i'MK HKK: OMAHA. II KSMAV, AI'KII, Hi. 1!M.. ) L ROBERTS IS GIYEN '' SIX YEARS IN PEN Mayor of Tern Haute Convicted of Election Frtudi Alio Sentenced to Pay Fine of $2,000. JUDGE AND SHERIFF FIVE YEARS INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. April 12. Mayor Donn M. Roberts, one of the twenty-seven men convicted by a Jury in federal court for participa tion In the conspiracy to defraud tbe government in the election in Terre Haute on November 3, 1914, was sentenced by Judge Anderson today to alx years in Leavenworth prison and to pay a fine of $2,000.. In all 116 men, eighty-nine of whom had pleaded guilty, were to be sentenced. Redman tiete Five Years and Flae. ; Eli H. Redman, fleeted Judge of the circuit court of Vigo county by ten votes, snd Sheriff Dennis Shea were sentenced to five years In the penitentiary and fined 11 .WO each. Harry 8. Montgomery-, president of the Board of Public Works; Thomas C. Smith, city Judge; George Erenhardt, member or the Board of Public Works, and Ed rrard R. Diiscoll, secretary of the Vigo county democratic committee, were sen tenced to three years, each in the pent entlary and fined $K& Two Years' Class. Lewis Nunley, assistant city engineer; Elmer E. Taibott, former city comp troller; Hilton Redman, son of Ell E. Redman; John E. Green, proprietor of a second-hand store, and William R. Crockett, employe, at the city cemetery, wore each sentenced to two years in prison and fined flOn, .SECOND RAIDER IS CHASED INTO PORT (Continued from Psge One.) tenant Captain Paul Thlerfelder, formerly navigating officer of the German cruiser Karlshure, In a statement tonight. When it dropped anchor the Kronprlns Wllhelm had less than twenty-five tons of coal and scanty provisions for the crew of 600 men and sixty-one prisoners from British merchant ships sunk in the South Atlantic. Fourteen Ships Hank. Of the fourteen ships that the 15,000-ton cruiser sank, nine were British, four French and one Norwegian. The value of then Ships and their cargoes, officers or the Wllhelm estimated at 17,000,000. Met by I". ft. Submarine. When the Kronprlns Wllhelm arrived off Thimble shoals, after passing the Virginia capes, early today, two United States submarines, the G-l and D-2, met It. The appearance of the submarines caused considerable surprise among the crew, but there was no demonstration as the UUla vessel convoyed the Ger man raider to quarantine, where Ir. MacCaf forty. United States quarantine officer, boarded it Commander Thlerfelder reported sixty six of the crew and prisoners were ill with Deri berl, and requested that they lie taken to a hospital. The Kronprlns Wllhelm followed In the wake of the interned Prlns Eltel Frleder ich, which arrived here a month ago yes terday after thrilling and effective opera tions for the German arms. In its raid of the seas since it slipped out of New Tork harbor August S last as a German merchant and passenger steamer, the Kronprlns Wllhelm never touched land and took 960 prisoners from various vessels destroyed. ' Most of thcae were sent to South Amer ican ports at different times on German ships which met the raider In response to wireless calls. The second of the raiders brought as ' thrilling a story as did the Eltcl Feeder ii'h. Its record of destruction, however, was accomplished with only four guns, two taken from the German cruiser Karlsruhe and two captured later . from the British merohant steamer La Cor rentlna, sunk October 1, 1014. Freak Food Takea Aboard. One hundred and fifty tons of coal, fifty tons of fresh water and three days supply of fresh meats, fruits and vege tables were loaded on barges during the night and were alongside the cruiser at ymnrlse. These provisions were allotted -the raider by Collector or Cuctoma Hamll . (ton after conference -with the Washing ton authorities. Early today United States naval patrol of the James river was begun in the vi cinity of the Wllhelm' anchorage. The naval tug Patuxent took a position along side the German raider, while torpedo floats and submarines anchored in posi tions leading to Hampton Roads. The provisions taken on by the cruiser were for use in this port only. They con sisted of vegetables and fresh meats, the lack of which was responsible for the epidemic of berl-beri. I Daniels Orders Survey. WASHINGTON, April 13. Without awaiting formal application from Captain Thlerfelder of the Kron Prlns Wllhelm for a board of naval officers to survey Ms vessel and determine the repairs necessary and the amount of coal and provisions to which it is entitled. Secretary Daniels has Instructed Admiral Fletcher at Hampton Reads to foil, w the precedent established In the case of the Prius Eltel Friedrich, Just interned at Norfolk. If the captain asks for repairs, the ex tent of the overhauling as well as the time required will be kept a strict secret by government officials. Work Progressing On State Schedule HASTINGS. Neb.. April 12. (Special Telegram.) President lMlea announced today thst the preparation of the State league schedule is progressing rapidly and the schedule will be ready for sub mission to the dub managers within a few days- The opening gsmes will be played at Norfolk, Columbus; Grand Island and Kearney. It Is planned to have each visiting club open at home after the first two games. (rar "Jitney" ofrer Tbls and Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, en close with 6c to Foley A Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. Tou will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar' Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides' and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments, snd Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly cleansing cathartic, especially comforting to stout persons. Sold every. Wbere-Ulvartlaement. v 111a j. ui oca uuaiuu In Battle at Celaya LAREtHl, Tex., April IS.-Villa for.-rS have been detested with a nous of 3,000 killed and wounded in the battle at Celaya. according to meager reports reaching here from Meslco today. The reports which came from Carrnnxa sources said the battle had been con cluded with the retreat northward ol the Villa army. WASHINGTON. April 12. -General Villa telegraphed his agency here tonight that he had sent a communication through foreign consuls to General Ohrrgon Invit ing him to come Into the open country north of Celaya to fight, or else permit the noncombatants of that city to with draw before he begins the bombardment. CUDAHY BUILDING WRECKEDM BOMB Explosion at Kansas City Causes Loss Estimated at Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars. TWO MEN SEVERELY INJURED KANSAS CITY. Mo., April 12. An explosion believed by tbe police to have been caused by a bomb, wrecked the seven-story cooling building of the Cudahy Packing com pany's plant here tonight, causing a loss estimated at $76,000. Two men employed in the building at the time were injured. Investigation, however, developed no trace of an explosive. Company officials asserted there was no gas In the building and that the cooling pipes contained no ammonia or other materials that might explode. More than 200 men are employed in the building on week days, but today only two were at work. Both were burned dangerously. James Hale, superintendent of the plant, denied stories circulated in the packing district tnat the Cudahy com pany had been shipping much meat to the European allies. He connected the ex plosion with two fires that have dam aged the plant In the last three months, both believed to have been of Incendiary origin. Strife After Score Years of Happiness -Serious for Couple After twenty years of happy married life, during which time they brought six children into the world, Andrew Lahouchet and his wife, 1219 Second street, developed domestic strife yester day that would have eneed fatally for both had It not been fo neighbors and the police. Lahouchet, after writing a farewell note. Jumped Into the river at the foot of Poppleton avenue, and was drowning when John Koler, John tlonel, Herman Brlcharek and Mrs. A. Palupa rescued him. It took Police Surgeon J. A. Tamlsiea nearly an hour to revive itlm with the aid of a pulmotor. While her husband was in care of the doctor, Mrs. Lahouchet In a fit of hysteria, siesed a knife and after fright ening her children and several children of the neighborhood away from her, started to cut her threat. Policemen Dudle and Allen closed with her and after a hard tussle, during which both officers were painfully cut, the knife was taken from her. She was arrested nd Is nowin the care of Matron Ellen Gibbons. Cosghs and Colds Daairerons. Don't wait, take Dr. King's New Dis covery now. It will help your cough and soothe the lungs. 50c. All druggists. Advertisement. More Piute Indians Are Given Freedom SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. April 11. Chiefs Polk, Posey and Posey's son, three of the Piute Indians brought here by General Scott, have been released from the county Jail, after having signed agreements to obey the law and surren der Indians guilty of crimes in the fu ture. The Indians were released on in structions from Washington to discharge them if they would agree to be peaceful. They, with the five Indians released a few days ago, will leave tomorrow for the Ute mountain reservation, accom panied by Indian Agent J. IS. Jenkins. Tse-Ne-Gat, the Piute over whom the recent trouble arose, is awaiting trial at Denver. Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad ft Hint for Coming Maternity In a little book designed for expectant mothers more complete instruction Is given In the use of "Mother's Friend." This Is an external embrocation applied to the abdominal muscles for the purpose of reducing the strain on ligaments, cords and tendons. In thus bringing relief and avoiding pain great good is accomplished. It serves to ease the mind. Indirectly has a most beneficial effect upon the nervous system and thousands of women have delightedly told bow they were free of nausea, bad no morning sickness and went through the ordeal with moat re markable suooess. "Mother's Friend" has been growing la popular favor -for more than forty years. In almost every com munity are grandmothers who used It themselves, their daughters have used It and they certainly must know what a blessing It Is when they recommend It so warmly. Strictly aa eiternal application it has no other effect than to ease the muscles, cords, tendons and ligaments Involved hence Is perfectly safe to use by all women. It Is used very successfully to prevent caking of breasts. "Mother's Friend" Is prepared la the laboratory of Bradfleld Regulator Co.. oa LaaiM ldg., Atlanta, Ca. W.U. CHIEF SAYS MBNJUNDERPAID Carlton Says He Believes in Unions, Though He Would Not See Opera tors' Representatives. TELEGRAPHERS' CHIEF TALKS CHICAGO. April 1 2. President Newcomb Carlton of the Western Colon Telegraph company and S. J. Konenkamp, president of the Com mercial Telegraphers' I'nion of America, testified from their re spective viewpoints before the I'nited States Commission on Industrial Re lations today to the wages and work ing conditions of the commercial telegraphers. Mr. Carlton caused a mild sensa tion when replying to a question from Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the commission, as to whether tel egraphers were adequately compen sated, said : "I believe that the telegraphers are underpaid." "Overpaid!" exclaimed Mr. Walsh. Khoalrf Make More. "No, underpaid. I think they ought to mtke more money than they do. So far a I can ascertain wages have Increased at least 30 per cent In the last ten years. Ten years ago a Morse telegrapher re ceived SIR; It Is now $23. It was $13 50 for women, and now It Is IK My own view is that a first-class telegrapher should be able to earn at least IS a day of nlnn hours. Some of our employes under the so-called premium plan are making close to that." The witness stated that his company has one of the best pension and relief organizations in the country and it costs the men nothing. Half a million dollars was expended on It last year," he said. "I do not mention this as a substitute for pay; nothing can take the place of that. It Is merely our contribution to so ciety, and it Is good business," said Mr. Carlton. The witnesses' opposition to the organ iration. headed by Mr. Konenkamp, who followed him on the stand, was madn plain In various utterances. He admitted the principle of collective bargaining and that a "responsible organization" of Western ITnlon telegraphers coul.l be dealt with. The men should have some organization to protect their Interests, he stated with emphasis. Right to Proteetlon. "We are subject to the control of tho Interstate Commerce commission," he said. "They absolutely fix not only our practices, but our rates. I believe, there fore, that the commission should he given sufficient power to see that fair wages are paid and that fair working conditions are provided. I thing the corporation, the public and the employes are entitled to the protection of some federal commis sion." The policy of the Western Union, the witness stated, is formed by the execu tive committee. Jacob Scahf, a member of that committee, wgs quoted by Chair man Walsh as having said that no self respecting employer would refuse to deal Meat Cause of Kidney Trouble Take a glass of Halts If your Rack hurts or Bladder bothers Meat forms uric arid. If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forma urlo acid which almost paralyses the kidneys in their ef forts to expel It from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night To neutralise these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here; take a tublespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is mado from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids In urine, so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Halts is inexpensive; cannot In jure, and makes a delightful effervescent llthia-water drink. Advertisement. COCOANUT OIL MAKES A SPLENDID SHAMPOO If you want to keep your hair in good condition, the less soap you use the better. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the lialr brittle, snd Is very harmful. Just plain mulslfled coooanut oil (which Is pure and entire ly greaselesa), is much better than soap or anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly in jure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub It In. One or two teaspoon fuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every iartl le of dut. dirt, dandruff and ex cessive oil. The hair drb.-s quickly and evenly, and it leaves It fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to man age. You can gut mulslfled cocoauut oil at most any drug store. It Is very cheap, and a few ounces Is enough to last everyone in the family for months. Advertisement. Our Magazine Page will interest every woman who likes good heart-to-heart talks with other STinpathttle wemtn Ith the representatives of union lalor. "Is that your lplnlnn?" a-ked Mr. Walsh "I believe In the organization of labor." "And In dlle -tlve bargaining?" "If collective bargaining Is where the organisation with whom you are dealing la a responsible one yes." , Mr. W alsh i r"saed for an answer to the broador question of dealing with or g,inlnl labor, and the witness rsplled. "It would be hypocritical for me to say that that Is my view, when 1 have re fused to s e certain representatives of certain so-called unions." "Was the Commercial Telegraphers' union one f those you refused to deal with?" asked the chairman. Wouldn't' See Them. "1 don't know that 1 specifically refused to deal with thm, hut I would spe cifically refuse to deal with them If they applied to me," answered Mr. Carlton. The witness a-ld that In the five years he has iwen with the company there has been no union of telegraphers which he considered quail fled to represent them. His polii-y with the men. he said, was to allow an open door to him for the appeal of all grievances. He thought that he had acted fnvorai ly on about 60 per cent of apiiliratlona for reinstatement. Telog raphera have been dismissed for activity In union affairs, he admitted. "Our opposition to the union Is well un derstood. " said he. He said that special agents were, tmployed to keep the com pany Informed, hut denied that the "spotters," as Mr. K'nenkampf designated them, were permitted to use questionable tactics in obtaining Information. He had Utile personal knowledge of how they work, he said. Mr. Walah mentioned In stances whero It hsd been alleged that larceny was resorted to by the special r.gents In obtaining correspondence and names 1m lonulnK to tho union. "I want to have It understood that we will fight. I have no hesitation In let ting It be known the methods snd means by which we will rfight. but there are some things that we won't do, not If I know It." answered Mr. Carlton. Asked A boat Remedy. Chairman Walsh asked him If he had any remedy for Industrial unrest to sug gest. "I do not think there to any panacea in the way of legislation. I think edu cation is the only thing that Is going to do that, and I sneak only for my own III J tiff liiljl tut hmit'.ri IfJiitii'jii jjjftf 111 111 New Model Trucks mean certainty in motor hauling Ifli mm BUkusjHA Ill In! yiv' rants?:! mm ihlAiSfcia iHlHu riiiiiHii tttti' litwiMiij'i Mi1? Oil Kris 'ilia injiiji, Hi! c .i:t j i i mm m t , . . I 1 ' l : . i : ' N' J mm : ; ii" try. mm tiade when t speak of a federal commis sion fixing wages and working conditions. Something should be done absolutely to prevent the shutting down of telegraphic communication by strikes. I do not sug gest the commission for all trades." Mr. Konenkamp In his testimony re ferred to some of the methods of the Western t'nlon as "criminal" and the condition of the operators as "slavery." He estimated that the number of com mercial telegraphers employed by the Western Union and the Postal Tole g?raph company at 20,000. Ills union, he an Id. has agreements with the Csnadlan Pacific, the International News service anad the United Press. These, he said, recognize the principle of collective bar gaining and adjustment of grievances. He declared that wages were lower now than they were forty years ago. This was In reply to a statement by Mr. Carl ton that an operator who did as much work now aa they did forty years ago would earn about I:XX) a month. Hoars f Work. Mr. Konenkamp said that In the larger of floes the men worked nine hours, and women, by a recent order, only eight. The tendency, he saM, was to lengthen the hours. The premium system of earn had been scaled down. At first 1 cent a message was paid on measAges over 300, which was the standard figure of a day's work. I-ater the standard was Increased to J messages, and only eight-tenths of a cent paid for more than that. He admitted that the typewriters, copper wires and other Improvements hsd made greater speed possible. The constant opposition of the West ern tnlon to unions Is no surprise to us," said Mr. Knoenkamp. "The company has been consistent In that for fifty years, and for thirty years the possession f a union card has been the signal for dis missal. They have employed criminal methods; or at least have turned their heads away when criminal methods were employed." The witness said thst his remedy was government protection, the right of the men to organize and to bargain collec tively. He added that If the union suf fered because of the personality of Its leaders he would pledge that within ninety days after the Western tTnlon had recognised the union they would all re sign. Official of the Postal Telegraph No more guess rule-of-thumb ; The first complete series of silent, up-to-date chainless trucks. Seven sizes 1-ton, 1 M-ton, 2-ton, 3-ton, 4-ton, 5-ton and 6-ton a truck to exactly meet the needs of your particular business. They stand for CERTAINTY the one quat , ity that counts most in motor hauling, the one. quality that is the most difficult to buy. There are plain, everyday and perfecdy obvious mechanical reasons for the dollar-saving ability of those trucks, their great range of activity and their unapproached efficiency. Begin better and cheaper hauling in your busi ness by inspecting the Packard New Model Trucks, or if you cannot do that right away, do the next best thing, send for a catalog. ORR MOTOR SALES COMPANY 2416 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. and Cable company sre expected to he among the witnesses toirorrow. MANAGER OF HASTINGS BALL CLUB IS MARRIED HAPTINCSS, Neb., April U.-fSpediU Telegram ) anager Leonard Pennett of the Hastings State league tam and Mlsa argarrt Hellman were married by Rev. Father McDonald this evening. They will spend their honeymoon In Omaha and Lincoln. IOWA CENTENARIAN DEAD AT UNI0NT0WN SHF.NANPOAH. la.. April 12 (Special Telegram.) Jonathan Wax. IKt years old, a prominent Iowa centenarian, died this morning at t'nlontown, Kan. The body will be brought here for burial. Ills death had been expected two weeks. Jess Baekles Released. CHIOAOO, April li. President Charles Thomss of the "hlcago Nationals today announced that Pitcher Jess Hwkles, who wos obtained hy draft from Medicine lint lest year, has been released to th Mem phis club of the Southern league The release Is under th optional agreement. Department Orders. WASHINUTON. April U-(f"pecla1 Tel egram.) South Dakota postmasters ap pointed Ashton. J'lok county. Mrs. Ag nes Hlgglns, vice Ueorge v . Howker; Crocker, Clark county. John W. Hasmus scn. vice H. Rasmusscn; Farmer. Han son county, Mlsa Florence Meek, vice . J. Murray: Sn.ithwli-k. Fall Ktver county, Arthur Schreckenghaust. vice Herman Huasong, removed; Wlnfred. lke county, Mrs. Beatrice H. Dobson, vice J. W. Charin. , . South Dakota postmasters reappointed : Dixon. Uregory county, Ralph '. Over ton; Hayes, Stanley county. William A. Hopkins; Hayti. Hamlin county. Josh Trumm; Haul. Hamlin county, Nellie 1'. Ralph: Kyle, Washington county, Wesley K. Kleffe; Lestervllle, Tsnkton county. Mrs I .aura Larson: Meckllng. Clay county, Lincoln L. Fves; Millhoro. TriiH county. Rohert A. KUIott; Newark. Mar shall county, Joseph K. Mitchell: Ravina. Charles Mix county, John H. Peuschle; Re Heights, Hand county. Mrs. Ilortense F. Lcyson; neca, Foulk county. Mrs. Etta D. Hell wig; Wallace, Codington county. Christian Mmrkrud; Wheeler, Charles Mix county, John F. 'Nichols. Nebraska pensions granted: Itert Tur ner, Fremont, $. on the recommenda tion of senator Hitchcock. IT. Hcoie has been appointed a pension surgeon'nt Knlln City. miMWfMHWIW : . work-No more extravagance - & WANT PRESIDENT TO HAKESPEECHES AdMier of Administration Are Anxious that Executive Outline Hit Program Soon. WILL MAKE EAMY TRIP WEST WASHrNOTON, April 12. -President Wilson Is planning to make his delayed trip to the San Francisco exposition ss soon as foreign sffalrs permit. His sd vlsers, It became known tonight, are very anxious to have him make a number cf speeches in different parts of the coun try before tho opening of the next ses sion of congress, Just when the trip will be made Is still uncertain. Secretary Ennlrls wants th president to go through the Panama cans', with him In July, but there has been no decision on this point and the western journey ta expected to be made later. Friends of th president say the contem plated trip cannot be called a "campaign tour." and they are preventing as far ss possible the formation of "Wilson clubs," to avoid even the appearance of starting a boom. Although the political advisers of Mr. Wilson say privately that they have no doubt but he will he renominated. It was Indicated tonight thst there would be no formal launching of his candidacy, as such a step might embsrrass him St carrying out the policies of his adminis tration. On the western trip the president Is ex pected to explain the executive progrsm he will lay before the next session of congress. Including conservation bills, the Philippine bill, the Columbian and Nl'-a-raguan treaties, budget reform and prob ably senate cloture. Rent room quick with a Uco Want Ad. Krala Complaints Filed. WASHINGTON. April II. (Special Tel egram.) Mernam & Millard company. Omaha, and the AlfMlfa Milling company of Omaha hav filed suit aKnlnxt the Chi cago at Alton Railroad conipanv et at., be cause of the unjust and unreasonable rates on grain rhlppod to Missouri points. ,,;;!;, ;.v1;-j.:i;;iiii,ii;ii!M!i i tT,l IT!) Jl-IT!U14 nr.iiiiTi HISS'S pel! wm. 1 m r..itii' rs4ii snii : ,1,1:1 i 1 uu'a III Fi-itniih-.'rl in-., ii 'k!.-r F 6111 llllflll'ii!. ill .2