Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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House Finance Committee Chairman
Has All Appropriation Bills Sent
Automatically to Conference.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. April 10. (Special.) Gas
rule, Cannonlam, Csar nudism and all
those things whi.-h used to b hurlrd at
tha republican parly In past yoara bv
their democratic brothers have Iwn en
tirely overshadowed "by a stunt pulled off
by Boas Norton In the. house. Mr. Norton
haa been given the power to control all
legislation, aa far aa appropriations are
concerned, by his democratic house, and
the members will not be glve'it a chance
to voice their sentiments on the appro
priation bills passed by ' the house and
which the senate has seen fit to raise
Bo anxious is Mr. Norton to carry
through his program of economy and so
fearful was he that the members of the
house will not back him In the test, that
yesterday when one of the appropriation
Ir.Ms raised by tho senate came back to
the house for concurrence Mr. Norton
sent up a motion that the bill be referred
to a conference committee and that all
future bills of like nature be referred to
the same committee, he motion prevailed
suid a committee will be appointed.
This supply means that Mr. Norton has
taken from the house members the' right
to paa or discuss any of the appropria
tion bills which have been raised by the
house aud that they will go to a con
ference committee .automatically aa they
appear. .
He takes It for granted that the house
will not concur and does not even give
it a change to concur in the senate
amendments. It means that no discus
sions can be had on the bill and that as
soon aa reported from the -senate, the
clerk of the house niust feed the bills
iuto the hopper of Mr. Norton' auto
matic fixer and they will be dropped into
the hands of a, conference committee
yet to be named.
Harvard Man Short
in Accounts is Back
to Answer Charges
- HASTINGS, Neb., April 10. (Special
Telegram.) After eluding searchers for
five weeks. Broil Bauer, manager of the
Harvard Co-Operative Grain and I-Jve
Etock company, appeared on the street
of Harvard this aborning, after telephon
ing Sheriff Bonnefeld at Clay Center that
he was ready to give himself up. He had
vilsted Kansas City. New Orleans and
other southern cities in bis flight.
The exact amount of the shortage
Mamed on the management is not known,
Lut the examination thus far Indicates
It will be in the neighborhood of S30.O0O.
A reward had been offered for Bauer's
arrest, Bauer returned 0 Harvard Thurs
day night and joined his family, but his
"jrsence ,tn the ' tv "was not' discovered,
until this morning. ' . , ,' '.
TECUM SEJH, Neb., April 10.-SpeclaL)
Marlon Marshall, 18-year-old , son "of
Frank Marshall, a farmer living "north
east of this city, was brought before.
Judge J. B. Raper In the district court
here Thursday charged with forgery. He
pleaded guilty. Maahall, under the alias
of Clarence Adams, uttered and passed
several forged checks here and at Elk
Creek, early in March, it is .said. The
epoetflo case wu where he forged the
name of Edwin Howorth to a check for
V.40, bought a small article at Harry
Phelps' Hardware store In Tecumsch and
received the -change- The youn man's
father appeared in the 'court with him
and will ask that the son 'be paroled.
Judge Raper took the matter under ad
visement, aa - he wished to Investigate
young Marshall's conduct up to the tune
of his forgery trouble.
A continuance until the May term was
granted in the ease wherein George D.
Rothell, aa administrator de bonis non of
Mrs. Charles H. Dennis, asked that M.' E.
owan ana htuk xj. umimore d
restrained from disposing of a not of
S2.82L given thara by Mrs.' Dennis for
attorneys' fees and expenses in matters
they were handling for her. Judge Raper
issued the restraining order.
County Treasurer Robert N.' Kibba has
appointed his son, Clara O. Nlbbs aa his
deputy. .
YORK. Neb., April 10.-(Speclal.) The
Woman's Missionary association ef the
United Brethren' church convened in that
church Thursday for a four days' confer
ence. Friday afternoon Mrs. A. T. How
ard of Dayton, C, who spent tour years
in mission worn in At lira ana iirieen
years in Japan, delivered an address on
"Womanhood as It Is rr. Japan." Rev.
N. H. Huffman, auperintendent of mis
sion work among the Spanish-Amerlcansj
in New Mexico, gave an address Friday
evening. Rev, and- Mrs. E. J. Price of
the Philippine Islands delivered very In
teresting and instructive messages., Rev.
Mr. Price is a member of the faculty of
the Union Theological seminary at
Rev. and Mra. C. E. Spore, who have
spent ten years in Canton, China; Miss
Matilda C. Weber, who la a missionary
In the Philippine Islands, cud other mis
sionary workers apoka today. .
i FALLS, CITY, April 10. (Special.) The
announcement of the approaching mar-
riage of Mine Mary lne of this e-rty and
Hchulock Watts of Clearburne, Tex.; was
given out at a party held at the home
of MIbs' Lane last nlglit. MUs Lane la
a popular society young woman and will
become the wife of an old schoolmate
on June 2. She will go south to be mar
ried at the home of a school friend who
will be one of the pcrty to a double
wedding. Her home will be at Clearburne,
i where her prospective husband has a
position with a railroad.!
It Really ! Relieve Rheamatlsut.
Sloan's Liniment does give almost In
stant relief. Nothing better for rheu
matism, backache and sciatica. Only Sc.
Ky all druggists Advertisement. ,
Traveling Men to
Hold Annual Meet
In City of Hastings
The Nebraska division of the Travel
er's' Protective asrnrtation will hohl tho
annual meeting In Hastings Friday and
Saturday, April 16 and 17. It Is exported
that the Omaha post will send seventy-
five to 1U men and prolably the total
Attendance will rvaoli iSi,
At the ilnstlnsn meeting 'delegates .will
I selected to attend the national meet
ing, to be hdi in Omaha June 14-19.
Tnere will also be th unnuttl el-ition of
At 1 o'clo.-k In the afternoon of the
first day of the Hastings meeting there
will he a p.irailc. An hour later h vis
itors will be taken to the base ball park,
where they will be guests at an auto
polo game. At 4 o'ciixk the convention
will start, the mayor of Hunting und the
president of the Chamber ot Commerce
delivering addresses, which will be re
sponded to by Prescient Hung of the
traveling men. The balance of the time
of the two days will by devoted to the
transaction of rotitlno business.
Appomattox Day
At Grand Island
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., April 10. (Spe-cial.)-The
fiftieth anniversary of the sur
render of Lee at Appainattox was cele
brated an the city thisyvenlng- with a
fine program under the (auspices of the
Grand Army of the Republic at tho Grand
Army of the Republic ball, and ab tho
oldlrs' home this afternoon. At both
ceremonies B. H. Paine was the mum
sneaker. The rest of the program con
stated of .vocal and Instrumental music;
At the Soldiers' home there were nine in
the audience who witnessed the sur
render, they being P. E. Carlton, James
Pry. D. C. Vinson, R. Rumbarger, It C.
Wyman, R. MoClanahan, J. U. McKee,
P. R. Vose and Lewis Craig, all members
of the home.
DAVID CITY, Neb.. April 10. (Special.)
The appointment of Thomas J. Hinds
aa postmaster at David City has been
announced. Mr. Hinds has been a resi
dent of David City for a number of
years, coming here from a farrrt in this
county, and is at present engaged In the
banking business, fl O. Hall,, retiring
postmaster has been in charge 'for more
than twelve years, receiving his first
appointment from President McKlnley in
IMS. He was reappointed by President
Roosevelt in 1907t again In 1911 and by
President Taft When Mr. Hall took the
office it was third class, and paid the
postmaster $1,600 per year. It is now a
second class office and payer 12,300 per
year. ,
GRAND 'SLAND.Veb., April 'A (Spe
cial.) Chris Pope- was arreted and
charged with providing liquet for Win
who was on the forbidden list. He
pleaded 'guilty and was fined fn the sura
of $100 and costs and went to the county
Jail for a stay In default of payment. He
was an Intermediary between the saloon
and the forbidden man, and he Is not in
the business. The authorities are on the
trail of another similarly "accused.
Apartments, fiats, Mouses and cottages
can be rented quickly and "ieaply by
Bee "For Rent" ad. ? y
Accountants representing Barrow, Wade
& Guthrl of Chicago and New York have
rompleteoVa check of the' accounts of the
Metropolitan Water district for 1914. The
directors of the water district will con
sider this report at a .meeting next
Wednesday afternoon. The audit extended
over a period of six weeks.
Mrs.. Minnie L. Forgey has been granted
a divorce from Samuel A. Forger sn
grounds of desertion and nan -support.
Mrs. Olive E. Graves has filed suit
against Theron D., alleging cruelty,
Albert Frosch charged Nannie with
desertion and cruelty.
William M. Mahoney, defendant In, a
divorce suit Vrought by Mrs. Myrtle Ma
honey, denies that .he.-waa ever married
to the plaintiff in an affidavit filed In
district court ' and asserts that she was
employed by him as a housekeeper. .
Do You
Want To
Get Well?
Tou can not get well until
you can quit catching cold
three or four times every
season. One cold seta you
. back more thgnyou can
gain In six months.
Peruna will - fortify your
system against colds.
rXSTXToT Mrs. Rosa A. Kiea.
of Kansas City (11$ Clinton
Place), says: "I can cheerfully
reeommevd Peruna to any one
who is troubled with catching
cold frequently. Peruna is the
remedy for any one who haa a
chronic cough or chronic ca
tarrh. It will break us tho'
habit of catching cold."
Betty Bellairs
- 4 r .
V1 it :' v
I- s W
St'.-- ' I I
.. . , C
Take , Important Position of ' Lei
Epargei,' : Dominating the
, , Plain of Woevre.
PARI8 (Via London), April 10-The fol
lowing. French official statement regard
ing the, progress of the war(was issued
tonight: a ' '
"After a new and brilliant attack the
important position of Let Eparges. which
dominates the plain ot Woevre and which
the enemy defended obstinately. Is now
completely in , our hands. . Wo carried
yesterday 1,500 metres (about 1,000 yards)
of trenches - and - this - morning the Ger
mane held in strength on the plateau
only two Isolated positions of. some
metres. ' We carried these this afternoon,
taking 160 prisoners. Ws have thus at
tained one ot the principal objectives of
our operations of the last few days.
"Further to the north in the forest of
Allly we have maintained all the ground
gained 100 metres on a front of 400
metres and repulsed three counter at
taoka. "In the forest. of Montmare .the Ger
mans made fifteen attacks to retake
trenches ; which ' we ; wrested from thetn'
yesterday.- They wr repulsed fifteen
times, t IJaps of Gorman bodies are lying
on the 'ground.' k ' ' '
"On the rest of the. front actions to bo
reported are as follows:
"In Belgium, near. Pre! Orach ten, the
Germans by an -attack occupied part of
a trench on the left bank of the Tser.. .
' "In Champagne ' there have been In
fantry ' attacks of quite local but very
Dr. Bradbury in New Offices
Who's Your Dentist?
You, who desire the best dental service
for your tooth troubles, investigate
Good teeth 'are absolutely necessary to good
health. The right care ot the teeth and the right
dentist to serve you will do more-to keep you
Dr. Bradbury's Teeth Without Plates will satisfy you In very way.
They are made and placed In your mouth for keeps.
, . Fillings from $1.00 up. - -
' ' We Issue shoppers Mileage. ' :
Railroad fare for. fifty miles allowed. .
I 20 Years la Omaha. '',
ai-Ba Woodman ef the World VULg., 14th and Varaant
rhoas 9. 178C Boars to Mondays, 10 to ia.
Rheumatism Can Be Cured
Why suffer when the new treatment will positively cure Rheumatism
in tea days. Stop suffering and avoid serious complications which may
bother you for life. Call or write for testimonials and. full particulars.
814 Bee Building.
Don't Lot Our Low Pricoo
Prejudice You Againct Us
Our dentistry is just as represented. We are build
ing for the future on a foundation of good dentistry, at
reasonable prices with a long time guarantee.
Our work mut "make good." '
' . Above. Prices Good Until May 1st. ' ' '
Latest and Dest Methods of Extracting Teeth.
Hours, 8:8U A. M. to 0 P. M. Wednesdays aud Haturdays Open
Until 8 P. M. Sunday, 10 to 1.
14th and Fanuon 6ts., Over Union Pacific Ticket Office.
..... Phone Douglas 2M72.
at the Hipp
vigorous character. ' ' To ' the ' north cf
Beausejour. the Germans endeavored to
retake part of the trenches lost by them
laat month. They were mown down, ex
cept at one point where they suoceedett
yAterday evening In Installing themselves
in an advanced French position. Today
we made a counter attack. Wa recap
tured the place and pushed the enemy
back to his former position.".
Culls from the Wire
The earnings of the Panama canal in
March were the largest' of any month
since. It was opened. These exceeded by
5140,000, the previous record made In
anuary. March earnings were fifi0,7M.
The receipts in January were Kl,n.
Forect fires In the ' monntalns in the
southern part of Kentucky had gained,
such' headway Friday as to threaten
villages and isolated homes. In Pulaski
county the fires are reported beyond con
trol and working tholr way toward the
Tennessee line.
William F. MoCombs of New York,
chairman of the democratic national com
mittee, . who stopped In Chicago on a
personal business trip to the west, ex
pressed the opinion that the recent re
publican mayoralty victory in Chicago
was due entirely to local issues and
would have no bearing on the presiden
tial election .next year.
An ' eight-hour day hi place of nine
hours for women employes of the West
ern Vnlon Telegraph company will be
put v Into effect In Its larger offices
throughout the country the first of next
week. The order affects about S.000
women and girls on day duty. Those em
ployed -at night have been working from
seven to seven . and one-half hours.
Manufacturers, of Illinois. . and other
middtewest states woubt 'have a quicker
and cheaper .means ot transporting their
goods to th Paciflo coast and the en
tire , Mississippi river valle would be
more closely connected, were plnas ad
vanced at Ottawa,' 111., by Oovernor
Dunne. In aupport of the proposed water
way, which would connect Chicago with
the Mississippi river, t - -j .
young and happy than anything else. Dr. Brad
bury specializes in. Painless dentistry. Ills ma
terials are the best, methods, absolutely up-to-date
and best of all he doesn't hurt you. . You who fear
the dentist's chair should not hesitate la, deciding
"Who's Your Dentist." . .
Omaha, - Nebraska.
Verv Best -Heavy (M AA
Gold Crown, 22k. . . .ieUU
Best Bridge Work, AA
per tooth $ieUU
Finest Stiek-tite. ffH rp
Rubber Plate. . . . . . V I 3 u
Best Silver Filling. . . . . .50
11. 101.'.
Chateaubriand, with Cargo of Chalk,
is Torpedoed bj German Sub-
marine Craft
LE TREPORT, France, April 10.
The French three-masted ship
Chateaubriand, from , London for
New York, with a cargo of chalk, was
sunk by a German submarine off the
Isle or Wight at 11 a. m. Thursday.
The crew was saved.
Captain Grondln and the twenty-four
men aboard the vessel were given ten
mlnutos by the German commandsr - to
launch their boats.' The Chateaubriand
was then torpedoed.
. After drifting about all day and all that
night In bitter cold weather and without
food, the crew sighted the French coast,
landing safely.
The Chateaubriand, a ship of ,0i tons,
sailed from London on April 4. ,
ftteamshls) EirskM la Storm.
NEW TORK, April 10.-Offlcers of the,
steamer Hungarian I'rlnce. which reached
here today from Phlelds,. said that the
steamer was pursued on February M by
a German submarine oft Bearhy Head.
The weather was rough and when tho
periscope of the 'submarine was sighted,
the steamer put on full speed. The cap
tain said he could not tell It a torpedo
Was fired, but thought the submarine was
unable to get In position to use one. It
Chased the wtearhcr for somo distance.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a I
Bee "Fo Rent" Ad. , :
rass 'Ked
lmtmmti-U- .taa, M;
I!! 1 1 I ill .
, i in in iri in ir i i a
This is the Handsome Brass Bed that
people" are refcrrinff to when they tell vou
that ,,lhibelfs give'a Brass Bed FREE with every outfit." It's a full size, guaranteed
Brass Bed, massive and substantial, two-inch: posts, fine bed. Fihe'present'one will
De given aiis.oiuteiy lrec with
Well made, genuine solid
oak, no , Imitation. Big
. Talue now.. ....
Others at
H)-CARTS , ,
Positively the best values in
Omaha, improved carts.
Easy to operate, strong and
durable. Three specials on
sale, prices
flS.75, ftf.70.
I Typowrltorc
For Ron t J
any make you want - I
and Up Per Month ::
:: Central Typewriter Exchange
Phone lxug. 4121.
' EICX.U81VB N. " "'om,T
War News' ulu..
1 In Addition to
Fifteen Dollars
A Key
If your limit is $15, this
storo will show you what
values really are. . But
don't try a long range
judgment. You'll have, to what we can give you
for $15 before you'll admit
we arc talking facts when
we tell you that theso
Suits and Top coats are
ctyamonly spoken of as
$18 to $22.50 clothes. Full
ORBortment of all sizea.
Lower Prices.
ORBortment of all sizea. v -. fc JSjl'f "
$15. -m
rW lOth St. Window
. NT. 16 J afTi 10 WAN? T ffl '. , . , , ,
i i !;' -tf.jv - yt " b I
IL.. . , - . .i.i...iaii i"IiT j
every purchase of $100 or over.
1 , mm 1 1 jim.iiw ..mi ill. I l,. ' ' ' i
HnuillcMt dowiit iuyinents ftii.l the amallest monthly
payment a, mott libernl rotirenMiotis at all time.
$6.75 J Ml
A very neat appearing Rocker, Just as pic
tured above. Upholstered seat and. back.
Now at about half real value, dQ "7C
only , , .... Pa7slO
1513-1515 Howard Street
Tts World's Sixteen Crucified Sailors
or Christianity Bsfor. Ohrtst.
Containing- Nw, Ktartllna; nai Bxtranr
dlnary l(evelatfnns In JteliKlous His
tory whioh disclose the Urlnntal Or
I tdn of all tli Doctrines. Principles,
freeerpts in Mtrai les of the Christian
New TBtKtniit, and tHirnlHlies a Key
for Unlocking; many of its Haorei Mys
teries, beuldea Coiiiprlslna; the History
of 1 Oriental CrurlfleJ Uods, eto., by
Oloth, i.5 STet.
- Sent postpaid on receipt of prloe.
V. O. Bob ISIS. Tew Tork.
MiuLroom Crowen and Dealer
4 f. : fera-rir-tJKr
to Clothes Value
be foiLty !
i bbww r i a - .
"rv r5p!& .r?8'
k X . t . V . . I 9.. Vi
With Every Outfit '
Easier Terms and a.
A good roomy Buffet, solid
oak, lined silTerware draw
er. Specially CfO 7C
priced now at P i Os f O
Special', . front Icing, roomy,
guaranteed for, economy of
ice, durability and general
satisfaction. t i p ft
Sale price... 410.0
100 efficiency that!
what yoa want when you i
place an order for engraved
J plates. 1 We put tnao in
j tar work, we hose work-
... ti.t i.
n tJtst sve etui ttij upon.
pv ... m . " 1 f
r i t r, J ' '