THE IEK: ' OMAILA, SATTTRDAY. APRIL1 10. Ml."). 1 ! NEW YORK STOCK MARKET ame Orfgter Proportion! 'Than Before. teOVXMEIfT . 13 SIGNIFICANT VKW TRK. April . -Ti wav of tVj'.lh enthtielnam In the Mock market. .hlch hn lo rreep upward a lorrnigni tin. inicd higher prorortcn. tody In . huc.rnt uprrih rf tlce nd a degree i.f t'iTiiv Mi-h tir-raed anvflitna 'n . recnr hlrHTef the If miwl ic aecurl market. - The advance waa largely tr1-t1 T overnight statement leaned tr th Treaeitry department, which fully Confirmed unofficial reporta of th laat week. dealing with tbe decided tm-lyM-nvement !n elmont all branrhee of the wonnti y ctmmtn, finance and .Indus trie. i .Today' movement ws of epecll !g "ilf!cnr from the fact that It wen lcrd Tmm the butaet bv the olrttim apeculatH 'forlte apeclaltlce. Including Jtethlehenl itel end tli Motor elieree being compara tively Innrtlve. though very atrong. t nited jHlate (Meel wa In the forefront throttpb yi'it with a gain of 74) point on dealing "which approximated 17 per cent of th ftivf total. I Heading an wa taken , on In . the lrftrnoon offorlnea of W) to i.Wft ahare (being rdlly ehtvirbed at ateady ad. i-en-ea. I nlop. Pacific and Amalgamated CVrner helped t ewell the rleing t'"!". wltlle Granger' errar. . Inmk line and trier IndlietrlalB. efi!r.roiit ai d utlllti" railed along at a, hlchar level. Ton price were mae in the final dealing, the ca nity of the ticker hem tested to the imot to. keen para -WHh the nnrmmii kjwtjMit. After th etna of the market thai ftrtan. JHnl dlatrlrt Ua gng with rumora and up ii urmi inanity will inn mn Ml'ion of tha short Intereata. ..That thle fc-("Owit had been atampeded by thaVlay a p wu it manor oc grwal opinion and ft 'hailef prevailed that man private pHmnt of outatandlna- bear accounts fwojidh effected overnight trtaral Itewe of the der trfJiidins? the peiluro of local department etnre, and r i 'mitlah trade report for March, were 8"tt aijht of In tha mora exoltlug happen- .' I Tr)fl fit afAfiVa t A r Ftmiarei. , PMlli war atronap. nanaMall nit. ... pf.!-and other apeculatlva laauea. Total Mea., par vaiua. H.tfll.Oc. I nlted Btal-s Ihmiaa wra unrhanaeit on rail I aajea avid leadtiiar mintfitlnnB ten atoclca today ware: nl. Rlfh. Clmw, AlaaVa rl4 'a AH iAr fmid Vvrr .... .vr',y Bom Sugar.. jlrlea raa Airlfa . H .lfnT1.n'. ft. pti.... -Sunr Hettntitf Aoir1o Tal. ob Tel...., ion !.) 7M MS 7 Hi mi liH4 im 91 101 t W'4 ' J" iot Ii( ir t 1" llt. ua im l-KI 404 U4 f.Ar'rtona. Tiea int-oda MfDiDB lf-vlOB loi S IMi S '. U l " II imt Ohla........ !.) .rnft T.Mn 17. li la l.tKrt I,i0 Jlkl ! 1 u ,rw'rn 'Blr Trtntlt.. iirr.fnia Peimlamai ' wi! ftoirn ' nltl LaKthar w'MitMka Ohio 1 lv4 1ST M4 44 H ?v M H4 111 P inr..l (kraal Wawtera... k l-ir r.i(. J5 "1o f uel Iraa ... t4 4 rvMlKrn.... sin VI s !M4 H. o jr4 'KliUrf gertiritUa ..... r- " Flwi'rla l H.71M) 7 MS 141 r.T w 11 a '" Tnlj J4S UV US U44. IV ' " 1") t M .1 I, He p. t Northern pM. ...... 4f -4 V on nip. ...... !nhrla ffxtihiralloa . Ci. f n'rl . Jtihf.n,,,!, Mat. fit.., j.Vw.:'iiin CT'eer J.l'.-:atl'.ni llarTMi.r .. j. . ic ftnwthara.... vili.r 3 iirliu Nulirllla... w J.7' H a " 14 lie t'H 114 l l:'4v ' 1.41, H !'. 1l' Mi l 1M si '4 1M : IS l.tM) 1B.J0 1(1 4j "iti. J474 1'V 4S IJj ?Nln f9imlnii ...... 5!.T.rol C'vr i twiil. K. T... ...... 'iirtiift FaHMe r floruit ailimt r,4 ., Cotipvr , Turk .antral K T . N. H . M -AfMlll Wuiam .i'tt.m Paflllc .? .' I,0 411 . 1K1 -J 10. , r i.eoj . in , ",it ' . l l'O llW'i 11 ji :is fnli(! Mull 3''IM .riilim Ti. Tl Iviinl l"7 1U4, liS "i ft a tlf f"r HA II. 1411, l '". 144 'i-f" Mr 'n. "oepa 1i;n4;na 1t '"r.ul 111 Trnn it Mtael.., B oik IIa4 r Iiri1 ("0. pfd '-. i. ft r t Bfd... oi;iifti r,ar:ti1 I.I'm 4IW 0 I.OiiO ' i!7on J fe.iw 11. no I'O l.!"0 li 1 r'U':artl Hllay 11 ! T tl.'.WBIW opper ..... a 'wipanr in n I'luttflo .1 Nnll. 1 Siittaa ial... ! P'l Hf i I 'H'fr "H ly'd 'i m I nlnn 'r-thoima Rlerlrlr 41 ' in', 4'i ' , l 'S I I''4 i -., : I ar Tl iilra fr th liar. I.X.i.TOH ih.r.a." lecel a I ). 'a n .4 nomit, Qi'Msimng turait:4 hr Hurnt. Rrlnk.r a a, Aalia, I) . u. t; U KM 111 r '.mi alia, aunnti eaal BttllulD; tnrk p r a O. M...; '. fmrmdtit Creaenar" T par r.nt pfa..i f tiitm-ut Crrnerr com.. 1 par Mat.. T r.-riB Tl. a Tal. poib ! A C R. Hi. Xr, an lt. 1 W 7U Ut III i M 4 ...I'a att. T.I. t. Tel., . a lnk et Oaiaiia ,. rl-CHjr Hallaar l.ubt v". a. batinaat haa. um , k-t'ka Oraia M , ' Srio Oi.m In.oB Slaw tr. ' Omao..... ...... Is- o..i.,.i a m. u. tn fNa.t. as M M I'll 104 n u ar.i. eu u Co.. Nafc. I, !-.'i f jn.oi TruIIob la, 1M. .'4i.ta;. Nb . . I, .. yw Tcv f 414a. mi .tly'of Orah t. 1.. 1H7...' M T 4 lil )4 no ifi.i. h n 1"II4 4 1M a', Ice kwlkl Wlr IV, tMl .(. .fcl 4a, ll.'t. ....i.... win f C. B. SI. Ky. la, 1M l S. Gan. n.(. aa. )K). IMit Vloun'ala Fa 6a.,... Una ll, IWa. lUt uilli I Co la, iihI ndow. M . Water 4. lr. ...... r..tiy T-if . S.k . 4'ka. jn? ... nltklla Valoa B'.x Vaila aa. 1 1 Mfw iMn jneaew aiarkef. ' V-?.: TAR, APrtl 1-MIERCANT1I.13 " r. rv v imr cent. c'T-rmsci rytniAVOR-ateadv:' .i.. ?-W bill. 14 W.i; for cable. $ for TSnd, ll.TSsJ. HIn Bar. b)c; Mexican dollars. t:ON'D8 Oovernment. atHMdv: ra.l!rfi,l tror-g." ' CAl.fx- WONKT Firm: hlah- u n.r Mtit,- R'W. t per cent, rulina rr- i I i - Shall w. jmiva . THK BAXKKT STOllE awsy from your oelghbor , hood? ' You may say no. but remember must have a large solum of buxlnei to coiittauu our stvie ther. Wa trust and'believe you ;will tell your nelchbors about our wonderful savings, so tbafwe esu erve you better. Get our large Price Mat. .a new on out aoon. NO.'" :23 t 2221 F.:.:;Ury Avenuts Will Cd Cssdy Fcr lzmiz Usn XKW 0.KJF MKKDS. :, pkgg. for tf.1 Our first shipmept of 'thestt this spring was over 40,000 pfcg. Your co-operation helps et quantity snd good prks. Onion sets, red or yellow, 7c a lb., 3 for 19c. white Te straight. Bur by weight sud gel what'you payfor. The average quart weUhs about a pound. ' ' . F.tklng rod. 1-lh. lye pkg 4e !n't forget tha prlae winning (ikf, it th Mate fair an rnaili wiih cur Tip Hiking iowder, 1-lb. nfcc van , . Iv! Meet ucitr. l0-lb, aaAk..a.S4 V lb, for ; 91JG I'b,dere1 or t'uh bugar, lb thraa Ilia, for ....So Cetite Milk, he can te. 10c can Te t arnation or Tet. tall cana a r run, "! ler 1 Inn.r. r,r gallon iva ! Oti. r gal. l SKi ta tJ t-oua. 4' ila. tc, ;i lb ti ti. I), til t). U Zl I U. IS 1tS7 Vintoa ( Id. 15. 1SU B. 24h St ti.ll. Mil Ko.2:h ZL Eg. 14, 1U Ftriaa I Xa.7S.41ES K. 24tk SI U. 11, US Ssuh lilh Sliest Ko. 28, 2221 M.i.Urr Avenue Tii l(ii. in No. f, ang will be re1v for bueinena aoun. T'u.ts you are tuu titiay lu euv n.ooay yua vau't alfurd not to aludy. THE BASKET GTOHEG Prtr Uat A r.aar on out eiwm, kep banly. Yon can buy. from It it iik. in r J b aura of Ud rucl (.rue. bo "rpoclal kle" bait. oai.t; laM loan. 2' per rent; cloalng bid, I rer cent: offered at per cent. TIME 11AXB teady; rlty daya. t'4f J per cent) ninety dava, rer rent: l niontha. per rent. 4'loaln quotation on nonda today were aa 'ollona: V. . eaf re .. "4 M4 P.c. rt. ' 4n otipn ; MfN. T. ". a ' .. tV . la. ret lr T. I'M" 4S 14 1 in xanrna l"i'. T. rH . .I0IS V. rtla4r.n, J. , s. II. M. reypa I''l,r". THnani Sa iawa..tll'i. Sn PimiIii. 4 Am. iaiita a.,.iiis it J S A. T T. ct. 4W v "O. a U rtf .. en . Arani, Ce.. 4Ha.. IHTir. T. A T. 4S atrniaa . rani. roe. w.., ll. Oaln la tt run. 4a (.hea. ohla 4H . nij ladln (m. 4". r. n a u i 4e ... wh a j. t. F. r ..10 M aV a I a u1i )-. P. r. la. In? 4m rf. T. 8. ref l'a r. 17 le Mallear ... Ti I M Paolllr la. in.j or. r T' V. R'lhher l . I, t'. . Wal . ft Wahaati lat la. . .. . taioa ISa. 7i 4t. Bl. e. I P R O ref. aa. Srie en la c.ati. y.lctrtr :. "it. Nil. lat l4.. ill ref. i.... ''"l K. C. Do. ref, N.. Wahaati m la ,. ?' I t ti. ant. la .... rHU . tW ISa.... 4 N K T IK a.. 7l ttl. KIM. r". H. . IP4 Bid. HR DHTRRK T'fl THAOK BRVIF!' fentliateat llolatered aroart v...r,nJV V. J J . i Iyaaght tho yoimff anldler atatloned out LI.Im. Pr" f -t"-10-ij tho arm, building. Fifteenth and lift la ktoek PrleB. i ni i renorxa. iraoe ana inaua - . . . . . . . . - . m Irlai. arc Ihe teat nota.i tor eom time.wlahad to enllat In the army. . being In aome reiecta tne moat farnrahj ' "J in afraid you're too meager In the iwi.l lnr tne aprlng ol ii4. B nil-1 ment I boiatered by l. e ainart up.iit m to! markt rrl'ea; better weatnei. naa ai'ieiilrducen improvemer.t In , gtnetai l.i. en of retail irata; ti.r igu ororr lor ii!ac.nery. toola autoinoniii-f 4nl tm- ti eroua other manuiactur maka for ca pacity work In (h enterprlaea thuk bene. i ll en: opera tlona on domeailc ati'onntwra U aally improving; Idle rumen are i lnaa numerous; mqney la eaiy- weekly : I'ink dealing are more encouraslna, c lectlona are a abade netier in aoma center a and winter wheal crop eondl- , iton.t are good a good, ad uiing coo ktilereii. aa a year ago at til data. Agricultural na diailnrfolihed from the lnontr l aouth at 111 I deprreeed aa re ard current trade, but other aactlop of the country manlfeat lgna of Improva-: ment, though It muai be conceded that betterment In the eaal. la alow. In the aft. coal anlnlng reaiona there la evl dencaj of Improvement, but the operatlona ara alow, and In the lumlier tnauatry de preaalon continue. Building ha begun to Improve, but aa yet thl tendency la moat manifest In the eaatern half of the coun try The arrival f tha growing weathar haa put a mora favorable face upon crop renorta. Winter wheat baa been benefited weal of the Mlaalaalppl by warmer weather, but nda tnolature at of tha river. The entire crop la late In eterU "Setter wather In tha south' haa allowed plowing and planting of cotton. Bank clearings for tha week aggregate $J.36&.2o,f(iO, an Incrcea of 13 per cent over laat week and of I.I per cent over the corresponding week laat year. RuBlnaee failure for the weak number S7I. compared with In the correspond ing week laat year. Bualne falluree In Canada for the weak, number 43, compared with M In the like week laat year. . . I.nadaa ttank Market. IjONPON. April t. American aecurltle On tha atork marVet or-etied dull, bht be came aoiive In the afternoon, with tho tandencv occaalonally lower. Th close waa Irreralar, Mobcv and discount rate were, ouirt. . , witiVPR Ji,d par ounce. . MONKY-lV&Hl rer cent. t.cCOlNT HATr.a-Hliort bills. Tatl per cnt; three mopM..Sfiy per cent. ( Haak lenrlaa. OMAHA, April Bnnk claarlng for Omaha today were W,)...T.07.1'J and for the corresponding day laat yoar. JU.ilT.'ISJ S2. TWO KILLED IN KNIFE ' DUEL, TWO ARE DYING O., April. .-Tn a knife duel at the Howell echool. home at Letart, W. V.. last night during a school entertain ment. I'rl Slilrley, aged Si. and Vrson Poaworth, aged 81, both married, were killed. Three brother on a aide were aald to have . engaged . In tha fight. Two otlrara arf reported dying. The trouble la aald to Vv been the culmination of on old feud. . .. . WANDERLUST EPIDEMIC - CN WINGS OF BREEZES Juvenll authorities and tha police ara looking for four boys who left home on Vrd:-.edii) night, aa th result, aocord Iiik to rrobation Officer Miller, of. an attai of "spring .fever." . . The boys are Frank Xiierod. 14, 1SJI South Twenty-fifth: Kenneth Bugbee, 1. Y-'Ai Hoiith.Twenty-evenlh; RalpA Snyder,. 11, 741 8a n ford circle; Henry Moody, 1, 37 7s. " ) . a tit IU B 6tJ llavl W Wajalwall Bom meat la essential If, w fire to have a properly i.aUiu-edj foqd. But moat of ua eat too much meat. Meat I a duar food. It contalna a larga propor tion of water A.11J. from a atandpolnt of nutrition, there .ara foods of greater economic value. Take I-'auat Spaghetti. It enate 10i a lai paokag. It la made of I menu, wheat and 1a therefore r! h In gluten Tne food element that hull da un inuaclo and tisane. Another Important thing abauriw lauel cStiaaiielU alniuat iu tin entirety, which means that there L'l practically na maat to this excalleni f ool. Ky to prcpar. eaay to dlgtal. Kauat HpaaiKettl van be served In many au petiiing dlaiie. Try 11. . . . . , Maii.L imos. . Kt. Kouta, V. 8. A. I'.ub-No-Mor or Pyramid Waablng Poalei. Ho kg. liv. 0 pkg. 4" 8 fvi IS lt. ll-IU aak I So; 10-11). aavk .11). M.-k 8 llarUrr'i , f'ta'iut B itter lb 11 I ih'w, W. II. Ukr a -lb. 25o can tttr 1 M'Mta, Tip, Vt-lb. can la itioioUle. 'i-lb. vak W. II. Baker'a. ..ti- erne for ise 'l'lr, S.lh cl. tie alae for . . . .1S If you like fair dealing tbe frank iipan meat liiu'ea on tbe 1.1m k luida 11 eat.l Kiarkrt fill v '- ,ii, pi, mil rhe fu:! .lahi. Art Covers Banquet to Boost Interest A hundi-ed prominent Omihi men In lerrated In art will hold a banquet with their, wlvea and daughter at Hotel fon trnelle next Tueadny evening. It will be tl.a Initial meeting of tbe newly rgn leod . fYlenda of Art AaaocUtlon,' which .Tohn IV Wrbater atarted quietly ome time sgo. and whlrh now haa I2S per H I year auhacrlhed for five veara bv about ' v fTt-eacntatlve bualneiw . and profea '. ! atonal men for the purpoee of advancing : !T art In Omaha. : :,sj AQUA PURA SOLDIERS WAY rt- nttT-Tikin At Dl fiporo ur rui iiiiU uii ouuDDtn He" a l feet ')" ln-?liet tail nd weighed 1 imiinda. That . de veloped . after tie wag weighed In at, tha local armv recruiting alatlon. He atooped and loomed over Janiea R. ,i innaa airpaia He made known that be i - - - - rlrli.ltjr of the eonator." aald t.ynght. "Voiir diameter I l'naufflc.nt for your altitude. However, let ua adlourn to lh preaence of the' sergeant '' ' The young glanf pasaed through "aav eral door Ire, safety and arr'ved at Ihe scales ' "Shy on the avoirdupois," ald Mr. I.y- sagli. 'Vlnly lao pound. Tou want l teen more nice, large alteen-ounce pound. Then yotfll be of the weight I specified by Vnle- Bam for a man of your height. Prink Jota of water. r-e known men to put on thaf weight In a little time with pure, cold WBter. Hope to aee you again." The would-be recruit went away y ing ha was going to drink ao much water they'd hav t run the. pumping station at Florence overtime. COUNTY PIONEERS WILL. CELEBRATE CN APRILS Ttje Douglas County Association of N braaka Pioneers ll arranging for Its deferred . winter celebration. - which will be given April. 22 In the Masonic Temple. The program was set for February 22. but was boatponed on account of the death of Martin Dunham. J. M. Thursta'n .will be on of the speaker. H. H. Claiborne ha ehirg of the general program.' ' THE FAIR The Home of Better Values For Less Money. Thousand of Men and Ayomen Hat ' rivei Moner By Defkltuft ' This Store) of Value. ' Special Sale Saturday, April 10. . ' .6 Derby and1 Soft Hats, latest W1S 1 models, choice fori 98c. Caps, latest spring shade. 50c value for 3Hc. Sus pender of all kind, t9c value tor. Ko. Men's coat style Bhirts, spring pttm, Jl.ft) value for Gc. Bhlrt with collars attached, 'i&c value, for JTc. Beautiful Neck Ties, four-ln-hHrtd, Mo values for IISc. Men' mad up Bow Tie. 2fc values for inc. .Arrow .brand" Collars, 18e kind five for aoc.. Men'a 116.00 Etna Merge and Fancy Mixture allk lined Suite at only ! $93. Men's sample Suit, flO.09 values. I Saturday Jour choice lti.48. On lot of ; mea'a and ycing men's 6ult. IT. SO value sispla shade and U 1H5 spring styirs. fiattird)- al pilca 14.93. There I no bead r-f going around without pant', jut com and ee for yourelf the big bargain we offer: $4 00 men'a hand tal -ored full or eeml-peg Trotiaera.. curf.. tun pel loop, manipulated r crotch. In the bet you vr laid eyea on. Satur day your choice for JttV. We also have men'c and young men's H-60 aampln Troucr 8turday, a palr 11.45. Now then. we. of rer you men's and 'young men's II. Trouaer that at aura dandy bargains for 86c. W advlae you to come early Saturday morning, April 10. .' j THE FAIR STORE, . '- ' S. t. Cor. 12th and Fsrnam. THE LOU COST BSO AUT1CLKS FXU WCHS MONEY In our store than any other More known. Here are Just a few of our Itaigain; . SATl'ltUAY 8PKCIAUS. , , . W jut received a oar of our1 high grade rtirlty flour freah from tli njlll. V, .lici It on aale FaturdaV only. -l. aack. every lb. guaraiitead . ,i.SS Three loavea freah Home Male Urad every day for. . . ...i-. . . Uaaollna. high grade, per gallon, only...... Bweillah Safity Malchea, penny bmeu. pec doaen ......... .... v VV.'i". ' have purchaaed 5.000 pounda genuine. Imported froni fTanee and "s-U; ' MarBetMei white Hernaldo white and Bacobllla ar.d Sallan dark Caatile and Ollv Oil PoT: regular aelllna price, per lb.. ic; on aaJa Katurday .es I.So ? It,; . dUwd?ieadow Gold. V?agewood or Ideal Creamery Buttir, t?; toVcaieB'eatr'hlgl.iy'preaervrt'Biriw Bl'av'koerrloii. Rd' Raapberrlaa " in A No, I lb. cana: ataolutely a Sic and kc aeller; on aaJe Baturday. 1110 Pure iSorglitibi or Kiro Hyfup. 1m aeller; Saturday. . T Kanry laig Juloy l-emona: on aale .Saturday, per doaen IVO laucy larxe red Apple; on aala special, per peck... ?rr tioo.1 Coffee, a good drink, all ready ground; Saturday only, lb 10 All kinda 10c pkg. BrUfa-t Fooila i.tUlcl!.. per pkg Jut received 100 bvLhcl yt.llow He Union; Satui daj . per Mjat t . . . ... . . . . Sv i ..ii ik. hi-l .r.-n. Ciiiidv t wramela or 4 hocolatea, 30c kind. Saturday, lOo '. Iba'. lmae &U to la I'runea selling pi ke, per lb. lie and !0c;, w. .ell .very iWilBTM'gf " T ' "! . Jtentf mber. we don't aJ-varUee at iheap piloea and von come In. V a give you Jnet a we advettlae. and best of quality. ' ' ! ' ImS I Lew. oure freah Ijeaf l.arg for PhoiC iiita ftrloln or I'orterliouae aleak, per lb. ...... No. I Unner Cured California Hams. Saturday, per lb. . v i 44.,nii K.lttrdav aina.clal. bv BlrlD. ear- lb. . Hum. Made freah llambaraer or Bulk. bait I'ork. by p!c. in..- Soc cana t alrbank a Cottoien for ie an.- cana Fan banK a t ottoirna ror are 1.B0 cana I' alrbank a cottoien. .o tl and Tar. T'1 ap haa been daibaged by fire and water, they ara o bara; Saturday aa long as It laata. per doaeo bare .........a Mall ordera will ' receive prompt "let.hon.- -All Trtoae laoiiglaa IMP. al Baaimaaaaaui ' aiaaaaMaaaaaiaii.4aaa PIG PORK BOAST rHH2 II DRESSED CHICKENS t,. un, oaB, .1 :...tve H I. u n .. ' iil.o Tig Tork ilutt. r.:. Young Veal Boaat crrum. Young Veal Chop ........ . . .i lrob Leg i .... ! I 'From t P. M. to H. M. Lamb Mutton I hnna ' ...' lSV,a ' flgpi .' . . . . .Be Muiiun U..i S'.a , rrrnn S P. M. te lg P. M. Pork huare Rtba 8 , : Chi-pa ........ ........100 iit I'ork S ! Three daltveiiee ;I0, U;I8 and Malft'e Premlurn and IHmond ' 'g . P. W. . ' Hnia 14HS 1 PronHpt attention to mail ordera.. PUDLIC r.lAnilQT ISJJiiTOV GRAND ISLAND. HORSE . MARKET BREAKS RECORD The Brdtreet aV rTernena Co. of Grand I aland, a concern that baa built up on" of the largeat horaa marketa In the coun try. old over 56,"i0 horaee during 1W4 and tha ealea up to April 1 Indicate that this! . . - av-v. will . .1 ii,u 1 - -a Kw 1 frmf ai,T-a ni I V. munc V L ICIW " T iveral tbotiaand animal. A report wa current that the Brad It reet Clemena Co. had sold out to a aivn.llafai irarfn 1 1 n rt Vaar CVi.1a.aiMa. Bt i7uia ana rvaneaa .iy capiiauaia. iii7w. ever, rpfsident Bradatreet aaaert that j the repr.rt waa without foundation and that a aale baa not been contemplated. Tho company haa recently bought a targe tract of . land adjoining the yards and barns and during the summer will about double the capacity of tha plant. t . J WORSE SINGERS REHEARSE FOR BIG MUSIC.L PROGRAM; Member- of.Pwedlsb,: Danish anl Nor wegian alnglng aocletlea met Thursday evening In Washington hall to ' rehear a program to be rendered on the even ing .of Mar t In Washington hall. THE DREXEL KID SATS: "It COB't do kid's Pa no good to apank ' a kid for aouf fln' bis ataoag. It ba w o r Steal Shod ha wouldn't amff em." A Shoe For Service A boys' shoes should bo ' , mora than Just a ooVerinx , for his feet. That is why TEEL HOD HOES are so popular; they out--wear two pairs of ordinary hoys jihoes. Hoys' 5H......$a.BO Uttle Gents 9 Jo 18 Vt $3.23 Button and blucber. .Parcel Post prepaid. - : D r.exei 1419 Farriam Live Better at Less Cost You ran do It when you be come familiar with the fifty or more delectable ways in , which you caa serv SPAGHETTI and you khow, too,, that you rre giring your family bet ter balanced and morefiu trltioua food best of all it Is tasty and a second help ing Is relished. Skinner Mfg. Co. Omaha. Tria Latrs Maoarau Tactory we OF .UP STGRE and fine evuporated Aprioota; reguiar . . . . . ... 10 on aal. 8atuid 4 lb, for. charg mor wbea w only handl th ..S 114, Bauaage. per. lb. .toe rnmnniiiiit . taM. 8 lbs. for. I flood Boiling Beef, per lb.. ; Beef HoaU per lb., laVie a lie aa attention. I Skinned Ham. ' is,. sar Cured Haraa ....tS. I "-""'a Um hrakfat Bacon.. Sa 1 jutr Cuial Bw-oii . BVKCIAX4I ..lSe mm APPAREL AO For. Saturday's selling we have prepared a series of most extraordinary bargains in, Women's Handsome Spring Suits,. Skirts, Dresses, Coats and. Millinery. Read 'these values, see the displays in our windows, then walk down North Sixteenth street," justv one-half block north of the postoffice and see for yourself; ; , BARGAIN NO. 1 WOMEN'S DRESS ' SKIRTS, Worth $10.00, One Hfc" big rack of in H S af4&! ( A v BARGAIN N0. 3 SPRING COATS, worth to $12.50, a large as- - sortment of araart BprfnK Coat a In the thi prettiest model, fine iioplins, gabai rllnea, aergea, mtxtnrrw. a a . roverta, cheeka, eti?,: all Vfl UK . cplora, S0.05 and. . . . UTaUU Bargain ,K. 5 tSun.alow Aprcns fl.OO Talues, . full, . hntton frontt liKbt . . dark !- . . Ws.S go'.a . (. SPECIAL ISILLIXEBT VALUES SATS You will be surprised at the Ifats we offer Saturday'at; TK rancsD hats . ja to S7.80 yalnaa. Bee tb harming meaele la tha aeweat. aatiora. ahaphard- ea affeota. tnrbaas, .eao.. that go Natav day ' tar 3.S &a& .(.... S2.98 at. each. y mm . . .i . . . . . . 214-16 No. 16th St. One-half block north of postoffice . Thc J.lcst Uonderfsl Bargains in i.len's sad Ladies' Oeady-to-Vicar anil Shoes $15.00 Suits. Ill wool fab ric, on. sale, at J $10r$7.50 ' $3.60 Hats, all tha latest styles and col- PA org, on sale ... 4 JL Jy Shirt, sale, 60c and on ?5c nuallty.:' tor . OaC $4.00 8hoes, Ttititton or lace. on sale, , : pair ...... $2.50 J. HELPHAND CLOTHING CO., . i "al 4-816 NOTVTH- tTH STREET. ft Stylish Low Much of the buauty of your spring costume depends on the smartness of your shoes. The prevailing fashions in 'gowns "make ' shoes ' conspicuous and , your choice of , footwear "quite tbs important ns your selection of a be coming hat. f - . . " . - Vv nriced ... jp Kee Our 1 Window. Display 1 r i , in CACKLCY'G LOADS IN LOW. RRICEEG vara ox.o icsxbow wauaxzxs via Taylor, s year, old, regu lar 11.16. full quart..'. Old Crow, g year, old, : regu lar. 81. IS. full ouart ' 906 08c 88o Spring Hill, g year, old, regu- O fi lar 81. J. full ouart. ..'.... WlIU Snnybrook, I yaara old, regu "S8o lar SMI. full auaat Cedar "rook, g years old, rag- flO ular 8118. full auart lUli. Clark' Rye, J yaara old. regu lar 81. IS. full auart....... 98o Greenbrier, 8 year, old, ragM- Q R lar 81.88. full ouart... ' . Maa mefuaSad If ' Tr Oonnea. rot i-onoh Bwt or Caaaarol. a. Aa' for Tkaaa. aaall Order. ui. Wq taane abopper. SCueaga. CACKLEY UKOTHEKU.,, -mm QWAtrrr kotbs." . ' isi-ag jromTii tsna stkbr. PIO PORK ROAST rOREQUARTER SPRING HUTDQUARTER SPRLNO rreah teead Oktckana 11 Sa J1g Pork Butt. 11H. 6mt Pot Koaat ....SUa Young Veai Koaat ..Il4e Young Veal Chop. ...1SI. Mutton Chop. lle Spare Rlta. ' S'e Pork SV bwlft a Premium and Diamond C , Fancy Strawberrlea, fine box. .. .18. I New 8 wret Peas. tr auart Ve j Large bunch. Aaparacua .10. Iai bunchea Radlehea t ' I 9PV. Woolworth f had 10 Store. n Pvr n n n o AIT YOG newest Spring Tailored Skirts; flare effects, all the new popular shades in poplins, Ghudda cloths, man nish serges, checks, gabardines, etc, all go Saturday - 1 60 fit at $ 1.95 and. ..... . I ... : Qfc.SJD BARGAIN NO 2 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' TAILORED SUITS, Worth up to $22.50, handsome check . suits, novelty mixtures, fine poplins and mannish -serges,. etc., in the niftiest of spring models and " rtfj TTP shades, all sizes, go on sale Saturdayat $11.75 and. . . ..'.. . . 0U. 0 80.75 Bargain So. 6 silk cs:er- . . SXIHTS AH. new color neatly made, S2.R0 made down " and 02.00 Talues, dain ty llnaerte and valae .for. . .' . SI.48 thin silks, at ........ triav letaini large , showing- of , charming Spring these special values TRIMMED n A T R ,i UXTKmLMED RIIArT.S 3.75 TTaluoa. - Abont' ' Values, to $3.00, , the fifteen '.different' pretty" season's leading straws models. 'to c hoose t rem, And colors, go Hatnrday, ' at each. A few stfips north of the rent district $10.00 Ladles' Spring Coats. ayy'.a $5.00 $4.00 Skirts, in black, blue - or tan, on . on sale . . . $2.50 $1.00 Waists, all . sizes and atyles, "on . AQ1 sale.- 8r.i'..t..v;.-4oC- .f 4. DO , Ladles" Shoes, ox s lords or. pumps, gQ . SI.98 1 Shoe Fry shoes will add to your costume that . touch of dUUnction which the most dlseritul-. nating women pronounce correct. Pumps, colonials and oxfords in a.a-' riety of . leathers and . fabrics that of-' fer an extensive opportunity for kAA ... . . .u J Ml n CnMl.ll. at " - I. ju ajKuvi,. 1 1, va J) Uugenhetmer. g yaara eld. rag- AA. ular 81. 3t, full (mart . . . . . Oreen Klvar. 8 yaara old, reg- rtO ular tl.X. full ouart UwU Pony Creek., i yeera old, full ft fj n quart IB Imperial Special WTil.key. full 7n. quart Private Block, fin. old Will.- tQn key. full quart UJU Home Made Qrapa 'vnoe, g Two quart. Bottled Beer 250 ISo&da Wot aatiefaetorv. LAMBS LAMBS. . ' r - ' H. ..... . ... ...9 , . . . laaa am. 18. trad Ham. SUe tan Braaicfaat Baeoo. .l,e aklnnad Ham. 8ugar Cured Ham. r.xtra Laan F uaar Cured Uaoon . . ... lste Prompt Auto dailverte. II varle a day 8 and 11 Three de A. U. and 8 f. M. alatl order at tbe. riaea. X stalk fancy Celery 10a l.arae Mead lettuce Sa gweet Potatoea. per lb. i.-..e Kanry Pie Plant 6 Good Potato, per pk.. JSe: bu. . Tie "113 South latb St. Tel. I. S507. J3EQE SATOtlDAY- in flaring, pleated and semi- BARGAIN NO. 4 SILK DRESSES, Worth up to $15.00; pretty models In fine silk poplins, ' crepe de chines, chiffon taffetas, etc.; the pret tiest of spring arylea a np and colors, go at 88.75. Ktt. MH .WTiUU JtraiB Ho; VYOirlEN'S- SK8ES ASD P0MP5.... All tb aw atyl, 4nolnaing lac mili tary lasts, gray and fawa tone, etc, sold H:S2.45 Bargain No.' 7 HEW WAISTS 97c high - 1 a . ' 5 J'?t -.- fvB.4,sri-w Tirj'MaB(. ,,,'1 , '. wieraeaiialin lii i Bee readers are too intelligent to overlook the I' '' ' ' ' 'e-e ? i . . opporrunmes in thc;'Want ad-? col umns. . "they" re worth while reading'. IMliEVEVl'D,. DO YD OatAKA'f. SCO ST POP UUA . Theater Vat. Today ti30; Tonlgbt Laat Per Xermaaoe of tha Senaatloaal Drama, THE NIGGER , aMaBaMMMaaaaMMMMM. mmmmmmm BaarlnJuSng Vomorrow Katlna, Oo.' U. Oukaa'a Big aCanloal Comedy, " TAXX OP BTBW YOBK" Tmeeday. Booaety Vigbt, TSaypy xL low Qaartani Betweea Acta. . WUttneea, tsai Tl1i.8s, S8o aad 50e. -OMAatA-a tVTK OSSTTBB." 1V8S4QC l-8S-SO.70a LAST TIMES TODAY 2;!i Hk Aaaaal Term of Mas Bplagal's . rX1- Th ccluce cms giiurt csomrj op ran co-eds lUaOiaa1 Dt) aVrattaea Weak Xtaya. Sua. wk- iokaala A "leloa Bel lea PTaoaa goaglas 4L Advanced 4 Vaudeville crtr&Tax TOwimrT " 8:10 Prioea: OaUery lo: Beet Beata 88-IO-78 B AAMOEIS. - April . 11-14. Mat. We7 OOV DPiTDO f O a lA IB t "rWlPP THEATtrp " Ken cf PgrgrosuBl Piclurgi M Vlaae TeAay. RITA JOLlVCr aaA Otbec Paiaaoa Btara la THK lNAHttll'' c and ztarttvff la th ( a laic '0m Z -C' J "vl QRr. t)U J -r - - - Vf