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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1915)
Till! HKK: OMAHA, I't'ESDAY, APRIL 13, 1915. S$CM WW ; font By MELLIFICIA. Monday, April 12, 1914. JUST where we will spend the summer Is the topic of (be hour. Old Hoi seemingly Is going to stay with us and makes all take Interest in our summer plans. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keeline plan to leave In a few weeks lor their ranch at Gillette, Wyo. Later they will be Joined for a while b Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard and family, who plan to spend the summer In the mountains- Mile. Andre will make a trip to Japan and the Orient, which will In clude four months of pleasure and sight seeing. Mr. and Mrs. Felix McShann and daughter, Marie, will leave early In the summer for the lakes near Chicago and later will go east for several months Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy and children, accompanied by their nurse, will leave soon for the coast of Malnes, where they will spend the entire sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Crofoot and family will open their cottage at North East Harbor, Me.,' as usual. Mls Frances Nash is considering taking a cottage In the Berkshire Hills Mrs. Will Coad and children will join Mrs. Kdward O'Brien and tako a cottage at the seashore. REPUBLICANS WILL HOLD OPEN MEETING Purpose It to Endorse Republican Commissioner Candidates for Coming City Election. WASHINGTON HALL SATURDAY Birthday Party. Mr. B. J. Kent entertained Saturday Afternoon In 'honor of the fifth birthday anniversary of her little daughter, Jo sephine The table was decorated In (Ink ana white and the' afternoon was spent !n various games. The guests entertained Minaci MlKWK Beth Lrtdjr, Kutherlnn Ross, Kathalene Kent, Mary Kllen I-upcke. Oeorma Kent. Uorothv Nelnon. Ferum Benedict, Virginia Walker. Mary Morgans, Jianotte Kent. Master Masters Rotund Wllaon. John C'arr. Caaeivu Fletcher. Albert Lue ke, Tempel Israel Musicale. TKmpla larael Sisterhood gave a literary n4 mualeat afternoon today at the tem ple. Mrs. Frederick Cohn read a paper on "Woman's Influence In Jiidalxm." the same paper having been read by Mrs. Ah ram Wmon, wife of Rahbt Pinion, for merly of Omaha, at the biennial confer of American Hebrew Congregations In Chicago laat January. Mlas Mina Meyer gave vocal selections and Mlas Charlotte Abrama piano numbers. On the Calendar. The' Coma club will give a dancing arty this evening at Chambers" academy. Lecture Series XJpened. Mr. Anthony Merrill opened her aeries of lectures tlila morning at the home of Mrs. diailoa T. Kountse. Arnold non net t and readings from his works wa the program. News of the Wayfarers. Mayor and Mrs. JamenC Pahlman and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Campbell are spending the week at Rxcelalor Pprlngs. Mrs. lister It. trlshaua and her mother, Mrs. K. 8. CToyer. who have been In Cos Angeles since February, ara now at Ban Diego visiting the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Foster, who have n spending the winter In Pant Bar bara, are now In Los Angeles, and will not return before May 1. Mr. Foster's health Is greatly improved. Jleaorah Society Meets. Prof. Waiter Halaey dean of the College of Arts and Science of the University of Omaha, will addresa the Menorah society Tuesday evening at the Metropolitan club rooms. The subject of hl address will be "The 8tudy of Chsracter." Dance at the Fontenelle. The t'nlverslty club will give a d icing I arty this evening In the bsll room of the Hotel Fontenelle. Al-So-Cia Club Party. The AI-Ho-CIa club held Us semi monthly dance at the New Castle hotel Friday evening. This was the closing party of the season and was wed at. tended. With the Visitors. Mx. and Mrs. C. M. Tisrteau of Ottawa, Canada, are visiting Mrs. K. W. Nash. Mr. ilarheanu Is a nephew ofMrs. Nssh. Original Monday Bridge Club. The. Original Monday Bridge club waa entertained this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Osgood Eastman. The guests pres ent were: A republican meeting Is to be held to endorse republican candidates for the coming city election. Saturday evening is the time and Washington hall is the place, and the meeting Is called under the auspices of the Mc Klnley club, of which A. W. Jefferls is the president. The movement la already under way for ward organisations, and the appoint ment of delegates to represent all parts of the city In the Washington hall meet ing. "Yes," said Mr. Jefferls, "It la going to be a republican meeting. As 1 sine them up, the republican candidate are Just as capable a the democrats who are running, and we do not have to sink any nonpartisanahlp to endorse the re publicans as the best men. The repub lican wave 1 moving across the country, and It Is time for it to strike our city hall, and take the balance of power out of till hands of the democrats who have been In contiol there too long. The meeting will he open snd every one may come In, and tiny one In harmony with its purpose may participate In It." Repabltean K.nt hnnlfum, "1 tliluU it's time to show a little repub lican cnthuMiism," declared one of the county officers "I was elected as a re publican without any help from any of the democrats In the city hall, and I don't see why republicans should be expected to help keep democrats In control. If the republlcsns want to get back of repub lican candldatea, I am ready to Join in." On the strength of the newspaper talk of the proposed meeting one ardent repub lican called Mr. Jefferls up by phone to offer to contribute to the espenaes thst might be Incurred. oisSgcacB... .. zz - ' Children's Hair Bobbing (Second Floor) Next Monday to Be City Cleanup Day Superintendent Ilyder of the city street maintenance department announces that next Monday will be clean-up day and that his warfnns will make the rounds of the alleys and will collect without charge heaps of rubbish which msy have been placed in convenient locations. He explains that the wagons will not take ashes, garbage or household refuge. II Bring the children and come to the Free Exhibition of the fj wonderful miniature working model of the battleship "Mass if achusetts" now being exhibited on Second floor, Boston Store building. You and the children will enjoy the exhibition ml FOUNTAIN. HOTELS, ON KLMWHCft Get lORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL - MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for All JCH MILK. MALT CI AIM EXTRACT, III FOWDM Unioam yoa say HORUOITS you may got m SubrntltutQ II D Free Prizes $50 in Gold for the School Children Fifty dollars in gold will be given to school children between the ages of to and (f years who write the best essay not exceed ing 300 words on this marvelous dread nought. First prize for best essay is $10 in gold. Second prize next best essay is $7.50 in gold. Third prize third beat essay is $5 in gold. Eleven prizes of $2.50, totaling- $27.50. These essays will be judged by leading Educators of Omaha. It is required that all be written between this 'date and Satur day, and all must be in our hands Saturday forenoon. Judges are: II Dr. D. E. Jenkins, University of Omaha. E. U. Graff, Supt of Public Schools. Rev. Mr. Quinlan, Creighton University. Mia Edith Tobitt, Omaha Public Library. Mrs. Earl Stanfield, Secretary Woman's Club. ? FLITTOI. Telephone Pong, 1M3, EjfCS Medames Warren Kogers, Joseph Haiker. ( W. R. Me Keen. Isaac Coles. Mesdames A. O. Meee n. ( harlis T. Konjitxe. Arthur Kemington, W. A. Redlck, Personal Mention. Mr. James llayden, accompanied by hia niece. Mlas Ophelia, expects to leavo the laht of the week for Hot Rprlngs, Ark. Mrs. liersog and daughters, Kay and Carlta, of IJncoln have arrive to be present at the ninety-third birthday an niversary of Mra. Hcrsos-'a mother, Mrs William Rothschild, which will be cele brated Thursday at the home of Mrs. Samuel Kati. Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Btricklcr, formerly of Omaha, will leave soon for a trip to Australia. They will sail from Van couver, stop a day In Honolulu and make stops In Japan and China. Mr. Btrlckler lu now on a lecture tour In the west ut.der the direction of the Christian Sci ence church. gore Throat mm Chest. Quickly relieved by Dr. Bells Pine Tar Honey. It eases J ha throat, soothes the lungs, loosens phlegm. Only tic. All druggists. Advertisement. aOsSa 411. The Bee Want Ads Are Bsst Business Boosters. Buy Your New Gas Range Here All the Latest Conveniences Represented Every Style, Size and Price from $6.25 to $60.00 Wo Have a Range to Fit Your Purse. '-"X 4.- ' i j mJmtK--; I ! ' '... e ? Here 'a a Range that will cut down tout CAS BILLS -f ha j a a sw tiiai This range comes with a large 16-ln. or 18-ln. oven has white enameled steel splashers white enamel dip pans automatic burner-lighter porcelain burner handles one-piece specially construct ed patented burners (that saves gas) non-rustable, black finished metal work a high grade, beautifully made gas range equal to any $4 5 range on the market. 16-inch oven, 47 inches long .$29.75 18-inch oven, 51 inches long , . $31.00 M Phone O 1 41C i7CitL n Doutia, oeaion cc Later u. ;rra I A. JJO Vha Kama Af Vuhl hnltn,. J IVi V Xl f , PAYMENTS IF YOU WISH EZUZ Forty-eight free trips to the California Fairs as guests of Runaway June Every Theater showing Runaway June can enter the California Free Trip Contest by making application to the Representative at the Mutual Film Exchange, 1415 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb. George Randolph Chester's thrilling motion picture serial now running at moving picture theaters throughout the country. SEE THE PICTURES AT THESE MOVIES: TODAY - E,May'0- FARNAM THEATER, 15th ind Farata BtwUarly Try Tuesday COMFORT THEATER 2319 Vinton Street. Every Sunday, Episode No. 7. April 18. basa'aasWStsaiatatsaahM ORPHEUM THEATER South Omaha Every Wednesday Epsisode 13 Next. VENEZIA THEATER, 1211 South 13th St., Every Friday, Episode No. 8, Next. SUfjoa mmmmm mmm -ini-iririru-lrrL--tru-J-rJ-J EMPRESS THEATER, Fremont, Neb. Wednesday First Episode. - - "Ti-i-i- aJuir-uirij xruu j-xijT-JxnjxjXJ GRAND THEATER, 16th and Binney, Omaha, Every Tuesday. Episode No. 12 TO DAY CLIFTON THEATER, 45th and Burdette, . Omaha, Every Friday. .Episode 12 Next. j HIPPODROME THEATER, 2514 Cuming, Umaha, Every Wednesday. Episode No. 10, April 14. ha4w, ' -- rararin.rLrnjnjnjTjnji-ajT.rLnj-j-nnn mm aoiaaa mmm - rii iirHi nnnnjlj - - -1 ii njir jinring srxruxi li isiwajLsr nnrins CAMERAPHONE THEATER TODAY 14th and Douglas, Omaha, Every Tuesday. Episode No. 9, Today 0 ; PRODUCED BY THE RELIANCE MOTION PICTURE CORPORATION Syndicated by SERIAL PUBLICATION CORPORATION 1413-1415 Harney St., OMAHA, NEB. Phone Douglas ),;; Read the Story in The Omaha Daily Bee II 11 Come and see this miniature battleship and gather material for this essay contest. Exhibition hours will be 11, 1, 3 and 4:30 o clock daily. Lec tures will be gfren by Mr. Samuel Orkin of Boston, the inventor of the boat "TJ Tuesday in the Basement A Wonderful Sale of Women's, 3Iisses' and Juniors9 Apparel Suits. Coats and Dresses Worth $f!00 As High As $10, Tuesday Choice From an Eastern Jobber we secured 200 suits, 400 coats and 189 dresses. All of them will be put on sale Tuesday at this amazingly little price D 0 400 Splendid Coats for Women, Misses and Juniors Many sample spring coats and staple styles. There are long and short coats, balmacaan styles, military styles, silk and satin coats, fine serge coats in fact, dozens of styles. The materials are of checks, plaids, novelty cloths, white serge coats, etc. Many are real sun nnea. ine greatest lot of coats, e , just when you want them, at a give-away price. These coats are worth up to $10, for 00 189 Silk and Cloth Dresses, In this lot are many differ ent styles in new spring silk dresses, others are good practical styles, made of messaline, poplin and differ ent kinds of novelty cloths. All the new spring shades are included. These are regu- r- nn-ar $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 dresses. "Your choice Tuesday, for the small price of $3.00. 200 Suits for Women, Misses and Juniors Dozens of styles, including various length coats; all good prac tical models, 'not this sea son's suits, but made of fine all-wool materials suitable for wear on many occasions. Suits for girls, sizes 13 and 15; suns for misses, sizes 14 to 18; suits for women, sizes 34 to 44. These suits are worth to $10.00. Tuesday it) 3- D n D 1 n D D D Women' 8 Other Wear at Notable Savings in the Basement . Dressing Sacques 23c Dressing Sacques Made of fig ured crepe and figured lawns. Alt lses. Regular 39c values, o 75c Kimonos 47c Long Kimonos Made of figured crepe, with scalloped edges. All sites. Worth 75c. Special. j l each 4C In Basement Tuesday $3 Raincoats $1.69 Women's Slipon Raincoats Black only with pure gum top. Will not crack. Warranted to wear t m $3.00 values pl.D7 Chances to Save on Children's Wear in the Basement M 300 Coats, ages S to 14 years, in a eluding satin coats, with large em broidered collars, fancy mixture coats and plain cloth coats. Dosens J of styles end fine materials. " Worth up to $5.00. i nt for $1.49 and yl.iJD Children's Raincoats and Capes, ages 6 to 14 years Girls' striped rubberized raincoats, with plaid lined hoods, worth $1.50; -girls' cloth top with rubber back rain coats, worth to $2. Choicenr Tuesday for DC Childrena White and Colored Wash Dresses Many fine white materials and good colored wash materials. Hundreds of pretty dresses In many different styles. Ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. 69c, 89c and Oft $1.00 values. Choice, for aJafC Bargains in Domestics D 36-Inch Dress Percale 64x64 standard make; light and dark grounds, neat dots and ftg- i ures. 10c val., yd.. . U2 C Fine Quality Dress Ging hams Long desirable lengths up to 15 yards. Blue and white and pink and white checks, stripes and plaids; medium and light shade. Worth r 8c. A yard DC 42 and 4 5x3 6-Inch Bleached Pillow Blips Made from rood standard bleached muslin, soft fin ish. Worth 10c. Spe cial Tuesday, each. ; 7c lie Mill Remnants of Beauti ful Printed Dress Batiste and Dimities 10c and 12 He values. Tuesday, a yard. Genuine Drees Tissue In neat stripes and checks in all the wanted shades, absolutely fast colors Sheer and crisp. Lengths up to 10 yarde. r A yard DC 36-Inch Unbleached Mus lin Extra weight, heavy round thread quality. Ele gant for sheet and slips ; easily bleached and laun dered. Regular 1 price 9c. A yard. . . Uj C BBEIE3EalE Great Shoe Bargains (Basement Shoe Department) White Canvas Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps for Women Odds and ends, worth $2.00, qq some worth $2.50. Tuesday, a pair. . .OIC Women's New Juliet House Slippers Patent tipor pa'tent stay; rubber heels. All sizes and widths. An unusual quality. Tues day, a pair Infants' Fine Shoes Hand turned and sewed soles. Regular $i.oo values. Spe- r-Q cial, a pair OtC Odds and Ends in Misses' and Children's Pumps and Oxfords Worth up to $2.00. About 60 Of pair in the lot Special Tuesday, a pair. ..OiC Boys' Low Shoes Odds and ends. Patent leather; mostly narrow widths. Worth up to $1.60. r r Sale price, a pair 3C amaca D 98c Combination Side Pleated Skirt MO. "V With alternate 4-inch box pleats- ftulms of 8 half-inch side pleats going from renter to right and left. Above skirt should be prepared from straight width of goods and should not be cut gored at top. Al low two Inches for the hem and two Inches for shrinkage on each width of goods used. Material should mea sure three yards around bottom be fore pleating. Price 82.50 toi pleating only. All wool or all silk goods hold pleat best. Avoid cotton mixtures. KKM VOl K tfOIS. OKDKIIM FILLED PROMPTLY. WATCH FOR OTHER MODELH. Everything In Pleating, Covered Buttons. Hemstitching, Picot Edg ing. Send for free Price List. The Ideal Button & Pleating Go. 107-109-111 South 16th St., Omaha, Neb. HBBBiaSMSMBSMBMSHBaaSBBBBM,aB.IBBHBaBBIBIBBHBBMBaaBMHHHHHHHMHBaHHBMH(lfJHBBM, COUPON NO. 4 Tlds Coupon Is good for 10 if applied payment on this itkirt before April 27th, 191".. Cut this out and ot-nd with your order. Hotel Lenox LUXURY ECONOMY I Sara tha jnM Cocl)Dns 1 I TMEEEER YOU LI KE I and get valuable premiums FRED (.WIG DRElVinG COMPAIIY sF.n'ifrs,..' BOYLSTON ano EXETER STREETS BOSTON One block from Copley Sq. and Public Library. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre District. All Outside Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. Single Rooms 92, with Bath S2.50 and up Double " 2.30, " " 13.50 " ,f (Good Oarages 3 minutes' walk) L. C. PRIOR. Manaosk Two minutes from Back Bay Station Ten minute from North Station 0ttmj0mt0mK3mqmrmmmumwmnm (DUlflr, THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PATEIi