4 TJIH mil: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, ; AP-ttlJ- H, 1915. Acid in Stomach Soiirs the Food Says Excess of Hydrochloric Acid is Cause of Indigestion. A well-known authority stales that stomach trouble and Indigestion la nearly always du to aridity arlil atomarh and not. a mot folk be lieve, from a lack of digestive Juices. He state that an exresa. of hydrochloric acid hi the stomach retards dlRcMInn and starts food ferme illation, then om meals sour like garrtHKe in a ran. form ing arlrd fluids and gneea which Inflate the stmnaeh Ilka a toy balloon." Wa then Ret that heavy, lumpy feeling In the chest, ws eructate sour food, blech Ran, or have heartburn, flatulence, water brash, or nausea. He tells an to lay aside all digestive aids and Instead, get from any phar macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take ; i)H'Mfii1 1" a e water be fore breakfast while It is effcrresclns. and furthermore, to continue thl t r one week. While relief follows the first dose. It Is Important to neutralize the acidity, remove the gaa-maklnp mass, start the liver, stimulate the kid neys and thus promote a free flow of pure dl stive Juices. Jsd Salts is Inexpensive and Is made from the acid of Rrapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla and sodium phosphate. This harmless salts Is used hy thousands ' of people for stomach trouble with excellent results. Adver ttxement. J A, H. FREDERICK ARRESTED Newly Elected Head of St Louii Board Charged with Selling Fraudulent Deed. LONG PROMINENT IN MOUND CITT MKtflL 1$ UIAMUftl) Muitin Kxtraordinsjry values In Plamond Rings, laVtlltrm, Ear Screws, Bcarf Fins, L.IC m-l4Mt TM a at a 4 Hini. 1k aolM lt. Iftu Perfee. t.( tloa" aiouollr.f It a MooW IV Men Diamond RIDS. prong TaMR Mounting. Ik 7K out g"i IT M a stoats l Pendant, or Rf julaf Y Brae.Vet aa ba astlrah" Ue1. m wt- aa ta vnrn ca a anani, or u a rraular wawh. Mm sls IHIwt. ainail soaular iln. "ull la-Kbr J.!1 atrial nwnvnt. e'!Mt art, alt her vhlt or gl4 tal. Oaaranteaa M raara. Srxit ca v wuwiTC - " . . , -- ark link la ta-hahla. Wa bars rai the artea ta "a1 rock" and after tat laieat aae4al Wrlat "Valia Tarns i Sl.50 a Montk. t Opea sily till IMS. , Baturdars tUl Si30 i Call or write for Catalog; No. W3. I'hona I I'oualaa 1444 and our salesman will call mm T ATT OS At iflOIFTIS IL3CRos&ca;ra Credit Jewelers 40 Booth jath fit. uuaa. nwi Bnreass-sTaali Co. ps Good ' : ; To Yourself by keeping: in pood physical trim and you will bo the best friend to yourself and a pleas ure to others. Most sicknesses begin in the ordinary and minor ailments of the digestive organs, and for these ailments a ST. liOHS, April 11 An Indictment charging forrrry In the first degree was voted by the grand Jry today a-alnst A. H. Fraderlrk, president-elect of the first board of aldermnn chosen under the new rlty rharter. The minimum penalty for this offense la tea years Imprison ment. The arrest, which was mad at Ma home Isst night, became known today. The officers acted on Instructions of Circuit Attorney Harvey. The charges were taken up yesterday by the grand Jury, which continued today hearing; wtt nesseg who have had business dealings with Frederick. . The charges against Frederick are that he cave fraudulent deeds of trust In re turn for loans. The first case which It la understood wss related to the grand Jury concerned a fraudulent security which he gave to tha Mechanics National bank In mo. The question was brought to a climax last Friday, when Mrs. Anna Weln helmer, a widow, took to tha recorder's office for examination two deed of trust which she had bought from Frederick. The clerks In the recorder's office In formed Mrs. Welnhe1mr that tha deeds she held were probably fraudulent. A. H. Frederick long has been promi nent In the business and political Ufa of fit Louis. He waa director of the Louisiana Purchase exposition. Frederick wss elected In the republican landslide last Tuesday. His majority was a.flOf). He left St. Louis for Milwaukee on election day. A day or two later rumors th he would resign began to circulate. FrediTich returned here In a state of collapse and was taken to a hospital. Last night he was removed to his home and police were stationed about the hnuae. Last night he issued a signed statement aylng his affairs wera la auch a condi tion that he did not know where he stood, but that he expected to pay every dollar of Indebtedness. In this statement ha said he would not serve as president of the board of aldermen. It was learned today that the grand Jury yesterday waa shown a resignation signed by Frederick and given to officials of the night and day bank, one of tha Institutions .said to have loaned him money. It was learned that Frederick, fourteen hours before the election polls opened, gave this resignation to tha of ficials of the bank and that the under standing waa that If h would not resign voluntarily when the new board of alder men organised, the bank officials would present hla resignation. Murder Minor Fault of Mexican Revolutions, Says Rev. Father Kelley riTTHBl.'ROH, Ta. April U.-Iiev. Francis C. Kelley of Chicago, pres ident of the Catholic Church Exten sion society, today blscussed "Mexico and. the American Church" before an Im portant gathering of clergymen here. The occasion waa the dedication of the Synod hall and chancery buildings of the diocese of Pittsburgh. Dr. Kelley said that Present dsy dif ficulties In Mexico were largely because of three serious questions the right of conscience, land and' education. 'Mexico, ha aaid, had been without anything like freedom of conscience for over fifty years. Church property had been con fiscated to the state of Juares and had never been returned. Religious schools were closed and orders of teachers dis banded. No outward manifestation of religion waa permitted, even distinctive dress of clergymen being prohibited In the streets. In the large cities schools were supplied by the state, but outside such communities Mexico practically has no schools. The state has never been able to supply them and tha church waa not allowed to do ao. "The church haa avoided .Interference in political affairs." said Pr. Kelley, -and churchmen are notoriously timid even sbout their own defense. The church accepted Juares, Diss and Madero. . It will accept whatever legitimate ruler comes out of the present chaoa. '"The story of the present revolution In Mexico Is far worse thsn the story ef the first revolution In France. It Is hor rible In the extreme. Murder has been one of Its minor faults, relatively speak ing. Though attempta were made to deny outrages against tha sisters, they are now admitted, but the worst of the story haa never been told. One hundred and fifty sisters onca left Mexico City for Vera Crux during the American occupa tion. The train arrived empty. They were taken off by xthe revolutionists on the way. "If the United State Is to be tba friend and alster of Mexico, to tha advantage of both, our cltlaens must rid themselves of a multitude of Inherited prejudices and substitute a spirit of understanding for a spirit of greed." ALLIES INCREASE PEESSUEE UPON WESTERN FE0NT (Continued from Page One.) M, P. Loses $40,000 Year on Crete Line (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April tf.-Speclal That Ita Crete branch la losing 140,000 a year la tha plea made by the Missouri Paclflo in an anawer filed with tha Bute Rail way commission today to tha eomnlalrvt requesting additional passenger, service on that branch. Tha branch runs from Crete to Tal- mage, a distance of fifty-nine miles. The complaint waa tiled aeveral days ago In the shape of a petition signed by patrons along tha branch In question. An attempted dlvlralon of this chuacter is revealed by the Russian communication which reported a futile Austrian attack In tha direction of the try. Apparently this Is designed to turn tha left flank of tha Russian army and . so threaten all lines of communication north and south ahlch supply tha Russians fighting in tha Beskld range of tha Carpathians. North tea Battle Not Cooflraaed. Reports ef a battle In tha North Sea which have com from so many different sources apparently are mythical The reported Oerman declaration that British offloera had been imprisoned In the military detention barracks !n re taliation for "tha refusal of the British to accord the aame treatment to crews of Oerman submarines as to other prion- era, la expected to place additional labor op the ahoulders of American diplomats. Their good offices probably will be re quested In this connection. According to a message from Amsterdam, tho German foreign minister has presented a note to Ambassador Gerard protesting against Great Britain's course and asking Mr. Gerard to arrange a personal Investiga tion by a "member of the staff of the American embassy In London. BURLESON LAYS OFF FIGHT PICTURE QUESTION WASHINGTON, April II Inqulrtea as to whether newspapers oontainlng prlxe fight pictures would be barred' from tha mails, caused Postmaster General Burle son to announce today that such papers would be accepted for transmission, bat that the department waa without authority to pass upon this question of whether depositing the papers In tho mall would be in violation of the act of 1912. This act, quoted Mr. Burleson's state ment, makes It unlawful to mall, trans port In Interstate - commerce or . import "films or 'other pictorial representation of any prise fight or encounter of pugilists, which Is designed to be used or may be used for purposes of publlo exhibition.". have become the most popular remedy, because they are so afe, so certain, and prompt In their . beneficial action. They tone the stomach, stim ulate the liver, regulate the howels. Bv cleansing the system and purifying blood they prove that the they Are the Best CI Good Friends Lew Sale ef Aay Meattclae ta the WerU. laManrrvUa, la aosaa, 10s. Me. Mayor Madgett Takes Office at Hastings HASTINGS. Neb., April W.-(Kpecla1 Telegram.) William Madgett was In augurated mayor of Hastings tonight, succeeding C. O. Ingraham. Five of the leading appointive officials. Including Water and Light Commissioner Cloyd re signed today. Nearly all Important city offices will be filled by appointment of the sew mayor. R. S. BRAUNER. STANTON FARMER. KILLS HIMSELF STANTON, Neb., April U-Speolal Telegram.) R. 8. Brauner, a farmer liv ing four miles north of Ptanton, shot and killed himself with a 2 caliber revolver at t:30 o'clock last night. He leaves a widow and nine children. He waa In poor health and at different . times suggested killing himself ' unless ha could quit drinking. Tha coroner held an Inquest this morning and returned a verdict of suicide, New Pwstsaaaler for 1'naHlo. h, AV;OCA, Neb.. April 18.-(Sp,m)-Mas Ada DuBols. who haa .been assisting In the Unadllla poetoffice for some time, haa received her appointment as post mistress at that plaoa. Bho haa filed her bond and as goon aa thla hag been ap proved and her commission arrives she will aasumo her office. Miss Butt, the former" postmistress, resigned on account of 111 health. I iTrlal Quarts end Leather J ' Covered Flask f . FAIRBURY PRESBYTERIANS ' LAY CHURCH CORNERSTONE FAIRBITRT. Neb., April l.-Bpeclal.)-The Presbyterians of Fairbury laid the cornerstone and dedicated their lew 915, 000 church building Monday afternoon. The male quartet of tha church furnished muslo for the dedication. Rov, i. T. Parker of tha Baptist church opened the ceremonies by a prayer. A. V. Pease then gave an Interesting history of the Presbyterian church. In Kalrbury (or tho lsst thirty-five years. The old Preshy. tertan church waa erected In 1880 and prior to that time tha Preabyterlana and Baptists of thts city worshipped together. Rev. S. J. Megaw, pastor of the Pres byterian church here, gave the contents of tho box for the cornerstone. He was followed by Rev. M. r. Toung, pastor of tho First Presbyterian church In Lin coln, who laid the rorneratone and gave the main address. The cornerstone waa brought from Qulncy, Maaa, and donated to tha churvh by Messrs Moon and Pett'.t of thie city, handsomely engraved. Rev. R. N. Or 111 then gave an address on "Oreettngs from the Local Churches." 8. M. Dallty followed with a talk on "Greetings from the Cltixens of Fair, bury. . The new Presbyterian church will be completed tho latter part of June. It will bo equipped with a costly pipe organ. Finest Whiskey I Lowest Price Wa ar aot aaa ta let too toy Fa t-Btar Whtakar at Oar lamae. it a a para. huMal whua., ul aal H'bi . " aaror fiui. u. b4m tl.. auui .UmIii kuwa Suva Wa indtioa a 4jmt raa Iraal fjwmt Fela 3-Star Whiskey Batpsaal swat at taaWi.s wkahaaia stma; r QT.r-n jri.45 Measure 0 t Measure 2 rXMTFSS CMAKCtS PKtRAiO IfKMw.tir.gj fret, fcavrwianggn, hand. gMthdaV Mat filled Miita tana . fl au- W ia- I nasi afUaWT: tuy vf ewr buttery uaj fcaawia m, .f-iivj1aV tattaiMstw kr ah) wr aM ut ih f Mora ..Jui-i). Wa ara aa II ' ' Mnw t ;. .1 I . ti .... "t a- fg , -t mm 1 m ilake Teething Easy for Baby use tlrs. Yibb.y's ScclLT:gS)TL'j A SPLENDID REGULATOR trail YICTTAOE-IIOT rjL2CTl3 NEBRASKA CITY PRESBYTERY BEGINS DAY SESSIONS TBCUMSEH. Neb.. AprU 11 (Special Telegram. The Presbytery of Nebraska City district began Its aeaalon today. After spending a half hour In devotion led by Rev. H..C Condltt of Auburn, the regular routine of business waa taken up. Rev. A. K. P"ry of Nebraska City and Rev. R. V. Caughey of Lincoln and Elder C. K. Anderson of Table Rock and Elder Joseph) Newell of Alexandria wer elected commlasionera to tha next general assembly at Rochester, N, T. lnaplratlouai address were delivered by Dr. R. C. Weeternberg of Minneapolis. Minn., representative of tha church's Iwerd of temperance. Rev. Mr. Caughey of Iincoln on "Homo Missions," Dr. H. M. Long of Lincoln on evangelism. At the popular evening meeting- Rev. II. C. Rodgera, D. IX. of Kane City spoke oa tho subject -Tha General Need of Thla Uenereiloav" fall t.lvea Pmalnr. EDUAR. Neb., April 13.-8peclal)-The congregation of the Church of Christ of Edgar Sunday extended a' call to Rev. Mr. W hite of Ulue Hill. DEATH RECORD. 1 Peter Bender. CORNLKA, Neb., April lS.-(Special) Peter litndcr. who died . last Friday at Cornlea. was burled In the Humphrey cemetery yestcrdsy. Mr. Bender came to Nebraska from Henry. 111., In 1886 and settled on a farm near Cornlea, where ha accumulated large holdings of real and personal property. Ho waa K! year old an1 leavea a widow and a family of eleven living children.- Mr. Bender be came heavily Interested In. the building up of the town of Cornlea and Is largely responsible for Its existence. In former years as waa a member of the Platte county democracy. He waa a member of (he lodge of Herman Boebne. Wood men ot the World, Ancient Order United norsratn ana Aiooern Woodmen ot America lodges and left SM09 Insurance to his widow. James U. ( oleaua. GENEVA, Neb.. April lt-(8jeclal.)- James II. Coleman died Sunday t the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Coleman, about seven miles noKhw..i r Geneva, and waa buried In the Geneva cemetery today. A daughter, Annie, waa buried last Sunday. Another son Is very low. Mr. Coleman was a member of tha police force In Lincoln. , THAT JAR OF MUSTEROLE ON THE BATH-ROOM SHELF On Colts Losa , BUST Gravdlaaj Coats- trUUTIiKK. KebL. AprU U. 6pil Tho eounty mimmlMtow rooervwd.Mds ea oooaty grading lor tha yea 115 from John WttlaaUwirg af Subuyler. Cunie a. Jttty of CM umbo. Pholaa-JUitrtoT com pany af Ornate and Ckshloetar Bros, of eta-lbeass. Tar? aiiau tho bid ol Cur tis Jk Ltoty. Tbs board ousuVemuUtas mov ing aaaout ULn yards r dirt right Haa Relieve! Vmin for Every in tnt rainily. Wliea little Suale had tha croup: when Johnny got hla feet wet and caught cold; when father aprained hla knee; when Granny's rheumatism bothered her That jar of MC8TKROLB was there to give relief and comfort MUSTKHOLE la a clean, white olnt. ment. made with oil of mustard. It will not blister like a mustard plaster. Quick relief or Bore Throat. Bron. chltla. Tonsllitio. Croup, stiff Neck. Aathma. Neuralgia. Headache. Conges tion. Pleurisy, Rheumatism. Lumbago. Pains and Arhea or the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Phil, blains. Frosted Feet. Colds on the Cheat tit often prevents Pneumonia). Nothing like MVSTtROLK for croupy children. At your druggist's, la lie and 60a jars, and a special largo hospital sis for lit Be aura you get the genuine MU8 TEHOUt Refuse Imitations get wbal yon ask for. The Mu.terole Company. Cleveland. Ohio. HYMENEAL ihafrotnataeo'kaen. ' J Miss Lena Jacobsen of Boelus, Neb., daughter of Jorgen Jacobsen, and Mr. Walter E. Hhofroth of Mondamln, la., ware married by Rev. Charles W. Bav Idga at hla residence Monday evening at o'clock. They were accompanied by Mlsa Mary Murray. MANN DIES AT RAPID CITY Stockman of Nebraska Meets Death Suddenly aa He it About to Retire. PIOIfEEE OF DAWES COUNTY RAPID CITT, a P., April U.-(Special Telesram V-The death of Charlee Mann of Chadron. here attending the Western South Dakota Stockmen s association, has cast gloom over representatives of the South Omaha stock yards, to many of whome he had been known for many years. an n died suddenly of heart failure at the Harney hotel ' as. he was about ' to retire last evening. He was a pioneer In northwestern Nebraska, having settled In Dawes county before Chadron waa estab lished.' Returning from Belle Fourche, where the party spent yesterday with commls sion men. he spent today hers talking conditions 'to many ranchers who have come in fro rathe surrounding country. While there are fewer cattle In tho country than In daya of open range, there are Indications that farmers are stocking up, and prospects for future shipments are brighter than for several years past, when drought has cleared western South Dakota not only of cattle, but of crops. In Irrigation and raising of alfalfa and corn, commission men see prosperity re turning to the farmer and the boom to their market.' Tha South Omaha men express gratitude to tha Black Hills shippers for their loy alty and admit this district haa had much to do with 'building up tha market they represent. At the annual meeting of the atock rrven's asuoclation tho old board officers and executive committee wera elected, with tho' addition of John R. Brennan, agent at Pino Ridge agency, to tho list Secretary Stewart's report shows a bal ance of 11,500 in the treasury and that of 113.836 cattle shipped from western South Dakota during 1914, 34.S8S went ta South Omaha, la slightly greater than the num ber that waa received at Stoux City. Entrays recorded at South Omaha num bered 27, valued at $3.8S3.13. The party left for Chadron this morn ing and will continue tho boosting tour through Wyoming and Montana. Ilaatlaars Tractor Meet Pat Off. HASTINGS. Neb., April U-Speclal Telegram ) The oil tractor meet planned for thla year has been postponed till next year. A fund of H500 will be raised' fof tho enterprise. r-' "f'?afanwetaa,ffaa)wpai" iafwvgaifaaprafftvi rtt'ajl,lttt'llr'eec,TiT'T"n"eh1"eJ rTanaiani In 'f'Virnt;''r!'t! lilhaH...il,,M4..litatuilnfUiib.'IMU ttmti frit- m AboutHairSoaps Men and women who select with discriminating- taste their tooth soap, shaving soap or toilet soap, allow their barber or hair dres&r to put upon their heads any old soap that will make a lather. I know one Hotel Barber Shop that uses melted up scrap soap from the truest rooms. Others use laun dry soap or cheap toilet soap. Many of the manu factured soap shampoos contain poisonous wood alcohol or denatured alcohol. Now, It's pretty well Known that when Lee puts out anything;, it's right My Shampoo is right. I have studied soaps for several years, and especial ly hair soaps and their effect on the hair and scalp. I am no mere Imitator. I have made and tested over five hundred kinds and know. Soaps cause more hair and scalp troubles than any other thing, and it's all because of the soaky nature of most lather or suds. Ordin ary soap is oue-half lye. If it soaks into the scalp pores and hair fibre it leaves much half dried soap there after the water dries out. This soap In contact with animal matter, gradually breaks down, releasing the lye, and In a week or a month there is brittle, breaky or falling hair, dandruff. Itching head sores and other scalp troubles. The hair is always more or less stiff or sticky. Lee's Shampoo Is a neutral vegetable oil, alcohol, glycerine soapi emerald green, beautifully transparent and pleasantly perfumed. It is a five minute cleaner and a ten minute dryer for man, little longer for women. It Is pure and antiseptic, non-soaky, cleans every foreign thing from the hair and leaves no soap la the hair, which dries soft and silky. We guarantee complete satisfaction. Bottle of 10 Shampoos 23cts. At your druggist 's or postpaid. Sample Shampoo for 4 cts., covering poetsge. GEO. H. LEE CHEMICAL CO. lUt!IWilWUIimi.UlllilUUMII:IklWm 'mmraiii Omaha, Nebr. l:iiiki!ii!liikiiil.iiiiilLiiiiiiilLi .uiiillUiuiuliluMiiilliiiiLliiii MESSAGE OMAHA NEAL INSTITUTE, 1502 South Tenth Street, Omaha, Neb. I heard you got two of my friends yesterday. That's all right, I have some more that you won't get. (Signed) JOHN BARLEYCORN. Swap Anything in the 'Swapper's Column -0 Wednesday, April 14, 1915- mm. m a k Ip -, - w a asm win far 1 . . - m -UURGESS-XASH STORK NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY are Occiiirr wmmmmmk r ' - si inns : aiiaiaiiiMaaasaM PHONE D. 187 gjjj ' Kill nice That will make shopping Wednesday ,-....11 li i 1 A 1 1 a. c&peuiany aiiracxive ana worm wnne SILK FROCKS, $16.75 That Are the Usual $25 to $30 Values FOR dressy daytime and evening par tics. Ultra-modish to the minutest - detail they are copies from recently arrived Paris models and you will find here just the style of frock that is particularly hecoming to you; in just-the color you wish, and at surprisingly low prices, .. . ' STRIKINGLY SMART SUITS Just Received From New York -Some Are Specially Priced f "RVTITJ ATi rmnrlrofl now enifo froari fmm J our New York makers have heen un packed within the past few days. They are the latest interpretations of tha mode, "and exceptionally smart and becoming. All types of suits are numbered among the new ar rivals "Dressy Suits;" tailored suits, belt ed "sport" types and utility suits. Price range, $16.75 to $85.00. ' HAND-TAILORED SUITS SPECIAL VALUE, $25.00 The best collection of suits we have ever shown at the price. There are serge suits in the popular belted and pocketed modes "dressy" suits in poplin and wool Bedford cord Kemi-tailbred suits in serge with whit hair line stripe and new check models. Skirta are in the plaited and popular gored types. Xavy, gray, tan and Belgian blue. For women and misses. ' UNUSUAL VALUES IN SUITS AT $16.75 A group of stylish suits in serges and poplins, in the much wanted belted styles and in the new demi-tailored, fancier types as welL In blue, navy, Belgian blue, tan, gray and checks. Exceptional values. I Basgaas. sTaaV Oa. laeoaa floor. i -1. S f I - vc i " f Puff 5pEi' I;-' ' jfilVg m. . $$X&iM&' s'?fe fcg3fSf iililSl mm I I - - , Basgaaa sTaa Co aeoaa Tloor. J I fc. ? f f 4 1 H J h