Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    TflK BKK: OMAHA, MOXDA7, AFXUJb 12, iyi.
Ta Pe Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered at Omaha portofflce a aecond-claaa matter.
ijfty and ?nnaT ..
Tily without Bunday..
FVenlnt end J'undav
By carrier
par month.
A ..0.
, nc.
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per year.
H 0
, 4 00
F.venir; without Sunday. .......... .....lf0.... ........ 4.0U
unday Be only v;".' ,
lend iwttr of rhanae of address fir complaint of
lrrBlrily In delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation
Iepartnaent. '
Remit ky draft eprae or poatal order. Only two--ent received In payment of I small a
nn 1'ersonal cheeks, axcrpt on Omaha and eastern
sy.chance. not accepted.
Omens-Trie Be BulWlnir.
flouth Omaha 9ill N street
Council Bluff 1 North Main street.
Lincoln M Llttla Bulldln;.
Chlcaro-Wl Heerat Building.
Nrw Tork-Room 110. M Fifth avenu.
W. IxkiIs-KB New Bank of Commerce.
Waahlnifton 7 Fourteenth 8t N. W.
Address communication relatlnr to mws and edi
torial matter to Omaha Baa. Editorial Departmaist.
The Donkey and the Water Cart
Ai might hate been expected, Mr. Bryan'
effort to attach tha democratic donkey perma
nently to tha water wagon haa aanously per
turbed the counsels of hla party. Other tjemo-
cratlc leadera hare openly sidestepped the pro
hibition question, although It has been pressed
very closely to the present administration, bat It
now looks as tf they would have to come out
flat footed, one way or another.
This Is not the first time the Peerless Leader
has created consternation In his 'party by insist
ing that bis personal views take precedence He
has a penchant, not only for meddling In state
politics, but for setting on some salient point in
popular discussion, no matter how tenable. In
order that he may, keep the spotlight turned In
his own direction. In this instance be may have
gone too far, for it is doubtful if the democratic
party will nationally espouse the cause of prohi
bition in spite of the position of the southern
wing of the party.
Mr. Bryan, however, Is not such a poor
strategist that he does not leave a way open for
a withdrawal, if necessary. He dearly loves to
stir np the democrats, but be usually knows
where he is going to land when he starts.
je Vttraka rmmtt or . ftaus-laa. aa.
Dwlsht Williams, circulation manager of Tit Boa
PuhitntiTns company, belnc duly worn, aaya that th
in monui 01 jaarcn,
averse circulation for
tl lt,"L ....
OWlf.HT WILLIAM 9, Circulation Manajwr.
Suheortbed In my presence and aworn to bafore
. thla 2d dy of April, IS!.
ROBERT liUMTER, Notary Publle.
f nbacribera leaving tb city temporarily
honld have The Bee mailed to them. ' Ad
drtee will be changed aa often aa reqaosted.
April IS.
Thought for the Day
5lctf y Margant Burr
To Inou what you prtftr, iruttad of humbly
laying "Amen," to wAat thi world UlU you
you ought to prtftr, it to havt kept your tout
uUvt.R. L. Stevenson.
Good-bye, Mr. Law-Makers,
Take keer o'
The political trench digging for sapping and
mining the city hall will soon be under way.
It Is be feared our Lincoln frlenda
, will feel lonesome when that horde of lobbyist)
mov out.
The site of the biennial appropriation bills
give the hoarse hoot to windy promises of legis
lative economy. '
: "Don't rock the boat!", has
sound, coming from political
couldn't navigate a waterwagoa.
an ominous
sailors who
Paris decrees that the tango must follow
absinthe Into the discard. Frivolity in the clr
: cumstancs is aa unbecoming1 as cabarets at a
funeral. '" ' i " ' .
', Wltj Chicago and St. Louis redeemed and
S inter wheat humping to Wat the band. It takes
unt ommon will-power to keep a straight face oa
pessimism. .
Peace rumors persist la Europe and, come
from different sources. Though discredited in
official circles, undoubtedly they reflect popular
sentiment. That's aU. '
, i . ., , . .
There is nothing la the governor's veto of the
lighting bill, however, to prevent the Water
.board giving us that Ions; overdue reduction In
water rates, "not nezt year, not next month, but
now." , ; ' ;
If a four cornered finish ficht could be ar
ranged between Huerta, Carranza, Villa and
Zapata, this country could safely guarantee the
Urgent bulletin board crowds since Bryan's first
, Notwithstanding the charges . of r reckless
extravagance against the old school board, the
new board aeems to be discovering that H baa a
bigger job on its hands than it originally fig
ured on. k . ..
a iew nrta or aunsnine on wail street. Is a
godsend to brokers. Nowhere outside of the
fighting sone have the dogs of war created more
'.havoc than in New York canyon of highbrow
The pinnacle of a political paradox U to be
found in Iowa, where the ultra-progressive
newspapers are demanding repeal of the non
partisan Judiciary law on the ground that this
reform experiment has proved a dismal failure
In the Hawkeye state. . ,
' Vocational Training.
Dr. Benjamin Ida Wheeler of the University
of California, la apparently enervated by the
eternal sunshine of the golden, coast; otherwise
he might not Indulge such gloomy views for our
future. "Democracy la disappearing," he aaya,
"and Americans, who rant so much about
democracy, are slipping back Into aristocracy."
On the matter of education, he insists that It is
the solution of our social difficulties, but be
pronounces , against vocational training la the
public schools, saying it is "a trick of the aris
tocrats to sidetrack boys."
Dr. Wheeler should take comfort. If he can
realise it, in the thought that hla distorted views
are not generally shared in by his countrymen
or bis co-workers in the educational field. Voca
tional training does not necessarily mean bind
ing a boy to a fixed position in life, nor la a
liberal education a royal avenue to wealth and
social f eminence. Both are means to an end.
Experience, the only safe guide, has shown that
a vast majority of boys and girls are out of
school and thrust Into Industrial life at an early
age. H Is to help these that vocational training
ia the, publle schools has been proposed. The
dominant Idea Is to fire them such training as
'will be of service to them in the battle of life,
where the entrained Individual la at an Immense
disadvantage. The value of a liberal education
ia sot to be depreciated, but many bachelors of
art may be found driving street cars for 25 to1
30 cents an hour, while plumbers, bricklayers,
carpenters and other skilled mechanics are be
ing paid from 55 to 85 cents an hour.
In the long ran, individual force is the
source of success In life. The rigorous and ener
getic man baa always been, and will always b,
able to command petition and power. Democ
racy la America la not la daager, because cer
tain details of dally existences have been Ad
vanced beyond conditions of a few years ago.
These do sot involve national ideals, and our
aspirations are higher, if possible, because of
the elevation of. the standard of living. Little
likelihood exists of the ton of the laboring man
ia America being bound , to hla father's condi
tlon. It is yet a land of opportunity, .but sac-
cess ever requires ability to plan, courage to
execute, and Industry to persist.
Still, the county officers who spent weeks of
time at Lincoln trying to put across another
term for themselves at the publle crib without
taking the risk of aeeklng re-election are not out
as much as they might have been, seeing that
they kept drawing their ealares out of the
treasury all the time.
Seeing: the Light '
It waa arruad with no attaht effect that the man
agement of Omaha ptihiio utilities la ae leaa "In poll
tlca" under Mr. Howell than It would be under Mayor
Dahlroao, Mr. Howell's partisan prominence and
aotlvtty thus became a heavy handicap to thoa who
ware supporting the (alaotrio light) bill as a nonpar
tisan measure with which party politic had nothing
to do. World-Kami 4.
It is gratifying to note that somebody is.
even at this late day, seeing the light, although
The Bee pointed out this serious defect ia the
whole municipal ownership plan at the very be
ginning. The Bee, and Its editor, publicly
called upon the sponsors of the light bill to
amend it by providing that no one be eligible to,
or bold, a aalaried position under the Water
board la connection with either water or electric-
light plants who should file aa a candidate
for political office or accept a position upoa a
political committee, or within twelve) months
thereafter. Such a provision would have met
the objection to the. measure on the score of
building up a political machine, and with a
further amendment giving the right to condemn
as well aa to buy or build, would have left the
opponents so ground to stand on. But until
now neither the World-Herald nor any of the
Water boarders could be made to realise that.
after last fall's spectacle of three Water board
employes running for office, these suggestions
offered the only road to safety. It is too late
to save the light bill, but it is not too late for
the Water board to adopt a resolution and
spread it on its records, to the effect that any
employe going into politics on his own account
thereby and forthwith dotaches himself from the
payroll for a period of at least a year.
r w mm - m m m-mw
f, , ,
PrtUeat aort of a Sunday, but rather cool foe
pnnf styles.
A number of parties are bains' organised to at
tend the Chicago opera featlval thla Weak.
Rev. Wlllard Scott will be on of tha Judaea of
'he Nhraka colWgit oratorical contest to be bold
it tlaaunaa.
Rev. P. A. Hubbard aucceeda Rv. Blrt Mitchell aa
jeetor of tha African MethodKt tlaeopal church.
omiiit ner iron bt joaepn.
Omaha'a two DiUMUmi are well patronised la fact.
crowaea oay ana nignr. At Wooes museum tae
company holds th board for another week, playing
The Queen's Evldcnoe" and The VlilanUa."
Charlee A, Tagsart has been elected treasurer of
trie new intvina ecnooi oietrtct.
E. I Ertckaon and wit Lav returned from New
Mr. r. E. Bailey, er.. who waa called eaat about
lw aaya aa by tit lllnees of bis atvtar, la back
n win lor c-nerai nouaawork in a. am 11 family It
entea t.y wre. tfeorge Heya, CI Plcaaant ateet
Governor FranHa E. Warren, with on of hi ataff.
t oivftf f k ivl. etopid over la Omaha.
Just aaoon aa a defender of "mere men
appears oa the law-making etage another jumps
to the footlights with a hammer. A New
Torker haa introduced a bill requiring that mat
rimonial engagements, to secure standing in
court, must be in writing and signed by both
parties. At the same moment a Pennsylvania
fathers a bill taxing bachelors for the benefit
of mothers' pension funds. It must be apparent
to the dethroned lords that they must get to
gether and stand together If they expect to be
tolerated in polite society.
The Political Caldron
Sunny Bill Red field of the Department of
Commerce sees more business sunshine in the
Missouri valley than la any other section of the
country. As the chief optimist of the adminis
tration, duty forbids a nod of recognition to a
cloud anywhere. Seeking sunshine is his' exclu
slve task. His scream of joy on finding the real
article in the midwest lends official strength to
the chorus which tickles the ears or the corn
WHO will be the seventh man on the city ball
slatet It la generally believed that th 1x
preaont city eommlsatoners who wer within the fltvt
division of seven at th primary will 'fill In their slat
with a man whom they belleva will add strength to
the slate. 'This suggests th mythological, historical
and sentimental associations of tha numeral aeven
It aeema to be a number to conjure with. It was re
garded with much Interest by th ancients and even
In modern time It la used In many special waya. Tha
ancient Hebrews regarded It as th perfect number
and It appears In th Bible many time. There is
Oreek legend regarding the expedition of th aeveh
heroes againat Thebes, under Adrastus, to aid Poly-
nice. There ar the seven hills of Rome, seven cham
pions of Chriatendon, seven wise men of Greece, seven
planata of the ancients, seven virtue, seven deadly
sins, eeven area of man, seven bishops of English
history and th sewn wonders of the world. Seven
shooters were popular In th early days. It Is said
that th human body changes completely every aeven
years. Th seventh daughter of th seventh daughter
Is said to have occult powers. Thar are seven days In
tha week and an Indoor gam la known as sevan-up.
The seventh chord Is known In mualo. Our oommlaaion
plan of government calls for seven commissioners and
the question of th hour Is, who will b th seventh
man on the city hall alata? Will b be tha seventh
son of th seventh aonT Will h b a aerea-tlm win
ner? Will he know how to play sevan-upT
On of th "quiet" slates circulated oa primary
day bor tha names of Ed Howell and Robert Drueae
low. Th names were typewritten on small pieces
of paper and were handed out to th employes of th
city Water department Voters hav three guesses
as to who got up this state. Anonymous answers
will not be considered.
On of th freak ballots of th day was mad out
by a Fifth ward voter, who drew lines through tho
names of) seventy-two candidates and placed e'eross
againat th nam of Dan B. Butler. It was evident
that he wanted to vote for Dan.
It Is not altogether true that politics Is devoid of
sentiment, romance or poetry. Beneath th skin of
the moat hardened politician if politicians do gat
hardened there lias a human touch, a well-aprlng; of
human emotions and feel Ins a. .
Yesterday, meaning la th broad sense the dsys
previous to last Tuesday, there were pictures all
over town of soventy-three men, ail potential nomi
nees for the dty election of May 4. On Wednesday
th picture of rttty-nln were as so much wast
paper. They war more than wast paper, because
they wer silent reminders of defeat.
Testerday that same yesterday) - these pictures
were pointed to with pride. Friends viewed them
with elation and In many cases they served as re
minders to th electors. In som eases sons, daugh
ters, wives, sisters and others looked at this plo
tortal gaiasy and cherished fond . hopes for th
originals. V .
" Today these pictures seem Ilk ghost of the past,
rising up here and there to taunt men whose bosoms
a few days ago Were filled with bop and whose hands
wer firm when they met their brother men. . ,
"If there is anything more sickening to a candi
date than to see Ms pictures around th city after
he has been defeated, t would ilk to know what it
Is," remarked one of th defeated fifty-nine.
''City politics today ia a docile dlvertlsemant com
pared with what It was her thirty years ago. when
we had th party lineup, elty conventions, j street
parades and orators what war orators,' remarked
the Oldest Inhabitant to, th Careful Observer,' as
this observant and philosophic twain scanned the
"Yes, I remember the times when I marched with
our ward flambeau club. We carried torchlights and
had th town band at th head of th Una, and then
we would hear regular speaking and th candidates
those day were not afraid to bum a few oratorical
shavings," wss the plalntlv reminiscence of th
Careful Observer, aa he pushed a straw Into the
stem of his comoob pip and draw a bead on th
stem to se If the way was dear for his prospective
"This new-fangled schema' has. taken' th pen out
of local politics. It may b a better form of arovyira
ment I ain't knocking commission . government, nor
am1 I holding any brief for John Paul Breen but
life don't seem to have the earn Interest sine w
abandoned party lines In our municipal elections.
Of course, we hav other compensatory features.
such as the movies and Jerry Howard's campetajn
bulletins, but It seems hard to reconcile tha present
order of things. There seams to be a vacuum In our
city politics." , - .
Toe new brooms about to be Installed in
service m Chicago promise to sweep all the
crooks out of the city. The promise has the
merit of no: interfering with the census of 1920
Five years Is ample time for a come-back.
People and Event3
Last year th country, spent SS.aM.OS for salaries
and expenses of boards commissioned to resrutat loose
cogwheels In th machinery of American life. Bach
participant In the spoil regulated th money to th
proper destination.
' Looking over, under and around the SWeltasr case
prompts th Chicago Herald to remark that the tribe
of Harrison, ro tried at th primaries tn March, went
on the warpath In April and swiped enough scalps t
keep them (host-dancing tor th rest of th season.
Th prosecuting attorney of Oole county, Mis
souri, haa tha nerv to- chatlenf e the right of th
stat senat to appro priat H7.00A to defray th ex
pense of Junketing commissions oompoawd of aenators.
Th money waa appropriated by resolution and has
already been paid by the. state treasury. Th hast
of th senators In clutching the money before they
hav begun th junket Jars th sensibilities of th
attorney aforas&id and h has appealed to the courts
to make the honorable members put It back.
"A Martyr to Civic Duty" Is the epitaph Chlcag-o
citlsen would chisel on th monument of th lata
Charles Richmond Haudersoo, dead at th as of 84.
A professor la Chicago unlvaralty. he devoted' his
talents and spar tun to various helpful movements,
from practical charity to orvio betterment. "II killed
himself la th nmaa of working for others," says
th Chicago Post, "just as dearly aa auynaay of our
early buatneae men killed themselves la th barn
of Individual Industry." Heroism of civil Ufa. meas
ured by permanent result, u not surpassed by deeds
embalmed In crimsoned history.
Justlc Merachauaar f Wilt Plains. N. T., for
th moment monopolise th spotlight as aa exponent
of domeauo harm on lee. To a complalnlnsT llttla man
harassed by a scolding- wife th Judge sug-geated
thumb-roinng as sura eura. ? wouldn't give a fig
for an American woman who hasn't any tamper. And
I think they ar going to hav more when they get
the vote. Suppose she ia a little fiery. All you hav
to do la to roll your thumbs around and then roll them
bark again. Just sit sUll and she will tire out" The
juug placed no restriction on th application of the
Twice Told Tales
Kara Llae.
The preacher was a young aaaa and rterveua. but
interesting. He was making aa eloquent plea for th
horns life, and waa descanting eloquently an' tha evil
of th duo. telling his congregation that married wan
m P&niuuiw-enouia spena ineir vning at aora
with their wive and children., "Think, my hearera.
said he. "of a poor, neglected) wlf. all alone la th
great dreary house, rocking the oradl of her sleep
ing bab with on foot and wiping away th taar
With th otnr!" Nw Tork Times.
Not l t Date,
. A doctor of th last generation waa noted for bis
brusque manner and old-faahtond methods. One time
a lady called him in to treat her baby, who waa
slightly ailing. Tha dontor prescribed castor olL
"But. doctor." protected the. young mother, "castor
oil la such aa old-fhkned reaaedy."
"iadam." replied th doctor, "babies are old-fash-
toned things." Philadelphia Ledser.
Brief eantstawVloaa mm ttmy
tafiee laVJtea. Th Be aaeemse
sv respcasfMlrty fee eplsdoaa at
eeya4Bta. AH letter sua
. e e aSeaaatlen by ottttw.
Qaallflea tn Statement.
RED WINQ, Minn., April S.-TO the
Editor of The Bee: Owen R. Lovejoy,
the general secretary of the national
child labor committee, whose exhibit was
shown In Omaha recently under my
charge, calls attention to a statement
credited to me In on of your issues dur
ing; the week, of the exhibit, that children
were compelled to work so young that
they are carried to work by their fathers.
I recall the Interview with your re
porter. He looked for "local color" and I
told him, among other Items cf Interest
that came from those who had viewed
th exhibit that morning, that one visitor
said he had seen oyster and shrimp can,
tiery children on the gulf coast, especially
little girls, carried to work by their
fathers In the very early morning hours.
becauh they were so drunken with sleep
they could not walk.
The national committee Itself has not
had record of any such case so far aa I
know, and I mentioned It only In connec
tion with the Information ' supplied by
your own people In Omaha. Our commit
tee finds It very necessary to distinguish
between facta of its own finding snd
those brought to It from other sources. I
sun sure you wljl be glad to assist the
eaus for which we are fighting by pun-
llehlng this correction.
Membership Secretary.'
Settlasr ka K. of I. Riant.
LEXINGTON. Neb.. April 10,-To th
Editor of Th Bee: Your special from
Lexington beaded "Knights of Luther
Elect Two Men." with the article that
follows. Is one of the most distorted re
ports from a special correspondent I have
ever known to be sent out.
No special fight was put tip by the
Knights of Luther (as stated by your cor
respondent) to secure control of the city
council, and that was not the princtpei
issue. The council, as It was, and now is.
Is entirely satisfactory to the Knights of
Luther, as their Interests are well cared
for. Th principal Issue In Lexington
was. Should the. town have saloons or
no saloons? - And as the Knights of Lu
ther stand for clean, temperate govern
ment of national, state and. city affairs, -
they are proud of the fact that Lexing
ton went dry, and now we want to see
the mayor enforce the law, and! the
Knights of Luther will always aid him in
doing so. I trust you will find space la
your paper for this letter.
LIVs asd Dislikes.
CODT. Neb April 10.-T the EdUor of
The Bee: ) I am a traveling man and
have been buying a copy of your valu
able paper every day for many years,
I feel Just like F. J. Tour space Is too
valuable to waate on Wooater. I doubt
that Jesus Christ could please him.
I enjoy A. L. Meyer's letters. They
contain the truth and good Information.
H Is telling th facts In regards to Wast
Virginia. My nephew travels la that
stat. and since It went dry and the stat
en th verg of bankruptcy his sales hav
fallen oft 50 per cent. All the merchants
are complaining and many traveling men
are being laid off.
As fsr as X am concernM, I seldom take
a drink and- can get along' without it,
but when I look over my sales records I
find 85 per cent more business In wet
tcwnS than In dry towns, and that is why
Z am for licensed bars and prosperity, as
against prohibition and bankruptcy, and
so ar nln out of ten traveling; men la
Patented Oil Processes.
NORTH LOUP. Nb., April ft.-To the
Editor of The Be: The people of Ne
braska dnd the nation ar now very
much Interested In a so-called discovery
ox a proces for making gasoline by pr.
Rlttman, an employ of th Interior de
partment In the Christian Science Sen
tinel appears th following:
Two discoveries, both of seat Import-
nc to American induatrlee. are an
nounced by Secretary LAna of tha In
terior department. They ar chemical
j roe esses developed by Dr. Rlttman,
chemical engineer of the bureau of mines.
One is expected., to enable oil refineries
to lncreas .th output of gasoline 200
per eent.
Tae processes." aaM Becretary Lane,
ar fraught with the utmost lmport-
anoe. Th standard Oil company has
had a big advantage over tha lndnn
dents in th production of gasoline, hav.
In; a patented process of obtaining thro
time th amount of gasoline from a
Fi'n sraouni or , petroleum which the
Independents now obtain. , .
Secretary Lane Is tryinsr to make It
appear that tha Standard Oil company
now haa an enormous . advantage In the
making of gasoline and that th Rlttman
discovery will give the independents aa
equal advantage. Nothing could be
farther from the fact. Last fall I re
ceived a letter from an Independent re
finery saying that they understood that
the Standard people had a process by
which about all petroleum could be mad
Into gasoline, but not "patented-" In th'
application which I mad In 1H for
process for making gasoline, among the
references of possible infringements tie
Standard people were not included, and
that was frtcial. Will Secretary Lena
kladly give tit number of the patent of
the Standard's process? I certainly would
ltk t ae It-
Whan an Invention Is held secretly th
Investor has no right under th law. and
its us must become general hater aa
Invention loses It - patentability. But
th worst aspect tn the whole matter Is
that Secretary I .an has the manage
ment of the patent office and h Is dab
bling In patent rights; and I must ap
peal my ems to Mr. Len for a hearing.
If my applioatloa holds good ,th Stand
ard people cannot, very likely, use any
secret process they may have, because
th principal factor In any process will
more than likely depend oa the super
heating of th oil vapors. There Is where
they aeem to b stuck and they over
looked the legal side of that matter. AU
of this talk for the Independents Is rot
The object Is to give the process to more
powerful companies.
Will President Wilson pleas appoint a
set of men who ar not financially Inter
ested la patent right controversies, sap.
dally where those men ar mad Judge
by th federal statute! I. do not believe
that Rlttman ever made any atenlv
turfy of th subject What Is th num
ber of th "patented procae" owned by
the Standard OU company T- If the Stand
ard pvopi hav no "patented procee"
for making gasoline, what sort of a
misrepresentation ia Mr. Lane Imposing
oa th public, and why Is he maklnar It?
It looks to me more Ilk a Wall street
high-handed psooae to beat tha Indepen
Editorial Viewpoint
Louisville Courier-Journal: "Comfort
ably rich" means to be able to drive s
1&8 automobile without feeling you have
to Hush for It.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: The killing of
American! In Mexico is bound to stop
before long. There will be no more
Americans left to kill.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: The Cnlted
States soldiers who InsUt on attempting
to thrash the republic of Panama with
bare knuckles always learn the valuable
lesson that a gun can shoot, even If it Is
In the hands of a little brown "splggotty."
Indianapolis News: Tlje condition of
our national finances may not bo all that
could be detrired, and our diplomacy may
have some coarse spots In it to distress
us, but It Is a real pleasure to watch
the Industry and efficiency with which
the winter wheat crop Is working- Us Job.
New York World: Lr. Irving; Fisher
tells tho Century club of Boston that
Eurcpeau science baa added seventeen
years per century to man's term of life.
This Is three years more than tb Ameri
can figures show. Still, the war of the
powers Is rapidly taking care of the mar
gin. Buffalo Express: The San Francisco
millionaire, who, after serving- sixteen
months In the Atlanta penitentiary, de
clared that he "had a bully time in
prlKon," might tell bis experience to some
of his fellows who seem to be In danger
of missing such a pleasant experience by
appeal to higher courta.
"Sir. dues your
boy call his dog
"No: whv do von ask hat"
"Oh, merely that I noticed he seems
to like to make It howl." Baltimore
Bill They say a criminal always re
turns to the scens Of his crime.
-JillWhat's th sood If he get sll the
swag the first tFme.-Yonkers States
man. .
'I'ncle !s a mean man."
.!WnHt' th matter with under
Baby thinks his bald head is a big
Esster egg."
"Yet he won t let me touch it up a little
with dya just to pleaee the child?'
Louisville Courier Journal.
"Really. Kate," nald the young man. In
considerable agitation, "I am verv sorry
I lost my head and kissed you. 1 didn't
think what I waa doing. It Is a sort of
temporary Insanity In our family."
"Well. Roy," replied the young woman.
if i-mi ever reel snr more such attacks
romin on. you had better come right
here where vour Infirmity Is known, and
we will take care of you." New ork
Tlmea. V '
?a von think all rniMIc entertain
ments should he censored."
'Yes And Id like to t rr.a or in
"What for?"
'.o as tn be sure of not mlentng any
thing." Washington Star.
im Bwhwsh wx rr is aerum
put A drwa nrST7PSwrmD
It was in a country town rnd the
traveling company was playing "Kichnnl
III.'' The pciformam-e seemed to drg
terribly and the audience became very
"A horse, a horse: my kingdom for a
horse!" roared the actor,
"If ye quit rlow ye'll be able to ketch
the ten-thutty -trolley," shouted tired
voice. '
St. - Louis Poet-Dlnpatch.
A flash 'of color on the city street:
A stir of humor up and down the row;
A dainty tlt-tat-too of pretty feet:
A ahort fray skirt with snow-white
hose below.
A quick alertness In the human flow,
A sudden ripple of infectious smiles.
And here we have It It Is spring, you
, . know '
A'pretty lady In the latest styles!
Ray if the war In Europe caused a dearth
Of dreavy fabrica that the playful
Describes an angel walking on the earth.
And does It best to Indicate her
knees? v
Or la it fashion in her stern decrees
Demands economy in silks and Helen?
Be as It may. In one or both of these
, A lady passes In the latest" styles!
Alas! for those daya when la woman's
face, ' '
Demure and winning, challenged pssK.
. Ing eyes!
We are attracted by a mlnclns; pace.
And Join our fellows In a mltd surprise!
Could human footwear be so wee a site?
We hsd not guessed it till these human
Admit the first of summer's butterflies
A lady passes In the latest styles!
Prinoe, we ar fairly modest, we believe,
And are as adamant to Satan's wiles;
But see us through It while we must
A ladv passes in the latest styles!
nnmum mm n iiih m mi nwa,.
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