TFTE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 14. 1915. I FOR RETT lloasee and nltatra. ' 2MS N. 2ST1I y Full tw-tcry. square, all modern, on Slock to mr. O'KKKFR REAL F-T ATK CO., Oman N'MtlnnwI. Phono DotiKla 1715. Globe Van&Storage Store, move parka, (hlpa; storage, $1 per month. When you move rail ns, eatlsfertlon guar. D. ra and Tyler 230. Maggaid's In, parkin:, shipping. 1713 Webster 8t Jjuuglaa 1498. , I foil RO ,n rarta of th city. Itani and Offices. Fully Equipped . Bakery Building 27th & Leavenworth This building. 80 by M, wtth basement and second floor, fireproof, built espe cially for the purpose, being fully equipped with all neceasary machinery, ovena, wagon, etc. This la your oppor tunity to get Into the business right, aa everything la new and the location very desirable. Building la also suitable for a LAUN. rRY, a OARAOE or a CLEANING ES TABLISHMENT. Will make, very reason able term to right party. Beo ma at once. Conrad H. Young 82 Brsndel Theater. Doug. 1571. ' EPM rlctly modern, 116 So. 29th St.. w- Binder, g23 City Nat Bank Phone Douglas 1284. b A K ERV Store and basement; extra heat retaining oven. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. loth. fit. Barns. OA ROE barn for rent, for automobiles. 2324 Howard St. WANTED TO BUT Tale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 141. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. WANTED TO RENT 6 TO 7 ROOMS, modern house in gooa neignoornooa. Address c 802, Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM ft RANCH LAMm FOR IALB Colorado. TO SETTLERS ONLY- acres for 1300. Kiel) ooru, alfalfa and wheat land: no sana. J. a. Tracy, Fort Morgan, Colo. FOR BALK Farms. 10 and 80 acres, in Peel. Colo. W rite Delatier. 3364 Ogden Ave, Chicago, 111. Iowa. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, "lows' Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days lor $2; or 60 words. Largest circulation of any Iowa news. iprr. a-v.uw reuurrs oauy in lour great Hates. A MONEY-MAKER, WITHIN 10 MILK8 3 GOOD MARKETS. 154 acres, new 8-room house and plenty ther buildings. All fences hoz tiht Halsed 240 hogs last year. Running water ind blue grass, alfalfa and Umber pas ture. Never had hog disease. 75 acres under cultivation. 1 ml. to market and oniy i mi. council Blurts. Possession iow. at $145 per acre, mi. school. K. F. i. TeL , A. F. SMITH CO. - (Fay Smith), : a Pearl, council Bluffs, la." ... ' ' Phone 329. HEAL F.8TATK NORTH SIDE r Miaaeawta, 3ARGAIN 240-acr farm, 20 miles from Minneapolis; 14v acres u-sder cultivation. Hi acres good meadow, 6 acres Umbered pasture; can practically ail be cultivated; icod corn land; farm la fenced; 10-rooro louse, bam, granary, machine sued, wind vlli, etc; hi nead gobd milk cows. 4 -od torses, barueasca, wagons, complaw. set t rnaohuiery, bogs, chickens and every, nlna on the farm goes at 844 per aa; ,tM rasu, balance can stand for W years it per oeut bchwab ros., iua i.-iy-t.ouUi bids-., Mipoeapolls. Minn. Maataaar RE N TEUS, HUM EoE lK ERS Your on- liuriuuikj. u,vw aiuva) .--. w ,.. w and alum land tor aeitieintnt at Valler, Mont, fll.80 to sou per crt)J tit teen years' lime. For particulars, writs Vaiier Farot tm Cts. mi loot. Valter, Mont. Nebraska. FOR SALE Good Deuel county, Ne braska, ltiO-acre farm, 8 miles north of Chappeile; 50 acres In wheat; all tillable land; 40 acres close by made 48 bu. per aero laat year $il acre; one-half cash, balance your own terms. Reason, plenty tame kind of land nearer town. Owner, L'laude J. Wright, Aurora. Neb. Voatk Dakota. NOW YOUR OPPORTUNITY.' Splendid 240-acr valley farm, small bldg., best of neighborhoods. 3 miles to lo. n, $67.60 per acre. 320 A. 10 ml. So. Dak. state capital. ( mi. small town; Imp.; sale at big sacrifice. Carlson Wailln, Omaha Neb., McCagua Bldg.. Omaha.; Carthage. So. Dak. Waehlaaftoa. COME WEST Pure water, fine climate, fertile soil; low prices, easv terms; nave i large aelection to draw from. If you ire Interested In the west and Washing ion, address Edward Abellng, Uoldendala, Wssh. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE CANADIAN farm for aale or trade for city property. For particulars, addrcas W. L White, 324 S. 2Mh ht, Omaha. REAL ESTATE LOANS IhQ TO ilQ.Ouv made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bid., lth and Farnam Bta CITY wd farm loans, 6, 6V, per cent. J. H. Uumont A Co.. 41 State Lank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. 1320 Farnam St MONEY on hand for city and tarm loana H W. Binder, City NaUonal Hank bids'. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. Real Home Buys 4KW N. mth. -r.. modern full 1-story, attic and basement, oak finish; full lot. garage, paved street. 8e it. l3,So Mod. bungalow, frr.; a beauty; fin location, paved St.; tf0' cash. $I,."'00-r.O rash buys 4412 N. 2th Ave., n-r., modern cottage, 3 lots, east front, nnvfirf trpt U.5TO New stre building, car line ler mlnita. 4 living rooms, rental $.". ,400-ClO8E IN. modern brick apart ment tl.300-4flW N. McJ, 4 rooms, t Iota; X cash, 1 block to paved street. 32.360 Modern bungalow, paved street, i rooms, nice location, 3.t00 cash. 31000 th an.l Meredith Ave., 6-r.. mod., full lot; a pretty home place. TVtfntioo CASH; new, modem bungalow. i,a Hurdette; take auto or diamond as part. A snap. 31,000 Corner lot. 8. E. corner 29th and Seward. Take auto aa part pay ment. I 90037O1 Spalding, 8 lot, 3-r. nous. Snap. Buck, King & Co. S12 Omaha Nat 1 Bank. T. &23. ! GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Receipts Continue Light and Cash Price Unchanged on the Local Market. A DANDY Almost new house, oak finish In living rooms; 4 rooms downstairs. 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs; full basement: all modern; south front lot, paved street; located on Fort St. Price 33,160. S.' cash, balance 330 a month. C. 0. CARLBERO, 311 Brand els Theater Bldg. Open for Inspection TODAY: SoU N. 1TH ST. THE LOT East front on Boulevard. No special taxes, beautiful shad trees, cement walks. THE HOUSE. Six rooms on on floor; modern except furnace; oak floors; beautifully decorated, combination lighting fixtures. Prtca 32K75, a small payment down, balance a&me as rent. W. H. Adamson. Owner, 2bl N. 19th St. Call Doug. 39M any day next week. Nifty Bungalow $300 cash, balance like rent: 8 rooms; strictly modern; one block to ear: two block to school; near Miller park. Prica, 32.7M. Open evenings. THE VOGEL REALTY AOENCT, 10IB-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 3691. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE A Dandy Home IN A GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. 1150 00 CASH, balance on easy terms; 4 rooms, all mod ern In every respect, also sleeping porch, east front, located 1338 South 26th street on paved street. Can be bought at the right price. Nathan Somberg, Douglas 6K3. NEAR WINDSOR SCHOOL Just finished, 6 rooms and bath, living room, dining room, don and kitchen on first floor; oak finish; full basement; fine corner lot, 30x133; street paved; close to school and West 81de Haascom Park car line. Will make terms or take va cant lot as first payment. RASP BROS., Douglas IfiSl - 108 McCagua Bldg. $500 Cash Hanscom park district, S-room bunga low; four blocks from Hanscom park. In Crelghton addition; downstairs has oak finish, wtth polished floors; two bed rooms and bath upstairs; full cemented basement; hot air furnaoe. Owner wants to sell at once and will take 33.K0 for this 33.200 property. Open evenings. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY. 1015-18 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 36S1. 6ats sell half CENT LOWES OMAHA. April 13. 113. Wheat receipts continues1 light today, thre being but four care received on the local trading floor. There waa only one car of No. 2 hard wheat sold and thla brought 1. H. Cash wheat was un changed. The receipts of corn were fair and there were forty-seven cars received, but the corn market waa weak, the yellow and mixed grades selling unchanged to Ve lower, while white corn remained un changed. Oats were unchanged to He lower. Lighter clearances from the seaboard and the Improved crop prospects, com bined with the reduction In the shortage In May owing to the heavy buying laat week, bad a tendency, so tn bears say. to make trade go slow on the kuylng side. Corn bear are looking for Msy liquida tion to start next week. They think there should be more than has been apparent ao far. They see no reason for any per manent advance. There la a strong bull Interest, however, which la taking tho corn on breaks. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, eousl to 46,000 bu.; corn, 447. OM bu.; oats. 427.000 bu. Liverpool close: Not quoted. Primary wheat receipts were tM.Ofio bu snd shipments SM.OOO bu., against receipts ii .'oi.muu du. ana soipmenis oi 4,ar bu. last year. Primary corn recelDta were 4TT OOf Mi. nd shipments 6H00O bu., sgalnst receipts or du. ana shipments or 4W,ooo bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were Ml 000 bu. nd shipments 742,000 bu. against receipts or ojt,vkv nu. ana shipments of iti.OJO bu. last year. CARLOT RF7CEIPTH. U' I'nm rWta tm Chicago 4 109 13 Minneapolis 4!) fDuluth H3 Omaha 4 47 1J Kansas City lfi 30 Winnipeg 441 The following cash sale were reported: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 31.61. No. 4 spring: U-S car, 31.32. Corn No. 3 whit: 1 car, 7H4c; 2 car, 71c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 70Wc No. white: 1 car, Toc No. S yellow: 3 cars, 7Wc; 4 cara, 7ic. No. 4 yellow; 7 cars, Hc; 3 car. 494o; 4 ears. esc. No. 8 mixed: I cars (near white), 70Vc; 3 cars (near white), TuUc; 3 cars. tBVsc; 8 cars, wc. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, 6ic; 2 cars. 58 Vc; 1 car, 4IC40, No. mixed: 1 car. 70c, Sample. 1 car (white), 694c; 1 ear, fee. Oats No. i white: 1 3-6 cars, 64 c. Sample : 1 car. 6240; 1 car, 62Vic Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. i Tur key, 31.52ifM.68- No. 3 Turkey, 31.61fl-l.62: No. 2 hard, 815061.61; No. 3 hard. t).W 1.60; No. 3 spring. S14&91.61; No. 2 dur ham, 3146S1.46; No. 3 durum. 1.41& Corn: No. 1 white, IlKWic; No. 2 whit. 71vi71c: No. 8 white, 7171Hc; No. white. 70itj.70c; No. "6 white. 6S4.fJ70c; No. 6 white, 6H)70Hc; No. 1 yellow, 70 fi"lc; No. 8 yellow, iOHWO4c; No. 3 yel low. 7070Hc; No. 4 yellow. 69fl4e; No. ( yellow, (WWc; No. yellow, 88fiIV,c; No. 1 mixed, 70fl70c; No. 3 mixed, S9Q 7oc; No. 8 mixed. fiflBHe; No. 4 mixed, tifiSc; No 5 mixed, 67j4e- No. mixed, mWt: Oats? No. 3 white. 54i titoc; standard. 64h64,c: No. 3 white. ft4ri4'4a; No. 4 white, fiVfic Barley: Malting, W74e: No. 1 feed, ftW7e. Bye: No. 2, 31.O7'4gl.08; No. 3, 31.06Si6l.O7. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROTI9IOWS Featarea si Tradlac aad Ctoalns; Prices Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 13. -Signs that pointed to a falling off In the cash demand more than wiped out today an early advance in th price of wheat. Quotatlona at the close wer weak, &o under laat night. Other leading ataples, too, showed a net decline-corn, o. to oats, HTc, and provisions 6fl7c to 30c. Speculators were not slow to draw th Inference that sales of wheat to go Into store here Implied an absence of cash de mand Whether or not thla conclusion was correct the' fact remained that th impression created was bearish, regard OMAMt fiKXKttAW MARKBT. BUTTER Nv i. carton. 8tc No. 1 lh tub. JC. CHF.KSK Imported Swlaa. 34c; Ameri ran Swiss. 26c; block Swiss, 33c; twlna, lVc; dalsiea. lTHe; triplets. iTHc: Young Americas, lc: blue label brick, 17c; lim burr. I lb., tOo; l ib , 30c: New York while, ISci imported French Roquefort, 40c. F1H Trout We; Isrr erapplea, Ite; kaiihut. 16c i channel catfish, lie. KWEET POTATOES-Kanaaa, $2.7 bbl. PEEK CUTSNo. I ribs !c: Ne. 3. 14Hc: No. 8, 1IV.P No. 1 loma. 1c: No. 3, lie; No. 3. 1V. No. 1 chucks. Wc: No 8. 'lie; No. 8. c. No. 1 rounds. 12c; No. I, lJc: No. 8, llc. No. 1 rlate. 8c; No. 3, :c; No. , 70. IOVLTRY Brellcr. 20c; spring cbiek. eaa, )Sc; hens, 14c: oocks, 8c; roosters, VK: stage, 4c; ducks. lo; ee, lOe; turkeys. I8$16c; pigeons, per do., 0ci duck, full feathered, lc; geese, full feathered, 8c; squabs. No. L li.s0j No. 2, PVC, OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Handy Light Cattle Stronger, Other Grades at Least Steady Large Run of Colorado Lambs. HOGS STEADY TO TEN CENTS UP SOUTH OMAHA. April 13, 115. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. innciai Monnay k.3.4 Estimate Tuesday .... 3.700 Two days thla Same daya last week.. H..TW Same days 3 wks. ago.12 0K.1 Same days 3 wks. ago. .t?o Same days 4 wks. ago.11.347 Sam days last year.. KT 1I.0M ll.o "l.lsii 1.JM l 4A7 17 .74 .13 3S.47 87.W4 13.673 14,3o3 I RUITK Orange: California nsvela i of rattle, boss and sheep at the South II slses, 32.76 per box; t-box lots or more, I Omeha Hv stock market for the year '- 86 per box. Lemons: Fancy Sunklst, to dste, as compared with last year: suns, S4onns4.o0 per box: choice Ked Bell, 3160 per box. Grapefruit: 4-is, M per box; (4a, 82.76 per box; 44a. sua. 3.o9 II. r km lnnl., 1 - t. XT' . . V. I .. ton W. W. Pearmatnea. 81.60 ner box: ' extra fanev tVaehinrtnn Snltaanbnras 11 W Mr box axira faiov Bfacir f whr. prtc for jl:S per bboX,;'Vxr5"&B Bckn i tor "rt f Davla. 31 40 per box; extra fancy Utah SiTII!r!rml: Clmnnm 11 4A maw kn.i A -.. . 1 ml box. Bananas, 33.o613t per bunch, 4e lb. Strawberries. 60s per quart. Limes, 81.76 Kr basket. Figs, 50 t-oa., 8t0o per box. ktes: Walnut 31.40 per box; Hallowl, 8o per lb. VEGETABLES New York Danish cab bage, 2c per lb. California new cabbage, crate. 86 to in lbs., 3feo per lb. Celery, Jumbo, Mb fter do. Peppers. 6o per basket. Head lettuce, 31.00 per dot; leaf, 40a per do. Tomatoes, fancy, 8460 per crate: cholc $4.00 per crate. Onlona: Yel low, So per lb.: rod. So per lb.; white, 80 per lb. Radishes. Sop) per do. Tumlpa, 60c per dos. Sptnlctn 0c per do. Parsley, 60c per dot. Artichokes, 31.60 per dos. Endive, K6 e per lb. Garlic Italian, 26c per lb. Bruanel sprouts. 20n per lb. Onion sets: Yellow and red, SL69 per bu.; white, 31.76 per bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rurals. 75c per bu. ; Red River Ohlos, Hoc per bu.; Minnesota White, 66c per bu. Sweet pota toes: Seed stock, delivered April 6 to 10, 82.00 per bb. Mushrooms, 60c per box. NUTS No. 1 California walnuts. 10e per lb. Filberts. 16o per lb. Blsck walnuts. 2c per lb. Pecans. 12Ho per lb. -Hraxlla. lVtc per id. Almonds, wc per id. cocoa nuts, 33.60 per sack. Peanuta: Raw, 7o per lb.; roasted, Ho per lb; raw, sack lots, Jumbo, 8c per lb-; salted, $1.60 per can. MISCELLANBOUB-Shellfd popcorn. 4c per lb. Crackerjack, 83.60 per case; per r-caae, 31.76. Checker. $3.60 per case; per It-case. $1.76. Cora aal Wheat Resjtoa Balletla. United Stales Department of Agriculture. weather bureau, corn and wheat region bulletin for Omaha, Nebraska, for th twenty-four hours ending at 6 a. m., 76th meridian time, Tuesday, April 13, 1916: OMAHA DISTRI8T. Temp. Rain- Station. Hutb. Low. fall. Ashland, Neb.. 63 44 .10 1Pt&. 114. lnc Cattl ?M,I 2-H.4fcs 4M Hogs 1.001.WH '.'2.44S 179.0M Sheep 7 $4,333 7,U8 15.307 The fololwlng table show the average n umana live few day, with Py back Date, lll. li14.ilill3.ll12.l9ll.;lHl0.il9(4. REAL ESTATEWEST SIDE leas also of whether the aalea to go .Into , rB were merely tor ettect or not I 'tenorts that the domestic winter-cron FOUR BIO BARGAINS WILL SACRIFICE. Handsome, modern, up-to-date resi dence on West Farnam hill. Owner must sell quick. Hue me for price. A SNAP ON FARNAM. Forty-eight feet on Farnam, near 88th, splendid location for family hotel, brick flat stores or moving picture show, tor 33.750. FINE BUILDING SITE. Two good lots on 38t Av., Just north of Farnam. Fin location to build heusos to sell or rent or for high class apartment building. Will command high rentals. Oniy $4,875 each. GOOD GARDEN TRACT. Ten acres, with good house, sightly location, only five miles from postofflo. Nonresident owner will take $2,850. HICKS, 420 STATE BANK BLDG.. Tel. Douglas 2S67. THAT FINE HOME) AT 3408 CALIFORNIA STREET, MUST BE SOLD First floor Is finished in light oak, with built-in book cases; second floor has oak floors, birch doors with glass knobs, four bedrooms, one of them arranged for sleeping porch, stairway to attic; a nice basement with a good heating plant; south front lot with a cement driveway to a garage; paving all paid for; very nice location, convenient to Harney car line. Owner moving to Lincoln. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. 'liwwed widespread benefit from recent s.-owera counted at. times against th at bulla. On the other hand, a well ''n expert, traveling through Illinois, pressed the opinion that moisture had ii y been sufficient for temporary re iif. Other authorities said the harvest In central Kansas would bo fifteen days late and in western Kansas fully a month. Increased offerings from the count- pulled down corn. At first the market e -(Vanced a disposition to advance with wheat, but it did not take much of a bulge to invite selling pressure. Fsvor sble weather for seeding and growth brought about an easy feeling; In regard to oats. Shipping Inquiry was not of an urgent kind. Provisions gave way under general sell ing by longs and advance In the hog mar ket was taken advantage of to unload. Futures ranges ss follows: SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United states Trust Co.. Omaha. 6ft CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlbarf, 310-313 Brandela Theater Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska faxnia O'KEKKB REAL ESTATE CO.. 101$ Omaha Natloiial. f-hene Douglas 2715. ABSTRACT OF TITLE Till Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 206 So. 17th St. Phone D. 64H7. Kerr JeEBen & MorreU, b. REED AliaTKACT CO.. oldest abstract otflo in Nebraska. ?U8 braadei Thes, Strictly Modern Cottage $C00 cash.' balance tM per month; S rooms; large lot 60x150. Close to car and school. Price only $2,200. Open evenings. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY. 1016-16 W, O. W. Bldg. - Douglas SfiSl. For Sale Five-room house, modern except heat Everything In good condition. Part cash. bslance montly payments. ?715 S. 21st St 3226 Webster St Eight-room modern, practically new, full basement all in firat clasa condition; owner lives in house; open for inspection any time; convenient to Harney ana Cum ing Sc. car lines; only $4,600: easy terms. REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy a gtrlctly modern house In Hanscom park district. Will pay $300 cash and $25 or $30 per tnontn. Address B 301. Be. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS STRICTLY MODERN WELL BUILT HOMES IN BENSON Com out any time thla evening after 6 30 or phone for auto. Take Benson car, get off at Slat St.: come south block to 2SU6. Phone Benson 13. F. a TRLLL1NGER. o STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE, $101) CASH. It will pay you to see this cottage at once, as the terms snd price are easily within your reach. The men with good business judgment are Investing in real estate. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1781. Ware Block. FIVE ROOMS. MODERN. $2,960. TERMS. QWNER. WEBSTER 11 Terrific Blast at Shetland Sea Base ABERDEEN. Scotland, April 13 -Tbe Free Press publishes the following tele. gram from Lerwick: "A terrific explosion ha occurred. Har bor street was wrecked and many live were lost." No detail are obtainable as yet. Lerwick I situated on th sescosst of Mainland, Shetland Islands. It I de fended by an old fort dating from th time of Cromwell and la one of th chief stations In Scotland for th Royal Naval reserve. Lerwick Is th capital of the Shetland archipelago. GOOD RAIN FALLS OVER MOST OF THE STATE According to the railroads, whll th rain of tills morning was not general over th stale, there were fearlv h shower over about all of the western and In many places in th eastern part of th state. In some localities th pre cipitation exceeded one-balf Inch. Artlclel Open. I High Wheat May. July. Corn May. July. Oata May. July. Pork May. July. Lard May. July. Rlba May. July. Low. Close, Yee'y 1 67V 15 1 6)7 1 6tv J 674s 1 U 1 244 1 23 1 23 1 24 73 74 72 7?i 734 78 7 Wb 76 78 67 ht 60S MS 67 64 64 . , MS . 63V 17 4 17 80 17 SJ 17 82 17 48 17 86 18 ft! 17 60 17 80 17 W 10 17 10 20 10 12 10 li 16 22 10 45 10 66 10 37 10 87 10 60 10 07 10 12 W07 10 07;j 10 15 10 37 10 47 10 37 10 87 10 46 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red 31.n7: No. 2 hard, $1.671.68. Corn. No. 3 yellow. 7JN74c: no. 4 yellow, YlWiWc; No. 4 white. 72Vi'&72c. Oat: No. 8 white. 6tj57c: standard, 67Sft674kc. Rye: No. 2. $1.15. Barley: 72'a6c. Seed: Timothy, $4.60 fiv.oo; clover, xs.Zb' Provisions: fork $17.07; lard, $.2; ribs, $.123.ft2. BUTTER Higher; creamery, 2A31c. rXIGS Lower; receipts, 2s.875 cases; at mark, cases Included. W8Wc; ordinary firsts, 18'ic: firsts, lc. POTATOES Higher; receipts. 43 car; Michigan and Wisconsin, red, 4tV343c: Michigan and Wisconsin, white, 40047c. POl'LTKY-Allve. steady; fowls. 15c: springs, l7c. New York General Market. NEW YORK. April 13.-8UOA RRa w, iirro , ceninrugai, s.etc; moiasses, asio; refined, steady. Futures opened steady. but later eased off under trade selling. At noon prices were 1Z points net lower. BUTTER Steady; receipts, 11,334 tubs; creamery extras, 92 acore, 33c; creamery. higher scoring. 32(i233c; firsts. 3oa31c; seconds, Himaw. EGGS Unsettled; receipts. 34.154 cases: fresh gathered extrss, 23c; storsge packed, extra firsts. 22-3 2; 'e; first. 21Vi22e; reg ular packed, extra firsts, 22c; firsts. 2u (qM.Ic; nearby hennery whites, fins to fsncy, 23c; nearby hennery browns. 22 23c. CHfTF-SE Steady: receipts. 4.227 boxes; state whole milk, fresh specials, 15$l6c; state whole milk, average fancy, 14 15lo. POULTRY Live, weak; western fowls, 16c; turkeys. 14M.15C. Drsssed. quiet; west ern roasting chickens, froeeit, 17a?7c; fresh fowls. 144117c; turkeys, 133COc. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April lS.-WHEAT-No. 2 hard. 31.60ttl.61: No. 2 red. 31.60; May. $1.47: July. $1.164$'1.1: September. $1. 04 Vol. 04- CORN-No. t mixed, 7Jc; No. 2 white, 75c; No. 2 yellow. 74c: No. 3 yellow, 73c; May. 714c; July, 73Hfc73c; September, 73'&'nc. OATS No. V white, 66c; No. 2 mixed, 64fifi5e. BUTTER Creamery, -iic; firsts. J6c; seconds. 24c; packing, Wc. EGGS First. I7c; seconds. 17c. POULTRY-Hen. :3c; rosters, 10c; turkey. 16c, St. Loals Grala Market. ST. 1XJUI8. April 13,-WHEAT-No. 2 red. $1 62; Ne. i hard. $1.64ial.t7; May n.60S'(Jl.0; July. $1.18. CORN-No. 2. 74c; No. $ whit, nomi nal; May. 73c; July, 76c OATS No. 2. nominal; No. I whit. 6bc. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, April 11-WHEAT-Bnot No. 2 Manitoba. 13s 8d; No. S. 13e 4d: No. 3 hard winter. 13s d. CORN Arm Amrl.ii nlrl 1 3d; American mixed, old, Ss d.' ' Auburn, Neb... 4)0 87 .1 Mroken Bow.... M Bb .00 Columbus. Nb. 58 SI .00 Culbertson, Nb 82 83 .00 Falrbury, Neb. S3 44 .00 Fairmont. Neb. 68 83 .00. Or. Island, Nb. 67 48 ' .00 Hartlngton. Nb 00 28 .00 Hastings, Neb. 69 83 .00 Holdrege, Neb. CI 88 .00 Lincoln. Neb... 68 : .01 No. Platte. Nb 40 88 .00 Oakdal. Neb.. 66 40 .00 Omaha, Neb.... 58 31 .19 Tekamah, Neb. 82 30 .80 Valentine, Neb. 80 34 .00 Aita. la ss 3D .on Carroll, la 61 . 84 .00 Clarinda. la.... 67 83 .15 Sibley, la 6.1 .0 Sioux City, la.. 64 44 .06 Sky. Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear , Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Raining Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. s No, of Temp. Rain District. Station. High. Low. fell. Columbus, O Iuisvllle, Ky... Indla'polis, Ind.. Chicago, HI St Louis, Mo... Des Moines, la. Minneapolis Kan. city. mo.. Omaha, Neb.,., 17 Light shower occurred In eastern Ne braaka. and western Iowa, -and also Ii Ohio . and Indiana. The weether I warmer In the corn snd wheat belt wen of the Mississippi river. It Is sllghtl cooler In Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. 1 60 84 .1 22 62 34 .A 18 60 30 .1 24 48 28 .0 28 68 36 .0 24 64 84 .2 61 64 80 .0 34 88 44. .0 17 . 5$ 86 .2 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April U WHEAT f . . 1 jaw 1 . . 1 .1 im kta hard, $1.64; No. 1 northern, $l.u0'S l.t4t: jno. z nnrtnern, xi.&'3,l-6l rixjUK encnanxed. BARLEY ft74c. RYE $1.061.08. BRAN $22.50. CORN No. i yellow. 88ifj8r. ")AT8 No. 3 white. 64f3Mc. FLAX $1804;ib LSt. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, April lS.-COFFEE-The market lor corree future opened at s decline of 4 points to an advenes on I point to a scattering May liquidation, but offerings were reaoiry ansornea at the in- Mar. 27 I 8 t. iar. i. Mar. . Mar. 80. Mar. 81. April 1. Aprld t April 3. April 4. April S. A I til . April 7. April S April 10 April HI April U'j S fS April 13 7 OT't S b S80-i $ 68 S 0 S 864k S 70 IKK 68; 8 881 8 881 7 87 4 88 I S 1 S 41 S M T 4 S 43.10701 I 8 61 T 681 8 !U ll 711 1 1 7 71 S78I $ 42 S Ml S 81 S 80 S 65 $ 63 S 47 S 66 8 421 68 86 S 47 8 61 S 67 8 82 8 86 S 61 8 81, 3 77 S 741 8 791 S A 8 31 8 1 8 Ml 6 24 10 68, S 10 67 S 3710 8 Ml 38 8 310 tm $ 22il0 43 I Stl 88 S M S86 S73 T 88 S78 75 7 78 T If I T 79! T 81 ftn 1U( 21 10 Ui 8 34 U,1U 151 $ 90 t 80 4 1JI10 14 $ X 166 1641 JOSS 7 4N 6 H6.W 03 T 661 S 8.-l f 791 $ 99 7 v 6 Ml i 8l T 01 vesterday, consisted very IsrtHy of i't'lurstlo Nlexli sn lambs, there leiiig only a very imnt pnnkliug ot western lami.s with a few rr!d cars of ewe and a car or two of western yearllnxs. There Is a feellna anion buyer that prices on both sheep and lambs are very nigh, which is, as a matter of fact true, ss the market Is right close up to the hlsheet point ever rea hed. On account of this feeling Ihe trade Is Inclined to be little slow, buyer being reluctant to th rirlces and thev naturally hold until the lat before filling their oiler. For that r-aon the market most every dsy Is later than customary In gi ttln started. A few ewes sold up to $8.26. the came at. brought $8.35 vesierday. the msrkei en that kind of stuff being around 10- lover. A few yearlings brought $V, but aa there ha been nothing of that kind here of late It Is Impossible to quote It as either higher or lower. l4inils were extremely alow all the im.rnlng, buyer wanting to aecure them a little lower than yeaterdsy, while sell ers were determined to hold the mirke at steady flaurea. As a rule no lambs of any consequence changed hands until after midday. In the end the Colorado Mexican limbi sold at $10 .V. as against $10.40 yesterday, but considering that the fleeces were very wet. making the lamps average higher today, Ihe market was really Just bout steady Quotation on aheep and lamb: Lambs- Light. $iarti 10.40: lambe, heavy, $9.76fl 10 00; yearlings, light, SX.nvti 9.2R: yearling, heavy $k.604i 0; wethers, good to choice. fMlotidfcU, wether, fair to good. 87.769 00; ewes, good to choice, $7.TjS.; w. iair lo goon, Si.uiyi.ia. No. 224 Colorado lambs 52" Mexicsn lambs 75 cull lambs 6tn Mexican lambs rf Colorado lamb 2M Colorado lamb 146 fed yearling A wethers NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Wild and Speculative Dealing1 the Order of the Day's Session. GAIN IN BETHEHEM STEEL Sunday. Recelota and disposition of live loek at the Union stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at a o cioca p. m. yesterday: JlliC til ITS C A K !.- A I Cattle. Hoas. Sheep. H r ". C . M. ft St. P T Wabash Missouri Pacific ... 6 Union Pacific 40 61 84 24 ' N W . asst... C. N. W.. west... 34 17, 2 2 C . yt. P.. M. O.. 14 6 8 C, B. Q., east... 3 C . B. ft O.. west... 29 C R I. P., east. 6 C, R. 1. P.. west. 8 Illinois Central 3 Chicago G. W Total recetnta ...187 168 48 80 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Pneep 3 'i 61 84 47, 3 22 14 168 a Morrl ft Oo Swift ft Co Oudahy Packing Co.... Armour ft Co Schsvartt Co J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co So. Omaha Parking oC. kudahy, Kansas City... K. Packing co Kenton. Vanannt & L. .. F. B. Lewis riustcn ft Co J. B. Root ft Co j. H. Bulla L. F. Hus Kellogg Werthclmer Degen... H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild ft Krebs Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... Jhrit!e aigglns .iuifman .loth Mtyers Wikei, Jones & Smith.. Tanner Bros olin Harvey . Kline unison ft FVancI.... Jtlter buyer 348 827 871 10 22 142 40 37 50 37 176 192 6 12 25 74 94 1 12 18 Jl 104 84 L'2 62 :4 1.109 2..V.1 1.631 ! 2.707 252 7W, 8.070 3, 198 J.SS0 345 892 creased late month premiums, and price later rallied on scattered covering or a. Ne. little trade buying. The clone wss 6 to I it.. Totals 4,248 12,813 11.76J CATTLE Receipt were moderate for a .'uesday, but the total for th two daya tots up 10,074 head, being largur than jst week and larger than a year ago by ,mot 2,000 head. Handy-weight light beeves' wer In good .emnl at price genertly a littlp tronger than yeeterday. Good yearling jid up a high, as $l.25. Heavy rattis, von though of good quality, were not so auch sought alter and tney were left lit II the last but still they commanded juy stesdy prices. Cows and heifers were In good demand, vhlle the supply was light and the mar ket activ. Th price paid wer fully steady and In iot possibly trong. There wer not very many feeder, but quit a little prlnkllng of toeker. The demand continued good and th market 'ouotatlon on cattle: Good to chols beeves, $7.7r.-30; fair to good cornfed beeves, t7.bmu'L8a; common to lair corn fed beeves, $8.807.50; good to cnoice heifers. $8.60(&726; good to choice cows, $6.a6.!IO; fair to gocd cows, $5.754; uummon ts fslr cows, $? V6a6.&; good to stotaeis anu temier. r).2&.i; ..i- lo tiood siocaer and feeders, $7.00-9 26; common to fair stockcrs and feeders, .U0&7.o0; stock holfer. $5.&t -SS: tock ")W. Ib.60iuv8.60; stock calve. $8.Si7)'26; .eal calve, $7 uOii 10.0V: hull. Stags, ta. Av. . 74 . 78 . 58 . 94 . 78 , 80 103 .'r. 10 13 10 40 8 14 10 40 14 40 10 40 $ 83 CHICAGO LIVSQ STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoars Weak Kheep Weak. CHICAGO. Anrll 18. CATTLK Re ceipts, 2. ) head: market eteady, native beef steers. $ Ortfl TO; western steers, $5ii37.0; cow and heifers, $2.90u.flO; calves, 9)8.60. HOGS Receipt. 18,000 head; market weak, early advahes of 6o to 10c lost; bulk of sale. 87.2Mr7.40; light. Sf.lOfl.W; mixed, 87. 05417.40; heavy, S8.904J7.40; rough, $.90'li7fl6; pia. S8.0utr7.00. SAcf:P AND LAMBS Receipt a, 12.000 head: market weak; sheep, $7.4Oj8.40; lambs, $8.00010.50. Kansas City Mr Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 9,800 head; market steady; prima fed steers. S. OWN. 60; dressed beef steers. $7.104J.0O: western ters, $8.754y7.90; sv k rs and feeders, $0.60i7.80; bulls, $j.2Ctgo.OO; calves. HOGS Receipt. 13,000 heAd: market, higher; bulk of sales, $7.64?7.17; heavy, $7.4XW7.30; packers snd butchers, $7,064 7.: llkht. $7.11lir7.17: plS. $6.60fM.86. HIIKK.P AND IA MBS Receipt, 4.608 head; market higher; lambs, $9 nM0.4o; yearllnsrs. trAJj9.60; wethers, $7.7Clrt 46; ewe, $7.6043.60; "Kansas City Llvo Stok Market. ST. IiOUIS. April 18. CATTLE Re pel pts. 3.000 head: market lower; nattv beef steers. 87.804f.86; cow and heifers, $5.i04iS.96; Blockers and feeders, $6.7itl7.36; touthern steers. S.26(67.76; cows snd heif ers $4.fl0r.0S; native calvea, $.0069.Oa HOGS Itecelpts, 11.4O0 head; market, higher; plga and lights. 8ti.26mi7.S0; mixed and butchers. $7.3rw.60; food heavy, $7.35 SHEEP AND LAMBS-RecelPte. 2.000 hesd. market steady; ewes, f'4-"-5: lambs. $7Ao10.80; yearlings, $S.Wi9.6; sheared yearlings, $7.0Hf7.76. I.oeal Seearltlee. Qvststlens forn1t4 er Berns. neisker ft C., 44 Omsha Nstlonsl bank balWIa-- F.lrmont Cmm.rf T per cent pfd ... 4 M Kalrmont Hrml7 it pr oest coal. Mrlln Plow t Mnvntal SUte Tel. ft Tel nnsha C. D. Ht. Rr. pM.. nwab 4 C. B. R. B. Rial Bank of Omsk tdik Ursle pt t'pdlks Orsla to - Vsios Stock Tarsa. Omaha relumbiis. Neb.. le. N. 1914 rontlssstsl Q. ft R. I. Il tN.b .). CnutlM Co.. N., 4s, 1M4 Uleeoln Trsctloo Is. - Mneole, Nb.. Rf. Is, 1W ?Hr et Oman Iks. 4"s, 1H7 Omaha -Waisr 4V. 141 Osiaba School 4n, 1911 Osuisa C. B St. Rr. . JM-;;;-Psellle a. . e. ref. 4. lMt. Histe of Idaho 4 St. Unils. Ms.. 14 Sin a C. It, 1M4...S Prrlbn.r, Nsfc.. Wie la. 1981 Vnlwraltr Place, Nae.. 4Hs, 11T.... Wlrhlla Union Stock Tarda 4a, IM4. NEW TOP.K, April IS. Wild and spec Ulstlve dealing Waa the order of today tinner Hethiehem Meet, wnlcri rose anil f 1 1 within a range of 3 points and closed with a net gain of exactiv 1 point. Its hlgn rlee of Ion was recoroed midway of th afternoon session. From thst figure II gruoaringly yielded 10 points, but toward the end Its fsll assumed wider proportions, declining to 123 and finishing at IJ. All branrhes of the stock list, which had moved forward with Bethlehem Steel earlier In the diiy, mere more or less upset by the severe break, some leading issues yielding more thsn their gains and closing v.lth net hisses. But for the Inex pltcab.e movement tn Bethlehem Steel the average of closing prices probably won lit have been hlgnest for the current move ment, inasmuch aa Union Pacific, tho Hill rup. Ht. Paul, Amalgamated Cop per and other potential Issues were st one time well above their record levels of last Saturday. Coppers held more steady then any other division of the list, their Improvement being suslslned by snother advance in the selling price of the refined metal. levelopments ss a whole were dis tinctly favorable to the constructive side. Including, as thev did, peace rumors from Washington and less official quarters, ad ditional trad sdvlces of an enrouraging character and another large engagement of gold in the orient for transmission to these shores. Foreign exchange reflected sudden changes In ratea between this market and Europe, marks falling to the lowest aiio tation recorded. lnce the outbreak of th war. This particular development waa abacrlbed to offerings of German flnanoe bills, resulting from heavy for eign sales of our stocks on the recent rise. London's prtlclP"thn In the local stock market was a matter of debate, but that center probably was a eller on balance. Total sale or tock amounted to hare. . . . Th. nnt market moved contrrtly the greater i rt of the session. Its regit arity being due in wee knees In som speculative issues Total sales, par valu. aggregated $8,184,000, . j. United Stale oonas were uik. Number of ale and leading quotation n stock today wer: . lot 71 (6 114 It SO M let 9 Hit IT M44 7 101 91 Uj 1M lotiuj 11 77 IT 111 11 II M 7 94 Ml 1" lfti4 97 4 I ' II 301 9T 10114 94 100 in 7 points net higher. Sale. 17,260 bags April, 687e; May, 6.90c: June, 6.96c; July 7.08c: August, 7.13c: September, 7.21c; October, 7.26c; November, 7.32c; Decem ber, .7.37c; January, 7.44c; February, 7.61c; March. 7.58c. Spot coffee, quiet; Rto No. 7, 7;c; Santo No. 4, 10e. Coat and freight were unchanged. Rio exchange on Ion don was l-28d higher with mtlrels prices unchanged at Rlo and 60 re Is lower at San Domingo. . , Omaha Mar Market. OMAHA, April 13,-PRAIRIB HA Y Choice upland, $l2.6Ufi1.0O; No. 1, Sll.rtfe 12.60; No. 2, $10.00411 fo; No. 1. $8 OOm io.oo; choice midland. $12.Oat12.B0: No. 1, $ll.ooft 12.00; No. 8. Il0.00fjll.00; No. 3. $8.00i 1000; cholc lowland. S.60jf K.0; No. ). $9.00(3.&0i No. t, $1.0u.; No. J, 84.00$ 8 00. STRAW Choice wheat, $5.5&S00; choice oat or rve, $0. tint! 8. 60. ALFALFA Choice, pea green, leafy, fin tem. $13.60314.80; No. '.. $12 6mU.0; No. 2, $11.0OaH2.0d. No. 3. 39.00OH.W. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 18. M ETAIS Lead, eaay; $4 .1574.20: Indon, k.V 18 8d. Spel ter, nominal; London, a. 44 10. Tin: Irregular; offered at $68 00. Cop per, firm: electrolytic. $i8.S78i6.60; cat Ing. 116.76(6 16.87. Iron: Sttady and un changed. At London: Spot copper, f71178d; fu tures. C7tle4d. Pprt tin, 171; futures, 11U9. Antimony. U&tfVl. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 13.-COTTON-Spot. quiet; middling uplands, 10.16c; sales, 26 bales. Ootton futures rlosrd stesdy; My. 9.8c; July, 1018c: October, 10 60c; December. 10. 7e ; January. 10 Me. The cotton market closed steady at net advance of from 6 to 9 point. IJERPOOL, April la-tHlTON-Spol. easy; good middling. 4 Old; mldddllog, 6.8bd; sales, IO.iiOO bales. 1 , , Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. April 13. DRY OOODS Cotton goods market were strong torisy. Ysrn were firm. Dress goods and men a wear wer in light demand. Silks war quiet and velvet ribbed active. Jobber reported a steady trad for this period of their season. Evaporated Apples aad Dries) Fralts NEW YORK. April 1S.-EVAPORATED APPLES Dull. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet. Peaches, easy. Raisins, steady. Slosjg City Hvo Stock Market. 8IOUX CITT, la., April 13. -CATTLE Receipts. 1,410 head; market rirm; native leers, $7.00t 0; butchera, $6 26Hf7 00: cow and heifer. M.36fe.6i; canner. $3.50a6.0i; atacker and feeders, $6.7527. calves, $8.Mti i0: bulla, slags, etc. $4 7(4.26. HOOS-Reoelits. 4,000 head; market steadv; heavy, $705: mixed, $7.92; right $7.0Orp7.O2S; bulk of aaies, $7.teti7.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 400 bead. . St. Joseph lift Stock Market. ST. JOeiEPH. April U. CATTL E-Receipt a. l.feuO bead; market steady: steer. $ cows snd heifers. 44.00U4 26; calves. U.Vm. HOGS Receipt , 100 head: market hlaher: too. 87 12: bulk. $7 Oofjfl to. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt , $,000 litad; market slow; lambs. 8S.714Z10 36. 24. 1 14 14 I 46 I 17 14 io!l!.'. 1 BEEF STEERS. A. Pr. Ks. Av. Pr. 4M I 71 4 Ml T 40 IIOI 4 W 10 1011 7 U M0 T II 1176 1 70 10M 7 2i II Ht 7 71 IU T W II UM T 90 ,....1114 7 Ik 1 10 f 9ii Ill T 40 1 Hi 90 1111 T 41 M U04 8 09 llk 1 to blu.Bilvh AND HEIFERS. 471 I 14. II W 1 M Ill 94 II Ml Ik mitt 1 74 T ; Cow a. H0 9 94 t 1 4 K 114 I II 1 14Z4 4 It ISO 4 76 11 10" 4 40 lb! -6 0 I.... 171 I M 1179 I M 1 : 11 I M 941 I W II t'4 4 11 lis I 4 1 144 I 10 HI iH 17 ill T 00 1140 I 90 Ulb AND 1IEIFEKS). Villa is Reported Near a Breakdown SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. April 13.-Oen-ral Villa Is reported, In a mesaag to night from A sua Callente. to b on th vers of a nervous breakdown, du to recent reverses of his forces snd per sonal troubles with some of hi officers. Villa officer say that Villa Is laboring under a great mental strain and only th combined effort of hi closest friend on th staff prevent him from executing many officer whom h charge with Imaginary failures In discharge of their duti-. Within four days. It was reported, h had ordered tight officer shot for what h declared wag criminal carelewnes In th handling of their troops, but In each Inatanca h was persuaded to reconsider. Alaak OXI8 Amalgamate Copper .... Asiariras Best Sugar.... smerlrn fas As.arinaa t. R. ....... Aswrleaa B. ft R. ftt... Am. Huaar iiannins. .... Averlesa Tl. ft Tsl.... Amerlesa Toosnco Anaronila Minim Atrhlaoa Hslilmnr Ohio Bmeklrn Rapid Transit., rtlllnrala rwrolsaai .... Caa4Ma Parllls rentral laslhar Chaaapeake Ohio Oilrase Orsst swra., rMr.m, M. It. P rklraao K. W lit lao OnrW rolorado rsel a ..., Colnrsda a rleslkars Daw Rlo Uranils... Irnvar ft R. O. pf4 Iilatlllara' iecurltlaa ... Krla (enseal Kleetrlo Ureal Northara pf4 , iimi No. ore etfa (luasenhelm rxploratloa. Illinois rentral Interbacstick Met. p(4..., Innplratlon roppee International ttarvaster . Kanaas ttr Sosthsra... Uhlsh sVllsr lxiul.Tllla Naahvllls.. Mnlran Pairolaum ..... Miami Corpse MUwaurt, K. T Mnwenrt I'arlllc National Blaoult National Iaad rtaana foppee Naw lark t'entral N. Y., S. H. H. ...... Norfolk Waatara,.... Norlhara Psstfea paelflo Mall pacific Tel. S Tsl psnnaylvanla Pullman palace Car Rsr foe. Copper irtaalln rtspuDlia Iroa Btssl.. rtirk lulaoil Co Hock lalas tlo. eM ... Bt I ft S. r. M pC4.. Southern Pacific Houthsra lUllway Trnneeaee Copper Taiea CimpaNjr t'nloa racirie t nloa Paclfls pfd I nlta Hulas n. Blast pnt t'tah Copper Waaaak p(d Waaler Vnles Westlndioaa Blectlia . Montana Pswar 7S t T9.l I"1 .o 47 ll.tno 14. 7114 'tin ioik 8. mo iiw m tH 11.IH0 H 8. ami 1IBH 10.7O0 7H J,9J 14 04 14 1.10 VH T, " l,oo 900 1.40 400 i.lno 4, 44 N. 121 H 119 414 44 4 49 IO 1IC IIIH 11 io: 71 K 1S l7Vt 9 UH 9114 111 41 11 1.74 14 HH 17 eKiO t l.inn inv 4.sno irn (t.fco too n,no IKS) t Mil ll.IHW l,M i.yi M.2a "l7M) tsm 11.0" KO 1 14,10 K 1.2110 13a rn 21 2.404 It 41V f.H4 1" 7 II t4 101 '4 W4 U. 181 T7 '4 94S 1J' UI 14 M 8 41 4 71 lott, H y i s 10JS 7 II ' 14 4U 17 45 US n ' 4 II V Ii 7V. 14 4 87 149 nH IT '4 10 ' 90 III t '4 141 17 14H I1 114 im 1M IS 01 :s 141 11!4 121 71 T&'4 14 14 lit 1.1 14.... w.'.V HtXi , 764 41 I 00 900 I IS al 1 00 941 7 lu . 1M4 I ,.luo 6 90 .. 49 4 90 ..l0 4 14 .140 4 1 .. 13 4 10 .. 10 0 .. 110 I 16 .. 17 9 M 16t 9 Ti I to II. rlEU .ia. T4 I 71 1 190 r, I SAO 4 SO 1 Ml I 40 BULLA 6 4 71 I 1040 I 'Jk 1 ...u.14ti0 I 40 1 HM I M 1 4,0 4 71 1 CALVcS. W 8 M 1 444 1 OS I Ml 7 U 1 Ibl 7 40 1 a t 71 1 HTLSV.itfc.itei AN, I'tCllblth ItO I M 94 Ill 7 10 uo 4 oo 7 in T ts 4J7 4 t& M 1044 T 6 Hi 4 M 14 M 14 440 4 17 127 T 40 7JI 4 15 H WO T 40 124 I 04 Ihe receipt wer rther mod erate, something Ilk 11 car, or 11.1M0 head. blng received. For th two days supplies fool up la,0 head, being 1,600 short of a week ago, but over 6.0UU heav ier than last year. Trade opened with shippers buying their kind at prices that were around a dime higher. Most of their hogs were bought on this basis, but later la th forenoon they reduced their bids, and their last purchases were only sbout 60 hlghar. Th shipper trad wa on th whole a big 510c higher. Packer bought a lew hog early at about steady price, and then laid down, and when they atarted bidding again it waa at flguru that were in spots as much as a dime lower. Nothing sold on this basis, however, and after holding on until a rather late hour, seller sold th killing and of their drove st generally steady price. Thl end of the trad was rather dull and It waa well along to wards midday before sny sort of a clear ance wa made. Moat of the parking drove war put up around $7.00, whll Ihe big end of the shipper soid at 7.j7.1iJ, with a sprink ling as high sa $7.16. and a top of $7.17. Price are now getting pretty close 10 where they wer the first of January, and today' top I only 12c bluw th years bat flrurea, At. .441 8a. Pr. Ms. At. 89. Pr. .. 4 74 44 24T ... T 14 4 7 40 20 rjt 40 T W . T 00 Ti 4 4 t U 10 T 2 17 1-4 ... T 14 S9 7 16 7 Ill M I 17 SO T 04 . Receipts of sheen ware enn sioersDiy larger tn total for Ihe two day tnla Ne. 14... M 9 4i n 47 !7I 44 171 4a 144 SHEEP n yesterday and the tnla WMk fuoLa un 19.14 head, which 1 larger than last week and larger than a vear aao hv Ilia haiad Other markets were only moderately sup- pinu. ma iwtijui, ss wa tn LIONS FRIGHTEN YOUNG WOMAN. FAINTS IN AISLE Apparently frightened by th . lion which mak up on of th acts at tbe Empress theater. Mils Dcra Drugemann, 1908 South Eighth street, fainted tit the alsl of ths theater. When the trainer of the lion attempted to enter th rag on of th beast became offenslv and his loud rosrings are thouKht to hav so frightened Mis Drugemann that she left her seat with th Intention of leaving, but fainted on her way out. She was at tended by Dr. C. 8- Folts and removed to her horn la tha pollc ambulance. OMAHA MAN WITNESS AT CHICAGO RAIL HEARING CHICAGO. April IS. Thomas Byrne of Byrne ft Hammer, Omaha dry good Job bers, testified that the proposed Increase In freight tates on cotton piece goods would have to be abaorbed by th Jobber If It wa allowed, as It waa too small to be added to the price per yard of good. John A. McDonald, manufacturer of men's working cloth at St. Joseph, Mo., testified that th proposed increase In freight rate would be paid by the man ufacturer, as hs product had a fixed re tail prlc. AMERICAN TO CARRY THE WESTERN PACIFIC EXPRESS CHICAGO. April J8.-Th Western Pa elflo railroad, through C. M. Levey, gen eral manager, ha enounced that after May 1 tli express business of tn road would be operated by the American Ex press company. He sad the contract had been confirmed by tlio United Stale cir- cult court. Th Glob Lx press company j had been bundling the traffic. 11.90 14,40 6, MA 700 3.70 ri'siie t 1.400 M 11 Kt'4 1 'i: i i ii 4: 14 ! 41 104 17 101 11 Ufi n 14 7 41 r4 101 M : 1M , 44.100 11 , II 104, l"0 17 , t.l KH , 39.30 44 i m ll.le 13 Tout sales for th 8ar. 1.404.499 shares, New Tark Mover Market. NKW YORK. April 13.-MRCANTILE PAPKR 3 per cent. STERLING EiXtHANGE Steadier; Ixty-day bill. $4.7850; for cables, 04.776; for demand, $4-7W5. SILVER Bar, 49c; Mexican dollar. 38c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Steady. ... TIME) LOANgt Stronger! sixty day. 2'V8 per rent; ninety day, 3314 per cent; lx months, Jf!3 per cent. ClALL MONEfV-Flrm; high. P4 per cent; low, 8 per cent; ruling rate, 2. per cent; last loan. 2 per rent; closing bid, 2'4 per cent: offeted at 2 per cent. Closing quotation on bond today wer a follow: V. S. rsf. 8 rag... Me. Pa, ct. 6s..... 47 4o soupe N. Y. C. f. 9a.... 99 tj. B. 9s. rg WIN, Y. City 4s....kVi do Muses 11 M. Y. 4H i 4s....UI V S. registered. in . T.. N. H. ft H. lis eospoa v. Is 101 Passm. ta euoa..toiCe. Pacirto as 9! Am. Bmsltsr 4V...V d la 44 A. T. T. ev. 4a.K o. 8. I- r. 4a.... Armour C. .. 41 r-ac. T. 4 T. 6a.... 9a Aui&l see. 4a.,.. 9 apMia, con. 4 91 Hal. Ohio 4s 90 , ct. 4 101 Ths. ft Ohio 4.. 7Rellns (cs. 4a.... Bh r. b. a u. u 4.... 96h. u a . r. s. 4s a C M ft S f 4.1" Ba. Pe. ct. 4s gi 4 ct. Is 10 no rsf. 4 US Cft. rat. 4... 41 o ct. 4 HV D.'a B. G. rat. .. 47 Ho. Kallwar la m gee. 4s 71 lalon Paltt 4s.... Oea. Elewtrte 4. ..101 do ct. 4a 90 Ot. N. 1st 4s f. B. Rubber a....1M. 111. Cea. r(- "'4l'- B. Btael la lli K. '. So. rsf. 4.. t Wabaab lat la 10 L A N. unl. 4a ... 4w. Vnloa 4a ... M M. K T. 1st 4a.. 71 West. Kiss. ct. Is.. Bid. Local Storks and Bond. Quotation farslahs or Burst. Brisk ft C , 441 OsMha Vatiseal bank balialag: Block tHd. Ask!., rMca a re. pM 44 4 9slraia4 Cmaaiy I par cast p(4 ... 9 1S4, Kalrmout Lrwmarr 10 par c eom.. 14 iM 14 24 H 1 91 1S li. 140 1D0 It M HI 4t 1 T7 K t 1 11 iri" at m 69 ''i II LJncola Tal a Tal. Omaha C B. Bt. Br. pfd., Mountain Butas Tsl. ft Tel. tttu Bask of Omaka I'pSlk lirslB pM t'pillk Orala com , Calun Btock Yard. Omaha.., 90 TI 101 114 lit II TT 11 II K London Stoek Market. LONDON, April 12. Despite tha ir regularity in America securities the market waa whole as a rule. A largo number of markings in ths Pacific stocks snd Atchison and United States Steel. Several shares hav not reached th July level, owing to further liquidation of kuan. SILVER Bar, 23d per ounce. MONEY-lrl per cent. DISCOUNT RATBr-Khurt bills, 2 Pr rent; three months, 3 par cant . lank Clearings. OMAHA. April 13. Bank clearings for Orasha today were $46Ht.670.V, and for the corresponding; day last year, $2,(39.-438.12. ' B.U.I 1:1. STOPS i a'J' ' " 1 LAMENESS from a Boo) Spavin. Ring Bon), Splint, Curb, Sli Bono, cr similar trouble ana gets hone sound. Docs Dot blister or remove th hair and hone can b woikcd. Pure 17 in pamphlet with tveh bottle tslls how. $2.00 a bottle dliver4. Ilore) Book 9 K ABSORBINE. RM antiseptic liniment for mankind. Reduce! Painful SvseUirigi, Ea larked Gland, Goitre, Wen, Bruin , Van- ASSEMBLY OF WISCONSIN PASSES ANTI-TIPPINQ BILL MADISON, Wis.. April U.-Th aenv bly pad th antl-tlpplnt bill tonight. It prohibit th giving or offering of any ... I nil Wu . nf anw k.l.l I taurant. barber ahon or nubile aervic- I CO Veins, VMicoiiti4,hUOidSor4.AllayS ccrpoiatlun engaged in the transportation of passengera Th penalty Is a fin of frcm $i to $25. Pain. Will tell yon more if you wri'. $1 and ti a bottle at deaieri o' -ielivered Book "Evidence' free. Manufactured only bf W JF.tOUNfl. P. P. f .. IMTmM 84,$9MUM Mi