nrw-rr he. Omaha-' Sunday EE PART THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. OMAHA, SUNDAV MOUNINU, Al'lUL 11, 1915. KiNULK COPY, FIVE CENTS. VOL. XliIV NO. 41 B MMDS 1 WANT ADS Want ade received t any time, but to Insure proper cmstioaiion mint be pre sented bc'urn 13 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for mo-nlng and Sunday editions, want sra received after such hours will be under tba beading. VrToo Let a to Classify." , . . . f CAPH RATES. . Seven consecutive times, l cant a wort each Insertion. , , Three times within ona week. Hi eenU a word each Insertion. On time. I rent a word. . CHARGE RATES. . .'" Seven consecutive tlmea.' centa a line rh Insertion. . - Three tlmea within ona week. It cent a line each Insertion. One time. It cent- a. line. Count tlx axer&ge words to a " Minimum charge, 20 cents. An advertisement Inserted to be ? " n discontinued murt be stopped by wnv ten order. All claims for error, mot within fifteen days after the Uat maar Hon of the advertisement You ran placoyeur ww ad M Tne B TELEPHONE TTLER l Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have been railed for and delivered during the leet week ir la reaaonable to WW'!. tI,?i - i. . i v. .11. inkni ins u w tns people dbiow fnr deatred awapai therefore do not call for the balance ace of their answer. -".r ads sure c BC... RO. et results- IC. eT N 411 415 41T alt 420 4Z? 129 m W7 101 13(1 I, 1307 Ul Ule 8.C. im 1837 WW 1341 XMi 13SI iva iw vm 1374 137S issa iaC 1SI1 13M 140 1 14WT SC. 140S 14U 1411 114 1418 14S4 1421 J4.1t 1433 1441 144S 144 14M 1414 14o 140 1470 1471 1481 B.C. 14tt l&fi ICR 15U 1517 1K70 15J3 15 1510 IMS 15M 1ATi5 15R7 1570 1B7 157 5585 J5S9 ir.?7 VM in so M WW no - no hi n ri s ti rn ta Ml M DEATHS AND flUEBAL LYNC1I-F.dward. aged 71 years, A prll . He Is survived by two ". - wm ' and Patrick; ono daughter, Mrs. Jami.s ' Funcrafom residence of his daughter; 881 North Seventeenth street . Monday morning at 8:30 a m. ttSAPL' Mary's church at 9 a. m. Interment at Bt. Mary a cemetery. -' - . LODGE NOTICHJS. ' ' ' Union Pacific Lodge. No. 17. A. O. U. W NoticeThe funeral of Earl U Franti will be hld from the undertaking parlors of W C Crosby, 24th and Seward Sts.. at v i. X'. i.ind -April 11. The band, teams and mcmbc'ot The order generally are lf7uV j ' DORA N. Master Workman. . . Ji. R. ,HOLLENBERGR, Recorder. . BIRTHS AND DEATHS. - Eirths-Thomas and Teresa Birch 44 "Hamilton, girl; James L. ndTA"" Sovllll. 1712 ..Nicholas, boy; Joaepli and Bertha Tuba, 314H Poppleton avenue, boy tJeorge and Emma GUtner, hospital, boy. avenue, girl; A: E. and TUlle CDonnell, 2724 Ames avenue. ; ' Deaths-Antony Spaklanakas. 28. hoe pital; Mary Powers. 78, 4227 Douglas; Ed ward H Brace. 46. 4921 NorthT Thirty, SJSr-Kwl. U FranU. 25 Howard.; MllHo' Ji Stanley. 2i. 1617 Podge; Jtka Jonea -i 22 c MM Burdetto; K el wyn Whlt 21. 1W7 Paclflq; Kirk Wftltcomb. W. 1ICI7 racitle: Baby GUtner. hoapitgl MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tho" following couples have secured licenses to . wea: Name and Residence. ' Frank John Dufek, Omaha.... , Mary Caka, 'Omaha Mlrhr.el Arfelbeck, Omaha Josephine Schorck. Omaha .... Age. ... 28 ... 31 ... ....20 ... 27 ... 27 ... 27 ... 18 ... 33 ... 24 ... 26 ... 23 ... X .. 20 ... 35 ... Si benjamin KasseT.' Omaha ...... Z.lenKtl wajea, Antonio Lotta, Omaha uviina Dl Jjeneuenu, uu..- Kdwln U Beck, cnicago ...... Julia. M. Christenson.- Renwlck, la.. Wallace Roberts. Florence ...... Anna Waatse. Florence Robert Brine, South Omaha...... Rosa Pardubaka, Omaha ....!... Isidore Bernstein, Columbus, O.. Mary Gerber. Omaha, BUILDING PERMITS. E Sandberg. 430J Franklin, frame dwel ling 12 000; H.- T. Deuoil, nonn .Twe'ntyseventh avenue, frame dwelling. J naa- v Voboril. 2318 South Twelfth, re pairs tiOO: Miss E. Hurd. 4427 Coiamercial pairs, ejw, iui . avenue, irajiwj . . -- - DiUen 4327 Camden avenue, frame dwel llnir 800r J. W. Robinson, 33:14 Webster, frame dwelling. I2..W; O. W McDowell clmpany, 214-U North Sixteenth, shop and sued. T500; Windsor McGrath, 1742 out! Thirty-second venue, garage. I6O0, j 'TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PKOOBAMS Exclusively In The Betv Dqws Temau CAMERAPHONE. 1403 DOUGLAS BT. Winning Back. 2-reel Broncho drain. Your Baby and Mine. Rel. drama. Ambrose's Little Hatchet. vtlTK NO 2. "IS FARNAM. The Little Straw Wife. (Washburn and v-.inu Mavo.) Esa. dr. Mr. Jarr and tho l.udy Reiormer. (Rose Tapley.) lta. com FAKNAM THEATER. Ula FARNAM BT. Runaway June will be shown here every Tuesday In connection with our regular urogram anu a "MlFe TWaiATKa, lifil AND HARNEY Home of Paramount Picture 614 N. UTH. Feature program dally. Keystone Corned las. PARLOR. J DOUGLAS. Mr Jarr Brings Home a Turkey. Vita. ' com Following a Clue. 2-r. Kalein dr. Tho Stagecoach Driver and the Uiri. Bel. PRINCESS, 1317-18 Douglaa Street. Francis Ford in They Called Him Hero. Mary Fuller In Tho Rustle of a Skirt. Fares Please, a Jitney comedy. North. 24TH AND FORT. ALAMO, Pour reeU of the best Mutual pictures, J ALHAMBKA. 14 North 211.1. Fattv's Restlerg Fling. Keystone Com. I he Man With a Record. 2-r. Rel.. Int. Uratituoo oi Conductor 100, 1 oan. ; vra. fl.IFTON. Military Ae and Burduttc. The Studio of Life. Rel. Dra. . " 13 Tiwt Springtime Feeling, tieyatone Cwn ifor it. -Kudura, No. 10. ( ' I ' DIAMOND. ... 10 JfJif 1 " ' PAnns 7V f)1 Ou'ardUn of His Flocks, 2-r. Kerrigan. k.i..rv ihu Clock Told, King Maggot , Tha Fatal Note, Billy Ritchie. L'uiVLIIIilTH KA 2-1 ih and Franklin. A Siren ot tjriica, 3-reel luUin drama: tVjmo Kountl and take That Elephant Away. Sellg comeoy. i737.t i,- THF.1TKR. 24tb and Sprague. Will oln soon. First-class photo plays. Wau-h this l-ace for opning date slid program. J. C. lb, Mananer. ' I,,I,t Ben itirul lOtli-Biniity. The Master a Model, featuring Price of Baby, short Amongst tha Cannibals. ' M , ........ fH..,.li luo itounuers. 4ve.. vuu. vuviw TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIEriUXJI..MS Exclusively in Tho Bee North. HIPPODROME. 2T-th and Cuming. A Heart of Hold, Amer. lr. Twenty Million Dollar Myrtery. Episode No. in In 1 pis. A Lucky I.ep. Key I'M, IT. RKHLi. lth and Locust Sti. Hcnrat-fellg No. S; Star Their Courses Change, S-r. Ess. Dra.; 3-reel F. X. l-.usn-rnan, drama; love nml I.lmlio. Mlna. Com. IVY THEATEH,' 16th and Burdette 8ts. Heart of Lincoln. 3-reol Gold ' Seal. Tale of a Ijoneeome Dog, Victor comedy. LOYAL., - 240 Caldweli. Black Hox No. B -r. Special. They Were on Their' Honeymoon, Nest Com. All for Pe-sy, Rex Dra. - I.OTHHOP. 24lh and Iothrop. The Fawn of Fortune, a powerful Amor lean feature photowlrama In-five parte, mudii hy the Whartona. PAl.At E. m Davenport. A into IleaVen. (Ecl.t The Avenging Dentist, f-r. For I Have Tolled, Nestor. L. Ko. Com. SUBl'BHAN. 1:1th and Amea. The Night Operator at Buxton, Kal. Dra. 'Clip Hermit of Bird Istnnd, 3-r. l.uh. Irn. Month. ARBOll THEATER. 32D AND ARBOR. The Ixiat Receipt, 2-reel Reliance. The Fatal Black Bean, Majestic drama. Hognn's Romance Upsft. Keyatono com. APOLLO.i 2N2i Leavenworth Street. From Headquarters, 3-r. Vita, drama. Aa He Blew He Blew. Mlna. comedy. COMFORT,' Twenty-fourth and Vinton. Runaway June, Episode No. 6. In the Switch Tower. Jblrcncho. Fatty's Faithful Fldo, Keyatone COLI'MBIA, 1710 South Tenth Street The (iirl of the Music Hall, 3-r. Ivalem drama. . . . . A Horae of Another Color, Ess. W. com. FAVORITE. ' U1. Vinton Slrtet The Silent Plea. -r. Vita- drama. The Death Train, KaJem drama. Mazlo Puts One Over, Luhln. (iKM THKATKR, -425S S. 13T1I ST. Kxplolts of Klalne. 2-recl Special. Lovo of Mary West, Big U. Butler's Busted Romance, Sterling com. LYRIC THEATER, 1S17 VINTON BT. An Arrangement with Fate, Laemmle drama; Love. Fireworks and the Janitor, Joker comedy. PAkSTIME, Twenty-third Leavenworth. Three Bad Men and a Girl, 2-r. Bison. Six and Nine, Rex drama. Dixie's Day Off, Joker comedy. VENEZXA. Ill HO, UTH BT. Four reels of Mutual picture. West. MONROE, ' 2565 FARNAM 6T. The Shanty at TremblinsTHill. (Frances X. Bushman.) His Own Hero. Bio. com Wjnthrop Diamonds. The Jarr Family. Benson. BENSON, 5835 MAIN STREET, lilood of the Children. 2-r. Gold Seal. At His Own Terms'. (M. Macyuarrle.) -The Mixup at Maxim's. Nestor comedy. Cowacll Blwftat ELITE NO. 2, 645 BROADWAY. Jared Fairfax's Millions. 2-r. Kal. dr. The Cowboy's Conquest. Blograph dr T3nMti and Patlpr. . Mlna enmedv. NICHOLAS. 547 BROADWAY. A Tragedy of the Rails! 2-r. Edteon dr. A Study in Tramps. VRpgraph comedy."" When the Fate Spins. Kssanay a ram a. ROPER. THEATER. 687 BROADWAY. His only Pants. Nestor comedy. Love of the Parent, Powers. Lesson from the Far Fast. 2-reel Rer. gov tat oMpa. , BESSE THEATER. South Omaha A banner bill today Mr. Charles Chaplin, in his 2-part comedy sensation, "A Jit ney Elopement. MAGIC. . . 21TH AND O. The Mysterious Contractor. 2-reel Gold Seal nis Only rants. ' Nestor comedy. v Va,dertUe ORPHEUM, 24T1I AND M 4 Tee Is of drama pictures. And a danuy cornea y. ; ANNOUNCEMENTS UNHEALTHY FEATHERS INVITE DISEASE A Sure Cure for Everybody. Let us operate on your feathers and mattresses. We guarantee safe return of feathers, freer from all germs or diseases when renovated by us. You can also buy new pollows and mattresses that we make here and save money. Telephone and mall orders given prompt attention. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANT, 1 Douglas 2467.. 1907, Cuming St. WILL cash county claims. Douglas 7850. 0 MAHA PIL1XW CO.. 1907 Cumin Dauelaa 24U7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattreaaea ana down covers. Weddlpg announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. SUPERFLUOUS hair, arts and" moles permanently removed by electricity: consultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mlns Allendei. 624 Bee. o Idle Wealth J There is probably thousands of dollars ' worth of personal property in the city of Omaha alone which is of little value to its present owners. Nearly all of this would be of use and decided value to somebody else. - Why not exchange to mutual advantage? . V mnBf h something you don't need or j Advertise it in the ' f 1 Swappers' Column ( ' nf ryua Tlrto anA 1 THE OMAHA BEE mtryMy Radt Want Ada" ANNOUNCEMENTS We Live to Move We have mailo a life aludy of moving household gooild and w have learned many new facta about the proper way to handle, pack and load furniture, ao tliat It will artive-at. Ita destination In the aamo condition It. atartcd. Our Way . The walla of our vans are well padded, and plenty of clean packlna; ta used to prevent the furniture from becoming marred In anyway. If you move the "OORDON" way you will be surprised at the ease and comfort with m-hlch the task la accomplished by our men. Storage The Gordon fireproof warehouse affords absolute security. It Is the laat word In storage equipment. Its clean rooms are for your use, for the safe keeping" of your furniture, household goods, pianos J trunks, boxes, etc. I JUST PHONE Douglas 394 Gordon Van Co. . 219 NortU' llth Street. New Half Soles ; If Improperly fitted on the shoe, will cause It to draw or pinch the foot, thus making it impossible for you to enjoy walking or working. ( We take apeotal care to see that the solo is of selected leather and properly fitted and attached to tho shoe, thus In suring the wearer of the greatest possi ble amount of shoe value and pleasure. Bring us your shoes to be repaired; rush orders will receive the same careful treatment aa all other work done by us. FRIEDMAN BROS. vm Y vp sj'Te-r'.1-1- ri iiir zii B. I4tn St.. umatia. so. S. Main St., Council Bluffs. la. TRES8MAKINO, tailoring, alterations. Work guaranteed. 2406 Cass. Red 7235. SPRINtt CLEANING TIME is here. Your windows cleaned and storm windows taken down at reasonable rates. For first class service call Douglas S341. AMERICAN WINDOW CL13AN1NG CO. LUCKY wedding rings at Brodegaard's. Enroll now. t. m. c. a. night school. E rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel s," 16th and Harney, Douglas lft'J. AUTOMOBILES Rebuilt Cadillacs 1911,1912,1913,1914 Look caiid Run Like New A rebuilt Cadillac la a much better In vestment than a -cheap new ear. , All Cadillac cars are rebuilt ln our shops, new. parts installed wncre necessary, re painted, equipped with first-class tires, and n ' i One L14 t-pasaenger Cadillac $1,W5 One 1812 4-passenger Cadillac 875 One 1012 6-pasaenKer Cadillac Sio One V.H1 6-passenger Cadillac, ow ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. WK A1.SO OFFER THE FOLLOWING USED CARS AT THE LOWEST FIG URES FOR QUICK SALES: One 1913 4-psaenger Chalmers ,...$1.K0 One 1910 7-paasenger Pierce l.loO One 1010 4-paaKenger Glide Scxnit...'.. 350 One 1814 6-pasenger Oakland 650 One 1810 6-pasacnger Buick...' 800 Cadillac Co. of Omaha USED CAR' DEPARTMENT. ' , , 2084 FARNAM ST. Tel. Douglas 3.36. - CEL6Ao!SER, expert radiator and lui repairs. Ty. 70R. 2601 Leavenworth. WANTED Overland auto, 1813 runabout or touring; describe fully and give best caBh offer. Address Y 4H4. Bee. I HAVE a 8-cyl.. 60 h.-p. White car that I will trade for a moaern nnme oi equal or greater- value. H. Pelton. 220s Farnam. AUTO Clearing Houae. 2208 Farnam. buys and sells used cars. Phone Douglas ttlt USED . cars for sale; Buick roadster, Hurm roadster. Studebaker touring car. electric starter and lights, excellent con dition. - . . . NEBRASKA BUICK. Al'TU CU., 1818 Farnam St. FOR SALKOi-. what have you to trade for two delivery autos and one 6-pas-kenger touring car, all in first-class con dition; will sell or .trado separately. , 4u2 N. 24th St. - $100 Reward for any magneto we can't repair, repaired. Baysdorfer. 210 N. IHth.- Colli Overton's for leaky radiator. 60c, daalers. Wujit an auto. C. J. Canan. MoCaguo bldg. I1EO. :0-horse power touring car; - good condition, $i.V). Call 6124 Florence Blvd. 1810 Bi.i. k A'-0 I 1812 Cadillac... 1910 Glide $iV) IIM4 Oakland... A. A. AHLMAN, 3iM FARNAM ..$i25 ST. Hotoreyaiea. 1 1915 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready, I barsaina In ued machines. OMAHA b.. v, lk . o m .nd cm.., d m II A.lVL.r. 1. -HA iuajt-t mux wr. 1 ir.n. Bai gains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2i03 Leavenworth. I BUILDINO MATERIAL. j NAILS, $.38 per ken. Fence, theet roof 1 Ing. etc., in proportion. Generul M r I rantlle Co., Omaha's great mall order house. - ' BUrUNEflS CHANCES AMBITIOUS men with jobs aud others. Opportunity offered by leading Kansas corporation. Make i3M" annually. I'nlque and original. An hour or two a day al home is the magnet that draws the big ly. Experience unne.-es.ary. C. W. Eye ttone. Pres., 318 Flftn St., Pittsburgh, Kan ' .1. 1 TO accessory manufacturer Ueaires district manager for each county; little im ney required; CoO per cent profit; enor mous poaaibllitle4 fur result producers; write . today. Slonukvr Mfg. Co., Kress L'Wg., Houston, TtJU o m'SIXESS CHANCES A LAiJ'lE and well-equipped Ksrage lor have other business and unanie to operate hot. If you want a good eainb llshed business, this la your chance. Omaha Hee. Council lllurrs. la. AN F.Xt'KPTlONAL chance la offered ao- t ve party with H.v0 to mveat. togniiicr with common evnse and energy enough to conduct-a reaiectablc, permanent cash business that'a easily managed, free from competition and gct-rlck-quick schemes, where, with ordinary moor, trom h.imi to $5,000 should bo cleared yearly. Owner of this business invites the very cloaest Investigation In every way. r un partic ular will have to be alven at personal Interview only, by a Ing Y-4 J), Bee. lunlrnao la setting letter. Two big concerns are lnylng plans for colonising large, tract and 'want men with om money to take active charge.- Want of fice manager for Omaha on lee, one who can territory, iVant another hi can do selling. Some investment necessary but both lock good. Have", ilace for voim man with tliVO or lesa to ha mile Omaha and adlaccnt ternrory for a good proposition.. A bust. ler who can sell should havo no trouble In getting his money out of it in a few mnnuis, nesioen pis living. WALLACES I'O-OI 'KRATIVB REFER ENCE CO. 10IB-16 City National ' BUY oil stock in $'.l,0iX.0oi. company, Juat organised; groiuid floor proposition; 100 dividends CO days possible; ft) weila at once;' quick action on your money; limited number of shares at 2c share; $10 buys WX) par Vaiuo stock; big ad vance In slock soon; aelllng fast; remit now; write for free information: dividends declared sooiv Amalgamated Oil Co., 11J1 Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma. Oka. DONKLSON. does 'more than tat vour business, he sells It. aoi omaha Nat 1 Bk. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for Keneial department store man to 1 purchase a going, paying, growing business, together with the building It occupies;, or might lease store to buyer; all new clean stock. Invoicing $30,000. Present owner has other business demands his time. Investigation desired. B. C. C, Room 420. 7 W. Mon roe St., Chicago, ill. .. FOR KALE Prosperous retail business In the heart of business district of Lin coln. Owner is going Into wholesale business. Will Invoice about $t,000. Fred D. Cornell. 123 N. llth. Llnooln, Neb. FOR SALW one of the best cafes In Omaha. 111 sell at a sacrifice on ac count of leaving the city Part caah. bal ance In monthly payments. Address F 2o, Bee. FOR SALE A proCitablo and well-estab. iisned - warm air furnace and sheet metal business In Sheriuan, Wyo. ; a fust growing city of li.OuO people, In good farming and mining section, Willi largo sugar factory and other new businesses now bunding. Death of proprietor is reason for selling. Address Mrs. D. li. Daly. 723 N , Main St.. Sheridan. Wyo, FOR SALE OR TRADE for. flat in Omaha, house furnishings forv 32-room hotel; hotel Is running in good shape, ren ovated thoroughly; only hotel in town of l,4u0 people; fi per day; rent Is cheap; $36 per month. Can buy building and contents for $3,806 cash; good reason for selling, 'hono to Lester at Midland Hotel all day Sunday, or write Y 467, Bee. Would consider small grocery. FOR SALE Pool hall, four tables and fixtures. In small Nebraska town; owner leaving state:, big bamaln. C. L. Clark, fd4 Burr block, Lincoln, Neb. - FOR SALE Good paying, toe cream fac tory. Write Box-8, Columbus, Neb.-. EASTERN manufacturing concern wants state manager for Nebrarka. We manufacture an entirely ne-v automatic machine, patented and an Immense money maker. . GreBt opportunity for hlKh class man capable of earning from $3,000 in u,w per-year. oiosi attractive ar rangements. Investment ef $300 neces sary, fully secured. Address, Mr. U. Wlflard, Paxton Hotel. Omaha. FOR SALE Shoe shop, Goodyear ma chinery. Year of ' good reputation. Price $1.000. Inquire at 213 H. Itith St. FINE confectionery and grocery store, dandy location;, $l,ono or Invoice.. . . n- OAGESTAD i--U V , Room 404 Bee Bid. Tel. ' f). B477' ' FOR SALE Coffee and tea business in city of 65.000: thoroughly establlahri anrf paying; over 4,000 live customorg. Address t 4u ee. , y FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, good Iowa town iisi; oi ousiness; Duuaing, lot and tools; $1.9(0; two-thirds cash, balance terms. ;jim wray, nioux city. FOR ..SALE A good paying plumbing ana un oiisineBa esiaousnea' lb years; well located. Address Geo. W. Ziek, Ne braska City. Neb. ' ' - ' FOR SALE---First class mod. bath and massage parlor, long lease. Good - lo cation. Leaving city ou account ot sick ness, rnone Douglas 4297. FOR SALE Cheap: only hotel and res taurant in town; good business. Apply to airs, it. wonirorq. Mrumnull, Neb, FOR SALE Cheap, on account of poor health, blacksmith shop, stock and tools, inciuuing oniy runner tire ma chines in city. Established forty years. Write for particulars. Myron McLellan, Nebraska City. Neb. . . . FOR SALE AND RENT We will sell the ' furnishings and fixtures of the Cook hotel, and will rent the building; every thing new and in good shape; the only hotel in town ana doing a good business; eignt- teu rooms -upstairs; office, parlor dining room, large bedroom and good kitchen downstairs; electrlo light: no st am heat. H. C. Thomas, Cook, Neb. FOR SALE Garage, repairs, livery, good Neb. town two cars, tools, good build ing; . reasonable rent; paying -business; price i.iw, Jim wray. muux -ity,- FOR BALE A gents' furnishing goods and cltdhfng store in one nf the best county seat towns in the state. .Address Y 4i. Bee. i-iill SALE Have other sen auto supplies- ana fireproof garaae In good dress Y 456, Bee. HAVE several well developed gold prop erties for sale, wouia consider stocK company promotion; fine water power tunnel aites, and timber on claims. Large amount gold ore. good values, In sight, need capital for further development, and erection of mill. Engineers' report fur nished. - -Highest bunk and merchants' references. For further Information, write Frank Sleckner, Elk City, Idaho. Refer, encea required. HARDWARE stock for sale at a discount. Address Y 402. Bee. $10 INVESTMENT, in land and co-operative' oil well may make $1,000; payments $1 monthly. For particulars address Texas-Gulf Co., 742 Union Bank, Houston.- Tex. I NEED branch managers for my world side mail order business. Operate from your own home in spare time. No can vassing or peddling. Experience unneces sary. You should mako $50 weekly. But ler, 423 Factories', Toledo, 0 JEWELEIt Fine store In Schuyler for sale; requires only $i00. Box 683, Schuy ler, Neb. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with ua for quick action aad square treatment QUICK BALE COMPANT, 418 Reo Blda. Phone Red 1364. Patents That, Protect and Pay Book a "and advice free. ' Send aketeh or model for search: hlglieat references; best results; promptness assured. Watson K. Coleinen, Patent Lawyer, 624 F. St., N. W W asnington, D. C. o POOL HALL and barbar shop, $ good tables, 2 barber chairs, and all neces saries for said business; $.100. C1AX0ESTA1) ' Room' 404 BC Bid. Til. D. 3477. WANT to meet somebody who has fifteen hundred dollars will Invest In excellent paying legitimate proposition on partner ship basis. Investigate this. Address A litis. Bee. till S1XKSS CILNCl- PARTY Wanted who can Invest elah hundred dullsrs s partner In iieri.iiinent piiylng business. Address M .', Hee. kIVstTuRANI" I" dealratiie location cheap; slmi exliaat fan for sale. Apply n N. Pith St. 5 Frf'T A i " RA N T, rlulit downtown, doing a gocl business. Mi"'. (JANUESTAD Room J04 Bee Bldg. P.- M77. RHAI. eatate Ihislnesa placea supplied or handled; all state. F. V. Knlest. cmaha. SmNS. snow . ri1 "'ark .n I im VllKA'f sORS Buy,-lease or eeil your the ater, macnino ana supruea inreuin Theater Exchange Co.. 14CU Karnam Hi. I Mil l IW7 . ' TKI.EPOST "A" 20 shatra for ante at So ler share. AVrlte to Anderson, Peterson. Iowa o TO OKT In or out of liuslneaa call on GANUF.HTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 9177. wwv rent Will aell HX ere farms In Ked River valley. Minn., erect bulldlnga. 'supply cows and hogs on first payment of ; lioi and II per acre and Interest al per cent eacn year tnerearier W. O. Templeton. M3 Bee Bldg . Omaha. WANT.KI) Young man for wholesale business who can Invest fioni $;.0'0 to fS.tO." anil t.ike an active Interest; noth ing better in Omaha. Address I". O. Box 2!'7. omnha. FOR HALE A good paying plumbing and iin hn.inAxa: established l years; well located.. Address Geo. W. Zlels, Nebraska Clt y. Neb. ' , , yOl'R 2T.-word advertisement pitrea in ii good monthly magaslnes once for only $i 26; hree months, $U.M). W rile for list. F. L. Miller, Syracuse, N- Y. IivrMaieatft Our Nebraska fsrm 1(77 gages arc not alfect Irs European ware or r t Amounts $400 to 20.00 . ' collect all interest Our Nebraska fsrm mort ted hy pantca. 000. We reat and ( principal free ot onaige; i years In the Nebraska farm loan Held without a loss Is our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, SOI Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. omaha. o FOR SALE At par $12,000 per cent flral mortnage gold bonds. Secured by land and 2 0"'i,000 tons of coal. $10.0ao of prin cipal and interest payablo annually. In terest semi-annually. Capacity of mine, 1.000 tons per day. For particulars, ad dress J. W. Buchanan. Bmlthvllle. O. n Roonlas llnoaea (as Sale. $S0OA desirable high-grade, select room ing house on Fa mam St.. original 'Ost, $1,1.00; this will appeal to one looking for a revenue and respectability. All brass bet's, cost not leas than $3Ti each: 'me rna nnthinr ahoddv. extra linen and sa ver ware, between 28th and 30th ts.; per sonal lnvesTigsuon revi'm wi, v- J. Canan, 510 McCague Blda ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS, rnia. rent $40. price. t-H-n cash 10 rms., lent $', price... $i50 terms w.-f itio terms ......$2M cash ...... $3J5 terms .. .'...$! cash i:nfi cash ,...$J,100 terms $:W terms 13 rms., rent , pnee... 10 rms., rent $;5. price... 10 rms, rent $7i, price,.. 13 mil., rent l0. price... 10 rms., rent $:. price. 30 rms., rent $lr-0, price.. 12 rms., renl $..5, price.., .$i; i0 cash lH-rm. hotel, rent price ty: !' 14 rm. hotel, rent $16 price...... cash We have others, .-ea us i r-i. DONELSON, 301 Omaha Nat. Bank. EDUCATIONAL .Getting :-:-"k:S ' ' ! -,l v ' I' -, ' Better: Position rut I in vnii that the mat ter of getting a. better position is merciy J-rtU V " v a v " . . . the matter of getting reauy iur Tt. net I. anxious for people, who can do things particularly well especially the business world. We havecallB every dav for tnorougnijr inrnnu ..'nnirninhiini atenotvnlsts. penmen, .ac countants, teiegrapneiB, " unablo to fill many if these poaltlons. because we- do not have young peoplo ready to take them. i if vnii r. ambitious and are willing it win i.av vou to- begin our Complete Business Course at the '' possible moment, eu.ier. ui wo -""v" or nignt scnooi. . i , Send- lop a copy oi our-i which will tell you all about our work, Boyles College " H. B. BOYLES, PEES. .' Boyles Building. ' 18th and Harney Sta. Omaha, Nebraska, , . Douglas 1MS- ' Boyles College ay School,: Night Ichool, camp ilness course, . compleia shorthand notype course. ' complete telegra husinsHu 37, Lf mirw, civil service Dtncnea anu iia oT arien,h- Students admitted at any tlrie, llvt t0.n l Write, phone or call for 1815 raUlogu lively town. Ad- B0YLE8 COLLEGE. ' M n. HoTLEfl. Prealdent Tel. D. 1565. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. .The Van Saut School Stenography Dav ar.l.ool. 8.00 to 4:0. Night school, 1:1 to- I.U. 1Mb and Fa.Tiam Bu r-jiig' "4i. FOR vale the following schoisi snips J a first class .OmaJia Buaiuess Collage: One unlimited combination busiaass nd shorthand course. One unlimited business course. One vnllmlteil stenographic course. One three months' business or eteno- graphlo course. Will be sold at a discount at the office of tbe Omaha bee. ' ELECTRIC. SUI'PLIEN. ELECTRIC wawliers, $40.7f; eluctric Irona. 12.26, with General Mercantile Co Omaha's Great Mall Order House. FOll BALE Farollare, Household Goods, Kl. New 2d-haud furniture, cash or tfrms; reasonable. Amer. Furn. t'c. 4o4 N. loth Auction Sale At 844 S. 22d St., Tuesday, April 13, 1816, St 2 o'clock. Seven rooms of high grade f irnluue cona.alliig of a three-piece par lor set. 8x12 parlor rug. oak bullet, oak dining table and six oak dining chairs upholstered in leather, dining room tug, brass bed, vernia martin beds, springs and mattreaaea, inahoKaiiy drossea and rhlffloner of the very beat, bedroom ruga, oak dressers alid ctiltflom is. plrturts, Iuim curtains, gas stove, kilehep table, sani tary cot and pud, dlsliea anj cooking utenalla of all Kinds, in fact, evarythlntc to make up a complete household, also one adjustable diess form. The above la all first class furniture and practically new and a ill be sold Peb-e by pelce to the highest hlddT. I 'on t forget the date. For information and auction dates call Bed 72T8 ONE lady's Rambbler wheel, lima used; odd pieces of furniture. 208 S. tli bl. Call after 4 p. ut l-X)ll HALE 1 arnllurr, lloaacholit 4inla, 25-Lll. refrigerator, bihjH sb new, uaed one aeason, o. Webster Us46 Kt'K Kinnlture of a 4-rnom apart ment. ( nil Mon1ay at the Helen Apt. No. f7. FOR siALK t'hlna cabinet, buffet, book case, refrturerntor, base burner. Web tuo. DESKS f. and sold. C. Reed. M4. arnHM 8t. LAIHIK, nearly new, reading lamp, for aale cheap, and gaa fixtures, at 1M6 Harney St. Doug. MX. Horses anil Vehicles. SHIP nv stock to South Omaha. Pave mileage and ahiinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. . NOTICE To farmera and city buyers. S.tMMb. span black gehilims. R years old. l air brown mares, welwlit 2.4iX Iba. ; II.. span mares, heavy In foal: guaranteed it money. refunded. 134 S. 24th St., barn In rear. . 30 IIKAVV AND LIGHT MARKS AND GIH.DINGS AT VKKY RKASONABLK PRli'FH. Al.Sti HARNESS WAGONS. RtiSENBLATT S CI T l'RICK COAL CO., I2ffl NICHOLAS. TKL DOUG. NICK, wentlo famllv Imrse, harness and two-sealed nM--date carriage, cheap. 3102 N. Jrth Webster 67. . :7llKAt of horses, mares and nililes for sale. 2102 Ctimlmc St. TWO pairs of farm mares In foal. 224 N. 16th st NICK heifer calf for aale. Web, i. lnoiOMlllltHKll Jersey cow, givea u ouart a day, can ainm i..". 'OR SALE Good chunky young mare; will aell cheap on account of sickness; iisrsnied nell broke: must sell, need ho CHsh; ownd by widow. Call at Store. :t So. 241U. . ikAM of horaea. 7- years oiu, weia.". .I.owi. Iron gray and nay. oou iiaiurn. nd wagon, Separated 2t16 Burt. BARGAIN for cash' to nettle our estate. Pair of I'erelieron muiea, o " wl lbs., heavy Ui foal. Also handsome ullhlood mum and- gelding, both sorrels. with whlto mane and talis. 23-7 Donge, orner 34th SI. .n uii.K-A nlr of aood blir horse a, a .-h a vmfs old weialit 3.00il: set of work harness; Jones' amble, 1111 Dodge. FARM wagons. M and up; harneas. 440. Johnson-L'anforth Co . lih & Clark Sta KOI : it Bood farm manes, two lumbnr waanns. three collie pups, mi -im. civ i,a,i iinrma n nd mnres for sale. 31TH AND COL NTY LINK. SO. OMAHA. Telepnonw nnimi TEAM of 5-year-old mares, well matched, wr I if lit 2,m); 8-year-oia worn norsn. welglit 1.400, anil handsome blacK and white Shetland pony heavy in foal, gen tle for children; bargain; party going to Sail Francisco April 10. 2421 Podge St. Lire Htook tanoitulos alrrehaata. MARTIN BR(V4 CO.. Exonarme Bldg. Musleal Inatrnmt-fcla. VIOLIN, coat $40. will sell cheap. II. 4ult. fciiu HA I. IV line York cornet; $00 value. I'aeu very nine. I'm Rleke, Bailey. Neb. W. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. NEW PIANOS. The famous HENRY F. M1LLBR. STR1CH AZEIDER. Homer. Laffarguo. CONCORD and Story and CLARK, iranda, Cprlglila anil nayera iroin 10 40 per cent off of regular prices. $10-STE1NVVAY BABY GRAND. $w0. 00 Upright Decker Bros.. N. T.. $lo0. :ifiO Laffargie used 'one year. $200. 400 Hsllett e. Davis, $L0. 2rv0 Erbe. $135. 160 Story i Clark, parlor organ. 140, :ll IHyinr c Horn, siiti wwiiiw., ju Uu.i In Munttnlin. I'D- jitt of nonular hs-noto player pianos rolls at half price. Easy terms ir aeatreq. O. II. HARR PIANO COMPANY. D. 2017. Third Floor Boston Store BUig - Hllghtly need high grade piano. D, 2017. NEW mahoKimy flnlah. No. X, Vlctro a and 12 records; latest model, automatic stop, in perfect condition, two months Id ana noi m-ni viwi ;;.";, , ii t-u", outfit. KooflaH new, for $".. t.Rll anv evening or Sunday. 602 N. Win bt., Soiith Omaha. Phone So. 3IW. 1 no.M.v. v.a-aa aad tts-DolIes. STEHEOTYUU matrlcee make tho bast clieapeat lining lor iwmuj They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 76o a hundred at The Bee office. TOM Barren world's champion layers. H. C. W. Legnorn essa ir ut. $1.50 for 16. J. J. Welsh, Phone lienson 4iw, t nerry imn. - oi""i', ROSE comb Rhode Island Rod hatching ,uu 60o for I.'.: $ Per 100. W. H. Uux- hold. Route 6, South Omaha, W H ITlfl WYAN. cockerols.JtteiongJWj Mxed grain. 100 lbs.. $1.76. W agner 801 N-ifc TOULOUSE- gooae eggs for liU-hlng. U0 uh H43 Manderaon. Web. 2432. WORLD'S greatest laying fowls, white I N a ducks, my flock, record 10.-74 eggs In one year for fifty ducks. J. J. Welsh. Cherry Crott Phone Benson 403. Omaha, Neb. ; Ty winters. TYPEWRITERS' sold, rented. , repaired. Central Typewriter Exc. IWa Farnam. f Iscellaaeeae. . - TOR SALE New and second-hand earorn and t-cket billiard tables and bowling allays aud accessories; bar futures of all kinds: easy payments. The Brunswick b4ikaU:o)lnder Co.. 4QT-409 8. 131h Bt 15 SECOND HAND penny-ln-slot ma chines of various kinds, also coal, range and 4 gas ranges. . - J. C. Ish, Executor JCJ 8 31st Ave. Phone Harney 243. FOR SALE A large lot of Mauiulaette remnants In cream or Arabian, from 1 te 6-yard lengths, regular price 30c, we iu.ll Itie vard. Plain scrims, regular price 20c, we sell 10c a yard. Also several hun dred samples numaiiicueu curiums, it yards long, In cream or Arabian, worth $l.3i, we sell 75o per pair, or in Marquis ette, worth 12. wo sell $1 per pair. We pay shipping charges. California Curtain Mills, H'i Sd St.. San Franclseo. TO EVERY HOl'SEWIFE Vacuum Waahlna Machine FREE. No canvasa Ing or work to do. Write for particulars, dribben Advertising Agency, Box 814. Beaumont, Tex. Ftiu KAI.K lii 3-sueed Harley Twin, run 60 miles. It. Roudolph, Ieona, Kan. THE RURM EISTEll CULTIVATOR SHOVEL will save the corn roots; been on the ket 8 veara. Are fully suaranteed I'rlco reduced this year to $3 !er set of four and $4 per set of six shovels. Book let free. Chas. Burmolater, Box H 6l, Sutherland. la. PEDIGREED Boston bull puppies. Sherman Ave. 330-3 IM.KCTIJIC MOTOKwS 1 1- H. P:, 220 volts, 8 phase, new $ 37 2- 11. P., 2:0 volts, 8 oil a SB. new 40 l-H. '., 220 volta, 3 phase, new 60 6-H, P., '1.0 volts, 3 phsse. new 67 DYNAMOS. S-K. W 110 volts, D. C. new $ "I 5-K. W., 110 volts. D. C, new 10) 2N-K. W.,- 130-so volts, new su l-l I. P., gasoline engine m 5 H. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov ernor loo LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, Ilk S. 12th St. o LIVE WIRE Bl'HINESS MEN OK OMAHA Acauanlaats. . A. DWORAK. C. P. A . Address 431 Wainge Bldg., Phone Douglas 7404. Addta- Macklaia. Daltoa Adding Machines. 411 S. 1$. TX144 Addar M cuT Co. (Walaai. V . O w D. Mat Aiuiiisr Haisklng, FILMS developed free If pur.-haaed from 1' Ciait uoi, 4i Boe Bldg. iapt, D. MVK WIRE Bl HI X ESS MEN OK OMAHA Arehlterta. I Everett S. Podrts. 812 Psttnn Blk. D. WlJ Ills aad Maaaetn Hryalrlns, Magneto repair work a .peclalty. D. 141a, Aaetloaeera. Dowd Auction Co.. 11IK-1 W. O. W. R. S2X'..1 Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-W W. O. W. R. 2V,. Hlae I'rlntlns;. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO. $0$ Omaha Nsfl Bank Bldg. flrasa Keandriea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., "7th and Martha Pts' C arventeen aairf V wvtraotore. STEVENSON. 83 8. 2fd. Douglas 69. I rTT7-"'r;'-" . : : i W. T. Smith Co., lt'7 City Nat'l Bk. D.281f. ' t hin I'nlnllas;. . . 1 Ruth Ixrhford, de?nrattng. firing. R. 4Ht flvl Knaiaeer. - M. j. LACY. M8 BF.JC BLDf. TXUO. 4714., rream gepnratnra. Th4 Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th Farm, Cistern and Weil Dlgglasr. ' I NEED- well or cistern - cleaned or dutti BCH AFFER does It. Phone Wh. 6:ii. Paurinc Araaemiea. CHAMBERS' Academy, ctaastc. D. int.. Try Maekle'a first. 1814 Harney. Doug. R44H. DreasmaklsiaT. Terry lieaainak-g college. 20th ft Farnam. WANTEI Plain and fancy dressmaking; will go our by tne-nay. Wen. ll! llrteellyea. . . . . ' INVESTIGATIONS carried out In anyi part of United States, Canaoa or Mexico. R'k. loug..l37X. Walnut 1630.' JAMES ALLAN, S12 Nevlllo pFock. Evl- dence aecured In all oases. Tyler 113. Iteaitlxta. ! Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W.Bldg.' Bailey, the lvntlst, . ;oa City Nat l Bank-j Taft Iiet tal Rooms, 1617 loutrlaa. D. Siss", Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckcs. 7V4 City Nat. Bank. ' Dras. i DRUGS at cut prions relEht paid on $10! orders; catalog-tics free. Sherman 4k Me-i Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb ' ! Bverythlnsjt for Weaken. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst to pleating; covered buttons, all slaes and, styles; hemstitching, ptcot edging. Ideal' Pleating Co.. Douglas Block. P. 1WS. I Kterylhlnat (or Women. ' NEW YORK sample store Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and I drcesea sacrificed 200 N. loth St HAlRDRKHSINO at your home. R, 63i. Florlais, ! BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St. D. $000. ' L. HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. D. 1258.1 Member Florist-Telegraph Del. Aea"n. ! HKSS eV-SWOBODA. 141E Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1022 Harney. Doug, lOol. tiulterlair and apontlaw. STOVE- repnirlne. Flru 1'le'ventlon Co. itougiaa 4oK4. . lint Irera. . Straw hats dyed. Dora ElBeleJ113 C. Nat LIsThtlnic Fixture aaal ' Wlrlasl. . THOMAS DUK1UN Electrlo fixtures and supplies, contract ; Ing and repair work done reasonable. $419' CUMING. ' DOUGLAS Kit. Live Stocy UetaedTlea. . ' OMAHA Remedy Co.. 0T S. ISth. Red 42JI. , Messenger aad Tvaaiater. WH1TK LINE. $10 N. 141th St. Doug. frl!2. Mask, t'oatnmea anil tjudace Saapllva. MFG. of lodge regalia' and costumes., Theo. Lleben A Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4116. Masnenra. . . ......: '. .. MISS STAPLES, mass., eiec. bath. P. 718. Open eve.. 8 p. m.: Sundays, 13 to 6. COHA BKLLINOY good, restful Magnetic. ..Other satisfac tory trostment. Vapor baths. . Open 10 a-, in. to 10 p. in., Including Sundays. ' 107 S, 17th St., downstairs. Notice: Entrance Basement, beside Nursery, Cor. Dodge. AHIf Hr,d mass, alcohol rub. Laura. -.J.X4. vi.nn. Karnam. room 1. Doug. 8761. Open evenings, and Sunday. MASSAGE 620 Boa Bl.lg. Doug. 72. MISS W ALTON, mass. R. ?j4 Neville Blk. Miss Jacobs, maaa.. office 234 Neville Bldg. I M. BRUGMAN. mass R. 203 Karbach Bk. R. 2727. VISIT Miss Venlta, new massage parlors; alcohol runs and scalp treatments. iob S. 17lh St. ' i M ASSAHK, ' 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. ! Clara, bath and maasage. Doug. 8761.1 BATHS, 214 Balrd Bld'g-. 17th and Doug. Motion Pictures. - OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion ploture inucninr and rum baraHina. W. C. FERR1N. lhth and Capitol. Ty. ltO. lorlatlnar. WATETRS-RARNHART Ptg.' Co.. quality I printing. Tal. Doug. vi tt. latn m. COHEY M KF.N-2.IE PTG. CO. D. 244. CENTRAL PRINTING CO POUO. 3764. Ostaoaathio rhyslclaoa. , Dh Berncha. 203-4 McCague Blfff. D. Dr. Petaraon, u3 Brandels BbTg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 616 Bee Bldg , Pa tea ts. , D. O. Barnell, Paxton'Rlk." Tel. Red 7117. 1 H A. Bturgea, 634 Brandwls Theater Bldt. Paleat Davalosnaeat. . i AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. llth St. , HUGH M'MANUI. 41T N. 40th. K. 72 Omaha Paste Co. Snowflake paste. D. S.'Oo. PI antes llenaal4. PLUMES eV HATS made over, cleaned ax dyed. Bertha Kruasr. 428 Pax ton. D. gjM. Prlatiag. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Roach F.atertalaatot. B B B Roach powder, Merrlt's Pharm. ) gate aad Tiaaa Leek bxprrta. OA r"T""-r. Ooenad. repaired, comv. i changed. W. E. Daven-V-A A A JUw po.t 1 uodge. D. 1S21. . Shoe Repatriate. FRIEDMAN BROS , shoe repair. 211 S. 14. , hlgus aad hhowcaru. E. M ClARK aV BON.: Ill 8. 16TII ST. Steel Cernasa. . CARTER Sheet Metal Company. HOB. 10. 1 Store aad Uffloa Fixtarea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv.j Ing, etc. We-buy, sell. Omaha Fixturol and Supply Co., 414-16-18 .S. 12tn. D. 2721. ! T goppllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. JOT .' Uth. D. 621. Tailor. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU. 101 N. 15th St OLS E N & CO.; 1506 H srney. D. tiotxt. j Trnaks aad gal teases ' FRELING STEINLE.-190S Farnam Pt. j Tlawurk. 1 CENTRAL TIN SHOP. HIT Dodge. Doug las 4i4. Veterlnartaae. - DR. O. R. YOUNO. 40ft Centar. Wal. $02 Vlnea and Lli Al.EX JETKS. a 2l-s S. 12th St. Wines, . ll'iuors, cuxars. Plate dinners 11 to 8. 10.-. Globs U iuor house. 424 N. 14th; California 1 l"e. $'.26 per a al. - Writs for price list. HF.NHY PGLI.OCK IJQl'OR HOUSK7! Uth .and Capitol Ave. .Ton-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's LI'i'ior Houae. N lttn- Iwusiaa ImO. j Everybody reacb Bcc Want Ads f