THK BLK: OMAHA. TCKISDAV, Al'lUL 13, 1915. THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSKWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATEK. EDITOR. Tha Be Publishing Company. Proprietor. PEn BUILDING. FAB.NAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entered at Omaha postoffice as second-class matter. TEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By rarrier per month. ijaliy ana iun"T... - - Pally without Punday....' be.... Fvenlnic end Sunday.. '' rnnint without Sunday o.... Kutiitir Ra onlir soc- Py mall per year M u 4 00 'W 4.00 g.tsi Send notice of or loirwi rr tompiainis ti Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation De pa rtment. REMITTANCE. m Remit draft, expresa or postal order Only two cent stamps received In payment of smell as roonts IVmonal cheeks, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, cot accepted. OVFICES. Omaha-The Bu Building South Omaha SiS N street. Council Bluffs 14 North Main street. Lincoln X Little Building. Chicago SOI Hearst Bulirtlnr New York Room 11K US Fifth avenue. Pt. Iils-?nNew Bank of Commerce. Washington 7 Fourteenth N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Address eommunlcstlons rJatnr to news and 4f tortatmattsr to Omaha Bee. Editorial Depart roaut. MARCH CIRCILATION, 52,092 Stats of Ner.raj.ha. County of Douglas, aa. Dwlght Williams, clrculatl'n manager of Tha Be Publishing company, being duly sworn, aaya that tha avers g circulation for tha tnonln of March, 19U, aa si.Wi DW1GHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Buhacribed In my Tree? no and aworn to before me. thla 2d day of April. 1916. BOBEKT MUN'TER, Notary Public. Subscriber leaving trie city temporarily should have The ttee mailed to them. Ad drees will b changed aa oflea aa requested, ,? P' Thought for the Day 5cfaf by Edith Partridge There are loyal heartt, there art tpiritt brave, There art tolet that art pure and trite: Tken give to the world the beet you have. And (he beet ehall come back to ycm. MadeAne Bridget. The bas ball fan mar aa well begin to un- llmber- Cheer up! The country U safe! ta smiling- Wall atrcet Considering lta opportunities, that legisla ture could have done a great deal more damage Another sign of spring the reappearance of the base ball score board in its familiar haunt. The federal court of Indiana strikes a blow for honest elertions that will be felt from sett to sea. Our graft-greedy sheriff will not lose any thing on a 3-cent allowance for Jail feeding, but it's tough on his lawyer-lobbyist partner, Terr Hants politicians, smarting under tha federal lash, no doubt can out-lament any Ne- braskan on the "encroachments of federal power-" If that many ballots were east Id our recent elimination election, then comparatively few of them were marked for a lull Mat of seven can dldates. Now let our nonpartisan Water board es tablish a rule barring political activities by sal- tried employes, and then see to It that the rule Is enforced. It Is not generally known that South Omaha haa a paid School board, which after merger will give way to an unpaid board, anl we hope with out deterioration of the service- 8U1), if the voters really want to retain the services of those self-sacrificing county officers, they can re-elect them at the proper time with out the aid or consent of any legislature on earth, Maintaining the dignity of public office with out a publlo limousine Is painfully difficult. An officeholder without a gas wagon at call la In danger of becoming an object of suspicion or derision. Can Gorgas Do It? The proposal of the Rockefeller Foundation to send General (lorgas to stem the scourse of typhus fever, now devastating Serbia, and clean tip the country in a sanitary way, comprehends the mightier! task ever net for man. It Is an en terprise compared to which the job of ridding the Canal Kone of yellow fever and similar dlsesses was a holiday. On the Isthmus General Gorgas had the a' tlve assistance and hearty co-operation of a highly organized military force, sod an intelli gent civil government. In Serbia he would have neither. However willing the authorities may be to assist him, or anyone else in the under taking, It is impossible at present. The Serblau military authorities have all they can attend to with the armies 1n (he field, while the civil gov ernment does not exist, so far as it might be useful in such a huge enterprise as ridding the country of the plague. Conditions in Serbia are most appalling, and are growing worse; adjacent territory Is Ihrea' ened, and will undoubtedly be Invaded by tlie scourge, unless checked. Science can check the spread of typhus or similar fevers, but to do so must have assistance. If this can be had, Oor gas is the man for the undertaking. His genius for organization, his fearlessness and bis fa miliarity with sanitary work make him mot available for the succor of Serbia. Again has cultured Europe turned to America to a work for humanity, which can not be done by the civilized nations of that conti nent, because they are engaged 'n the most, stu pendous of human conflicts. The longer the war lasts, the brighter glows the record of tha United Ststes. Entertaining- Company. "Our hospitable shores" has ever been a prime favorjte n figurative utterance for poet and orator, and It may now be expanded slightly by adding "and harbors," for the seaports of the United States are entertaining distinguished company these days- Another German sea rover has just put Into a nook of shelter over which waves the Stars and Stripes, and will probably remain there till after the war is over. It will be welcome, as are the other ships that have taken similar refuge. Uncle Sam has plenty of room la his harbors for all the navies of the world, and will gladly give them all anchorage, if they will only come In and behave. Incidentally, there's a further touch of Ger man humor In the story of the Kronprlns Wil helm. Overtaking a British cruiser devoid pf ammunition, th Germans transferred Us most effective artillery to their own ship, mounted them, sank the Britisher, d sailed away on a cruise of eight months, finally destroying seven millions of property for the glory of war. J !.J JB Launching a Presidential Boom. Democratic prophets are busily engaged Just now In working out plans for properly putting the second term candidacy of Wood row Wilson before the publlo. How to launch the boon without giving it the appearance of being a po litical move is the problem they are seeking to solve. One of the proposals Is that Mr. Wilson make a (rip and deliver a few speeches, not for campaign purposes; far be It from that, but Just aa a sort of visit with the folks, and to tell them pf the many noteworthy feats i accomplished b? Ills administration- This' ma? fool the demo crats, bunot the public. If the president Is no more successful In his promised addresses than he was at Indianapolis, he would better stay at home. As a matter of fact, the cabinet officers are and have been busy on press-agent tours for the administration for months, each vtelng with the other In sounding the praises of the president and his party. All of this explanation and ad juration seems to suggest that the "spontaneity" of the eall for Mr- Wilson's second term candi dacy takes a great deal of Inflation. This Is es pecially true when the renominatlon is a fore gone conclusion. .It wouldn't be a bad plan for the presideut to get out and mingle with his fellow country men. No other occupant of the White house iu many years, not even G rover Cleveland, has held himself so entirely aloof from the people. A "swing aroupd the circle" might not help hU chances politically to any great degree, but it would do him ne harm to get a little more first hand knowledge of the geography of the United States. , Aimed at Omaha Tekajnah Herald: riovernor Morchaad haa signed tha bill whlrh annexe the aiirrouadlna towna to Omaha. Consolidation (a now an acrompllshad fact and is bent for all concerned Tlielr Intereau wera but ona and now they can work In harmony. Omaha now baa over 20n,m population, a bis. buay, hustliti western city, of which all Netraka la proud and should continually aid In every poealWe way. Fremont While the conaolldatlon of it uburlja with Oman la to be submitted to a vote of all of them concerned at one time, that city la al ready aaaumlns that consolidation in an assured fart. Omaha will vota pretty tmanlmouHly la favor of tak ing In Its suburbs, and It matters little bow they vote: thoy will have, to com In anyway. It will add .' or M.Ort people to the city and give It a bla; boost w hen the next cenaua la complied. The truth Is Omaha la dtlni-d to be a great city and Is certain to make a remarkable growth In the next ten years. Just now It Is In much thriftier condition than most similar cities of the country, by reason of tha prosperity ot the territory supporting It. No city In America is fieer from busineea stagnation and the problem of unemployment at this time than la Omaha. Annexa tion and consolidation la ona of the stepa of tha new development that Is making Omaha conspicuous anJ which will ba more and mora apparent In the near future. Falrbuiy News: Jim Pahlmen was renominated in Omaha, of courae there war a faw other men chosen also, but they are of Mttle consequent. Nebiaaka (,'lty prens: Omaha la making great preparations for tha proper welcoming of Nebraska newspaper nun In a few days. Tha newspaper boi of Nebraska are always glad to go te Omaha, too. They know the of hospitality the metropolis always has on tap and there are no lagging momenta. Mra who attend the annual conventloa in two weeks are looking forward with kean anticipation to a most enjoyable atay as guests of Omaha. Fremont Tribune: Heren attempts at suicide In Omaha In nine ditys have been mads by residents of the suburbs threatened with annexation. Fremont Tribune: Omaha Is going to vote next month on the question of permitting Sunday base la "In Its midst." Do you want mora than one guess on how It will vqtsT Hastings Rrpubllran: Now that greater Omaha In to bo a fact here la hoping that the people of Ne braska's leading metropolis will be equal to the task of benevolently assimilating the people of the" annexed towns. Lincoln Journal: Soft pity almost forbids us to mention the Omaha World-Herld In this connection. The World-Herald was chiefly responsible for the nomination and election of Morahead laat year. It guaranteed him to the people of Omaha, notwith standing It knew well that he was receiving the sup port of the Interests now served by a governor's veto. The World-Ileyald'a courageoua support of the eleci.-'e. light bill waa an Important factor In getting It through the. legislature. Oh, the tragedy of It, that It should be the yorlrt-rrald'e governor who now knocks the World-Herald's dream. Bttll another title to the veto which springs naturally to the mind la, ''Stung Again!'' Brief seatxllrwttema aa ttaaly septse Utrfcat. rte Be aaawmae e rearosusTMUty fee eptalewa eC r yowaaaf. Ail lessors Bas te eawaemaaaVo by BREEZY TRIFLES. Twice Told Tales A current report of the purchase of a sixty- mile railroad la southwestern Kansas for fl should clinch the argument that a road properly capitalised can be made to pay dtvldenda on tho investment. Still, there is no good reason for worrying over the troubles of Americans abroad. The scenery at borne Is not quite as thrilling, but is Infinitely more conducive to high thinking and long living. Recalling the scant courtesy shown by the Water board to suggestions from the city com mission In timet past, It Is hoped the latter body will oot reciprocate In kind, but will give proper attention and due consideration to the Water boarder's proffer of assistance In adjusting elec tric light rates. Mt i mem rua The official count of the late eleelloa gives Boyd for mayor the victory over Murphy by a majority ef 177: far treasurer, Truemun buck polled k.VA votes jut of a total of MW, no one running against him. The officers ef the Omaha Oun club are: rreaident Ueorge T. Mills; vice president. J. W. ltedford; eec retary and tisasuitr. C. D. I-ane; board of manageia. Or. II. A. worley, Ooodly Orooker, and F. S. farmale. Altogether 111 applications for liquor llceiuwe ha. a ben filed St the City clerk's office. E. ai. gtenberg. police Judge-elect. i aerenadrd by the Vcandliiavian cluh, and the judge made a 4P4cn apreaalng hla thanks to the visitor me resolutions or respect for the late Robert H McAusuuiO, adopted at the meeting of the bank clerks of Oniaha, are suWrlued with the nt.nri i.f John K. Wilbur and Alfred Millard. Iax Mayer and P. E. Ilcr have been appointed a .'ommltte to repreaant the Omaha Duard ot Trade at the opening ot the Chicago chamber of commerce. A. Mclnaeag ef.lbe firm of Molnneaa Pussy, re. turned from a plaaeure trip eaat during which ha kisited his eld bona la Canada. - Let TJa Have a Workhouse. Among the really good measures enacted by the legislature It one Intended to make possible the acquisition pf a workfarm and the erection of a workhouse In Douglas county. This is one of our most urgent and long-felt wants something Tha Bee haa beeu advocating for years, aid which we hop will now material ize before long. -We have had temporary rock piles and occasional road work for our petty of fenders, but most of the time our police court prisoners have had no more unpleasant pros pect to face than a thirty to nlnety-day rest. cure In the county jail. Idleness for Jail prisoners is contrary to i every accepted doctrine of prison policy, to say nothing ot Its costliness, and the Invitation It offers to professionals to make this community take care of them. A workhouse should no; only reduce the cost to tho taxpayers of main taining prisoners, but should cut down the num ber of those to be cared for by serving notice t j outsiders that police court conviction in Oman means enforced labor rather than a loafing Jon. Our county authorities and civic organiza tions should , get together without delay on a workhouse program aa a project of practical philanthropy and business economy combined. The Kalerr Laughed. Among the officers who resemble Kaiser Wllhelm II la a young captain who has a prodigious talent for Imitation.,. , .- . . t Home months before the war thla captain found himself In a hall of the Imperial palace at Potsdam He was there with others of his friends who were officers, snd began gn Imitation of the kaiser with extraordinary precision In tone, quality ef voice, ges ture and appeargncs. All at once there was a terrible I lance. Wllhelm II had arrived in the hall. The pf- Tlcers saluted respectfully and remained motionless. "Ypry well, -go cnl" said tho kaiser, addressing tle captain. "I.did not know you had this talent' The officer hesitated a moment, then extending his arm and reproducing the Intonation of his sovereign. he cried In a strong voice: "Captain, you ahould be chaaed out of the array. but In consideration ot your youth and because know you to be a worthy and brave sodlcr, I pardon you." . The kaiser laughed, and the captain waa not pun lahed. New York Times. Not for Prarttral I ae. Congressman William G. Sharp, when the con versa t Ion turned te the practical use of things, said ho waa reminded of an Incident that happened In the west. Borne time ago a young colored man was picked up by a policeman and taken to the city lockup. Eventually he sppesred before the committing mag istrate. "Young man," atemly remarked the magistrate In opening the case, "you are charged with carrying a raaor. What have yeu got to say for yourself T" "Pat am berry true, boss," earnestly protested the defendant, "but dat rasah am a safety rasah." "Well," Impatiently demanded the magistrate, "What ha thst got o do with It?" "It am dla way. yo' honah," explained the colored party. "A safety rasah am only carried fo' de moral ef fee'." Philadelphia Telegraph. Difference. A darkey running a ferry acroaa the Alabama river was accoatod by a poor white stranger who wanted to croaa. but hadn't the wherewithal. Pete scratched his wooly head, perplexedly, then queried: ' laii' yo" got no money at 1.11?" "No," was she dejected reply. "Rut It doan' cost yo' but 3 cent tar cross," In sisted pete. "I know, t.ut I hain't got 3 cents. After a f.nal Inward think. Pete remarked: "I dona tsl yo' what: a man what's not got I cents am Jes' as well off on dis aide ob de rlhber as on de odder!" Philadelphia ledger. Cleveland tips off to harassed street railway managers a simple specific for the jitney fever. Three-cent fares are the rule in the city since tho days of Tom Johnson. Jitneys attempted to get the business on a 6-cent basis- The attempt wss a failure. Cheap fares and good service made fruitless the burning of gasoline. The system is not patented and Is free to all. People and Events A California millionaire who has emerged from a nine months' stay in a federal prison reports that he had "a corking good time" and enjoyed the rest very much. This Is timely commendation for Uncle Sani't rest cure Insti tutes, and suggests that appeals which defer the Joyout treatment are a w'asta of food money, William Hale Thompson, republican mayor-alert ef Chicago, best hi democratic opponent by 14T.S77 votes. It might have been consldeiably higher, but repuhlicana riiiln't Caie to rub It in. Despite the fact that Omaha s mayor is on the spot. )overnor Majors of Missouri monopolises social atlentiona at Excelsior Springs and ha had danio music dedicated In his honor. Speaking about crops, the Federal Prison New Bi-a of Leavenworth remarks: "If a crop of wild oats possessed a market value this place would be a bank inateud of a penitentiary." The ruthless march of progress la demolishing the house in Dillsbury, Pa., In which Senator Mat thew Stanley Quay was born In 1KB. The house was 1t yeara old and waa long used aa a Presbyterian mtutse. In the adjacent orchard the budding bees of Pennsylvania learned how to shake the plum tree, a habit that nerved his arms In later years. In a moment of subconscious gaiety, Stave Kor walskl of Fottsvllle, Pa., insulted Mary Kerchuck. a 13-year-vUl. Mary's mother got after Steve and beat him Into Insensibility and finished the operation by tying him to a telegraph pole, where the pelc found him. It is believed In the neighborhood thM Mary's mother has the makings of a "white hope." A Chicago paiwr publishes a note fnn Buchanan The Yellow Pertl. LYNCH, Neb., April U.-To the Kdltor of The Be: Some time ago I read In The J'.ee an article in which China appealed to the I'nlted 8tate for assistance, claiming that the demands made upon It by Japan were unjust. The appeal seema to have made a strong Impression upon our nation. But, beware! It la only a plot. China and Japan are working hsnd-ln- hand. While the nations of Europe are at war. Japan and China are laying the foundation for the domination of the entire world. Japan has been preparing for years snd In Its present demands upon China. Japan has laid a very clever trap In which It hopes to ensnare, not only t'nele Sam. but also tha nations of Europe. It Is high time that our states men come to realize the fact that the nations of Europe now engaged In an orgy of destruction are all unwittingly helping pave the way for tine yellow peril. I for one believe that a stopping of ahlpping and everything to the porta of the belligerents until a safe convoy can lie granted to every port would help mightily In bringing nearer the end of thla struggle. Europe needs America and If each is refused our aid unless all may receive that aid. It will likely result In neither getting It and esch sooner coming to the place wher peace can snd will be dls- ctissd. It would also be a wise move to per suade the South American people to Join with us In this move. America ran neu tralize the warring natlona If It moves as a body. M. M. KOHDB. Atsla the OB4laalat. BlOUX CITY. Ia, April li-To the Editor ot The Eee: A correspondent signing himself E. O. Mcintosh, perpe trated this gem of philosophical thought: "A pessimist Is one of the greatest evils that ever annoyed the community, but an optimist will laugh even with the hangman's noose around his neck." So will an Idiot. 'Tie said that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. The fool is the greatest little optimist alive. A wis man a man who understood the law of cause and effect would very naturally have peculiar misgivings re garding the distressing' effect of a rope around his neck. But tha wise man would also have avoided the predicament. To me, an out-and-out optimist is amus ing even If he is dangerous, because of a disinclination to exert energy. Ho who deliberately closes his eye te conditions of life falls to do hla duty and Is content to live simply for his own comfort. Slums, political scandal, divorce, labor problems, business problems, religious wrongs all thsse, the silly optimist would permit to continue without doing anything to bring about happier conditions. Ths real optimist Is the pessimist who doesn't lose his pense of proportion. Ho looks at the dark side of things, hut never gives up hope, ae matter how much gloom meets him. He keeps peg ging along, neither Ignoring conditions nor made discouraged by them. Nona of ths world's greatest men haa been the sort to laugh with a hangman's noose about his neck. Jesus Christ, Mar tin Luther, and every other prominent figure of constructive history could prop erly be classed as pessimist men who were not blinded to the evil of their dav. The pessimist sees, sings' and works: the optimist sees, sings and shirks In only one thing are they different. CECIL MONTAGUE. 'Safe and Bane" Commencement. II LAIR, Neb., April 12. To tho Editor of The Bee: A good many schools in tho state have adopted the cap and gown for graduation. This is a sensibls deci sion, ss it eliminates the rivalry In dress and the competition In Jewelry. Now that commencement week is looming up i in ooriijii, it weu to begin laying plans and specifications looking towsrd mat Important event In the lives of young America. Not every girl tn the ordinary high school can afford tha ex pense of an elaborate graduation gown ana me accompanying lingerie that Is required to keep the gown companythe wpite kiu snoes. ete.-or commencement day. There Is so much expense connected with graduation that is absolutely s senuai-cucn as invitations. But if tho various claas functions held at this time. which demand a dress for the cJasa aermon, a ball gown and a costume fur the alumni reception could he eliminated. or If one gown would suffice for aU sc. caslona for the "sweet young thing." the fathera. who are sometimes unable to bear this extra expense Incident to tho oovaslon, would feel relieved of a great responsibility and some of the graduates would be saved heartaches because of the inability to rival their more wealthy and Indulged iilasamates. One suit-wltn a change pf ties an swers for tho boy graduate, but no fewer than three suits of paraphernalia are re quired to get the girl through. We are going wild, crssy, insane, If you will, over dreaa, and the seed planted In the minds of the graduates this year will have much to do In the further develop ment or checking of the dress erase. Don't encourage the "sweet girl gradu ate" of 1!15 to apresd the contagion whK-h la liable to prove fatal in one or two generations more. Work for a "safe and sane" commencement. Let'e have thy cap 4Ud gown. ANNIE VIO GATES. "The convict who escaped was one of the most ollte men In the prison." "Yes; even when he knocked the guild down, he said. Excuse the liberty I'm taking.' "Baltimore American. Lily What a handsome cos'hmsn you've got! Oslay Yes: but you ought to s my husband's manicure! Judge. "That msn who was waiting for opiKr tunltv to knock said, when It knocked, thst 'it was a mlshtv punk opportunity." "He was not waiting for opportunity to knock: he was waiting to knock oppor tunity." Houston Post. KABIBRE KABARET v- rr Aiso xroat to chkw NsrJA09QcSTrmitXr Msdge I don't think there'd be sny fun in voting, snyhow. Msrjorie Sure there would. If a woman you didn't like were running you could get all the fudge and soda you wanted out ot her and then vote against her. Puck. Pill He thinks fish makes brains. Jill Does he est sny? Kill-Lots of It. Jill He ought to be sble to prove sn alibi. Yonkers Statesman. The great magazine editor looked worried. "This story," he said, "is by a famous author. It la written tn brilliant style; the action Is rspld; the situations are ''Then what's he trouble!" we sskerl. Just to make dialogue. I am afraid It will distract sttentlon from the advertisements," he signad Philadelphla Ledger. LINES FROM THE POETS. bV The Orlalaal Bird Men. i The aeroplane Is nothing new, The hards have had the wonir And soared among the heavens' bluo Hnce Zeus conquered thunder. This airship, thonsh, declines te fly For millions of the maeea; Just those who have a tirenee high Can ride upon Pegasus (Note This license of poets is one or the oldest forms of special privilege, which, Judging from the way many aky pllots abuse It. ought to he submitted to a referendum vote of the people. In some Instsnces the advantage has become ao unrestrloted as te permit marsea rnansrea In the language and thought of the times without warning. As an Illustration ef this, the ecvent of that last word la tho foregoing poem has been removed from the tlrst to the seeond syllable for the purpose of making a rhyme for the word ''masses." Omaha. -WILLIS HUDSPETH. Here and There. j When vou are far away, my dear. j When you are "way off yonder, I knew 'lis true that absence make This heart of mine grow fond-r; And when you're at my side, mr dear, I realise how true The wise old saw, that distance binds Enchantment to he view.. Wheat you are far away, my dear. When you are lar awsy, I wish you could be where f in -I Forever and for aye. But when you are beside ine, oht lis sadly sirs age, but true, I could wish you were In Halifax, Or, at least, In Kalawtaxoo. Omaha. BAYOLL N'F. TRELE. False Economy Perhaps you use an alum baking powder be pause you think it is eheaper and therefore more eco nomical. But is It? Leading food experts end medi cal authorities have for years declared that alum baking powders are pot safe to he used. The chief European nations prohibit, them altogether Can it he truthfully said that an article of food so generally condemned is economical at any price? Royal Baking Powder which is made from cream of tartar adds only healthful qualities to tho. food. The difference in cost of a pan of biscuits or of a cake mad with Royal Baking Powder as com pared with cheap alum or phos phate of lime powders is about one cent, whioh is 6urely too small an samount'to warrant the risk. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.: Hew York i TF Editorial Viewpoint 1 Wall Street Journal: - Americans who want to travel for pleasure In Bur ope should be ao permitted, with the Btate department's aesurance that only provi dence la In the business of protecting fool. Httaburgh Dispatch: A sarcastic ob server thinks that the reason Vtctoriano Huerta left Europe for th Weat Indies was that he saw the plight he would bo left In If he stayed In Europe after tho away of the water wagon was fully estab lished. Kansas City Journal: Demand haa been formally made on Germany for InJeinnlty for the alnklng of the William P. rrye. to the full value ef the veaael. And if tlermany decline to pay. the Washington i authorities ate prared to regard it as a. Michigan., etating that Jesa Wlllard was born there I mean oiq ining. und that hla true name la Percy Olsli, according to his 1 s' 1-oJia Republic: What with nptlniiati reputed father. Joe Ulsh. For tha benefit ot the ouqooka for the pit crop, the reports future "Who's Who" of pugdom it Is further asserted that Jess or Percy worked In a millinery store when he was 1 years of age. and didn't go west to grew up with ths country unto he was M. &o Kansas I merely a supping eff pi act for Jesa, that the Dardanelles ate about to be forced, that tho Dardanelles cannot be forced, that Italy will go to war snd that Italy will not go to war. the wheat mar ket la a most voeaay piece. ED WALSH, WHITE SOX PITCHER, NARROWLY ESCAPES PNEUMONIA King of ,Spitball,, Hurlers Says Prompt Use of Akox Saved Him From Long Illness. But few people know that "Big" Ed Walsh, king ef spltball" pitchers, for ten years mainstay ef tho Chicago White Box, came nesr hsving his career as a star 'wirier ended by pneumonia upon bis arrival In California for the 1911 training trip.' Walsh, one of the greatest pitchers In the game, who perfected the "spltball" to audi a degree that he won the world's championship In IStK with ths Chicago team, known then as the "hltless won ders," says he arrived In Paso Robles on February 21st In a precarious condition, He had a bad eeugh, sore throat, and his lungs were so congested that the cough caused hint Intense suffering. "Pneu monia." a doctor said. Walsh declares that his escape from a siege of sickness was due to his prompt use of Akox. the wonderful California medicinal mineral, a supply of which Is carried by William Buckncr, trainer or the White Sox, for use on members of the team. He say I of his rase: 'The day our team arrived at Paso Itobles I had a bad eold, sere threat and congested lungs. I was alarmed and conaulted doctor. He said I was In for a siege ef pneumonia. I eould see my finish. However. Burkner, our trainer, said he had some Akex Comround snd suggested putting it on my chest and throat. As 1 hate seen Its af fectiveneas (iemonstialed on members of the ttam. I readily consented. That night I went to bed pretty well plastered up with Aks. Imagine my Joy next morning when I roae ana ioum sir couga, sore tsroat, Iformstlon regarding this advertise Basal. ' l','M':':-Ss BO W1UI congestion and all other symptoms of pneumonia gon. and feeling In midseaaon form. Though the weather haa been bad since we came to the Coast, I havs riot even had a cold sines using Akox. "I am now taking the Akox Internal treatment for a tonic and using the Blas ters cn my aore shoulder. I am also going tp start my wife using Akos, snd you can believe me. I am never going to ho with out your mineral remedy. Teu eaa go just ss strong ss you like tn giving ny Indoisement of Akos." Akos haa proven effective In thousands i.f cases of rheumatism, stomach, I or. kidney snd bladder trouble, catarrh, ulcei. pile, skin dtacaae and other ail ments. Akox is now being demonstr!l Slid sold St Hhermsn t McConnell's '.lis. land Dodge Bt- store. Visit, phone or write i . . . . . .... line Akos man in rnarce tor runner tn- i .