Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Fullest and timeliest port
newi and f09ip in The Dee
dy by day. Special Sport
Section every Sunday.
On Train sad at
HoUl lvi Stands, Bo
! Garel Falls in the Home at 3:22
o'Clook and a Short Time
i Later in the Urner
National Guard Given Sixty-Seven
Thousand Dollars for the
(Prom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, April 1 3.-M Special.)
The thirty-fourth session of the Ne
braska legislature Is a thing of the
past, the gavel dropping for the last
time in the house at 3:22 this after
noon, while Lieutenant Governor
Tearson proclaimed that the senate
stood adjourned eight minutes later.
The last minutes of the session
were spent in waiting for the last bill
to be engrossed. In the house the
members remaining were entertained
by one of Representative Greenwalt's
The last report covered the main
tenance bill, and while the senate
raised the house bill about $124,000,
It receded from its stand sufficiently
so that the report showed a cut ap
proximately of $56,000. The National
Guard gets $67,600, a cut of about
$500 from the last biennium,
The legislature passed In all 808 bills, of
which IIS are yet In the hands of the
governor and not acted upon.
Last session the legislature passed
bills. .
Big Appropriation.
The general maintenance bill carries
S2.7OO.O0O, while the salaries bill carries
A peculiar condition existed In the work
of the session. While the democrats were
In the majority In both branches, with
a good working majority In each and
with a democratic governor to approv
their measures they were able to get
enacted into . law but one party pledge,
and that went through with the help of
republican votes, and the measure was so
badly bntchered up with amendments
that there was little left to the original
bill but Its title, and even th authorship
bore th name of a republican. This was
th public warehouse bill
Parly Pledge Falls.
- The Important measure or party pledge
that was .wanted the most Jailed ' most
ignomlnously. Its failure Is due te the
fact that being a party pledge top much
polities was Injected ,Twe.Mlhi
were Introduced for th purpose of carry
ing out th pledge. On went so far as
practically to legislate four supreme
judge out of office Iti that It was so
construed that it deprived them of the
right to run for re-election. The second
went to Its death principally because the
first one had opened up a fight which
th second had to stand for and that, too.
went to the bad.
Outside of the Greater Omaha act,
probably the legislation along good road
lines and the Dalbey automobile act, may
be considered to be among, tho leading
legislative acts.
Among the concluding acts of the lower
house was the adoption of a resolution
endorsing the administration of President
Wilson and his cabinet.
j Vienna Says Russ
Offensive is Halted
j - At Several Points
WASHINGTON , April 13. An official
war office bulletin from Vienna 'received
by the Austro-Hungarian embassy here
today aald th Russian offensive in the
Carpathians had been brought to a
standstill and that counter atttacks had
broken the Russian line In several places.
The dispatch follows:
"Along th whole Carpathian front there
Is marked calmness.
"Along th western section of the fight
ing .line, where the Russians recently
tried to break through wtlh strong forces
In 'the Ondava and Laborsa valleys and
completely, failed "with very heavy losses,
there has rot bean any fighting for sev
eral days.
"Th Russian offense since the fall of
Prxetnrsl, therefore, along the whole Car
pathian front has been -brought to a
standstill and by counter attacks by bur
troops In several places the Russian line
has been effectively broken."
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Fair warmer.
Teas perat are at
Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. Pe.
6 a. m 4.'i
S a. m
7 a. m 4'.
S a. m 4fl
a. m Hi
10 a. m tl
11 a. m 64
13 m 67
1 p. m i
S a. m 64
5 p. in 64
4 p. m 67
6 p. m A
p. m 64
T p. m 62
5 p. m...., )
Loral Rcor4.
110. M14. 1911 1912.
..... 8 H 64
4.1 41 & 67
.... 66 M 60 61
Coat pa rati v
Highest yesterdsy
I x went yesterday
Mean temoeratur
recipUatiua 1
.00 .00 .10
Temperatures and precipitation depar
ture from the normal:
Normal temperoture 4
Kxceas for the day 7
Total deftcteacy since March 138
Normal previpilatlon 10 inch
Kmcess Tor the day ' Winch
Total rainfall since March I 1. 12 Inches
Tieflciancy sine March 1 inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 114. .K2 inch
1 Kxcas for oor. priod. Mil 1.33 inches
Reports f t-OK etatloaa at T P. M.
Station and Btate Temp. High- Rain-
or w earner. i p. m. ei. tau.
Cheyenne, clear M TH .00
Tavnpwrt cloudy iA 80 .)
Iwuvrr. cloudy 64 74 .
Is Molnea 63 64 .01
Kortfc, inatto, clear 7 a! .00
to urive a rrein.ii muiur nuiuuiauce. oue v&iuijr ineu to ueuomc
1 "
: V ' iff;
i i i '
r,t - ' t.
'-"Si l
Army Officers Are Ordered to Dull
Metals on Their Uniforms and
Sword Scabbards.
ROME. April . 12. (Via Paris,
April 13.) An order Is printed In
the Military Journal directing all
army officers to dull the metal on
their uniforms and the scabbards of
their swords.. This is a measure
which usually is adopted on the eve
of war.
After receiving, a . warning , from th
minister of war that In case of moblliza
tlun the publ 14 schools Would he used to
house trcops, the municipal council met
tonight (Monday)" to discus what meas
re would be -taken In such An emer-
Jgency. It was decided I liave school
cessions contlnu4-to hired buildings, sub
stituting women for male teachers, who
would be called to the colors. It also
was decided that so far a possible ptrect
cars and other public utilities would be
operated by women as far as possible
provided ir.oblllsatlon resulted in a
shortage of male employes.
. Tarkiak Knvr Visit Italy.
Carasso Effendl, a member of the Turk
ish Chamber of Deputies, and Midhat
Bey, former secretary of the committee
of union and progress, who arrived here
last week, have left for Constantinople
by way of Venice and Vienna, after In
terviewing Italian statesmen. They de
nied emphatically that their mission was
In relation, to - a separate reac for
Their mission here, they declared, . was
to study' Italo-Turklsh relations in the
hope that the common Interests of the
two countries might be guarded now
and In the future. Before leaving, Car
asso Effendl said:
"Turkey entered th war knowing what
It was dalng and is determined to go on
to th end "
Bond Brokers Made
False Statements
In Advertisements
CHICAGO April IS. William : Faraon
and Roy A. Thompson. Chicago mem
bers of Far son. Son c Co., who al'lh six
others were indicted. for alleged conspir
acy and use of the mntis .to defraud,. In
connection with the n.tles of Oreeley
Poudre Irrigation district bonds, were ad
mitted to bail of T.C00 each today. At
torneys asked that John Farson, jr,, and
Harry B. Parrott, New York members
of the firm, be allowed to give bail- in
that city.
The Indictment sets' forth thct the dis
trict ! advertised falsely that its water
supply, came constantly and in a direct
flow from the Laramie river and that it
owned a reservoir witK a capacity of
100,000-acre feet and water supply for
180,000 acres," whereas the only water
supply consisted of an irregular flow from
a very small amount of flood water,
none of It from the Iarsniie river. .'A
statement alleged to have been made In
the advertising that ;he bonds were ap
proved by he United States district coirrt
of Colorado la denied by th government.
Taft and Roosevelt
Pall Bearers at
Loimsbur Funeral
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. April lS.-At-tended
by mon of prominence In th lit
erary and public life of the country, in
cluding former Presidents Theodore
Roosevelt and William H. Taft. the
funeral of Prof Thomas, P. Lounsbury of
Tale was held from the college chapel
todsy. Key. Anson Phelps Stokes, secre
tary of the university, conducted the aer
vices. The honorary beavers Included Oblor.e!
Roosevelt. Mr. Taft aid Arthur T. Hao
ly. president of the Yal unlveraitr.
Much Interest was shown In th ap
pearance of the ex-presldents at the
funeral, as It was th first time they had
been In each other's presence sine they
tecame opposition candidates for. the
presidency In tbe last campaign.
" e " .
first girl to bo made a Legion of
: jt j""
Britain Agrees to Buy Cargo of
Wilhelmina and Pay Owners Losses
LONDON, April 18. The British gov
ernment has agreed to purchase the cargo
of . the American steamer Wilhelmina and
to compensate the owners for loss. An
agreement to this effect was reached to
day between the W. L. Green Commis
sion company of St. Louis and the gov
ernment. ' '
The Wilhelmina sailed from 'w Terk
for Hamburg January 22 with a general
cargo of food products. It., ws tsken
Irto custody by the British .marina au
thorities. v
Under the agreement of today Oteat
Britain agrees to pay. th price'4 the own
ers would have realised on the cargo
Statement Made that Kaiser is Not
Party to Peace Negotiations
of Any Kind.
ROME, April 12. (Via Paris,
April 13.) Information in this city
is that there is absolutely no basis
for the report that peace negotiations
nnder certain conditions are being
considered in Berlin.
These reports, it is said, are based
upon Ignorance of actual conditions
in the German empire. The asser
tion is made that both Germany and
Austria, particularly the former,
have within their borders supplies
of everything necessary, to prolong
the war indeflntely.
Well Informed Germans In Rome de
clare th determination of the central
empires to carry the conflict to the end
will .become apparent soon, when the
campaign Is resumed with fresh vigor
on both fronts, according to plans mapped
out by th central staff during the win
ter. Th same sources of Information are
authority for the statement that can only
Germany provide enough food to supply
Its people, bu tthat It has on hand a
plentiful store or supplies for manufact
uring arms and ammunition.
No Baals for Riam, ears Wllsoa.
; WASHINGTON, April 13.-Commentlng
on a published statement of Pope Bene
dict that the latter had indicate! a de
sire to support any movement the United
States might make for peace. President
Wilson declared today that Intimations
of this character had been frequently con
veyed tojilm, but no foimal communica
tion had come.
Asked whether the United stales re
cently had learned of the terms upon
which the belligerents might be ready to
make peace, th preaident said regret
fully that there had -been no baals so
far as he knew for the rumors to that
While the United States government was
not consulted In connection with th In
ternational Women's l'euce confervnc at
The Hague, the preaident Indicated to
day that the movement had his sym
pathetic support. Although the meeting
fans no official ststus, Mr. Wilson said
b understood the delegates had not asked
for official authority, because they pre
ferred to act unofficially.
Annex to Hospital .
; for Insane Burned;
200 Patients Saved
CHICAGO. April 13. Two hundred con
valescent patients of the Chicago stut
hospital for the Insane were rescued to
day from fir, which destroyed a ram
bling frame structure used a an annex
to th institution at Dunning, northwest
of th city. Warned by previous) biases
la th building th hospital authorities
had prepared a fire drill which worked
without a hitch. Borne 2.S00 other Inmate
of th Institution were guarded to prevent
panic or undue escltornent In the main
building, a (w hundred feet from U
Honor V ' w; -a who is
. V
- .
had It gone to Hamburg, and also to
compensate the owners for the loss sustained-
In consequence of th ship being
stoppod. The government also will pay
for di ley re the ship so far as this has
been' caused 'by th British authorltfea.
A referee to be named by Walter H.
Page, the American ambassador, and Sir
Edward -Qrey, the British foreign secre
tary, will determine th total amount of
the payment due to the owners.
Th owners will -unload th cargo and
deliver It to the British government. The
ship itself wilt then be free to proceed
immediately, as there la no action against
the vessel.
Half Dpzen Teams to
Start M AlaskaDog
"-Sweepstakes Race
.NOME, Alaska, April II. The 41S-mtl
All. Alaska sweepstake race for dog teams
will start Wednesday, when half a doaen
teams each made up from ten to eighteen
dogs drawing a racing sled, driven by the
most expert drivers In the north, set out
on the, eighty-hour grind over the enow
trail from Nome to Candle and return.
The list of entries la not yet complete,
but already four of the most wldoly
known drivers In Alaska have entered
the race. These are A. A. (Scotty) Allan,
who twlc . has . driven the . team owned
Jointly by himself and Mrs. Charles H.
Darling of Berkeley, Cel., to victory;
Leonard Beppala, Paul Kjegsted and Fred
Ayer. John Johnson, whose team of Si
berian wolves set the record of seventy
four hours fourteen minute and twenty
seconds In 1910 and won last year's race
In eighty-one hour and three minutes;
will not race this year, having taken hi
dogs. to San Francisco. '
The purse already amount to $2,000,
that sum having been raised at a kermlsa
held Saturday night. This sum will be
swelled considerably, it Is expected, by a
vaudeville performance to b given to
nteht. Present Indications are against lowering
the record set by Johnson five years ago.
Light snow la falling and this will have a
tendency toward making. a slow course.
Teutons Retaliate,
Britons in Barracks
' LONDON, April 13. A dispatch te Hea
ter's Telegraph company from Amster
dum aays:
' The German government has decided
td make reprisals against British officer
pilsoners for the treatment that is being
becotaed the prisoners of German sub
marine boats In England. For each pris
oner of a submarine crew and for th
duration of. his harsh treatment, . which
It' Is contended is , contrary to Interna
tipnal law. It has' been resolved-by.' Ger
many to treat likewise a British officer
T Ithout distinction of person.
f Accordingly today (Monday) . -.Mrty-i.lne
British officers were Imprisoned In
the military detention barracks."
TOKIO, April 13-A fatal accident la a
reel mine near Shtmonosekl has resulted
In the loss of 23t lives, according to In
formation received in Toklo this evening.
Omaha bat one the finest,
best equipped and centrally
located Y. M. C. A. build
ing! in the country and tbe
ame is true of ita beau
tiful Y. W. C. A. building-.
The activities of these in
stitution! invite the . careful
attention of visitor!.
General Staff of Kaiser Now is in
Charge of Defense of the Car
pathians and Two Qreat
Passes Barred.
People of Dual Monarohy Greatly
Cheered by Arrival of Prussians
Passing- Through Budapest.
VENICE, Italy (Via London).
April IS. Messages from Vienna say
that the passage of a large number
of German troops through Budapest
on the way to the Carpathians some
what reassured the Hungarian pop
ulation, which became alarmed by re
ports that a Russian invasion threat
It is said that the defense of the
Carpathians has been largely en
trusted to Germans. Viennese jour
nals assert that the German troops
have not only succeeded in repulsing
the Russians, but have Initiated
counter attacks and captured large
stores of war munitions.
Two Passes Barred.
LONDON, April 13.-TW0 gateways Into
Hungary still remain barred despite the
tremendous hammering by the Russian
force and as th Beskid pass Is the less
Important of the two strategically, a
further advance In to Hungary hangs
upon th possesion of Uasok pass where
the invaders are meeting with the most
stubborn opposition.
Several days ago the Russians captured
a position which gave them command of
a road leading to the rear of Ussok pass,
but elnoe then tho Teutonlo allies have
checked the movements In this direction.
Th Importance of the Carpathian op
erations la Indicated by the half-hearted
actlona reported from the other sectors
en the long eastern front, where even
the counter offensive In east Oallcla,
which evidently was planned to divert
the Russian efforts from the passes,
seem to have been prosecuted with little
Sersaaa Brlaar Cheer.
' The people of the dual monarohy are
said to be greatly cheered by the num
ber of German reinforcement passing
through Budapest on th way to the Car
pathians front to take part In the op
erations which are now believed to be
la charge of th German general staff.
-The .whole, campaign la the, east jlvots
on Uasok pass, where the Auatro-German
forces are In such great strength that
th efforts of the Russians to reach tbe
Hungarian plains are likely to be pro
longed. . ..
In the west the French apparently are
satisfied with their recent aucceases be
tween the Metis' and - the Lorraine
frontier and claim only to have come In
contact with th German entanglements
In this region. Official German report
assert that determined attacks by the
French have been repulsed along this
Mc Adoo and Williams
.Preparing an Answer
To Biggs National
WASHINGTON, April U-Offlclals of
th Treasury department and of the Riggs
National bank war busy today preparing
tor th legal battle to follow th proceed
ing begun by the bank yesterday to en
join Secretary MoAdoo . and Comptroller
of the Currency Williams from alleged
persecution of that Institution.
Mr. Williams was In conference with
Postmaster General Burleson, Louis D.
Brandets of Boston and Jease E. Adklna,
a Washington attorney. Officers of the
bank examined the statement given out
by Comptroller William, reciting some
of th transactions of the Institution ques
tioned by his office, and prepared to Issue
a statement answering the charges.
Further legal steps in the case probably
will not be taken until Friday, when Sec
retary McAdoo, Mr. Williams and John
Burke, treasurer of the United States,
must make their anawer to the complaint
of th bank and its prayer for Injunction.
Formal notice waa served today by
Officer of the District of Columbia su
preme court on Acting Secretary New
ton, Mr. Williams and Treasurer Burke,
that Justice MoCoy had granted a tem
porary Injunction restraining the payment
Into th treasury of S5.0D0 Interest on
$1,000,000 of United States bonds held by
th comptroller to secure the bank's not
Attorney General Gregory announced to
day that the Department of Justice would
furnish counsel to defend the treasury of
ficials In court. He said special counsel
probably would be employed and ex
pressed willingness to name n rand els as
special assistant attorney general for the
Captain of Wilhelm
Asks for Permit to
Repair His Ship
WASHINGTON, April IS. The German
embassy today transmitted ' the State
department a formal request of Captslu
Thlerfelder of the auxiliary Kron
Priiis Wilhelm, for permission to hve
his vessel examined to se what repair
were naceasary to render It sea worth v.
and also for petnlsslon to hav those re
pairs mads.
The request Is similar to that submitted
recently In the case of the Prlns Bltel
Freldrirh. Captain Uoy-Kd, naval at
tach of th German embassy, reached
Washington early today after a confer
ence with Captain TrilerfnMetr. He prob
ably will leave It to t lie skipper to ar
range details with th American naval
officers as to (he lime required to repair..
Jane Addams and Party Sail from
New York to Attend Conference
of Women at The Hague.
NEW YORK, April 13. Forty
women delegates to the International
Woman's Peace conference at The
Hague, headed by Miss Jane Addams
of Chicago, sailed for Rotterdam to
day aboard the Holland-American
line steamer Noordam.
NEW YORK, April 13. A huge
peace flag floated from the mast
head of the Holland-American line
steamship Noordam today as the
forty or more delegates from Amer
ica went on board to sail for Rotter
dam to attend the International
Woman's congress at The Hague.
Miss Jane Addams of Chicago, who
led the delegation, said she had
doubts whether It was permissible to
fly the flag, until she received last
night a message from a representa
tive who had consulted Robert Lans
ing, counsellor for the State depart
ment at Washington. The message
"Officially the United States can
say nothing, as It Is a foreign ship.
Dut fly ahead."
The flag wa a snow whit pennsnt
bearing the word "Peace" In blue letters.
U was given by Mayor Mitchell of New
York. It was designed by the women
delegates aided by agents of the steam
ship Una. Sneaking of the Tag at a fare
well dinner last evening Miss Addams
said that "we cannot g-uena what a
foreign submarine will do at the eight
of a new flag to attack, hut we ar
secure In our conviction to do what we
can for Peace."
Friends of the delegates and supporters
of th peace movement who gathered at
the pier discussed with some oonoern
Miss Addams' Intimation In her speech
that the voyage might be attended with
some danger and that It was possible
that the delegates might never reach The
Hague. 'The ship may be Interned la
some harbor and never reach Rotterdam,
she said.
Among the delegate were Mrs. pethlck
Lawrence, the English suffragist; Mlsa
Allc Carpenter. Mlse Mary Chamber
lain, Mr. Frank Cothren, Mlas Madeline
Z. Doty and Mis Leonora O'Reilly from
Now York: Mrs. George Ruble of Wash
ington, Mlsa Sophronlsba Preckenrldge
of Chicago, Miss Grace Abbott. Dr. Alice
Hamilton. Miss Rcbeca Shelly, Mis Grace
Wale of the University of Wisconsin;
Mrs, NapUrolsky of Chicago, Mlsa Orac
D Graff of Portland. Ore.: Madam Aino
-Malmeerg, member-of the Finnish Far-
llament; Miss Marlsn Craig Wsntworth,
Mrs. Louis Post, Mlsa Annie Molloy of
Boston, representing . the Telephone
Operators' union, and Mr. Rose French
of Ban Francisco.
Allies' Warships
Use Mexican Bay as
Base of Supplies
SAN DIBGO, Cav, April IS-Verlficatlcn
of reports that British. Japanese and
Australian warships and auxiliaries were
using Magdaleua hay. Lower California,
as a coal and supply baa was made her
today by Captain A. Sommellera of the
auxiliary cruiser Ensenada, which reached
port late yesterday from Magdalena, via
Turtle bay.
"Warships of the llied fleet In the
Pacific have been usmg Magdalene bay
as a base for a number of months,'' said
Captain Sommellera. According to the
natives, there have been at times a fleet
oC foreign, warships and auxiliaries,
mostly British and Jspanese, at archer
In th bay. The warahlps were all stripped
for action and looked as If they had
been steaming on long voyages.
"The Ensenada entered Magdalene bay
early m.-March. At that time a two
funneled cruiser, painted lead colir and
with decks cleared fot action, was
anchored about two miles from the en
trance of the bay. It flew no ensign, but
from Its apeparance It looked to be a
Japanese vessel. It remained forty-eight
hour and then In the dead of night
steamed out to sea. Later the Japanese
cruiser Cltose entered Magdalene, coaled
from a British collier and proceeded.
Th Japanese cruiser Asama Is still
aground on the pinnacle on which It be
came Impaled December SI. Attempts to
salvage the cruiser have been going on
without interruption since It struck, but
the work waa stopped about a week ago
to await the arrival of a salvage steamer.
During ths operatlona a fleet of Brit
ish and Japanese warship waa anchored
in Turtle bay, their crews assisting In th
salvage attempts. The cruiser Idxuma
and lotawa steamed for Honolulu a week
Wilson Refuses to
Reply to Gardner
WAPHINOTOI-, April lS.-President
Wilson refused today to make any com
ment on a statement recently made by
Representative Gardner of Massachusetts
to the effect that when a joint board of
army and navy officers suggested pre
parations for possible trouble In th Pa
cific, he bad ordered the board not to
meet again. The president told callers
that he would have nothing to say about
any statement Mr. Gardner had made.
Damage to Liner
Minnesota is Small
SEATTLE. Wash., April 13. The Great
Northern Steamship company waa ad
vised today that Its liner Minnesota which
ran on soft ground in the Inland See of
Japan yenterday and bent several plates,
is only slightly damsged. It is leaking In
No. 1 hold, but the pump hav no trouble
in keeping tbe water down. Enough cargo
will bo lighttred to float the vessel, wbloli
will be docked at Nagasaki.
Movement Afrainst Germans in
France and Belgium is Devel
oping on Large Scale.
Rrrmor that Emperor William is Di
recting Operations in Carpa
thians Not Credited.
The Day's War News
hack the Oermaa wedae In the
Meaae-TMell r-ealnn eoatlnnea
aaremlttlaalr, both the official
rflBimsslratlnsii from hnth Paris
anil Rerlla I a i) Irate teat Ike tier
naa lines are bald In a.
FRFm BATTLESHIP, with the.
aid of sea planes, attacked a Tark
lah ramp In the vlelally of finaa.
In aootbtern Palestine, near the
Karptlan. border.
GKRMAW ATTACK on the nasalan
force la the north, near the Prus
sian frontier, was renamed yester
day and another battle Is In re
res tar the aasaeealaa of the Im
portant Raaafaa fortress of Osno
armies an opera tin a alona tho
Carpathian front. Petroarad news
papers pnbll.h sctnl-offlclal n
talla roncernlna this rnmpalau
to the effect that the vnrlona Aas
trlan armlri are nailer direction
t the Oernsa staff. '
HEAVY FIGHTIKU I. In proa re.. In
Bakowtna, according; to a Buch
arest dispatch to Paris.
In Rosso has denied reports that
Oenaaay la considering; peace ne
Kotlatlaas. ITALIAN MILITARY a.thorltie.
order. arnty officer to dnll
! an their aalform aad
hal Sir John French'a message to'
ma countrymen at home that "I
know when the time cornea for us to
mae our great mow; we can break
through tna Germane," and the Brit
ish eye) witnegg gtatoment of yester
day that there are plain signs of the
grfidua);weakenlog . of the- German
reaigtanc, are accepted here as an
intimation that the present steady
pressure on the weatern front ahortly
will develop Into events of vaster
acope.; It Is thug expected that the
next three months will be especially
memorable In this war.
Military writers are of th. i..i ....
the reported French . successes between
u meuse and the Moelle-an Important
region stretching between th rival fort
resses of Verdun and Met hav given a
uromiaing opening for th spring cam
paign. They regard It as th signal for
th general offensive movement whirh
ha been awaiting the arrival of adequate
accumulations or men. equipment and
Rnsslan Advance la Moaatalas.
The Russian offensive In the Carpa
thians continue to meet a strenuous de
fense on the part of tbe combined Teu
tonlo armies, and although It appears tor
be slowly winning Its way forward toward
the plains of Hungary, It has encountered
enormous diffldultles. The Austrlans have
been preparing their defensive positions,
throughout the period which haa Inter
vened alnc the Ruslana flrat raided this
sam territory.
To rlleve the pressure on the Russians
Is an additional reason for the activity of
their allies In th west. The report that
Emperor William personally Is directing
the operations In the Carpathians - Is
doubted, as Is also the rumor from Col
ogne that Field Marshal von Hlndenburg
has asked for reinforcements to the ex-'
tent of 300,000 men to undertake another
campaign against Warsaw. It Is thought
to be far more likely that he will attempt
to divert th attention of the Russians
by a thrust from th direction of Cracow.
(Continued on Page Four, Column Three ),
Cost Accounting
on the Farm
The farmer of today, seeking
the greatest profit from hin
larid, makes farming a busi
ness. A cost system is being
used extensively, show
ing exactly . where expen
ditures go and the return
from effort. Waste is eli
minated, he knows where
his profits come from, and
efficiency is sought.
Farming is a profitable
business. If you want to gtt
into such a business, try read
ing the "Farm and Ranch
Landa" columns of The Bee.
Perhaps you may find a farm
for sale which suits your re
quirements. Telephone Tyler 1000
"EvrjboJy Asa Want Aim"