THE OMAHA SUNDAY" MIB: APRIL 11, 1915. 7-0 EMPRESS SHOW MOYED WEST Name, Management and Complete Bill Taken Two Blocks Up Doug-hii Street. OPENS THERE ON TIME TODAY JOSLYN A HEAYY INVESTOR Million Dollars or More Pat Into Real Estate Around Corner of Sixteenth and Farnam. When the several thousand regular na trons of the Emiwm theater loe at the Orsmatle paw of this mornlnre paper to scan the new bill of that theater, they will discover that the Empress has moved ovcrnlitbt. Commencing wITh today's matinees and coht1niiln while Us original Imina Is being cflotely renovated and i edocoratedv the Empress will be houaed in the theater formerly known aa thai American, which will take over the Em- nress name, aa well as the Empress allows, management, staff, policy, prop erties find all. Kver since the Empress opened for IniMnem It has been running; continuously. four popular shows being; given dally hoiit missing a single performance. For 115 weeks this has continued with out interruption, and now the house will he given a thorough housecleanlng. It will be gone over from floor to rocf. from rn.ilti entrance to rear wall, and will re crlve such a process of decorating and re pairing as few theaters have ever re ceived before. ' Manager Ftank Harris checked up his total patronage for the more than twe yoars that the theater has been In ccm ' tinuous operation, and found that the admissions exceeded 3.2S1.00O. Tn cder that the needod renovating and redecorat ing might bo done properly without In terrupting the theater's continuous busl iim, he decided to move the Empress, bag and baggage, to the American, just twa and a half blocks west, right opposite another ef Omaha's popular Institutions, Hotel Fontenelle. To make the change successfully after last night's second show and be ready for the first matinee today In the new euar ,1c rs, was a tremendous tak, requiring the most strenuous efforts of a well or ganized staff of almost fifty men, who began the work late Inst night and will ml finifh until some time this mortftng. Those doing the moving Included the managerial staff of ten men, eight stage ; hands, seven musicians, three film oper ' a tors, five "Only Way" moving van em- ployesi three sign hejigers, six Cusack electric sign men and four Hoepe men to handle the big pipe organ and large musical instruments. Besides that, seven electricians, car penters and carpet men were busy put ting the finishing touches of repairing and renovating to the new home of the impress, other men also started to erect the scaffolding In the original home of the theater last night, preparatory to the repair and decorating work there. The tatter will begin today and be pushed as rarldly as p'nlble. "We can't eay exactly how long the Empress will remain In Its new quarters," snld Manager Harris. "That depends I'pon the, time needed for the renovating, probably two weeks. While it continues, the Empress will be across from the Kuntenelle, with the earn policy as always." . By way of celebration of the move, Manager Harris ha booked an unusually sensational attraction for this' week. It la Taylor's lions, which created so much excitement when seen at the Empress over a year ago. . At that time they '.nearly put their trainer out of business and sent thrills through the audiences, although the latter were, well protected by. strong Iron bars. The lions will head I he bill all week, while three other vaude ville aets and a big film feature will fill out the bill at the new Empress art will be changed' Thursday. . ' College Press of State to Meet Here ' in the Near Future Arrangements have been concluded for the convention of college editors to be held In Omaha April 19 and 20. The va- , rlous college nubllc&tlons out In the'state are being notified and a large attendance Is expected by the committee who have v taken the thing In hand. The convention will open with registration at the Hotel Jxyal on Monday morning. This will be ,. followed by a meeting In the afternoon, which will be addressed by some one of the Nebraska Press association, whloh will be having its convention. In Omaha at the same time. Monday evening there will be a banquet at the Loyal, followed by an election of officers for the coming year. Tuesday the editorial end of the college paper will be discussed, and In the afternoon the editors will visit sev , oral of the prominent Omaha Industries. ' With the help of Mr. Parish of the Com- . merclal club and the Omaha dailies, this will- probably be the largest and bet meeting that the collegiate press have ever had. SPECULATION AS TO BUILDING'S The sale ef the Schllts hotel corner, Sixteenth and Harney streets, during the week to George A. Joslyn for xv.000. coming as It did within two months of the last transfer of the same property. Is said to be another evidence of the al most feverish activity that la being mani fested in the 'downtown property In Omaha. Also It Is asserted that It has shown Investors that Jfloooo was by no means too much money for the corner when the First National bank bought It two months ago, srtnee It Immediately had the offer of an equal amount of money If It cared to turn the property, and that offer has n been made good In the closing deal with Mr. Joslyn. Another thing significant about the sale of this comer Is that It makes Mr. Joslyn'a Investment in real estate In that block In the last thirty or forty days' run well over $1,0:0,000. It wis scarcely that long ago that he bought the Pattersou block In the fame square, but at the corner of Seventeenth and Farnam streets, for $440,000. Now he paid $'00.000 for the Schllts corner, which makes a total of $1,040,000 he has Invested in the heart of the city In a month, practically. ' Joalrn la Not Talking. Mr. Joslyn will not say that he con templates any Improvement of cither corner at once. However, It Is under stood that he would consider the con struction of some largo buildings to suit tenants It the right proposition came for ward. While the sale of the Schllts corner to Mr. Joslyn means that the First National bank, which bought It a fw months ago, will not occupy that corner, but rather will likely take space In the new Board of Trade building at Sixteenth and Far nam streets, nothing definite Is gin out asi to what Is to be done with the Schllts corner. v There is still some talk of the erection of an insurance exchange building on that corner that would be occupied by most of the large Insurance companies of the city. At the same time Insurance 'men are not especially enthusiastic about It, as man of them are so well located where they are In the best office build ings In the city, and would hesitate to move. Another story Is that one of the banks now pretty well down Farnam street would consider taking quarters In a new building on the Bchllta corner. While officials of the bank say there Is little truth to the story, still the tendency of banks is rapidly to climb the Farnam street hill and get as) near Sixteenth as possible. ,Three of Omaha's Hustling Realty Men the home builder at Interest on long time, paying tn small monthly payments. The buyer knows that when he gets the In', paid for It Is Ms arid when a man oa real estate he Is a better cttlsen. 1 ho applies for eredlt. the first questn IS, "Ho you ewn a home?" He Is a fixed member of his community, he t'ftes an In terest In the city government, because an economical administration M rtty affairs will red i c his Uxes, he 6ke an Interest In Improvements In his, "locality, because It will add to the atYaetlveiies of his lot. The story of fortunes made In real es tate In Omaha hwVn been repeited often I and need aa i,connltng. 1, personally, paid man- $-"So0fl In gold for a piece of land that his, mother bought In the "out skirts " of ("Jmaha for 1122. and 1 ran point to scores, of lots that have doubled In value since the promoter five years ago sold thm to different people who bought them on monthly payment for an In vestment. The same opportunity Is open todhy, Rents are high In Omaha, and the surest way to avoid saving money 1 tg keep on renting and the surest, way to get your own home eventually Is to buy a lot In Greatxtr Omaha, the best cltv In the country, regardless of e'se. In which to buy real estate as an Investment very low rate of !to Auditorium on or after April 10 te with privilege of s-cxire reservations; but that application fn peraen at ihe box office will not begin until Wednesday, April &. As printed on the coupon books. Rent room quick with a Bee "Want Ad. f iass"P" xJ ti Pixmottt. rpti4 CmSy Chpties VJUariitx. Ed ward . Noma CITY LOTS SAFE INVESTMENT Better Than "Patting; Money in Bank at Low Rate of Interest, Ex , pert Declares. JTOLXS START SMALL PLENTY By "CHARLIES W. MARTIN. The habit of saving a part of each month's earnings has grown so that nearly .everyone who earns his way through the world saves money In one way or another. There are so many good ways to Invest this Savings account that we cannot go Into detail with all of them, but in this article I shall deal with one form of saving Investment, with which I am familiar, that Is buying vacant lots with your savings and making It an in vestment. Aa the city grows those who want a nice home among good surroundings, such aa the outlying districts, this tendency causes vacant tracts In the outskirts to be developed and In turn furnishes the opportunity for the man of limited means to Invest In a lot, by paying a small pay ment down and the balance In monthly payments. I have studied this situation for ten years and am very conservative when I say that 90 per cent of such In vestors in Omaha In that time have made a profitable deal of it and had their sav ings absolutely safe, at all times, which Is a very important thing. Unquestionably the most Important thing for the would-be Investor to consider Is location, and that means, not only tho particular lot or addition, but the condi tions of the rlty Itself. Just what part of the city to select for your Investment, yon will deride for yourself. New additions aro being constantly opened, by rellitble dealers In all outlying districts and by studying the transportation facilities and surroundings you can determine which will be the beat for your Individual purse. After getting a start toward saving,, by putting a certain amount In your lot each month you will (are money that other wise wonld be foolishly spent. Many Start amall. I know a good many men who own their homes clear of all Incumbrance now who began saving by making monthly payment on a lot and after It was paid for built a noma ana paid for It In monthly payments, no mora than rent, by patronising some one of the several splendid savings and loan associations doing business In Omaha. Due credit must bo given to those, great associa tions for tftelr economical management which enables them to loan ' money to Dr. Towne to Talk Birds to Real Estate s ; Men on Wednesday How much are the birds worth to real estate Values in the city? How much detriment are squirrels to bird Ufa In the city? ' 'These are two questions that the Omaha real estate men want answered. They have Invited Dr. S. IU Towne, ex pert on bird life,; to talk to the Real Estate exchange on this subject at Ihe Wednesday meeting. George G. Wallace brought up the bird subject,. at the last meeting, when he read some figures In regard to bird life In Kansas City and some estimates of what value birds add to city lots. The value comes purely from the fact that a love of birds linger in every human heart, and that where birds are singing and chirping in the trees on a lot a cus tomer will buy more readily. It has been shown that squirrels are one of the great enemies of birds in that they destroy the eggs in the nests. In Kansas City, according to an article pro dace by Mr. Wallucn, a campaign has been carried on for the encouragement of birds, with the result t,hat 1,000 arti ficial, bird houses now appear In a cer tain community of 1,000 homes, and birds are very numerous there. In Hanncom and Riverview parks and, in - fact, throughout the city, squirrels are numerous. They are protected and encouraged In the parks. 'They are pro tected by the state game laws. The real estate men feel that either the squirrels or the birds must go. Interest in Debate . Keen at Bellevue Oratorical affairs are humfilng at . Bellevue college this spring. The state peace oratorical contest will bo held at Bellevue a week from next Friday even j Ing. Three schools will be represented Crelghton, University of Omaha and Bel levue. Frank Barr will speak forCrelgh ton and William Thompson for the Uni versity of Omaha. The pres'dency of the association comes to Bellevue this year because of the withdrawal of Wesleyan from the state league. This tfficer will be chosen within a week. , The peace contest is an affair great interest to the colleges this yrr, be cause arrangements are now being made Tor holding an Interstate group contest at Crelghton university. The winner of tho Nebraska state contest will compete then With the representatives of five states, the winner In this group going to the national content. Dean Fales. who was recently chosen ss the Bellevue representative In the , Ktate prohibition contest at Union col ,eKe, College View. Neb., Is working hard m 1th an eye to bringing home that bacon Freshmen and sophomores are. begin ning to show interest tn the spring . freshman and sophomore oratorical con test, for which the prizes are donated by Mr. J. D. Haskell. MENDELSSOHN CHOIR DATES AT THE AUDITORIUM Owing to an error In the circular adver tising of the Mendelssohn choir some mis understanding has arisen as te the cor rect dates for exchanging the coupon hook at the Auditorium box office. The manajrement wishes to announce that these eoupoa books can be mailed YOU KNEW POSITIVELY tout Home Builders of fered the Barest, most j profitable and mort con vonlent investment to be found, would yon not In vest In It guaranteed 7 PREFERRED SHARES Why not sen 4 tor our booklet, the "New Way." free for the SBklng. It tells all about It. IIOmE BUILDERS! American Security Com pany Fiscal Agls. ICl Soalh 17th ttreel, Omihl V 8. McDOXAIiD. II. rtAPHA-dAN. Manufactareri of all style awnings, tent, paullne. and' stack covers, , wagon eovers, camp furniture. We rent tents !' camp furniture. , NEBRASKA TEHT AtlD AVfUHQ CO., TOO South Sixteenth Htroec. PRGTF. PULS OF BELLEVUE TO SPEAK INVAI0US TOWNS Prof. R L. Puis of the exDresslon An. purtment of Bellevue college this week will begin a series of addresses In the high schools of .the state. Beginning Tuesday he will speak at Tekamah. Lyons. I,owell and Hartlngton: the fol lowing week he will address the high schools at Stanton and West Point; dur lng the net week he will be in Schuyler and Central City. His Itinerary ha not been mapped out more definitely, but more dolus are in prospect. r - 1 11 ; 1 ; 1 t 1 " ' 1 A Classy Bungalow DCBem 1 l i -r i mi 1 , is i ,im,ji ssy-srssiV,-!,.! I . SB BkvMSHB , SB Mi 1 1 I X I I IB If1Jf-'.1 J - M I . I i . . I I I Ps 1 M i . II. i.M mm 11 I I I I I .Villi IsL -I2J 1 ,.. II it'.'Wkli ' I 1 1 mi --7n i , ,-i - ii Liust,- -t . '"vs&fca fsif- II It .11 , III II a OtCONO-n.OSK.&M. " lU -vr T r is, r-w.jrtrrr:vei-if 'jr. .ir-iri?S-rr.rEr .j. -- - -II. t DO DOS THE ARCHITECT T PAXTOX BLCSX STORAGE CO. ;V- II a I IS" i- tarmmv - 1 l ',! The house shown above Is one of the latest - designs from the office of our architect. It contains many up-to-date features that go to make it the popular design that' it la It consists of four rooms and a bath room on the first floor and two spare bedrooms on the second floor. One enters the large living room from a small covered porch and im mediately notices the massive fireplace In the end near the door and the beauti ful high pedestals opening Into the dining room at the other end of the room. The stairway to the second floor goes up be hind tho fireplace. The dining room opens directly off of the i Uvlng room and has a fine oak built-in buffet, which shows from the front room. From the dining room one passes Into the kitchen through a small passageway In which are built cupboards and broom closet for the convenience of the lady of the house. In the kitchen are also built-in cupboards In the end, (at each side of the window for groceries, china and kitchen utensils. Under tho china cupboards are built-in work table with drawers and flour and sugar bins. Everything that a house wife wants Is there In this model kitchen. Even one of those Powell kitchen cabinets that are made right here In Omaha. On of the other new. features of this model bunga- CONTRACT FOR BUILDING VICTORIA APARTMENT LET The contract for building the new Vie. torla apartment at. the northwest corner of Twenty-seventh and Harney streets was awarded by Hastings Hayden to Alex Beck. This apartment will have four-room apartments frontma- south nn Harney street, and eight two-room apart ments fronting went on Twenty-seventh street The nost will be about I4O.A00. contract calls for the apartment to be completed about September 1. CAWAOIBNS STOP IN OMAHA pr-O WIIT WITH DC TIWCf Mr. and Mr I. W. Brlshln of Lacolle, tanaaa. are visiting Mrs. Brlsbln's brother, Joseph It. .Gilliam, paying teller In the money order department ot the Omaha postofflce. Mr. and Mrs. Brlshln are returning from a six weeks' visit to the San Francisco exposition. After leav ing Omaha they will stop at Dubuque. Ia., Mrs. Brlstiln'a old home. Mrs. Bris bln Is the second child and Mr. GUI lam tbe fifteenth child of a family of fifteen children. lpw Is the fact that a small family can live on the first floor and not use the second floor except in case of company, A Murphy-In-A-Dor bed Is placed In the dressing room off of the sun room and this Is swung around into the sun room at night and It serves as a bedroom. The wain feature, however, is the Whitney windows. The entire house Is equipped with these windows and aqy one that has ever had ts?m tn 4 heir home will never want another one that raise and lowers. These windows are made to swing; out and are adjusted by the Whitney hardware that Is used so that every bit of the opening can be cleared and the window stays where It Is put. Any otie desiring futbar Information 1- gardlng the plan should get tn touch with the architect, who will be glad to render his services. Snd SO cents for plan book. Got no to Restilnfjle? USE SUNDERLAND'S Jp ASPHALT tf I I MEANS MOVING TIM ZT But In these daye of modern farTOtfeV yoa hare jio neef of ear that) your household goods will be scrateherf or damaged, especially if ww do your moving. lOur large padded Vans wltu expert mover make movlnn a pleasure Insfesd of a dread, as In the Mn days. '" . Phone or call upoa us and 1st u tell you more aouf fcur 100 , efficient moving service. OH AH A VAN STORAGE CO. 806-013 South Sixteenth St. Phone D. 41G3 .1 (Slate-Faced) Do You Want ' Samples and Prices? "OongUu 2 Si," At Jess than the cost of good wood shingles dipped or stained, you can re-roof your old house or cover your new house with TSrULF INOLJ Reduced fire Insurance cost; longer life; no ooat of up-keep; permanent, fadeless red or green. WKsbV 9b3tssa 3 CEMENT . BLOCKS Douglas ' 4128 Mala. Office and Display Rooms 1 70S-12 Cuming Kt, Our water-proofed, power-tainpnd and steam-cured cement blocks are far superior. In both appearance and durability, to the hand-tamped and air-' eured blocks. Bee that you get our product for your retaining wall, garage, foundation and bassrnenl. Best material for all building purposes. IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. ARTISTIC FACE DMGK Twin City Brick Co., SRM W.-vtAUi,, 4.fSSi41.UWlJs.eJsjsSt -i.l.iu i lisi.i.i.aaii. Heavy Hoisting I Bargains in v c'l' riniHC practically new E. J. DAU1S article9 in ..For Sale" column; read 1212 Farnam St. Tel. D. 353 iu l . . B Available May First We will have a couple of small rooiua; available on the first of next month. i , These smaller rooms are In great demand ana we would suggest your naaklsg Immediate application, If you are interested. . ( The price of these rooms, as with alt of our offices. Includes electric light, Janitor service, heat sad water. Offices are always put in, perfect condition for new tenant and kept in perfect condition for onr otd tenants. THE BEE BUILDING "7Ae building that ia always new' The fact that there are but three vacant offices In the Bee Building is tbe best testimonial we can offer you of service, comfort, safety and location. Suite 222: Suite 228: Suite 505: For Printer This is a very chotoe office on the second floor, facing the corridor around the eonrt. It is par titioned for a very comfortable waiting room and two private offices. It has north light. tTtce, prr month S45.00 this is divided into a waiting room and a smalt trtrate oflfice. It bad two windows facing north and the entrance is from the broad cor ridor around The Bee Building's beautiful court. The floor space Is 270 sq. ft. I Vice, per month S25.00 This consists rf three rooms with two entrances, located facing the court. These offices are light and comfortable and of for a particularly large amount of floor spare for the Small price. This will be rented If desired as two separate rooms. The total, floor space Is 395 sq. ft. Price, per uiomn S30.00 Especially adapted for printing office. This h been occupied by a printer for many. years and on account r,f its location lu an office building and in the heart of the office building district, the location itself Is an asset In this busineaa or any similar business. It has an entrance from the court on the ground floor and also from the alley. There is very satisfactory light and ven tilation It likewise has the advantage, from the standpoint of lnsurauce and safety, of being in a fireproof building. The floor space is l.tSi-feet. Price, per mouth , 8100.00 Apply to Building Superintendent. Room 103 THE DEE BUILDING COMPANY Our Vew Line 1283 W. 0. W. Bid;. Our Beautiful Blanl&v ef Delicate cinaass. koom will tatrest yea.