Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 2-S, Image 38

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A Picture Story With Just One Word
Copyright, 191S, by the Rtar Company.
Ureat Britain Rights rteeerved.
Drawn fcr The Bee b Tad
Germany Sends America Note Com
plaining Protest Against Block-
aie Accomplith Nothing.
many lias sent to the United States
government a note complaining that
the Utter baa accomplished nothing
in ita diplomatic correspondence
with the allies to obtain for Ameri
can exporters the right to ship food
stuffs to the civilian population of a
belligerent country. The communi
cation Intimates also that the United
States baa virtually aequlesed in the
British order-ln-councll. prohibiting
commerce with Germany.
' (enrettva at Anna.
In view of these considerations
the German government calls atten
tion to the fact that the allies dally
are obtaining - large shipments of
ansa and ammunition from dealers
in the United 8tatea and declares
that the American government, while
insisting on its legal rights to ship
arms to belligerents, does not with
equal energy pursue Its rights to ship
foodstuffs and noncontraband ar
ticles to the civilian population of
. WILsa Remark Cited.
The not urges that Irrespective of the
formal- aspects ef the oueatlon of ship
ping arm to belligerents the spirit of
neutrality should bt observed. In sup
port of this contention, a quotation is
cited from President Wnson'a address
to ' congress on Mexican affairs t
August. UU. when he said: "I shall
follow the beat practice of nations in
the matter of neutrality by forbidding
tb exportation of arms or munitions of
war of any kind from the United States
to any part of the republic of Mexico
a policy suggested by several Interest
. Ing precedents and certainty dictated by
many manifest considerations of prac
tical expediency. We cannot in the ctr
oumittanoee be partisans of either party
to the contest that now distracts tyrxloo
or . constitute ourselves the virtual um
pire between them."
Officials of the Btats department hava
begun the preparation of a reply, which
will be delivered ehortly to Count von
Bernatorff, the Oerman ambassador hers.
Coraplaiat Made Before.
The complaint that nutrel countries
had ' submitted to the Influence of thai
allies in connection with the right to
hip conditional contraband and food
stuffs to the civilian population of a
belligerent baa been made before by Oer
mny In Its diplomatic notes this being
cited by the German foreign office a
. one of the reasons for proclaiming a sub
marine war sons of the waters surround
ing Great Britain and Ireland.- The
United States denied In its reply than
that it had been silent on the question
and called attention to Its diplomatic
notes to Or eat Britain dealing with these
It is euderstood that the reply to the
present complaint will deny, vigorously
that this government bss acquiesced in
ny ay to ths ovder-tn-oouncll and prob
ably will rcfr to the lest note sent by
the United IMatfs to Qrcst Britain argu-
, lug at tansth Ha opposition to the view
point of the allies on tqe blockade ques
A Special
As for tbe utterances of ths president
I on the shipment of arms Into Mexico,
officials here hold that the Mexican
situation constitutes a special can In no
wir oomparable with the relations) be
tween the United States and the Euro
pean belliasrents. Official pointed out
that tbe "prealient said la the same ad
dress to congress:
"I deem it my duty to exercise the
authority conferred upon me by the law
of Miirah It 1311 to sea to It that neither
side of the struggle now going on In
Mexico receive any assistance from this
side of the border."
There la ae law by which tha president
of tha United Jltatea, It was declared,
" nUd exercise the sams authority, even
If be dastred, of forbidding the eaporta-
1 tton of arms to all belligerents, aa to do
so without authority from congress would
be unconstitutional.
Viewpoint at V. B.
Tha viewpoint of tha American govern
ment has beeo from the outset that Its
position with respect to tha shipment of
arma has been enforced Impartially as to
all belligerents, and herniary Bryan's
to Cfcalrma-i Btone of the senate
foreign relations commit tee discussing
this point contended that If tha Oermanlo
allies were unable to enjoy tha same ad
vantages aa to tha delivery of arms into
their country, this was due to the naval
superiority of Ureat Britain and not to
any circumstances over which the Unltod
tliates had any control
i .
t I I
lamu At - iiiiiiirvni nur
Function Given by Eirh Sonool
Cadets On of Koit Suoceii
fnl of Tear. .
The military hen Ktvan at Chambers
last evening .was vary successful. The
hall was daoorated In red and gold and
the programs were in blue and white.
About sixty couples ware present Mr.
and Mrs. H. (X Edwards and Mr. and Mrs.
P. H, Larmon were the patrons and pa
tronesses. Taosa present warai
T4iHe Ostrich
Oladya Croek
Alloa Runhton
Mildred IQwa ,
K. Newbranoh.
rhera HI moo
Florence Oallager
Batrl Johnvon
IVirothy Hohson
Helen van1nwn
' Katharine K'rug
Kvelyn Korlon
Ifelen Prfreeon
Vary Fviller
Hitue Btors
Florence Russe '
fylvla Hover
M. Urlmmell
K'.Hh )IrmOO
Quito F.ddy
lines Becker
llelen Jfanson
Marls liixenbaugh
Marlon Weller
Htrila Robinson
Helein (hrard
Htlr-n Detrtler
lxulse lMmnn
June Oaf ford
Juliet Balner '
Prrothy 1 Hihlman
rrencls Clelsnd
Porothr Balbach
!1y Hhrsmp
rmnne uouia
rorothy Meyers
Isrulyn llolmqulst
MliOrd Hhoadvs
Martha Pmsllrr
Roberta Coulter
raullne Trrut
Hrothy Atklna
Corrlne Elliott
Ieola Ornlen '
MlMr.l CnClns
iHirolhy Klullnger
Nlnrinn 0it
stuldred Todd
Major Robwtt Edwards..
Major Wwln Gould.
Major FMUtp Oil more.
osptain ana AOjuiani ituaaeu iarmoa.
Ceptain and Quartermaster Walter
Captain naipn nenettct.
Caulain 'r J F.yler.
Captain Jaul noutow..
Ileutrnant Prank Carpentar.
iJeutenant Charles feteraeo.
tseutenant John Jenkins,
lieutenant Raymond Kiauk,
Lieutenant James lnwell.
Lieutenant Kenneth wldenor.
'BUFFALO BILL" will henceforth be known aa General
Willlsun F. Cody, because he has been appointed judge'
advocate general of the military forces of Wyoming by
Governor Kendrick,
Russet Beet
lxmald Hall
John MeolMnalg
Leslie Putts
Barry Claiborne
Ralph Ruwell
F.ugen Bnowden
Raul Shirley ,
Edward KuW '
Krank Walker
fYank Cambeir
Robert Mora
Oeorae Riley
Walter Thraas
leyo Crane
Pryce Oa-ford
Harold Psusrharty
Jok 4wart
Wilbur J?"uiaway'
rteiicer iniiit
i Claire Moore
Kobwt Lrfmrala I
Iau4s Herman '
Robert WtW
F.dward tlpfel
Fernld Lovejoy
Porter Allan
Kenyon Hiuith
Lester Klopp
Riuhard raters ,
Chester TrlmMe
Charlea Rareuns
l.yman Rhillpe
K, B. Williams
htuart MaoIonald -John
Morlln Brendela
t'hick Neville
KJiward Iaugherty
Joe Woolery
AVendall Moor
Qlftna Muasrava
Burton Howard
Jack Telser
BhU Ip Obese
Harry Caldwell
Howard Bobannoa
W'yman RobhinS
John Ii
Raymond Bradley
Charles Herrmo
Thompson Wakaly
W alderman
Thumveon ,
Jolui Holmes
Harry Howaa
Greek King Sees Sea Bossie Is to Make
Attack Alone is Vain The Dairies Clean Up
ROME (Via Farts), April 10.-Km
Constantine of Greece la quoted by the
Trlbuna as declaring tn aa InUrview his
belief that It will be Impossible for tha
allies ta foree the Dardanelles without a
combined attack by land and sea. Ha ta
said to have declared that Qreera is la
the same position as .Italy and other
nations which have made military prep
arations, but have not abandoned their
neutrality. While their poettkin was dif
ficult ha believed their attitude would be
guided by events.
King Coostanttna, according ta tha
Ttibuna, asserted that Greeks all over
tha world would return home enthusiast!.
raHy to fUfht for the fatherland if neces
sary, but tbe government must be prudent
and bring about If possible a peaceful
reconstruct km of tha country's flnanclos
which suffered severely as tha result of
the Balkan wara
Dairy Inspector Bossie has started en
his annual spring clean-up ( tha daJrlea
His first move is tha sanding out ef eircv-
lara to elf hty-twe dairies, calling atten
tion to the legal requirements recardlng
clean barns, milk bouses and yards In
a week or so ha will make tba rounds In
person and will serve notices whore neap
eeeary. Ha Intends to place particular
stress upon tka oleanllnesa of tha In
tarlora of barns and milk bouses.
Dairies snust be in approved condition
by May 1 or meat the alternative of hav
tng licenses revoked. Inspector Boasts
reports that si dairymen are building
new modern barns, with concrete floors,
Nothing to Rumors
Of War on Holland
TUB HAGITS (Via London'. April 10.-
Tl etoeeat inquiries made today tn diplo
matic, ministerial and military circles
(ai;4 to discover the reason for the
slaruilng rumors printed yesterday in
London newpeprs relative to the possi
bility of boetllttlrs between Holland and
Germany, or for tbe charging of bigb
insurance premiums.
Nothing appears to ruuvs arisen recently
at any point along the frontlvr which
oulii cause Holland to mum to main
tain its poeilkto o( slrivlttSt neutrality.
Boy Struck Down by
Rockefellers Car
TARKYTOWN. N. T.. April JO. While
John D. Rockefeller and a party of
friends were going to West Point on tha
Bedford road in North Tarrytown In Mr.
Rockefeller's automobile lata today the
machine struck George Bdaar, U years
Mr. Rorkefeltar bad the car stopped at
enoa and ordered his chauffeur and tw
trained nurses among hie party to take
ths boy to ths nearest physician, who
ordrred htm removed to a hospital. There
It was said tbe boy suf Cored from serious
bruises and cuts.
Tbe Bee Want Ads Are Beat Business
Boosters. .
':" 1 Vl 1 .sswssa
' -- l,.a-v',
- ,., i t n !
r : ) D i Hf-
Thief Who Works .
Fish Pole Is Busy
Omaha people are wondering It the flah-
pole thief whe operated so successfully
here a few years ago has returned. Its
used a lung pels with a book a tha and
to fish through opened windows for eVhaw
ever ha might catch.
Several complaints have lately been re
oelvtd at the police station of thefts com
mitted by someone reaching la through
windows at nlgbt. The last complalut
was filed Friday by John Overgard. tot
North Twenty-third street lie said that
soata time Thursday night a thief reached
In his window and stole a watch and
chain. There ta a ohaaoe that all of this
kind of work that baa been done lately
can be laid to one man.
Young Man Hangs
Self After Rebuke
Richard Landrock. electrician, aged &
years and living at all North Twenty,
third street, ended bis Ufa early last
ulfht by hanging, at the home of his
wife's parents. Kit Poppletaa avenue.
He had beea drinking, hia wife declared.
and It was following a rebuke that he
went ta a woodshed and took his Ufa
He used a heavy cabla A. U Williams.
a neighbor found him. but he was then
beyond medical aid.
Ten States tollnter
In Big Drake Relay
Stag Party Held by
( Me'dical Students
Iota ohapter of Phi Rho Sigma medical
fraternity, located at Nebraska Medical
college, and Eta chapter of ths same na
tional fraternity, located at Oelghton
Jkledlcal bald their annual Inter-fraternity
stag party at the home of Iota.
Forty second street 'and Dewey avenue,
last evening. The entire active member
ship, twenty seven for Iota and twenty
six for Bta. was present. ,
Tn students had as their guests autre
members of ths faculties of the two
schobls. ' i
The committees In charge consisted of
Messrs. Roche. Egsn and Martin , of
Crelghton, and Riley, Baatron and
Thompson of Nebraska. The officers of
the twe fraternities whe ware also In
strumental In bringing about the affair
are: Fred ' Nlehaus, president; ' Charles
way, . vloe president; Dwlght Sigworth,
recorder; Darward Park, treasurer; Lloyd
Myers, senior warden; Clyde Undine, 1.
preriaa; Crelghton. B. C. Russum, prosl
dent; B. B. Kelly, vice president; Joseph
Oehlen, recorded; Eugene Noonan, secre
tary; T. Wilson, treasurer. x '
The evening's entertainment eonsistsd
of cards, lunch and music with nt set
speeches. 1
There ,waa some talk among these
present of a fraternity house for tha
Crelghton men soon. At . p reseat the
Crelghton chapter has no fraternity house,
and the present aotlve members, are
planning on undertaking tha preliminar
ies toward the erection of such a building.
It was said that a committee wit prob
sbly be appointed before the end of this
school year to work up ths proposition
among tha alumni, which Includes a Urge
number ef the best known physicians In
Cmaha and this, part of the country. .
Harvest Hand Had
Some Use of Money
Before Was Robbed
W. A. Beard, harvest hand from Orin.
. D., has been saving better than tloO
from hia last summer's wages for a trip
to Omaha
Ha arrived Tuesday. Wednesday he
met Henry Schralla, an acquaintance.
Thursday Soh rails was helping to spend
the better-than-a-hundred-roll. Friday
night Bchraila and Beard atopped near an
alley between Harney and Farnam, on
Fourteenth street, and aa they did so.
twe masked and armed men stepped up
and frtsfced the pair. From Beard they
got aa even hundred. From 8 oh rails they
got a watch.
At headquarters last night when Beard
reported his teas, he asked that gohralls
e sought as well aa the robbers.
"Any way, X spent the better part ef
my roll," he confided to Captain Damp,
DCS MOlNEg. Ia, April 10.-Csoept
Notre Deme, every leading collegiate re
lay team from Ohio to Wyoming and
north of Arkansas will compete nest Hat
urday la the big stadium hare In the an
nual Drake relaya Ten atatee will be
represented and for ths first time the
Vniverelty of Michigan will send a teem-
Other newcomers are Purdue and Colo
rado, while other Institutions oa the pro
gram to oompete are Drake. Iowa, Ames,
Chicago. Illinois. Northweetera. . Wlsoon
sin. Missouri, Nebraska. Kansas . aad
Predictiotta are made that at least ea
record, that ef the four-snlle. now held
by Northwestern, will be broken as a re
sult of the meeting ef aa ua usually strong
band of mile runnera Tea teama have
been nominated and among the forty men
listed there are thirty-four with records
of better than 4 ;a
Don't disregard your eold. Toe, eae
oough. are feverieh.- Nature's warning.
Dr. King's New D Woo very will sure yeu.
He. By all druggist. Advertisement.
, Is Bataay Fret.
lee Mesduws, the Cardinal yovng
pltr-ner, tio has attracted attention be
cause he weare anertaoiee while I'luhinsj.
was botany proteaeor at the Hartter aUU-
lery eoafefeuuy ta UJUorU, u.
Packed House Listens to First Pro
gram Given by This Orguni
' It was a packed that greeted the
debut of the Omaha Elk Male chorus
last night at the Brandels theater.
Twenty well groomed young men with
carefully trained voices performed per
fectly, and their hundreds of friends out
In the front of the house were liberal
with applause.
The Elks' chorus has been practicing
only six montha Previously three
fourths of ,the members had never sung
a note. But under the direction f Prof.
Alexander Emails, It was a finished per
formance that they ears. Ernest A.
Reese presided at the piano and Car
roll Wright was manager for the or
ganisation. "The eaacutrv committee was
composed ef Jerry Latch. Frank C. Mo
Donald and Ernest C. Harwood.
The chorus was composed of A. JR.
Nelson, W. F. Lomatch. P. F. Larson.
K. F. Hatch. O. F- Ellison, first tsnors;
W. C 'Nelson, M. H. Vance, R. Stude
baker, A. J. Van' Kuran and E. F.
o ran, second tenors; F. C. McDonald,
J. W, Arnold, O. C. Kmpey. I N. Boy.
sen, A. J. Alvord. R. V. Oough, first bass;
3. B. Latch, H. V. Hahn, O. A. Schoed
saek. E. O. Harwood aud c: R. W(lllams.
second baas.
"Annie Laurie," was tha moat popular
number, although "Nellie Orey" was
given aa ovation also.
Besides the Elks' male chorus. mem-
hers of the Omaha Chamber Music so
ciety, under the direction of Harry uox.
and a thirty-place string orchestra, gave
selections. Mlsa Bertha Clarke, Miss
Carolyn Hamilton and Mrs. Ernest A.
Reese, also contributed heavily tower
the evening's entertainments ,
Tha affair netted .h choristers a con
siderable profit. It was declared by. the
Woman Ship Captain,
Husband Is the Mate
SEATTLE, Wash., April 10. -Mrs. Nellie
L. Shorman. having obtained a pilot s
lloense for the waters of Puget Round.
British Columbia and Alaska, has bean
appointed master of the steam tug Hero,
of which her husband Is mate, it was
announced here today.
fha lltxi Baby
is World's Vcndcr
Candidates Meet
To Get Acquainted
Harry Hackett, Albert A. Lamoreaur,
John C. Dreael. Harry Zlmman and J.
T. Metcalfe, five ef the candidates whe
wre nominated for the city commission,
met at Mr. Metcalfe's office Friday after
noon. After the meeting was aver it was
given out .that It was held Amply for
ths purpose of getting acquainted aad
that plana for tbe campaign ware not discussed.
At the meeting yesterday Wei tar ft. Jar
dine was unable ta be present. Hewever.
sent word that he will attend a meat.
mg thai wtll be held some' day next weak.
whan campaign work will be discussed.
OTTAWA. Ontario, April 10. Ths
speakar ef the Canadian senate, Philippe
Landry, la en striks, refusing to preside.
The report of the Internal economy com
mittee ef the senate ' recommending
changes tn the staff of employes was
ruled out of order by Speaker Landry,
who claims sole Jurisdiction In auch mat
tera. Tbe ruling was appealad from and
Every tiny Infant makes life's per .
specttve wider and brighter. And what
ever there Is to enhance Its arrival and '
to ease and comfort the expectant mother '
should be given attention. Among tha
real helpful things Is aa external ab
dominal application known as "Mother's
Friend." There Is scarcely a community
but what has lta enthusiastic admirer of
thia splendid embrocation. It Is so well
thought of by woman who know that moat
drug stores throughout the United States
carry "Mother's Friend" as one of their
staple and reliable remediea It Is applied
to the abdominal muscles to relieve the
strain oa ligaments and tendons, '
Those wha have ased It refer ta the
ease and comfort experienced during the '
period or expectancy; they particularly
refer to the absence of nausea, often so
prevalent aa a result of tha natural
expansion. In a little book are described '
more fully the many reasons why
"Mother's Friend" has been a friend
Indeed to women with timely hints. aus
gnrtlocs and helps for reedy reference. It
should be in ail bouea. "Mnt&er'a Friend.,
nay be had of almost any druggist, but If
you fall to flod It write us direct and also
write for book to Bradfleld R'a'Jf C.
403 Lamar Bldg AUafila, Ga,
Suits to Order
325 to $09
Our spring' line is com
posed entirely of exclusive
patterns, just enough In
eaoh fop one. suit, ITjer
fore we make no two suits
of the Bame goods.
Every garment carefully
tailored and guaranteed
perfect in fit and style.
. Tailoring Co.
315 South 15th St.
Captives of Kaiser
Are Nearly Million
AM STBKDAM (Via London). April 10.
A dispatch received here from Berlin
says that on April I. Hi, a prisoners of
war were being held In Oe rmsji y 10. lTt
officers and i!,gu men. Tbe dispatch
gives tbe prisoners by nationality as fol
lows: French. S.B3I officers and M.4IS mas;
Russian, alst officers aad 104,110 man;
Belgtaae. M7 officers and Cr.ttt
Brttisa, SM atficars aad ,M naa
Wlas First aad ftaaoad Frtse against IT starters of different makee la
100-mile race at Venice. Cal. .
Breaks former world's record by IH mllee per hour. If you want all
aawaaa eaUefaeaiea coupled with AaraWUty, eesafort, power and speed
your mount must be a -
Come la and see the M Issjiie laments. .Open every evening till t 'clock.
avha KatanrDU Hu
SToa Leaves worth r. Omaha sTee,