Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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AI'lilL 11.
.. v i
Conference - Committee Fixes
Sum in Bill at Total of
fFrom Staff Orrr rn1f nt)
UNCOLN. April 11. .peclaJ.-Tlie
maJatenanc bill, which ia the main
proposition on which both branches of
tha legislature hitched, was finally re
ported out this tiwmlnf, both committees
conceding considerable In order to grt toe-ether.
Tha house approprlatlona called
for a total of CKI.P1. while the senate
raised tha amount to H817.720. The con
ference committee agreed on UlSS.toO.
Thla ahowa that tha senate ralved tha
houaa bill, but tha eonferenc com
mittee cut that amount I47.90). Tha fig
uraa on tha whole bill In each depart
ment arc as followa: 1
House Peniite Final
Total. Totai. Total.
Governor '......$ S. I I.MO t 1M0
re. of state... s.a 7.0m
Auditor .1M iaif
Treasurer 7, A .
lwd eom'r I.nno !." !."
Mat eupt. HO.Otio II V0
Attrney.-;n.. Is.w M.6M l.'
Pupmw court. 4.) fc,o 1
nr. eommlxeion VM ,"
B rj of control. tWM) .. J,!S.4f
Nat'l Ouard.... TK.oro 7,.Vtt
Ind board.... 4 w . ' 4f.,o
Banking board. J.0nO t.m
Imuiranr b rd. .ujO 1, J2.
Irrigation board i
and Engineer T.SVO 8,OX ' Si.OOO
board J ono I fxn I.OO)
Prtei hoard ... I. 1 . I.SM
R'rd of health. , .K a.rt
I.rv atock b d. SS.OA) 40.WS 11,509
Gun and flah
eommuurion .. Sfl.KW 81. (W 30. ona
Tabor bureau.. 10,w .
Printing oonVn. 2, 8. .7'
Ftata library... W UM U.W)
library comn. 1S.3W in,:
Hirtortoal woe.. .! .ia i.wnfl
PuMie welfare. . a.UKO t,0 6.004
Bl ekv en-
forrement t,Sol
Poaltrr aea-B.. S.04O 4,000 ' t.WO
Hnrttculturai .
Bnrloty ....... COW I. M0 I.K0
Board of Ag
riculture 4 WW ' .( 4.X
Com Improve.. 2,0 2,000 J,0uO
association .. . S.000 . 4.400 1.600
fttate fair re-
palra .......... ...... t 7. MO
O. A. R. 1.220 . M20 t
(wfmor'f lot. ...... "
Arnold Martin. WO sno snn
Minimum win l.OuO ' '
Board ef Medr-
ation ..-... ., 1.0W fcM
Foreatratlon ... X.rij ,
Ltl advert v. tot MO ana
Hotel com in' n.. ...... k,M ' 4 ,0O)
Senate ampi'a Z.UM
.I3.4HI.MO t2.al7.730 H,TB,lO0
Provisions Made
By Salaries Bill
tFVorn a Staff Correspondent)
UXCOLN. April ll.-8pectl.)-Th sal
ariee' bill, the swoond on In importance
cf the appropriation bills, makes the fol
lowing appropriation foev the different
departments, the total amounting to tO0,
. 24S. The Hat la aa follows:
Governor's office. ....... .$ K.OtO
', Secretary of atat 1.i0
Auditor 29.4X0
mate .treaeurer
Land cornmlnlonr .....,...;..
Suporlntendent pubho Inetsuctlna,.
Attorney general....- ............
Hupreme court iv.. v. .
litrk-t Judaea and stenographers'.'
railway commiMtoa.. 4.nk
I'-vard of Control II.dmi
Nebraska National Guard t.'
Hanking department. w . H.
Insurance Ivoard .14.0m)
Hottrd of Irrigation. ..'.....I 1I.4M)
Hoard of iuahutlon i 10
Hoard of Charities and Correction. . 10,w
Hi.ard of Health 1S,AI)
)dv Sto k Sanitary board
. (fame and flnh t;tm
' Nuraau of labor , 4.v
Hurvau of printing 2.0O
I "ale library c-omintssloa.,..
' Hlatorlcal BOcl-t
1 Hotel eoinraisaloa 7,(M)
t Total - Sm,Sm
Douglas Members
Want Bill Killed
Front a Staff Correspondent.)
UKCOLN, AprU It (8pecUl.)-Rep.
I tesentatlv Dick Hunter called on tha
gverar thla afternoon to ask ' htm to
, vet H. R. 43, a bill to compel Justices
of the peace la Douglas county to turn
ever alt feea above 11,000 to the county.
The bill waa Introduced by Rrpreaenta
I live Palmer of the aame county, but did
not receive the amendments wblct the
Douglas county members desired and
1 Talmer attempted to bav lbs aenat kill
toe Mil. but arrived there toe late As
Palmer bad gone home, he left the mat
ter with Mr. Hunter, wb will endeavor
, to eoavlace the goveraer that the bill
should die.
Forty-five property ew tiers living within
,the dUrtnct covered by the Field Club
District Improvement club, have atgned
an agreement to Install a special lighting-
system for their neighborhood, each
to pay bla proportionate share of the es
pens. H Is contemplated to erect ornamental
poles 1M fort apart and to uae alxty
i candle power Madxa tights with fourteen
inch white glvbea.
The are to be Hinted extenda from
Thirty-serend to Thlrtr-elxth atreete.
Tbe promoters believe their community
will be the beet lighted residence section
of the city. Work wUl be started wHhln
a few weeks.
WeJd II Bolln waa a n eeded a verdict
of I4.M&CT damage from Henry C. GUsa
man. Bo tin alleged that CUsemen sold
Mm tgbarcular rattle.
T Raise Bread Price.
LONDON. April II-1 1 baa been decided
oy ine nuilri iwners to ail verve the
I rice of bread next Monday t 17 reals
ler ejuextern loaf. A quartrrn loaf la aoeut
lour pounds.
Bteaeeive OwMsilM.
SANTA KE. N. M. April n.-4)overnor
W. O. McLoiu.M today tasued proa-
, naatlua removing tl.e New alexlx quar
antiiM from live slack end eummodittee
looming trum Txas. Arlxona a ad Cuio
reda, effw-uv Aprtl Ik.
Jk fr Rild City Man. '
WASHINGTON. AprU ltWllliam H.
Tompkins of Rapid City, H. I)., waa ap
luinlcd receiver of public moneys la Ute
Uiid offW at Rapid Hy.
T. B. Rlne. father of City Attonev Rine.
Trwtnred fsuea r reuaont I spend tbe day
SEN, in command of the
Prince Eitel Friederich be
fore it was interned in an
American port.
1 .. ;;, ,: . .k
French Battleship
Bombards Turkish
Camp Near Gaza
PARIS. AprU 41,-Tha marine minlatry
laaued the following atatement today:
Teaterday a battlahln. In connection
with tha French aea plane, bombarded
the. Important Turklnh encampment In
the neighborhood of Gaxa." .,
Tha bombardment o 'Oata marka tha
davalopmant of hoatllltlca In a new quar
tan Oaia la In Southern Palestine, near
tha Egyptian border. The city Ilea two
mile Inland from the Mediterranean and
forty-eight milee aouthweat of Jeruaalenv
Tho Turkic emampment near thla. city
may have been eetabllehed In connection
with the advance of Turklih troops across
Sinai peninsula to the Sues canal.
Bethlehem Steel
' Makes Further Kise
Tweny-Five Points
NEW YORK, April U,-Another spec
tacutar rise In Bethlehem Steel, which
sold tip to IHDVj in the first hour of to
day's business, a gnln of 16Vj points over
yeeterday'a . close, attracted early atten
tion on today's stork market. Wall
street still Inclined to the belief that
the movement, without parallel In the
recent history of the exchange, la pri
marily due to the persistent opposition of
the short Interest, together with the
small amount of stock available for spec
ulative purposes.
During the mid -session Bethlehem Steel
aapended to ltt'4. from which It reacted
moderately, Sales of Bethlehem Steel up
to I o'clock exceeded 30,000 shares. .
Three Men Drown
When Mail Boat is
Crushed hy Ice Floes
BATF1KLJ. Wis., April lt-Threa men
were drowned and twi others narrowly
eacaped death In tha waters of Che
quamagon Bay last night, when tha
United states Main boat between thla city
and La Polnte was crushed by lc floes.
The dead are Nels Clsen. sr.; Clarence
Wright Charles Russell. AU lived at
W. S. Johnson and Russel Angus were
rescued after a fierce battle with Ice and
Four email boats were smashed to
splinters by the Ice before rescuers
reached tb men.
Head of Saints' Church
Making Slow Recovery
lAMONI. la.. April U.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Elder W. A. McDowell of Wis
consin a Misted by bla son. Prof. F. W,
McDowell, occur led the pulpit for the
morning preaching service of the Satins'
conference here. The morning's tele
gram from President F. M. Smith, who
is 111 In his home in Worcester, Maaa.
aaya he was able to sit up to bed for a
few minutes yesterday for tbe first tint.
I spile of thla apparently slow recovery,
the hundreds of ministers and delegates
here assembled still hope for his presence
among them before the Important matters
which are stilt being discussed
earnestly in the varloua quorum shall
have come before the body for final dls
It was decided to publish Plbla nor
mat course f study and Profs. Samuel
A. Burgeaa. Floyd M. McDowell and J
A. Ounsolley were appointed a committee
to prepare It. Holmes J. Davidson of
Nova Sci tla. Ralph W, Farrell of Boston
and A, E. Stone of Klrtland. O., were
ordered ordaliwd to the high office of
hlgt priest The question of thooatng
successor to tha late president of th
church will com up for dismissal tomor
row afternoon. B. S. Impktn was the
evening speaker.
BEATRICE. Neb., April 11 (Special
TeleKram.) William Tales and Margaret
Mlddlemlss. both of MsrysvtHe, Kan.
were married here thla evening by Rev,
B. F. Oaltherl They drove here In their
touring car
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad
ran be rented quickly and cheaply by
Be "For Rent" Ad.
DeiMkrtaaeat Or ere.
WAAIIINUTON. AprU U.- Special Tel
egram. M. r. i)ye was appululed pos
aiasler at run. herldan county. -W
aili'K. vice Mre. O. T. Hall, reaisajed.
TUe tuUewkig veterinary uiapeotors
have beon appulnted In connection wit
the bureau of animal Industry: w.
flake ef Weld count jr. Colorado, at South
OmaJia: 1. VY. Crvne o( Nurth Plaft.
Nb.. at Chicago; K. K, Woolrlng of Tal-
im, reo., ai tuirtfo w. a. vteitner
of MoorrfMld. Netk. at Mason City. 1
J. C. Turpea of c'urtia. Neb., at Kansas
City. Kan.; B. II. Hwun of fcouih Omaha
at ttouta Omaha, and Maaun A. Harp ef
Mumlry. Mb.. at Mkux tails, a. l.
Tbe Merrhants Nattunal bank of Omaha
and Us Slock Yards Natlutiai Lank
South Omaha have ben approved aa re
serve agents lor the Cltiaeaa NaUeneJ
bank of Mocook, Neb.
'BAD man; fleeing
Paroled Conrict, Dathin; for Lib
erty from Tekamah Battile,
8omnden "Alire." .
TEKAMAH, Neb.. April 12 (Spe
cial Telegram.) Dert Rlckert. pa
roled convict from the state peniten
tiary, who escaped from the county
Jail Sunday night, was surrounded
by a posse late tonight in a swamp
near the Missouri river and captured.
Eapeet Death Rattle.
Rlckert did not make good his
threat, uttered when last arrested,
that he would never again be taken
alive. He yielded without a fight.
Sheriff Rann Btanfleld and his
posse, made up of -men from Teka
mah and nearby towns, expected a
battle to the death, and when once
they had their victim surrounded,
proceeded cautiously.
City Marshal Sackett first spied
Rlckert. He covered him with a re
volver and told him to come out.
Rickert came with his hands up.
Arreeted oa Barglarr karae.
Rlckert, with Bryan Folk, broke Into
a clothing store. It la alleged, aome time
ego, and ahortly after watt arreated at
the home of bis stepfather, living near
Arizona, this county.
He broke jail Sunday night about 7:30.
Another prlnontr went for aome coal, and
aa F. M. Btanfleld. father of Sheriff
Ktanfleld, unlocked the jail door to let
him In, Dert Klckert gave a quick Jerk
on the door, throwing Stanfleld down,
and made good his escape.
Give t Jew OTerala-fct.
The aherltf and marshal, with a num
ber of deputies, were soon on the trail,
but, night coming on, disbanded. Tha
hunt was resumed this morning and con
tinued till be was taken tonight
Rlckert eervod time in the state in
dustrial school at Kearney, also at the
state penitentiary, from which Institution
he Is on parole at the preaent time. He
on'-e eacaped from the Industrial achool
but waa retaken.
Prize Court Delays
Cases Involving
American Cargoes
I)NTON, April 11. flitting In the prlsa
court today Sir Samuel T. Evans, Judge of
the court, denied Immediate trial to the
Norwegian steamers Frldland, Kim. Al
fred Nobel and BJoretJerne-BJomsnn. anb.
fixed tha hearing of th eases for June 7.
The court room waa crowded with attor
neys representing the ship owners and
American firms having goods on board
the vessels, which have been held since
November last American packers had
nearly . $S,000,Ooe worth of provision on
these vessel ' ' '
Th lawyer pleaded for an Immediate
trial, nrgmg that the ahlp owner "would
be bankrupted by the - continued , delay,
cut the conrt actea ' oa tne pie- or- the
crown -towel for further time ta In'
vestigte.--. -.r r
German Subseas
Torpedo Three More
, Of Allies' Vessels
LONDON, April U. German submarine
have again been allowing activity and.
besides tb Harpalyce, whloh, according
to one member of Its crew and tb of
ficers of another steamer wee torpedoed,
they have attacked sine Saturday night
th British liner Wayfarer, tha Frenoh
steamer Frederic Frank and the little
steamer President. Th Wayfarer
reached Queenstown In a sinking condi
tion: tb Frederic Frank waa towed Into
Plymouth and th President waa still
afloat when It crew of ten left it.
FALMOUTH, England, April lt-The
collier Newlyn ha landed here IN men
from tha steamer Wayfarer, which was
torpedoed by a Oermaa Submarine off the
Scllly Islands.
Germans Resume
Attack on Ossowetz
LONDON, April 11-Th following semi
official ststemant from Petrograd last
night la contained In a dispatch to tbe
Reuter Telegram company:
"Oasewets waa bombarded throughout
the day Sunday by eight-Inch howitser.
The artillery of the forts replied, se
riously damaging on of th enemy's
siege batteries. The Germans turned
forty fir rafts a gains, th forts, but
thy wer sunk.
"In the region of Jedwabno. there was
active fighting in the tranche, during
which bomb throwers wer used."
CHETENNE. Wya. April ll-Speclal.)
-E. B. Parkhurst, Ml cf Durham. Wvo..
waa Instantly killed at 06 o'clock yes
terday morning when t'nlon Pacific east
bound Pacific Limited No. struck I
traction engine which be was driving
across the tracks at Durham, fifteen
Ilea eaat of this city. Henry Eckstrum
oc nne Biurrs. who was oa the tractor
with Parkhurst. Jumped aa Instant be
fore the collision and escaped injury. No
person on No. W was Injured and th
locomotive of th train was not suffi
ciently damaged to put ll out of com
mission. Many passenger on the train
did not realise that an accidept had oc
curred, although the Impact with the
tractor, which weighed five tons, was
terrific, and the massive machine waa
completely wrecked.
Th strain of lifting barrels filled with
heavy pipe fittings proved too much for
Bert Scott. 14 North Twenty-first street,
driver tor E. W. Oehrke Transfer com
pany, and he fell In a fatnt en the plat
form of the Burlington freight station,
suffering from aa Internal hemorrhage.
Scott we loading th barrels at the time.
He was taken to th Lord Lister hospital,
where hla road It to Is enaaldered ertou
AjpaiUneat. flat, wouses and cottage
eaa be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Be "For Real" a.
Families of Soldiers Get Big-gr Pay
Than in Peace and Conflict is
Deemed Divinely Arranged.
PETROOrtAD (via London), April
13. The opinion was expressed to
day by Pierre L. Mark, Russian rnin
inter of finance, that, economically
considered, the war has been a bless
ing to the people of this country.
Discussing the financial and social
aspects of the conflict In an Inter
view with the Associated Press, M.
Mark said:
"Notwithstanding the depressing
and paralyzing effect of the war, tbe
Russian peasant class Is more pros
perous than at any previous time In
the history of the country. It is not
difficult to account for this unusual
prosperity. By virtue of the allow
ance made by the government to the
families of soldiers, which exceeds
the earning power of the soldiers, the
total Income of these families Is
greater than In times of peace. Thus
the people are beginning to regard
the war as a peculiar sort of godsend
which Is putting money Into their
"It Is not necessary to invent
theories to explain why the Russian
people should be more prosperous,
for the actual fact la that this pros
perity Is everywhere noticeable. Be
fore the war the average yearly sav
ings deposited amounted to from
thirty to forty million rubles ($15,
000,000 to $20,000,000), while In the
month of January alone about sixty
million rubles, was
Attorney for Miss
Tanzer Indicted on
Conspiracy Charge
NEW YORK, April 27. David Maxwell
Blade of the law firm of Blade St Blade,
attorneys for Rae Tanxer, in th breach
of promise ault brought hgsJnst James
W. Osborne, was Indicted by th federal
grand Jury today on ehargea of con
spiracy. Two Indictments wer returned
against each. The first chargesonsplraey
to obstruct Justice, while the other
charge conspiracy to wrongfully Influ
ence the testimony of Witness.
Later the grand Jury returned and In
dictment aharglng th us of th mails
to defraud agalnat Ra Tanaer herself.
There were nine counts in this Indict
ment. Albert.!-. AlcCuilough.. a.detecuv...em-
ployed by Sl'ide ft Sladei- -waa also Iv
dlcted. The indictment galn. hirVar
Identical to those returned ssainet th
two Sladss. f , . .-.' . .
Dr. Dan Lee, SS years old, eldest son of
Michael Leo died t t o'clock at 8t.'
Catherine's hospital, following a brief'
Illness. He resided at 2701 South Nine
teenth street. ' .' ' ' - -'-V
Dr. Le was well' known,-bla family hair
ing lived ' here ' many years. He served
aa county physician a Tew years' ago and
for a while waa assfetant city physician.
The doctor attended Crelghton university
and waa on the foot' ball team of that
Institution. '
Hsvt Rslsr Bawel BtTaaent.
Take Dr. icing's New Life Pills and
have a dally easy movement ef th
bowels. Cures Constipation. Only S5c
All druggists. Advertisement
Tbe Be Want Ads Are Best Business
Booster. . .
Conditio of Iowa, Bamks.
WASHINGTON. Aurll Lt-lSDactal T.I.
egram.) The abstract of the condition of
tne national banks or Iowa, exclusive of
reserve cltiea, at the close of business
on March 4, as reported to th comp
troller of the currency, ahowa reserve
held at MIS per rent: loans and dia.
counts. tl2.786,4V2: gold coin. 12.031.ufi6
lawful money reaerve. as E37
1),417.16. .
W. Charles Sundblad
asrxiLax. aanrr.
Statt Bank Bldj., Omaha
Crin for RreT HiiTX
UUli Ui!, 48 for
each aliZUnil niU there-
after far tha .itUiee yea
1 rid, la clurii for I
I iif t rehiritnf, I
Waiting Tim at s
ef SLSO mt Mom.
I Ta'c 4ng etrei" 1
I Telcphoae Doug. 90.
V OiTiih Tixl Ssrvlca Go.
k. 2104 Farmaaa fit. S
100 New Suit Styles
Received Monday and Tuesday
Including maiiy new. models in silk, gabardine, serge and
wool poplins..
All At Popular Prices
$19.50 to $39.50
No Extra Charge for Alterations.
A Silk Sale
That Urines Values of the Most
Unusual Kind All This Week
$1.25 Silk and Wool Poplin - 89c
$1.75 SUk and Wool Canton Crepe - $1.10
We make this Sweeping statement advisedly.
We make it because we have the goods, 40 to 42
inches wide, and so silky in texture and with such a
high luster that you would almost doubt the ex
istence of wool. The newest and snappiest spring
and summer colors now displayed in our show win.
dow. See them and get samples at silk counter. On
sale all this week.
Children's Rompers
and Wash Suits
Children's Rompers, white
and co)ors, long or short
sleeves, high or low neck,
gingham, percale, madras,
seersucker; sizes 2 to 6
. 50c,65e,85c,$l,$1.25,$1.50
Boys' Wash Suits, Russian
or Oliver Twist styles,
plain blue or light waist
'.with "dark pants;, sizes 2
to 5 years; pricest
$1.35, $1.50 to $4.50
Infants' Creeping Rompers
Button across the bottom,
white and colors; sizes:
6 mo., 1 and 2 years
-50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 to $2.50
With the coming of warm
day the little folks will want
to mavke the: most out of out
door life, and . to dress, them
right at moderate price we,
have brought together this'
great .stock for your approval,
. and selection v, . .
cnaildxesi'g Section Third Tloor.
An Observation
r o a
ftulldlac lai
Silrlr area.
caas et
lack of uchalul
krowlls oa lh
af las aoatrM
It's SotlAia la
rour sorkt la amptoj
Sl part 4 aalral auinn.
km nek I aa abia la
raaosr. Call phone ar wrlia.
Msaitier Aawiicaa laatttats
a KMalrtoal aaslaars.
ISO. W. O. W. Bldg.
Phone Bonsrlaa 6037.
. . 'in?
APPLE 8 t0 4 feet 10f Not
f"ttt 4 to 5 feet 15f Ixm
TREES B to S feet "Ot Than
100 Concord Grapes $3.50 9i
1,000 Catalpa Speclos 8 Order.
Cash "With Order.' Bent. Prepaid.
1S0I Paroam Street, Omaha. Neb.
'The B" Want Ada At. Z-t Buaxitca.
wM. vL
Po ait a T (
We like to subject SORDSItS SHOES
to the critical inspection of trained eyes"
eyes keen to detect flaws in form, color,
7 he more aentitive and accurate your discrim
inatiottf the more you will appreciate SOROSIS
art, .
All hoe$ are' not alike, except to the tuperficial
There is a vast difference in their "lines," di-
tinguishable only to the finely trained eye.
SOROSIS SHOES are exquisite in every detail
It is not the name SOROSIS, but the beauty of
the shoes themselves that makes them so popu-
lar in every city thai cherishes fashion ...
$4.00 to $7.00 a ! pair.
A Lounging Room for Uomcn
- Club Ocom for Hen and Uomcn
The Bank Account j
It cduratea your children.
it maJiee you Inaepenaeot.
It prvtecta your family in enter
It givrs you standing In the com
munity. It la the first step toward aue-
It Is a valuable aid- In enterprise.
Jf you do not have a Savings ac
count let us ouggeat that you
start one with ua Immediately.
i Interest paid on deposits.
24 th and M Streets
H. C BOSTWICK, Prawldeot
F. R. GETTY, CttaMer.
ttaii sea-, ls-aa-aoe
vg. IMMS-ft
ardeU rroseat
Johnle Weber so,
l. London Delles JT.
by long odds, the moat fun In town.
Johnle 'Weber and hla funny ylL
beauty Chorua ef KeeJ Hellea.
Xadiea' Dine Bfatlaee Bvery Week Day.
Sua. wk.; Blf. al bft Batar A Boa Tons
M . . raea Scag
raoas Scag. 4M
AiTascsi Tease-
trUle. Daily Mat.
le. sTlgBt, OilS.
rxaor AM a: jack Wllooa.
glaaarS Uaoaataaa's Kiaaa
of l rsrool. alarla Kll
ithna. Mm Hoaas rioriT. Kroaiaa Urolhora,
.ovbauas. Ba'Sor . Urvasaa Tra-al WMIf.
1. Mllo aallonr. lac. boot aoals louoat
Saiurda- aa Saaoafi. . Ulsaia, lee. aW. two
an 4 7M.
oa ef rinsMUl i
Today aad Tharaday
William Elliott
"When Wi Wert Twenty-Cat"
at ooawta'a atacrlng Taaicla.
The Store for
For. Wednesday.
10 New Styles of Crepe
de Chine B lo u s e s,
priced at - $5.95
Wbit, tan, gray, ptwh
blue; these are new arrivals.
for Summer
Women's Gauze Vests,
low neck, no sleeves, or
low neck, short sleeves
- - - 20c
Women's Lisle Vests,
hand crochet tops
50c, 65c, 75c and up
Women's Fine Ribbed
Gauze Union Suits, fit
ted or wide knee, all
sizes ----- 60c
--. asoo
vag-, 6Qo te sai Mat Beat, $1.
The uiokla' attutteal Oomedy snooess
i!iG!i jirms
paar of go.
Bveaiag, fioo to $ai atat Soe to 91M.
OnrtalB, sf atlnee, S 30 1 BTeslatf, gaM.
sTazt gnsu, afoa.
and Wed. aright.
Pop. Mat, Wed..
-PajrUT O. ICy Tee,
SrvM U oae of th
aocg hits la Xary W. I
we xoaay, ttHOf Tonlgha aad
Week, tie. hC Oohaa7!! fclg
Koaloai Comedy
Talk of L'civ York
Teat Weak Idas Beth t)Ae. la
"TalD .AT Otr.i
Taaeday, Sootaty hTt-ht, Bthal Solaw
aa, hopraao aol Basse, Sarlaoa.
afata, S0i mta-hta, goo. 6oa.
18tli & Douglas
Show Policy Staff
and AIL
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