Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 3-C, Image 27

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    llirj OA! All. A iMjAl'Al tir,l,J AI'UIIj II,
JiKAHTlFUli new home of 7 larae rooms
.na oacn: large with f iw lawn and
ad. OH tlVftl street rlnne i im r n.1
n select neighborhood.
T h l hnma la illnn.i.l,lM i
----- ... mivu.iiij iiiiniri n mill
Tlrst-clAss, finished in oak and Wrch and
nicely decorntcrt. Any rasonnhlp offer
ronatdereq. CnM morning. Kvans.
15,000-Ono of the finest new brick brtld
tng In the city of Omaha., located on the
west aide, overlooking Hanscom I'nrk. All
the downstairs Is hand deoornted and
hand painted; sun room, sleeping porch,
end everything modern and ip-to-late.
u-e in iryiim io nesc rine H. it must
re acen to be appreciated. We will take
any person there who Is Interested, and
"how it to them. i
!,(M.X-Jiist north of Joslyns castle,
one of the 'niMt beautiful nine
room, two-stjry houses In the
city. Four rooms on first floor;
four bed rooms, everything up
to date. Any one who Is Inter
ested In a classy house should
ace this. It would be too diffi
cult to describe. If you are In
terested In such a house, call ns
up and let. us show It to you.
lHnf ask for number or lo
cation. (7,000.00 Here Is the beet house In Omaha
for the money. It has ten rooms.
One block from Hanscom park,
on 33d street. Faces past. Close
to old Holdresce home. It wai
built for a homo by one of the
best contractors In Omaha. He
has gone to Chicago and wants
to dispose of this at once. Bvery
thlng Is modern and up-to-date.
Kverythlng of the best material,
i location one of the finest In
Omaha. We wouldn't attempt to
describe It, It must be seen to
be appreciated. For anybody
Interested In this property we
will have an automobile at their
door whenever they say they are
ready to look at it.
17,000.00 A strictly modern 8-room house;
four rooms down stairs and four
bed rooms; hot water heat,
three blocks from Harney car
line; near 2Mh and Capitol Ave.
Built less than six years ago,
and In fine condition. Good
f.,SOO.00 This la one of the best bargains
in Omaha. A two-story fc-room,
large building, on S2d Ave.; ifi
blocks south of Hanscom Park.
Strictly modern, hot water heat,
fine shade trees, best car line
service In the city; Jl.nOO down,
balance on good terms. Don't
ask for numbers, ask us to
show you. Will have automobile
at your door if you are inter
ested. $4,976.00 In Dundee, on North 60th Ave.
A very handsome ft-room house,
highly finished, . strictly modern
and up-to-date; first floor has
three rooms and large recep
tion hall; three good bed rooms
' and sleeping porch, large attlo,
cistern, garage, grults. shrubs,
roses and other flowers. This
house la wortn a good deal more
money. Owner leaving the city,
must sell. Call us up and let us
how you this house. If you are
Interested we will send an auto
and land you there in a few
We have a large number of housea in
all parts of the city for sale, ranging in
price from 11,000 to 118,00ft each. Come In
and look our list over. We have houses
at all prices, and all terms, and a great
many to trade for other property.
Loan. Real Estate, Rentals and Ins.
W. M. NASH & CO.,
Phnnur Office. Red 323S: Sunday. Harney
3127. 0i Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
Field Club
Corner Lot
Southeast corner of Turner Boulevard
and Topoleton, ! ft. frontage on the
boulevard. One of the very finest lota
remaining In this splendid district. Will
lx sold subject to restrictions Insuring
that nothing but good residences shall
be built.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler V!.
statk rank
$150 Cash
Palance like rent; ( rooms, all modern
house, with sleeping porch; close In; one
block from crosstown car; open for In
spection today, 133 S. ifth Pt. Telephone
Tyler 1M2-J.
T rooms, all modern, birch finish, ex
cellent condition, fine east front lot, pav
. . : i- .!,
eta street, wim ibuib ji.ii., .
neighborhood. Just one block north of
Field Club, prfce only $3K). will grant
leriua n neeu ire.
U2 Brandeis Theatre Bldg!
Brand new. strictly modern, 6-r. bunga
low. LIVING room across front of
house. DINING room haa window seat,
Plate rails, panel walla and bookcases.
BUN. room has four windows, can be
need as a beoroom. LAKUE KITCHEN
TWO - BEDROOMS and bath on second
floor. Rooms finished) in oek. Oak floors
throughout the house. FULL. CKMBNT
BASEMENT with laundry faculties and
floor dfnln. Guaranteed furnace. DANDY
CORNER LOT. 6uxm feet. Paved street.
Close to Windsor school and car. For
price and appointment to see this dandy
J(6 MoCague Bldg.
Douglas WA
Turner Blvd. Home
Field Club District
$11,000 v
Handsome -room . residence. Large
square house with fine sleeping porch, hot
water neat, new ana expensive aecora
tions. Interior is arranged with central
hull, living room on one aide and dining
room on the other; lot Wxll6; paving per
petually paid; good garage, with cement
drive, zou can t beat tins lor tne price,
and it location is the best. . Owner will
carry back J6.000 at 6 per cent.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg
8-Room Dwelling
Field Club District
Price $4,700
Worth $6,500
In spite of the low price this U a. high
grade property. S. E. Cor. 30th Ave. and
poppleton. Modern, hot water heat, cor
ner lot, oaa zimsn anu nours aownstairs;
both street paved and partly paid for.
Purchaser to assume balance of about
This is the best bargain ever of
fered In this district
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
"West Side
Bountiful 7-Roorn House
Easy Payment Plan
This house Is modern throughout, faces
east, located hnlf block from car line, has
brick fireplace at south end of living
room, which Is very large. ,
There is also a largo sun porch, besides
dining room and kitchen on (trst floor.
The three principal rooms are finished
In oak. with oak stairway In living room.
There are three nice largo bedrooms and
the bath upntairs. -
The rooms are beautifully decorated.
The house is heated by furnace, and
there is an automatic gas heater In-etrl'.ed.
Terms of Sale $500.00 Cash,
Balance $50.00 Per Month
Telephone owner todav for further Par
ticulars. CALL WALNUT 6X2.
3226 Webster St.
Eight-room modern, practically new. full
basement, all In first class condition;
owner lives in house; open for Inspection
any time; convenient to Hsrney and Cum
ing St. car lines; only H,W; easy terms.
$15.00 Cash
and $15.00 per month buys you two of the
choicest lots In the southwest part of
the city, at the northwest corner of 43d
and Jackson 6ta. Only two blocks from
street car and these lots win De wortn
more money In a few years. If you
want to make a good Investment it will
pay you to see about these lots.
Dougiss ano.
Creigh, Sons & Co.
80S Be Bldg.
For Sale
Five-room house, modern except heat.
Everything in good condition. Part cash.
balance montly payments. 2715 8. 21st rU.
West Farnam
S-rm. modern house, oak In main rooms,
hot water heat; lot 60x1.
8-rm. modern home, corner lot 50x133,
full cemented, cellar, near car line, nice
Business lot near 10th and Howard,
good aised; trackage; priced right.
American Security
Doug. sOll.
Walnut 3037.
House Well Built
This a a new, attractive modem 7-r.
residence, first floor bas a large living
room with brick fire-place and built-in
book cases. . ..
Dining room, with built-in buffet; three
corner bed rooms and enclosed sleeping
porch on second floor. Stairway to floored
attic, larga lot.
Only V block from 38th St., where lota
Ion. are worth what is being fcked for
this entire property. Biasy terms.
location, 3t& uauionua oireei.
George & Company
Douglas TfS. $02 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Fine Lot Near
Creighton College
Northeast corner 28th Ave and Weuster,
4&xl59 ft.; room for two houses; paving
on both streets In and paid for. Lot is
fenced with nn Iron fence and Is .un
doubtedly on of the beet vacant lots In
that district. Price, $1,800, and on very
eaay terms, or owner will tske a little
less for all cash. Go out and look -it over
atid make us a proposition, as the owner
Is very anxious to dispose of it and will
do business if your proposition Is at all
Payne & Slater Co.
6I Omaha National Bank Bldg
Tyler lWi.
State Batik Bldg
4206 South 12th St.
4-room modern house. 5 years old; trees,
fence, full east front lot, walks; cost
owner $2,400; price cut to $1,700, but we
want an offer. Must be sold. See it to
day. Berka & Musil
3G3 Bee Bldg. Doug. SStiT
Offer Extraordinary
- Homes' ,
826 and S3? 8. 28th St.. two good 7-room
houses, each on separate lots 48x140, with
street paved and aid for; the frontage
is Irt feet by 140 ieot in depth, has
natural ehade trees. Is close in and a
jiiobI excellent proposition.
ttont houses are in splendid repair, all
modern, both had new furnaces in
stalled last fall, with newly cemented
These two lots are worth the price we
are offering the entire property for to
day both houses rented for $J6 per
month each. Owner wants about $1.5ijO
cash and balance in monthly payments.
Uo not disturb the tenants. I will show
you through.
F. H. Drake .
Douglas 3706. 714 KrandeU Theater.
- Field Club '
Iarge living room with Gum
wood finish. The maxtrr bed room l ss
large aavlhe living room. It has two
large cloe Two other bed rooms with
ample rlosets. Also s sleeping purih.
Maid's room on third floor with hot snj
oold water. Heated garave
1.' II nl'VMBR
3214 CENTER ST. DOUG. 7406. "
Forced Sale
6-Room House
27th and Davenport
Owner faces foreclosure must sen his
home at once. House Is all modern and Is
in fairly good condition. large lot, 60x
132 overlooks boulevard. Price has been
latSoo now cut to $2.!V tW cash will
handle deal, call us Monaay morning
someone is going to pica up a Dargaln.
The Byron Reed Co
Phone Douglas 287.
212 South 17lh.
West Farnam
317 So. 33d St. H block to Farnam car.
seven rooms, three .on first floor, oak
finish, four on second floor, wnite
enamel finish, and two finished room in
attic. Hot water heat. Tiled vestibule.
Tiled bathroom. Price, $ti,M0. Reason
able terms if desired.
Alfred Thomas
3UM First National Bank Building.
7 Sold; Only 2 Left
onlv 20 minutes
VAH) each, $10
lacn ua turnrr.
walk west from pout of flee;
casn anu i per wee.
O'Keefe Ileal Estate Co.
1016 Omaha National Bank. Douglas 2715
Stucco House.
West Farnam
This is a very attractive a-rooni house
on a corner lot, 47x132, facing eaat. Fin
itthed in tilgheat grade quarter-sawed oak
downstairs, birch and inuple above. All
the fixture are handaoiue and costly.
Fireplace. Music room, solarium, rn
cIuomI sleeping porch, tiled bath room,
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
JfOK HA I. E By owner at HM California
Ut., U-roum iraine. and stucro house,
strictly modern and up-to-date. Finished
dovkftstaiis In qiiarter-M wed oak with
l,uilt-tn buffet and Uxikraws. I'pMairs
finished in birch; all floors througtiout.
it would pay you to see this. Open today.
phoiM Harney &&.
We have bought that great
tract ,of ground lying north
Miller Park
. and extending from
24th to 30th Sts.,
out of which we are going
to make the finest sub
division ever put on the
market in Omaha at one
time and then sell the lots
at such ' ' :
,' and on such
Easy Terms ;
that every ' man can own
a home in a
Fine Residence
- j
It will be called
"Minne Lusa"
Full announcement of im
provements and prices in
a short time.
Charles W.
Martin & Co.
742 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
A leanun sal of lata In this new ad
dition now going on.
I,oosted In West Farnam and Cathedral
districts; close-in and moderately re
stricted for residence purposes only.
10 minutes from the downtown district
all grades establlah.d and (IRADIMi
JM"NE and HUAKM TREffi planted.
Every lot panted to grass and parked.
Consider the location and the nrlces of
these Improved, large lota;
$318 to SD6.
Terms to suit and liberal building ar
No better rallies are beln. nttrA t,
Omaha at the present time.
Take any West Farnam car. go to 43d
and Iavenport 8ts.. and see tha buildings
ana oiner improvements under way.
Ten Iota sold Isst week:
homes to atart this week.
four mere
For further particulars
Shuler & Cary
124 Stat Bank Bldg.
West Farnam Dist
6 Rms. & Sip. Porch
Nearly new. Oomnletelv modern Verv
attractive residence near 86th and Dewey
Ave. Is In such perfect condition that it
wouia ie impossible to spend one dollar
on the house. Is rth well. over JS.lOl.
but owner is leaving town and wants
quick sale. Don't fail to see this.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler im
hTatk bank m.rxv
30th and California
8-R. and Sleeping
Also Fine Garage
Located at UG North 30th'. Retention
hall, living room, dining room and kitchen
on first floor; 4 fine bedrooms, bath and
sleeping porch on 2d floor. Finished with
quarter-aawed oak on first floor, except
Kiicoen. strictly modern in every wav
and very complete. Paved street, paving
Mia, one-nair diock irom Harney car
lino and within walking distance of the
retail district. Within S blocks nf Kt
John' church and very convenient to
ootn (Jatnolla and Protestant schools.
This Is an excellent opportunity to buy a
line nomn close in wnera tne locality In
good. Thl property Is entirely sur
rounded by good homes. .,
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
irmsna xnsi I nann Bldg.
' West Farnam
Restricted Lots
$700 to $1,500
Facing tavenport, Wakeley, Chicago,
Met ween 41st and 4.1! Pta.
Forty lots to choose from.
All Improvements In.
I'avlng paid.
location high and attractive.
Fine homes all around,
t'los to Haumlcrs school.
On the Farnam car line.
Prloed at less than half the former
tlet our plat with prices.
Armstrdnpr-Walsh Co.
Five rooms and bath on first floor.
Mslil's room on eecond. Large living
room, built-in bookcases, buffet, etc. Hot
water hent.
M feet front by 13J feet deep. Some old
Improvements. Harney 8t. Is showing
unmistakable signs of a sma.ll boom. The
last, chance to buy cloee-la property oti
Hirney 8t. St a bargain price. Only
J. N. 8NITZER. 43 Taxton Blk. 11. 21S1
I WILL sacrifice my all modern home of
7 rooms. 4173 Chicago St. Have fine old
shndt anil fruit trees; substantial walks;
hot water heat, electric- lights; south
front lot. Neighborhood of Increasing
values. I will le home all day Sunday.
Call and sec me and make me an offer.
No agenU. Tel. Walnut Z7.
Fine Homes
Field Club District
The following homos iu this excellent district are now tin
der construction and will be ready for occupancy within the
next thirty to fifty day9.
If any of these interest you, we woud be pleased to finish
the hottBe in the way of interior decorations such as lighting
fixtures, stain of woodwork, wall decorations, etc., in accord
ance with your wishes, and wo will make terms very satiefac-j
tory indeed. J,
No. 3328 Walnut Street
Has a larg porch across entire front, Urce venUbule and coat closet;
with plate flasg mirror door, beautiful large living room 1616. oag fin
ish, beam ceilings, fireplace, bookcases; dining room beautifully finished
In oak, buffet, china cabinets, window neat beam ceilings, slab door to
butler's pantry. This pantry Is exceedingly large and roomy with built
in cupboards of the latest and moot approved design, with small closet
for table learea, brooms, etc Kitchen Is complete In every detail, with
built-in, latest design cabinet. Clothes chute to basement; large rear
entry for Ice box; rear porch; beautiful oak stairway to second floor! four
large bed rooms with mirror doors; complete bath room with cloth
chute to basement; stairway to large attlo over entire house; basement
under entire house, with laundry room, toilet, fruit cellar, floor drain,
shower bath. Price, 16,150.
No. 3319 Walnut Street
A house somewhat different In design from' the above, but practically
the earn slse and finish. Price, $6,250.
That you may know whom some of your neighbors will be, we wish to sttte
that we hare built and sold oa this same street and In this same addition costly
homea to the following pnocle: O. H. Miller, Pres. Omaha Crockery Co.; Wat
son Townsend, City Kngineer; L. A- Keller, Western Manager Studehaker Co.;
R, v. Howaa, raa, R. N. Howae Co.; F. MoOlfartn. Capitalist; U H. leader.
Manager NaturalStona C.; M. L. Rowe, Capitalist; D. P. Abbott, Capitalist; T.
D, Burnett, Praa. Burnett Hardware Co.; R. M. Jones. City Editor World-Herald;
A K. Hollcroft, Vice iTne. readers' Bupply Co.; J. C. Oerspacher, Ass't Manager
Studebaker Co.; U. 8. Whltmor. Agt. kinlnger Implement Co.; K. H. Norrls.. V Ice
praa. Norrla Norria; Dr. W. H. Latey, Dentlat; W. H. Yohe. Prea. Updike Mill
log Co.
40 BFE m-no.
Norris & Norris
i. :.
6 Room
Stilcco Bungalow
Built from selected material and "work
manship, artistic design, conveniently sr.
ranged, tiaa-targe living room with fire
place, beam celling, built-in bookcases:
dining room with china cabinet, besm
ceiling panels and plate rail; den with
corner beams; closet, with mirror door:
French doors between dining room and
den: bathroom with tile floor. linen closet.
medicine cabinet and clothes chute:
kitchen with built-in cupboard and large
sink;, nice pantry, lea box room at -rear
entry; basement with stationary tubs,
Hudd water heater, floor drain, coal bin
enclosed dust tight and A-l furnace;, up
stairs Dearooms very large, with 18 win
dows and 4 large olosets and toilet. A
beautiful, convenient" well constructed
home built from "the best of everything."
nair casn required.
922 B. 8th fit. Phone Harney Jill, Owner.
High Class
Residence Lots s
Suitable for a Home
. or. as an Investment
For Sale oh Easy Monthly Pay
This is one of the best Residence Locations in Omaha. Car
line runs right by the addition. Values bound to increase.
Prices'inchide following improvements
' In and Paid for: ,
16 Beautiful . New
houses have been
built here
already. 1
Established, grades.
Boulevarded streets. .'
- Cement walks. Trees.
Water and gas. ;
Will call for you with 'car.
Telephone Wal. 682 toflay.
Call Doug. 2926 any day next
Benson Garden Acres
One of the Richest Dairy Farms in Douglas County is Being
Subdivided and Sold in Acre Farms
Close to Car
Convenient to School ,
Near Churches
Handy to Market
On Paved Road
Raise What You Eat
Have A Big Garden
Grow Your Own Fruit
Have Flock of Chickens
Keep a Cow
Hold Your City Job While You Pay For a Little Farm
Remember! One Acre is at least 6 times as large as a regular City Lot and you can buy ont
acre in Benson Gardens at the same price as you will have to pay for a City Lot and save ty
ing so many Special Street Improvement and City taxes while you are paying for it. Acreage
property has always proven to be the best investment and always will be when close to a lary
city like .Omaha. " t
Free Jitney Ride
Bv cutting out this advertisement and giving it to the driver at the end of the Benson car
line in Benson Today, it will entitle you to a free (round trip) ride to BENSON GARDENS
today, or any day this week. Children without their parents will not be entitled to a free ride.
It is only six blocks to Benson Gardens from the end of the car line.
Salesmen will be on the ground all day to show you the unsold Acres of the first tract.
Write your name and address on the blank line below if you want to use this for a fre
Jitney Ride.
$10 Down, $10 a Month Buys An Acre
$20 Down, $15 a Month Buys Two Acres
You never had n better chance lor a better investment. Why not start now .
Come in and talk it over with us, or come right out to the ground today.
Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney Street