0 f " ' waxtet to nrY VILL psy about VA or W for "used IPH model car. (-riiawnipr. List mice between 1,2K and 4i,6Srt. A, W. BURO, 'ougi uh. 14m w. p. w. Pidg. -o Yi bur everything Id hand, Tyler 1411. OFF1C- tumltur bought and eold. 4. C Reed, jai Farnam. -non. S14. Slightly used high-grade piano. D. 1017. i . i i. :"..n i i RKAli ESTATE riltW RANCH LANDS FOR ALB T Live Oak Colonies Unusually favorably condition snd tilth rMurna mska dairying a big Industry, in Gutter county the butter output ia over 20.oo pound a yaar; IK per month Is a corservatlve figure to glv aa an avers g return from an ordinary cow; 112 ta not unusual front th cream alone. Ther ara tha minor profit available aa ell. uoh an hogs, to say nothing of cej,v. And dairy expense here axe half, or teas, what thev ara In tha east. There U a strong borne demand In California for dairy product. The man with tha right qtialltlea who go Into tha dairying busi ness here at this stag of development U getting In en the ground floor. to ure of good alfalfa will support 10 cws tha Tear round. If properly haudled. Taking this aa a, unit. It would be con servative to ear that the first coat of land and Oow. both ot tha highest class, would ba about 16,000 though tha land can be got on term ana tn annual gross looom 12,800. W have a 10-acr tract with good atand of alfalfa that ran be bought very reasonably and on terma. Pre literature and exouralou fate on requeau W. T. Smith Co., City Nat Bank tildg. "4JwwWb,ww TO SETTLERS ONLT-420 ncraa for 4300. Rich oorn. alfalfa and wheat land; na and. J. A. Tracy, Fort Morgan. Colo. lOWH. I HAVE YOTT A FARM FOR SALET write a, good description of "your land and send it to the Sioux City, la.. Journal. "Iowa's Wont Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five worda every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving alxteen ada on twelve different days for 12; or 60 words, . 4: or 7b worda, 46. W Largest circulation of any Iowa neiti- paiier, 0.00u reader) daily in four great state. Mia soar. BiaaEST land sal of tha year tow on. 100 forty-acre farm tin each. Good land. TV all aettled locality. Cloae to railroad. Ill par acre la halt actual value. Great est bargains In South Missouri at senstv tlonal ptica. writ today for free liter ature. D. Merriam, Kill fc Beuton, Kanna City. Kansas. Moataaa, RENTERS. HOME8EEKERS Your op portunity.' (0,000 acre Irrigated wheat and alfalfa land for settlement at Valter. Mont 441.60 to u0 per aero; fifteen years time. For particulars, writ a Valler Farm tales Co.. Box 1001. Vallor, Mont. Hlaarnta. BARGAIN MO-acre farm M miles from Minneapolis; 140 acres trader cultivation, 40 acrea good (neadow, 4(1 acres Umbered pasture; can practically nil be cultivated; pood corn land; farm la fenoed; 10-roora Couaa, barn, granary, roach ne shad, wind mill, eto.; u head good miik cows, 4 good horses, harness, wagons, complete sot of machinery, hogs, chickens and every- . i . .. ... , rfl iflM! inin Vfl iuv muu r v. , - " Z ' K,0O cash, balance can atand for 10 years at per eant. Schwab ' Kro., IMS I'ly- tnoucn crag.. snuitatwiu, uu. REAL ESTATE LOANS lli TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D. ... m .1 n 1 ,i iwU .n( ('arnim Ot CITY nd farm loans, 6, SVs. per cant. J. H. tiumont A Co.. 418 State Bank. WANTKD City loar.a and warranU. W. Farnam Binttn as t-o., r ninm o- AipNEY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. WANTEDClty toana. Petora Trust Co. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. P. Wead, Wead Blde-v ifth aad Farnam Bts. f-K) ua first for farm loans In. eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. CITY LOANS. C, O. Carlberg, 3l4-3U Brandel Thea.ter Bldg. OMAHA homen. East Nebraska farm, O'KKKFK REAL ESTATE COi, 1014 Omaba National. - thane Uoiulaa 2715, ABSTRACT OF TITLE Kerr Title Ouarantee and Abatract Co., a modern abstract office. 106 do. ivtn sc. f none u. ovi. Jesscn & MorrellBte 5 2H1-S tate Bldn. D. 229X ItKEO ABSTRACT CO., oldast abstract of floe la Nebraska, juraoueis jnea. REAL ESTATE WANTED Owner i m r 4-rs V V I I I I Bungalow The owner bf i 7-room house near 85th and Podge wants to exchange It for a lot or a bungalow, Bast front, ' Large lot. i . " Paved street. Hot WRter heat CALL HVKNINOS. WALNTT S037. on the sale of your house it it Is a de sirable place and priced right. We are in a position to eurtJy good, quick eervioe. Thone Douglns to!2 121b-l W. O. VV. Bldg. LIST your Property wlih P. N. McCoy for quick sal. 711 fctate Bank Bldg. V. 1013. . REAL ESTATE .VCREAGB Your Money '. Is Safest If Invested In Acreage : Near Omaha Tou cannot find a safer' Investment than owning a lew acres of good lend close to a growing city like Omaha. We have the best located Bereave OUT JiENRO.N WAY. In tracts from one to five acrea. that we ara selling at low prices and easy terms. On a re on terma aa low as 110 rash, SIO a month. Two acres -W caan. ' li a month. Sums cloae to car, acliool and paved road. Acres now will be lots In the future. One acre la edual to six lots 44X1.H2 feet. Call and get VlaiS and prices or phone our office. Douglas itxx, . ana we will mall you same. Hastings & Heyden 1414 Harney Ft. 4-Koora Uome, Two Big Lota in Benson Only (our blocks to car; lota trtilR earn: south front; all In grapes. Hous has fear roorsrf on first floor; two more ran be finished upslatrs: electric YhU. tu!lt four vears. Pri-e. I1.j. HAMTINQS HEVIKN, ltili Harney gt. RE A L ESTATE DOWNTOWN I HAVE an Eabt Douglas street property paying $500 per month that can be bought right. This is a fine opportunity for a man wishing REAL ESTATli XORTn RIMS Let Us Take You To See Lots in One of The Best New Residence Districts in Omaha Telephone, Douglas 2926 Today and arrange to have Or Sunday There'll be tf trowds or etcltemerit to Influence you to bur In a hurry against your beat Judgment. Wa don't believe In Milling Real Estate that war. Tf yen buy one Ot these more for your money than any being offered. at BUeh prices These lota are Just as desirable from tha Investor's viewpoint ' as from that of tha home maker, for the reason that they are lo cated directly In the rath ot the city's growth, and are now on an established line 'of transportation which two factors always In fluence steadily Increasing values to properties affected. The man who Is planning a noma, In buying one of these lots can start bis home right away without figuring a lot ot extra expense. . . Tha grades are established; witter And gas ara in and paid for. The trees are planted; Cement walks and oement gutters are all laid. The ' streets are boulerarded and all this work Is paid for. CAR L1NB RUNS RIGHT BY THIS ADDITION. . LOTS CAN BE BOUGHT ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. E. P. WRIGHT Call us between 7 and 8:30, tonight at Wal. 682. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE One seven-room house with Bleeping porch and den downntalrs, finished In oak; good ire rage; a feet from main en trance to MUler park on boulevard. Call owner for price. A taigaln If taken at once. Walnut 1218. o Must Be Sold Owner needs the money and haa re duced the price for a quick sale. 4061 Charles St., a fine s-roorn house, modern, complete. Hot water heat, clone to school, stores and -car. Here Is a chance to get a bargains. See today. - . Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 2. UA Bee fildg. BENJAMIN'S BARGAINS l."58 Florence Blvd., 7-room. nil modern, oak finish downstair; 4 large bedrooms and bath up; full cement basement; east frcnt. Prlc. tl.600. Terms. Onoil 4-room house, new: wired for electric lights; good well; large lot; a bar gain at 11.200. Small payment down, bal ance 112 per month. Call and let us snow you soma ot our bargains. , 477 Brandels Bldg. Miorta twnig. o ONLY $200 CASH. ' And priced down to $3,200. Strictly mod ern, will finished and complete, very good location on paved afreet inia is a bargain. Phone Pouirla Stfil. 1218-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Bargain New stucco, six room, sleeping sun room; fireplace; neamea raimn. located In Clairmont. vail owner, thoug hts K074 REAL ESTATE SCSCRBAN Uanitee. Dundee Lots $1,000 -Each . vtxtw oATh t.AT WRRK 6 SOLD TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY thhbis; v. .4 ktA Mnnth htlTB these ,V'"-V"""t"'i. ""'.. ,is ft. Mck. or, paved.. treet. i with , city watet r. etc., :n sirens, wn" .'. r iV V .1 for all cash. These lota Uy high and sightly and are protected by a reasonable hniMini restriction. rV us be f one they are all sold. George & Company Phone D. 7W. 2 City National Rank Bldg. Dundee Lot$1150 If you want 10 see one bf the best lo cated, high, sightly lots In Dundee yeu hnuM look at thia one. located on Nich olas ftt. between 60th and 61U whero many houses are betnaT built. Price only Line, n terms. . . HASTINGS ac HttYDEN, Vll Harney Bt. HEAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOr Your Money Should Earn from 7 to varal different ' Plana. wiaeh ma ra.it sret frosn T to It net cent on your money and b absolutely safe la your Investment. AS veryene aaowa, real estate Is ana of the keat and safest Investments on earth. W can arrange It se you can Invest In Individual properties or take an Interest with others. We have -i... h.hv von ran Invest In amounu as smaU as tioo. It will pay you ta see or write us about it. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY bT. 10 l.J-IJLMl.a l REAL ESTATE XOUTU RIPE us call for you with car This Afternoon lots: youl! hut because they offer you other N'ew Residence Property now and on aucn terms aa we are ottering $300 Cash $35 Per Month 1B17 Rvana St., brand new, modern homo, large living room, vestibule en trance and coat closet, dining mom, with paneled walls and window seat, kitchen, fine pantry and vestibule, all on first floor; three bedrooms, sun room or sum- rmp tleenln MOreh nri hath on second floor. This Is a well arranged and beau- tiiuny finished nouse; . plumbing ana heating guaranteed; house haa Just been decorated on both floors with expensive paper. Full set of screens and ahades go with the house. Tard Is nicely sodded and street la paved. Co out today. Tenant will be glad to show you through. Payne & Slater Co. (If Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' $200 Cash and $25 Per Month Buys new, all modern, -room house, lo cated on ' block from car line and two blocks from school; In good North Side location; wail built and reasonable price. Be sure to call about this today. Phone Walnut SS3 tonight between 7 p. m. and 1:20 p. m., or call Douglas 29M during; daytime. E. P. Wright Bargain in Stucco Bern Is Park district, south front, alz largo rooms, sun room, Bleeping porc,h, beam ceilings, fireplace, etc. Price re duced, 14.760. Call owner, Douglas ftl REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Beautiful g 6-Room Bungalow Just Completed . FOR ' SALE ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN This houae, finished In eak in principal rooms, with fireplace in llvinar rrm i. one of the meet beautiful and conveni ently arranged bungalows I have ever offered for sale. It Is substantially ' built I. modern throughout and la located half block from car line. It la In a, high claaa Motion of tha city, snirrcKjnded by all new homes. This house ran be gotten ready for oc cupancy In a very short time. The purchaser can hav his choice of electric fixtures and Wall decorations. Be sure to see this st ohce If you want to buy a beautiful home. TBRIIS ON Tin HOUbH $350 Cash; Balance Likfc Rent Phone me today and arrange to hav tne call for you. -Call Walnut 1 tonight, or call Douglas 2UM In daytime. E. P. Wright Natl Realty Co. tells and trades R. B. 214 Bee Bldg. P. 840S. FIVE ROOMS MODERN, $tfA. TERMS. OWN KR, WEKHTtH !. GOOD BUILD1NO LOTS. A f.w Mffh aiffhtlv Ir.ta An i.r lln .11 Street Improvement In. good nelghbor- booo: pri-a low. WRIGHT t LASBURY. TL D, Ul REAL T8TATE WEST BlDB 7 Sold; Only 2 . Left Each 43x12, on corner, only 20 nilnuteW wslk west from poetofflc; 00 each, j0 oasa ana i per wee a O'Keefe Keal Estate Co. mil Omaha National Bank. Douglas J71S. FOR tSALK Handsom modern miilmi'4 In the Meat Faritarn district for S 1 ev Owner will consider good acaht or other property in pari patineni. HIC KS. 4 .state Bank Bldg. The sure way to satisfy your want is through use of the want ad pafes of The Dee. Try a Dee want ad. UUUU1JI.U IJHUIL-LLJ.B laJlLlL I.I, 11MH I GRAIN AND PROPUCE MARKET Belling Side of the Wheat Market Looki Brig-hteijj to Men on the Firing: line. ALL FEARFUL OF JUL WEATHER Omaha, April a. inn Wheat traders hv reached a stage at whleh they are more Inclined to eell than to buy tne distant future) on weather and Top re.prt Beers any ttist the season la at hand for rains, and with ieoa talk ev lew daya they prefer tne anlllng elite. All are afraid M May. and K ta difficult to divr where there ta any short Interest of oonoeuence, but with Itaht srovke and enant removal of hda the diepnaitlon of the trade In general Is to leave It alone. It Is rsrwvted that the oats acrea thle year will be around t0,000,i or more. lst year's u .oo,w. Reeding Is progreeeliig and majority of the oatn will ha pot in, with the sTound In good condition for spring rains to te highly beneflolal. e Clearances were: Wheat ahd flour. eqtml te 1,I1,0SS .; eorn, esi.OOO bu ; eata, 1.000 bu. Liverpool cloae: Not quoted. Frlmaiv wheat reoelets were IS WW u. end ahlpmenta of 00,000 bu. Holiday last year. IVlmary rorn Vecelpta wera B4S.W1 bu. and ahlpmenta 4&UOU0 bu. Primary ata rerwlrra were 4!H,ti0v bu. end abutment tn.nno bu. CARLOT RtJCftTPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oata Chlcae-a 14 MlnrieaXolla lit 82 10 4S 7 sss imiuth 'it i n Oenaha , Kansas City t. Louis Winnipeg Omaha srot market : Wheat we Hi'lo higher. Cora wa MAt'la higher. Oat were vc higher. The sales were reported tod it y Wheat: No, had winter, I cart. 114S4 I oar, J1.4H. No. S hard 1nler. 1 car. Il.8; 1 oars, J1.47H. No. 4 hard winter. 1 car dark. 11.48: 1 car n-e mixed). I1.43W. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 11.35. Corn: No. t yvtllow. 1 car. 11a: 1 car. 704c; cars. 70c No. 4 yellow, 1 car. 70c; I cars, 6Pc; 1 cr, SSHe; 1 eara, Wo; 1 car (wet). 0o. No. S ml Ted. S car. 70c: 4 care, ic. No. 4 mixed, 1 earn, 69c; 1 car, 6Sc; S ears. 8Vto. No. mixed, 1 car. 6S4c. Sample. IS car twhltek S6c Oats: No. white, 6 cars, M'tc No. 4 white, S cars, S4c; t r SSsc. Sasnple, 1 car, BJSr: 4 rara. o''io. Omaha tash Price Wheat : Nf. I tur Ky, I1.4WI.M; No. I tnrkey, l.4mt.4H; No. 2 hard, tl 47nrt.4RH: No. S hsrd, gl.tt (Dt.es; io s spring, si.trvi.tx; jno. i uu- .mm AO. 1 AA. XI A . J,i.m A1 AA A i "in, fi.i. i,n. i.v, mii vi i , i - . - ." Corn: No. 1 white, 7J'7Jo; No. t white, 7JJ72Hc; No. I whl, Tierje: No. white, (OliTlc; no. s white, WHsfroiie; no. s white. v&70c: No. 1 yellow. 7im711io: No. 2 yellow. 71tmt; No, t yellow. 10i$ Tie; No, 4 yellow, SfcirTOc; No. 5 yellow, fatSe: No. yellow, SSUfMMic: No. 1 mixed. 70HTlc; No. t mixed. 7T0Ho; N. S mixed. fwr7ftn; No. 4 mired, 684) mt: No. i mixed, mtc: No. S mixed. i7Vtc. osts: no. 2 white, KOftotsc standard, MHfrKSo.; No. t white, M MVtc; No. 4 White, K3HS54o. Barley, Malt ing. 6fi74c: No. 1 feed, B0ff7c, Ry; No, 1, 1.08l.O8; No. t, CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat ares et the Trad la bj and Closlag Prices a Berd or Trade. CHICAGO. April .-Predlctlons of a de cided shrinkage in the visible supply to tal on Monday tended today to lift the price or wheat. After an early decline the market closed firm, S,5W.o above last flight. Other loading staples, too, all cored an advano corn, ,f'4o to lH'iJ lUc: oats. ViSVc. and nrovlslons. 1UH1.,cl In addition to- signs of fading way of uomesuc stock of Wheat, tha outlook raa for world shipments to become much smallsr. Argentine supplies in particular sremed likely to be diminished to a seri ous extent during the remainder of this radnth. At the same time advices were at hsnd Indicating that as a rule Ru ropean countries had not vet obtained sufficient auantltles of wheat to satisfy conservative requirement; Showers In the dry sections of the wheat belt east of the Mlaslsslppt turned out to be lighter than waa at first supposed. Ac cording to a leading authority, the re tilt of the deficiency of moisture In unio, Indiana, southern Illinois and Kn luncky have become apparent tn the laek Of top growth. Shorts were active bur- ers of the latter month, aa well as of tne May option, which tightened In a manner that suggested something of a squees. Cora trad broadened out vig orously. The strength which developed had back of It a better Cash demand and the fact that receipts had dwindled throughout th west. Rumors of export sales put firmness Into o.ts. On the bulge, however, much proflb-taklnr wa inuuiKeu in oy in. longs. Expected resumption of ahlpmenta o hoge from Chicago next week gave 4 stimulus to the provision market. Vack ers bought freely. Futures ranged a follows: Artlclel Oper- j Hlgh. Low. Close. I Yes'y. Wheatl Msy. July. Corn. May. July. Oats. May. July. Pork. May. July. Lard. May. July. Rlhs. I May. July. t 1 H1H us in 1 21 1 U1 1 tl I Ui' I & 7?J W US 72V 76', . 76' 11 K 7yJ . 67 R7i 67 -17 K4U 63 M 13 ti ' ti'Z 17 17 17 ?2H tl VT IT 1 17 72Vij It I7V 17 Wt 17 STlh 17 44 10 22 10 10 10 12V4 10 4a lOW 110 42 10 60 10 J7 10 10 W 10 10 07V4 10 10 10 09 10 40 10 tUV, 1 40 10 42V, 10 f'H Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. i-eu, 11.64; No. 2 hard. Il.&4&1.66. Com: No. I yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, UWtt 72HC1 No. 4 white, T2'o. Oat:- No. S white, &Mi67ei standard, Wo. Ry: No. 2, 4l.l'ff1 17. harley, 7078c. Reeds: Tlmothv, 94 im.; clover. tS.lR.12 50. Provisions: Pork, 117.10; lard, l 7Hi ribs. BfTTETt Higher; creamery. Cfiaoc. EGOS Higher; receipts. Id.tHO cases: St mark, cases Included iSylSc; ordinary firsts, ; firsts. lv,nio POTATOfct-rteoeipis, Hi cars, market unchanKel, POt'LTIlY . Alive higher; fowl, IBHc; spring, lTvC (ra aad Wheat Kftlo Balletla. Ilnlted State Dnartmnt of Agriculture, weather bureau, corn nd wheat region bulletin for Omaha, Nebraska, for th twenty-four hour ending at t a. m., 7blh meridian time, Friday, April , 116: OMAHA D1STRIBT. ' Temp. RaJn- fctatlons. High. Low. fall. Fky. Cloudy foudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Meudy Cloud f Cloudy ' Ashland. Neb.. S BO .20 Auburn, Neh... W Colambus, Nb. 61 Culbertson, Nb 42 Fulrbury. Neb. 1 Fairmont. Neb. 67 fir. Island. Nb. 6 Hartington, Nb 63 Hastins. Neh.. M Holdrege, Neb. en Lincoln, Neb... ! No. Platte. Nb 60 Oakdale, Neb.. 66 Omaha, Neb ... 67 1'eka.mah. Neb. 6 Valentine, Neb. 44 Alta, la R Carroll. la W CHtrtnda. la.... Sibley, la M Sioux City. la.. 42 DISTRICT M .H .It .t . .00 .4 ' .09 . .01 .06 .05 .11 .20 .IK .10 .4 .42 .11 .16 AVERAflCS. No. of District. Htatloa Columbus, 0 1 Louisville. Ky... 22 ladia polls, ind. 13 "hlcuto, 111 24 Pt, Louis lo.... SS ' Des Moines, la. 24 Minneapolis ..... U Kan. City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 17 Temp. Rln- l High. Low. fall. 66 44 20 60 62 .00 74 46 .20 70 46 . 20 44 M .40 70 46 .40 . o . a . . .10 46 46 .60 40 .SO tteneral rains occurred In all except th xtreme eaa'ern districts of the com aad wheat belt, and were heavy at points In lows, Kansas, Missouri and Okla homa. Falls of one Inch or more 00 eurred aa follows: In Iowa Creston and Gil Iota, ISO. In Missouri Holla and Mex- lea. I. In oklahoena Oklahoma City, Lsa. a. cijim, Loral Forecaster. Weather Bureau. I !ew York tiweral Market, NEW YORK, April t. 81'GAR Raw. steady: eentiirugai. 4i; molasses, I Me. Refined steady. Pnnr futures opened about unchanaed and later snowed n ur- , L U- - J JL -11-L1J through commission houses. Prlea at hilddsv were to t points net higfcer. HITTKR Firm; receipt 1 6,211 till: cresmery (2 svnre. 11V! creamery thisher erorlri. sru'Kvtc; firsts, a1 Sic; seconds, J,rfJo. BTO.vrirm; receipt. l,65o rases: fresh gathered extra. fc'Vtc; storsre packed. extra firsts, glo; firsts. SoXfiJIc; reg- isr paokea. extra urns, ii'iuic; nrsts, Xeric; nearby hennery whltee. fine to fancy. SSo; nearby hennery browns, U 42c CHEFftR-etteady; reoefpt SM boxee; tte whole milk, fresh specials. 16r; tat whole milk, average fane?. 14n. t-n i,iKi-i.ir. nrm; western rowis, 17c; turkey, 16o; dressed, Quiet; rk un changed. OM 4 HA GKNBftA. MARKRT. RI1TTKR-N.. a I Jtv cartona. xa-i Na. t, erv-ib tub, Dtv CliKKSki-Inuorted Bwlss. 84c; Amert- rsn Swiss, tc: Mock Snisa, 2'Jc; twin, 1V! dalslea. lTWe; trlpleta. 17V:; Yoviog Amerlaae. 1SHCI blu label hrtek, 17o; llm burser, I-lb., 2e; 1-lb.. loe; New York whit, lto: imported iVencn RouueforU 40c. FISH Trout, lxe; larsw crapple. lea; halibut. 160; channel catfish, 140. SWEET POTATOES Kansss, 22.78 bbl. CIT HEATH-ftlhe No. 1. In: No. L l4o; No. , 11H0. Lolnv No, 1, lic: No, . 16H; No. a, 13c- Chuck No. , c; No. 2, IV; Rounds. No. 1. o; No. I. llo- No. S, 11V. Plalea, No. 1. A. N' i I ' . . b. . it . 1". itsu; Of,. , p-c. POl'LTRT Brollera, focj apring chick ens, lie; hens, 14c; cock, IV; roosters, tV! stags. Vi dtirks, bc; geese, ine; turkeys, lSgioc: pkreona, per do.. tOi:; ducks, full feetherad, lOc; geese, full feathered. So; squabs. No. 1. ti.60; no. 1 6O0, FRUITS Oranges: California navel all slues, 12.76 per box; s-box lots or more, 12 45 per box. Umont; Fsney Hunklst, OPs. iWos. M Of5?4 60 per box; choir Re. Rail. M.60 rr bo. Grapefruit: 46a, 12.60 per box; 64a. 23.76 per box; 64s, Mix) per box. Applee: F.xtra fancy Washing ton W. W. 'Pearmatne. l 60 per box; extra, fancy Washington 5pltsnburg, 1 W per box; extra fancy Black Twigs, 11.60 per box; extra, fancy Black Ben Davln, 11.40 per box; extra fnncy ftsh Osnos, 11.40 per box: Wine flaps, 41.40 per box. Bananas; 42.Oikrf2.tft per bunch, 4c lb. Strawberries, too per mart. Limes, 41.76 per basket. Fig. 60 4-0., S7.00 ber box. I)at": Walnut, 1X40 per box; Ilallowl, SO per lh. VKGKTABLRS New York Danish eah begs, 2c per lb. Callfomla new cabbs. crates, 86 to in lbs., J14C per lb. Celery, Jumbo, 90c per do. Pepper. Ko per hssket. Head lettuce, 41.00 per do; leaf, 40o per do. Tomatoes, fancy. 14 60 per crate: oliolce, 14.00 per orate. Onions: Tel low, So per lb 1 red, 20 per lb.; white, I'-ro per lb. R&dlshes, 600 per doa. Turnips, 6o per dos. bplnich, 60c par do. Pnrsly, 600 per do. Artichokes, tl.60 per di. Endive, 26 c Per lb. Osrllo, Italian, 27lo per lb. BrtiMMl aproata. to rr lb. mton sets: Yellow and red, 41.M per bi.; white, 11.76 per bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rural, 75ft per bu.- Red River Ohloa, Sfco per bu.t Mrnnota White, 60c per bu. Sweet pota teee: Seed st.ck, delivered April 6 to 10, 12 00 per bbl. Mushrooms, 6O0 per box. NUTS No. 1 California Walnut. 10 per lb. Filberts, ISo per lb. Black wnlnuta, 2V r lb. Pecana. 12V per lb. Uraslla, HWo per lb. Almonds. 20o rr lb. Cocoa- nuts. 1460 per sack. Peinuta: Raw, 7o per lb.; roasted. V per lb; raw, sack lot. Jumbo, So par lb.; salted, 41.64 per can. MIBCKLLANPX5US Pl'elled ior.corn. 4c ter lh. Cntckerjack, 1.1.60 per case; per V-oe, $1.76. Checker. 43.64 per cass; per H-case. 41.76. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April . WHEAT No. t hard, l.8trl.60s.: No. S red, ti vs 1.4; May. 1.4..SB'1.46H; July. tl.U 1.16: September. 41.04V CORN No. t mixed, 7Wiff74C; No. 2 white, 7Bo; No. I yellow. 74Vi No. , 74o; Msy. 72So July, 7,4HT4Hc; September, 74S'S 740. OAT8-N0. 1 white, 66V.jt77c; No. S mixed. 6.E(4C. BUTTEH Creamery. 2Sc; firsts, 26c; seconds, Ho; packing, l.THe. . KOflB Firsts. 17c; seoonds, 17c. POULTRY Hsns. 12V; rooBter. 10c; turkeys, 16o. . , Mlnneapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOUIS, April' S. WHEAT May, ll.47; July. 11.41S; No. l hard, U.U: No. 1 northern, 41.49Val.68V4; No. 1 northern. ll.44Vitf'1.6fl;. FLOUR VnChenged. BARLEY-3e'7C ' . , . RYK-41.074Vl.l6. BRAN-422.00. . ' . CORN No, I yellow, 7".i'(r67ic. ' OATS No. t white, M4ijoC rLAX-l.SS4t?l.2V. St. I.oals Grain Market. ST. LOt-l. April 7.-WHKAT-NO. 1 red, tl.oO'VUW.H: No. I herd, 1.40)1.M; May. 41.46; July, 41.16lW.lS1-,, CORN No. 2, 7fV; No. 2 whlt. noml. hal: My. 74Sc; July, T'c. w, 0AT8-N6. 2. MMitrtfc: No t white, !. ( Liverpool GraJet Market. "LIVERPOOL. April . WH85AT-SPOt No. I Manitoba, 13s 7d; No. 8, 132Vd; ISO. 2 hsrd winter, 12s ld. . m CORN fipot Amerlcsn mlxd, new, 77d; American mixed, old, 14 W. , Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April I.OrTE13-Ther waa a renewal of Battering liquidation In the market for oorreo rutui-e tooay, ana, after opening at a decline of 2 to 4 points, the market eased off, with the dose at a net loe of t to 4 point There aeetned little change IS the general character ot th news, and th decline reflected 00m- naratlvely email offering in tn aoeenc et any Important support, a ala fori the day were only li.20. April, i.RSo; May. 6880; July, 7.0Ro; September, 7.1o; October, T sRo; December, 7.4o; January, T.41c; March, 7 55o. Btiot, steady; Rio No. Be; Kanto mo. , iw mursu pnwi In Brsall were unchanged. I lto ex change on London t-32 lower. Ossaba Hny Martiet. OUilll. A orll 4.-PRA1R1H HAY Choice upland, 412.Vffl.00; No. 1, 4H.60 1150; No. 2. 410.00rtll.5o; No. 4. iS.OOtfrW.oO; cholc midland, 411 0oll 60: No. L ll.0 12.00; No. 2, 410.004jai.00; No. I, ts.ooyi 10 0: choice lowiana, .buib i.w: nv. i. ,0O8.6O; No. 2, $S.Oi8v.0O; No. ,8. StUB . . .x. .... BTRAW-4Jnoic wneat, so.vmi.ou; cuoioe oat or ry 17.0087.60. - Abf AUf A- noim, pen inrn, t, fine stem, Iil.60fl4 so; No. l lu.t-ryu.w; No. 2, 411.00tJ'i2.w; no. 1. waw. . Dry Good Market. NftW YORK. April DRY OOODH- A Seoond carpet auotlon wa nnotutned today to take place In thia city during the week beginning April 10, th amount nffered to be 46.000 bales. The first auo tlon offering consisted of 4,000 bales. Cot ton varns were hirneir and mor otivv Cotton good were firm. Wool market were easier. Ready-to-wear manurao turera were active on good for trnmealate delivery. Metal Market NF.W YORK. April METALrV-Tad: Steady at M.17MrW4.22: ixndnn. 21 10. Spelter: Nominal; Ijondon, 4:42 10s. Tin. nominal; five-ton lot. 154 00 bid. .im . -aI mr tl 11S Jt' VOppwr, III,,,, T-"w.. ...7 V..', .v.-u, ranting. 116. 02 3 IS. 67. Iron, steady and un changed. . a At L,onoon: npot copper, s;(i ins; tures, 72 10. flpot tin, C1H; future, 167. Antimony, gssirtrc. i -Cottoa Market . NRW TORK. April .-OOTTON-fipot steadvc middling upland. 10c: no aln. Future closed nrm; iy, (to; Jtiiy, I0.06o: October. 10.44c: tevemoer. lo.saa: Januarv. lO.CSc. Ttie cotton mrxr nose a nrm ac a net rain of from 14 to If Point LIVERPOOL. April . COTTON Steady; good middling, l.ttd mlddlln. S2d: low miaaiing, aiia. bale. SaJes, 14.004 Bra nor ted Apple and Dried talts New york. AprU a bvaporatbd APPLFW trnet. DRJJ rhHTS-PruneB steady. Apr! Cots quiet. Peaches dull. Raisin In active. St. Joseph Lire Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 4. CATTLE Re- celpt. 200 hesd. Market steady;, steers. 47 0oftl.0: cows and heifers, 44 0&4. ealves. I6 50ul-7M. HtjJv Kscelpts. I.sm nesxa. Market higher; top. te.tt'i; bulk of sales, 44 601$ 4.U. " SHFT9P AND LAMBS No receipt. Market sUaily; lambs, 4100010.4.1. Imi 4'lty Lire Stook Market. STOUX CITY, April CATTLE Re ceipts, FO iuA; market steady; natlvs steers, whttt su; numners. So 'Wji.uo; can ners. 43 stxH-leO. HOOK Recolpta. 4.606) head: market 6c lower; heavy. 46 7?f4S0: mixed. 46 76tt 6 77',: light, W.txrQw.r.",!, bulk of sales. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Trade it Slow at Steady Price Sheep Receipts Very Lifht. HOGS FULLY TEN COTS HIGHER OITH OMAHA. April . W15. Ttscelpts were: Official Monday Cattle. Hors Shen. 4.744 i.:;.2 lt-IK Official Tuesday ... Official Weduesday Offteia! Thursday .., 4.600 4,l 4.N1 1.400 1S.116 U.446 .7 4.KO 47 .M 4. l.rtiO estimate r rraay riv da.v' totals ... Fame days Isst week name weeks ago.... Psma I Mki a.. ..l.t1X .. XMI ..It 270 44 271 66. M7 6!.4!i 72.001 W.6K7 4.1,064 SOM 4S.7.JI H.S.14 63 . S2.rti7 .avKCi fame 4 weeks un ti a- ame day last year...l4;ll The rollowlng tabl shows Ui receipts Of Csttle. hoss and aheer, at lh Hoilth Omaha llva stock msrket for the year to uai aa oompared with isst year: tftlft lull TfllA Cattle y;2,77S 24I.A31 M.1M g 74.6 H.ni 170.62 "heep T62.4M 764,641 ,9iS Th following tabU snows th avarag price for hogs at th South Omaha live toek market for the last fa Sara, with comparisons: Date. 116. HSI4.HH! !12.lll.ll U0. Mar. U War. s4. Mar. ss. Mar. M. Mar. r 4 mi 4 67 4 67 4 46 4 631 4 0 4 Ml f 67 J 1 S6 i M J 1 l t W( t r, 4 46 10 61 m 4 61 4 61 167 Tl 4 4S u 74 T 62 74 4 H I 41'1 61) 4 4 47 S 26,10 6.V 14 43 4 Mar. St. I 4 41 4 4 7 4) 4 41110 1W saar. a Marr tn Mar. tl. April 1. Apr Id 1 A1 4. April I. April a. 2 4 1 661 4 22 16 71' 4 44 19 66 4S 466 40 2 42 S I 26I I 7t 16 6 4 46 i 61 4 47,10 i 701 4 141 4 I 66 4 61, 1 1l 7 7 4 70- M4 4 20tS 4rt I 47 t 74 April 4. 4 66 T46 April T. April I. April . 4 66M S 421 R 471 2J2L 4 12 10 16 en ) 4X Sfil Tfl 4I 1 1 ! 12I 16 110 16' nunday. Receipt and disposition of llv atook St the Union Stock Yard. South Omaha, for th twenty-four hour seeing at 4 o'vlock yeaterrtayi IircCEIPTS CARLOADS, Cattle, ho Shp. M r s. C. M. A 6t. P 1 1 Missouri Psoiflo ... 1 Union Pacific ...... 22 C. N. w est..i. 2 C. A N. W., west... 1 ft. P.. U, aV O.. 1 B. e U... east... 1 C, B. A g., west... 10 C, R. I. A P., east. 1 C.H.L P., weat. Illinois Central ' H K I li a I i Chicago i. W Total receipt ... H 44 U I DlSPOSlTIwN-ItCAD. Oatti.Hor Bhep. Morris r Co 2M4 24 ..... Swift Co 4l 1 416 43 Cudahy Packing Co.... 277 0 Sit Armour Jt Co let 1.171 1M Bohwarl Co 1.178 J. W. Murphy ... ,H So. Omahn Peoklng Oav ..... K. Paoklnc Co.,.,.. n W. B. Vsnaant Co..,.., 2 ..... ..... Benton, Vanaaat dk is.. M ..... E. B. Lewta.... 4S i J. B. Hoot dt Co 10 J. H. Bulla Kellogg 14 Werthalmer tk Degen... 10 Sullivan Brba. 6 Rothaahlld & Kreb.... 27 Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... 42 tl.rlatk IS 11 ig gins , Hut'fttian , 2 ' John Harvey 14 Kiln , It Dennlson A franols.... T ..... ..v. Other buyer M ..... 44 Totals.. 1.4t 2,221 1160 CATTLar Receipts were moderate as usual on a Friday and th total tor th five day this week foot up taSly 14,216 head, blng the smallest bf any recent week, but still larger than a year S by ovt-dT 4.000 head. There waa a good demand, but aa usual on a Friday It waa not any too urgant and the trad wa generally alow, al though about tedy. bom good year' ins lora up to tn tiigneei price tor me month to date. Killing rattle are around 2tAf40o higher than lat week' close. while tocker and feeders ara strong to a llt'le hhther. uuolatluiis on csttle: Good to choice beeves, tl.iyi.X; fair to good Cbrnfed beeves, 27.frtii.76; common to fair corn- ted beeves. 46.NOti7.60: rood to choice heifers. 44.60M.3&; good to cholc cows, 66. 3f ,'(io.90; fair to good cows, 14.7Mi.i&; common to fslr cows, M 7fV'iT. 76; good to choice Blocker and feader. l7.2otf766; air to good Blocker knd feeder ti'.OMf I6.004l7.tw: stock heifers. 4o.lvi.SS: stock cows, 46.60tii4 60: stock calves, 46.r44.26; veal calves, tf-dfrtf 10.U0; bulia, stags, te., SI. Ililv. In. Kpresntativ sale: , B1CEK STEERS. Ms, A. Pr. Hs. A. I.. a.. !....., 764 T6 lit SJ 4 HI 19 Hit ....HMO 7 10 M.. lit 14... ... 1121 111 . ...'. 1014 7 70 ... 14 T IS SI Uht t T6 M 111 It )4lT 7 V) liu t as 11 int t aa .......... 14 1H 17 ....! 4 l. blt-KHd ANb HLirkltb. tm 4 a II IU 7 44 Shu 7 00 a taa T ao .......... it is ti in , i t so 11 tit 4 t U ffilFlilUi. , 4... s. 4... sm 4 a a a t tft SO 4 , I0 0o . u 4 , 4 aa . BUS 40 . ni a , M 4 0 , 4 1 a .4 Iw I .170 fk SUklS, 4 1 tea as n., iA - ,179 1.1 :as ....m., vo 1...... 1 l ...M 40 .law .1414 ..uia at it CALVES. la 4 io t 1 1 4 , in ...... i J 6, i 00 474 4 M 171 1 el 1... Mil ... 7 M , i It bTOCKfc.lt.-. ANU Fhie.lJl-.ro 1.... aa I 24 t.. 744 t 14 1... 4 64 v.-IWI T K 4 411 I t M M T I.... i. til S II W IB I HI IM 17 M IS HOOS Anothsr very moderate urmly howed up this morning and under th Influence of a continued broad outlet for all grades prices advanced fully a dtme an arouna. nnipping grade sold reaaJiy at fully luc hUher flsurea. most of the Shippers' purchase being made at 44.76 4.l. A waa tha case yestsrday the ahip- pcrs accounted for fully a third of the receipts. Killers' first purchases were possibly not quite a dime up, but the big end of th packing nog oia at rial tue mgner prices, and some sales or prim heavy hogs made at the best time were quoted as nmrh aa loj'lfo better. Movement waa lively ana practically - everything Cleaned up by (:20. Tha aeuural market was run 10c higher than yesterday s average. Most of th kill ing kind sold at so.rivtKa4.il, wita a isw down to 44 70, auid the bulk of all th alea waa quoted at 4.70.ti.lu. Quit a sprinkling of ahtpper reaobad lists the day's high figure. Today' advanc mor than wipe out whatever reduction wa made In values earlier In the week and for the five deva prices show net gala of a big 6c. Vresent prices are higher on all grade than at any time la March, and are the hlgheat atnoa tha early part or February. For the year to date price are less than 60o eft Receipt were estimated at 22 Car, er 4,100 head, th smallest for a Friday in Revised Edition Descriptive Circular on N Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co. Will be ready for distribution April 12th May be had on application i ' Tugene!MegerJr&Co. 14 Wall Strtt . . - Nu York City IJf over a month The rive dsvs' total of -271 hd I over KM hd short of Itst v.vek. but Is almost ttuM lsrser thn a yesr o. Receipts for th wek to c.sle are smaller than for any similar perlmt since the third week of January, whea less than 44.no were received. Hepresontntlv sales No. a T ! e. . f .17 ! 4 TH 4 t .. 1 174 4 m ta... n I1 240 4 7 an... i PS ... 7 7... 40 TT 40 4 T7( o a an iro t o at IKH ... I io t so a .. ...114 .. M ...III ...t4 ...IX ...tit 7 " r 4 at U ? ID 7 17 K, DM 2M) 7 ' U V ... 4 It T PI!Ks:l'-Rlpts were ve, y mn hrstn this morning, only abent thirten earn. most of b-m lamb, being reported In. The receipt for th wek to dste foot up only na.nw neaa, reinsj tne smallest or ny recent week nd emaller esen tbsn the light run a yesr o. The ftfferlngi of Sheep being Verv light the few on ssie were picked up very n't t my at grd strong figure. As high s 4'.: psld for good western ewe a-rkm 96 pound. This mke new h'g.i iec erd for the yesr to dat and h the hlg ... est of any time since March. 1!1". w.ivt $1.40, th high record for this market. j PaH- Th quelltv bf th laniK w poor nd a rend many of them were wt. 1v"li msdw h u vera lea snxtou for tnav. Still there was a good demand and b'-yriS pl'-ked nut a few ot the mora drslrsb e lot that they Just hptened to .. paying fot them price tht were strn to quite a little higher, taking amm.v Into consideration. Other h.t f.nyev did not seem to want espeolellv v.ert Slow and weak, o that It ws lster th6 H anal before a clearance wa effecfes. The best Ism he hers ld up to ll.ts, the nlghst price rsld so far. As Compared with other market holnl" pric hem ara very high, being right up aven with Chleagn. Quotation on hen nd lamb: LsmM: light. 4lO 0nM4 : lamb, heavy. r.o?e. 10.10; iambs. Bbesrlng.. tnjo ri- Mexi can, 4 4rg.Tll: lambs, fed weatcrti, In win 66; lamba. shearing, 2.!fffn: eaMliif1. light, sx.Tfwrj'S.wi; yeaninga, heavy, s vvg ighl l?6; wethers, feood 16 Choir. 21.ST.'X 10: wthfx. flr to good. l7.awT.4J: w. ' good to rholre, 7.6f3t.2l; , tlr ta jtood, i7.zr.4ji.oo. I fin "fd ewes....... 64 M ex Iran lamb J cull lamh , 74 fed hom aea 26 76 2X i 4-1 m fed lambs kVl Wyoming lsmbs, u v Wyoming Iknih.. CHlCAftrt tl STOCK ' MAstKtT Cattle Fiiwi Wear rro4r ep Tlraa. . . CHICAOO, April S.a-CTTLto-RacsWrte, l,hu heed; martlet flnni ssllrt t.f 1 ?ter. 4aMTa90: western IrteTa, 46, v-g .(; cow and heifer 41.4047.&0; traW. 2oAflS75. Htxi-,Rrilpt, l,hn(l bend; rnkrket ?tmn-. 10c tb 15c hlRhcr: bulk ot fsle. 7.Wfi7.14; light. W.KO-TjPf.lt ; mixed. s6M ' .20; heavy, M.e04j7.10. tuugh, 404f4.7, pig. 4& i.r.7. SHLP AND lwtMB Reoelrvts, TM head; market flrfn; shewp, 7.4"4.S0; lambs, t7.1itj1 M. Kaasak City 1.1 ye Mock Market. ' KANSAS -CITY, Ahrll . C A TTt Re ceipts, 600 hesd: market atdy; firlmt t! atevrs, $.i5fi).6: flresed beef steers. 7.243 tie; western steers, S4.Tr.fiS.15; stockers and rseders, 16 17.64; bull, S.0u.6e; clvs, 6.0(rM6.oa HtMJSl Vteoelpt. 1 bOO bd; TfiStkSt higher: bulk, 49W.4i Sevv, 46 irrvrT.n; packer and but.'hers, M.loO'l.O; light. 6.'wft7 06j pig, 4.6fi'7.0. SHKKP ANt LAMB ncWfr, 1,f head: market strong; lamba, x.7ri 10.64J; yearlings, K,6'Va4.; wethera, 17.7bW4.te; -, 17.Ii(JS.o. .1 ' at. !. t.tve ru Market. ST. IjOVIS, Ma., Arl B.-CATT1.E-Recelnts.aiO head: market ktesdv: n.nv. beer steer. 47.(KKii.Oo: coa- end helfeti. ir.fafS.6t; tocer and feeder. tiftQ ', i; Tex and Infllnft stcere. ,2,ct7.7 ": mitt nd heifers, ttdofitOO: nat1- caltr, A0t HOOS-Recelpt, 7,400 hSsd; msrket t0 20c higher; pigs hnd llahts, 4V.9T.4t. mixed and butcher, t7.Jtj7.s0; fwd vav'.. 47.1MI7.2S. HHEEP AND I.AMRS-Recpt CVt hesd: market stesdv; native Pi't 27.0flt;.; lambs. $9.1 10.5 H Viarl i.g . S7.bo4S.isi; sheared yearlings. l.:ofi..io. "LAME DUCK" ACCuilD OF ASSAULT VEST - CUS" Washinoton. "tpr'i i r'' ' Gaines, former congressman trim T i e and now efn-lsfv of the liuk.- e tional Boundary cominiasten, was rit .1 today, with a warrant sworn out by a 1 1 cai htrbetdssher, who - charged timt Gaines assulted him in a Icnnylvsn1i venue shop In a dispute over a tanqy waistcoat 1 Culls from tlie Wire M.lAr Oeneral I-eonard Wood, com mander Of the tfepari merit of th Kst, left Colon on board th Semr A bare Cares for New Orleans. Dr. Dennel Hughe, a widely fenovra bbatetrlotan aad gyneoobaiat -A at hi home, at Philadelphia from, SnailmiMUa. ' He was It year old aad had beea IU than a week. Admission that reduction front I ownf ta t rht on k mil on passenger traftto In Kan resulted In an act nal daorsaa f 20 per cent and not 4W4 per ent In pa, senger receipt per mile wa mad by W. J. Black bf Chicago, bangr traffib rnanagr of th Atol.l.on. Tua.. V bamtn F railread at th pasngr rate hear, ing before the Kansaa PublkJ Utlhuea commisstsn at Topeka. . . . . Oovernflr Phlltpp af tWlcont lU4t to Mis Julia OraAa Wales, meinher of the faoulty of th Unl vw.Uy of Wlsooej kln and author at ta Wale plaa for restorstien of peac m H irope, crw dentlals a delegat front Wleconfn to The Hsriie pears conference called by Queen WUhelmia. at . lls'.tanA, Mia Wales will leav for th Hsutu. Prldsev and will al with th Jane Addama paxiy on April U. ; Governor VrTiHmaa tHMmed Warden . Rattlgan of Auburn prison that ha b4 commuted th sentence) to eWth f Ah tonlo Afrtoano to life Imprisonment Th murderer hss been twV declared lnn bv commission appointed by former trow rnor Sulxer and was sent (o Datinemnr, -- onviiaj ror frannm insna, Whli Iher African raoovered hi sanity and under a stat law waa sent bao to Au burn to be electrocuted. L!iuIirtKoi .Growers svnj De&Iert CsTfxlsTBs) sVHAvAtatar flaxw2s spJsV- tm k1k..wm fJ sa Usa skwaita-f, Cm t4 Miaaj ajnsi Stan ix? But yv4 Cxo s frai '( Wti" v t&mm 1hm m IWWsV xTr m Casta. fM W. tmt - nm a m,.ir m. , i mm 31 wm ka a. mmm Si j tm American TiIfiphons&TilegrapSi Co. 'A dlvldrid bf Two. Dollar pr liia will b paid on Thursday. April II. 1111, to' atoekhotdtr of record t t elo of business on Wdnsdy, Xlarcn II. 1114. O. D. MILNE. Treaaui.'. to. go iuto business. J Z vf, uee.w I ward tendenuy a a better demsn-1 SlIEKP AND LA MBS -None.