Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    TI1K HKK: OMAHA. JlhMlAK AI'IUI. 13. I !!.).
i Omaha Contractor to Receive Reim
bursement for Loss on State
Contract by Tornado.
faction. It dtKlricil to allow th public
to deride It themselves In legal way,
and a special election has born railed for
May 4, at which time a vote will be
taken. The town board and both faction
have agreed to abide by the result. In
the meantime, business In the town (toe
Iwaoefulljr on.
(From a Flaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 1 .- Special. )-Tlie
aenate thla pfiernoon adopted the con
ference committee's report en House Uoll
No. 3T.0. the Pill providing for the creation
of watei pcT-er district. The senate bal
amended the bill ho r to strike out the
clause putting the districts Under th
jurisdiction r tl.e rnllvvny commission.
Th5 conference e mmitteo Rave the board
of Irrigation supervision.
One bill tnot had been overlooked was
dug up and put on third rending. It via
.House Roll No. W. providing that In
counties tinier jn.W population the sher
iff should act as probation officer. The
bill pasaed.
The scnato neurred In the conference
report on the claims bill, putting the
claim of J. II. Harto of Omaha back on
the bill.
A resolution' we. offered bv nine sen
ators asking the governor to appoint a
commission to Investigate the condition
of Insurance rate in the state and at
leseit discrimination.
Railroads Object
To the Procedure
City Prosecutor Anheuser Offers to
Use Testimony of Housewives in
Bread Ordinance Fight.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 12. SkiI;i1.) The
Rtate Hallway commission ruled this aft
ernoon on the Nebraska ol'rtlnnd cement
ense that the company should file a new
complaint. It hud allotted that the rates
on cement from .Superior were too hlxh.
It had filed a motion for n rehearing on j
a previous order nnd was seeking to pro
f'nt evidence this morning when the rail
roads ohJe ted to the form of procedure.
New License Vote
In Sight for Kearney
KEARNEY. Neb., April 12.-(Speelal
telegram.) ClUacna ot Kearney will In
II probability hae another opportunity
to vote on the question of having sal
eon la this city. Because of an error
made In printing the ballot when the
voters were asked to vote merely "for
license" or "against license" the muncll
Is now in the position where It cannot
(legally grant license for any licensed
business In the city.
The ballot failed to atlpulate what par
ticular business ' the voters were rctlng
upon and this Isconsidered by local legal
lights sufficient error either to call for
another election or to make it possible to
restrain the newly-elected, city council
from issuing licenses of any nature.
I . .
i RAVENNA, Neb.. March lS.-Speclal.)
' -A majority ot tha votes cast at the re
cent election favored the dry side of the
l!l'or question, but 'the "referendum pe
tttjpn was not filed within the legal time
to mak it mandatory. Pressure being
brought on tha town board from both
Staff Con esixindent.)
The hoiisrwl.'e was h principal tuple of
riitcuKftnri yesterday In arguments Iwforc
I'letrict .Indue rtodlck concerning
.Omaha's brend ordinance remitting lonveS
; to wcinh lxteen jr thirty-two ounces.
She .ilsn whs offered nn opportunity to
'assist In upholding the ordinance.
K. il. Sni:th of Kansas City, former
' president of tlie National Association of
li.ikers. and pvorrleor of four bakeries,
i pic tured the housewife an ready and will-
i Ing to put the baker out of business by
1 ; rcit etltlou !f he should attempt to raise
the price cT loaves to more than cents, i
His testimony in this connection was slm- j
llnr to tbot of Jny Burns, head of a local '
company, which Is ('efending Itself I
j against a charge of selling short weight
I bread by alleging, that the ordinance Is
I unconstitutional.
i City Prosecutor Fred Anheuser offered
Germany Informs
Holland Its Boats
Followed the Law
LONDON. April 11-Replylng to tha
Dutch note protesting against the sinking
of the Dutch ateamer. Medea, by a Oer
man submarine, and the selsure by a sub
marine of the Dutch steamers. Hatavler
V and Zaanstroom. Germany bas ex
pressed the opinion that the action of Its
submarines was In accordance with the
terms of the declaration of London, says
Renter's Amsterdam correspondent.
"Germany announces, however." the
correspondent adds, "that It has decided
to submit the question of Justification to
a prise court as soon as oaslble. As
surances are given In the German reply
that there la no question of any change
In the political attitude of Germany
toward Holland."
i ,
Burglars Make Good
Haul in Dundee Home
! liDMiU'wKfis nn nnitortunltv to nn1st in
April 12.-(3peclnl.)-Chalr ,,lp,loj(1t,K 0lnaM-, bmld ordinance
against the attacks of the bnkcrs. In a
(Kroni a
maiiship of a claims committee Is
orally not considered a desirable Job
Usually It causes considerable grU-f ti
erery - member of this committee andnaklng bread -who would be willing
more than a large allowance to the t hair- testify concerning Its cost,
statement maxle yesterday he offered
I use testimony or women experienced
While the family of F. B. Madley.
manager ot the Hex company, living at
M17 Chicago street, was away last night,
thieves broke in and, after ransacking
J tho place, got away with IV worth of
diamonds and Jewelry and K50 In money.
They obtained entrance by smashing
out a window. Blood found upon the sill
Indicated thnt the) Intruders received
severe cuts from falling glass.
man. - ' . ,
The claims committee of the senate this
session has been very successful and
much of the credit lies at the door ol Sen
ator Weesner of Webster county. This
Is partially due to the fact that the sen
ator served In the house In the sess'on of
1911 and' knew what to do. He has cov
ered himself with glory and to his good
Judgment ' and fairness may be given
credit for the general good feeling which
has marked the meeting of the commit
tee and Its reports. He appeared anx
ious to know the facts and always ac
corded to every man who desired to talk
with him respectful attention.
.Mothers of This Cowutry
have . through all ages past and will
through all years to come take care of
the ordinary simple ailments incident to
every family with . their own favorite
. In almost every home In the land Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la the
recognised standard household remedy
for female Ills, thousands of American
women owe their good health to It. Made
from the roots and herbs of the field,
it is a simple remedy In which suffering
woman, may place perfect confidence. It
contains no narcotics or harmful drugs.
The Bee Want Ads Are
Best Business
Baker la Combine.
"The bakers," he declared, "are prac
tically l:i a combine, It will be necessary
to rely on their own figures brought for
ward for the turpose of defeating the or
dinance unless housewives come forward
with testimony to refute It."
Mr. Anheuser attempted to secure ad
missions from Mr. Smith that a combine
of bakers existed. Air. Smith admitted
that bakers in some cities were finan
cially Interested In plants In other cities.
Ho had no further information, he said.
H testified that ho owned no stock In
any bakery outside Kansas City.
"It is Impossible to sell bread at more
tbnn 5 cents at retail." he testified; "the
housewife would make her own bread
and destroy the baking business."
Monsky's Shout
Scares Holdups
Just the cry, "Police!" uttered in tha.
agonized wall that only ono who Is In
grave danger can achieve, frightened off
two armed and masked holdup men who
attempted to rob Abraham Monaky, fish
dealer, and his brother, as the two wore
standing In front of their own home, 221a
Webster street.
Mr. Monsky told his experience to the
officers afterwards and was able to
furnish good descriptions.
Nebraska ( Mr Presbytery Meets.
TECUMSKH, Neb., April li. (Special
Telegram.) The spring meeting of the
Nebraska City District presbytery opened
here tonight with about sixty deleaa'ea
already on hand. The opening sermon
was preached by Rev. Qv C. Kersten of
Best Laxative
For Children
. When your baby is cross and fret
ful Instead of the happy, laughing lit
tle dear you are accustomed to, In all
piobablllty the digestion has become
deranged and the bowels need atten
tion. Give a mild laxative, dispel the
Irritability and bring back the happy
content of babyhood.
The very best laxative for children
Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, be
cause it contains no opiate or nar
cotic drug, is pleasant tasting and
sets gently, but surely, without grip
ing or other distress. -Druggists sell
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at fifty
cents and one dollar a bottle. For a
fiee trial bottle write to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell, 4T.2 Washington St, Monti
cello. 111. .
m ft -i a m m . i m a i v i i i s t -m ga m .
Ifil V 'y Iii ' III ;a-' ,;. Irs
: m c km
If S I Arnold Daly .". Karl White
Ini .-;- v..A Your" Elaine
. ip I . I j:
Edwim Arden
The Ckinmman
INGE you insisted so hard, we have done it.
The "Exploits of Elaine" won't end. You shall
not be forced to close your acquaintance with the
lovable Elaine and the masterly Craig Kennedy.
Arthur B. Reeve, the author, bows to your
insistent applause and returns with a superior
type of story, that will appear in the
Poe would shudder. And yet, such a tend
er love element is woven into this mesh
of mysteries, that the oldest and most
cynical watcher must be touched. Follow
After the "Clutching Hand" what? As the
wily Chinaman, Edwin Arden takes up
the crimes against Elaine's household and
adds such a Sendish touch to it that even
i orr.M l
. . . , .
VsliV- """"
athletes, toilers all
lcnow the advantages of
keeping the mouth moist and
refreshed the throat soothed,
1 1. "1
) ?er
Dentists will tell you of its helpful
ness to teeth and gums, doctors attest
its aid to appetite and digestion.
It is absolutely wholesome, bene
ficialand economical.
Made in ttie largest, most up-to-date
and most sanitary chewing gum
plants in the world!
Sealed in wax-wrapped packages
to insure your getting it always fresh,
full-flavored and clean.
with each package good
for valuable
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