SLAYS SWEEPING DOWN MOUNTAINS Immense Armies of Russia Swiftly More Toward Plains of Hungary. JOFTRE IS HAMMERING WEDGE LONDON, April 13. With the capture by the Russians of almost all the main chain of mountains, the bat tle of the Carpathians, which has lasted upward of eighty days, Is ap parently reaching a termination over one extensive front and the Russians are said to be moving at various points, by railways and roads and along the rivers and streams down the southern elopes toward the plains of Hungary. This movement, If it continues suc cessfully, will, In the view of the Russian military authorities, compel the retirement, with little or no fight ing, of the Austrians and Germans who are atill north of the Carpathi ans to the east of Uzsok pass in eastern Galicia and Bukowina. Prnlee for Slavs. The battle which ha been thua success fully conducted by the Russians was, from sll accounts, one of the fiercest of the war, and the manner in which the Russians overcame the difficulties of mountain fighting In midwinter has been the subject of praise by those who wit nessed the operations or are acquainted with the country traversed. The first phase of the battle of the Woevre also apparently has come to an end. and Interest now centers on the next move of General Joffre, the French com mander, in his effort to compel the Ger mane to release thrlr hold on St. Mlhlel and that part of the plain of the Woevre Included in their wedge. The capture of Lea Espargea was. In the opinion of British military critics, a long step in the direction desired by the allies, but they place even more im portance on the advance, from Regnlevlllo toward Thlacourt In the south, aa the lat ter town Is a railway center from which the force at St. Mlhlel draws Its supplies. Germans Reinforced. This battle has not as yet proved the prelude to a general offensive in the west, as was expected. This Is probably due to the fact that. Instead of moving troops from other points along the line to assist the army of the Woevre, the Germans have brought their reinforcements from the Interior of Germany, or perhaps right frim the eastern front, and consequently the situation remains comparatively quiet on the western front. The mystery of the North Sea firing on Wednesday night last remains unsolved, ao far as the general public public la con. cerned. FIRST PHOTO OF CHARLES SEYMOUR WHITMAN, jr., only son of the governor of the state of New York, 1 month old on Sunday last, ia the arms of his fond father. iYILLA BOMBARDMENT IS ON Northern Leader Begins Shelling Carranra Trenches Across from Brownsville. r ,-T . - - ! n t sr.' Seymour Lake Club Members at Smoker i A stag smoker for the smoking mem . bers of the Seymour Lake Country club was held at the College Inn Cafe, 216 ! South Eighteenth street, last night. . That the club Is about to open on the most promising season of lta existence was declared by the many loyal members who attended.: T. I Combs served as toastmaeter and called on the following men for brief remarks; John Beklns, president; George McDonald, H. C. Forster, . R. E. Sunder land, A. C. Kugel, T. G. Travis, Albert Cahn, W. J. Norman and G. W. Brewer, The affair was a Dutch treat and F. B. Snodgrass, proprietor of the cafe anl former officer of the Seymour Lake club, had a feast for the party that was do- cldedly "big stuff." Id southeast of Ma leery; on the from be. ween Maicery and Marcheville, and south of Hartmans - Weilerkopf. Everywhere they were repulsed. 'The French are reported to have thrown ir0 bombs upon the station and the foundry at Bruges, according to their own announcement. In reality nine bombs fell In the eastern suburbs of Bruges and two near Bruges itself without doing any damage. "German troops have thrown large Germans Display a Disdain for Death PARIS, April 12. There has been given but In Paris a description by an eye wit ness of the attempt made by the Germans on April 8 and to retake a small fort at Beausejour held by the French. - Two companies of volunteers led In this attack. They showed an absolute con tempt for death, but nevertheless they were stopped by the fire of the French artillery and infantry. . Only a few of them escaped. ' Child Takes Poison; Grief Over Spanking SALT LAKE CITY. April 11-Nellls Sprattling, years old, daughter of a farmer In Salt Lake City, killed herself with carbolic acid last night as a re suit of grief over punishment administered by her mother. The child quarreled with an older sister and was spanked for It ROUNDHOUSE FOREMAN RECEIVES FATAL INJURIES While crossing a railroad track near the west end of the Burlington yards at Ashland yesterday. Nona a. nargaaine round-house foreman, was struck by a r,.un switch enaine and received in Juries which resulted in his death In an Omaha nosoital late in the afternoon. Bnth leas were severed. tj.raniin wn 50 years old and had been In railroad service the greater part of his life. He had lived In Ashland since mi mnA lonvea a widow and two dauKh- ters there. One daughter lives In Bast- wood, N. T. WAR OFFICE REPORTS Kreack. PARIS. April ll-(Vla London)-The French war department official state ment given out this afternoon says: "Between the sea and the Alsne there Is nothing to leport except a few artil lery duels. "To the east of Berry Au Bsc we gained the possession of a German trench. "In the Argonne there were mining operations and engagements of bomb and grenade throwing between our own and the enemy's trenches. "Between the Meuse and the Moselle eur forces succeeded at several points in coming In contact with the wire entangle ments of the enemy's defenses." tirraaaa. BERI1N, April la. (By Wlrcl.-i to Payvllle.) The German Var office has given out a report on the progress of hos tilities dated April 13, which reads: "The French yesterday attacked near terry-Au-Bac and between the Meuse Si.d the Moselle; near Maicery. which Is ast of Verdun; near Marcheville. hkh (.- H . i . Sr , . ..vv.;ji:..W'-r. f WW. - sT I - n V ..! i 5 V 4 I . . v . , ft k- 1 i f" j. tf"jN' 1 iHSBr & A. A nil s". Sitfcj!Sts mTIIM iSHO esses? quantities of bombs Into Toperlnghe, razebrouke and Kossel, towns occupied by British troops. "At a point northeast of Sultpes the enemy again has made use of projectiles developing an asphyxiating gas. "There has been fighting day and night in the forest of Le Petre, In which the Germans slowly gained ground. "There has been no change on the east ern front." RIFLE BATTLE IN THE WOODS BROWNftVILLH, Tex.. April U -The long expected bombardment of Mala moroa. Mex.. by Villa artillery began to day and the direction of fire and com parative accuracy of the marksmanship j trought distinct relief from fears for the tafety of Brownsville. One three-Inch field piece opened the bombardment and later a second gun Joined In. About two doaen shells were fired up to noon. The cannon were hid den In the bushes about a mile and A half from the trenches west of Mata- moros. The first few shells were not high, some of them passing completely over Matemoros before exploding. One shell exploded near the American consulate. VMS net Ranae. The direction of the fire was such that. no matter how far the cannon overshot, the shells would not carry Into Browns ville. After a few nflnutes the Villa artil lerymen got the range, dropping several shells near the trenches. The cause of the cannonading was a sortie of about 1,WM Carrania cavalry men and Infantrymen who poured over the twelve foot embankment of the west ern entrenchments arid started toward Las Ruclas, the headquarters of General Jose Hodrlgues, commander of tho Villa forces, four miles distant. The Mexican end of the International bridge was closed and a tight censorship put on Matamoros. Apparently, however, the sortie was aimed at capturing some of the Villa cannon In the woods about half a mile west of the trenches. There was heavy firing In these woods. The rifle battle In the woods continued hot until an hour after the sortie. Then the Carrania forces retreated leisurely toward their trenches. Takes fltaael Brlda-e. Colonel A. P. Blockson, commanding the post here, stationed himself on the International bridge during the cannon ading. Cavalry patrols held spectators back out of danger. Before noon the Carrania troops had returned to their trenches and Villa cavalry had followed tl.em to within less than a mile of the defenses. The artillery fire had stopped except for an occasional shot. At the Matamoros end of the Interna tional bridge Carrania officers said the sortie had completely disorganised the Villa lines Investing Matamoros. It was announced that one Villa cannon was captured, also a train containing a large part of the Villa provisions and a conslderble number of prisoners, and that a few A Ilia wounded also had hern brought In. Permission to enter Matamoros and con firm the reports was refused. PLANS BEING DRAWNFOR NEW BRANDEIS GARAGE As soon as the First Presbyterian con gregation Is ready to abandon It- old cl-urch at ventcenth and Podge Micrta the Branded Interests, who recently pur chased that property, will ro ahead with the tearing down of the building ar1 the erection of a new garage for the Bran dels delivery cars. Tentative plans are being drawn for the new garage by .John Latenser, architect. The First Pre shy terlan hss not yet begun the construc tion of its new church edifice, but they expect to occupy quarters temxrarlly somewhere In the city until the new hurch an be completed, Refuse alarm. Pitcher Heinle Rrrgrr and Outfielder T'-ert Kltig have refused to sign the con tracts with reduced salaries tendered them hv the Nashville club of the South, ern league. Woman's Club to Havo Birthday The Woman s club will celebrate iU twenty-second birthday Friday evening April iX with a musical In the clul room. The program will be In charge o tho music department. On Arbor day : tree will be planted on the Lincoln high way under the direction of the conserva tion committee. VETERAN LETTER CARRIER FINDS RELIEF AFTER LONG SUFFERING S. F. Stevens Is Congratulated By Host of Friends on Regaining Health. Samuel F. Stevens, formerly chair man of the executive board of the Na tional Association of Letter Carriers, who has also served as president of thu Cincinnati and San Francisco branches, is being congratulated by his friends throughout the United States on hl.i complete recovery from rheumatism that caused him excrulcating pain ac frequent intervals for eight years. He is telling them that Akos, the wonderful California medicinal mineral discover ed by J. D. MacKenzic, president and manager of the Nut lira Company of San Francisco, cured him In one month. . He resides at 143 Hickory avenue. So grateful was he that he wrote the Nr tura Company as .follows: "That I am able to carry mail today is surely due to the groat curative pow ers of Akos. I had rheumatism for eight years and suffered excruciating pains all through my body. During one severe attack my weight dropped from 184 to 90 pounds and I was confined to my bed three months. In June, 1113, a similar attack started, and I had to quit work for more than a month. "Learing of Akox, I tried the Inter nal treatment and also used the Akox compound externally on my swollen joints, with the result that I was com pletely cured In one month. It la surely the greatest remedy I have ever found. I have no hesitancy In recommending I: warn 1st V-- ' r I - . v I, HSotMiorExaEilo PioBi Exchanged Pianos $2450 Herlich S 85 $275 Norwood $100 $300 Baua $135 $375 Steger & Sons.S150 $125 Emerson SZ00 $300 Arion $155 $450 Knabe $175 $275 SchmoUer' & Mueller $125 $450 Steger & Bona. $2 10 $350 Schilling $108 $300 Schmoller & Mueller $150 $500 Chickering & Sons , $125 $550 Hantaan . . . .$250 $1,000 Chickering & Sons Urand $200 $1,100 Steinway Grand $400 Freo Stool. Free Scarf Free Life Insurance With Every Piano Sold During This Sale. SOD DAYS FREE TRIAL To Any Responsible Family Wa tll the World's Beat Piano- tnd Player PJanot, including: inch great makes as Steinway, Weber, Hard man, Steger & Sons, Emerson, McFh&il, Lindeman & Sons, Schmoller & Mueller, and the complete line of Aeolian Pianola Pianos. New Upright Pianos of eataelUhtd reputation, wet toae and delightful action. Latest style walnut r Bahfraay eases. Tks sale srfoe...., $175 Sold on Small MontWy Payments New Player Pianos from the world's greKt manifactarers. Conpletoty eqaipped. The eqaal at awtaj leooplayrra abwi $9 AC IrVBrV Sold on Small MontWy Payments Complete Assortment of the Latest Styles of Victrolas and Columbia Grafonolas, also a fine line of Records and Supplies. SCIOLLER & MUELLER PIAUO GO. Oldest and Best Piano House In the Wast 1311-13 Farnan Street, Qnaha I1KVZL T. STBTBITS. because of the quick and effective re lief it gives, and also because It is In no way harmful or disagreeable." Thousands of others have alao writ ten the Natura Company regarding- the great relief afforded them by Akoc in cases of rheumatism, stomach trouble, catarrh, plies, ecsems, ulcers and other ailments. Akos is now being demonstrated and sold at Sherman aV McConnell's 16th and Dodge St. store. Vlalt, phone or writs the Akox man In charge for fur ther information regarding this advertisement. Shorter Skirts Call for the Smartest Footwear The present tyle of ladies' apparel have emphasized footwear as the most effective note in a woman's costume. "The well gowned woman who la fastidious in ber dress will find at this store all the styles that are now being worn In the largest Eastern cities. Today we illustrate one of the new dainty Pumps we show in patent calf or dull leather, at $fi)i0$.50 IT and WW. SHOE-G9 16 X& DOUGLAS. RECTAL SPECIALIST Dr. Tarry's mild ayatem of treatment cures Hilex, Klatulas and other Ttectal dlkeasra, 1" a xhort time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Kther or any other gt-neral anaratlietic used. A cure guarant-d in every rase accepted for li-lM'cnt. mid no money to be paid until cured. Writ for book on Kectal dta tases coutalulng teslimonlulB of ruinlnnt people who have becu iraiauenily curtl UK. TAlllti lie building OuiaJis, "Murder Upon ' "It Was the Captain's the Hi Seas Fault"' These expressions voice the conclusions of the pro-Allies and pro-German press on the destruction by German submarines of the non-combatant mer chant vessels Falaha and Aguila and the consequent death of more than one hundred of the passengers and crews. Read THE LITERARY DIGEST for April 10, and you will learn the trend of public opinion in this country as exprest by newspapers of all convictions, thus enabling you to pass fair judgment as to whether or not this incident is contrary to all the rules of civilized warfare. THESE STIRRING SUBJECTS CONCERN YOU Get all the facts in this week's issue Germany as a Land of Plenty Pampered Prisoners Political Mutterings in Russia Saving ML Vernon John Wesley as a Physician War's Effect on Catholicism French and English as the World Languages Persian Christians Massacred by Moslems The busiest of busy people can spare two hours weekly to read THE LITERARY DIGEST. Even in this short time, were they to read nothing else, they can learn more about all the subjects that concern mankind everywhere than could he who spends many hours in indiscriminate reading. Get the Issue for April 10th, NOW, from the News-dealer 10 Cents "ALL THE PERIODICALS IN ONE" lie jteisij Uigpt FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publiibcn of the Fimoui NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK