Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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"Tiz" for Aching,
Sore, Tired Feet
"HZ" for tender, puffed-up,
burning, calloused feet
and corns.
Afcl Boy. jfO
"TIZ" la Am f M
r . .
Commisiioa thinks It Did Well in
Getting: Fife of Six things Rc
mmekded Made tid. '
People mho are forced to stand on
their fwt all day know what sore, ten-
der, sweaty, burning; feet mean. Thcv
. use "TIZ" and "TIZ- cures their feet
right up. It keeps feet In perfect con
I dltlon. "TIZ" la the only remedy in tht-
world that draws out all the poisonous
I exudations which puff up the feet and
I cause tender, sore, tired, aching feet.
It Instantly stops the pain In corns,
I callouses and bunions. It s simply
laborious. Ah! how comfortable ' your
jfet feel after uotng "TIZ." You'll never
, limp or draw up your face In pa'.n.
Your shoes won t tighten and hurt your
( feet
I Qet a 26 cent box of "TIZ" now from
ny druggist, department or general
utora. Just think! a whole year's foot
comfort for only 23 cents.
f By -Prod not "
is the perfect fuel
for Spring as well
as Winter use.
It kindles quickly
and can readily be
regulated for a light
or heavy fire, as de
sired. By trying a ton or
so now, you can test
its virtues under vary
ing conditions and
thus be enabled rto
compare it with the
fuel you have been
There was never a
fuel that had 6o many
features of excellence
-it is free from smoke,
clinkers, soot and offen
sive odors and has very
little ash.
It effectively takes the
place, of hard coal and is
20 -cheaper.
Hundreds of satisfied
fuel users are finding this
out every month. VUL
CAN consumers never
return to anthracite.
iPrum a Staff Correspondent) '
l.INTOIAV Neov. April 18-Ppeclal.-Mcmbers
of the Plat ehoo Lw Re
vision commlssfon ar not dnwnraat over
the amount of SthrfHI 'lelU(lon thslthfy
got through the' teglMMur. "
They assert that five' out of alx of th
Important recommendatlnnt' of the eom
mllon were enacted into lat-. The
l ulky II. F. 107, 'containing" the. rcvfcldn.
as salvaged rVr Ita Important recom
mendations and these went Ihroilgll en-
aiately. What ak last wag unimportant
and designed largely Correal I V.1
The tM MrtiaU;. ' ,
The one measure ', Important that
was lost was the bill providing for the.
non-partisan appointment of rbutAjr til
perlntendcnts. Membfts. attrlnfjtellt de
feat to an attempt , made, not so muotl
to have this official elected on g npn
partisan ticket as to .hay.' Mm ariJ6!Ma
by a board of five chosen hy the Various
school boards of the eountf: "Tnr farmer
might have gone through, f h latter hoi
no chance.
The meaaurei or Importing thai aid
go through were five In humber. 1 Flri.
the county unit bill, which wa muoh
amended from It .original form, but
which, according to one metWbrT of In
commission, does that . . which 1 It. was
originally designed, to do. namely, to dl
tribute .railroad - tines equally -throughout
the districts 6f the western counties.
A 14a the West'.' '
The bill' for -the reapjwrttorttueiU . 6f
state school moneys aide the western part
of the atate; the bill for cong'olldA tad' rui
ral achoola, providing atate aid ot frwn
HBO to $300. According to the. number At
; rooms, Is designed for the .benefit, of th
; smaller districted eastern part 6f ' th
state. The bill for the more effective or
ganization .of rural high achoola with
j state aid on the same plan la designed
(for the central c6uritles. The vocational
training bill antielpates national, aid -and
lets all children over a certain Sge. re
gardless of ether requirements, efi'oy th
i benefits of these cduree. ,. - j ? ...
. Pradaeed" hi "
Vi! Product KIg. Co., Jolict.lll.
Exclusive Domestic Salea Agents.
.'.twilr-Makemsoa Coal ft Coke Co.
KoCormlek Blag Chicago.
Order Today
Nebraska Fuel Co.
C. Bl.iij
To cuttotntr only, ,
I I nrrrn rruu.Dnun I-W'li1
- UWIIIW il. LMLT fill
9 ml 11 " "'in A- V y t
Expft Chart Paid
IT Too bare gmr tried Baynar Wkbkey,
tejrtt nam. Mull as thiaad with DO cant
la stamps or coin mod wa will aend Ton
full quart bottla of Hayutr frivaU
Stock BoMtd-Jn-Bvnd Wliiaksy in awlsd
caw-upratw charges paid. If mBoltird--Bmd
win. key of Uis fin rat kind
saalad wfthUic U.8. Oovarnmcnt'iUrMI
Stamp aver thm cork fully agod. full
MM proof, full naigrr-f U. plwia
rvo ia avsry way. You tak M chaaeaa
w ara m of tha UrgMt Diatiiiars la)
ABMrica bea ia buina 48 yaara
capital t600.uuOUfO. Ordrr right w
orda mort than ana quart if yoo like
goada will go forward by first upraaa.
OrdM from K M., Cote.. Wr.. Moot.,
fnd all HiUi WM thn..r vuat md' for
KJW Um mma JuV-bnN sua.
Adctrnt or nearest
trrW. 0. WMkiastoa. D. C. L Uak. kU.
fates. 0. tWMM. Haaa. Kmmm tit?. SU.
VriaffwU, OkM. I4isli, tea.
I b, raBH . aacajaaauia. via.
j North Platte tpan
j Bids Are AH Rejected
(From fltaff COrreapondent.r ''"'
I LINCOLN. April. lS,-(PpUl.)-On the
advice of the attorney .gen,era,l, f6U6.
Ing the refusal of the Canton flrldeeon1
;pany of Canton. O.', to sign the cOptrgiil
awarded to it- low bidder en the North
, Ttatte bridge, . Sjf te Engineer,, Johnaott
has rejected all old bids and . advertised
' f or ne w ones. ' r . i ,
i The refusal, of irifr Canton toniihvto
; sign after It had aecured tha oontrsd was
j due. according; to; ipornpany, 0 th
Ifaot that the aUte ref uied o re to
protect It on rtt .flatenu,.. The; bridge' la
I to-be of concrete.'. jh contract prle tor
! which the canton' company, offered -'t
I build the bridge--wa Ktrrtr--'
I The bridge la to be f on . .heYI".fncln
Highway, where- Ijt croaaea . ttt tlatta
river near N6rth. Platte. .
! GRAND ISLANt), Neb.Apll li'.-ispi-
j clal.) It Is ' ahtlouriccd ; h) ' that the
I American .ueet.eugar campjiny ;wl0 .re
build the local beet augar. factor. The
j announcement Vaa made at d'bvct"t Of
; li.e company to !U iefii fM, rfgplir em7
pioyes, among wttom were several who
have been connected with the eomptny
for over twenty 'e4ra."'ifwaa at oiie
time feared that' the local" pUnt. fiV ac
count of , the mrgdual reductldil , if tha
tariff contained In "the present tariff UW
, would eliminate ; t6rs hiVtufl6ti ,fr6hi
(Grand IslamVa Industrie.. The e and
; the prospects th foUr. lrg i. ugar
j producing countries of that.oontlnant Avlll
I not be-able 'to meetthrlr forjnr p-duc-I
tlon for several ears, ha ehahged the
; outlook materially.- Other speaker and
'invited gucslJ at Wie""nana.tfel"we Bic'
1 retary Connei tf( the Cottimerctal- club
and Mayor ltya'nt , " ",' ' ' ,'
j , (,;.- i. '.I'S-u:::.:.;
GBAXn UUND.-N.b: AllMl-lllulln.
cial Telegram-) estate Fire ommlasVi)Vi' j
Rldgley was la the I city 'today afij 'oon-
demned five 0I4 buildings. Ul the Ayslnes
section or tha city. . Three are near tM
public library and one at the rear, of av
hospital. In no case waaUua .condemna
tion a hardship on the ownara and general
approval U expraaaed ' ovr the .Con
demnation.. Other, btilldtngs xr e' placed
on the doubtfulMit.
The condemned buildings ajeja.flrat
viewed by the mayor. Thief ot police And
secretary of tha Commeiolal flub, -it tha
solicitation of the aommlaatanee. - -
(From a' etaff COrreapondept.) '
LIN OLN. April 13. Special tele
gramsWalter Combs," "charged wllh
complicity In the shooting tf oPllcl Oftl
cer Frank Rock laft Novembei'i pleiafit
guilty in district court I hi iftemdon and
was given a sontenca of from one to ten
yearn. Combs was one 6f ' ' gang ef
toughs who had; befn. committing bur
guarles around Lincoln for a year Or
mora Three other men Tom Clrr, Ar
thur Carter arid Frank Censn, merhb'ers
of the gang are. already serving terms In
the penitentiary.
- -
HARTINOf. Neb.. April K. Cgpi .iaj
Telegram.) The Hastings oheo! will
hold a May fete at CliautaUqua frk Via
and 7. with Miss Katharine koHl as
May queen. - . . t . .
Tt.- taart f Laf Keaori. :
Arouitd-tha. atoa - of tha rroaa foada
grocery la tha real rourt f lat tUort
tor It finally over-rules all (hers. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy his berrt
brought before this court la almost avery
troaa roads grocery la this country, and
haa alwaya received a favorable -verdict.
It la In the country whera man aspects
to receive full value for his money that
thia remedy la most appreciated. Obtgla
able a very w hare. .
Plaintiffs, Lawyers
and Witnesses Die
" During Litigation
- ASHLAND. Neb.; April U-(Specll.-In
the rasa of William B. I.ucaa. et el.,
against the Ashland Light. Mill ant
rower company. Involving the rlghta of
the defendant company to maintain and
Operate a dam across Wahoo rreeJt, one
mile north of Ashland, from which la
derived the power' to operate the lighting
and' water ayeterfia of the city and on
which testimony has been taken at Wahoo
and arguments heard before Judge J. B.
Rfcper of Pawnee. City of Lincoln during
the last three weeJcs, a remarkable con
fidence .la the large number of deaths
that have occurred since Its beginning 1
among thorn connected with this case.
The suit was first docketed In the fall
term of the Saunders county district
court for 1907 at tVahfa. since whlcti time
nine persons related to the case have
died. Of the plaintiffs. William B. Lucas,
William Pickering and George A. Per
Irth; of attorney- for the defense, H.
Illkfson and George w; Klmpeon ot
Wahoo and Judg J. (. Smith of Lincoln,
and of the witnesses, g.'R. Hay ward of
Ashland. P. J. HaH of Memphis and Fred
Bberhardt of Wahoo, are, all deceaaed.
.The stilt has been to the atate su
preme court nc7 when the plain-
tiffs, farmers . along Wahoo creek,
who claim ; their lands annually
overflowed because of the mill dam,
sought an Injunction to prevent the de
fendant company- from maintaining the
dam. This ws 1 denied, but the Court
ruled that plalntlffa might maintain
actlona for damages.' The rights of the
defendant company have been the sub
ject of litigation annually since ires.
The latest suit arises from the allega
tion of the plaintiffs that tha mill dam
has been raised two feat higher than de
fendant should1 be allowed to maintain
It. a decision on which Is expected this
week. ' '
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BKATRICE. Neb.. April U-IFpeclal l
Mayor Adam McMullen and the new city
Council of Wymore were Inducted Into
office Monday evening. One of Mayor
McMuIlen'a first official acts was to or
der all card tables out or the cigar
stores and pool halls or Wymore. In sd
dressing the council he stated that the
people had voted the town "dry' and he
ptcposed to see thst the law was en
forced relstlve to the ssle or giving awsy
or Intoxicating liquors.
Ira L. Ryan, a pioneer of this city and
for many years engaged In the furniture
business here, died Monday evening aged
years. The body will be taken ta
Spring field. 111., Wednesday for Inter-
John U Clark and Mrs. Mary t-arabca,
both of Haddam. Kan., were married
Monday In thla city hy Rev. B. F. Gait
her of the Methodist church. Ther will
make their home at Virginia.
Preliminary steps were taken Monday
evening for organising the Oage County
Testing association. Owners of more
than V dairy cows have already agreed
to become members. It Is the Intention
t havw an expert keep an accurate check
on the. milk producers to determine
whether they are a Paying proposition.
Tha expert mill be paid by the Oage
county association, and he will devote
about two weeks esch month In gather
ing the necessary data.
Stato Normal Board
Holds a Meeting
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, April U-(8peclal.)-The
State Normal board met at the state
bouse. The morning was spent by tha
board In signing vouchers that have ac
cumulated since the last meeting.
This afternoon the board took up the
regular routine work, and of the appor
tioning the proceeds of the . of the
1-mlll levy among the four normal schools
of the state.
Tho house attempted to make this
division Itself, specifying the amounts to
go to the various schools. The senate,
however, rejected this plan and made the
appropt latlon a blanket one. The amount
that the levy will raise Is estimated at
about ITfiO.OdO. The levy test time raised
$722,000. However, the natural Increase
In tha assessment rolls will probably
bring It up to the higher figure.
All membera of the board were present.
innumng j. ri. v ieie or iNonoiK, A. 1. 1
Cavineee of Falrbury, T. J. Majors of
Peru. J. R, Gettya of University Place, '
Dan Morris of Kearney, State Treasurer
Hall and State Superintendent Thomas.
RUBELS The Store
That Gives a
f " 1 1 .'..-1 f nj
With Every Outfit
of Furniture
ova iw TtB am rum cam.
: HASTINGS. Nafc, April lJfSpenlal
Telegram.) John T. Cullvan today filed
a motion In district - rourt asking that
Attorney Daniel J.- Johnston of Omaha
cited for contempt of court for having
photographed the Indian cryptogram of
fered In evrdenea In the John O'Connor
will case. The' ."cryptogram ia said to
throw some light on the mysterious life
of O'Connor. Tho court Is aaked for an
order compelling tha photographer to de
liver tne negatives. .
Bryan Defender
Fined in Court
Faneral of F.Iaaer Heftier.
GENEVA, NabC April !. (Special.)
James Elmer Hetfley,. aged 34 years, eld
est son of Mr. .Emma White of Sebasto-
pol. Cat. was burled from the Methodist
church In Geneva- Monday at 3 o'clock,
tha Rar. Mr. -'Austin officiating. Mr.
Hetfley was born near Shlckley, Neb..
but for several years has been at Thomp
son Falls, Mont: employed by the Elec
trlo Power company, where on April 7
he was shot In resisting- a holdup.. He
was a member of'ths Knight or Pythias'
lodge at Og0en,-,t'th. and waa cared for
by , brother kr.lihls,at Thompson Falls
anl the general lodge took charge of the
funeral here, lll.lcavea a mother and
younger brother In California. A brother,
Ilarr; Heffleyjof Drlnkwater, Cal.; a
sister, Mr. Cleva ifafer of Genera,
I . il.'',...
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN', Neb.. April M.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) J. II. Allen, who says ha will
succeed James Malnne aa chief of police
of Uncoln In the event of the election of
Chsrles W. Bryan to the city commission
and a loading democratic politician, was
In the police court this afternoon charged
with disturbing the peace at the Llndcll
Landlord R. W. Johnstone waa the"
complaining witness. It developed that
Allen has been In tha habit of puncturing
the atmosphere around tho lobby of the
hotel defending Mr. Bryan. Mr. John
atone asked him to desist, snd when he
refused a .lollce officer was called.
Allen wns fined 110 and costs and an
peoled to the district court.
Damage Case Appealed.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) .
LTNCOT.N. April IS. (Special.) The
case or Andrew P. Johnson against the
Charles W. Glndele company waa ap
pealed to the supreme court today from
Ioug1as county. The plaintiff sued for
I2S.O00 for Injuries received while In the
employ of the defendant company. Tho
verdict was for the defendant and the
plaintiff appeals.
Sl'PERTOR, Neb.. April U (Special
Telegram.) The do- forces of Superior
hope to continue Superior as a dry town
In spite of the thlrty-sjx majority for the
wets Inst Tuesday. The question win sub
mitted on a "for license" or "against li
cense" placed at the head of the ticket,
and their attorney holds the ssme ss the
Kearney attorneys do, that no specific It
cense was stipulated, and the election Is
Invalid, and that alt they will have to do
Is to serve an Injunction on the council
and It will be tip to them to call another
election or not.
Pry- , v , .wfrt
J !
II II: : r, I ,1 ll l'l !'H ill f'ill J
1 mm a f
Eyiif mm 1
ri rilKLai
Everybody is talking about "the store that
fives a Brass Bed Free with every home outfit." It's a
most imnerous offer and every nimi. n.-r lhiK u Home Outfit art
iniim to arreH, tne ncfl with
our compliments. 0 store In
OmaJut will give yon so much
for yonr money and so many
extras. Get price here before
Spring Medicine
Hood's Sarsaparllla. tha Oraat
Purifier, the Beat.
Spring sickness comes In some de
gree to every man, woman and chlhl
In our climate.
T Is that run-down condition of the
system that results from Impure, Im
poverished, devitalised blood.
It Is marked by loss of appetite and
that tired feeling, and In many casui
by some form of eruption.
The best wsy to treat spring sickness
Is to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. This
old reliable family medicine- purifies,
enriches and revitalises the blood. It
I an all-the-year-round alterative ami
tonic, and la abaolutely the best Sprint;
Get your -blood In good condition at
once now. Delay may b dangerous.
Ask your druggist for Hood's Sarsapa
rllla. and Insist on having It, for noth
ing else can take It place. Advertisement.
riio nra Bed ia
t e 11 aosciuieiy
KRKK with any
liui-t hane of f 73 or
over whether for
rnsh or on monthly
Solid oak, genu-f
ln leather seats, ft
Tbe biggest values for the
money In Omaha; prices ab
solutely the lowest. Many
different designs, all the
new features. Big bargains
to .
rtra special at p&ffP-
$-69 l9-
f'jmmnwm r-"mm'nm --(
Well made, neat
appearing Dresxer,
solid oak, French
bevel mirror, two
top drawers, one
of several big spe
cial bargains
on sale.
1513-1515 Howard Street
Between 15th and 16th Sts
.'.a . . v
The Light Six
As It Will Be
' Sl'" " ' ' " ay- Vivaaya-'ai f SSgJSllari 4f &f
7-Paenger Phaeton
3-Passen.rer Roadster
"4H T
vve duv
To Compare with
the Hudson
..We buy about every new model which seems good
enough for others to buy. We take them apart. We
compare their road service with Hudson. Hudson
engineers know the good things developed anywhere.
Any feature we omit is left out for good reason.
Each car has some unique featui
differences on which to base claims.
Out practically all those features hare
been refused or discarded, or bettered
In Hudson cars.
- Even Extra Weight
"Extra weight is featured as a virtue
In some Light Sixes.
.The truth is that every needless
pound is expense. You pay for It
daily in fuel and tires. An. extra of
4 SO pounds is the weight of three
adults, to be carried constantly.
Hudson weighs 2870 pounds. It Is
the lightest of Its type. But lightness
requires skillful designing, coutly ma
terials, aluminum, special steels, etc.
- It also require time. Four -years
were spent in attaining the refine
. men t you see In this Hudson. Those
sre the real reasons why other Light
Sixes are heavier than Hudsons.
Is Hudson Right?
'Nearly every; motor car buyer seek
lightness today. He Is weary of over
,tax.. And he wants all the lightness
be Can get without sacrificing strength.
The Hudson gives you that.
It is known to be right because
Howard E. Coffin designed it. And
because every part is built to Hudson
It Is known to be right because over
12,000 owners have tested this car.
They have driven it at least 80 million
miles. Not a fault has been found In
it, not a weakness or shortcoming.
You will find in this Hudson your
ideal car. It is handsome, luxurious,
and finely-finished. Every detail shows
the final touch. It is the pioneer of its
type, the lightest, the most improved.
It Is the only Light Six which has been
so well tried out.
This Hudson will be your first
choice. Don't watt to prove this. This
spring, as last spring, there Is sure to
be a vast over-demand for this car.
7-Pasaenger Phaeton or 8-Pasaengnr
Itoadster, 91550, f. o. b. Detroit.
HUDSON MOTOR CAR C0.,Dtroit, Mich.
The Hudson service which goes with
Hudson cars will surprise you in its ex
tent and completeness. Let us explain it.
. 4Ml
2563-67 Farnam St., Guy L. Smith.
Mi ii Film
-Sobn K. Peterson.
Clariafla Msle Mfg. 'a.
Cornea Staff. Wllltani Rop.r
Oaalas W. a. Ohauncey.
Varrlgat Tha Farragut Automobile Co.
ataclaa... ootn Implement Co.
ataraolia Chsa. F. 1'utnarn.
Halyers Kayton.
Oak r-etty Aitomor.ll Co.
aiaaey. Charles Monaon.
aiLnaBaoak....J. K. Htirkler.
Me. Taller foot A- Mann
: . KaaASKA
A We Maahek iiros.
Afucrtea i-rad t-htenkamp.
Batus Creek... D. U Beet.
aeaiviaa v. D. AnUr.w Auto Co.
Baiiae4 Peter Powera I'owera Oarag-
D. 11 Schall.
aiaar. .t O. A. Rathmann.
r4ir Ik T Jade n.
Central City .. . P. F. Hall.
Crelgbtoa P. C. Handox.
raUa City Kenton Hros.
Oeaoa. . ...... ' U. Ilarrla A Hon.
Oraad Island... Mr. K. A. Brandes.
tlncola ,ortl Aulo Co.
Castle . . . I'urry Bros.
Xswmaa Orov. Newman drove Auto Co.
Ogallala Jay Hulllngsworth.
CUT. . . Wherry Bros.
atte Center. . Plait Center Auto Co., Ine
VlaUamguth ... P. T. Becker.
t. raul V. E. Uly.
ohnylar Douglas Orntelueaohen.
Soott's aUnff . . . A. T. t'rawford.
paidlng F. J. O lUra.
S wanton a,. Mr. W. K. l.aitnchlaser.
Tecomaeh The Klet-her Auto Co.
VerdoB W. F. Vearli.
Waltoa Ale F Francke.
Callaway Geo. Hprnuae.
Soatk Oauki., H.jlmea A Adklna
Ask the Woman Vho Drives
One woman who drives a Hupmobile,
spoke for all others when she said:
"I feel when I am driving the Hup
mobile as though I were a part
of the car or as though it were
a part ot me.
She meant, of course, that the Hupmobile
responded immediately to every impulse or
direction she gave it.
She meant that it is always as easily and complete
ly under her control as her own movements.
She meant that she always feels safe and sure
and secure, because she always knows exactly
what the Hupmobile will do under any and all
A woman knows, for instance, that the Hup
mobile motor will not stall and because it
can not, therefore it's safest.
She knows the turning radius of the Hupmobile is
remarkably small for a car of its length. That makes
it easy to handle.
With a wheelbase of 119 inches, the Hupmobile will circle
ia a 40-foot street.
The motor is so flexible that she gets along with a minimum
of gear shifting.
The steering is so easy that a child can guide the car
almost without effort.
The driving seat is made with a scientific regard for her
comfortwith a high, restful back, and the seat
cushion tilted at precisely the right angle.
She gives no thought to emergencies which might require
repairs, because she knows that repairs are so few and
far between that they can safely be forgotten.
The Hupmobile is always a source of pleasure to the
woman who drives or the woman who rides.
That's why In every Hupmobile home there's a woman
who is a Hupmobile enthusiast.
Let us give the Hupmobile merit-test at your convenience.
W.L Huffman Auto Co."
Distributors for Nebraska, So. Dakota
. and Western Iowa.
-. Tasraar Car ar iiar
T sea. Tear Car . $1226
RVl I u.
For R.esiiltijE
Bee Want Ado.