Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1915, Page 10, Image 10
I 10 TUB BEE: OMAHA. APRIL 1915. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to neiire proper riaeeanratioii muat be pre. seMed before II o'clock noon for evening; etition end T'96 P. m. for mo-nlng and Pun4ay editions. Want rwivl after urJi hours will ha under tha heading. "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATI!. . . Vreii (vmaacutlva time. 1 csnt word each Insertion. ... . Three times wlthtn ono week. 1 cents word each trieertton. Ona time, rents a word. CHARmC RATES. Wen UcGtTv. tim; I canU a Una each Insertion. VL w . ...k. 1 cents I Una each Ineertloo. Ona time, II cant a Count all a vermes wort; to una Minimum charge, cent. As aavartlaemaat Inserted to be Ml discontinued muat be stopped by write te order. Afl claims tor errors moat miAt rlthtn fifteen dar after tba ta after I DO inm tnssr- rwa er me dTontsomenv Tan can place yo-wsM ad In Ths Baa by telenhoBfa. . Unclaimed Answers to the 'Swapper' Column" Hundred a of other anawera have been ralla for and delivered during tha laat Weak, It la reasonable to auppoae tnat II of tha people below have jnada tha deatred awafa, therefore do not nail for tha balaaoa ol their anawer. Baa want 1a aura cat raaultav a. n o. o. re i m hi t tM HI t ina tit 11 ti r in it rt in m II t'T IT IM4 let 1 ii M rs I'M M rJ l t'T W W l M )7t a o . 171 II M M 14 M T l W 14 IWI r-9 4 r 4 H l i M r i , i.r i aa t . uia leTT SC. lent 1411 mi 1414 14l 144 144 ft 1441 H 144 14M 14(4 14f.f 11 147 1471 1481 SC. 14 IV 1611 1511 isn m an IK Ifra) 1646 liM lnT 1N7 16T 1671 1571 IW IIM Ifc'd U3 DEATHS AD rVSKHAV JIOTICE8 BTRAWN-Wllla. beloved wife of Frank K. strewn, at her lata reMdeoce, A .uth Thlrty-fttth atreet. Mundoy, April Funeral from realdence Tueaday April is, at i a P. m. Interment at Weet uwt c-e'metery. m BIRTH AKD DEATHS. Births Gulaeppe and .Pomenlea Cla mln U42 North Twelfth, boy; ""! Wimmer. Nrt ' fT',rt1' N.y; Ouleepiw and Anna lVfUlno, zn l-.irco. t'-H: fcl II. and Kthel t". :haHea. arlrl: Charlea A. and Horothy OnMe, 1712 l'Hln, girl; Call It. and Maria Malln, ZW Caaa boy, Uarrett and C.rai-e 1'range, 11"4) North Nineteenth, boy nev II. 6. and Mary Peareon. ho pltai. glH; . I,, and Saline K. Ht.aa. 413 North Twentv-fifth. boy; Herman and Kthel flwift. South Wshteenth. girl. Ieath Andrew Bmlth. 7i yeara. 1014 South Tl.lrty-fifth; Mary A. Plyborn. TS veara. Keyatonc Park; William II. Owella. :4 yeara M7 Park avenue; Richard I-and-rock. 11 yeara. SU1Z Poppletoa avenue; Alexander Joaeflk, 40 yeara, rwaipital; Duiay Curlln, 13 year, Fowler ave-nue-.tvdward Lynch, 71 years, U North fieventeenth. MARRIAGE LICKKSES. License to wed have been laaued to tha folowlng: Name and Addreaa t W.- A. Walsem, itouth Omaha over 21 Alice P. Anderson, Omatia over II Kred-lck K. Bpirea, CSarks 61 Ida C, Woodward, Lincoln 44 W. II. McClure, TJnWarsItT Plats tl Pearl fnyder. University Place IS Channing W. Porter, Amaa la M Ciiadys Ulfford. Omaha a Pick Ptacy, Omaha over a Orpha Cole. Omaha, k Over 11 Bernard Cliampenoy. Omaha 23 K.llth M. Yatea, Omaha tl William HeavTln. Ottumwa. Ia 49 Minnie McUanlel. Bellewood SO BllLDIBO PERMITS. Ueorge F. IOon. 47il Farnam. frama dwelling. M.Om; Lnoch Olaoji. kM Norta Thii (y-eeoid avenue, reams dwelling. I'.'.W; Eva 8. Clapp, .116 Fort, frame dwelling. U.SOX TODAY'S COMPLETE MOV IB WUXJKAM CxcJusively la The Ue lauOTsi Taw a. CAMKRAPHO.NK. i4 lOUOLA8 8T. W inning Back. 1-reel Broncho draioa. Your baby and Aline. Kel. draiua. Ambroae'a Little Hatchvt ELITE NO. i. 131 FARNAM. The Trap Door. 2-reel. Kal. Dra. Tha Thif in the Night. Lub. Pra. Tha Otttlaw'a Awakening. - JKe. W. Dra. I A UN' AM THKATLH. 1416 FARNAM ST, Runaway June will be shown bars every liieMay In con nation with our rogular pri'rm ana a ieysione oomaiy. HU P XHLATa.ll. AND UAilNKf Uomai of Paramouat Ptcturaa. fAtt-K 'lita.Alaii. Feature proaram dally, keyeione Comedies. 6IS N. Ml It. PARLOR. 14" IKILULAS. I'nalched from a Burning lteattt. Z-reeL Cmiie 'Round and Take Elephant Away. Uroncho Billy's Teachings. Eas. W. Dra. PRINCESS THEATER. 1317-1 DOUGLAS. Pauline Kuth and Kav Uailagher In "The lrlna. a S-ret:! dtamatie inaaterplece. Hklfier Slmpaon's Paughter, Joker coin. Kertk.. ALAMO. , 4TH AND FORT. Four reels of tbs best Mutual picture ALHAMHHA, 1614 North Sh. Fatty s Krai lee a rllttf, Keystons Oom. '1 he Man N lib a Record. 3-r. Bi. pre. Uratituao ot Conductor it. Than. Dra. CLIFTON, Military Ave. and Rurdette. DuuMe I'rotaing. ilajtatlc drama. leri Bc-ata. S-r. t'tiecki'd IbruUfch, Iloy comedy. P1A40'1 THEATER. :41 Iike t'rte NiKht, imp.- drama. Has sot. The Hiduej) t-ity. -r. Bleon. Ford and Cun. aid: editing Bella IShall Ring, Joker ( om. FRANKLIN THLA.. iMlli and Franklin. Ma ale puts One Over. Lubln comedy. Little H-mw Wife, -r. Esaany. ritoLIC TiltATtll, 24th and Hpragua. UI open soon. 1-irst-class pnoto plays. Watth tins stce for opening dale sud prosrsn J. C. Ih . Manager Grand ' '1 ore ire Beautiful, llh A Buiney Tiyfclnig I 1-ro-1 Keystcne, feature Clisrles 'liapllu. Mutual Weekly No. 12. Tlte Taker, 2-rerl drama. HIPPODKOME. SiTH AND CI" MING, M'ttual Weekly. An Innocent Burglar. I1111..M Coiiioiy. The HUcnfra Htiak of Yllow. Z-re. i. K. B. I Tama IT. t rl UTH AND UK'liST. Tlie Open Prawbridge. Kalem drama. Mother a Rows. S-r. Vitlgrsph drama. 1' ir tail'ius l.iiw. Kalem comedy. I Y TiiLAlLti. lotk and BurdetlS bis. His Gunl'l ii Aneel. 2-rrtl Victor. tVinie ,f llioulit, I'owi-ri. Love and Lmw, Joker comedy. LiVAI. 1 lTrA It iu 24iJ w7il"su f'Mth of buiokry Joe. 2-reel Eciulr. I.y M'-ney, il K. comedy. His Monti, to 1 j. Bex drama. Utiilhul' Ilit, .Til tc UrlHKuP. 'i t.e l-rui of India, 4 rcl drama, made by . W nai lona. Hee the trolley -r plunge down the abyss. I'ALAi'E 1 HEA1 t-U. 4Lveitport Ht. 'J tie Wl'loa a U.t. Nestor. Wnen Hn -('!, tp l'iipoeed. Nest Coin. Ht-.oijiiVr 'ns rin-. 2-re- li tor. a 1 1 Kl- A N 'I H r Al tit, -4ih and Ames. - r olloon.i,- a ' hi. Ir. Kal. Pre ; 1 lie "' i..v.i I iiwr anj 11 Gui. Hel. L'.a.:, l "His iy iiuud. Aliaa Cou. tooat's complete movik programs Exclusively in The IW. Snath. ARDOR. SID AKD ARRnR The WJnner. (Featuring Ted the liorw lht docs everything but talk ) S-reel. AIM "Nerve," a 1-reel drama. APol.IA. 2S:'4 LEAVENWORTH. The I tenth Train, kalem drum. Mm Brother's Keeper, f-r. Blogrsph dr. Th Capitulation of lite Major. Vila, com CO I.. I'M HI A. ITIO HOITH OTIl. IN From Headquarters. 1-r. Vitagraph dr. Love and Trouble. Kesanay comedy - ' I o -Mkoht 24TH AND VINTON Tho Tun Sentences, .-reel American. The stolen Jewels Thanhoiiaer. Ell-el's Peadly Alarm Clock, homlc. I FAVORITE. 1716 VINTON. ,A Womiln wn, Fortn. r. ,hln dtama 'rweediea Hopeless I-ove. Esssnay com. The Man from Tenaa. rVllg drama. (KM THEATKIt. I2TJI H. 13TI1 HT. F.plflt of Elaine. 2-recl Special. Love of .Mary Went. Hlg I'. I Htitler'a Hnated Romance, Sterling '-Om. ' 1I17 VINTON-. ! I A HIC. Oaklawn Handicap. hi., m Arnnnd tb. World In Ten Minntea Inker rugs, nothing ahoddy. etra linen and all Aroiindjhe World In Ten Mlnuaoker. jv(,r waf th smh Bu . p,r. PAPTIME, 23P AN LKAVENWoRTH. J aonal Investigation required; reaaona. .C. The I nhidden Treaalire. 2 reel Victor. j The IJeatrover. Imp drama, t'nknown Brother. Admission 6c. VBNEZ1A. LU kju. 43TU at. Ftf reals of Mutual pKrturea, Wast. MONROE THEATER. r. FARNAM. 1 1 Mabel Trumello For the Man the Loved. A Horae of Another Color. Eae. W. Corn. Mlllion-Uollar Mystery. No. Z2. ' Beaeea. PKNSON THEATER. MJa MAIN ST. The Black Box, No. 4 special aerial. Martin Ioae. Financier, Laemmle drama. Home Nightmare, Joker comedy. ' taaaell Blafla ELITE NO. 2, 646 BROADWAY. Tared Fairfax's Millions. 2-r. Kal. dr. Tho Cowboy's Conquest. Btograph dr. I'aale ami Paper. MIna comedy. NICHOLAS. 647 BROADWAY. A Tragedy of tha Ralla. l-r. Edison dr. A fuudy In Tramps. Vltagraph comedy. When the Fate Hplne . Kasanay drama. ROPER. ' 6JR IJ ROADWAY. I'ncle John, ii-reel. Imp. Animated Weekly. Life's Furrow. Laemmle Dr. oalBj IimU. BEP8E. 24TII AND N. Tha Ihamond Broker, 2-reel. Kal. Dr. Two Bold, Bad Men. Eas W. Com. The l-ogal Light. Pel. W. Com. MAOIC, 24TII AND O. Animated Weekly. ,eason from the Far Eaat. 2-reel. Rex. ORPHEUM. ZtTH AND M. I reels of drama pictures. And a dandy comedy. AMNOUNCKMKNTS . MAllA P1LIXJW CO., 107 Cuming. I Douglas t47. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. Wedding announcements. Poug. Ptg. Co. WANTEP Overland aulo, 1912 runabout or touring; oescrlhe fully and give beat cash offer. Addreaa T 44, Bee. HAVE a -cyl., 0 h.-p. White car that I will trade for a modern home of auual er greater value. H. Pal too. tS Varnam. L-RKeWMAKINO. tailoring, alterations. Work guaranteed. i Caaa. Red 7Sa. 6PRINO CLEANING TIME la here. Your windows cleaned and storm windows taken down at reasonable ratea. For first clues service call pouglaa 5341. ' AMERICAN WINDOW CLHANINO CO. LUCKY wedding rlnge at Rrodegaard'a. ENROLL cow. T. M. G A. night acboot E rent, repair, sell needles and parts for ail sewing maciunea. inb BRAHKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlokel'a." lttli and Harney. Douglas 162. AUTOMOUILF-S C KLfiAeUsEH. espcrt radiator and tains repairs. Ty. 7WI, 2tol Leavenworth. jl(0 REWARD for any masneto we can't repair. Coiia repa. Bayaaorrer.aio ta a AUTO Clearing House. J farnam. buys and sella used s. Phone Ioulas Full KALE Or what have you to trade lor two delivery autoa ana one e-paa-aenger touring car. all In first-class con dition; a 111 sell or trade separately. 402 N 24th Pt. Overton s for leaky radiator. 6"o, dealers. Want an auto. C. J. Canan. McCague bldg. 1!10 Bulck t-M I r.'U Cadlllao....tAJS W10 Glide I I "14 Oakland A. A. AHLMAN. 4 FARNAM ST. Industrial (iarage Co., 2oth eV Harney Hta. USED.CAK.S Five-posaenger Htudehaker. five-pas- tenger Ahbfitt-Detrolt. Hupp roadster. NEBRASKA Bl'ICK AUTO CO., 114 FARNAM. Metorryrlee. 1916 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; cargaina in usea mscnitus, uaiam a B1CVCLU CO.. ltl and Oman. P. Z72S. HARLKY -DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Himx, The Motorcycle Man." XCOJ Leavenworth. BUILDING JUTERLAL. NAILS, t2.IV per keg. Fence, sheet roof ing, etc.. In proportion. General Mer cantile Co., Omaha's great mall order house. BUSINESS CHANCES A LARGE and well-equipped gsrago far saie; Have oiner business and unabie ts operais bo la. It you want a good estab lished business, this Is your chance, "V Omaha Uee. Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE A profitable and well-established warm air furnao and sneet metal business In Hherluan. Wyp. ; a fast growing city or lz.uuu people, in good farming and mining section, wltu large Sugar factory and other new businesses now bunding. Death of proprietor Is reason for selling. Address Mrs. D. H. 1I, ,2 N. Main Ht. bherldan, Wyo. For HALE oh 1 HA PIC fur flat in Omaha, house furnishings fur 12-roont hotel; hotel Is running In good shape, ren ovated thoroughly; only hotel In town of 1. people; U per day: rant Is cheap; Ift per month. Can buy building and contents for 11,600 cash; good reason for selling. Phone to Lester at Midland Hotel ail day Sunday, or write Y 7. bee. Would consider small grocery. FtiH KALE Good lory. Write Box paying k oream fao- w. tviumDui, iseo. FOR BAIJC Coftee and tea bualneas In city of Hi.600; thoroughly established and paying; over 4.U4I live customers. Address Y 4u Be. FOR HALE Blacksmith shop, good Iowa loan ?u: big business: building, lot and tools; ll.toO; two-tlilrds cash, baiaaoe terms. Jim Wray. Sioux City. ' FOR SALE Chean. only hotel and r. taurant In town: good business. Apply to Mrs. II. Wohltord. Trumbull. Neb. FOR SALE AND RF-NT-We will sell the furnishings and flxturas ot tha Cook hotel, snd will rent the building: every thing new snd in rood shape; the only hole! In town and doing a good business, eight bedrooms upeislrs; office, parlor dining room, large bedroom and good kitchen downstairs: electrio light: no t. sin heat. II. C. Thomas. Cook. Neb. ri'H BALE Hava other bualneas, w tl sell auto supplies snd lease of larga flieproof garaae In good lively town. Ad dress Y 4o Bee JEWELER Fine More In Schuyler for sale; requires only tMA Bog Oat, bebuy. ler. Neb. LisT YOUR b I BINE- with as lor sjuKk actios aad square treatment QUICK SALS COMPANY. . 41lBoe B dg. ptois Red M64. l!.EiTAI.'HANT ill desirable location viieap: also axhaat fan for sals. Apply t N. 14h Ht. htlAli estate Business pieces supplied or handled, all states. F. V. Knleet, l-malia f ilEATii K-Buy, toase 01 sad your the ater, rriavhtru and supplies tfarou'h Ttiir Ki'toange te, 1406 Fafaaisi St Pwiigias iwr. BUSINESS CHANCES HONS, mow rrl i"irn ion. l V(l TO HKT In or cit of business rail on OANOESTAP. 404 Bee Bldg. Poug. 3477. Wlir rentT Will seil 160-acre farma In Red River valley, Minn., erect buildings, supply cow a and hogs on flrrt payment of fcvio and fl per acre and Interest at per rent each year thereafter. W. O. Templeton. B Bee Pldg . Omaha. FOR PALE A good paying plumbing and tin business; established 15 yeara: wall located. Addreaa Geo. V. Zlds, Nebraska "It jr. Neh. AN EXCEPTIONAL chance, la offered ac tive (tarty with 11.(100 to Invent, together with common ene and energy enough to conduct a reapectable, permanent i aah biialneaa that a eaelly mannked, free from i competition and iret-rlch-ciule k achemea, j m'here, with ordinary labor, from H.Out to jlo.'mn rhould be cleared yearly. Owner I of thla hualneaa Invitee the very closest Inxeatlkatlon In every way. Full partle ulara will have to !m alven at personal . i Inlnrvlnw . V. .. -.1 .1 1 n X' " : Reemlag lloaaea for Sale. pfiti A dealrahle hlgh-crade. aelect room- Ing liouae on Farnam Ht.. original coat. "' wl" appeal to one looking for :a revenue anr renpotnaniiK y, ornaa Ibea, coat not leaa than IV each: J. Canan, 610 McCague Bldg CXAIMS PAID. WILL cash county claims. Douglas 78.". KDUCATIOVAL The Van Saut School Stenography Day school. I.W to 4.o. Night school. to 1:1s. 1'tb and Farnam KU 'ouir'as SUT. FOR rale the following scholsrabtpe js a first clnaa Omaha Bualneas College: Ons unlimited combination business and shorthand course. Ons unlimited bualneas course. Ons vnllmlted stenograplilo course. Ons three months' business or stsaa graphic rcures. Will be sold at a d.'scouat at ths of floe sf the Omaha Be. Boyles College Day School, Night Kchool, oomplete business course, complete shorthand or atenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Eng lish. Btudents admitted at any tlr.ia. Write, phone or call for 1H16 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. BOY LEW, President. Tel. D. 15(6. Boyles Bids., Omaha. Neb. ELECTTUC SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC washers, 140.76; electric Irons, 12.26, with General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Great Mall Order House. FOR SALE Farnltnre, lloaaehold Goodi, Etc. New 4k 2d-hand furnitura, cash or terms; reaaonabla. Amer. JTurn. Co.. o N. lath Auction Sale At 144 H. 22.1 St.. Tueaday. April IS. 1915. at I o'clock. He ven rooms of high grade furniture consisting of a three-piece par lor sei. niii parior rug. ouk Duiret, oak dining table and alx oak dining chairs upholstered In leather, dining room rug, hraas bed, vernla martin beds, spring and mattresses, mahogany dresser and chlffloner of the very beat, bedroom rugs, oak rireasers arid chlif loners, pictures, lace curtains, gas stove, kitchen table, sani tary cot and pad, diahea and cooking utensils of all kinds, In fact, everything to make up a complete household, also one adjustable diesa form. The above is all first claas furniture and practically new and will be sold piece by piece to the hlKhest bidder. Don't forget ths date. For information and auction dates call Red ONE lady's Rambler wheel, little Ufeed; odd pieces of furniture. 208 & 36th BU Call after 4 p. m. IjFKKM bought and sold. J. C, Reed. USUOJXO lyfJ j. arnan St D. IM. LARGE, nesrly new, reading lamp, for sale cheap, and gas fixtures, at 181 Harney Ht. Poug. 5416. STORAGE, unclaimed auction sahj of household goods and pianos. 8. W. Cor. llth -and Douglas. April 14th, 10 a. m. Gordon Van Co. Horace and Vehicles. HIP ttvs stock to Souta Omaha. Bavs milaags and shrinkage. Your consign mants 1 active prompt and careful alien Hon. NOTICE To farmers and city buyers. span black geldings, 6 years old; pair brown mares, weight 2.400 lbs.; t.SnO II,. apHn mares, heavy in foal; guaranteed or money refunded. 124 H. 24th St., burn in rear. HEAVY AND LIGHT MARES AND OELPINGS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES; ALSO HARNESS WAGONS. Rl HEN BIaATTS CUT PRICE COAL CO., 12a NICHOI.A8. TEL. DOUG. M). NICE, gentle family horse, harness and two-seated up-to-date carriage, cheap. 11402 N. 27th. Webster $37. 30 HEAP of horses, mares and mules for sale. 2102 Cuming Ht. TWO pairs of farm mares In foal. Z24 N. istn hi. NICE heifer calf for sals. Web. 68d. THOROUGHBRED Jeraey cow, gives 12 quarts a day. Call W alnut If. FOR SALE Good chunky young mare; will sell cheap on account o( sickness, guaranteed well broke: must sell, need the cash: owned by widow. Call at Store, 1221 So. 241 h. TEAM of horses. 1 years old, weight I.U0O. Iron gray and bay. Good harness and wagon. Separated. 201& Burt. BARGAIN for cash to settle our estate. Pair of Perclieron mares. 6 years old. tt lbs , heavy in foal. Also handaome ruilbtood mare and penning, 001 n sorrej. with white mane and tails. 2227 Dodge, corner 34th Ht. FOR SALE A pair of good big horses, i and 6 years old. weight 3.0U): set of work harneaa; Jones' sir Me, 111 I Podge. FARM wagons. ) and up; harness, 140. Johnson-Danforth Co.. ltith ft Clark 8ta FOUR good farm mares, two lumber wagona, three collie pups. 2411 N. 34th. SIX head horses and mares for aale. 4TII AND COUNTY LINK. HO. OMAHA. Telephone South 30a. TEAM of 6-year-old mares, well matched. weight 2.HI0: 6-year-old work horse. weight 1.400. and handsome black and while Shetland pony heavy In foal, gen tie for children; bargain; party going to ban Francisco April 10. 2421 lodge Ht Lira Stock Caaasalslan Merchants. MARTIN HP.OS ft CO.. Kxooana Bldg. Masleal last rnntvata. VIOLIN, cost 140. will sell cheap. H 4611. FOR BALE One York cornet; loO value. Used very little. Take I26. H. W. Rleks, Bailey. Neb. I . . . , . . . Slightly ueed high grade piano. D. 201T. Posit ry, Karas ana ka,pplle. aitKEOTira sswtncsa mass ins sest and cheapest lining for poultry aousos. They ara ltxS Inches, stronger and more Curable than tarred felt ana practically I ire proof. Too a hundred at The ttvo oiltcs. ROSE comb Rhode Island Red hatching eghs. 60c for Is; S3 per 1U0. W. 11. Hux hold, Route 6, Kouth Omaha. W HITE WYAN. cockerela. Benson jab W. Mixed grain. lJO lbs. 1 7a. Wagner sOl N il TOULOUSE goo eicgs for hatching. 16o each, S343 Manderson Web. UXL Ty stnrlters. TYPE WRITERS sold, tented, repaired. Central Typewriter Bsc. 1906 Farnam. M lace I la see as, FOR &ALK New and second-hand earem aad recast bl.Uard tables and bowling llrys and acceaaortos; bar futures of ail kinds; easy payments. Tba Brunswick Balke Coliendsr Co.. ai."-4 B. Uth Ht H HBVON'D HAND poxuin tn-stoA ma chines of various kinds, also coal rsng and 4 ssa nuuies J. C. Ish, Executor : S ?lAva Phone Harney M NEW and tl liaml iiiotora. dynainia. Uagncloa, etc . nnd uioc radical tPurs. Le bron Llscuto Works, B. Uu-. o von SALE Miscellaneous. THE BURME1HTER CULTIVATOR 8HOVKL will save the corn roots; been on the market I years. Are fully guaranteed. Price reduced thla year to 13 per set of four and 14 per set of six shovels. Book let free. Ch.'i. Burmelater. Box H CT, i l-4 I Sutherland. Ia. FR HALE CHEAP-Ptock In-the Pond Hale A Auction Co.. l.i7 W. O. W. Illrlg. HELP WANTED FEMALE 4 lerleal and 4(f flee. DICTAPHONE operatora C2), 145-160 : i WANTED Machinist llnotyiie operator. STKNO., law. out-of-town, $..0 5 week; must be sot'cr and compo HTENO., ahstrat ti, f.n. tent. Times. Fort Morgan, Colo. BOOKKEEPER, some Hteno.. work, H0. 8TENO. and file clerk. 140. CXJ-OPERAT1VE REFERENCE CO., 1016-1 CITY NATIONAL BANK. NO FILINfjTFEH. BEST COMMERCIAL lO-IT10NS. Rogera Ref. Co., M-g state Bank Bldg. NO FILING FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROGERS REF. CO.. oiH Ptute Bank. Kartory sail Trades. LEARN ha'rdreaslng. Oppenneim Parlora WANT Eli Expert nresser (lady), dry cleaning department Blufr City Laun dry. Council Rltiffs. Is. lionaekeepera and Doaneatlea. GOOD girl wanted for light hounework. Beat of treatment and a dandy home to right girl. Treated as one of family. Phone Harney 4S or Harney 2V. WANTED Reliable white girl for. laun dress. One who Is willing to assist In housework. Harney I5KH. THE Servant Girl r-robleru 4olveu. The Bee will run a Servant Girl W anted Ad FREE until you get the desired results This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa .Bring ad te The Uee office or telephone Tyler luoO. WANTED Help for general housework on farm; wages 14 for woman with small child, 15 without child. Mrs. John 8. Johnson. Underwood, Ia.. R. R. 1. COMPETENT girl; not too young; 2o o years; general nouaework. Mrs. r. D. Wead. 6o2 H. 4"th. Harney 171.. WANTED Neat white girl about 1 for general housework. Walnut 2o!W. 121 N. Cd BU WANTED Two girla, one for general housework, other second girl, to assist with three-year-old cnllu. l tiree In 1am jly. 701 8. .th Pt. Harney Pt. WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family. References required. Tel. Douglas tH. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. H. lffli WANTED A white girl for general nouaework, no oooklng; three In family. Reference. Walnut SH27. WANTED Good girl for goneral house work. 1M2 N. 26th fit. South Omaha. GOOD girl for general housework, rooms, 4 In family, go home nights, 8344 Larlmnre Ave. Web. 6646. WANTED A mlddle-ged woman for housework. 2720 Burt Ht. RELIAHLH Bohemian girl, experienced. general housework, small family, no laundry; room with private bath. Phone Harney lit WANTEP Girl for general housework; girl who can go homo at night. 638 Ho. 2Tth Ave. WHITE glii to assist wllh housework; no cooking or washing. Web. 5.3. WANTEI A competent cook and second maid. References required. 'Jtfi Ho. S2d Ave. Harney 20H. YOUNG girl about 16 to axelst with housewoik. Call In afternoon, 1042 S. 2.-th St. Harney 27(. GOOD girl for general housework; good wagoa. Harney 1608. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, four In family. Walnut Bin. NEAT appearing white girl for Keneral housework. Small apartment. I in ths family. Pleasant home. Phone Harney 4.-99. or call lf S. 42d St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no washing, good wagea. Mrs. F. D. Wcad. sol 8. 40th St. Phone Harney 171.- WANTED A girl for general house- work. Apply 2414 Burt MIsecIlancoas. YOUNO woman eomipg o Omaha as straugsrs ara Invited to visit tbs Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Are. and 17th fit. where they will be directed to suitable boarding f laces or otherwise asalnted. Look for our raveler's guide at Union station WANTED Young girls IS and 17 years old for wrappers; steady positions;, good salaries. Apply Superintendent, Brandeis Stores. , HELP WANTED MALE Clertcsl nad Office . LEAVE your name with us; It's quicker. Stenographer going to business col lege, automobile concern; per week, ..$12 Typist and clerk railroad Ui BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N 1319-30 Woodmen of World. WANTED Young man with stenographlo and bookkeeping ex p. to Invest 61,000 in a corporation of good standing and largo financial backing. Muat kav executive ability so as to later assume management of office and shop. Address J 292, Beo. ST EN O. 160; Steno, $50. watts net Co.. Brandeis Thea. HIGH-GRAPE commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN. "x omana .-oat Bank Bids. Agrsata, Salesmen and Hollcltora. Agents Wanted We want some one to represent us In every town In Iowa and Nebraska as w own and control some of tha best im proved and unimproved farms In Min nesota. Wo are selling the farms on liberal terms so ths renter and city man with a small oapltal cau own a farm and watch it increase in value under bis touch. We handle corn and clover lands only, and Invite inspection as we have the soil and get the rain. Government statistics show that the state of Minnesota is coming to ths front In farm products. Minnesota alnd will show a greater in crease In value In the next three years man any stats in tns union. The land where corn Is king And clover quean. w rite, wire or come ana see us. Lib eral Inducements. E. S. HABCOCK LAND CO., Austin, Minnesota MEXICAN diamonds, exactly resemble genuine; aame rainbow fire; stand testa; sell on sight Wo need few mo live aavnt. Profits 150 weekly, and up. Write quick for sample case offer, free. Mexi can Diamond Importing Co., Bos A, Las Cruces. N. Mex. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska. Call or writs. Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Association. 47S-Z5 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. SALESMAN wanted for tho best article ever been before public. Must know something about steam botiera. G00J man will make Iwi) or more month, f.ikt required on goods. No other ned apply. Call Joe Meyers. 216 N. 17th St., Omaha, Neb. - . WANT E l Ha lean an ; $25 daily guaran tee!. Imperial comiany, N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. YOl. 1.L never get rich working for others. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business?. We start you right! No previous experience necessary; but small capital required Big profits In thla great re-order business! Full details free. White Wonder Company, 16 Na tional Safety Vault Bldg , lMivr, Colo. Boys. DELIVERY boy with, blcyrie. Florist 104 Pamam- Bath. k'aetury and Trades. GOOD butcher wanted. Henry Puve. 1J6 lavenisortb Ht. ICi'TcT'Truek Waalier Wanted Reliable mau tn lnect and wash sulo trucks: night work: must- furtrUh tbe best of refoientvs as 10 honesty ami ability. Good pay to ligbt man. Address, M ltd. HELP WANTED MALE ; Factory and Trades. I WANTED .MEN TO LEARN THE BAR I BER THAI iE and accept positions st for hnln We nrnare vou In few' weeks - Tnni. hinkM w.-Im. .hue le.rninr ! Call or write, MOt.ER BARBER COL LKIE, Peak B, OMAHA, NEH. I Prug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. YOU MUST THINK We give you expert auto training, earn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course in Elec. Ltg. ft Btart'g systems; free cMalogue. Amer. 0."ilL' I'!'.'! rnrnam . Hix good harneaa rnakera and two Campbell machine nperatoia at once. La Porte Harneaa Co.. Ia Porte, ind. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition K, on account of big trade. Wagea for t and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught. Hydraulic chairs. Catalog free. 11-4 Douglus St, Omaha. WANTED An engineer with Ice machine experience; steady position for sober, trustworthy man; muat como recom mended. Alainito l'airy. 26th and Leav enworth. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum coaU Aak for cata logue "tO". atid explanation of our get results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOI 1418-17 Dodge Street. Omaha, Neb. ABIJJ-BOPIED men for firemen, brake men, 1130 monthly;-experience unneces sary. Address Y H1. Bee.- o GOVERNMENT wants clerks; $70 -nonth; Omaha examinations April 2ft; common education sufficient; particulars free. Apply Immediately. Y 399. Bee. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted. Hi month; pull unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partclulars. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 221 P., Rochester. N. Y. lie an Auto Mechanio and draw a large salary, or go Into ths auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Asa'n, 14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Man to work or. arm; must be experienced and willing to work; Swede preferred. "A." Oinaha Bee, Coun cil Bluffs. Ia. WANTED LOfiO men to cat ham and eggs, 15c. Coffee John 14th and CapitoL EXPERIENCED Presto light welder; auto repair work; steady and good wages. MID-WEST BONDING CO., 312 Bee Building. PERFECT home washing, Lace curtains a specialty. Webster 4283. DAY" work wanted. Web. i04&. Lupla. WANTEP Position as houaekeeper by a widow with 2 children; country or city. Can give the best of reference. Address O 291. Bee. EXPERIENCED young man, 23, having finished training as cashier and bill and office clerk. Has excellent penman ship and la college graiurilo. Desires position In OmaJia or eUwlicre. L'ouglus 6037, or address J-2:tS. Be. ELDERLY lady desires position as house keeper, short distance In country or city. For Interview. Phone Web. 3135. CHAUFFEUR and helper for truck wants position; knows city; best of ref erences. Address F. Elmore. Gen. Del.. Council Bluffs. Ia. POSITION 'wanted as assistant in photo graph gallery; small town preferred. Pauline Shaw, Valentine, Neb. WANTED Position as clerk In cigar stand by young woman of experience; excellent references, Blanch Cameron, 1235 L St., Lincoln, Neb. - SITUATION wanted by young man on farm, experienced. Address K-2M, Bee. WANTED Family and bundle washing. Webster I04S. LOST AND FOUND ING NAMES OF REAL r.aTATK DEALERS. LISTED ACCORDING TO BUILP1NG8. FINDER PLEASE PHONJi H Kll BE7 OR' C7A F.I. onHdlJS IMrl I . I LOST-Taken from Council Bluffs and Omaha car, Thursday, coffee sample case. 'Return to M. A. Lloyd, Merchants hotel. Liberal roward. No Questions asked. LOST Eyeglasses In old frame with Initials "8. E. L." between Paxton blk. and 17th and Douglas. Reward if returned to Mrs. Lewis, Room 601 Fontenelle hotel. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would 00 well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In ine street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore Mem to the ru,'htf-l ni.r .'all Doug. 4S. L06T On N. 24lh Ht. car. Saturday, 9:30 a. in., lady's handbag, containing money and other article. Webster 2n. BOSTON bulldog, dark brown with wiuto breast Reward. Douglas 366U MAIL ORDER BUSINESS SAVE 26 to 60 per cent on furniture by trading with General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Great Mail Order House, -716 8. 8th St , . . MEDICAL I .) 1 r r y J Li -,- m 1 JTllCIs rlllll L'ltiLUlcl ! Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from RUSI N1CSS. PAY when CURED. A wrltton GUARANTEE given In every case treated. Patients must coins to ths of fice. 408-g-lO Omaha National bank. 17th and Farnam Sta DR. WILLIAM CREIGHT0N MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduat Of. Bellevue Hospital Med kal College, New York City. N.. Y. o A NEW. treatment lor epilepsy by a re cent medical superintendent of a State Home for Epileptics, has In 4 months re duced 276 aeisures per month for 6 chronic epileptics to 6 only. . some of them having none since January. For Particulars address "Doctor." Box .492. Iuider, Wyo. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry euros plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without sutglcal op eration. Curs guaranteed aad no money paid uutil cured, w rite for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRY. HO Bee Bldg Runtiiro Cured In a few days without Upiure CrJ1 or wrlt Dp Wray. K6 Boo Bid. Oman. KstaitUabad l9i.-a NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. HAZEL DELL .M risERt. a 1 k A V Ik . We have a'full line beat vaiietles fruit. shade and ornamental trees, shrub ever- gren and roses. Nursery west or rl"r- ence. Tel. 4jUb. oinaha sales yams run and Plnkney Sts. Phones Webster 1127 and H'.o. It will pay you to see our stock ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge, plants. roses, concord grape, eoc doicn Home sales ground, Cist ft Rlgga. Benaon. Omaha saies ground. 24th snd Cuming. Benson-On.shs Nursery. Benson (U4. M. l IJYUU NURSERV CO Bargain price at our old location, 17th snd Itodge. Phones: 1. 44WI and W eb. 411 BEAUTIFY your home witb the finest of nursery stock ever grown. See for our svlf. Gate City Nursery. Phone D. 2u. Hales ground 1(18 I ! St. CHOICE, complete line of snrubs. ever greens, ornamental ana iruit trees; save agents' commission. J. Wastrom Nursery Co., st old location, 20th and Harney Hta to DUNLAP stran berry plants 1. l.uuO 44, postpaid- W. C Hebdun. Blair. NS. PERSONAL $7,(XM) TO PENSION INVALIDS Unless. We receive 2 etlbacrlptlons to the L. H. Journal. !.!'; E. l ost, tl .; or Country Gentleman, $1, in April (also :n by Sit.t that f7.fl0 for THE IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION can not he eurned. Your renewals contribute .'i0 cents. Phone Poiiglaa Il'-I, or mall, Gordon, The Magazine Man OMAHA. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so 1 1 .-I , ,... p aI," rlnlhlns Itirnitnr mar. lines. We (ollect We distribute. PhonS ' Douglas 4136 and our wsgon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, luu-uiz-llll Podge &t YOUNG women coming to Omaha as tranters t,re invited to visit the Yiung Women's Christian associ -tlon building at 17th St and Rt. Mary's Ave., where thoy will be directed to suitable boarding places er otherwise assisted. Look (or our trav elers' aid s.t tiie Union station. PET STOCK THREE 4-month-old female Airedale pedlareed pupa; perfect; 10 each. One 4-ycar-old mstron; best In Iowa; first 136 takes her; 3i pups In four litters; also pedigreed. F. E. Langford, Peter son, la. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Aceoantante. E. A. PW'JRAK. C. P A. Address 433 Ramge Bldg.. Phone Douglas 740G. Adding Machines. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. IS. D. 144ft. Adder Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6138. Auitrnr Finishing". FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 416 Bee Bldg. Dept. U. Architects. Everett P. Dodds. tl? Psxton Blk. D. ittt. Aato and Miiuto steoalrlnis. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 8411. Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co.. 111A-1S W. O. W. It J2R5. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-16 W. O. W. R. 325. ltlae Prlntlua. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO.. 802 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltehell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Carpenters nnd Contractors. STEVENSON. 621 S. 22d. Douglas SOO. f'allfnrnl- l.nnda. W. T. Bmlth Co.. H City Nat l Bk. D.281S. China 1'nlntlns;. Ruth Letch ford, decorating, firing. R. 4S4X lvl Knalnrera. M. j. lacy. 6is beb bldg. douo. 4711 Cream Separators, Ths Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th ft Farn. Danoinar Academies. CHAMBERS' Academy. CTaaslc. D. 1871 Try Mackte s first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. Cistern and Well Digging. NEED well or cistern . leaned or dug? BCHAFFKR does It. Phona Web. 6831. Dressmaklns;. Terry Preaauick'g; college. 20th ft Farnam. WANTED Plain and fancy dressmaking; will go out by the day. Web. 6811. Detecllvea. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canaua or Mexico. 0 Paxton Blk. Poug. 1371 Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evt dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Deatuts. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W.Bldg. Bailey, the Dentist. ,isi City Nat'l Bank. Taft Pei.tal Rooms. 151" Douglas. D. 21S6. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 74 City Nat Bank. Dr DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mc Conncll Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ETerythlnar fop Wonts. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 2o0 Douglas Block. D. IMS. Everything for Women. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate. Luuning coming down: cloaks, suits and ' ...i. ji, I-, mm Ol. HAlRDRESSING at your home. R. 6931. rr : - BATH'S, florists. 1S04 Farnam St. D. SOOO. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Pel. Ass n. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St."" A. PONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Poug. 1001. (ttertngr and gpootlaw STOVE repairing. Fire Prevention Co. Pouglas 4584. Hat Dyers. Straw hata dVad. Dora Elsele, 1136 C. Nat LightlRir Fixtures and Wlrtna. THOMAS DUKKIN j Electric fixtures and supplies, cootract- 1 l"k and repair work done reasonable, 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS BUS. Live StocU Itemed lea. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 S. 13th. Red 42TJ. Messenger and Teamster. WHITE LINE. 910 N. 16th flt Doug. 3311 Mask. ( ..( ana M .onl..a. MFX3. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lieben ft Bon. 1614 Howard. D. 4116. Maaaeora, MISS STAPLES, mass, elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve.. I p. m.: Sundays. 13 to 6. CORA BELLING Y vterTry good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Vapor baths. Open 10 a. 111. to 10 p. in.. Including Sundaya. 101 H. 17th St., downstairs. Notice: Entrance Basement, hewlde Nursery. Cor. Dodge. li.VTH nl mass.. aWkol rub. Laura ,JXX1L Wilaon. 1R0J Famari. room 2. Doug. 8751. Open evenings snd Sunday. Jundfl 6372. MASSAGE 20 Bee Bldg. Doug. MISS WALTON, mass. R. H Neville Blk. Miss Jacobs, mass., office 2M Neville Bldg. M BRUGMAN. mass R. Bk. R. fTfl. 203 Karbach VISIT Mlsa Venlta. new massage parlors; alcohol rubs and scalp treaunenta. 109 P. 17th St. MASSAGE. 1721 Podge. Mrs. Steele. Clara Lee, bath and maasage. Doug. 8751. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Motion Pie tares. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Movie., Storage nnd leaning. W. C. FF.RR1N. loth and Capitol. Ty. HQS. Printing. - WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 90 624 8. 13th St. COREY ft M'KEN4IE PTG CO D. to44. CENTRAL PRINTING CO IKIUO. 3754. Osteopathic phyalrtama. Dr. Renicha. fOJ-4 Mefague Bldg T. W36. Dr. Peterson. 60.1 Bran.ieis Bldg.. It. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldg Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturges, 6:S6 Brandela Theater B dg. Patent Developsucnt I AMERICAN Machine Co.. 116 8 llth St i Palatlna- nnd raprrlna. j HI'OH M'M.ANfN 417 N. 40th H 67M .Omahu Paste Co. Hnowf lake paste. P. I.PI. pilm.a tenvated. pLUME8 HATS mads over, cleaned ft dyed. Beriha Kruger. 4J Paxton. i. t-aH. Printing;. - DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Roach Rilrrnlutol. B B B Roach powder, Merrlt's Pharm. Safo and Tins Lock k,anrta. SAFES SESi. 'rrvTn": Shoo Uepalrln. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, ill 8. 14. ktgao and Jihswcaras. EMCLAKK ft 6QN. 113 & 1ITH ST. bieel Olltasa. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. itore aad tilllce Fiatarra. PESKS. safe, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omahs Fixture snd Supply Co., 411-16-11 S. Utn. D. 2724. LIVE WIRE 111 HI NEKS MEN OK OMAHA Tsne Sappllra, I OMAHA Towel Supply. n llth. TV 62, ; Tailors. CHAS. C. fiANPrilTO'. IfW N. ISth Ht OLSEX CO.. If. 5 Harney. P. Traafca and Sattcnaea FRF.I.IXQ STEIN LE. 1W Farnam St. Tlnwork. CENTRAL TIN SHOP. 1117 Podge. Douf . li.sljW , Veterinarians. PR. O. R. YOUNG. 4fi0? Center Wal. SMS W Inea nnd Manors. ALEX JETES. 2il-;i S. 12th St. Wines, liquors, clu.irs. Plate dinners. 11 l 3, 10c. Glcbs liquor house. 4J4 N. 16th; Cnllfornlt aine. 11 25 per gal. Write for price Hat. Hrvnr pollock liquor house. 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your fnmlly liquors at Klein's Liquor House. fc3 N ;th. Douslas 109 SWAPPER'S COLtMX AUTO TUBES Two new auto tubes. never have been used, .Tfx4, for lady's or girl's bicycle. Add rem C. IU0, Bee. Al'Ttv- Will trsde 1012 n'cnVl i pas senxer Ulnndtrrsi nuto. fully equipped, for good lot or acreage. AdJtress Sc. !) I'., e. AUTOS 1914 mold, rt-cyllnder. 7-paas . almost new; will trade for vacant lot or what have you? Address- S. C. 870. Bee. AUToS-6-paasenger touring car In flrst clusa condition, top, winrishidd. Presto lite, chains, etc.; worth tiV.ii), and would' exchange for good bulldtng lot In Omaha of the same value. Addivtia H. C. 27. AUTO Flrat-clnsa Brush auto; might ex chango for a diamond or good horse and; buggy. Address S. C. 90!i, Be. AUTOMOBILES Koi other nutomoblla i bargains see the "Automobile" classlfi. I ration. BRUSH AUTO Crank shaft Is broke;1 also 3 tires gone. What will you tradsl for It? Will make good Utile car. Ad- dress S. C. 880, Bee. MOTOR BOAT One twenty-foot motor I boat 4 horsepower Ferrow engine.. Will 1 trade for Ford Roadster or touring car. i 8. C. 901. ' BED and springs; 1 dresser; want china; cabinet, or what am I offered. Address ' P. C. 899. Bee. , BUS. CHANCE $i.."4" stock of clothing' and furnishings, new fixtures to ex-1 change for resident) or car. Address 1 H. C. 875, Bee. , BUSINESS CHANCii-S2.0iX sfock grocer- les nnd queensware in wholesale ho;i-ei to exchange for residence or merchandise. Address H. O. 1.73, Bee COUNTERS Ten-foot counter and 1S- foot length and 3-fooC width table, will trade for good typwritcrs. Address S. C. 890, Bee. CORN POPPER A 130 No. 12 Rotary corn popper, capacity 13 bu. per hour: a large candy furnace, with copper candy kettle; all above have both gas and gasoline attachments. All as good as new. Also complete set- of candy recipes, to swap for piano or what have you? Ad dress S. C. 872. Bee. CORN PLANTER What have you to exchango for a flret-cluss corn planter. I 7-foot weeder, 2-horse plow, 2-horso wagon J tongue, prefer cnlckens. Address a. CI 907. Beo 1 DESK Would like to exchange nice and roomy roller top desk in good condition for typewriter desk, or second hand type wrlter in good condition. Add. B.C. 876. Bee. EDISON MOVING PICTURE MACHINH for motorcycle, chlkens or anything of equal value; price, 176. Address 8. C. 892, Pee. FINE DOG Boston bull pup, months - old, male, color and appeaxanos fine, full blooded, for what have you? Ad drees S. C. 896. Beo. FOR SALE Good H or ley-David son mo torcycle or trade for light roadster. Tullta, 2400 Avenue C, Council Bluffs. MILLINERY, for what have you? Want ! acreage or house and lot clear. I have 1 made money, but lost my health. Good ! location, cheap rent Address S. C. . 894, Bee. I OAK dining room table to swap. What, have you to trade. S. C. 897, Bee. I PIANO Fine piano. Want diamond or' auto. Address 8. C. SSI. Boe. . PIANO Dandy piano for good horse and buggy. Address 8. C. 9m6, Bee. ' PIANO High grade piano; am using It : in my horns: would exchange It for a diamond for my wife. Address S. C. 90S. Bee. j PIANO High grade mahogany Kings-' bury piano; almost new. Would takai tailoring. Address B. C. 890. Bee. PAINT 26 gal. of Slier in A Williams, paint to trade for JewoJry. What have you to offer? Address H. C. 882. Bee. PLAYER PIANO A beautiful mohagany Cable player piano; used six months. Will trade. What have you? 40 rolls of I music with this player. Address S. C. I 8S3. Be. ; 6-ROOM cottage, nearly new. for sale 1 cheap on easy payments; will take a good piano as first payment Tel. Walnut - 1618. ! RESTAURANT feeding 600 people peri day, good location, downtown, low rent, I for what have you. Want clear house or acreage. Address, S. C. K93. Beo. 1 STENOTYPE Have a practically new stenotype, used one month; must dlsposa of It at once. What havo you? Address! 8. C. 877, Bee. 1 SIGNS, showcarrts. Clark ft Son. D. 1376. ST HE LE range, good condition, will trade for rocking chairs or ons good chair. Address 8. C. 871, Bee. I STORE BLDG. 16x22, near store bulldtng at 4Mh and Redmond, to exchange for car, mdae. or stock. Add. S. C. 874, Bee. TAILORS' PRESSING OUTFIT, i Irons and 4 bucks, all In good condition. What , have you? Address 8. C. XS4. Bee. ! TYPEWRITER Practically new. and CASH, for auto. Address 8. C. 9S, Bee. VACUUM WASHERS 200 Vacuum Wash era, sell at S3.50 each. J liave traded for these and want trade for something 1 I could use. What have you? ( an make! big money here.Artnreag H. C. juts. Bee. WHITE Plymouth Rock cockerel and I guaranteed setting eggs, to trade, j What havo you to offer? Address S. C ' 891. Bee. " , STOCK What am 1 offered in exchange for l.SoO shares of stock, par value lu. In one of best coal mining properties in I Wyoming? Address B. C. 902. Bee. j WILL exchange 1100 vu trola, mission i wood, with about 600 of good records, j for pure bred Leghorn hens. Box 342; 1 Spencer, Neb. ' WILL TRADE a good car for a diamond, 1H to 1 karat. Douglas &. WILL trade typewriter for a safe, snap. Address S. C. 904. Bee. WHAT have you to trade for a C. it bicycle in A-l condition, also a 1-H. P. gasoline engine? Address P. C. 905, Bee. FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats. 110.50, THREE large rooms part mod. flat for small family. 1915 Elm Ht. D. 607S. FOR RENT 5 rooms with toilet and ' bath, easy walking distance and eloss , to car. 112.50 per month. T. SULLIVAN. 115 Brandeis Theater Birig. Doug. 441S. CENTRAL No equal n price or quality; 1-room house; 4-room flat 220 N. 23d. FIDELITY ?JNTV, FREE Phone Douglas 2S8 for complete list of all vacant bouses snd spartnients, alaj for storage, moving, packl-ig. shipping. It .SIRABLE &-roin apartment. The Mason, Slat and Mason Sts.; reduced rent. Douglas 1571. 6- ROOM modern apartment. Pavldge Bldg., 1Mb and Farnam Hta., 640. 7- r. flat fine repair. 14M7 Cuming. 125. JOHN W. KOBB1NS. Pt2 FARNAM ST. Z3CS-233Z 8. 20TH ST. Six rooms and bath; nenly refinlahed throughout; rent re duced from t-'i to 114 and tl. Red S-.T7. Board and Hna. Deal ra ble rnis . excellent board. 618 8.19th. Farnlsned Hum. MADISON 21 at and Chk;o: steam heat: STEAM hetted rooms. 61 seek. Hotel. Council Blulfs. Ogdea HonscWeeplna Hewu. FARNAM. 2HL-2, three nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, gas range. X Jl