M THK BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, A PI Mb 13, 1915. HOUSE REJECTS HORTOHGAG RULE Member BfuM to Let One Commit' te Do All Legitl&ting for the Body. HO fEO VISION rOR THE CENSUS (From a Ptaff Correspondent.) L.INOOLN. April 12-8peclal.)-Oipo-rltioa to the plan forced upon the house Frtdy, whereby one committee u to take all appropriation Mile com Inn from the senate end act on them without the ho up rwtnbfri being given a chance to consider them, resulted today In an over throw of the plan on the floor ot, the nous and the adoption of the seriate amendment to several bills without the aid of the conference committee. It waa evident when the member be gan to arrive thla morning that Norton's gag rule 'wa unpopular, and a red hot tilt between several of the democrat waa the result before the houee . waa railed to order. ' Taking- the f'eaaaa. Representative, Hoffmctster served no tice on the members that everything that had been done since Thursday was ille gal and that the legislature would surely be called back la thirty days to fix up what It had done Illegally during the last few days. Tie said the constitution sold the legislature at this session shall provide for taking the census and It had made such provision, and that no census could be taken unless a special eawlon waa called. It Is said that the attorney general has so ruled. Tha con stitution on this point reads. In section I of article HI: The legislature shall provide by law for an enumeration of the inhabitant of the state In the year lj and every ten year thereafter, and at Its first regular session after eachi enumeration, and alan after each enumeration made by lit authority of the United States, but at no other time,, the legislature shail apportion the senators and represents tlves according to the number of Inhabi tants, excluding Indlnns not taxed, and soldiers and officers ot the I'nlted States army, Notes f rem t hadroH. CHADRON. Neb.. April U.-tPpeclal.) Two of Chadron's boys have signed con tract to "play ball" thl year In the State lea rue of Nebraska. Pot Wllaon goes to Falrbury a a pitcher and Olin Weymouth to Norfolk a catcher. Farm Demonstrator C. 8. Hawk I making a' great canvas among the schools of the county, arousing the In terest of the youth In trying to rales crops this season. With every street and house numbered, Chadron expect free delivery of malls after July L Receipt of the postofflce ara greatly over $10,000. Hera Deals at Table Rock. TABUS ROCK, Neb., April 11. (Spe cial.) Bix car load of horse were un loaded at the barn of a firm of looal shippers last week. One each from Mln den, Cambridge. ' Hcldredge, Arapahoe, Blua 11(11 and Wyroor. and one day it Jr live red to St Louis company .three ?ar load of horse for the war., ths ship ment totalling a value of tll,lK.v New Type of Beggar ' Now Seeking Alms on Streets of London (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) LONDON. April U. Grinders of wheaxy organ, elastic-cheeked cornetisU and other beggars using muslo simpl as an xcut for passing th hat are jrapidly being driven out of business in London, for th war baa brought a new and su perior type of street musician to the front Proteailonala, who uaed to sup port themeelves by teaching and orches tral work, have now been reduced to playing for pennies. But they glva th public really good music for Its money, and are not paid to mov away. Most of these artist com from Bel gium. Usually they push around a piano on wheels, either to b played In solo or to a company voice or th violin. Their program ar a good a ordinarily heard in the beat theaters, but they ara graded according to the part of th city. In Poho. London' Latin quarter, th music ta of th gayer sort, in th ordinary mid dl elaa neighborhoods th selection run to th popular and sentimental, but in tha cultivated West End to th claaslcal. Many of th singers) com from th opera ad concert stag. Sometime, to conceal hi Identity, th Impoverished artist wears a domino acroa th faoa. The new type of street musician ar net badly rewarded, for they ara recog nised a respectable people who have fallen victim to war condition Former Bco Man on His Way to Orient Hilaa W. Nile, for a long time con nected with th editorial department of Th Be, but who left her twenty year ago and sine then has been on the editorial force of th News of Newark. N. J., la In th city. He will remain until tonight, when he will leave for the weat, going to the Philippine. China and Japan on a bualneas trip. He expects to be away sis to eight months. To Darken Hair Apply Sage Tea A fw application of 8 Tea and Kulftiur bring bark It vigor color, g;loa and thlch.nr. Common garden sag brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant, re move every bit ot dandruff, atop scalp Itching and falling hair. Juat a few ap plications will prove a revelation if your hair la fading, gray or dry, acraggly and thin. Mixing th flag Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though. I trobueaom. An easier way Is to gat the ready-to-use tonic, costing about fc oenta a larse not tie at drug atorra, known aa "Wyrth's sag and Butpcur Compound." thus avoid- tax a lot of muas. While wispy, gray, faded hair ia not sinful, we all desire to retain our youth lul appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no tut can tell, because It ioes so naturally, so evenly You Juat anijo a sponge or soft brush with It end draw tnis through your hair, taking tt small strand at a time; by morning ll gray hairs have dltaypeared. and 'after another api lKtiun ut two. you hair become beautifully dark aluy NEWEST PHOTOGRAPH OF MISS JANE ADDAMS, who haa been nominated as one of the three women most influential and helpful in the sex, at the Panama-Pacific ' exposition at San Francisco. pi ;. I,. ..I. 1 1 i. ,u mi .i.n,y h ''Vv A' .... I "si t NX, $ ' ' '"' -n & AjEaAjyjjs Hardwood Lumber Is to Come Up for Heargument Soon The hardwood lumber rat caae is to be argued before th Interstate Commorce commission at Washington April II. No tice of thl has been received at Omaha, which is one of th points most affected by th Increase In freight rates granted the railroads by the Interstate Commerce eommlaalon by an order . handed down some months 'ago. Th proposed Increase In freight rate amount In some part of th schedule to H nt only per 100 pound, but In other part ot th schedule It amounts to 1 cents per 100 pounds from the southern hardwood producing territory to. Omaha and Ita trad territory. ' Notable among I he local companies In terested " tit th -ease were the Omaha Bridge Furply , company, Omaha1 Hard- woed Lumber company, Omaha Box com pany, and Omaha ft Council Bluff Street Railway company. , - It Is asserted In th motion for rehear ing that W per cent of the hardwood mills of th southern field have been shut down since the order of advanced rate waa allowed, and that the advance In freight rate Is th causa for th shutting down of the mill. WAR OFFICE REPORTS . Freaek. PARIS, April U.-(Vla London.) The French war office thl afternoon gave out a report on th progress of th fight- ng reading a follow: 'There Is little to add this afternoon to th communication given out last night During April 11, engagement continued tha whole day In Belgium In' the region of Albert, also In France, between the Oisn and th Alans and in tha Cham pagne district. In view of th fact that no engage ments took place between the Meuse and th Mosell after our success of April we have devoted ourselves to re organising th poaitlona won during th course of that fighting. "On th western fringe of the forest of Lepretr we repelled two violent Oerman counter attacks, which failed completely under th fir of our Infantry and lartlllery.". tiersaaa. BERLIN. April ll-(Dy Wireless to Sayville. N. Y.)-Th war office an nouncement of today la as follows: "Munday was comparatively quiet on the western front. French attacks In the Argonne against the Coinbres position. In the Allly' forest and In the foiest of Lepetre were all repulsed. "Inasmuch as an attack by ths enemy resulted In the killing with bombs of three women In the open town of Mulhelm, Qermen bomb were dropiwd on th cen tral group of fortification at Nancy. "Krench officers who have been taken prleofMtr have Informed th Oerman au thorities that the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, th galleries of the Louvre and hm Hotel des lnvalides are utldlnga being used fur military pur poses. They ar equipped with search lights, wireless apparatus and machine gun. lu th Oerman advance to the east from alartampol, nine Ituaaian ' officers and l.i'iO sol lie ra were taken prisoner. Four mschine guns also were raptured. To th northeast of Lomsa the Ruaalana threw bomba which did not explode, but which developed aiphyilatlng gases. The Russian authorities officially have circulated a report concerning the mutt latiou of Huaslan noncommissioned of ficer. Thl Is an absurd falsehood unwor thy ot dlscURslon." Hi ae Ksrlag Wlss Debate. BLUE etPHINOH. Nei., April 12.-ttpe- ctal.l Blue firings, which had the at flrmatlve aide of th railroad question, aroa the debate here Friday night by i unanimous decision of the Judges. Th' Red Cloud si'akurs were Kllaabeth Over man, Florence Johnstun, Nettie Springer, Tha Blue bprings debaters were Cliau ning Lewis. Venus Urubaker, Leonard Kline. Profeasors 11. W. Caldwell. O. U Virtue and Edwin Maley of the state unl veratty acted as Judges. This victory bring Blue Springs up for th Joint de- loate for the championship of th south Urn district. Even the Owl Cars to Be Discontinued in the City of Berlin (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) BERLIN, March 11 Not only have Berlin cafes been required to close at 1, but lata night suburban train and elec tric owl cars ar to be aboliithed. At on fell ' swoop therefore the Berliner has lost hi famous night life, as well as th mean of getting horn should ha tarry in town In search of some trace ot It, for In gildltlon to reduced 'train and bus service, the use of taxlcabs ha been ordered curtailed by two-thirds, so that Urea, fuel and oil may be saved. Th tecently announced order for all ptivat car to cease running has caused a flood of requests from Individuals and firms asking for special bermlssion to operate their cars, accompanied by de tailed reasons vhy they should be given these permits. Under the law, however, th request can be recognised only in case the motor car ara to be ussd ex clusively )n ths service of the empire, on of Its state, or an official; for pro tection against fire, for th transporta tion of the sick, or rescue purposes, or for th general publlo welfare by phy sicians, veterinarian and th like.'" Though permit may be lasued for the automobile buses, Berlin anticipate that these soon will vanish from th streets. Already all but three lines have been abolished, th wtlhdrawn vehlclea being used for military purposes. DEATH RECORD. Haas Peter Jensen. Hans Peter Jensen, 200 Rees street, died of pneumonia last evening at the Methodist hospital. 11 wag 68 year old and came from Denmark to America In 1KW. II lived In Iowa two year and cam to Omaha In and has lived here ever since. Th body will b buried In Prospect Hill cemetery. He Is survived by hi wife and a brother, Jacob Jen sen, and a sister in Denmark. Mrs. E. W. Palmer waa raised aa their adopted daughter and live In Omaha. V. U. Mitchell. STELLA, Neb., April 12. (Special.) W. O. Mitchell, 1 year old, died Satur day of pneumonia after a short Illness. He had been a resident of Stella for twelv year. Th widow and three chil dren survive. Th funeral will be at th Christian church Tuesday. HYMENEAL Crmlslyer. REPUBLICAN CITY. April 12. (Sp. claD-Mr. Roy Craig and Ml Mlldre Byers, both of this city, were' married at Alma Thursday. They will reside on the John Neff property In the northeast part ot town, which Mr. Craig recently purchased. Supper Dance a Success : Will AMERICAN SHIP FASTJJH ROCKS Steamship Minneiot ii Aground tt Entrance to Inland Sea Off the Coast of Japan. ITS PASSENGERS ARE TAKES OFF KODE, Japan, April 11. The American steamer Minnesota, plying between Japanes ports and Seattle, struck a rock at 9:30 o'clock laet night off Iwajlma, near the south western entrance to the Inland sea. In a wireless message Captain Garlick has asked for a salvage steamer- He says all passengers and crew are safe. The Minnesota sailed from Na gaskl, bound for Kobe, Yokohama and Seattle. It passed through tho straits of Shlmonesk! and was In the Inland sea when the accident occur red. It Is believed the Minnesota ran be floated, bat beyond tha fact that one of It holds waa pierced by th rock, tha amount of damage I not known. Wireless telegraphy wa employed by th Minnesota In calling for help. A steamer, the name ot which Is not yet known, responded promptly. This prob ably is th vessel which took off the passengers and mall and conveyed them to Shlmonosckl. The number of pas sengers on board the ship is not known here. They had Just finished dinner when the crash cam. A salvage ateamer, with a tender and divers, ha been sent from Mojl and will reach the seen of the wreck tomorrow morning. The Minnesota on Its outward trip left Seattle, February S, for Yokohama, where tt arrived February 22. it wa at Nagas aki on March ; Hong Kong on March 11 and tt called from Manila on It re turn trip April 4. Th Minnesota ha run aground In Japanese waters on two other occasions, but was refloated without seri ous damage. Powder Smuggled Into Turkey Through Diplomatic Mails PARIS, April 12.-Th chars that ex plosives and spare parts of gun ar being carried into Turkey through Rou mania by Oerman and Austrian diplo matic courier, is mad In a dispatch to the Journal from Bucharest. It la said that th is and increasing number ot parcel carried by these oourters recently has attracted th attention ot Rou-nanta custom officials. These embassy "pouches," which ara xempt from custom examinations, tha dispatch say, sometime weigh' a much a 8,000 pound and never less than 6,000 pound-. Th number of couriers 1 also considerably larger than usual. A dis creet Inquiry. Is reported to hav revealed th nature of th "pouches ' " contents. It is believed that through thl method a considerable quantity of . ammunition and maUrtal has been smuggled Into Turkey In the last few week a Th se verest measures hav been taken by the Roumanian government to put 'an and to th ractlc. , 4, ' i. WOMEN PLAINTIFFS AND , DEFENDANTS IN SUIT WEST UNION,. la. April il-tSpedal) Women plaintiff . and defendanta tn criminal proceeding ar not frequents A case ot this kind 1 vailed for th present term of court. Mary Kruse'waa found guilty in a Justice court ot violently beat-; Ing, striking, bruising and' - wounding Hanna Relcka. 'John H. Foreman was Justice and nearly a ' day was put In hearing the case. Th woman wer their own attorney and thcr was Interest In How would you like to have your ' milk before breakfast? Order this ser vice and save yotir ice bill. Alamito Dairy Doug. 409. The Soupers Dansant inaugurated last Thursday evening met with such ap proval that it will be continued every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 P.. M. on. Usual The Dansant Saturday ofter noon. Arrange for your table either by phone or in person. with M. Charles Mayard. "Huilt for You to Enjoy." Hotel Pontenelle th trial. Mrs. Kruee did not like th result and appealed to the district court Ship Disabled by Torpedo Beached Near Queenstown LONDON. April 12-The Harrison Una steamer Wayfarer has ben torpedoed by a Oerman submarine while off the 8dliy Islands. Although considerably damaged th crew managed to keep It afloat. It waa taken In tow and reached Queens town, where It was beached this after noon. Wilson Abandons Trip Through Canal WASHINGTON. April 12.-Preeldent Wilson ha decided definitely not to ac company Secretary Daniel on hi con templated trip through the Panama canal to San Francisco In July. It was said at the White house today that th question of th president visiting the Panama-Pacific exposition was depend ent on th condition ot th international MtuaUon. THOMPSON, BHLDEN 5 CQ Wonderful New Spring Silks at Special Prices All This Week $1.25 silk and wool poplin, 40 inches wide, now 89c Yard These reductions are remarkable In view of the fact that these are brand new fabrics, beautiful in weave and finish. In the loveliest shades -that this season has brought forth. PLENTY OF NEW SHADES OF BLUE Belgian, Navy, Matelat, Prussian, also Wisteria and fine Grays. Displayed in 16th Window. On Sale in Silk Section. HOWARD .Guarantee If these dusters do not prove to be, as" represented return them and the pur chase price will be refunded. On Sale in Linen Section A CLEAR COMPLEXION Ruddy Cheeks SparklingEyes Most Women Can Have Say Pr. Edwards, ft Well-Known Ohio Physician. Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 year treated cere ef women for liver and bowel ail ments. During these year he lav to his patient a prescription mad of a few well known vegetable Ingredients mixed with ollva oil. naming them Dr. Edward' Olive Tablet, you will know, thereby their ollv color. The tablets ar wonder-worker on th liver and bowels, which causa a nor mal action, ccrrylns; off th waste and poisonous matter that one's system col lects. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimple, coated tongue, head aches, a llsties.. no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactlv bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Ollv Tablets nightly for a time and not th pleasing results. Thousands of women, ss well a men, take Dr. Edward' Olive Tablets now and then Just to keep in the pink of condition. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the suc cessful substitute for calomel 10c and Kc per box. All druggists. The Ollv Tablet Company, Columbus, O. 7o?V Engravings Electrotypes Stereotypes Designers Retouchers Photographers All Under One Roof Real Estate Bond Us latest ow aboart real atata oa th sveat to its last psLfn. B Informed 4a vea (1 gate and yt still abl to tnvtsad your moaef saorw Intelli CiUy a4 suor pyriutbl. RUSSIANS MARCH IHTOJUMGARY Descend Southern Slopes of Carpa thians and Force Anstriant to Retreat. H&mr KILLED AND WOUNDED LEMDERO, Gallcla, Sunday, April 11. (Via Fetrograd. April U.)- The Russian armies, according to de pendable information reaching Lem berg, have made successful advances along the wide front from Bartfeld to Ussok, the greatest gain being in the direction of Oummeno. Heavy Leases. At this point the Russian descended the southern slope of the Carpathian, forc ing the Aitxtrlan back with heavy losses to the linn between Mesolaborrs and Bmolnik. At th same time the Russians advanced along the line between Kukla and Svednlka, where th Austrian, un able to make a serious defense, aban doned their store and transport in their $1.75 silk and wool Canton Crepe, 40 inches wide, now $1.10 yard No Oil to Soil Center Howard Dustless Dust Mops They pick up and hold dirt and germs. Give a beautiful polish to floors, but do not leave a slippery surface. NO OIL OR GREASE ART SQUARES OR RUGS. ' Wash and sterilize with hot water and soap. Howard Standard Dusters Howard Office Dusters .... Howard Automobile Dusters Howard Handle Dusters Howard Wall Dusters ...... Howard Dust Mops Thirty-fifth Ytr For Licuor and Drug Users Remove permanently th for Liquor and Drugs. craving Always Improve th general health. Surrounding pleasant system nu i mane, nothing "heroic" Drug ar withdrawn gradually, and with th aid of our tonic remedies patients suffsr no collaps. Do not be persuade! that all treat ments ar allks. Our is th only effective one. a time and exper ience prove. Om to us without delsy. The con dition ar serious and there should be no experiment. Send for illustrated booklet. Corre spondence strtotly confidential. The Keeley Institute Caraar tsta sad Csss Streets, oblaxa, ava. A Remedy For All Pain Th efficiency of any drag" ssy Dr. O. P. Bobbin., Is known to us by th results we obtain from its use. If we are able to con trol pain and dlseas by maans ot any pre paration, w eartalnly ar warranted in it us. On of th principal symptoms of all diseases Is pain, and this I what ths patient most often applies lo us for, i. . somsililng to rellev his pain. If w can arrest this ftromptly, lb patient 1 most liable km rust n as for the other remedies which will effect a permanent cur. On remedy which t hav ussd largely In my practice is Anti- kamnla Tablets. si any ana ny and varied ar theic n.es. I hav put them to th test on many oooaslOBS, and hav nsver beea disappoint ed. 1 found them spclally valuable lot headaches of malarial orlsln, whsre quinine was being taken. They appear to prevent th bad arter-eaot of th qulnlo. Aott aemula Tablets ar also excellent for th headaches from improper diestioai also for headaches of a aeuralglo origin, and e. pec tally lec women eubieettopalutateartaln lim.s. two Anti-aainuia laoiots give Two ntl-kamula pi rompt relief, and In a short tlms the patient illef . and In a short I to about as usual." Is able tog These tablet may be obtained at all druggist. A.k lor A-K Tablets. They ar also unexeelled lot headaches, u sural-1 and ail pain. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. , Northwestern University s College of Engineering VI . ywrs mt krM. tkruh tralsliif. lull ilnii, I. hie act atu4a4 iwvt.M .n uatuuAl .mou.t o ladlvlduei .tw.tia. from S4 frotMKtrt liMllwt toitlatng. 4wim4 lor tk. turpoM, up-t-S.te Sf-.lu.. UnwivuMd ppartustttM W mm flMrttg nJM ul to sis uii Qfr. A rw '("SIMM- h.mr4 b Mrrwill trm.UKM. WttM tmt "Bw Piwuiiut lee Kii(twrig" as "tM ut l.M " JOXBT T. MATTOBD. XHrooto Bvaaswa. UUaola. retreat. The most determined opposition on this whole Una of bnttl wa en th part of th Hungarian, whese fichtln aualiticH re being highly complimented by Rus-' sisn officers. TWO TANZER GIRLS ARE CHARGED WITH PERJURY NEW TORK, April 12 Dora and Rose Tanier,' sister of Rae Tanser, were today Indicted for perjury by the federal grand Jury which ha been Investigating the ' charge that Rae Tanser used the malls' - In an attempt to defraud James W. 0- J borne. Th Indictment charge that Dora I and Rose Tanser committed Perjury by l Identifying James W. Osborne the' man who had called upon their sister st th Tanner home in the Bronx. CECIL TE0LI, FAMOUS AVIATOR, KILLED BY FALL WASHINGTON, April 12. -Cecil Teoll,. a Sooth American and the first avlato to fly over the Andes mountains, was killed at th United States army aviation field at College Park, Md., near here.1 today while making a vertical diva In a r-achlne ot his own invention. Rent room quick with a Bo Want Ad. Children's Crepe & Nainsook Gowns CREPE GOWNS Low neck, short sleeves, trim med with lace. Sizes 2 to 16 years, 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c. FINE NAINSOOK GOWNS Either low neck, short sleeves or high neck, long sleeves, trim med with lace and em-. broidery. Sizes 2 to 16 yrs. 50c, 60c, 85c, $1.00, &1.50. In onr Children's Section you'll fine complete stocks of wear able for the little folks for all occasions. Prices are varied enough to please every one. Children's Section-- 8d Floor. ..25c ....... 15c ...... ;c .'.....$1.00 .$2.00 .$1.25 AMUSEMENTS. QUAHDEIS T0 TBXATBB Wsd. Matlae. 8:X8. THE. TEHTMPiH.es Uvag., eOo to ssak, jet $1, AT., Anil. 17th, MAT. and BTVO The SolUoklBaT Musical Comedy auocest HIGH JIHKS With Stella1 M a Th w, and chorusi of SO, I SvnUf, 50e t Ml Mat, too to $1.60J Vxt Bun., Kon, Tues. and Wad. Might. a SEATS ON SALE Fop. Mat. .t., Wed. LA-KA-XAAf g Jter yon'v I 1 eard Menry I I ' Moatoal II SO TOV XA-SA-SAAf Ton Will aft seen and heard W. Savage' Kit. f"l O Y D OttA-KAt. - MOST Tonight, Society Might, B.twsaa Acts, lifTT MOX.X.OW QTTABTZT and 00. M. Cohan' Big Kualoal Comedy, Talk of flcv; York Xatln Tomorrow, Thursday, Satur day, soi Slights, &o and Mxi Week " AID IV nil" "O MAMA'S rVM CEMTEB" . MOM Sydsll lrat Johnle Weber T. Za I MMlnn nallssa Masloal Th "Wiiv.w.s mwiiw Barleaqa by long odd, th most run in towi Johnle 'Weber and hi funny ye Heavily Chorus of Ksal Belles. siui -' - "ek Bay! Sub. A v.: Big. rat B. t Bkar Sea Tnu. Skull DCU. 44 venae Bally Mat Might. Slid, MIBS KITTT Othw Acts: Jut Wll.ee j Ktchtr Hwuu'l KI.I I th. yorwt. M.rt. KHi-i Prtc: SUtlM. tH"7. BaiMH.r si SuMUir). e. NIsUU. Sk. me HIPP THEATEfJ XAST TIMBS TMB TOBAT CHOCOLATE SOLDIER Orlgtaal Btar ia Slhrt riorare ef ta WsrUt rsjsvoas X4ght Opera. J J I i v M to i. - ) i soft bjuI luxitrlut.-AdYertuKcrut