TIIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 191o. 11 FOR RENT llsht Honrkrrpliil Htwons. STKAM heated rooms, with alcrrre. kitch enette furnished. Ogdn Hotel Co., I'nuncli Rluffs, la. RKAIi KSTATK rtm a Hir ii i,tpi ro sals) Houses mil lottaaee. (01 N. SI, 10 rooms, strictly mod., f.v. 4in N 22, 19 rooms, mod., i baths, tt5. .'7i Farnam. S room., mod. hrlrk, 3"4). Farnam. 7 ronrnf, mod., io 2T1S Howard, rooms, mod . tw 1:5.1 N. . 7 rooms, mod., .S. 1J17 S IS, 5 room list for colored. US. RINOWALT. Hrandela Theater Hltlg. loath Dakota. NOW Tdl'R OPPORTUNITY. Splendid L'tO-iiTf valley farm, small hlrlpts., best of neighborhoods, S miles to own, S7.f0 per acre. 330 A. 1" ml. So. Oak. state capital. t ml. am'all town; Imp.: sale a Mg sacrifice. arisen & Wallln. Omaha u.. Mil ague P-ldg.. Omaha ; Carthage. So. Dak. REAL K8TATK--FOII EXCHANGE TEN-ROOM brick house, all modern, re decorated and reflnlshed, at 3ft li and ITarncv Ste. Tel 11. til. MISSOURI Osark farm; 11 acres, to trade for residence property; give price nd particulars first letter. Emmet L. Hlggins. Omaha. Neb. FOR HENT-$G5.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. S. Baker. Thones D482, H317, AN AD! AN farm for sala or trade for city property. For particulars, address W. E. White, 324 S. Wth St., Omaha. , . FOR SALE By owner. 1 acres, house. fruit trees, berries, trapes, rnicaen ou.e, barn. ainut a4.. lu0 TO tio.ouo made promptly. F. O. weaa, weau Bid., lftn ana r arnam pt MODERN BUNGALOW. The rent you are paying- for an old house downtown will make the .monthly payments on a modern well-built bung-alow. Se me this evening- any time after .. Take Benson car. get off at 61st St., come south half a block to c. 2x Phone Benson 122. F. S. TRVLLINGER, Benson. WKST FARNAM l I STRICT. 7-rm. modem houne, liK5 S. 35th St. NEW 5-r. bungalow in Orchard Hill. P. Hutchinson. 1WS Farnam. 5-ROOM house, partly modern: 123 N. St (upstairs). H.O0. Web. 7UT8. 21st TBN head good young horses', 1,100 to I.two pounds, nib uimmitm. FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of char at Omaha Van Storage Co.. 80S S. Mth 8t ALL. sites. 13 per month up. SKPtttoo, Gordon Van Co. S 9 N. 11th St. MoTtnsr, backing. Storage. Tel. D. 194 or Web. 1SSI. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; storage, 1 ner month. When you move can m Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 and Tyler 230. Jf Ti 1 Bzp. no., moving. I , K PPfl Pcklng storage. Vs 1VVVU 1207 Farnam. D. (14. f4 K 1 Van and Storage ViatrUHTIl SCo. call u for ' 00 timate for raov- log. packing, shipping. 1713 Webstar fit lougla 14!. IIquscs p. II parts of the city. Crelxh Bons & Co., Bee Bldg. Stores and Offices. Fully Equipped Bakery Building 27th & Leavenworth This building. 60 by 80, with basement and second floor, fireproof, built espe cially for the purpose, being fully equipped with an necessary machinery, ovena. wasron. etc. Thla la Tour nnnor. tunity to get Into the business tight, as everything- Is new and the location very desirable. Building Is also suitable for a LA UN DRY, a GARAGE or a CLEANING ES TABLISHMENT. will make very reasonable terms to right party. Sea me at once. Conrad H. Young 322 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1&T1. 9-ROOM strictly modern, 116 So. 29th St. 1.5. H. W. Binder. 823 City Nat. Bank i-nnne uougiaa i. BAKEKl-More and basement: extra Heat retaining oven. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th St. Barns. LARGE barn for rent. 2226 Howard St. for automobiles, WANTED TO BUY Tale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 1414. OFFICK furniture- bought and sold. J li Rasa. UUl Farnam, Doug. 614a. WANTED TO RENT 5 TO 7 ROOMS, modern house in good neighborhood. Address 302, Bee. REAJL ESTATE FARM RANCH LAND FOR SALE Colorado. ATTENTION SETTLERS If you wtah homesteads or relinquishments In Colo rado call and see me at the Merchants hotel. W. H. Packer, Sunday and Mon day afternoon. TO SETTLERS ONLY-320 ecras for IJU. Klcn eoru. alfalfa a ad wheat land: no j. A. xiacy, jrort aa or an. t-oio. FOR SALE Farms. 160 and SO acres. 1 Beets. Colo. Writ Lei tier. 3364 Ogden Ave, Chicago, ill. Iowa. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land ana sena it to tne bioux city, is., journal, "Iowa'a Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Friday eveuing. Mauraay morning and ever Saturday evening and Sunday morning tor one monm, giving sixteen ads o twelve dilferent days 'or .'; or M words, Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 2H,00u readers daily In four great stales. A MONEY-MAKF.R. WITHIN 10 MILES UOOD MARKETS. l"i acres, new 8-room house and plenty other buildings. All fences hog tight. liaised 240 hogs last year. Running water and blue grass, alfalfa and timber pas tille. Never had hog disease. 75 acres under cultivation, l ml. to market only i ml. Council Bluffs. Fossesalo now, at 14j per acre. v. ml. school, it. U, Tel. A. F. SMITH CO. If sy Smith). II Pearl, Council Bluffs. Ia. Phone SI9. REAL E8TATF) ACREAGE REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, t, 6W, per cant. J. H. Uumont Co.. 41 state nana. W, Farnar Smith 8t Co.. 1J20 Farnam SL WANTED City loans and warrants. MONEY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder. City National Bank BUig. WANTED City loana Petcra Trust Co. U0a to IW.ow msde promptly. F. I. Wead, weod lilig., istn and Farnam ets. SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha, 67c CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlbarg. 310-111 Brandels Theater Biag. OMA1U homes. East Nebraska farm. CTKV f.V K REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National, t hone Douglas 2TU. ABSTRACT OF TITLE fjr Title Guarantee and Abstract iPrr"M modern abstract office. - On 17th Rt Phfliu O fc7 Jesscn & Morrell, ni- State Bk. Bldg. D. 22A1. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat ii strong-. Soiling from One to Two Cents Higher, with Corn and Oats Unchanged. WHEAT MOVEMENT HOLDS UP OMAHA. April IS. isli. Wheat was strong today, selling from I to 2 cents higher. corn wsi unchanged to 'c higher, and oata were unchanged. The rei-elpta of corn were good, ninety three cars being reported. While wheat snd oats wero light, tbere was a fair demand for all cereals on the list. The movement of wheat to primary markets keeps up to good proportions as compared with last year, the total last week being 1.H41.O00 bu.. compared with J.Ktt.OO bu. the week before and I.tCXOOO bu. for the corresponding time last year. I nose In tne importing countrlea of Burol and who are managing the pur chase of brradatuffa from America. Arg entina and other exporting nations, are attempting to convey the Idea to the I'nlted States especially, thst the crop prospects In England. Germany and other countries depending upon the I'nlted States largely for supplies, are above the normal. This Is the case especially with Germany. f.umpe normally raises a majority of the world's wheat, hut experts ssy after careful Investigation that the crop shrink age from the loss of acreage and other wise will be great this year. Clearances were: Wheat and flour eqtial to L4,orw bushels; corn. ,000 bushels, oats. Kl.flOO bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat and corn not quoted. Primary wheat receipts were sol.tkyi bushels snd shipments 210.000 bushels, against receipts of &2S.0O0 bushels and shipments of XX.OOO bushels last year. Prtmarr corn receipts were W.OOO bush els and shipments 4M.oiX bushels, against receipts of MS.ono bushels and shipments of fifki.noo buahels last year. Primary oats receipts were 649,000 bush els and shipments kkI.000 bushels, against receipts of !".0(io bushels and shipment of 697.000 bushels Isst year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats extra firsts, ttflr'ic; firsts. mr:?c; ret- ular packed, extra firsts, Cr; lirsts, J'S I'V'; nearby hennerv whites, line to fancy, Z3c; nearny hennery nrowns, z:'i CHE WE steady: rereipta. i.R4s coxes; state whole milk, fresh specials, l.".riFiV; state whole milk, average fancy. 14if Ulc. POULTRY I.lve. nominal; dressed. quiet; western roasting chickens, froten. lTtlJIc; fresh fowls, HUlTc; turkey UT JPc. OMAHA bEAF.tlAt, MARKET. BUTTER No. L l-lo, cartons, :8c; No. t 0-lb tubs, 20. CHEESE Imported Swiss. 4c; Ameri can 8wis, 2c. block gwti JJc; twins. IVc; daisies. 17V; trlpleta 17Sc: Young Auertoas, !Sc; blue label brick, 17c; llm burger. lb., 20r; 1-lb.. 20c; New York white, ltc; Imported French Roquefort, 0c. riSIl Trout, ldc; large crapplea, 16c; halibut. 1V-: ehannel ratflah. Ic SWEET POTATOES Kanaaa 12.76 bbl I. BEEF CCTH-No. I rlhs, lHc; No. 1.') OMAHA L17EJT0CK MARKET Cattle Receipt! Liberal at All Points and Beevei Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower Others Steady. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS UP 4.V"i is.rs.'i t.nij 12 1 J.Htlo 14 or,; 11.7V1 liate. 1!15. il!U4.;l!M iIJ. 1H1I. 1!M0 !!. Mar. 17 I UHI ' I si 1 it t ' I S 71 Mar. 2. Mar. Mar. M. Mar. II April 1. Apr Id 2 April S. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract offloe In Nebraska. Hot Brandels Thea. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Open for Inspection IVIUAT. in18 N. 1TH 8T. THE LOT East front on P.oulevard. No special taxes, beautiful ahade trees. cement walks. THE HOUSE. Six rooms on one floor: modern exeent furnace; oak floors; beautifully decorated, combination lighting fixtures. Price Kxlh, a small payment down, balance samo as rent. W. U. Adameon, Owner, 261S N. 19th St. Call Doug. 2926 any day next week. $3,000 5 rooms, oak finish. Just a cory home. all modern, Iwthroom. elegantly fum'shed. cement basement, south front lot. paved street, paving paid; Just a little north of Bemls Park. C. O. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. BUY THIS BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW ON EASY PAYMENTS JUST COMPLETED This house has six rooms. Is all modern and Is beautifully finished In oak In principal rooms. It has brick fireplace In living room; large run cement basement, and arrangement Is very convenient. Electric fixtures and decorations left to choice of purchaser. This house Is located in one of the prettiest of Omaha a new home building additions and Is only H block from car line. Terms, 93nO cash. Balance like rent. Will show you this house today. Call me by phone. Walnut 6X2. E. P. WRIGHT, : , 64) M 76 1M A BARGAIN 6 rooms, modern except heat, paved street, south front lot, good location near 27th and Bristol; price, $2,000; $200 down, balance $25 a month. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg-. S2a CASH 126 per month, will buy a new e-room bungalow, near 44th and Pratt Sts. . Telephone Douglas 25S6. H. H. HARPER A CO., 101S-14 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN 12 PER CENT INVESTMENT DUNDEE A dandy, new, i-room bungalow, with sleeping porch. Can rent it any day at 30. Don't buy an automobile with that nest egg, but invest It In something that will ia tit ana grow in value, sduo cash; balance month li'. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas ,1781. Ware Block. Council Rlaffa. Itt Council Bluffs All modern home. Practically new. Nine rooms. Beauti ful location. Oarage with cement drive way. Fruit trees and garden space; Ht blocks from Broadway. Conveniently located close to schools and churches. Mrs. Anna Bender, 146 Park Ave. TeL 4221. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE For Sale Five-room house, modern except heat. Everything In good condition. Part cash. balance montly payments. 2715 8. 21st St West Side Beautiful 7-Room House Easy Payment Plan This bouse Is modern throughout, face east, located half block from car line, has brick fireplace at south end of living room, which Is very large. There Is also a large sun porch, besides dining room and kitchen on first floor. The three principal rooms are finished In oak, with oak stairway In living room There are three nice large bedrooms and the bath upstairs. The rooms are beautifully decorated. The house is heated by furnace, and there Is an automatic gas heater In stalled. Terms of Sale $500.00 Cash. Balance $50.00 Per Month Telephone owner today for further par ticulars. CALL WALNUT M2. 3226 Webster St. I Klk'ht-ioom modern, practically new. full basement, all in first class condition: cwner lives in house: open for inspection any time; convenient to Harnev and Cum ing fit. car lines; only H.oUU' eay terms. kiauwK. BARGAIN 240-acre farce 20 miles from Minneapolis; 140 acres i.jder cultivation, V: acies good roeaduw, t acres timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivated; eood corn land; farm is fenced; lu-room Eo iaa, bain, granary, ouch a sued, wind mill, etc.; U bead good nuik cows. 4 god iiorsea, harnesses, wagons, complete set ot mnchinery, nogs, cnicaen aod every. tiuuK on the iarra goes at fts per acre; raso. lau.u co can stand lot m years; taaar Market 'LVm? Uiii.'!i7.Z'. . NEW YORK. April ll-8fGARRaw. II.OU4.U UMg. Minneapolis. Mlun. ,lrm. r.nlrlfu JHi . V4c: m.iaaaes. 1x7c- REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS FIVE ROOMS, MODERN. 2,8G0. TERMS. OWNER. WEBtfTER 1693. Chicago JS Minneapolis 148 Duluth Omaha 13 Kansas City m PL Louis , M Winnipeg 7 Kals reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars. tl.MVi: 1 car, tl fcH. No. t hard winter: 1 car. 11.BCH4: W. rara. 1.50; 1 car. 1.4H. No. A hard winter: car, I1.47H; 4j car, II. 4S. No. 1 spring: 1 car. II. 4R. No. S mixed;- 1 car. JI.My No. J durum mixed: k car. Sl.4oVfc No. mixed durum: 1 car. 1.0. Rye No. 2: H car. 11.08. Barley No. I malt: car, "lc; sample: I car. SSc. Corqs-No. 3 white: 4 cara. 71'ic: 6. 71c. No. 4 vVlilte: 1 ir. TOV pf 2 cars, TOVic; H car, 70c: No. white: 1 car, 70Vc No. 2 yellow: I cars, 71Ho, No, yellow: 1 car, dry, 7He; I cars. Tic; 154. cara. ro; i car, tohc n. 4 yellow: 3 cars. 70c; 1 cars, M4c: I cara, Wc. No. 5 yellow: H car, 6ic. No. I mixed: S cars, rear white, 70c; 1 car. 70c; 7 cars, Too. No. 4 mixed: I car. near white. &c; 1 car, near white, 6Wc; 1 car, sc; i car, &c; m cara, 6t4c. No. mixed: 1 car, Krttc. .sample: l car, 7c.' Oats Stand ard; 1 car. 6&c No. I white: 2 cars, 1H csrs, 54ic No. 4 white: 1 car. 54c. Sample: 1 car, 52140,. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I Turkey, fl.624rt.&a; No. X Turkey, II M 1.52: No. 2 hard. I1.5O01.51V,: No. 1 hanC ti.49l.tOH: No. I spring. 11.4491.61; No. 2 durum, 1.45(14; No I durum, $1.444T1.4i. Corn: No. 1 white, 71iff72c; No. t whlU. 71Hf71c; No. 3 white. 7107114c; No. 4 white, 7WB70V: No. 6 white. 4704c; No. 1 yellow, 71 Wr; No, I yellow, Timft TiHc; no. a yellow, 70Himiic: no. 4 yel low, wvwproe: No. yellow. asHajroe: No. yellow. NrW4jc; No. 1 mixed, TOVgClc; ino. 1 mixen, uhp'vc; ino. i mixed, w iiTOc; No. 4 mixed. tWVc; No. I mixed. eSHVwic; No. mixed. ec. Oatsr No. 2 white. 566fiHc; standard, 54 fttfio: No. I white, HtW! No. 4 white. Mti64c. Barley: Malting. MB74ct No. 1 feed, ofTc. Bye: no. z, H-UiSMTioj; no. S, 1.0V-(a.0T. CHICAGO 43RAIJV AWD PROVHIONf Prices oa Saard at Trade. CHICAGO, April li. Bulls had the ad. vantage today. Exporter were buying new crop futurea and It was apparent that cargoes of the old crop would soon bt moving freely over the great lakes. The market closed unsettled, but fe2Sc sbove Saturday night's level. Corn fin ished He off to SQ'4o up, oats down e to itfAke snd proviso ions varying from 10c dellne to a ahade advance. Knowledge that the last sea raiders wens out for the present seemed to have considerable ef fect on sentiment favoring higher prices for wheat, the Idea being that shipments would be safe and the Insurance risks leas. The rumor was in a message con firmed by eastern orders to purchase here, especially the July delivery. In which fully nine-tenths of the business was centered. Higher price at Liverpool with reports that the amount of wheat on ocean passage had fallen oft to a mi- ertal extent helped further to encourage a speculative advance. vessel asrents here were tn receipt of word that tne straits or Mackinaw had become free of lc and that the way was open for grain fleets to start from Du luth, Chicago and other port. Corn advanced at first with wheat, but country offering grew larger and there were reports that an important Industry had stopped buying at SL Louis. On the other hand, Chicago stocks and visible supply gave evidence that a heavy move ment was in progress. Holders of oats unloaded rather freely after corn turned weak. Prelously seller were scarce, de spite favorable weather for seeding. Higher prices for hogs failed to sustain an advance In provisions. On the bulge packers turned to the selling side. Futures ranges as follows: f s I 70 April 4. April (.1 f 6J April . I bt I 47 April 7.1 (h I 42i April x. s So 1 s 47 April in Koij 1 61 April 11 I 8 61 April 12 ! Ml! I M 1 4.: 42.10 701 I I Ml T 11 S2,10 71 0 M 42 T 711 V 24ilO Mil M I SS 71 2910 6.'1 5 SOUTH O.MAIIV April 2, IHK.. Receipts were: Cattle. llog Sheep. Estimate Monday ....ti.'' same day laM week.. 4.74 Same day 2 wks ago.. S.iMd Same day 3 wks ami . Same day 4 wka ao .lo.o Same day last year. 4.23S The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoa and xheep at the South tlmaha live stork -narki't for the year to dHte, as inmparcd lth Inet year: I :n, inc. Cattle l.M2 212.:: W.6' 14Hc: No. I, l!Vc. No. 1 lolna. IV: No. 1. . "JU: 17c; No. 3, 15c. No. I chucks. 9V-; No t. hS'P .V, ' c: No. 3. Hc No. 1 rounds. U'V; No The fololmlng table hc the nvrrage 13c; No. 3, live. No. 1 plates, sc; No. 2. 1 " "t " "i "" "' No 3 7c 1 stock market for the last few days, with POULTRT-Prollers. 20o; spring chick- 1 comparisons: ens, I5c; hens. ic: cocks, vc: roosters, ic; stags. s4,c; ducks, lbc; geese, i"c, turkey, l915n; pigeon, per dos.. SO.-: ducks, full feathered, lOo; geese, full feathered, lc; squabs. No. 1, tl.W; No. 2, rsRUITS Oranges: California navel, all sites, 2i7t per box; 6-box lots or more, Wills, 3ri0s. 14 0004.50 per box; choice Red ! nail, vlov pec oox. urapeiruii: sne, per box; 64a. per box; 44a "a, 1,100 Per box. Apples: Extra fancy Washing ton W. W. Rearms Ines, 1.50 per box; extra fancy Washington Snltienburgs, II 50 per bos; extra fancy Black Twiga, II. 50 per box; extra fancy Black Ren Davia, 11.40 per box; extra fancy Utah Oanoa, 1140 per box; Wine Saps, II. AO per box. Rananaa, COOjjlZ per bunvh, 4c lb. Strawberries, 60c per quart. Lime, 11.75 per basket. Figs, H -om., 2 00 per box. Dates: Walnut. 11.40 per box; Hallowl, lc per lb. VEGETABLES New Tork Danish cab bage. 2c per lb. California new cabbage, rratea, 85 to 14 Ine.. e per lb. Celery, Jumbo, toe per do. Peppers, boc per basket. Head lettuce. 11.00 per dox; leaf. 40c per do. Tomatoes, fancy. 14 60 per crate, choice, 4.00 per crate. Onions: 1 el low, to pel tad, lc per Ih. ; white, JWO per lb. Radishes, 50o per dos. Turnips, 60c per dos. Splnlch, 50c per tfos. Parsley, SOe per do. Artichokes, 11.50 per dos. Endive, 35 o Per lb. -Oarllo. Itallsn, 26o per lb. Rruawel sprout. 20c per lb. Onion sets: Tellow and red, ll.W per bu.: white. 11.76 per bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rural. 76n per bu.: Red River Ohloa, Sfc per bu.; Minnesota White, 16c. per bu. Sweet pota toes: Seed stock, delivered April 5 to 10, t2 00 per bbl. Mushrooms, 60c per box. NUTS No. 1 California walnuts, 10c per h. Filberts, 15c per lb. Dlack walnut, 2Hc per lb. Pecans, 12V Per lb. Rraitls. la per lb. Almonds, 20c per lb. Cocoa nuts, 13.50 per sack. Peanuts: Raw. 7o per lb.; roasted, &c per lb; raw, sack lot. Jumbo, so per lb.; salted, 1.50 per can. MlflCBLLANEOVfl-Shelled popcorn. 4c per lb. Craokerjack. 13.50 per case; per W-caae, 11.76. Checkers, 13.60 per case; per H-case. 11.76. Starting out with a light run, the receipts today being the smallest of any recent Mondav, hut larger than a )'r ma by atwut l.a The damag" to one of the lis parking planta at Ksnss City may have had something tn do with this mar ket being ao good, lending to lorre heav ier buying here. Quotation on sheep and lamns' Ijimiia Light. II" 1" 40; ianil a. heavy. IIT.'rfi 10 U0; vearllnga. light. t.(il9.2.'.j yearling, heavr, s .Vvf : 40 ; wetliera, good to rholre, MrttJKSo; wethers, (air to good, ; 7fr( 30; ewes, sond to rlioice, 7.7is io: ewes, (air lo good. T.T7.7.. No. Av. .r. 2,' fed spring Ismhs 44 13 .'0 Mill' AGO 1,1 K STOCK M ARKKT tattle Weak Hogs Weak Sheep Firm. CHICAOO April It CATTLE Re celnls. I'liOO hend. msrket weak: native neef steer. H.awj i. western steers, i.0 ti7.4n; iwi and heifers, IU.S(l,a.UO; calves, l, vnfs mi. HOttS Receipts. sH.flOO head: market. aeak. at I'MI- advance; bulk of sales. f:.2fifit7.3,'.; IlKht. 7.ilftT.40. mixed. t7.i 7 40; heaw, ti Cflf7.j;,i; rough, r,.nir.M; pigs. Ii Ht W. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts, 120TH1 head; msrket firm; sheep, I7 6n.5"; lambs, IVOm.ilOOO. NEW YORK JTOCK MARKET Irregularity Bordering: en Reaction Dominant Note of the Seitlon. TRADING IS ACTIVE IK0T7GH NEW YORK, a 38! g US' 7 73 V7H0 o 7:t 3 20 I 6S T 1l M I J I 6A I 111 7 7l l I 74 a M a T7i 1 Mil XOiO 001 I 74 7 3 i r.' io 4J1 n I 7 i 4 21 10 U I 7i I Uilu lei I R5 7 0 12110 ll III JMI Ml I ' H HI, 7 48, 6 ! !) 03 I !M' 7 651 6 5I 9 7S : 1 Sunday. ReTlts and disposition of live stock t the Union stock yarda. South Omaha, for twcnty.four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. yesterday: KECEII'TS-CARLOAP Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's'. C, M. ft Ft. P 2 waiiash 1 Union Pacific 61 C. N. W., cast.. .'. I, ft N. W.. weat.. n C, St. P.. M. ft O.. 22 C, n. & Q., east... 4 C, H. ft g.. west... 42 C, H. 1. ft P., cast 4 Illinois Central .... 17 Chi. Ureal. West.. 21 Totsl receipts.. 245 44 1 I 1 114 32 11 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Mieep, Artldel Open. High 1 Low. Close ! Sat'y. 'Wheat i i May. 1 69 I f7 1M 117 1 tf July. 1 2314 I 24 1 2.V4I 1 24 1 22 Corn j Msy. 734 74H 7SH 1!t 73a, July. 74 70S 76i 7 I 76 Oets ' May. I7T 534 67S1 67 674 July. 644 MS 52! 04 M2 Pork I May. 17 15 17 60 17 42HI 17 46 17 16 July. 1I07H 1112V 17 W I 17 r7H 1100 Lard May. 10 30 10 35 10 10 23S. M ITU July. 10 60 10 62V 10 47i! 10 60 10 67U Ribs I Msy. 10 20 10 22H 1015 110 16 10 12 July. 10 60 10 jt 10 46 I 10 4S 10 46 Kansas City Oral a ssl Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 11 W' HEAT No. t hard, 1.6tVHl.52; No. S red, II AW 1.48V,; May. ll.6TV4i1.67k; July. 1.16if(i l.!.'; September, 11 04'4. CORN-No. 2 mixed. 73'4jc: No. ! white, 76'ic; No. I yellow. 74c; No. I yellow. 73',c: Msy. 72c; July. 74VS74V; Sep tember, 74'ff74'c. . ' . OATS-No. 2 white. 67tJ7Vrc; No. 2 ""bUT'TER Creamery, Wc; firsts, 2fic; seconds, 24c; packing. lSVfcc. BOOS First. I7Vc; seconds. 17o. POULTRY Hen, llci roosters. lOcj turkey. 16c. Mlaaeapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 11 WHEAT Msv. SI.40U,: July. tl.42k'tri.424: No. 1 hard. 11.42: No. 1 northern, ll.WSCl.64'4; No. 2 northern. I1.4sjl.5iv. FLOUR Unchanged. RARLEY-t7lc. RYE 11.07 Hi. lo BRAN-622.M. CORN No. I yellow. 94jWc. OATS No. I whit. 64(&6c. ruAX-ti.yftgl.3. Liverpool Orala Market. LIVERPOOL, April 13 WHEAT Spot, No. Manitoba, is m; p.o. i, im 4a; jmo. i hard, winter. 13s Id. CORN Spot, American, mixed, new, 7 7d: American mixed, 01a, ss ua. B-iri!R winter Detents. 43s. HOPS In London: Pacific coast, 11 10sfi 14 Jfts. St. Vomit Grala Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. APtlt 12. WHEAT No. 2 red, I.62"4fl.fs; No. 3 nara, i.o(; Mav 11 61U: Julv. II. IKK. CORN No. 2. T6V40; No. t whit, nomi nal: May, 744e; July, T76Vkc ' OATS No. 2. 6Hft67c; No. 2 whlU. 60ic, Local Stack aad Beads. Quotations Mrnlkd br Bornt. anaksr ft Os. 4tv cmtana naiivnai sm puuuiu,. Storks Dmt C. M...... Pslrnsat Creaaisnr T pr cent pt.. Kalnaoat CrmrT JO par cant ooai Llaoola Tal Tsl. .. , Omaha C. . St. R. Bfl MiMiitala Bttts Tsl. ft Tal.t Stat nnk of Oaiah t'p4iks Oeala p' I pdiks Orala eoai tnlup Stock Tarda. Oaha Bonds OiunibiM. K.. Klsc. is. 1M4 Contlnanul O. B. Is, N ) DouglM r . Nsb.. 4s. 1M Linoola Traotkm U, IN.... , Lincoln. Nob.. Ret. 1 Cttr ot Omane Iwp. 4a. 1N7 Omh Woler 4o, 14l On aha Bekool 4. 11 n.K a c. a ai. H. la. ! Pacific a. a a. ooa. ana nor. ob. t. Laula. Mo.. 4va. I 1J4 Kwirt Co. ia i44 rrlbDr. Nob.. Waior la. l3i... M I'nlToraltr Plao. No.. 4H. 1" Wlchiu Uslos Stock Tarda 4s, 1U4 M Bid. Aakoa. 4 V1 Ti 101 114 il 0 SO I 101 w 101 i7 in 11 77 ion lit lf M ; u 101 i H1214 7Vt in lo 4 M lOl OB 14 l' Morris Co Swift ft Co Cudshy Packing Co Armour ft Co . W. Murphy -incoln Packing Co.... S. O. Packing Co Morrell I'kg. Co Krey Packing Co w. it. vanH4it 10 Benton. Vanaant ft L.. iiill ft Son r . B. Lewla Huston ft Co J. B. Root ft Oo J. H. Hull L. F. Hub Rosenstock Pros O. KelloKK Werthelmer ft llvgen.. It. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... 1'hiistie Hlgglns Huffman Kotli iMeyera Tanner Bros ... Maker, Jones ft John Harvey .... Kline iv-nni ft Francis Other buyers Total 4- Ms 1,'NO HU1 "JO 8 8 4 12S 221 107 J14 6" 131 67 li 17n i7 M 21 165 U'J 1 11 18 22 W1 H62 i.ik-: 1.1 w 1.2ns 287 67 1.521 2,74 2,2K Low I a Live Stack Market. 1M'IS. April 12. -CATTLE-Re- St ST. celpts, 2.'i hesd: market lower; native beef steers, I, .ntig.76: cows and heirrrs, ttvnOtiH.X): strnkem snd frrairrs. So. TMj 7.J6; southern sters, I5.2i(07.7i; cows and heifers. 4.0tW.0n:. native calves. HOOajr .00. HOOS Receipt. 6.4 head, market higher; plga and tlghta, VU mixed and butchers, 7.ff7.3ft; good heavy, 7.36ii7.4.V SHEEP AND lAM.U8 Receipts. 1.700 head: market strong: native muttona, 47 (. -4i8 2A; lambs, 19 0iilo.l; yearlings, ITMHit.iO; sheared yearlings. KSf J. 6". Kaasas t Ity Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 12.-CAT-TI.R-RecelptB. S.ono heed: market steady: prime fed steers, IMilHrk.x): dresaed beef steers, tT.lotia.flO; western steers, l7.2.Vir 3 Oil; strM-ker snd feeders. 507. 80; bull. ISSVfrA.SO: cslves. .an110fln. HiUlS- Receipts. 11.000 head: market higher; bulk of sale. IT.OftuMO:, heavy. 17 07Vr$7.10; packers and butchers. 17.02V, 7.1i; light. 7 0tV7.W: pigs. I Mvff . SHF.BP AlCt) I.AM B8 Recelpta, 1.0H) head; market lower, steady to strong; lambs. SO. 754i 10.40; yearlings. 3iVKti.a0; wether. I7.60fl4.50; ewes. 7.6ft3.50. Smith Kil 172 ISO 2n 4t .6,324 8,0 2utl i,328 Sloa. f'ltr lira Stock Market SIOUX CITY, la.. April 12. CATTLE Kerelpts. 8.2U0 head: market Stesdy: ns live steers, 7.0ftti'J.50: butchers, S3.2bt 7. 0.1; news and heifers, I4'u.5; canner. l4.,VMi.00: ctoikera and feeders. ttUluft 7.50: cl-ea. 311.60626. HCOS-lUK-elpta. 2.0HO hesd: market 101f v higher:, heavy. 17 oawn7.no: mixed. 7.00n7 02H: light. M.BOrr7.s0; bulk of aalea. !K.t7y4i7.(. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt head April II. Irrcgniiirllv which bordered upon reaction towird th close was the dominant not of today s storv. rnarkrt. Tiadmg was active enough at all times to Indicate that peulttve Intcreata were still in control, l.ut the rourr. of prices swgTeoted, not only fur ther sellln for profits by home and foreign Interests, but a renewal of bear ish aagresslona ss well. Uneettlcmont wss mot pronounced In the final hour, when Pethlehem Steel once more he-ame the center of lever- lh buying movement, which ent.the rrlce lp to Hi, or 1 points above Its previnua record figure. The stock closed at 124, a net gain for the day of 1 lolnts. As heretofore, no reasonable ex planation for the rise was otiainsiia and stork market otwervcra ascribed the move as a further driving In of the shorts. United Ststes Steel I eld Its recently scQiilrcd prominence for the greater pert of the session wtlh another heavy total of Individual transactions At Its nest It sold within IV, points of Inst week s high price, nut in common witn tne general list fell back In the final deallngv Other eladers like Union Pacific, Read ing and some or the dividend' paying share, failed to equal recent high quota tions. Amalgamated Copper being the only Important exception. Metal shares ss a whole were firm, Oreat Northern Ore certificate manifesting especial strength. Motor harea were noteworthy for their heaviness, with losee or x to over 4 points. Other Industrial and spe-. clnltie moved unevenly, with offsetting galna and losses. Missouri Pacirw reflected increasinc belief In adjuatment of the company's forthcoming obligations, but Rock Islsnd moved lenguldly In th absence of definite advices respecting the out come of the shareholder mestlng In Chicago. Money waa quotahly "Tilgher for an datea. the Increased demand from stock brokerage aourcea contributing apprecia bly lo thla situation. London and con tinental exchange were lower on heavy offerings of remittance. Total sales of storks were srz.n'w snares. Bonds were irregular, total l'!, par vahie, ia.470.ono. United State bonds were unchanged on call. Numl.er of aalr and leading quotation on stock todsy were: galea. Wan. Urrm. cima. 600 CATTLE Reoelpts were fair this morn ing at this point and quite linerai at sitnt other place, notably Chicago. It will be remembered tnat ine mimri week advanced sharply, being quoted a much a 24ioOo higher on killer. Buyer took advantage of the large receipts mm morning to pound prices and a a beef steer were glow and around lotfibc lower, the decline being heaviest on the weighty betve. The market ws low and It ws lat bfore tho beel teer wer llsif.od of. . . Cow and heifer ultable for killer were ecarce and for that reason '' Had there been mora of them the market would undoubtedly have been lower In sympathy with the break In beef steers. There wss a good demand lor Blocker nd feeder cow, which blpl ostein the "Feeder steer wer fully teady with last week strong close. . The market on beef User closed trongor than it opcert. ljj""? 0 the lato ules being fully B'eady with last week, making th general market ateady to loo lower on fat steers fci,o Quotations on cattle: Good to chol? beeves, r7.7rjTM.S0; fair to good eornfed beeves, I7.5i7.h5; common to fair corn fed beeves, W(&7.50; gopd to choice heifers, SS.60tf7.26; good to choice cow. 864JC.; fair to gocd onwvlS.TMl4.35. commo to fslr cow. 13. 7W.iti.75j ; good to choice .tocker and fL". Vff fair to good atocker and feeder. 7.ww 7 26; common to fair tockors and feeders, 16 00-87.00; stock heifer. fefc5vJl0 cow, F. wrai.no: sio--a o-u-. 1 veal calve, 17 OOJIOOO; bull, stags, tc, M. 76i6.-o. BEEF BTKKttB, St. Joseph Llva Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 12 CATTLE R' celpt. 1.2(i0 head. Market strong; steer. 7.O0ti.5O: rows snd heifers, 400jfS.l&; calves, .0ih5.50. Hi K1S Receipts. H.500 head. Market higher; top, 17. CO. bulk of sale, W.!MJ 7u0. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, I.M0 head. Market alow; lambs, 110004)1040. Lssln Stock Market. LQNHON. April 12. American securi ties were again th feature on the stock exchange. A large business was transacted over parity, especially In Southern Pacific, Union Pacific and United State Steel and New Tork ap peared to absorb the stock freely. Cana dian Pacific war below parity under liquidation. The market finished steady. Copper shares wer In good demsnd, especially Anaconda and Amalgamated. SILVER Bar, KlSd per nunc. MONKY per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short bill. 2'a per cent; three months.. 3 per cent. Impending Death Ia Told by Dreams Impending; death I sometime accurately foretold by dream, according to L. 'W. Roger of New Tork, who lectured last night on "Dream and Premonition" at Theoiophlcal hall In The Re building, and offered the theoiophlcal explanation of the phenomena to hi audience. "Modern psychology," the speaker as serted, "need a working hypothesis by which It can explain many things that now ccm very mysterious In connection with dream. Much of the mystery would be clered away by remembering that dream aro of two kind; In one case re sulting from th automatic action of th physical brain, and In the other being actual experience of th conaclouanea In uper-phyical realm." li ann u 4.7IW !' M.ano tS . re 14 14v .xi l?l ll M.Tte 3, wo 4.404 11.71X1 II OS l.1 l4 10 A)ka OnM l.sn) Aiealsamatod Copper .... 114 4n AlrerTran Beet Kusar S.t"l 4S Amorlran Caa 27. and 4 Airarl.an S. R 7,54 70 Aaerlran S. S R. pf4 ..... Am. gvsar Roflalns n lot Aniorlnaa Tol. Tel.... l.fn W An.erlroa Toboero tne 3x1 Ansecr.4a Mlala 17.40 4 Airhlaon 4.:1 109 nalllmnra a Ohio 7.na 7'l Brorklra HI4 T ran tit.. 3.K 4114 r'alltnrnla Petmloum .... too 14 iana4iaa fanlfle I.Tm lH dmrol Loaihor 14. let 1 t'heapala Ohio I.jnfl rhlnato Oroat Weoler.. ns - rhl.aio, M. a St. H.... 1 W : Chlrago A N. W 1 rblnn Vf ner t.lnil 4IS rnloradn Fuel Iros.... 7.700 tt't rnlnrado ft gnulhorn Por.vor lo O rondo tlenver fllo Ornndo pfd IMrttnera' eerurltl .... Kfio tlenoral EloHrlo Ilrnot rtnrthora pfd Oreat No. Os 01 fa i ssaBboim fCipioratlos.. llllnnla rentral Intorboroagh Mat. pfd ... In.plratlon Copper iBtoraailnnal Harvootor .. Kaaoaa city Mouther.... I.hl(h Valley lxiul.rllle a Naahvllle... Mmlnaa Polroleum Xllaml Topper ,..., Mlaaourl. K. T Mlasnurl Pacllle ........ Nailonal Plwalt Natlnnal loa 1 N.vada Coppor New York Central N. T . H. It. aV R Norfolk A Weotera Northern Pacific Paclflr Mall Pic mo Tel. a Tel Peaaaytvanla Pullman Palare Car...... Ray t'nn. topper Readtn H public Iron Steel.... Rock latajifl Oo l:eck laland Co. prd Kl. L g. r. 4 pfd... Soathera fveifln Southern Railway Tenneeeee Copper ., Tcxea rnmpanj , t'aloa Pacific t'rloa Pacifle pftl t nltcd Biatee mool f. H. Steel pfd Utah Oeppep Waraah pfd Weelern t'slon Woaiinshouao Kleetrlo ... Montana Power Total sale tor the say M 471 4 444 i7H ll!S JWV I4H 103 til M lili M 4o, 4S W S IMS 7 I19S tans H w: 0 147H 17 4f 1?H 1 1SI 4n S n wit 'it" 4l ts n ms n t 14 1 47 4 l7 li'S ' M lost, 7S 1.7ns Mil KU't ina 11 141 10 7144 73 14 t4 II I" 1414 US lt?' 120 4i 24h 14 7H 17 W 41 S. tlVi n IA414 ! 144 IMS 174 107S 1.100 3244 314 7"i I. 0 1(iS HHS4 - m .! t14 J1 l 1.711 'ir6 in) rt 1. 4.nO l.mo 41. xn 4l 3 fOO 11 I nnn . t.noo 74 J, 144 141 l! M 14 4 S3 14 mi, lasses. cut loaf. Due; hushed, M qii.il , K fined sttariy WENTKUS. UOM,B;fcl.fcRs-irou o- 'c: mould A. IS:: cui .lic: xxxx kortiuilty. su.uwt avrca Irriaktod whul I powdered. 0.00c; powdered. .00c; flne. nd ailaila iaad for Mtilcuitut at Vauer. MouL StLad to tiu per acru; fiileen years' time. eauea Co. k'or parttcuiar. eviii Vailer c'arm lHa 10U2. Valtor, Mout. ftearmskav FOR SALE Best lary body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. ilradloy. Wol lach. Neb. a Saalh liakota. t'lIANCE to be a cattle king right near home; niaanirlcent B,uuo-acre mm h la S. Dak : well watered; horaea, cattle, aheep do well. 1.14) acre deeded; balance can l leased: soli blark loam: suited for corn, wheat or alfalfa. Adjoining new H- R. survey, t-rooni house an4 out buildings. 6a,O0O. Administrator's sal. Addrea Y 470. Bee. granulated. S.'JVi : confertioner' A. Lave No. 1. t tec. Sugar futurea were quiet early toCay Pricta at midday wer un changed tu 1 point lower. Dry Ceeda Market. NEW YORK. April 13 DRT OOODB Cotton goods and yarns markets were strong todsy, and prices are moving higher. Wide Interest is being takes in the two great carpet auctions announced to take place next week. Haw silk was easier, dress goods quiet, and men wear was bought moderately for quick delivery. Bank Hear lags. OMAHA. April 13. Bank cleartnga for Omaha today were I3.144.0S1 and for the correauondiag day last year 13, H.. we. 41 Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. 3 red, ll.l747l.67H: No. t hard. ll.fchH. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 7Me; No. 4 yellow, nBTtc,. Oats: No. I white. 57U4Joc; tandard, SfWoSHc. Rye, nominal. Barley, TP(p Wc. Seed: Timothy, 34 50 00; clover, I.2MJ12.M. Provisions: Pork, 117.30; lard, lin tuv ribs. v&.7i BI'TTER Higher; creamery. 32031e. EOtiB Higher; receipts. M.9K3 cases: at mark, caaes Included. lMfipWVkc; ordinary flrats. 1HV-; firsts. U)V,c. POTATOES Higher: receipts, 62 cara: Michigan and Wisconsin, red. 40p43c; Mlchlgsn and Wisconsin, white. 4oii-47c. POl'LTRY-Allve. steady; fowls. liHc; springs, 17Vc. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET 4aa4alleas f tbe Day a Varlaas CoaaasadltUa. NEW YORK. April 1! -FLOI.'R-Flrmer: spring patents, I7.2b4i7.ra; winter ratents, tAHHfl.U: winter atralghts, Ms04l4.au; Kansas straights, 7.Lori.JU. WHEAT StKt firm; No. 2 red, ILS4; No. 2 hard. II 7. all rail. c. If, track; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11.67; No. 1 north ern. Manitoba, l.tx. c. I. f.. Buffalo, opening navigation. Futures, firm; May, I1.6J4.. CORN Spot, steady; No. I yellow, S4'4, C. I f . to arrive. OATd Ippot, steady; standard, C34Jlc: No. 2 whit. 6244c; fancy clipped white. f.?c. tur-steady no. 1. gi.v7Sk4n.iP; no. i. tl.0tsni.O3; No. I. u36c; shipping. Sac. HOPS -Quiet; stats, common te cholo. 114, U4rl5c; Paciflo coast. 1114, L'wl4c; 1S11. nc. v HIDE! Quiet; Bogota. 31c; Central America, 0c. LE A Tl I fc K Firm ; hemlock flrt. 13c; seconds. Hlc. PHOVI8I0NS Pork. steady; mass. lt.0u31&o: family l?lWi3: short dears. I i 0O4r.il 0. Beef, stesdy; mesa, 16.lkorln; family. Ul OD4723.00. Lard, t-asy: nilddl west. MSW;KIG. TAIJX)W Quiet; city, 'c; country, Who've; apsxSal, 7c. EOOU-CasottUd: raoelpt. M.17I ea; fresh gathered extra. 33c; torg packed. toffee Market. NEW YORK. April U-COFFEE The market for coffee future opened at un changed price to a decline ot tour point and sold about on to four point net lower during today' erlier trading un der scattering liquidation of May and De cember contracts, wntcn may possimy have been Inspired by reports of some what easier primary market. There w no active pressure, however, and price later rallied on covering, witn tne note net one point lower to one point higher. Sle. l,fto bags. April. 6.lTc; May, 5. fit:; June. 1.70c; July. 7 Of; August, 7.fc: September. T.lvv October, i.'jh-: Novem ber, 7.36c: December. 7.11c; Janusry, 7.3Kc; February, 7 46c Slarch. 7.63c. Spot coffee, steady; Rl(. No. 7, 7,c; Santo No. 4. 10Vc. Coat and freight offer were re ported a ahade eaater at about 7.sW7.40o for Rio No. 7. l.SSli) 46o for Santos No. 4. Rio exchange was W1 lower, and milrel prlcoa were exchanged in Rio. but 50 rel lower In Santo. Oaeaaa Hay Market. . OMAHA. April 3. PRAIRIE HAT Cholce upland. 112 60tjrU.OU; No. 1, D fx' 13.6b; No. 3. llO.Ooail Oil. No. 2. Ss.00ttlo.0o; choice midland, 12aydl3 60: No. 1, fll.m li.0u; No. X 110.0001100; No. t, 3301MS WOO; choir lowland. 19 601000. No. T. feiOu&SM; No. t, 3.r.0O; No. 3. 6.uut 100. STRAW-Cholce wheat. M.OOft&tt; choice oat or ry. 17667.60. ALFALFA Choice, pea green, leafy, fin stem, 12.6al4.0; No. 1, H2.5O&U.60; No. 2. Ill.00trl2.ut; No. 3. t.60l.(j0. Evaporated Ayg-les aad Dried frail NEW YORK. April 12 ETVAPORATEH APP1.ES Eur: fancy k'AliSc; choice. 7Mf7tc: prime, 77Hc LRIED FRt ITS Raisins, dull; Csli- fornlss. 4lW10ic; Oregons, ii""e. Apricots, quiet: choice, V&c; Ciegona, IMrlOVpc. Prune, oulet; choice. Itrr: extra choice. lOTfWUc: fancy, Uil2c Peachea lnctlve; choice, 44&c; extra chotc. 4ja4o: fancy, i44a. Raisins, easy; Ioobo muscatels. oVu""c; choice to fancy aeeded. 7iy7Vtc; soeUles. '3V,c; London Isyers 1 1 46431.80, Cattea Market. NEW TORK. April ir-COTTON-Spot. quiet; middling; upland. 60.10c. Sales, m bale. Future closed steady; May, S.7c; July, 1411c: October, 10.64c; leemter, 10.7ze; January, lO.lsc. Th oottoa market closed steady, but at a net decline of from three to eight point. LIVERPOOL. April 11 COT'lo. Spot, firm; good middling, Ud :. middling. 6 7m1; low meddling. I.e'id. WaJea, I.u0 bales No. 14 4 to!!!!!! A. l'r. .... n IH .... m tK .... P4U 7 li .... 440 7 ti ....ll 7 10 .,..111 7 14 ....Ull 7 to .1141 7 W No. M).. to.. II.. II. 14. A. Pr. 1011 1 (4 I2HJ 7 71 limi 7 1UT 7 SO ixil T M 1441 7 H 1431 I SO 1144 I 00 Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 11. MET ALB Lead. 4 17cM ; Londan. t. 3 Id. Speller: Nominal, London, Xt3 10. STEERS AND HEIKErtS. 174 7 SO 31 721 7 71 CALVES. t 376 T li I (00 M 4 J37 I 0 1 140 00 1 1M M 1 110 10 00 1 ItO I &0 STOCK KKn AND FEEDERS. I OHO ID It 1004 t 1 4 iH tit 1 ill 7 Si I M 7 00 I Kl 1 tl sn 7 04 II kl 7 4 ii Ki 7 10 41 441 7 46 HOOS A moderate run and a continua tion of Isst wtek'a good demand for all kinds sent prices up to the tune of 107 16c thla morning. Shipper made their pur chase at the short end of this advance. Thnv were the) flrat buyers out and tliey succeeded In getting their hogs at prices thst were no mure than a big dime higher that Saturday Packers tritd to buy their droves at 10c higher figures, but the heavy shipper buying had cut down the supply until they were forced to pay almost any price thit sellers etiose to ask, and ss a result the b.g end of the packing hogs finally sold at figures thst were pretty close to 16c higher than the close of last wecV The general market was active at fully 10ul6c advance. The llg string of sale landed at 17.00. There was a sprinkling around SSHA. and a few shippers a well s a number of the killer which were sold towards tho close reached 17.06. Prlcea are now the highest since January 7. when the day' offerings sold at an average cost of 17.00, nd today's top a the highest for tl te months, and only af- bel w tn best fig ures that has been paid this year. Receipt were estimated at 106 tars, or 7. SO head, being about the as mo ss for Isst Monday, and more then 2,00(1 heavier than the conespondlng day last year. No. A. 8. Pr. No. At. Kh. Pr. 14 MM ... 4 40 71 Ill ... 7 00 71 HI . . 4 5 7 314 1 T 40 M I SO 74 VI ... 7 a ai Ill ... 174 4 Ml 10 i Si ; Hi 4 37 PIGS. 14 104 ... 4 44 it. II: .. 4 Is II Ik ... 4 44 SHEEP From a sailer' standpoint the market this morning was sll that could ba asked for. Outside of two cars of ewe and two or three car of western lamb the receipt consisted sntlrsly of Colorado Mexican lamb of good average quality. While at first buyers showed a little disposition to besr values the msr ket speedily settled down to a good steady basis, th bulk of the Mexicans chsnging hand at 1100. While this was 6c leas than was paid for two cars on Friday It a a steady with th general market. The trad was active when once under way nd before midday practically everything of consequence had changed handa. There were not enough aheep In sight to mak a market, but what few a ere offered sold at price that ware tafely 10c higher than last week cloee. Two car of Mexican ewes sold at Id. 33. only 6c under the extreme high record for any year at this point. It might be added that th wck 1 Omaha Missionary Arrives from Cairo NEW YORK. April ll-Rv. N. D. Mo CUnahan of Omaha; a missions ry of the United Presbyterian church located at Cairo, Egypt, was a passenger on th Fin land, arriving today from Mediterranean porta, accompanied by hla wife snd daughter. They have been In Egypt six year. Rev. Mr. McClanahan said that missionaries and foreigner In Egypt fait no alarm whatever ever war condition. Tb government had matters under full control, ha said, "d very precaution wag being taken. line 6.40 14 1 I It 14 I U ! 1S lis IMS 17.100 tn nn i.sm 11114 ' 1H ions Ji4 IU44 7m is 13714 !. MU It!, 14 4i0 tl n4 ant, 103, PM Mt4 1&H tss 70 10144 1MV4 11(4 ll,4n to i4 1"0 i , l.om M t4 4 4,100 1714 74 MS4 17 , 471. 40 shares. ' ATTENTIONS OF STRANGER RESULT IN POLICE CALL Bernard 8wnon. J6 year old. car penter, living at 806 North Nineteenth street, 1 being held at the county jail, tending examination by the Insanity board because he Insisted upon pressing attention upon Miss Clara Callahan, secretary to Street Commissioner John J. Ryder, without her consent. Mia Callahan la not acquainted with Swanaon, but that did not deter him from ending affectionate letter, following; her horn, and loitering abort her lion. At her request. Defectives Dunn and Kennelly hid near the Callahan home, &3t California street, and waited for Swanaon to put In an appearance. He was than taken to 111. and today hi mental condition will Le Investigated. WORK WILL BEGIN SOON UPON NEW SUBMARINES SEATTLE, With., April 12 Work on three Urge submarine for the United State government will be begun at the yard of the Seattle Construction and Lry Dock company within thirty day. Ma terial I being aaaembled. All three of th submarine, It was said today, will be laid down at th same ttm and there will be only a few day between their launching. Two hundred extra workman will b employed. Th boU will coat 11,600,00. Sokol Girls Say Athletics Route To True Beauty There I only on true road to femlnlnt beauty and that la through a course ot athletics, la what on of the several hun dred young. women of Omaha Tel Jed Sokol will tell you. Since the beauty of each appear lo be without queatlon, then a vexing problem of grave worry to feruinlna ekr for age. I Milled once for all. The Omaha young women all lock part In th annual athletli carnival, which, was held yesterday afternoon at lh ball In 2022 South . Thirteenth treet- Boslde the grown gins, a hunlred or more Utile girl In pigtail and ahort dresses took part In th folk dance and drill. B. W. Barto had charge of th affair, which was attended by a crowd that filled th hall to th Overflowing. In the audience wer prominent ' Bo hemian citizens, member of the school board and other public official. Other who aaalated In making the affair Sue ceaaful ware th Mlsse Maym Jiment. Helen Ltovc, Millie Ftala. Rose Hudecok, B. Maallka And O. Krecek. HULL AND MANNING BREAK CTY BOWLING RECORDS Ben Hull and Mannlug brok all city record at noon for two men In three gains, by (hooting 1,427 n th Metro politan alley. Hull second game wa am, the second time In hln hltoi. Score: Hull Manning Total REALTY ASSOCIATES MAY BUY LARGE TRACT HERE Th International Realty Associates are still considering a tract of ground In th north part ot the city, which they ara negotiating to buy with a view to plat ting. Local member of the board of director of thla large Investing concern, with headquarter at Duluth and Chicago, ar not making public Just what tract th company I considering. An effort will b made to get the local real estate men to underwrite a certain number of lot to be old by them If th International As sociates buy the tract. Thla concern ha recently made two large purchase In Kanaa City and 1 considering some tract In St Paul. It ia an organization composed of big rl estate man. who are member of th National Association of Real Estat Exchange. TRACK APPLICATION HELD UP BY THE CITY DADS The city council committee of th wbol ha postponed for thirty days, action rrn the application ot the Chicago, Burling ton Qulncy Railroad company, asking for permission to extend a sidetracks along th alley between Jackson and Hrward streets. Ninth to Fifteenth t reels Several protest have been fllej against this track. .HI .471 :t) JUU 267 lot SO B.7 e-16 161 1.4J7 I THE OIIO LOT RgVIKW. a tempest Breeklr paper tolling atom opporlumito m Od Loco ot New York tttoth Kichaiise Borurillca. II s rear, laaue a err r.mrlay Seoo for rem pie topiea, 74 brie1oav New York I'tty. t