns. as 1 I ec.waiK-r. ci I s . E.tYillia. Ibl t 1 t Frit. lb.... a 4 4 4 coiiiiia. c-ri. a i a aeKnuiaaui, is 4 an a a Kalwh, H-cI lunrr, is... l Brl.f. lb..., a !H I llw. aa... a 1 i a Sibalk. .....4 a 11 1 Hoar .... 1 Hraloa. lb...S 1 S I inausoa, sa., I . . . . liwiHUtt. If. Ker.l4. ... a 1 I 4 1 Htll. a B' S S fl WAIHW, ...... V . Koth. rfJb.. 4 1 s I enalimaa. . 4 1 a e Jum .... a IS tlVrryua. II 0 rMr. S 1 - 1IIUMBS ... ctrtts, ... a yaunilOT ..It Total 41 St II 1 Total 41 II J 4 i.aiieu tor uun In eleventh. Ban for Kauffman in eleventh. Batted for Scott In eighth. nHtt.d for ulnlan In eighth. Hatted for Breton In thirteenth. Chh aao .l00001001S-7 8t. Loulaa eeveet e To-base bits: (juinian. tsreton. i nree- base hit: Fournler. tiome run: Brief. Stolen basea: Felsch. K. Walker. Wil liams, Blackburn. Earned runa: Oft s all man. i in twelve) ann iwo-tniro in nings; off Perrvman. t In on-thlrd In ning; off Jasper. 1 In on Inning. Kacrt ftt' hit: Weaver, Auattn 3. Wellman. Breton. E. t cum, u. waiaer. uouon Haye: Wellman to Tvan. Left on bases: CMce.ro. 7: c-t. Louts, t. Bases on txais: Off Hi-ott. 4: off aJsper, 1; off Wetimavn. 1 lilts: Off Boott. 4 In seven Innings; oft Cteotte, 4) in one Inning; off Jsaper, 2 In four Inning; off Faber. I in one Inning; off Wllmn. lT in twelv and two-third Innings: oft lrrymaii. i in tinr-iuim in ning. rtruck out: Bv SVott. S: by Jasper. 4. bv Weitman, T. Jtme; s o. vmiJirrs; Dlne -- -mn. Vn.H.ivA.B. " AS HOAR, l-lbold. rf . 4 4 - sa .... 4 1 i 1 1 t vtw44jl a w g a w 1 B a lOobe. rf.... 4 111 1 . r..t.r4. Hill i vaek. tr . . a i 11 Kasa', la. 4 lit 1 ! a i a a 1 1 114 Covelepkle, T In seven Innings. Hit by Pitched ball: By CoveWakle. Lalbold. nirucK oni: ny coveieakio. s; by Holana It by JMibchaU. 4. . Time: 2:08. Umpire: O'Loughlin and Hlldebr". i noerrw. . philadeihia. AB.H.0.A.K. . AB.H.O.A.a. Hooper, rf... 4 1 SMnrpby. IV. I I I I I tv,n.r. lb.. 4 M I Wlah.- rf.... a a Ptwajiar, (.. a 1 VOIdrlng, It.. 4 1 i.wi.. ic... a a i a tuii tb... 4 1 a Hobllta.1. 4b a 1 ew.Innl.. lh. I 111 Oainor. lb..l I 1 I richan. e... 1 0 Brott. ...., a a a cut.,, ct... 4 a 1 G.rrto.r. tb. t l'l Brry, as.... a 1 1 tar. ....,. i orwiBock, .. i a e a a IHabg 1 404 Totals. ...tt Ill I Totals tt IHI1 I I Batted for tihor in the ninth. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 I Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Solen baaea: Speaker, Walsh. Earned run: Philadelphia. 2. Sacrifice hit Walsh. Double Dlav: Scott to Onrdnar Left on bases: Boston. 2; Pbiladelih!a 8. Basea on ball: Oft Shore, 4; off Pen. nock. 1. Struck out: By JShore, 2; by r-ennwK, . raaaea ou: uaay. Time: i:w. umpires: tonnouy and Chin. OMAHA REGISTERS WIN OYER LINCOLN Franklin Johnson Heaves Neat Ball, While Mate. Field Perfectly . ' Behind Him. CLOUT EHMAN IN THE PLNCHTS LINCOLN, April 14. (Special Telegram.) "Pa" Bourk' hopeful played their first game In thl c-lty thl afternoon and put up a glittering exhibition, win ning from Lincoln, 2 to 2. Buff Ehman. who usually had Omaha on hi Hat, attempted to repeat again. but Omaha bunched bit) when they counted and won out handily. The Omaha team played -well In th field. without a single ' fielding- blunder harged up. Omaha, scored In the first Inning, when Breen walked, went to second on Kxug's out and acored on Huelaman'a saf mash. Omaha took two more In th eighth. Payne, tingled and Breen ws saf on MoGaffigan'a error, Payne going to second. Payne scored on Krug's single and Breen went to , third, coring- on Thomason'a aacrlfioe fly. Lincoln scored In the eighth and ninth. Score: . ' LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. B. Wolfe. If. 4 0 2 1 McGaffigan, aa .-. 4) 0 2 2 uterbauer, ID, , 4 , s 11 o Carloton, rf 2 1 1 t ,0 Krueger, ao, ., . e l l a Lloyd. 2b J O 0 2 1 Schrelber. cf. 2 0 0 2 0 William, c s .l X i u Ehman.. p.. .......... 2 0 0 O S ToUl 31 2 OMAHA. vayne, 3b 5 Hreen, tb I Arioient Mortgage -. . Settled by Church An old mortgage, dated 187. well plastered with war tax stamp gad bear Ing th signature ol pioneer, moat of whom are aow dead, ha )ut been set tled by tb Flrat Presbyterian church. It wa placed on th church property at Seventeenth and Dodge streets, recently old to th Brandel Interest, to aecura a loan of 22,000. mad by th national board of church erection to what wa tbn th Second Prebyterlan church. for th purpose of building J he present structure. Th five trustee who algned the mortgage died year ago, but the witnesses. B. E. B. Kennedy and Lawk Reed, are still alive. Torarr. 4 l-aaama. aa 4 J., ttoa. H.. 4 Granal . If . t Rrsr. I.. 4 tUtWIda. Ik.. 4 O'Nrlll ... 4 btnob.il, 4 4 11 t vit. lb... I t !1aaaa, 1 0 4 rWkr. ... Total., rralkte. t 4 I 1 14 ft It lRla4. .... 1 3atInm1 h-uller ... 1 4 . ' I Tout a ma I Cohb out for Interference. Hatted for Ktanag In the aeventh. Hatted for Coveleekie In the venth. Cleveland f 1 2 2 tS Detroit 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 t Two-base bits: Kavanagh. Crawford. Stolen base: Barhare Chapman, Oraney. Earned runs- Off Mitchell. 1: Mf fo- veleskle. I. Kacrlflc hit t oveleakbe. hac rlfl" fly: Veaih. Double nlays: Bar hare An Khlelda lo O'Neill; Chapman to oeral will be held Thursday at tbe lcn- Turner in si,-i.la. Ift on basrs: tlve residence. 14& Park avenue, and .1' "1 I "!' . "V on e-ro-. , levj. Man I ' leiroii. i. . " ' jCovrlesKlo. 2. off Mltrhell. t Mils: Off nis friends are lntlled. 1 - J-'-""'VW"-1--r-1: .y.a,. Cortland A glance at thi amart model and you'll b captivated by its ele Kanee. It's Dew. It'i beeoming. It's comfortable. You'll like it. Collars It. M81 tfc, Rsktr, TttT. I f. rf tats b ah lallseaa MeaMi 11 FOR MEW -ii FOR MEW 504-510 SO. 18th. AND Thos. Kilpatrlck & Co. IM7 Dougla Street UUUUUHM Mclntyre 1 Krug. If. Huelsman. rf. ... Thomason, cf. ... Schllebner. lb.' .. wnaien, sa E. Krueger. Ic ... Johnson, p. '. A . . . V 8 27 12 H. O. A. E. Totala S 7 37 IS 0 Batted for Krueger In the ninth. Lincoln ooooooei i t Omaha 1000000S 0-4 Three-baa ' tilts: Wllllnma. rarlotnn Two-beae hit: Wolf. Lloyd. Hit by pitched bail: Carleton. Double play: Krueger to Whalen to Schliebner. Bases ond balls. Off Johnson. 1; off Ehman, i. riruc out.: Jtiy jonnson, ; ty J;ninan, L Time: 1:40. Umpire: Van Sickle. Dr. D. F. Lee Dead . Of Heart Failure Dr. Daniel F. Lee. former county physi cian and assistant city physician, son of Michael Lee, died at 2:10 o'clock yester day afternoon bt heart failure at a local hospital. He wa first taken seriously 111 Sunday and was then taken to the hospital. Dr. Lee waa S7 year of age. He wa a graduate of Crelghton university, class of 'M, and of tbe Nebraska School of Medicine,' '02. lie wa well known In Omaha. Funeral service will be held Friday morning at S:30 o'clock at' th home of hi father, 2702 South Nineteenth street, and at o'clock at 8t Patrick's church. Interment will be In Holy Sepulchre cemetery.' . , -', His ' father and mother and. three) viviiici, lut.nv, a ir ur.u, - me George M., James P, and John A. Lee, all of Omaha. FHEElostaastky P. C Manila. 8 CawaaaV S31 TRuemTunuBoor Diamond Dec Official PtejbjEslsj FmO f Ascfa rW font j Coataino rule for Pitching; Curvet, Hfo historie and picture of baseball star, and 1915 Baae ball Catalogue of GldmitH'ra: iiaraixitecdj aQQDS OfHoial in Weston! Uagoa Get hit JOHNNY EVER 8 Glove modeled after the glove uaed by the (imoui Evers himself. Y on pull down the high ones. The ball tick. JTo. 10X taa laathar. l! Ko,a&Xloa. koraUA. sa old by Omaha BXCTXtTflTni ATX. Z.BTIO CfOOXtS TOSUB, WALTER G. CLARK CO., W lead ' in falrh irrad nvpUe for - BAB At BAIVJ TBVMIS AMD (WIT. SHass roods, lowest vrloe. best arvio. iW. Zlwooa. to. 1408 Harney alBh atusssll. T-Trs. Street. r J phh PhiKp Sousa The March King, toy: o "Tuxedo gives an Absolutely satis fying smoke, fragrant, mild, and pleasant" - ' ' o Ttciedo inThe Day's March All the vim, energy and en thusiasm you get out of a Sousa march you get out of the steady use of Tuxedo. Tuxedo is as cheering and inspiring as the "Stars and Stripes Forever." be cause Tuxedo is always refresh ing, beneficial and wholesome. To be pipe-happy is on a par with' being mind-happy. Then you can get the punch into life! ind it's certainly worth while. The short-line to pipe peace is via n . Tht Prfxt roce for Pip mnd Cgarmtt) Made by the. famous "Tuxedo Process," Tuxedo is the one tobacco in the world that will not bite your tongue, no matter how much you smoke of it The extra-choice Kentucky Burley leaf from which Tuxedo is made is acknowledged by experts to be the world s premier smoking tobacco leaf. This is why Tuxedo is so mild and mellow, so pleasantly aromatic, so deli cious in flavor. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE feevwabit, tlai wrappoo, Boastar gwaW pooch , . I Tim thmUom 40 ana 60c V TMf lllTBieiUVABlfU'A :5c Fasaon Ctmb Tin aj f with gold lettering, III curved to fit pocket VV a CUmHumltkm 50 mJ 90