THK ni;K: OMAHA, MONDAY, -APRIL 12, 1915. WANT ADS 1 ant ads received at any time, but te rnanre projer ciaainii'etipn muni b pre nlM before 12 o'clm-a noon for evening erttt.on and T30 p. m. for mn-nlng and Sunday million. Want a's received sMr tu' h hour will be under tb heading. "Too Late to Cla1fy." CASH RATES. . rve"n mneecutlv times, i ent word each. Insertion. ... .. Three time wtthtn no wsex. tie veins word each Insertion. Om time, I rants a. word. CHAROB RATKS. Bevan rotinKuUv time. cents una eh Insertion. , Three tlmee within on wek, cent line each Insertion. On tlnvv It cent S line. Count sis average war's te IW Minimum charr-e, 19 fMl As advertisement Inserted t b rtr. un 111 discontinued most be stopped br wnv- order. AH claim for rrors ir.ut l with hi fifteen dys after too last luaer tkta ef tbs edrtlmertt Twi ran pise your wtmt 4 Ui The Bss fey tlphnr. . TELEPHONE ITIW 10M. Unclaimed Anawert to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred pf other answers hava best rail for and dellvsrad during th last week. It m reasonable to auppo II of th peopia below hav inads th d-lred swaps, therefor do not calltoj th balance ef their answer. Boa want BO. 14 KJ iry 1.M3 lflll 1,...) lift 1 1'.4 1M0 1M1 lfcM ll-V, lT 157ft 1672 IS7 r laM I'T I u ;i n 1 tA 1 3 t 4 a. M ' im Mi . 1V4 141 H' Jil )44t IMS ) H 14 14h J4l MTO 1471 14U DH1THI AKD FtTJtERAl IfOTICKi LVNCH-Bdward, Cd 71 r""-. f"11 A Ka Is surrlvod tsy two sona. trtwara nd Patrick; ons dauhtsr, Mrs. Jarnos funVra'wrom rasldsnce of his "lh M1I North Bavententh atraet, Monday momlns at m. to Hacrrf Hart rhurch at ( a. m. Intorment at Bt. Mary s remetaryj ' LIDQH JtOTICte". . fnlon raclflo Lodtte, No. 17, A. 0. U. W., Notice Tha funsraJ of Karl U Ftants will ba held from the undrttns; curlors of W. C. Croaby, 4th nd rlaword 6U., at p, ro, Bunday, April U. Iho band, tems and meinbars of the ordor generally are Invltsd. - . P J. PORATJ. Mnater Workman. A. R. HOULNBEHUER, Reorder. . TOPArS COSITLETE MOVIE riUXJKAMS Exclaslvelr In Xb lto Daws To. CAMERAPHONR, 14 DOCOUA.8 BT. WlnoL'ig Hack. 2-raal lironcno arama. Your Baby and Mine. KeL drama. A mliroaa s Dliua ustrneu 1XITB NO. I, "I FAILNAMj The Little Straw Wife. (Washburn anil Mna Maya.) Fas. dr. Mr. Jarr and. ths ldy Reformer. (Rose Tapley ) Vita, com. FA UN AM TKKATE-R, 1) FARNAM BT. Runaway June will b shown hr evury Vuenilay in connection with our regular program and a Keyatone comedy. hlite Tllli.A'iJi.H. U'm AND HAitNliX Homa of Paramount Picture. t . VAHtL tsAi'a,H. U M. UXU. KecaUine Couiedlae. I' A R.LOR, le.l DOUfJLAii. Mr. Jarr Brings Home a Turkey. Vita. com. Followuig a Clue. S r. Kaiem dr, Tht etagaooavBh Driver and the Uin. ' HeL PHJNCKS8, 1S1718 Douglag Street, I laiuila Furd la Theaf Cal.ed Mlm Hero, !iy Fuller la The Rutie of a Skirt. fc(Jk, -ALAKO, , MXH AHO FORT. Four reals f tba beat Mutual pioturaa. ALHAMHRA. W North 24th. Fatty's Rcstleeg Fling, Keystone Corn. Tha Man With Record, l-r. Hel. Dra. Oratitude of Conductor TW. Than. Dra. i'UFTOK," "MUltary Ava and" BurdeUe. The tHuuUo of Ufa, Rai. Dra. Tijit Springtime Faellng, Keystone Com. ZucWa. No. 1. DIAMOND, Mitt Lake 6t OimruUn of His Flocks, -t. Karrlgaa, ftory the Clock Told, King Kacput The Fatal Note, Billy Ritchie. I'lUNKUN THKA., 4lh and Franklin. A oiren of Curalia, l-rel Lubln drama; ( i'iiio llound and Take That Elephant A oa.v, Bellg comedy. i i Lic"T 1 Uia T t R, 24tl and BDrauue. S 111 open soon. Jr lrst-clua Dhoto tlna. Wkuo this space for owning date and Vrnuram. J. C. lah, Manager. Orand "Theater Keautlful." Sblh-hlnuev, The Master a Model, featuring I'rica of a ueoy. rnort Amonaat the Cannibals. J ne H'Hintl-ra, Key., l,t. Ciias. Chaplin lUfi-ODRME. 2th and Cuming. A Heart of Oold, Amer. Dra. Twenty Million Dollar MyMery. Fiitaod No. U In I pi a. A Duchy Leap, Key Com. IT. KI Kljl, 1Mb and loount te. J4arat-S,-lig No. 22; isiara Their Coiirae Panne, ,1-r. K. ins,; a-recl F. X. Rueh. tKtn, drama; live arid I.lmho. Mlna. Com JVY THEATtiit. ith atid Burdetta bts. i ' - - lUart of Lincoln. 1-recl Oold Real. Tau ef a LoneHome log. Victor imedy. 24 Caldwell. r i-K liox rso. t, z-r. PptK inl. I hry Were on Their Honeymoon. Nest :u. All for Pegiry. Hr Dra. 1-OTHROP, 24th and Lothrop. The Pawn of Fortune, a powerful Amer ican feature ph.t-oraina in five parts, nude by the V hartoiia. PA LACE, A tut Oi leaven. (EJ I 2X4 Davenport. Tlie A vengtpK D-iult. 2-r. L. Ko. For nit Tolled. Neator. Com. Si Hl'kBAN, t4th and Anit-a. The Night Operator at Buxton. Kal. Pra. Ti e linrmlt (ri Mrd leland, l-r. Irfib. Dra. lusik. ARROHTHBATKR. t-'D AND ARBOR. H e lml Re.H-lpt. 2-rel Reliawa. '1 )e Fatal Hl-K l an. Uslrstlo drama. Iloban's RonittTice I'pMt. hyntone coin, APOLLO. 2-4 Leaveuworth Street ;orn Headquarters, l-r. Vita, drama. Aa He ttlew Me Blew. Mlna. couiadv, f'OMniKT, Tweiity-tourth andVlntut Runaway June, I'.plso'le No. a., In Wis Swlu h Tower, Mronchu. ratty Ksiltiful Fldo, Keystone. i OLUM b!A, 1710 Bouth Tenth StreaL Ti e tin I or the Music Halt. -r. Kaiem iliantA. A Hoiae of Another Color. Ks, W. com. ) AVoklTK. 1714 Vinton Street. The Mient Plea, J-r. Vila, diama.. 1 he Deatn Train, Kalein drama. Mrtii, Pita n Ovt-r, l.ubin. : 4 -l HEATr It. & a 13TII )T. 1 ,'lin it Eiame. -rerl Sih lal. 1- e f.f Mary s eet. HU C. , 1. nlr'a 1 i,'.f1 Itmnnnif, Sterling com. l.i niTli EAT Kit." 117 VINToTTbt" An Aii,Ktii.t,i,l with Fate, 1ji nimle oie fi loir. 1re oiks and tit Janltui. I li.lK. T ni -t ijii d a -e liii M.-n nd a Oirl ea en w ort h 2-r. Bison. h J ne. Hex flraina. , - l'sy Ofi, Joker conwdy il Lit tv j join r mim if kiot,sl akauiaa rn fat raeulta. o d 0 o. ia r sit isn r r.i i-' r . . F't m 4t7 iMt M i JW tm 7 i 4 t. " xj irn 1 )) JS"1 M M 1W q lni iK't W I.-TJ I'M M 4 - 14 ri inn lt ri mi i1 IM Ut f TOTJAT'S COMPLETE MOVIK PHOC.RAM8 Eirlaslrrlr In The) I5e. MOXROK.' 2V.", FARNAM ST. lh Shanty nt Tremhllng Mill. rFrsnce . Roshmnn.l 11a Own Hero. I!lo. com Wmthrnp Diamonds. Th .larr Family. Bensnn. RKNSOX. MAIN STREET. Blond of the Children. 2-r. Gold Seal. A ills Own Terms. IM. MacUuarrle.) The Mlxup at Maxim's. Nestor comedy. taaarll ITT ITt' vn Blaftai m: broadwat. Jared FalrfaVa ifllllons. I. Kal. dr. The Cowboy's Conci'ieel. Htnirraph dr. Vate and Paper. Mina comedy. NICMOIAR, 047 BHDADWAT. A Tragedy of the. Ralla. 2-r. Kdlaon dr. A Rudy In Trampa. Vltaaraph comedy. U hen the Kate Hplna. Kaaanay drama- HOP KiTtMKATK R" 6.T7 B ROAD W A T. Hia tmly Panta. Neator romedy. Ive of the Parent, Powera. . Iaenn frow the Far Faat. f-ree! T'.rx. ml, oaa. ! BKSSK THBATKR. (outh Omaha. A banner hill todny Mr. Charles Chaplin In hla Z-piirt comedy senaatlon. "A Jit- riey Klopement." MAOIC. iftTH AND O. The Mysterious Contractor. J-reel Oold J feal Hla Only Panta. Neetor comedy. aagrvflla. ORPHBUM, ' 24TII AND M. I 4 reel of drama plcturea. And a dandy comedy. AeJNOUNCKMKNTS WILb caah county clulma. Oouglas 7N10. a MAJIA PIMiOW CO., Jh07Cumlng. Douglas 24H7. Renovates, feathais and mattreaaes of all kinds, makes feather mattreaaes and down covers. Wedding sunoiincvmenta. Doug. Ptg. Co. WANTED Overland auto, 112 runabout or touring; describe fully and give best caah offer. Adilreaa Y 4M. Bee. 1 HAVE a -cyl.. CO h p. White r that 1 will trade for a modrn home of equal or greater value. H. Psltoaj, 22 Farnam. DRESSMAKING,, alterations. Work guaranteed. .. 2 faas. Red 72Ai, 8PKINO CLEANINO TIME Is hare. Tour windows cleaned and atnrni wlrdow taken down at reasonable rates. For first e1ee service call Douglas .;U. AMFlllCAN WINDOW CLBAMNfl CO. wedding rings at Brodegaard'a ENROL.!, now. Y. M. C A. night sthooL WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLIC CO., "Mlckel's," ttth and Harney. Douglas 1062. AUTOMOBILES C ED8AJSKR, expert radiator and lang rape Ira Ty. 7, ttl Leavenworth. lino RKWARD for any magneto we can't repair, Co'la repd. Bayadorfer.210 V XM. t AUTO Clearing lioua aad sella uaed car. i, 2Su Irsrnam, buys Phone lougia 1310. FOR HAUFr-Oi what have you to trade for two delivery autos and ona a-pas-senger touring car. all lti fliat-olaae con dition; will sell or trVIo separately. fl i4i n St. Overton's for leaky radiator, dealers. Want an auto. C. J. Canan. McCague bids. 1K10 Rulck I I I2 Cadillao 8-25 lyiOOiide t.M I I '14 Oakland gtibO A. A. AHLMAN, nH FARNAM BT, Metorrelee. 1911 INDIAN MOTORCYCLR bow ready. pargaina in uaea machine. OMAHA BiC.TCLK CO.. ltl and Chicago. P. I7t. HARLKY-DA VI DMO.V MOTORC YCLK8. Bargains in used machinra. Victor Roos, Tbe Motorcycle Man," SiCS Leavenworth. BUILDIXQ MATEUIAL. NAILS, 13.39 per keg. Fence, sheet root ing, eto.. in proportion. Ueneral Mer cantile Co., Omaha's greal mall order house. BUSINESS CHANCES A LAROK and well-equipped gsrag ior ale; have other business ana unable to operate boU. It you want a good estab Ushed ouaini'ss, this is your chance, Omaha liee, Council Bluffs, la. AN EXCEPTIONAL, rhanca Is offered ac tive party with li.lM) to invest, toaotlier with common aenae and energy enough to conduct a respectaLle. perutaneut cash buslneaa that a easily managed, free from competition and get-rtok-aulck. schemes. whure, with ordinary btbor, from to, "JO to f,vu0 should be cleared yearly. Owner of thla business Invites the very closest investigation In every way. ull parllo ulare will have to be atven- at Dorsonal Interview only, by addreaalng Y-4u, Uea. 1'UH KAL!. Prosperous rmall bualiuias In tha heart of uualneas district of Lin coln. Owner Is going . into wholesale business. Will Invoice about 96,000. Fred D. Cornell, m N. Uth, Lincoln, Nab. FOR BALK A prodtahlo and weli-estab- warm air furnace and snnet metal business In Shrluan, Wyo. ; a fast growing t-liy of lil.twO people. In good terming and mlnlnv section, wltu large sugar factory end otliwr new businesses now building, 'Death of proprietor is reason for selling. Address Mrs. D. H. Iaiy, 7a N. Main St., bherldan, Wyo. FOR BALIS OR TRADE for flat In Omaha, bouse furnishing for ill-room hotel; hotel la running: In good shape, ren ovated thoroughly; only hotel In town of La.? people; )i par iy; rent la cheap; w per month, can buy building and oontenla for 13,400 cash; good reaaon for selling. l'houo to Lest a r at Midland Hotel all day Hunduy. or write T 07t Be. Would consider entail grocery. FOR bALKOood paying toe urea m fo tory. Write Box . Columbus, Neb. FOR SALE Coffe and te puslnea In city of fe.OUO; thoroughly established and raying; over 4,AA live customers. Auviiess V Bee. FOR HA1.E IUsoksmlth shop, good Iowa town 7u; big business; building, lot and tools; tl.9U; two-thirds cash, balance terms. Jim Wray, Sioux City. Fori SALE Cheap, only lwlel and res taurant In town, good business. Apply to Mrs. II. Wohlford. Trumbull, Nrb. FOR SAIJ-: AND RI.N'T-Wt will sail th furnishings and fixtures of th Cook hotel, and will rent the building: every thing new and In good shape: th only hotel In town and doing a good business; eight bedrooms upstairs, offloe, parlor dining room, large bedroom and good kitchen downstairs; electric light: - no at am heat. It. C. Thomas. Cook, Neb. FoK KALU Have other buslnsae, will sail auto supplies and lease of largo fireproof garaute In good lively town. Ad d r ii 7 M Hee. iHAVE several well developed gold prop erties for sale, would consular stock company promotion: fin water power tunnel sites, and tltnbvr on claims. lrge amount gold ore, good values tn sight, paed capital for further development, and rectloa of mill. Engineers' report fur nished. Highest hank and merchants' nMarences. lor further information, writ Frank Pterkner, Els, City. Idaho. Refer. enres reuulreu. HARDWARE slock tor aale at a discount. A do iaa Y ti2. Bee. til) INVESTMENT in Ituid and co-opaia- tive oil well may make ll,ouu; payment 81 monthly. For particulars address Teaas-Oulf Co.. 7U L'nlon Bank, Hous ton. Tex I NEED hraiirh inanagers for my world wide mail order buaitH-sa. Operate from yuur own hMti In ire tint. No ran vasslng or peddling. Experience unuwri sary. You eliould make l.V weekly. But ler, 42J Factories, Toledo. O J E W EI Jr. R 1 ne store In ctiuler for sale: rouulre only J0 Box VO, Schuy ler. Nb. LiaT YOUR BC ftl.N Etta with u lor quiwk actio a and Kjuar treatment tjlMCK SALS COMPANT. 411 Baa Bid. Phone Had MM Patents That Protect and Pay Books and advioe fiee. Send sket.h or model lor -atb: reteisnoea, Im-ii lenol: r'-mptmjo, uasared Wslaon E. Cleinsn. Patent leaver. V m . N. VS .. VV aati .iislou. 1. 11 -e hikinkss ciiancf: P(MiI, HAI.I and lettr ahop, 1 aood table. I bnrhnr rhalra, and all necea aarlct for said hiialn'aa: ICiO. OANdliSTAD Room V Ree Hid. Tel. P. H477 WANT to meet aomehodv who haa fifteen hundred dollars will Invent In excellent payin legitime! propoaltlon on partner ahlp haata. Investigate thla. Address A 2!. Pee. PAItTY wanted who ran Inveat eight hundred dollars ss partner In nerinanent paying hualneaa. Addreaa B 225. Pee. JlKSTAI.'RANT In oVajrable ItH-atlon cheap: alao exhast fan for sale. Apply m N. 1th Ft. JlllAIj ealate Rualneas plaeea supplied or handled; all ataiea. F. V. Knleat, i.-maha. SIGNS, anov rkrd ''lartt n ! THEATKRH liuy, leaaa or sell your the atar, machine and supriles through Theater Kirhnnga Co., 1404) Farnam 8t Uoualas ls!7. TO OF.T In or out of hualneaa call on '"""t-"!!', noe mag. imug. Mti. MB M7 rent? Will sell 100-aore farma In f Red River valley. Minn., arect buildings. I supply cows and hogs on flrat payment of i t.i( and II per ira and Interest at par I""1 ;h yr h""',M-- w- Q Templeton. Mil Boi Pldg . Omaha. FOR SALE A good paying plumbing and tin huslneaa; eatnhitahed lo years; well located. Address Ueo. W. Zlela, Nebraska lfy, Neb. RoofnlnsT Iloases for Sale. 180 A dealt able high-grade, select room ing houee on Farnam St., original coat, H .Hai ; this will appeal to one looking for a retrnue, and reapcctubility. All braas bet's, oPt not less than if) each; fine ruga, nothing shoddy, extra linen and sil ver ware, between IPith and 30th Hte.; per sonal Inveatlgation reoulred: reasons. C. J. Canan, 10 McCagua Blda. EDUCATIONAL Getting A ' Better Position Did It aver occur to you that the mat ter of getting a batter position I merely tha matter of getting ready for It 7 The world Is anxious for people, who can do things particularly well especially the hualneaa world. We have oall every day for thoroughly trained bookkeepers, stenographers, stenotyplsts, penmen, ac countants, telegraphers, etc and we are unable to fill many cf these positions, because we do not have young people ready to take them. It you are ambitious and are willing to work It win pay you to begin our Complete Business. Course at the earHest poaslhle niomnnt,tjlthr in the day school or night school . Bend for a copy of our free catalogue, which will tall you all about our work. Boyles College U. B. BOYLES, PRES. Boyles Bunding. Uth and Harpey . Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas 1fnB. Tho Van Kant School Stenography Par school. 1:00 to 4:0s. Night school. 1:15 to :1. Ith asd Kai nam gt Pauglea satt. Boyles College Pay School. Night School, complete business course, cumphMa shorthand or stenotypa course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Hah. Students admitted at any time. Write, pbone or call for 1115 catalogue, BOYLES COLLEOK, II. B. BOYI.F.M, Prealder.t Tel. P. 1W8. poyles Hldg Omaha. Nab. FOR sale tha following sctwlarauips -n B first class Omaha Business Cotiegai n Unlimited combination busuas and shorthand course. 8n unlimited, business course, ne unllmjte.1 atanographlo ceurae. On three months' buainas or atano, graphic course. Will be sold at a dfgocbat at tb offlo of th Omalia, be. . ELECTIUC surruEs. ELECTRIC wanhers, H0.7&: electrlo Irons, 12.2ft, with Oeneral Mercantile Co., Omaha's Oreat Mali Order House. FOB SALE l araitare, lloBaehold Caeds, Kto. Nsw A Id-hand furniture, rub or terms; raaaunabla. Amer. ruto. La, sua N. lath 'Auction Sale At 44 8. 22d St. Tuesday. April IS. 1WS. at 3 o'clock. Seven rooms of high grad furniture consisting of a thres-plec par lor aet. till parlor rug. oak buffet, oak dining table and six oak dining chairs upholstered in leather, inning room rug, braas bed. vernls martin tied a spiina and mattreae, mahogany Ureastir aiid rhlffloner of the very Bat. bedroom rust oak dressers and chiilioners. pictures, lac curtains, gas stove, Kiictien tuoie. sani tary cot and pad. dishes and cooking utensils of all Mm! a. In fact, everything to make up a complete household, also one edJiiHleble dieas form. The above Is all first class furniture and practically new and will he sold piece by piece to the highest bidder. Don't forgut the date. r Of tntormatlun and auction dates call Red 7Z&H ON h! lsdy's-taintiler wheel, little Used" odd plcHMt's of luruiture. 20 S. 9th bt Call after 4 v. in. DFSKS bo,'kht and sold. J. C. Reed, i-vi r srnam t. V &14S. LARUE, nearly new, i-eadlng lamp, for sale vheap, and gaa fixture, at UK Harney St. Doug. 64 Horse aad Vaalclas. HIP me stock to bouth Omaha. Bav lulleag and hrinkaga. Your consif u mania reovlv prompt and careful atun Uon. 8,ouo-lb. span black geldings, 6 years old. Pair brown mares, weight 1.4u0 I ha.; 2j lu. slain mures, heavy In foal; guaranteed or money refunded. 1M B. 24th St., bum in rvar. 80 HEAVY AND UUIT MARKS AND OE1.DINUS AT VMHY REASONABLE PRICES; ALS'O HARNESS WAOONS. ROHKNHlATTs t'l'T PUR E COAL CO.. ISti MClloLAB. TEU liQCO. hsi. NICE, gentle family hora harness and two-sestd up-to-date carriage. 8r03 N. 27th. Webster 637. cheap. 30 HEAD of horses, mare and mule fur a le. 1103 Cuming Bt. TWO pair of farm Jnare ta foal, tit N, NIOE heifer calf for sale. Web. 6A lltUiuJvUMHKKl) Jersey cow, glv li quarta a day. Call Walnut USe. FOR BALE iood chunky young mare; will sell cheap on account of alcknea; guaranteed well broke: must sail, need the call, owned by widow. Call at Blora, l.'.'l So. 241 h. 1KAM of hor. 7 years old, welaht J.uiu. Iron gray and bay. -tlood harness and wagon. Separated. 2UI& Burt. BARGAIN for ch lo selUe our eatate. Pair of Pcrcheron niaiea. years old, IPs , h.ity In foal Also handsenw lollbl.MKl nute end gelding, both sorrelx, with white naiie and tails. .7 lhidgc, c, mer Villi St. , I'lilt SALE-A pale si lllrea 4 Mild years Old. Weight I 'I" set of mk harness: Jones' siabie, 1UI Duds. FOH SALR lloraea aa4 Vehlclea. FARM warors. ffl and up": harneaa, $40. Johnaon-Ianforth Co.. K.lh Clark Bta FOl'R good farm marea, wagona, three collie pupa. two lumber 2111 N. Ilth. FIX head horea and marea for aale. I4TH AND mi -NTT 1,1 NE, HO. OMAHA, Telephone South MJ. TF.AM of -year-old marea, well nutched. weight 2.); -year-old work horae. weight l.trtl. and handaome black and white Shetland pony heavy In foal, gen tle for children; bargain; party going to Han Franclaco April 10. 2421 ltodge St. Um Stark (nmlulaa Mrrrkasta MARTIN BP.OS. A CO.. KxcnaoK Bldg. Maalaal laitraairaia. VIOLIN, coat MO. will aell cheap. H. 4S11. FOR BACK-One York cornet; value. I'aed very little. Take H. W. RleKe, P.alley, Neb. filightly uaed high grade piano. D. 8017. roaltrr, Kaa bb1 Vbppllea, fiTERBOTTPB matrlcaa roaka tha best and cheapest lining for poultry house Thay are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically flrepmof. 7ms a hundred at The Ha office. ftOHK comb Rhode Island Red hatching eggs bM- for If.; W per !. W. H. Ilux hold. Route S, South Omaha. WHITE WYAN. cockerels. Benson i5 W. Mixed g.-ln. MO lbs., IL76. Wagner m N.l. TOCLOrSE gooe eggs for hatching. i&O earn. KMX Alanderson. Web. 2432. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. OntrM Typewriter Exc. 1M6 Farnam. Mlaeellaaeowa. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and ticket billiard tables and bowllnk alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all Klnfl; easy payments. Tha Brunswick. Ralke-ColU-nder Co., 407-4OS 8. 10th t. U SECOND HAND pnny-ln-lot ma chines of various kinds, also coal rang and 4 gas ranges. J. C. Ish, Executor !0 B. net Av. Phone Harney 241. THE BfRMEISTER CULTIVATOR SHOVKL will save the corn roots: Iwen nn ih. market i years. Are fully guaranteed. Price, reduced this year to 13 per set of four and f4 per set of six shovels. Book let free. Chas. Burmelater. Ho tl in Sutherland, la. HXXP H ANTED FEMALK Clerical and Office. NO FIUNO FEEft B7C8T COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. HOQBRB RKF. CX., 624-8 State Rank. factory and 1 radrs. LEARN ha'rdresslng. Oppenneira Parlor WANTED Expert preaser (lady), dry cleaning department. Bluff City Laun dry. Council Bluffs. Ta. Iloaaekeeprra and Domestics. WANTED Reliable white girl for laun dress. One who I willing to assist In housework. Harney 4tW. THS Servant Girl Problem Holvetl. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired resulta Thla applies to resident of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Blulfa Bring ad t Th Be office or telephone Tyler looo. AOIRL ! A0w"hA,!)h-r:?Mf 2?' lstil Bt- wanted White girl for general house work. Three In family. Wal. 2420. WANTED Help for general housework on farm; wages $4 for woman with mall child, to without child. .Mrs. John 8. Johnson, Underwood, la., R. R, L A COMPETENT girl: not too young'.. 25 t0a,ve"r; f moral housework. Mrs. P. P. Wead. 602 8. 40th. Harney 171. WANTED A dining room girl and a maid. Child Savins Institute. 42d and Jackson. WANTED Neat white girl about 1 for general housework. Walnut Xo0. 12S N. 42d Bt. WANTED Two glrla. one for general housework, other second girt, to assist with three-year-opl child. . 1 tire In fam ily. 701 B 87th 8t. Harney ltt. WANTED Olrl for general houanwork; two In family.' Refeieuce required. TeU Pougla ."' T WANTBI-Olrl for general housework; small family; good wages. H. Itiu2. WANTED A white girl for general housework: no cooking; throe in family. Reference. Walnut 3o37. WANTED Good girl for general house. Work. 16.13 N. 26th Bt. South Omaha. girl ,for general housework, rooms, 4 In family, go home nights, 8344 Larlmore Ave. Web. WANTED A competent housework. Mrs. F. D, woman for Wead, 60S U. 40th. Phrn Hsrney 171. WANTED A l-year-old girl to aaslat with housework, walnut U7. A YOUNG 1704 Lake girl for general housework, fit. Webster 2381. RELIABLE white girl for general house work: would ba willing totake forelsn girl; nice home for right girl. Har. 4S8S.. WANTED A middle-aged woman for housework. rSO Burt St. RELIABLE! Bohemian girl, experienced, general housework, small family, no laundry; room with privtuo bath. Phone Harney 811. WANTEI Olrl for general housework; girl who can go horn at uight. Us So. 28ti Ave. WHITE slrl to assist with housework; no cooking or washing. Web. 6-J. WANTED A competent cook and second maid.' Reference required. 2o Bo. Kiii Ave. Harney HQS. If Isoellaaeaa. TOUNO woman coming to Omaha ' a trangar are Invited to visit the Young tVoimtn e Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Are. and 17th 8t. whar they will be directed to suitable boarding places or olhsrwlsa aatdsted. Look for our traveler's guide at Union station HELP WANTED MALB Clerical aad Oftio. WANTED Young man with stenographic and bookkeeping exp. to Invest tl.OuO In a corporation of good standing and larga financial backing. Muat have executive ability so as to later asnum management of office and ahop. Addreaa J 293, Be. ASSISTANT to manager of email whole sale house. Must be stenographer and bookkeeper. Prefer man with several yeara' merchandise store exiierlenee; Do to So year of age. Stat salary wanted, Addreaa C 2nH. Bee. HIGH-GRADE commercial position. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SuUARE PEGS FOR BQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OI ERATIVE REKERENCI1 CO., Ht6-1 City Nat Bank Bldg. A a e a t a, galeauuea aad Solicitor. MEXICAN diamonds, exactly resemble genuine; asm rainbow tire; stand tests; sell on sight. We need few more live agent. Profits $M werklr and up. Write milch for aainule caae offer, free. Mexi can Diamond Importing Co., Box A. Las Cruces. N. Mex. . EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraka. Call or writ. Mutual Brneflt. Health and Accident Association 42-2i City Nat'! Hank Bldg 8ALKSMAN wanted for th heat article ever been before public. Must know something about steam boilers. Good man will make toix or more month. required on good a. No other need apply. Call Joe Meyer. 2i N. 17th bt., Omaha, Neb. vTAXTKh; 35 daily guaran teJ. Itnperlul corcpany, N. Main St.. Counill Hluft. . YOU'LL never get ru-tt working for other. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business? We start you right! No previous vxperienc necessary; but small capttnl reuulred Big profit in this great re-order bualne! FVlll details fie. White Wonder Con.pany, t Na tlonal Safety Vault Bldg . Denver, Colo. Boy. DELIVERY boy with blcyda Bath. Klorlat. 1I4M Farnant. Factory aad Trade. GOOD butcher w.llted. Henry Duve, 2630 l.reiiworth St. AT To 'ruck Washer Wants d Reliable man tn inspect and wash auo trucks; nlaht w.irk: muat lurmxli the bet ef h'fti ,111 i'i ii lo h,knetv and shilitv. it ;.,.. I iv I . rivlil ih.ii Adilreaa 1 1:6. I tier. ' IIEI.P WANTEt M 4 LB Factory aad Trade. Tii-City Barber College. Toil Ion t. tin sceotint of hlg trade. Wages for a snd 10 cent work. Electric marauge tauKhL Hydraullu chair-. Catalog free. IU4 Douglas 8: , Omaha. WANTED M EN TO LEAHN THE BAR BER TRADE and accent positions at good wages. Unas P.srhers calling on ua for help. We prepare vou In few. weeks. Tools furnished. Waves while learning. Csll or write. MOLE It BARBER COL- LEOH, Desk R. OMAHA. N EH. Drug store una pa: Jobs. Knelat. Bee Bldg. YOU MI ST THINK-We give you expert auto training; earn a real salsry, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course In Elec Ad Start's si at ems: free Cktaloiue. Amer. Auto Collece. 2'&1 Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTED Machinist llnotyjie operator, 2j e week; muft he sober and compe lent. Times,. Fort Morgan. Colo. WANTED Six good harness makers and two Campbell machine operators at once. La Porte Harness Co., Iji Porte. Ind. Mlerellaatroa,. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum coat. Ask for cata logue "C" and explanation of our gel result method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE! SCHOOL. 14TTU Dodge Street. Omsha. Neb. GOVERNMENT wants clerks: $70 month; Omaha examinations April ?s; common education sufficient; particulars free. Apply immediately. Y 3K0.. Hee. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted. 176 month; pull unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partclulars. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 221 D., Rochester. N. Y. . Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a larga salary, or go 'Into tha auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shois will bring this result for you. Write for fre booklet , Nat'l Auto Training Assn, 2814 N. 20th St. Omalia. Nh. ' WANTEIWIin to work on 'arm; must b experienced and willing to work; Swede preferred. "A," Omaha Boa, Coun cil Bluffs. Ia. WANTED 1.000 men to eat ham and eggs, 16o. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. SITUATIONS -WANTED COI-ORED man wants Job a chauffeur and butler; have bad years' experi ence. Phona Webster 6778. R. T.' Richie, 271S N. 2Kth Av, EXPERIENCED carpenter .jvants work. Phone Red PKRFECT home washing. Lace curtaina a specialty. Webster 42&L . DAY work wanted. Web. 804. Lupla. WANTED By lady, position as house keeper. Cail after 6 p. in corner ifcth and Davenport. WANTED Position a housekeeper by widow with Z children; country or city. Can glv tho best of reference. Address O 291. Be. EXPERIENCED you&g man, i, having finished tralnlna aa cashier and bill and otflce clerk. Haa excellent penman ship and Is college irradunta. Desire position In Omaha or el aewlu: re. Douglas Wi. or address J-2M, lie).' T A rV . . . . position as., housekeeper. Harney 716H. ' ELDERLY lady desire position as house keeper, short distance In country or city. For interview. Phone Web. 3135. CHAUFFEUR and mechanic want posl- tlon; can drive truck also. Phone Doug. 2M0 for- Barber. C01,ORlD boy wants position aa house keeper; good cook and can give refer ence. Phone Harney 6S4. CHAUFFEUR and helper for truck wants position; knows city; best of ref erences. Address F. Elmore, Oen. Del., Council- Bluff, la. ' POSITION wanted aa assistant tn photo graph gallery; small town pretend. Pauline Shaw, Valentine, Neb. W ANTED Position as clerk In cigar stand by young woman of experience; excellent references. Blanch Cameron, 123S L St., Lincoln, Neb. SITUATION wanted by farm, experienced. Adii young 'man on dress K-2KJ, Bee. LOST AND FOUND LOST B MA LL 1U5D BOOK CONTAIN ING NAMES OK" REAL i E8TATB e,L. it vuD i icf L'n ' KVAunivn fn lcnubno, 1; . r ., v. BUILDINGS. FINDER PLEASli PHONbi RED 6227 OR CALL DOUULA3 8a03. - LOST Eyeglasses in old frame with Initials "8. B. L.." between Paxton blk. and 17th and Douglaa.' Reward If returned to Mr. Lewis, Room 001 Fontenelle hotel. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Parsons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of tbe Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the treet car. Many article each day ar turned lit and th company 1 anxious to restore tl-em u the nghtal ower. Cail -Doug. 48. LOST Black folding pocket book fhura- riay night; return to 3"7 Paxton block. Reward. LOST 611 vor mesh bag. In BrandeJs toraa Call Pougla 4M), or return to Orean Room, Brandel. Llbaral reward. MAIL OKDEH BUSINESS BAVE 86 to 60 per cent on furniture by trading with Ueneral Mercantile Co.. Omaha Oreat Mali Order House, 716 8. Hit 6t .. MEDICAL A NEW treatment tor epilepsy by a re cent medical auperlntendent of a Btate Home for Kpiloptlca, haa in 4 months re duced 270 selsures per month for chronic eptlepllcs to 8 only, some of them having non glnce January. For particulars address "Doctor, Box 4S2. Lander, Wyo. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid uutil cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TAKKI, pee pas 1 gjBiiri, v fall t'r i 801 Be Bids.. Omaha, Established 1894. o NURSERY SEEDS. AND PLANTS. HAZEL DELL M'HStKV. J. W. DAY. Prop. W have a full line beat varieties fruit, shade and ornsmentai trees, shrub, ever gnn and roses. Nursery west of Flor ence. Tel. 4606. Omaha sales" yards. 2h and Plnkney St. Phone Webster 4127 and 341. It will pay you to see our stock ORNAMENTAL tree, fruit hedge, plant. rose, concord grape. 4k tlosen. Horn sales ground, 61ft Riggs, Benson. Omuha suies ground, 84th and Cuming. Benaon-Otnnha Nursery. Benson 6S4. M. P. BY1U) NUIWEHY CO Bargain prices at our old location. 17th and Dodge. Phones: D. 44HS and Vce. 4161. BEAUTIFY your horn with the finest of nursery stock ever gtown. So for your self. Gate City Nursery. Pbone D. 20u0. Bale ground. HIS ldge Bt. CHOICE, complete Una of snrubs, ever greens, ornamental and fruit trees: save agents' commission. J Wastrom Nursery Co., at old location, 30th and Harney St. SPO PUNLAP at raw berry plants. 31, 1.00 84. postpaid. Vr. tl Hubdon. Biair. Neb. l'ERSUNAL $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS Unieaa we raoelve 20 subscriptions ta the 1- 11. Journal. 41 hi; 8. E. Post, 31 60, or Country Goiilleinan, 31, to April tal-w :00 by Sept) that 87"0 for THE IN. VALID' PENSION ASSOCIATION can not be earned. Vour renewal vontribut 64 rent. Pbone Dougla ,1M. or mall, Gortlon, The Magazine Man OMAHA. 1 WILL not ba responsible for any debts contracted .for bv lay wife. Kit. E. A. aUuons. E. A. Btmou. rEKSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial bom o HcR your oC clothing, fumltur. mags, fine. W lollect. W distribute. Phona Douglas 4186 and our wagon will call. Call nd Inspect our nw home. 1110-1112-1111 Iodg St - YOUNG wotjen coming to Omaha aa Straasver are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasoci .tlon building at 17th Pt and Bt Mary's Ave., wher thy will be dire, ted to suitable boarding places er otherwlss assisted. Look for our trar alers' aid at the Union station.' PET STOCK THREE 4-month-old female Airedale pedigreed pups; perfect; 810 each. One 4-year-old matron: best In Iowa; first 835 takes her; 3 pupln four litters; alao pedigreed. F. E. LsJrgford, Peter son, la. LIVE WIRE BUBINEPS MEN OF OMAHA Aeaoawtaata. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A , Address 43) Bamg Bldg.. f hone Pougla 740. Addfaaj Machlaea. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 6. 1. P. 144A Adder Mcli. Co. Walea). W. O. W. P. A bum tear Ftalahlag. FILMS developed free f purchased from Photo Crijft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept D. Arcklrrela. Everett S. Podfls. 4)12 Psxton Blk, P. PM. Magneto repair work a .peclalty. D. MIA Aaetloaeer. - Dowd Auction Col 1US-16 W. O. W. R. J2S5. Powd Auction Co.. 1115-1 W. O W. R. zm. Blac Prlatlag. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO., 808 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. V . lira as Koaadrlee. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. (ameaten aad Caatraclnra. 8TEVENSON. 2 . 2M. Douglas 6fa0. t'allfomle l.nad. W. T. Smith Co., 1187 City Nat I Bk. D.tflg. Cfclaa Palatiag;. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4fAl f lvl Baxlnrera. - M. J. LACY. 618 BEB BLPO. POUO. 471. Cream Separatore. Tha Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th ft Fira. Ua act a sr Acaueaalra. CHAMBERS' Academy, ere sale. P. l7L Try Macklfl's first 1814 Harney. Doug. R448. Clatera and Well Dlsrglatr. ' NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? BCHAFFER does It Phone Web. 6631. Draaimaklag, Terry Dressmiik'g college. 20th ft Farnam. WANTED Plain and fancy dresamaklng; will go out by the day. Web. will. Detectives. INVESTIGATIONS carried tit" In an part of United Btatea, Canaaa or Mexico. 8C Paxton Blk. Doug. 1171 Walnut, 1520. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evt - deuce aecured in all cases. Tyler 1136. , Dcmts. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W.BIdg. Bailey, the lienilat. ,u City Natl Bank. Taft Der.tnl Room. 1617 Douglas. D. 2UA Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat Bank. Drnara. DRUGS at cut prices freight paid on 810 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Everything; for Wsass. , ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, ploot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 300 Douglas Block. D. lUdi. Evrrytbina for Woman. NEW YORK sample stor. Must vaoata, building coming down: cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed V N. 11th Bt HAIRDHESSINO at your home. R. 63). florist. . i BATH'B, florisU, 1804 Farnam St. P. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. D. YiA. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS & 8WOBOPA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUB. 1822 Harney. Doug. 1001. Uatterlaar aad apoatlasr- STOVE repairing!. Fira- Prvntiooi Co. ' Douglas 46S4. - . Hat Dyer. Btraw hats d ed. Pora Elaele. 1136 C. Nat Llaatlna; KlHtaree aaal Wlrias, THOMAS DURKIN Clectrio fixtures and supplies, contrast Ing snd repair work done reabonehle. 2419 CUMINO. POUOLAB 8618. I.iva Stock Ueasedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co., 07 P 13th. Red 4268. Msateaier aad Teaaaater. WHITE LINE. 870 N. 1th Bt Pong. Mil Mask, t wtaaiaa aart kjuitae gaapltea. MFOl of lodge regalia and costumes, Theo. Lieben A Bon. 1614 Howard. D. 411 A Maaaear. MISS STAPLES, man., else bath. P. 718. Open eve., p. m.: Sundays, 13 to 6. CORA BELLING Y Try "my" good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Vapor baths. Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. in., including Sundays. 107 B. 17th Bt., downstairs. Notice: Entrance Basement, besldo Nursery. Cor.' Podge. UAT'IJ and mass, alcohol rub. Laura l"-L Wilson, 1803 Farnam, room A Doug $7111. Open evenlnns and Sunday. MASSAGE 620 Bee Bldg. Doug. 378. MISS WALTON, mass. R. 224 Neville Blk. Miss Jacobs, mass., offic 224 Neville Bldg. M BRUG MAN. mas R. 203 Karbach Pk.l R. r?7. ' VISIT Mlaa Vcnita, new massage parlors; alcohol rub and scalp treatments, . 10) B. 17th St. - MASSAGE), 1721 Pods. Mrs. Steel. Clara Lee. bath and massage. Doug. 8751. BATHS, 214 Palrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. Moiloa Pic tores. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Mevlaar, Itaraga aad Iraalag, W. C. FERRiN. loth and CapltoL Ty. ltOS. Prlntlaa. X WATrTRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2130. 634 3. 13th St. COREY A M KEN-2UE PTG. CO. D. 801. CENTRAL PRINTING CO POUG. 87M. Osteauata-Ca phyelelaaa. I'. B-fiolta. i-4 M.-ague Pldg. P. WM. Pr. Peterson. dlW Krumlela Hidg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 6li Bee Bldg I'ateats. . p. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Bturges. 634 Brandels Theater B.dg. t'ataat De vsioaaaeat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 11 B. 11th St Palntlua aad rserlaa. HUGH M'MANUf 417 N. 40th. H. S72S. Omaha Paste Co. Snowflake paste. D. 3760. rloiiie. Renovated. PLUMES aV HATS made over, cleaned 4k dyed. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton. Li. . Prlatiag. POl'OLAS Printing Co. Tel. Poug. 644. Roach F.xts-rsataatoa. R B R Roach powder, Merrit'g Pha rm. O A 1170 Opened, repaired, ooma. wP changed. F. E. Paven- khoa Re aa tries. FRIETiMAN BROS.. hoe renair. 311 8. 14, E. M CLARK t BON. 113 a IsTH BT. teal 'elllass. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. U6 a 10. fetor aad OCMe rialarsa DESKS, safes, scale, showcases, a halv ing, etc We guy, !L Omai.a Fixture and Supply Co., 4i4-l-l B. Uto. D. 3.'24, Ta gaaaltco. OMAHA Tjwel Supply. 807 H- Uth. D. 638. Tailor. CHAS. C. LANTFRYOU. 106 N. 16th St OL.-EN A CO.. lp 6 Harney. D. rti. Traak and saltcaeae F RKL1KQ A fiTEINLE. lAg Farnam St Tlawark. CENTRA! TIN SHOP, 111? Podge. Dougr la tM. LIVE WIPE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Vr terlnartaas. PR. O. R. TOUNfl. "t Center. Wal. tola W Inn aad l.lqaora. ALEX JETES, ,3l-S S. 13th Pt. Wines. Honors, cigars. Plate dinners. 11 to 8, le. Globe liquor house. 424 N. lh; California wine. 81. 8S per gal Write for rrlce Hat , HF!RT POLLOCK 1JQUOR H0U8B, ' Uth and Capitol Ave Ten-cent lunch. , BUT your family liquor at Kleln'g Liquor House. 2 N lth. Poualaaisok HWAI'I'ER'B COLULN AUTO Overland auto, fine shape, tire . uv . r , n 1 . M 1, 1. l.llnW new,' flv ia. r . nui; nmBici, -im . , also detachable Nonesu. Worth 84t0. , Will trade for diamonds worth tha money. 1 8. C. m. Bee. . i AUTO Will trade lf12 model 6 rsa senger Flandera auto, fully equipped, for good lot, or acreage.' Address Sc. 800 Pre. AUTOS 1314 model, S-cylindor. 7-re almost new; will trad for vacant lot or j what have you? Address 8. P. giO, Bee. AUTOS 6-passeiiger touring car in first class condition, top, windshield, Presto lite, chains, etc.; worth T0, and would exchange for good building lot In Omaha of the same value. Addreas B. C. 827. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains sea tb "Automobll " classifi cation. BRl'BH AUTO Crank - shaft is broke: also 2 tlrea gone. What will you trad for it 7 Will make good little car. Ad dress 8. C. 880. Bee. MOTOR BOAT One twenty-foot motor i boat, 4 horsepower Ferrow engine. Will I trade for Ford Roadster or touring car. I . u. B01. BED and springs; 1 dresser; want china i cabinet, or what am I offered. Address 1 8. C. m. Bee. BUS. CHANCE 82, fiuO stock of clothing and furnishings, new fixtures to ax- ; change for residence or car. ' 'Address 1 S. C. 87T, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE 82,000 stock grocer- , tea and queensware In wholesale house to exchange for residence or merchandise. , Address S. C. $73, Pee COUNTERS Ten-foot counter and 1ft- foot length and 8-foot width table, will ! trad for good typwrltera. Address i B. c. sw. Bee. CORN POPPER A 8.1O No. 12 Rotary corn popper, capacity 12 bu. per hour; a large candy furnace, with copper candy kettle: all above have both gas and gasoline attachments. All as good as new. Also complete set of candy recipes, to. swap for piano or what have you? Ad dreas S. C. 872. Bee. DESK Would like to exchange nioe end roomy roller top denk in good condition for typewriter desk, or econd hand type writer In good condition. Add. S.C.87S,Bee. EDISON MOVING! PICTURE MACHINE for motoroycle, chlkens or anything of equal value; price, 876. Address S. C. 892. Pee. FINK IKG Boston bull pup. months old. male, color and appearance line, full blooded, for what have you? Ad drees S. C. Sao. Bee. FOR SALE Good llarley-Davidson mo torcycle or trade for linht roadster. Ttillls, 24H Avenue' C, Council Bluffs. MILLINER?, for what hsve youT Want - acreage or nouse ana 101 near, i nav e made money, but lost my health. Good OAK dining; room table to swap. What PIANO Finn piano. Want diamond or into. Address 8. C. SRI, Bee. PIANO High grade mahogany 'Kings bury piano; almost new. would take tailoring. Address 8. C. 890. Bee. PAINT S gal. of Sherwin & Williams paint to trade for jewelry. What have you to offer? Address 8. C. SKZ, Bee. PLAYER PIANO A beautiful rnohagany Cable player piano; used six months. Will trade, What have youT 40 rolls of , music with this player. Address B. C. m. Be. -ROOM cottsae. nearly new. for sale cheap on essy payments; win take a good piano as first payment Tel. Walnut 1618. RESTAURANT feedlnx 600 people per day. good location, downtown, low rent. . for what have you. Want clear house or scresge, , Address. S. C- KM., Bee. BTENOTYPE Have a practically new stenotype. used one month: must dispose of It st once. What have you? - Address 8. C. 877. Hee. fclGNS. showcards. Clark AY Son. D. '1378. STKELE range, good condition, will trade for rocking chair or on good chair, Addrs 8. C. 871. Bee. B1NGER Sewing Machine, will exchange llir a low wihtwitiu I una wo,. "ail i r. . STORE BLDG. Itx22, new store building at 4Kth and Redmond, to exchange for car, mdse. or stock. Aaa. . J. Hit, Bee. TAILORS' PRHttSINO OUTFIT, 8 Irons and 4 bucks, all In good condition. What have you? Adureaa 8. C. &S4, Uee. TYPEWRITER "Practically new.- and CASH, for auto. Addreaa S. C. M, Bee. VACUUM WASHERS 200 Vacuum Wash ers, sell at 33.50 each. I have traded for these and want trade for something I rould use. What have you? Cnn make bis money here. Addreaa H. C , Bee ANTE D To trade 3 lots for auto or e hasela. L. Bee, Council Bluffs. WHITE Plymouth Rock cockerel and guaranteed setting eggs, .to trade. What have you to offer? Address S. C. 691. Be. STOCK What am 1 offered In exchange, for 3.E00 shares of stock, par value 81.00. . In one of best coal mining properties In Wyoming? Address 8. C. Do. Baa. PLUMBING, cement-or mason work rea sonable, or trade furniture,, groceries, acre or house rant. Address A 800. Bee. WILL exchange 3100 vlctrola, mission . wood, with about !' of good record", for pure bred Leghorn hens. .Box 342, Ppenrer, Neb. WILL TRADE a good car for a diamond, Us to 3 karat. Douglas 81 WILL trade typewriter for a safe, snap. Address S. C. V04. Bee. WHAT have you to trade for a C. A H bicycle In A-l condition, also a 1-11. P. gasoline engine? Addreaa S. C, SOS, Kee. FOR RENT Apartmrat aad Flat, 810.50, THREE large rooms part mod. flat for email family. 11 Elm Bt. D. 6078. FOR RENT 0 rooms with toilet and bath, easy walking dibtanoe and close to car, , 312.50 per month. T. SULLIVAN. 216 Brandels Theater Bltlg. Poug. 4413. MODERN store or office. 826 mo.; near postofflce. O. P. Ptebblns. CENTRAL No equal n price or quality; T-room house; 4-roora flat. 220 N. 3id. FIDELITY Wftgt FREE Phone Douglaa 238 for complete list of all vacant bouse and apartment, alau for torage, moving, pecking, shipping. DESIRABLE 6-rom apartment The' Mason. 2lnt and Mason Sts.; reduced rent. Douglas lull. 6- ROOM modern apartment. Davidga Bldg., 18th "and Farnam Sts.. 840. 7- r. flat, fine repair. )07 t uralng. 825. JOHN W. KOBB1NS. 1!(02 FARNAM ST 2328-2S32 a 20TH BT. Six rooms and bath; newly refinlshed throughout: rent re. duced from l-lf. to 314 and 316 Red 3ft&7. Varnished A partaaea ta. NICELY furnished J-r 00m apartments, with kitchen and private bath, for sum mer months. Apply office, Hamilton Apartments. Board aad Hihib, Deslrablo rms-. excellent board; 1( S. lOtli. FaralsheO ftoesaa. MADISON 21st and Chhako; steam heats tl nto. and up; cat lu cwr,iiriluiL P avsl STEAM heated rooms, u week. Ogdan HoUI. ConniU Bluffa N. 2jD, J-l-Elekai.l. rlraa room; newly furnished: ail modern convenience garaae. Iiougla 6761. , NICELY furnished room and board for tu. newly furnished, on car line. 3012 .hcniian Ave. Web. 843. NICELY furnished model n rooms 84 and 310. 4 So. 2f.ih Ave. Douwlas ci;v BEAUTIFUL Uige room wtth' sleepins: porch. In prhatu family: Hanscom PurS district I'hone Uarury 437J j