4 I 12 D THE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: ArlUL 11, 1915. Knights of the Full Moon Know Their Business ' . y . ,' , 1 1 -' 1 J EaiaaagBgBsv .... ,. . - y, . Ki . if 7zS-i r - VV H- 'S . . -"'ji ' M" ;.v,4 rvM-"''"' i i. A i ( ' " -- . i ,i , ? II ;,.C,..v L-.rr ; j (!!.A y , i-k i I;" ' 7j' :fc--x--:n.vrv..; ' M ;1 ! ) ; ':.V :, -J -'.;. j 1 .OONIAN'D, that fmou ralm in Council Hluifa, It to un bar Its satea to womn. For th lut two yeaaa, ever sine th wonderland of mytery and fascination cam Into erUtenc. the women and ' the ten ral public hav brn hearing won Urful tales, atmnce atorlea of the tertencea of the cuestc of Klnf Ptasticu tla and piquant curloaltr ha been whettrd until it hat become to keen that the knight have concluded to open the tioora to the world, and let avll who tare to ace what really doea happen that cauaea men to laugh until the strongest tiuttont give way to the swelling merrl jnrnt. The knlghtt have decided to give two open thowt, at toth pt which women find their mon . friends, who have not Veen lnltiate-t , will he . welcome. The dates have been decided upon and will be Thursday, and Friday nlghtt of this week,' ' ' ' ' . The gntea .will he thrown wide open nd all who .chooso to enter will ini'y be expected , to pledge their ( loyality 'to the king in return for his hospitality mA ssurance that no harm ehsll 'come to; them. They will not be required to enter through the dragon's mouth or pass along. t!ie thrlllliig 'Kockjf Way," where all kinds of turprlaee an) things that try men's courage are emouptered, hut they (win see the many, w ho must enUr thus. Jn""tr,o two years that King lutlcutls has reigned In Moonland there, have been many, thousand. Council 'Bluffs ' a.nd Omaha women, who have expressed the desire to view with their own eyes the attractions that have caused thou stidJi of men to journey from eastern Nebraska and western Iowa and return to their humes averring that the Journey unh far more tiian It cost, and was the best mrens of broadening human svmpbthy and creating gtnial fellowship th&n can be found. BulsfH en 4 Professional Meat. The knights comprise the business and profeuional men of Council Uluffs as Kelt as many of the wealthy and pro- lirosslve farmer of western Iowa. Among the officers and board of directors are men of more than Icx'eJ promlnenoe. (ieorg S. Wright, general attorney for the I'tilon Pacific in Iowa, is at the brad of tbi entertainment committee; C, II. j 'iif 't'.'s. head of the Hoyles Business col lese. It not only a member of tht M : . teitory, but Is slugn director and head , ft the staff. Other directors are 1'itd-j ulrk E. Cox, leading architect of western lows, and U. K ltohllng. head of thJ( firm of Rohllng A Annls. Course Gerner, , l lie Jeweler, Is president; U M. lfferty I of the fmttncWl firm of J. O. Wadswortli ii Co.. Is vice president; W. L Douglass, I if ad of the lagle Laundry oompsjiy end writer of the play, is second vice presi dent, and William Krhnorr of K. J. H'.hnorr Co., la treasurer. test Is Mrll Kbots). Livery man In the cst of characters Is of more than lovl prominence. P. J. M'-Uiide. cRhl-r of the City National lsnk, is King I'i&sticutls; Perry Bdollet. poytng tollpr of the First National bank. is Ueneisl Wlncheater; R. E. Upetman, city engineer, is captain of the guard; A. A. Tot-ci(l of the firm of Klons . ft Tumnsvnd, Is liuida: Howard Butler, ashler of Omaha . Kleclrlo LJghl com pany, is J. Jtockiutihain O'Flynn, who i.Uns the theft of the king s treasure, be ikving the luut Kill Ue trunk full of void and Jewels; fornter 7Jdernian I. L. JC sns, drputy ijiterp.al revenue collector, i or. !"lr.. 1 tie Tippersry enorut. Will lu,d,,n. A. LiLigvton and Harry M. j Cooper, tU Impel Ui KIVs' quartet, with' lrt HU1, in ih.isf of the slee depart-j n.triit ol the JUrnsnh Slanufacturlng 1 t-jiiiiany, and James McCarger ef the I J xyu'ge-w !! 'ympany, are tololmt. Hit: Ki.ule i ait rt presents the best In' BOMB VIEWS OF TUB MVSTIC REGION'S OF MOONLAXI4-No. 1, ; Bert Hill at the Dago Song Bird and Walter' Aiwood as CsrlotU Mush- No. 2, Arthur Towusend In the title role of "King's Treas ure" and P. J. McBrlde gg King Dlasticutts. No. 3, theTtpperary Quartet, A. Bengston, W. S. Rlgdon, Harry Cooper and J. F. McCar sar. No. 4, Quartet of Principals: L. U Evans as Dr. Swataon. Walter Clark as HoImesrTherlock, P. J. McBrlde as King Dlasticutts, Perry Badolet as General Winchester- the business and professional life of the city, men who are freely giving their time and tslent to a great public enter prise. ' The dragon will open his green and red eyes and roar a welcome from his thirty foot open mouth at 8 . o'clock Thursday evening and the-men and women may watch from balcony, chairs all the things that are done to candidates, about 300 In number, ' whe will receive the Initiation. They will still be recognisable hy their friends when they .get through their in teresting experiences. Heserved seats .may be secured, beginning toniorow. at the, Clark' drug store, comer Pearl and Broadway. . .1 Following are the officer of the organi sation and .the, knights who provide the show: . , i , I. "THE KINO'S TREASUTOS." ". ; Written by W. U lUKlaw. ' , J.Suitlc Arranged, by Arthur Smith. Produced under direction of C. 11. lioylea. YNOPPI. ' Art lKlng Dlastlcutis'a ftrlvste frar.deo adjoining the palace. Time: fwening. Act l-The Village of lilngvtlle the fol lowing morning. . - Act S Court yard of the palace same evening. Cast ef Characters.' King piaatlcutls of Moonland... P. J. rcBrld QenrreJ Wliu-hester. hla friend, a nii.l.J veteran of 61.. .Perry Dadollet Csptain of the (iukrd s brave knifiht of tho lClngdom ...r.li. EX Bp-tman Hulda Olson, the king's &wede cnok... .....A. A. Towmiend ITnlmea Pheilock, a detectrve.Rfllton Clark Dr. Hwatsnn, hla friend and constant companion I L tvans J. nocklngham OFlynn a aenteel cinjok. Howard Butler Ekiody Jnilly, hit timorous acnompllre from HDiilh Omaha I. U. lailsy Hank Tootle, th lllng-vllle constable.. Robert Dun left Lm Perkins, the rural milk boy ("arl C. Sulhoff Osrlotta Mush Walter At wood 1 " ' : .... William Rlxrion L,lh,' A. lien rniton jom., Hartf M: Cooper Jerry.. Jairtra .McCarrer RnmM f!unho . Hert 11111 KIMl'S .sI.DIB:H. ATTT-N DA NTS "", 'V'. 'I'SiiU'lA.MJ OF urniiwn , TOKTl RK.- JV. R Anril Uoyd tildsmlth Iou J. Adnlphsen Floyd Harding Clarence Arritihi Cort Kilwr ' f rnpt K. Atood William Korfh JVtlifm Hertford. , William M'lots William Cheyne , H. K Osterholra ; HHlph Pa vis ,Axel 8vrenson , Fred tef fenhuugh . HAREM aiRI-S . ' Pnnlel Shea Dragon head and stage cenerv. bv X C. Johnson. A Initiation and paraphernalia, by A. IT. Renxe. Costumes, by Oscar Lciben. 1 Kelshta ef the Kali Moos. OFFICERS . AND BOARD OF OIREX;. TORS. George Oerner .; President U. M. Lafferty First vice president W. Lh Dougiass tSecond vie president William Hchnorr Treasurer H. C CrowlA...' , Secretary C. H. Boyles , Director H. F. Rohllng Director Frederic E. t'ox I 'h ector George S. Wright .Director rMlees. ENTERTAINMENT. George S. Wright, Julius How ftf eld '. Chairman , J, O. Bradley 1 -William iSchnorr, . Frank Hinder Vl- Chairman .' Friuik Illanli August IWeaheim ,'' John 1. lavls 4 Otis E. AUIt Walter H. Atwood Lynn Brown , Kdwerd Ford ' .Charles l,fferty E. J. McKlhley Harvey R. Marx John B. I'eaco k v Hoy Petersoa STAFF, Stage rector Aiwistsjit stage director.. Ptage manager.. ..Anhur Musical conductor. ........ ifitago rarfieiiter.. Electrician....' .fnelelsnt eiotriclsn Master of propertl Master of wardrobe Doorkeeper xia.ls.nve of stase crew required by this prodU'-tlrm furnished bv the courtesy of Council Bluffs local. No. S3, of the I. A. T. b. B. . , Charles U Hnuffln Percy Snuffin t'lyde Ht.ilwell tienn Kuthcre ' ' l.averne Tnl'lnser Roy Weeterfeldt Itex Wheeler . Kobln Williams ...C. H. Boy lee ...Q F. Hughes EX -Wwatherbee ...Arthur Hmlth John Oorllaa ...Thomas Wise Kay Carter ...Jerry Walters ...Boy Peterson .Charles Crum C. E. Price J. J. Sptndler 1 dir. V. !. Treynor K. F. Wlloog , C. A. Beno -FX P. Kchoentgen ' IFrsnk Haas . MF. Rohrer H. L. Tlnley T. O. -Turner Joe W. Smith F. 8. Crabill R. B. Wallace T. D. Metcalf Fred Empkle Dr. Don Macrae A. D. EngliMh Clarence Hafer F. O. Hendricks J. Chris Jensen Thomas Msloney , iisrry m. Brown J. P. Christensen W. A. Maurer - K. H. Ooollttle ( General O. M. Dodge John D. Hannan O. Hoohmnn -K, H. Ixugee . . Herb Rogers HorSE.s ' (Paul I. Van Order ' Or. F. 11, Holllngs v'worth . k . Page Morrison t Charles Hansen George W. . Van Brunt G. Erneet Carr i ' -Painter Knox Norman Filbert Suppose We Pared This ' Tire ; Suppose litis AH-Weather tread which is now double-thick were pared to the thinness o the usual ( anti-skid." Do 'you' think that the ' grips would endure and the tread endure as . now? Or would it resist puncture like this matchless tread? . . Suppose we used as some do rone less ply of fabric. Suppose the whole tire were made .lighter. Could the tire stand use or misuse as Goodyear tires do now? . ' Suppose weomitted our other exclusive features: ( ' . Our No-Rim-Cut feature Our "On-Air" cure to. save blow-outs Our' rubber rivets to combat loose -treads - Our 126-piano-wire base for security. All others do omit themV - All of them are costly. One of them our "On-Air" cure- costs us$450,000 yearly. -But, could Goodyear Fortified Tires retain top place if we did not give those extras? We're Adding ' Betterments ' Instead of that, we are II the, time adding better- GoodJW AKRON. OHIO Fortified Tires Rtv -Carts by ear Ko-Rim-Cet feature. Bleweets by our "On-Air" csre. , Uese TreeeWby many rubber rivets, less u Uy by 1?6 braided piano wires. Piutiri and SkMiaa by our douMe thick All-Weatber tread. ments. We spend on one department $100,000 yearly to seek out new improvements. Our All-Weather tread alwavs double-thick has been made still thicker on some sizes. We.have added an average of 14 to the thickness of our Inner Tubes. . - And we are making our own fabric to se-' cure an extra strength. ; ' Price- Reductions Yet we have made big price reductions three times in two years. Our last on February 1st brought the total to 45. That is largely due to multiplied output " ' j Today you are getting in Goodyear Fortified Tires the best value ever known in tire making. ; It is due to yourself that you get these tires. They are saving millions of dollars and mil-. ' lions of troubles to motor car owners each year. And men know this. Last year they bought about one Goodyear tire for every car in use. Join these contented tire users. Any dealer will supply you. losoj m . In K. Rohling, Chalrman ' ' William rk-hnorr, Vice Chairman Oeorge Wlckham W. D. Hanson Junta Honharrl . Robert VI Andersen J. A. Clark Edward Clemlnson - MEMBERSHIP. Frederic E. Co. , L. M. L.rfertv; Cheilrmkn. Vle Chairman ' FINANCK. I. M. Lafferty, Frederic E. Cog. Chairman Vice Chairman KHOVC AND INITIATION t;. 11. uoyiea, n . Chairman ' W. L. IKiuglass. Vic Chairman ' ".. FXTWICITT. C. H. Boyles. H. F. Rohlmg. Chairman Vice Chairman Georgo F. Hughes f. J. .McBrtde 11 -.a iai and (U) Piano TO) ' o s oenerit oocietv :the ladies of the MACCABEES of the world The Largest Fraternal Beneficiary Society COMPOSED entirely of wolien , Not connected in any way with the Ladies of the Modern Maccabees. V . Total all Funds, $8,204,329.63. Benefits PaidSince Organization, $12,090,142.23. .- 1914 Magnificent Net Gain, 8,323. t , r Position Among Other Societies In BDefii Membership, Women's Orders PIRS1 In Benefit MemberItip, All Orders - . NINTI x . . . . . ' . .1 , The Net Increase in benefit membership eifcS January.!, 1909, to date, now exceeds o5,000--almost' an order in itself, added to the membership in six years' time. Surely this is an order-First in Stability, First in Fraternity and First in the Hearts of its Members. Reserve per $1,000 protection (? J1" ) FIRST ' Including Candian Orders - '- . SEOOXD ORGANIZED IN 1892. THE BEST ORDER ON EARTH. The Ladies of the Maccabees of the World XXSS lOU VU Will, wapreme CBusU4r. mi rmAXCXS . rABTBrDOX, Snprsme Keooiw Keepct. World's Maccabee Temple, Port Huron, Michigan. . Tor fnrsher iaforsaetton, phoae. . lani T. BOTZB.' State Deputy, Boms Xotel. Ontaha. veawsaMssKnSSBMsspBBsn : Mrt! Kn KM Kill UTW abBQaBsessasflSBBBSJ CD ewf . txn TSLm. Hee ns this week (or bargains ta pUaos said player pianos takes in trade, vsed as rents, discon tinned styles, etc " , ' - We have selected twenty-seven for this great sale, giving a larger-range of selection, and are quoting special low prices as a means of inoviug them at oore. ' INVESTIGATE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED ! CASH OR PAYMENTS. ILWTJ YOU HEARD Til 15 APOLLO The PUver P. That Is AU But Human? FlaUbli&lied 1875 A, HO itublisLed 1875 THERE'S A FEASQii WHY fcofUs Bros. Co. is the larcest Dia mond and Watch Credit House In the world It's because .youns men who bought encasement riuKs here years so still continue to buy Diamonds. Watches 'Jewelry, of us. and they tell their friends how easy it is to open a cJiarse account, and how easy it is to meet the small weekly or monthly payments. - KEW WRIST WATCH, Thrce-ft-Cns 12i VS $122 II. . KVArK ssaesk ( Watch. NksuaJ ' H US The new "Three-lo-One" Bracelet Vis.trh- Bracelet can be detached, so watch can be worn as a renda.nt or as reKulttr watch. 'Ue sol.t fulsd. small popular atae, full 15 Kuby Jeweled Mckel movement, pendant set, either white or cold dial. Guaranteed 2 yea,ra. Bracelet can be ad lusted to any sl. a each link Is detathalde. We have cut the prK'S to ".ed-ro-k," and offer this Uteal model Wrist Watch $13.55 ' ' Tisit V1.60' a stoime. f I M e v cr.os&ca.rs , Tit" I vI MoBt You ere thinking of the Diamond encase ment rlns. and perhaps, wondering how to met the expense of a ring handsoms enough for II Kit. AU you have te do is to open a charge account wttb ns. Our IOftia "Perfection'' Diamond Ring N. Soy, price tSO, is a marvel of beauty and Sure to please. , Tho Old Reliable Original Diamond and Watch Credit House noom crrg batiobaXi bajtk bldo. Souik ISvk at ObsUi Oppodte Bargees Baea Ce. Bevartaaeat Store. THERE'S A SEASON WHY YOU should do as others have done, because it is to your advantage, both in a business and a social way, to look as weii as your friend or neigh bor. "To Be . Bucceasf ul, Look Suc cessful Wear a Diamond. Every body likes to wear something new in the early seeing let It be a piece of handsome Jewelry. WE WILL TRUST YOU. Scarf Pin Bo. 4 Men's Dia mond King. promt Tooth moiintlng.Mk solid gold, Kvman or pollHhed CfifJO flnlxh 5pUO tl.SS a Week Xls-evScarf ptn. 1 Itenu- IMI-l-adles Ring ine lia. fl r' "" o'anionrts se inond in riHtiuum; e- inono of ring Is Uk ai -!..w solid gold J $1 a Moath 83.30 m MoBtu, m . 9 rtoae Dong. 1444 sad ear Sales' w ui vau. lll ar wrtu tor llluMrt4 cstsiog N. j. OH DalLY TTXX, 9 M. AXUASAIS TVLU SlU T.U. .7 X t 0