The Omaha Daily Bee Wanta swap something for something else more useful to you? Ue the Swappers' column of The Bee. TEE WEATHER Cloudy VOL. XLIV-NO. 256. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOKXlXd, AP1UL 1.1, 1915 TWELVE PAOER. Om Train eat at Totl Mews taaSe. I SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. TWO MONEY BILLS HOLD LAWMAKERS IN FINAL THROES All Buiineu Disposed of Save Big Appropriations, Which Carry Items Oyer Which Two Houses Disagree. COMPROMISE OK UNIVERSITY ; Sta,te School Will Receive Levy that Will Raise Nine Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars. .'. NORTON'S PLAN NOT AGREED TO (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April 12. (Special.) t With all bills disposed of save the two big appropriation measures for maintenance of public institutions and salaries of officials, the legisla ture tonight was going through its expiring throes. . Tha house refused to accept Rep- j resentatlve Norton's plan to have ; one cocference committee act upon j all the appropriation bills and sep-! arste committees ' were named. I pushing business through much ; more rapidly. I urtng the day the houm and senate i-pint'the time alternately acting upon j ('inference committee reports and die. j poelng of such tag ends of business as 1 occurred to tHc variolic members nt Inter- vale. iHlremHj (irt ::tO,iMi. The house and senate compromised on I the appropriation for the T'nlvermtv of j N'f biaka. While the senate rain? ! the rmuunt In the bill SS2.00O above the sum ! fixef by the house, the committee cut the 1 In-rease down to 4,000. This loft the to- ' tnl appropriation to be raised by the unl-! vtrslty levy at 910,00n. This report was concurred in by the I.Misc. by a vote of .".3 to 17 on a standing, the speaker enforcing the travel rule mid refusing tn liBton to a call for a roll L-f.ll. Hills Agreed to In House. The house concurred In the following hills coming trom the senate with amend ments: S. K. "lO-Oiitntv- tttdMFs' fee bill. 8. P. !(--state aid for vocational train- j ins in fUKll scunoin. H. R. 7H4.-e5O.000 for fighting foot and mouth dtpiase if It should appear. ii. R. 587 Consolidates stallion registrn 1 tlon board with office of state veteri narian. If. R. 75-Oeneral claims bill. II. U. 137 Omaha charter bill. H. R. iKlRalses tax for free high school service from 76 cents to fl. H. R. 6O-$lO,O0O for laundry at Mllford Soldiers' home. H. R. 7 48.000 for bakery, machine shed and ice plant at Grand Island t-ol- , HXfta-48,ooa far-new bcuding : H. R. Kfr-tlO.OOO for additional breeding ponds at the fish hatcheries. ! ; ' Bllh Is Confe resee. ....... jus(' two' Bills jwcre referred .to a con fcrenpe committee' during the morning session, as follows: ; H. R. 7M Maintenance bill. tl. R. 142 Boundaries of school diHtricts bill. 'On tliu bill a committee was ap pointed conslstihg' of Etm'clunil,' Ainlay and Regan. The conference committee report on H. R 820, providing method' for Incorpora tion of water power districts was adopted, t Representative Taylor, reporting for the: conference committee tn tho house that : considered H. R. 204, raising the salary of Food Commissioner Herman $250 ai , year, said the committee could not agree and the measure failed. It . was provided, however. In H. R. 1H)6, which was agreed to. that there shall be three instead of two Inspectors In the pure food department, though the bill called for six. An Increase In pay from W to $4 o0 a day was provided The rule of the esv-el wnx heins: en- forced- regularly, and roll calls weK.-jnew avoided until Representatives Hoffmeis- ter. Fries. Koott, Taylor and Anderson of Boyd sent up communications that they would refuse to vote longer. To B:tt Voted On. These bills were., voted on on third reading in the house: F. 12S-Provides that no person can . he a candidate for office at the regular election who was defeated at the primary. Passed. S. F. 1it All rest in h ,u...H St ItM real VU'U. hilt lVV tn h mnAo I on per cent of ussesmtd valuation. Thetlie ,u,,reme court on the matter of re- j bill- received slxt.v-threc votes, carrying . , , , ! k. k. ..o'.i If us nir to open its correspondence. The , ................... , ,u ,.nm . on me vote without the emergency ! claune, receiving hut forty voles. Iocal Forecaster. The Weather Forecast til! 7 p. For Council Bluffs, m. Tuesday: .",n"""Q vicuuiy (loudy.- Temperature t UuikIih Vrtlrrilav. Hours. I leaf. h a. m M ! a. m : ' 7 a. in :t! . Ii a. m o.'i S a. m ;r.i 10 a. ni 42 11 a. in V. 12 m 47 1 p. in 4 2 p. m hi i p. m M I p. m : .i p. m , p. m p. m 5i S p. ra ...oli f'Mmiua I.MBl ReA-. i 1815. 1914. 1913. 1812 lllsliest today 58 87 M 75 j lxiwest today 31 M : tiO Mean temperature M 42 t 1 I'recipitatlon .u) T Temiieratures and precipitation depar- ; tures from the normal: : Normal temperature 4? , la l4lSS flie til r)OW fkl K since Mirrh'l Us. Normal precipitation 10 Inch Deficiency for the day 10 inch Total rainfall kinos March 1 1.83 Inches Iefictenry since March 1 4a inch iH-fs iency cor. period tn 1814... .72 Inch K i cess cor. period In 1913 3.43 inches HrMrts from Stations at T I. SI. Statioa and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. 111. est. fall. 3p ('heienne, clear 2 f, .) I lavenport, clear 4 . ; Iienver, clear 7.' T : Ues Moines, clear iiu hj n I 'aiint City, Pvirt elouiy 7o 7. 0 Omaha, clear S 5 ' Kapiil City, clear 04 im Hheridan. .'lear 72 T) .i ipux City, part cloudy 5:' :f .m Valentine, clear .V oti oj T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. Local i orccaslei. JUST AS THE FALABA WAS TORPEDOED-Explo- sion overturned the lifeboat, whose passengers, one a woman, are shown in this remarkable photograph clinging to the upturned boat. p- v? W - - : n r 9v ' 111 ""51 NORMS SPEAKS ON TRADE COMMISSION Declares It Will Eventually Be a Boon and Help to Every Honest Business Man. HAS MANY EXTENSIVE POWERS L, "To the honest business man who tldoe.s not .neec ..thestiper-tslon, pfa federal trade commission and who complains of bearing the expense of such an Institution, I would answer that there is no such thing in this life as absolute Justice," said Senator George V. Norrls, in his talk on the federal trade commission before the Commercial club at noon. "All must pay for the depredation of the dis honest. We have to maintain courts and departments of justice, while the majority of those who support these institutions do not need them. I think, however, that when this commission conies into full operation it must eventually be to every hon est business man a boon and a great help. Senator Norrls traced to some extent man raider were releused, and as .their the evolution of the Idea of gowriiment ! tuK steamed ty hundreds of British sail rt gulatlon of large Industries. He pointed ) ' l"cd the decks of their Bhlps and to the Interstate Commerce commission. 1 1 heered. !aml nhowe.4 the rclntlom.hlu between the federal trade commlHslon and the the Cassandra's dock they tossed the. Interstate Commert o comraisHion. He remnants of their luggage aboard and : pointed out that the fcdei ul trade com- : danc ed a-oun l like school lioys. 1 mission had the additional power of dc-I w-e see British warships Saturday 'mending the correspondence of a corpor- .' "Ight?" said W. J. Gow, chief engineer atlon in any Investigations It may be ' of tho steamer Coleby. sunk In the south ! making. This, he said, had not been Atlantic March T,. "We certainly saw iallowed tho Interstate commerce body in01" and h,ttrl others. I saw one about its Investigations of the affairs of rail-; roads. The law was not mieciflo on the matter when the lntcratate Commerce I commission was created and the result j wss that a southern railroad went Into - . supreme court sustained tne raiirouu and'1 thus set the' precedent tuat railroads : '' lu ln'" o" w" mar- ii.eed not yield up their letters. "In j ' clous. We, were running with all lights I framing the law for the federal trade 1 "llt and at top speed from o'clock Rat commission." he said. "It was stated that "flay morning, when we headed directly 'the documents of thu coiupnny shall be west. open to the federal trade commission, . short of ( i and Food. and It was especlully stated that docu- ,mPntt Bilali include correspondence. I He commended l'resident Wilson In the ; selection of the personi-.til of ilia new ; commission and declared it to be an honf st and capable body of men. Jones Predicts Bad Season for Minors CHICAGO. III.. April 11 No more than I trv will be operatlnc a week after the I . fourth July, according to -yielder A. , Jones. who bcfor the Kfderal league, was president of the Northwest Base ball league. .-hn is niansKcr of tne HI I ouis Jones. ho is mana,. 1 01 tne hi. 1 ouis Federals, said this situation would be the result ot the fiiiht naged between th- federals and the forces of organized base baH "I am not certain that all of the minor oraanlaatlona will open, be said yester- day. "As for making money none of j . them will; that Is a certainty." Governor Carson Will Veto Court Bill Colo.. Aoril :2. Gocrnor fieorge A. Carlson announced ut noon that later today he uoulil veto tee hills de signed to transfer the authority und !utis of the Ju cnile court to the dis trict couil of Lfeuver county. SECOND RAIDER IS CHASEDJNTO PORT Britiih Prisoner on Kron Prinz Wil helm Says it Had Narrow Es- . cape from Capture. RUNS AWAY FROM WARSHIP NEWPORT NEWS. Va., April 12. How the German merchant raider kronPrin"gllhelnirVKic1icalJa into this port Sunday morning, waa chased by British warships after mid night Saturday and barely escaped capture, was described today by of. ficers of British merchant vessels de stroyed by the WUhelm In the south Atlantic. Shortly before noon the sixty-one British officers and men of the steamers Tamar and Coleby were taken from the Wilhelm aboard a tug and rushed down the river to the British horuesbip Cassandra, which will sail later today for Glas- I gow. The harbor wad lined. with British mer chant ships Ha the captives of the Oer- "hen tho liberated British tars reached y " p nonson, ana ii " f""e, " ruiu mmniKiu on unni we reached safety In the Virginia capes u,,out 3 o'clock Sunday morning, 'T,,e Wilhelm seemed to b the faster l'il. for ai ihe wurxhln lnB '"arxnip ror as time went on the Unea of grew dimmer until It dlsap- ,.,,Prt ,h- rilnlani.. . The erinan converted d cruiser. Kron - prlna Winiclm. the elusive raider of com- I In the south Atlantic, slipped into; this port yesterday and asked for fuel and provisions. Many times reported de- stroyed, tlie former North German Lloyd ) liner had evaded hostile warahine for I t I eight months while It sent fourteen mer- chaittment to tb bottom. Its officers said It was foied to steal Its way past four :ilid cruiseiH off the Virginia capes to reach this refuse. We got in without being seen by the enemy and we can get out the same way, declared the commander. Lieu- ' v " on rso rue. column One.) Flier First to Cross Andes Killed by Fall! I WAHHINGTOX, April 12. -Cecil Mai- Icollil Peoll an mvluttkt ... LllloH ...l I , ,re 1ark M ear'here. today, while I , ,, , of I I his own invention and In which he had 'planned flights from Washington to New York and from New York to 8C Louis. ' The ",,h", f ru xn.i.i r. m. r. lit,, iuiiu The cause of the acciuent has not lieen rtetermint'd. I't-oll in the firt man to flv across the Andes mountains in South America. The wicked machine U said to have beiii tie largest in this country. The oea.l avl.ito,- a as 2J )ir.i old and came Ihere 1 luullul here iroNi l.ns Angeles. wlitTO bis r HUERTA LANDS IN NEW YORK, EXILE NOT HARD ON HIM Ex-Dictator of Mexico Admitted to United States When He Swears He is Not Going to Cuba or "Home." j ' i ! BUSINESS AND PLEASURE CALL; i ! Declares He is in Bft Of Health and Appearance Bears Out Statement. HAS NO PLANS FOR THE FUTURE i NEW YORK. April 12. General Victorlano Huerta. the exiled ex president of Mexico, arrived here I late today from Spain on the gteamer I Antonio Ixipez. i When seen at quarantine General ! j Huerta said he would land in New ! York and for the present would stop) at the Vanderbilt hotel. He said he j expected to see his friends here, but had no plan for his future move-1 ments. General Huerta said he wai in the best of health and his appear ance bore out this statement. General Huerta was permitted to land after he had taken oath before the immigration Inspectors that he was nof soing to either Mexico or Cuba and had stated his stay in this country will be divided between business and pleasure. Prominent Chicago Brokers Accused of Misuse of Mails en 1CAC.O, April 12. Indictments against Jt-hn Farson. Jr.. and his brother. Wil liam Farson, and six other men charged v ith misuse of the malls In the sale of j securities amounting to in a . voiorauo irrigation aeai were annopneeu today by tho United States district attor r.ey a office nere. i Tha Farsons are members of the firm ; of Farson, Son Co., with offices In Chicago and New York. The charge la .bat the bonds were sold on the repre sentation that the project was completed and that profits on the investment would be speedy. Federsl officials said that the work was not finished when these representations were made. Those Indicted with the Farsons were: Roy A. H. Thompson, Chicago; George If. Oaborn, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Harry E. Par rott, Chicago; Charles F. Tew, Greeley, Cola; William Illff, Denver, and iattrual Tb Indiotments were returned in eoitrt Saturday but were suppressed for servtca, Tew, Ilirr and Phields. alleged financiers of the company, are charged with ' Con spiracy. The others are charged with conspiracy and of using the mails to de fraud. . Bryan Asks for Ship to Bring Americans Home from Tampico WASHINGTON, April 12. Secretary Bryan today asked the War department to furnish an army transport to bring; cans at Tampico who are de- those Americans sirous of returning to the United States. Three hundred Americans have filed requests for transportation. Threatened, famine, continued fighting on th out skirts of Tampico and the lack of work have caused an exodus of foreigner from Tampico. No dispatches were received today con cerning the sltustlon In 'the vicinity of Olapa and Irapuato, where big forces under General Villa and Oeneral Obregon have been engaging 'In skirmishes, Assurances have been received from1 church Is to be built at Oaklsnd. General Carransa that while ha cannot i . . . agree to the neutralisation of the ritylQViir WoTrTQrOT of Mexico or of the railroad leading from tJilljJ 1 1 tLjT IHI Ol tha capital to Vera Crus, he will provide j ' yr a i ' ' rri J every facility for the transportation of: xllt DV XOTPeClO food to foreluners whenever his forces! regain possession of Mexico City. ! . ,, ,. ,, . ,, I LONDON, April 12. The Harrison line Former Sultan is Tinder British Care lNDON, April 13. -Abdul Uamld, former Sultan of Turkey, Is now In Smyrna, In the house of a former leading British inhabitant of that city, which la nnw ripr I ni Ari t v thax mllltt-v t-imm nrla nt i, ,. ,K no -,.. xthen's correspondent ',he sUtement thet It hss been 'struck "Abdul Hamld I. lieing rherined wlth!hjr -"-pedo and is being towed Into .dou, car thr eorreepondent adds, Qu"nstown. They s re not sware of any ..,0 that he rtn u,e1 n CI1IM. of , j casualties on board.' revolution In Constantinople. At present I Th Wayfarer was 506 feet long ' and k. 1. 1. . ltlairH s tn mni It - hunt 1,. n.i- i o "1. . . v uiiii.aiiiiriv( i rxcl- nt and the secret police have the situ- tlou well In hsnd. "The Young Turks, a few days sgo, agreed to ask the neutral diplomats, to pelc'e. A d'lXmat attempt thls"" alon. but Great Britain rejeeted It aad nothing came of the effort " For gmuicmcnti the vigitor in Omaha, is provided with a choice of theaters cater ing to all varieties of taste. The high class traveling shows all play here; we have fine vaudeville and good stock company enter tainments. Our enterpris ing movies are constantly up to date. tHGATLITYOfTHtWtSf Appeal Bond of Mayor Robert is Fixed at Sixty Thousand Dollars INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., April U-Vayor Donn M. iloberts of Terra Haute., who wan described today by. Judge Anderson a the "arch conspirator," was sentenced to serve six years In the federal pntUen tlary at Tort lavenworth. Kan., and pay a fine of S2.W In federal court here today. Twenty others of the lt percons. who have been convicted or pleaded guilty to the federal- Indictment charging consplr- lacy to defraud the I'tilted States by crtf- ruptlng the election .f November 114, i also received sentences to the Tven worth prison. Pour were given suspended . sentemiea. Judgment was reserved In the causes mf four at the request of Vnlted IXstrlet Attorney Dalley and the raroainaer . wre given eitner sentences In the local Jail or fines. ' Before sentence was passed Judge An derson overruled motions for new trials on behalf of the twenfy-aeven men found guilty by a Jury last Tuesday, and fo arrest Judgment. Rxcepttnna were taken to the court's decisions. Notloes of appear mere filed for the; BUILDING ACTIVITY ALL OYER STATE New Structures Planned for Docens of the Towns 'of Nebraska to Be Built This Spring. LOCAL BUILDERS ARE BIDDERS While Omaha is experiencing a great deal of activity In the matter of large real estate transfers and building arrangements, much build ing is also planned tor all part of the state. ' Especially ia there much planned tn the way of public and semi-public - buildings - for-varloug parts of the state. As -there isno definite point at which reports of this kind center there is no definite way to Kt at an accurate list. Beat terd reports of plana, of contracts let, of bonds voted and of appropria- I . - . I W..llln. I. IIUUS UJUC lUi trilKIH iiwiiuiui in- dlcate a splendid activity that ri soon to begin. '.; A new. modern sxchange building' for the Monroe Telephone' company Is to be built at Hewmen Grove. A' new library ,0 cot g,ooo Is to be built at Cottonwood: A. J. Beumann la planning to build tw new fists at Grand Island.' Williams A, Harlan are planning to build planing mill at FalrbUry., ; ' : ; -heat at Wiaaier. r Wiener la planning a nw school build' Jng, to cost $J,W. ; Beatrice la, lartainfc iw w... .w -- $K,rjflc: "trreenk-ootf TsWhartr m sw Metnj - odlat church to coat tT.Ooe.' and Leu iv Ills a . new . Methodist ohuroit ,ia et ts.OUO. Oakland ,ia to hava, a addition l Us school bulldlpg to coat' K.ono. state tubercular hospital M ta bs built at Torfc; Broken Bow is ; to hav a nw library building, 'kearney Is to have. a new. addi tion to Us stata tubercular hospttat.'.' Ilari vard la te have a Carnsgle library.1 To tal Is to have a tsvw grain slevstot. '. " At North Bend a Catholic church to cost' lao.COO Is to be erected. . Benson Is to have a new city hall. - A farinets' ele vator is to he -built at KIsing City.' The HoselSnd Ohtfn and Anpniy company is to v,..nA a Rnselsnd A new ,.-. ta , .A un c.w.rH Th. Farmer,. BtaU b.nIt at Ctg t, . k ., vicv i gavw vuij Kg)) iifj a?iir vi I uin lull Is to tract a new bank building. A new school building la to be built at Bcott's .Bluff. A new 'Ancient . Ordet of United Workmen halt la to be built at Trenton. A new school building rs going U4i at Fremont. Praria City has vofkd 120,000 fpr a new school building. Broken Boa Is. to, have a new Odd Fellows', hall.- Loup City Is to have a new high school building to I cost t XO0O. A new English Lutheran i steamer Wayfarer ha, been .torpedoed and sunk by a German Submarine, ac cording to a message received tn Londoa by a newa agency. Another message from Liverpool ssys the Wayfarer has not gone down,' but that it Is making' for Qtteenstown in tow. Tho vessel was torpedod-off th gdlly Islands, according to th's report ' The owners of the Wsyfarer confirm j . . . ... " - ' In 103 snd wss owned in Liverpool. 'It left Galveaton January H for IJver- jpool, where U arrived February 17. j " 1 - j ParOled COnVict Wh0 j Broke Jail Caught j TEKAMAH, Neb., April ll.-(6ctal I Telegram.) Bert Richard, aged Tl. on 'parole 'from the slat penitentiary at . Lincoln, who earaped from the Tekamah county tail here Sunday night, was ; caught this afternoon in a swamp, near J the Missouri river., ( ! Hherlff Rtanrleid, wtih a posse of half ;a dosen men, made the capture. Rlckard had been staying a Ith his step-father, Fred Falsman, aince ha broke all. , H waa ia Jail awaiting trial on a charge of burglary. He escaped while th Jailer wss sfter a bucket of coal, He said b was cold and- asked th Jailer to get the coal. Prairie Ft re Dora Damage. liKKHK. 8. D.. April .-iiipeeial Tel-egranvV-An esttnslve prairie fire, tha first of tbe spring In mis section, burned over a strip of country northeast of this city Isst night, destroying a large amount of hay and the unoccupied build ings on on farm. twenty convicted men. who 'were sen tenced to the penitentiary. Judge Ander son said he would fix the appeal bond, the same as It wks fixed lr. the dynamite conspiracy case two veers ago. This wss at the rats of llft.ftw for each year of prison term given. Robert's appeal bond being .. Kdward Holler, former chief f police of Terrs Haute, was the. only one of the elghty-olne who pleaded guilty to re ceive a prison sentence. Manrlc Walsh, county sealer of weights and measures, and treasurer of the campaign fundi John M. Massellnk. city Inspector of weights and measures, and a member of the Ifll Indiana legis lature: Charles Jloughton. assistant cus todian of the city halt; Joseph O'Mara. street commlrstonsr; 'Alexander Acxel, Inspector of ttreet psving; Arthur Olllls. progress' clerk on election board:. Jo seph Ptrs,usa. liquor salesman, and George flovera, gambler, were sentenced to oa year and a day .lit the penitentiary and fined 1100..' Chief of Police Holler, who had pleaded guilty, as given a year and a day senteftcA, too. and fined tl. LIHDSEY CLEARED BY A GRAND JURY Denver Juvenile Judge Exonerated by Inquisitors and Aocuser In : dieted on Libel Charge. CHARGES AGAINST TWO OTHERS i DENVFCc6l6..: April 12. Judga Bon B. Llndsey of the Denver Ju venile court wea exonerated of all charges of 'misconduct In a report of the couhty . grand Jury filed Ute to day. - Frank ii. 'Rbse was indicted on a charge of criminal libel In connec tion with affrdavtts reflecting upon the character of Judge Lindsey. Jesse E. Fleming and James Will iams, members of . the State Board of Capitol 'Managers, were Indicted on charges of being interested In contracts Awarded by the board. Bitter. Fighting Between Rivers : ;; y: Appears a Draw " ' ' .': " : i . . Ba-RLIN Cv(S; AmsUrdam, and London), April 11 The main army .headquarters has mad publio s detailed description of the battle between h Meus taria the Moselle. 1 ' 2 . '. . ''Whllaup jt;,ArU, t tM (FTSpoh at- - viu?imr th.ortpta - rwinir. - t ys,yth nm ji gow g'so attacking th center, artr having gathered fresh forcaitnegr .' JJlhiel. Hut. eaah suc- "r .? fr'T .7 man suocs a alt tna.UcK fronts. All bp trenches. lost m these fights; have lB , regained -with th exception; of a small,, unimportant part.". j . , The details sn that, fighting of the flsreeat cbarater, has hen continuous from Wednesday to ,Frlday. with tha French troops generally taking , the , of fenilve at . a frightful, cost, In hilled, wounded and , prisoners, and with the Germans occasionally '.yielding a trenoh or two under severe artillery fire, but later . .counter-attacking i and resuming their old positions. Villa's Troops Are Defeated in Battle Below Nuevo Laredo LAREDO. Tex., April li.-Vllla troops were defeated shortly- after noon today In a battle with Carranaa foroe between Hulaachlto and Jarita, thirty mile south of. Nuevo. Laredo, according to a tela phono message received her. The con. altuttonaJlat -fore numbered about 000 men and the Vil!l-ta army I.W0, It was said. .. , BROWNSVILLE, Tax..'. April .-Thre was much firing todsy by both Carrans and Villa troop in. t he .trenches defend ing MaUmoras. Shortly before daybreak Villa 'outposts Closed in . on one of th. trenches during a fog. Tha Carransa de- renuera went . over tha. trenches after them, getting close enough' to' use several hand grenade. , For half an hour there was a rifl battle that awakened Browna vllfe In "aorne "alarm. Flnaiiv th. k..v I shootjng stopped. During, the forenoon Picket peppered awsy at each other at leng range. . Bethlehem Steel Makes Great Jump KW YOrtK. April ti-Anotlier ho torical movement In Bethlehem Hisel oc curred In the final hour of today's stock market, unsettling the balance of the list. Th, movement Ui Bethlehem Hteel began around 113 from which figure It advance id In Jumps of one to two points to IX, and then back to wo, recovering to lie, at which price t closed. On the Plock (xchaag the rise, waa attributed 10 anotner rl against the short ! 1 tersst.. I NEW RAILWAY LINES ARE BEING INCORPORATED PIERRE, H. D , Aprl II ie-pecls Tele gram.) Articles . of Incorporation war filed today for the Huron Northwest ern Railway company, with headquarters at Huron and a capital of g.0UO. It pro-j poses a line from Huron to Roalyn, Day county. 10 mile In length. Th Incor porators are: F. W. Henderson. Summit; Walter Pelsam. Pious Fglla; C B. Ad am Chkago; Charles K. Wolfe, Frank Pudack, Wahpeton, N. D. Tha same peo ple have incorporated a construction com pany'knowa as the Huron Development snd Construotiog company, with a oapi Ul at RUMORS OF SEA FIGHTS STIR UP BRITISH PEOPLE War Office Withholds Information, Concerning Reported Naral En ment Off the Coast of Norway. FIRING HEARD AT SCARBOROUGH French Aggressire Morement ia West is Hat with Fierce Counter Attacks. BATTLE IN MOUNTAINS S1ILL ON The Day 8 War News PROM Rt SBIAJi SOVHCK- It la re. ported that the la-aaloa f B aary has fceva beraa. wi'ir.nnirl l lr - ni era of the art-elpal easiest ta th est. Altkssih the ""reach at-i taeks ksre Wa made with, la-' ereaslac vlr, Berlla rer(s that tPtaallr wothtagr has sees ae-' saallaheel by the tatte. lODOU HKARD ran am teday f. UKABU raaaovej teday avl esiKsreiBeait fl k of ike aa ether earhareaa tswsi attacked hy a Oersaaa' aadroa aeveral saahe S(. BRITISH 9TBAMER WAYFARER, waa aaak hy m Gcrsaaa aahaaarla. Th fat f th drew la iiluews. 9aheaatlr It waa reported that' tk Wayfarer had at ara dews' "d waa betas towed to QaeeaM to 'M. j LONDON, April 18. No official' ia formation yet has been vouchsafed; concerning the naval engagement re-I ported to hare taken, place off the coast of Norway. While awaiting detatla of this action the British pub-. He has been kept interested by tho newa of sounds of firing oft Scar borough.: on tha east coast, tha scene of one of the most sensational of the German naval ralda. . Reports Flghtta. . France continue to report fighting In the Argonne and beyon th Meus. At th , ss me time the French authorities admit ins. wrman counter attacks have been exceedingly fierce and that en re sulted In the recapture of a trench. At Epargea th French have advanced be yond th positions raptured by them on April., a Paris admits . also that th Oerroarui hv rapovared- some ground' i"r.nif wet oy inem aetween Pont- s. Maassan ci. aiiiiiei, ami, wvewthsrs lerap-raniy lost by them between Pont- th French claim' to hold most of th.i- galn.'' '.:'-'-., LOagr'. Battle la Meaatalaa. ' tha . fighting , in th. C.r-.h.-. H.lhue. alon- . .-.',. "7 tlhues along a seventy-mile front with ap parently undiminished vigor, with Russia claiming to Dave repulsed a determined counter , offensive on the part of th Austrishs snd the Oermana. On the eastern flank the Russians are drawing near to.tlsok Pass. If they carry this position they will command another easy road to Hungary. , Interest in th near eastern situation ha been stimulated by the receipt In London of two special dispatch, one of which declarea that tha recent mission to Berlin of Field Marshal von der Oolg waa instlgsted by the young Turks, who have declared that Germany must send a strong force to Invade Serbia and threaten Bulgaria In order' that munitions of war might be sent t Turkey, while th other quotes the prime minister of Bulgaria as , ssylng a new situation haa been brought about by the actions of the allies In the east, in which Bulgaria sees a possibility of realising its national acplratton. SlaWla ( Relief Ship Fr-ales. Th sinking of th relief ship Harpiyo on its return voyage has . created much comment . her, but th American relief commission 1 swatting official confirma tion of the report that this ship wgg aent down by a German submarine before making a protest Interest In prohibition In England con tinue unabated with th lateat material for discussion supplied by a morning paper. 'which asserts that the government is prepared to take over the industry el manufacturing light beer, at the earn time suppressing all other Intoxicating drinks Ever Buy Horses ? dot acquainted with a mar ket that is alive with bargains in good horseB. Private owners as well a dealers have found it a valu able way to buy or Bell. This is the Horse and Ve hicle column under the For Sale classification in the Bee's want ad section. Olanee through this column daily, you will bo surprised at the variety of offerings and the tH'onomy of buying there, ' Telephone Tyler 1000. THE OMAHA BEE Ereribod Reads Be Wan Ad