- TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY RHE: APRIL 11, 1915. 2-C I5K.1L ESTATE nSCKLLAKEOO Sholes' Specials Southwest im 5Vv VHh Ava, Uric. well built m1 wood, with nurd wood floors, f'lrna thing tlrst dees. Oarage. Full Int. eity nniloim to sell tt. Want an .KV-A RKAI. Ht NOAITW Israe llvlrt finished In quartor mwhI oak; two lsnly kitchen: fine plumbing, hot w fan sell on eesv term. ts.JW 8uth of Hinncnm rark. on the P with bin living room, dining room. room; sleeping porch: full lot. Hon . bottom. Oak floor throughout. L Easy Terms H. 150 Dandy rood l-mom cottar, locat leaving the city want to dlcnoee of larmi O.TCoA dandy rood comer gungalow, Ing room, dining room; two good b and east front romr lot, with pay rer and three blocka frm Hinanni not care for thl one. Murt bo soil an re aame aa rent. tet us show J4 Afln.lrt and Podge H-if.. well built, we room with flra place, finished In o ' full basement, with laundry; three mense; flnlehed In white enamel wf. home. Must be sold. Want affrr t)undee rr.WW-VFRT ATTRArnVK. HOT WATER inflATED MOMrT beautifully ar rnrd living room, connected with aun roomi fire place, built-in bookoaaea; ' handsome dining room, built-in buffet: central hall, vestibule, dandy con venient kitchen; four larae bed rooms on aecond floor; one arranged for sleeping porch: all finished In white enamel with mahneany doora: lance rlnerta, splendid bath room; large third floor attlo which could be finished off in at least two good rooms. Be utlful location. Let ua show you. D. V. Sholes Co. k RulMtfl. ! 013 City National Bank Building. Bargains in Dundee .''''' - U.tte-FWa-room bungalow, strictly nil modern, with large attlo and full 'base ment l conveniently located on Davenport Bt., near filst. e.Sn A larre bungalow with 4 rooms on one floor, room for two or three) more rooms above: oak woodwork and oak floors; tn first-class condition through out: full south front lot, high and sightly. . . M.HO Ml N. 4Mb (tt.. new house. Just completed Inst fall; very attractive; has living room arrangement, dining room, kitchen and sun room on first floori I nice ld rooms, ttie hath room end sleeping porch aemd floori full attlo and base ment; oak finish. Will make the terms very reasonable. IVbCft-Overlooklng Happy Hollow, T rooms with fireplace and built-in book- (; beamed ceilings; dining room, kltchun, reception halt, with closet anl mirrored door: t bed rooms on second floor, one an enclosed sleeping porch: full cement basement, with KVx furnace, and brick foundation: garage and, drive tlay. hown by appointment. m.ono-rn Chicago t. Thla very attr line. Is one of the best Values In Dundee. ' Ing room, fireplace and bookcaaea built dining room witn rrencn ooors 10 porcn, and a room off the kitchen which can b en the second floor are four nice bed re and complete hath; oak floor through CKSh 'WIll .handle, House vacant and op Vacant tsoo Full lot on paved street, with all Improvements In. Two blocka from Un derwood Ave. car line. - i 1 1, soo Capitol Ave., between 9Ut and Hh: paving all paid. Ctitapeat lot tn Dundee, 1,1So North front on Ird Bt., hetw een 60th and tlat; high and sightly, and v.r desh-alile. . !.)' North front on Cvmlng St., be tween' Mat and 63d. II 4oo Pouth front lot. tMrertooklng Happy Hollow Circle, with paved alley. I1-"X. paved alley tn rear: one blotik to ear tine; all taxes peld In full. , These era all full lots, well located, chuap at prlcee quoted, and aura to be worth the money. . '' Glovcr&Spain i tl- City Nat I Bank Bldg. r - . .. . i i - i . . This all modern, 8-rooru Very desirable neighborhood, olic and Protestant church and i owner leaving city. Will sell liko rent. Buy direct of owner 4711 North 29th St. Will show Homes V s re selling a great many homes thla valurs to our klients. Take this Ual and iem Just as represented. $2,500 els KORTH TH STREET A good l plete tn evvry rep-t. lull bssenwnt. cemented: god furnace, fine deejrattons. and everytntng in iiri-i..s snape- tou can ouy this for l-ie rash and small mvnthly payntents far the balanue. and aside from being barter thaa reiiling It ta a t!iiy goa ouuse ana a goou utaiuio., $3,600 CROWN POINT AVENVE-A California bungalow, built ea arttstte llnea. modern and complete ta architecture, arrangement and finish; t large rooms, sua rK ci. large floored atuc. tine baaoment. cuitented. There is only one other la tent lot tn there blocks oa thla street AH the hvuava are new and fine. Coma uui tooey ana tuos it er. 52,650 jiS CROWN FOINT A charming bang an Large ruonia. inn mnmtsi, moura . vme iw loo.y aaa ia h ever. S4.100 Urt UAl'RKL AV1TNTK A fine twe - sp'fntij:y built, completely raeira and 'tnweir catuu.l. huiil-la tu!fr Urge tttliig mum. t beautiful bedrooms and bath. This ia oa a eutmt of all saw bomea, la Laaralioa add.Uoa, ape half blua frvoi tt laua. WlU b otmm today. Coin out aa4 it wcr. $5,000 The aauttswee eerwer of tha Ttoreaoe "truir( Waj." c bto.k lr ear. with curaer lot. a T-rowan. all motrw frajua tml .1 t,.!.., built rUl and rlaatw4 nl Utag rut-m. ttuuag riu, kucta ard sua twra vm tirM fWr; I ftae betro.ui wrta bathroom oa aacaal liv.r All i(ml tuiiTn wils id fir. Toa ul like il. Cuik u( today aad " Charles W. Tyler UT. RK.iL ESTATK MISCELLANEOUS ranged C-room house, finished tn hard ce heat: beautifully decorated; every A 11 specials paid. Owiwr of this prop offer. g room with flra r'e; panel dining room nice large bad rooms, breakfast room, ater heai; everything up to th minute, oiilevsrd. dandy targe oak ftnlahed house, tin porch, kitchen; four nice big bed ea finished In hard wood from top to a ml y place. rd at Wt ft. SMh fit: f1 Pl. Owner all Omaha property, will make very easy moms, full lot 1110. Oak finish In Hv- ed room and bath; nice kitchen. Fouth Ing all In and paid for. One block from Park. Owner hue a larger house, doee at do oe. Will take 1300 to tuOO cash, bal you. Il arranged, 4-room house, large, living ak. dining room, kitchen on first floor; good atsed bed rooms, one of them Im h mahogany doors; nous built for and will make good terms. Douglaa 4 active home, located' between the ear On the first floor there la a large Hv In, a nice den with French doona, a large complete kitchen with built-in cabinets, used for breakfast room or maid's room; oma. Includlnc ennlosed aleenlna porch tit and nicely decorated throughout 1K en for Inspection today. Lots Douglas SKL house must "be sold this xreok. located convenient to both Cath- school. Will sell very cheap for five hundred down, balance and save money. Located at I any time, or call Doug. 100 year because w effar netMng but go look at these house you will find - rooro. all modern house, new and com 4xoa lino It. alow tn Mia Isle addtlioo. part atvtceo. ana comjjeis ia every eerie el the wrd. story aouara bausa. good looking and us-to-4Ule ia ev mrr rcsoect: bulit-ia Boulevard and Elllaoa aveaua. mm th Martin & Co. TO Omaha Nat. Baas Bulg HEAL ESTATE MISCELL INKOt SRKAL KSTATF M ISCELLA X EOl'8 REA L ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Lots in 7 Different Ad ditions To Select From ' a A clean up sale of the unsold lots in Maplewood, Institute Place, Lincoln Heights, Creighton's 2d (Bungalow City) and Hitchcock's 1st. Twelve lots in Westmoreland, three lots in Fontenelle Park Additions. This will be your last chance to get real bargains on edsy terms in this neigh borhood. COME OUT TO THE SALE NOW Y OFFICE ON THE GROUND HOW TO REACH THE SALE Take a Deaf Institute or Benson Car, Get off on Military Avenue at the Corner of 44th and Franklin Streets SEE THE MAP BELOW CLOSE IN LOTS LOOK AT THE LOCATION i' ' jr. e i - 't - t 4, . it - f r 1 f t ti M: is 1 -w -V -. Ki . 1 :, e . J.Vaa . , 0 Build jing Lots . .BUNOU-OW C1TT." ICrelgutoa Id Add.) aa ad dition of neat and baautlful modern bomoa nber ad quata buildinj reatrtctlona protect future and your Investment. "A nice place to build a moderate priced modern Bungalow. High clasg lota In a flue neighborhood, on car Una, with the city Improvements. Including city water, ewer and sidewalk all In and paid for; gtreeta and lota rrdl. Big lota with plenty of room for a nice lawn and yard for the children. Cloa to school and a 20 mlnute ride to the busineai dletrkt You will like the lota. COMB OUT and pick YOURS flrU I REAL BARGAINS Ganlcn Lots vritlt ricli, black, fertile soil where you can in abundance. A bis? garden half. A home on one of these i)S in 250. TELEPHONE WALNUT 1968 . YOU 1IAVE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Telephone for full information and reserve a lot until you can reach the ground or ask to have an automobile I an auto to any part of the city I WHY NOT YOUt BRING A Larger payments will be will be pold at bargtdn prices. ' " " '5 " ' A jMsU.a. It v it s t A Big Sale of Three Classes PRICES: $95 TO $600 Only a Few Slightly Higher. The majority of the Lota will be old on tha terma of $1 Down & $1 a Week . A tew of the higher priced Lota with modern street Improve menta la wlU be eold on terma of , S10 PER MONTH GARDEN LOTS and a flock of chickens will cut lota will help pay for itself. ' i ' i free, a our mend made money . . DOLLAR and Select a LOT required on a few of the higher priced lots. Fine building sites x OFFICE ON THE GROUND Get off tha car at 44th and Franklin and you will se our office. WHEN TELEPHONING WALNUT 19G3 Ask for H. H. Bilby ' . N V ' ' V' - y. 1 1 r-" , a . 9- .. e . , ' it jr.- izvy-V' of Lots Investment Lots .Lota at very low prices for Investment. Located where the present develop-, ment Is bound to make them Increase greatly In value. n Investment in well selected real estate la the aafeet and surest way of making money on your sav ings. No better values nor bet ter chances of making money on a small Invest ment will ever be advanced for your consideration. COME OUT and let as SHOW YOU our Investment Lota today. raise 6mall fruits and vegetables your grocery and meat bill in Special prices on "Garden Lots" sent after you. .We will tend by investing in real estate v I :. it ' I " REAL ESTATE XOUTH SIDE New Modern Homes Nowhere in Omaha wHI you find homes built more sensibly than these. DeslKncd hy an architect who realised that provisions must be made In wall siiace for furniture, still bearing In mind the peed .of sufficient light. Tou could not bare designed better It you were building your own home. Toticvn Ave. and Blnney, ona ijui nuuu, bock from y,, Kennedy school, one block from car line. New cars, good servloe. PTJ1L.T BT CAREFTTLHUILDERS, ma terial selected by careful buyers, built to give satisfaction and last will 'sell on t-rnm. Uet off Dodge car at 10th and Blnney (Northeaet corner of school grounds) and go one block east. look at them today aa they are priced to sell. Traver Bros.- 705 Omaha Net. Bank Bldg. " Doug. 11 S3. Tntf 2852 Blnney Ft, und 3fi23 Sherman Ave., sold this week.' Strictly Modern Home iklt Lincoln Boulevard. A new, etrkHty modern 11-room house, hardwood finish on both first and second floors, with I nioely finished bedrooms' on third floor; hns hot water heating; very fine fixture: large pantiiea and refrigerator room; full cemented basement. This' house Is lo cated on a south front lot, and the boule vard, and rlfht In the very heart of Bemls Park, alley Is paved and all specials paid. Will make ao Ideal home for any one winning a house of this size. . iTtce ji,wt. : G. W. Garloch Tel. Doug. 1818. . 230-82 State Bank Bldff. Open for Inspection . TODAY. S518 NO. 19TH ST. THE UOT East front on Boulevard . No special taxes, beautiful shade trees, cement walk. THE HOUSE. Six room on one floor; -nodern, except furnace; oak floors; beautifully decorat ed: combination llghtlnr fixtures! Price. $-$73, ,a small payment down, balance seme aa rent. w. ii 2f.lt! No. 19th St.' ' Adam eon, Owner, A Real Bargain $670 Fowler Ave., a -room, all modern home, built th-ee years. IJvIng room and dining room finished In oak. Two fine rooms and bath upstairs. Hun room and sleeping porch on east side of house. Good furnace and large cemented base ment. Three lota (corner). E0xl3 each: cherry, plum and apple trees; gooseberry I Dusnes ana grape vines; plenty of ahan trees. Also a good barn or garage, slxo ItixSM, and a chicken house 12x2;. witn cement floor. Owntr leaving town only reason for selling. Don't fall to look at this place at once, tt la a bargain that wont last long. Price, $4,000. Terms ran be arranged. Hastings & Heyden 1514 HARNEY ST. Garden Lots $200 to $250 $5 Down; $5 Mo. Ni, liI.Ml mr.A - . - . ..v. . . . " " . . lii . inn, They are located one block from cr line from the postofflce. All of these lots are. level and on the established grade. Good soil and desirable for small homes and garden tracts. Shuler & Cary Phone It. 4iu. state kana Bldg. Clairmont Home $4,400 - Clairmont is one of the moet desirable restricted reeideiu-e districts. This house, on a high and sightly lot. ficlng east on the boulevard. Is one of the moat attrac ttta in the dlntrlct. Blx rooms and bath. Oak floors throughout. Oak finish don stalra. Bed rooms finished In mahogany and white enamel. Equipped wito every modern convenience. Don't fall to see this place. You wl'l like it and tha price la rUht. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1636. STATE BANK BLDO. 6 Rooms Modern 4721 N. 36th Ave. Large Lot 4 rooms on first floor, t rooms on sec ond: built 4 years. Lot t0xL3. Lota of frtnt and shade, only ltt blocka to car. Hastings & Heyden HASTINGS e HEYDEN. 1414 Harney St. Beautiful Stucco Brand new, oak finished stocco home. on high and sightly corner lot near Hem Is Park. Fine oak finUh, find place; tiled kitchen and bath: fi large light rooms and attic above. A fine buy at U.TIjO, and terma can " arranged. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON fioa State Bank Bldg. Doug. 3330. ALL MODERN residence, large lot, fine view; a bargain at U.(M. North 47th at. P. N. JilcCOY, Til State Bank. those Doug 1011 K. E. W EiT East Side of Dundee 6EVEN ROOM MODERN HOUSE 1 blocka from car Una, t3.ut; want of. fer; terwa can be arranged. Shuler & Cary t State Bank Bldg. Phobu Lt. 4S3. CA STERN OWNER OFFERS AT A BARGAIN T-HOOM MODF.KN BRICK HtLK AND LOT Sx7 feel HH Ike Street. For qul.a sale U.Zjtf. It will vmy you to InveetUata li. W. BINDER. S3 City National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglaa W Modern Bungalow Cne of the best T-roont bungalows, full basement. Lrlck foundation: oak finjah. bevkcaea ana ourteia; torauoa ir, ivil Ave., ona block from M:lier park Pnoe right Bleaae call oaner. Web. 4i7. $000 CASH Nearly new. 4 rooms, eak finiah la liv ing rootua. aeing rouna on seiXMxl f Uw. full tissiem.-nl. ail muoerm. suum front 1-4. oa paved straet kxated on 'ort at. prk-a, gl UA; M a montn. C. G. CAILBERO r.J Braadeia Tnaater BMg flKAL ESTATK--XonTII SIDE $300 Cash S35 Per Month ' H17 Kvans St brand pew modern home, lanre living room, vestibule en trance and coat cloaet, dining room, with paneled walls and window sei. ainu'-ii. tine pantry and vestibule, all on first floor; three bedrooms, sun room or "m- v mer sleeping porch and bath on second floor. Th s Is a well arranqrd and beau tlfullv finished house; plumbing gnd heat ing guaranteed: house hs Jiist been decorated on both flows with expensive paper. Full set of screens and shdee go with the house. Yard is nicely sodded and street la paved. Go out today. Tenant will be glad to show you through. t Pavne & Slater Co.l - 6l Omaha National Bank Bldg." BUY THIS BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW ON EASY PAYMENTS 'JUSTvCOMPLETED Thla house has sis rooms. Is all modern and is beautifully finished In oak In principal rooms. It has brick fireplace In living room; large full cement basement, and arrangement ts very convenient, tlcctric fixtures and decorations left to cholue of purchaser. This house is located In one of the prettiest of Omaha's new home building additions and is only V block from car line. Terms, $3?0 cash. Balanoo like rent. Will show you thJ house today. Call me by phone, VValnut 682. E. P. WEIGHT, Call Doug. 29M any day next week. $200 Cash and $25 Per Month Buys new. all modern. 8-room house, lo cated one block from car line ana two blocks from school; In good north aid location; well built and reasonable price. ' Be sure to call about this today. Phono Walnut 6S3 tonight between 7 p. m: and :20 p. m.. or call Douglas M during daytime. E. P. Wright VACANT tf'xlIS, corner lot. lava fine, with, paved street; reduced to $S00, and is a stjap for home. Northeast corner 27th and Decature.' F.C.Best Doug. 3M4. ftEAIj ESTATE NORTH BID IB Bargain in Stucco Bemls Park district, couth front, six large rooms, aun room, sleeping porch, beam ceilings, fireplace, etc. Price re duced, J4.760. Call owner, Douglas- 30C6. Bargain New stucco, sir rooms, sleeping porch, sun room; fireplace; beame1 ceilings; located In Clairmont. Call owner. Doug' las i76. ' BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE One seven-room ' house with sleeping porch and den downstairs, finished ea In oak; good garage; &0 feet from mala en trance to Miner para on boulevard, call owner for price. A bargain If taken at once. Walnut 1218. - - . o . NEW DESIGN "in a t-reom bungalow; has oak finish In three rooms, ' one a sun room, beam relllng, bookcases, window seat, fine laigj kitchen, with convenient pantry and Ice box room; furnace heat; cemented base ment: fine lot; paved street; close to car: ! i?c,?eVr 19lh nd K,71..Et", PI,to'' payment. RASP BROS. 104 McCagne Bldg. Douglaa 1M Two Nice Homes Cheap Beven-rootn, all modern house, built t years, large lot, south front good loca tion 2418 Charles St.. price only $3,350 for quim smxe. Five-room modern cottage and barn, large, east front lot. nice shade, 3918 N. 23d Bt: H.664 takes tt. C M. Rich, H. 6l3a Bargain For Someone Seven-room aood house, etre wtr eleotrto light and gas, large barn, chicken house and fruit, lance lot. rlnut to House alone worth the ntoner. P. J. TEBBEN3, 80LE AOT. 405 Omaha NatL Bk. Phone D. Z182. $3,000 S room, oak finish. Junt a c-y home, all m.Ktern. bath room elegantly fur niehe.j. cetrent baimeitt, south front lot paved etreet, paving paid, Juaa a little north of Bemie Bark. C. O. CABLBERQ 1 71S nrandts Theatre Bldg. e ItOOM TWO MOkY Oak finish, full cement basement, afreet paved, haif block to car. Terma. ADAM GRANT. , e Web. 4TT. Hi BrandeU Thea Doug g3 UNIMPKOVELe KOBHT" 3 lota. ISth Sherwood Avenue. City water sewer and gas ia Street. Will sell on easy payments or will build to suit. W. H. CHARY & CO. Ponton Block. Telephone Tvler 4. e OCMJL) SIX ROOM HOLSt HOT WATER HEAT. FOR ONLY $3,200.00. Vestibule, hall, parlor, dining room and a good size kitchen, three bed rooms, large basement. House was built by owner (or hi home. Lot Wxia. with a drfecway to a garage: on paved street; near X. MtO Bl. car line; fine neighbors. W. H. OATE3 447 Omaha Xsfl Bank Bldg Doug Y NINE-ROOM HOL'sE modern. iltX and Grant fits, one block from tar. fair coodition, prtoe. ti.7e; barn. C. W. Tm.eya, Apartment i, Tha Thorvald. I hone MUST SFXL Nearly new, all modera, a-story. large rooma beet orner let and houaa In Kountse Place. H . Fasy terma, bH Ptnkney fit. Webeier Kja EAaY T E KM ri Li FTU.N' HILL Four rooms and dVn. electric lighta. lovely east front; an story, almoat aew; curm-r ioc aUp renting and buy thla for tl.4i. Terms, 15 caah. . thopea it Co.. is Htate Bank. P. 344, WILL feEI-L AT SACairiCE, separate ar cwtiectively. 4 kouMI ranging frnta 4 tA 4iooaiast2Mh and CaMaieil; waiklrig durtance ill take small payment aowa and baiancw montaly. v omnrtr aa M b-strn bldg iMMiglas vm MRh'TLT nwT. tea flnuta. new bungalow; Uit 16.; 1 block to car; scuta aloe. Hoae ta I. N. McOOY, m State Bank. Tet Daogtaa Ml