Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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    Tin; iu;k: omaiia. sati uday, avhu, i.
Slavs Boot Print n Now Ttearon Trea Oraadea Oo. IJahtlng natures.
' Jpta Haraar aTnet A larg
tang of asphalt rapalr men la working on
Jole tn the Harney street paving, which
Brill soon be amooth axaln tor trafflo,
Today's Complete Xort rrorram"
flaasined section today, and appear tn
Tha Be BXCt-CSIVEI-T. Find out what
tho various moving plctura theater offer.
A aairlaff Tim for both customer
and yourself when your office) la con
veniently located. The Bee Building
tfc building that la alway new"
tnakea thla saving sure.
Marshal Warner Be United States
Marshal Warner la back from Fargo. N.
)., ' whara ha went to deliver to tha
authorities Olen H. ,Chllie. accused of
using the malla with Intent to defraud.
baa filed suit for divorce against Birdie
Estell - Bricson. aUeln abandonment
Mrs. Anna I. Ooff aaka a paction from
William J. Ooff. charging nonsupport
Tha Stat Bank of Omaha paya 4
'per cant on time depoalta. per cent on
nvtnn armunti. All deposits In thla
bank are protected by the depoaltora'
guarantee fund of the state or Nebraska,
Blips on Vavement N. P. Chrlsten
aen of the Salvation Army Industrial
Home slipped on tho wet pavement at
(Thirteenth and Douglas streets and sus
tained a severe cut on the cheek. He was
attended by Dr. Charles Shook and then
taken to his room.
I Noonday Clan to Banquet A big
tanquet of the Noonday club Is planned
tor the wvenln of April 24 at the Com
tnerotal club" rooms. Jucge Harry Olson
ht Chicago, presiding Judge of the circuit
ourt there, U to be the speaker. The
Jtanauat ts set for JO.
i "The aaerena" Brandels The
iToassatnt Draroatlo club, a local talent
rfanlaatlon. wfll present "The Naaaren
t the Brandeta Thursday evening, April
A chorus of 109 voices will be one of
it trig features of the production. Mr.
B. Cave wfll sing the leading roles.
VaZkeaham Ckrts ' Thirty Say
(VCliam Falkenham. who was arreted In
She basement of the Moose club. Seven
teenth and' Howard streets, after hreak
rtg into the establishment, pleaded guilty
lo a leas serious offense and- was att
ended to thirty daya in the county Jail.
Tafior Seek tn Own konaD. H,
eck, known by his many friends las
Seek, Is .now located In his
wn home with his bride at 140S North
fourth street. For the last two
while tbetr new home was being
Itted oat Mr. and Mrs. Beck have been
opplnf at the Hotel Keen.
rights Wot RaOo Anestaaloa Ath
janoro Theopelopuloe, address 614 South
Thirteenth street,' was srrested Thurs
day evening Xpr fighting -will Bill Kaumla
bf the same aadresa. As neither appeared
to be much the worse for the encounter,
and Anastaslos - already bore a great
burden tn his monicker, the magistrate
allowed them to depart. '
. - I
Women's Clubs Cut
r ... . .
.. Fall Activities on .
' ; "Account of Sunday
The Bniv Sundar meetings in the fall
cromlse to work havoo with the' program
of women's club affairs. The regular
Bumsaer School of Missions, usually held
In June, will be omitted thla year so that
the workers may conserve their energies
(or the Sunday meetings. . '.. " '
niaha temperance workers, have also
recalled an Invitation extended to -the
State- Women's Christian . Temperance
- union to hold Its convention here in Sep-
timber. "We explained that it wo eld be
too distracting? to Jhotd the state meeting
'while the Sunday meetings were being
lield." said one of the women. "We
think the convention will be held In Lltv
Come to Omaha in September, 1914."
The Dundee Woman's club (a the first
J cf the study oluba to re-arrange their
program, on aocount of Billy Sunday. It
Twaa decided to postpone., the opening, of
the club, which is usually in September,
until November some time, so that the
Mvomen might , attend the revival moet-
- Other program committees are making
.allowances for this attraction in planning
Uhetr program tor aexj year.
. i
"Eagles May Lose ',
"DJ.- TnT- rvn-Jv-o nin
Because, it la alleged,- the late William
V.. Cadogan "threw away his will in
April, IS 12. by placing it in a receptacle
for waste paper, the local aerie or Eagles,
tNoh tS, may lose an inheritance of the
greater part of his . estate if a mo
tion filed by J. Arthur Tucker, of Mur
phyBboro, IlL. is sustained by the county
court. - ' .-...
, Tucker asked the court to set aside the
probate of the will on the ground that
Mr.' Cadogan long before-hla death de
rided to' abandon the will and, to allow
his estate Ho be divided among bis heir,
according to law. The will was thrown
away, it is alleged,, . ... . ? .
Tucker who is a step-brother . of the
dead man, asserts he did not know an
attempt wa to' be made to probate the
111 and asks that It be set aside. 1
Try This tor Kearalsrta.
Neuralgia 1 a. pain in . tba nerves.
loan's liniment penetrates and soothes
the aching tnervea. Get a bottle now,
By all druggists. Advertisement
Lowe is'Arrested
After Long Chase
An extended cbaae after a man who
sought to elude arrest for alleged viola
tion of the Mann act. ended today when
Ernest Lowe ' was taken from Kansas
City So 14ncoln Low was Indicted by
the federal grand Jury In Lincoln las
fall under the Mann act and was re
leased under heavy ball to await trial.
Then, he disappeared, but finally r
turned to Kansaa C.ty to visit the woman
In the case in an effort. It Is alleged
' to get her to sign an affidavit The
woman promptly telephoned the depart
ment of Justice here and Lowe's arrest tn
Kansas City followed.
Makes 1 Feel Like 1.
I sntfered with kidney ailment for two
years." wrltea Mrs. M. A. BridgeaItobln
aon. Miss., "and commenced taking Foley
Kidney Pill about ten months ago. I
am now able to do all my ork without
fatigue. I am now el years .of ag and
feel like a l-yar-old girl." Foley Kid
ney Pills strengthen and Invigorate weak,
tired and deranged kldnry: relieve back
ache., weak back,' r'.ieumatlsm and blad
der trouble. They are tonic In action.
Sold everywhere. Advertisement
Union Pacific Tumi Orer Big- Ship
ment to Rock Island for
Trip Eait
Eight baggag cars, each containing
ten tons of raw silk, went through Coun
cil Bluffs yesterday afternoon cone'gned
ty the Cnlon Pacific to the Rock Island.
Despite the fact that they were ordinary
baggage cars with ordinary side doors
and. only one special watchman In addi
tion to the regular train crew, th atory
was started and generally believed that
each one of the eight cars was loadod
with gold bullion, which would hav-j made
the load of each worth more than 16.000.
000 If the bullion was unrefined. The
gold would have been worth about, tlx
a pound and the silk Is worth about .
Seat to Different IMacea.
The silk was consigned to various
points Chicago, Cincinnati, Pattrsou,
New Tork and Boston. If the contents
ad been gold there would have bten a
different destination. The cargo had been
discharged by a Japanese liner at Seattle
and turned over to the Oregon Railway
and Navigation company, a branch of tb
"Union Pacific -The Rock Island was
obliged to guarant'ee passenger train
time and made up the cars in a special
train. The special agent of the comnan
who accompanied the train as Its sole
guard did so for the' purpose of being on
the ground In case of accident to take
care of the valuable cargo.
Republican Mass
Meeting in View
for Next Fight
Talk Is rife of a mass meeting of
Omaha republicans to be called some time
next week to consider endorsing repub
lican candidates to redeem the city hall
from democratic cohtrol. A. W. Jefferl
Is looked to to call thla meeting. Mr. Jef
ferl is president of the McKlnley league,
and In that capacity Is to take the initia
tive to call a mass meeting. M. 3. OreeVy,
for many years secretary of the county
committee, has been In conference with
Jcfferla on the matter, with the result
that the meeting is to be called before
the close of the coming week.
"The republican victory in Chicago
should be 'followed up by Omaha repub
licans," says Qreevy.
Republican members of the legislature
who are taking an Interest in the move
have written asking that the meeting be
not called until they can come home the
latter part of the coming week, as they
expect the legislature to have adjourned
before that time The seven republicans
-who .secured places on the ticket in the
elimination election ar Zimman. Rvder.
Simon,- Hummel, Kugel, Jardlna' and
Hackett ' '
All Grain is -Sold
On Omaha Market
, at Higher Prices
The . Omaha grain market was strong
and everything was snapped - up about
&e rapidly as offered. Wheat and corn
gained H to I . cent a bushel and oats
about cent
Wheat receipts were light 'there being
only ten cars, and It sold at from $1.47
to J1.4SH, practically all of It being taken
for milling. , i . '
There were sixty-nine cars of corn on
the market, and it sold at i&ffll cents. .
OaU sold at SSHOSiVi, with fourteen car
loads offered.
Gleri Mclver broke Into the Emergency
hospital and stole several pieces of Jew
elry and some small change. He . waa
caught In the act by several attaches of
the Institution and turned over to the
police. At headquarters he told officials
that he had escaped at the Union station
Thursday night from an army officer.
who 'was taking him home to Walker,
Minn., on parole. Mclver will be held until
It is learned whether this statement is
true. If not he will be arraigned on a
charge of breaking and entering.
Id) 0 a
Free Exhibition, Beginning Saturday, of
A. Wonderful Working Model of the
s Battleship "Massachusetts",
. Made and designed by Mr Samuel Orkin, of Boslon, Mass.
i -" ' ' ' MJS(Sjswr:'' " f S"J' , W' ' - " l' - 5
Proclaimed-a Masterpiece by U. S.
This wonderful specimen of human sTull and ingenuity will prove of rreat Interest to
all, particularly school teachers and children. Come, and bring the children with you.
- Wonderful Maneuvers 4 'Times Every Day
At 1 1 A.M., 1 P.M.; 3 P.M., and 4:30 P.M.
See the little sailors working, hear little band playing. See Marconi wuclci '1 ac
tion, runs shootinr, and other realistic exhibitions, which-will be explained In ' Vkm.
by adults. Second 'Floor
Among the Recent Books
TTtrc TVRMOIL. Bt Booth Tarklngton.
tl.SS. Harper Bros.
Mr. Tarklngton's city of '"Turmoil" Is
typical of our grolng manufacturing
cltlee noisy, asrgreenlve, a hive of in
dustry and strife. The hero Is Rlbbs
Sheridan, humorous and likable, te
younget son of the man who by his own
efforts has come to be the biggest busi
ness man of them all; a man utterly ob
livious to aspirations and UVals that do
not run counter to his desires. There are
two other sons who follow tn hla er.
but the eldest dlea snd the other becomes
a drunkard, so Bibbs is foreed by hla
father to go to work In the factory. All
the din and noise cannot kill hla dreams;
then they tell him the girl he Is begin
ning to love thinks only 'of his money.
Bibbs' awakened tenacity of purpose and
his father's understanding of hla unsat
isfied longing, bring htm into his own
happiness. Mr. Tarklngton has not only
written an interesting story, but has
visualised the characteristics of many of
our fast-growing cities, and the relent
less ambition that drives men on" to pile
up weslth merely for the sake of seeing
the dollar grow.
Doyle. J1J6. George II. Doran company.
It la ten years since we have had a
Sherlock Holmes story, and the hero
seems- to have gained In subtlety and fas
cination, during the time. Watson, too, I
better than ever. As Holmes puts It,
"Tou are developing a certain pawky
humor, Watson, against whloh I must
learn to guard myself." But let none fear
that Watson la losing any of his blessed
stupidity! No, he Is as bewildered, as
patient, aa full of honest questions as he
has always been. The story Is divided Into
two parts, the latter being sot In America,
In a mining town that Ilea under the
terror of a aeoret society. There are two
climaxes and they are sufficiently sur
prising, sufficiently grim, to fully Justify
the breathless suspense maintained
throughout i
Stanley Bhsjsr. K& Fp.
Brown A Co.
U.tO. Little,
A tale, of United States secret - service
work and International Intrigue. At the
bottom of the plot are a sour and dis
gruntled near-bllllonalre, who, because
his gold has failed to procure for him a
place in the United States senate, would
like to make the whole oountry smart for
It, and an ambitious ac Intensely patri
otic ex-premier of Canada. This man's
dominating desire Is to see Canada swal-H
low the United States whole, and to help
the process he -plans to debase the cur
rency of the United States, flood the
country with spurious gold coin, until,
with air the foundations of Its credit
swept suddenly away, the nation will
have no option but to accept Canada's
aid and protection and the two will be
united as one home-governing colony of
Great Britain. The secret service young
man who Is the hero of the story, sup
poses, as does also hla chief, that they
are engaged merely in tlys running dowi.
of an unusually clever band of counter
feiters, whose trail has taken him far
up ln-Canada. ,to the edge of the Ungava
country. There, lri a comfortable cabin,
and much mystified, the opening chapter
finds him, and there ' presently come,
through a roaring bUsiard, a beautiful
young woman, a blind-habitant with a
guiding wolf-collle and a huge Swede
with a carefully guarded tote bag. In a
very few minutes things begin to happen,
and they keep on happening until the
end of the book.
PATRICIA.' By Edith Henrietta Fowler.
48 Pp. G. P. Putnam's 6ns. .
Partly because she loves success, and
partly because she needs the money, the
heroine of this story accepts the tempt
ing offer of a publishing house to Incor
porate In a biography the Indiscreet Tet
tera of a diplomat and sets forth with
out restraint the full text of matters that
should never have been commited to writ
ing. Only when the manuscript Is Irre
vocably In the publishers' bands and an
International sensation Is threatened by
lta publication, does she meet the son of
the man whose reputation she has , sold
behind his, back, and falfs in love with
him at first sight. Then the bookcome
out. The author keeps her plot in hand
to the end of the story.
BRUNEL'H TOWER. By Eden Ph lll-
potts. 11.60.. The Macmlllan Company,
Harvey Porter la 17 and a runaway from
the . reformatory. Brunei's Tower, to
whloh his fate led him, was the seat of
You Are
By special arrangement with the Inventor
we are able' F6 make thi wonderfully inter
esting and instruct-
. f (, I
children will be admitted to' exhibit only when accompanied
Boston Store Bldg.
the Kasteibrook pottery. rVn of a long
shoreman, drowned at hla labor, and of a
mother who had run away with a toff
and got killed In the street for her rains,
th lad had been early left te shift for
himself, and had managed the thing so
badly as to be sent away, albeit hla
wrongdoing waa rather excess of high
spirits and a talent for leadership . than
anything worse. George Besterbrook and
his partner, pitta, are two men of a high.
manful type, colored with the art that
la In them, meeting life with an unshak
able probity and clear honesty. In these
things they are alike, though In tem
perament and Judgment of Jtfe they vary
widely. There is little you do not knew
about the workings of a pottery when
you have finished the book, but It grad
ually amalgamates with your understand
ing of the human part of the story, and
Is not so much Information aa experience.
Behind the argument of .the story stand
the Iswa of heredity and environment. It
la on Harvey these lfws ctash, and tn
Kaslerbrook. for the master has his con
victions. And though, to his hot and
hHsty Judgment, hla belief appeared to
betray him. In the final outcome he has
good .cause to return to It again.
Oeorg Agnew Chamberlain. I Pp.
tl.10. The . Century Company.
The story opens tn Braall, and concerns
Itself In the beginning with some of the
snuthern people who, rather than be "re
constructed" fled from the United States
Just after the civil war. In the family
of the fighting Rev. Orme Lelghton Is
Lea-is Lrlghton, a boy etnt down from
New England by a Tankee relative. There
Is a murder, and the atory moves north
ward to a vast. Isolated ranch. On
Braslllan plain Lewis Lelghton, goatherd,
who can mould damp clay so that It
looka a good deal like kids and birds and
ether live things, meets a rich American
traveler and "hires out" to cook for him.
They are father and son. The story
moves back across Brasll to London and
Paris, and the goatherd la translated to
a sculptor of large promise, xne so
phisticated father-' has a richly colored
past, particularly with regard to one wo
man and some others, and wine and
atnhiins- and reading and traveling and
thinking; and he filters through himself
'stained glase," he says tne iigni oi ma
own experiences for the benefit ofhls
son. . His commentaries upon life as It
flows forward upon the boy touch nearly
alt the questions that men and women
must look at to live.
old Hlndloes. 3 rp. sreaenca
A. Stokes Company. v
This story Is concerned with the search
of three young men for the treaaur In a
sunken ahtp off the Alaskan coast The
vessel had gene down on a reef with Its
owners aboard and carrying not oniy
much gold belonging to them, but also
many returning miners and the results of
their toll in ths froten north. But all
lives had been saved and soon after the
young men began their labors they found
that strenuous though aeoret efforts were
being made to check them In their pur
pose.. They discover that It la one of the
owners of 4he vessel who is trying to
stop them and what his motive is foe his
determined efforts to stop their work is
the mystery of the plot. The complica
tions are Increased by the fact that both
his son and one of the young men are
In love with the daughter of the other
partner in the vessel's ownership. The
three young seekers after fortune by the
route of a forlorn hope have a tidy piece
of work cut out for them In their pur
pose to. reach the strong box in the hold
of the ship, and-they have perils and
adventures In plenty, wbloh begin even
before they reach the desolate island, off
the lonely, forbidding coast. Mr, BInV
loes writes in his usual realistic style, ,
B. M. Bower. $1.80. Little, Brown 4 Co.
The story deals with a final phase of
the long content -between the big oattle
ranchers and the slowly but surely mov
ing tide of homeaeekers who would turn"
the ranges into wheat fields and gardens.
The bit of sharp practice on the part, of
a real estate syndicate ahows that the
bomeseekers have had to look out for
other things than the hostility of the
cattle, men. An attractive woman land
agent, unscrupulous and determined,
brings a colony of homeaeekers, many of
them women school teaohert, to the seml
arld region of Montana t) have them
file) claims upon land that the Old Han
Invited to See It
ive exhibK for th
benefit and enjoy
ment of our patrons
and all' thcjse who
may wish to come
md see it. Admis
sion FREF.
Naval Experts
needs for ihe grsslng ef the Flying U
rattle. Rut "Ihe bunch" haa been wily
and haa done soma effective back-firing
before the agent ' can get her flock
rounded up for the first maneuver. And
arterward there are exciting times until
the agent overreaches herself and the
Flying U cornea out victorious, although
Cupid has made some Inroads upon Its
band, and some of Its members have
discovered that there may be more money
and satisfaction after all In farming than
In rattle.
Ry Will Lsvlngton Com
fl.tS. George H. Itoran
fort pp.
Peter Mowbray, the hero, is a news
paper man. Just before the outbreak of
the present conflict he is stationed at
Warsaw as assistant correspondent of
the States, and It la he, not hla ohlef.
Lonegan, who Is aent out aa field cor
respondent with the Russian, army. His
companion, Boylan of the Rhode News
Agenoy, la an old-timer, "a huge spec
tacle of a mariY" and gradually come to
feel for Peter that big, unexaetlng, self,
sacrificing affection, thla author depict
o well. Before they Join the command
to whloh they have been assigned Peter
has met and fallen In love with Berth
Wyndham, daughter . of a revolutionist
who waa shot down on Red Sunday.
Through her h encounters Duke Fal
lowsthat same Dyke Fallow who saw
the great vlaton of the Ploughman, under.
stood, and In understanding found salva
tion. But Mowbray I not yet quite ready
This $20
Special Terms
$1.00 Cash $1.C0 a Month
rmT- till '
OMAHA. Tbe bed is rnae entirety of steel, mlth two-Inch continuous posts, without the usual cst
ornsjnentetlons. Haa ten henry H-lnoh tillers. ' The spring are tnisde with an Jingle-tron frame and
heYjr wire fabric top. The mattress is of hiffli grade material, weighing 45 pound, with sanitary
felt top and durable ticking. The complete set priced for Saturday only at this remarkably low price.
--tw LET. .
' fffi O XV FEATHER , : , - J
f ; WJm your JT- txsL
of hlli s;rad seaaonad oak, vary niaa-
Ira and oarerully finished in rnlden.
fDholstsrad in an axcallsnt arad of
Impsrlal Lather with dsep
diamond tuftad hack and
smooth asst. This . valu
roust b ssan to ba ap
preciated. .Vary apaclal.
Tie Cash 7B Monthly
Hartman's Spec
ial Automatic
One Motion
Bed Davenport
PORT is upholstered in high
grade Imperial leather with artls
tloally tuftad baok and seat over
steel spring construction. The
frame la brilliantly polished In
(American quarter sawed Imita
tion oak. with neatly car red front
Ianele. A vary ueeTuI a well as
ornamental piece or furniture.
.i.ii I i i '-' ia l'1' mm I.M.IMHIS.' I
ou oak ai a. to , M 1 f . : r ' - z7ZX'
g.J..M- . ,..llin..L .. ,
TABIJ1 Table top la unusaeJly large,
measuring lixil Ins. fitted with heaVy
post legs and neat panel ends. Has two
roomy - stationery drawers, and larse
book shelf. Offered In fumed iinlSn ouiy
at thla extremely low prloe
v s TSo Cash To a Mmth.
St roo 4
lo receive Fallon' message
la Interested only In "he peasant' blind
ness and the monkey other men make of
him." And then he Is plunged Into the
midst of war, with the result that he who
"had wat hed men, studied them sincerely
and reflected on their problems." finds
himself for the first time In his lire
really "down among men." And through
horror and agony and compassion and
courageous defiance of death he earn
his revelation.
Nebraska Butter
Men Want Bettor
Quality of Cream
Before adjourning from their meeting at
the Paxton hotel prominent Nebraska
oreamery butter men In session with the
officer and director of the American
Association of Creamery Rutter Manuv
factorer and leading dairy experts of
the county decided to leave to the na
tional director the management of the
plaa for Improving the quality of cream
famished by the farmer for butter mak
Their meeting wa the result of the
growing Import no of Imported butter
In American market and the decision that
the doraeetto product can successfully
oompete with the foreign variety only by
being mad from bettor cream thsji Is
now a vaD able.
Hrtman's operaU 22 RETAIL STORES throughout the United
nlBh homes daily in every state in the Union. This proves ihe LOW -NESS
OF OUR PRICES and the LIBERALITY of our credit terms.
landing- 10 Inches hlifh. Otitslda 1lsm
alar mnesures 7 Inches. Entirely nlclcai
plated with fancy smbossAd silt dial,
litis double gong with shutoff g g-
between. On to a customer ajtig
only .for Haturday's - selling- a704L
whll a small quantity lasts... ,
$1.75 OASH-41.50 A HONTTL
r-i. i isi u vUjJii nuu. uaae or
selected wooioa aseortnient of design to
ahoose from. Le-rjt aortment of de-
tign to etioos from. BJltaW for Par
jr. Dlnlnsrooru or Bedroom. An ex
eepuonal valu .
' tUO
So far ha.MAMV MrtDC rC5 UAWni CI"!
innii in vnw, vngkg nmiukku
1 nv tuc nivrwii c rnnoT
all Tn
More than TOO children came to the at
tention of the Juvenile authorities In
Omaha during the year ending Msro.h K,
aocordlng to a report complied In the of
fice of Probation Officer Miller. One
hundred and twenty-seven more children
were brought Into court than during the
preceding year.
When Run Down
tood's arsaparnia, the
mltabl Tenia
i, Buna
The reason why you foel so tired all
the time at this season la that your blood
la impure and Impoverished. It lacks vi
tality. It Is not the rich red blood that
gives life to'the whole body, perfect di
gestion and enablea all the organ to per
form their function aa they should.
Get Hood Sarsaparllla from any drug
gist. It will make you feel better, look
better, eat and Bleep better. It la the old
reliable tried and true alt-the-year-round
blood purifier and en richer, tonic and ap
petiser. It revitalise the blood, and la
especially useful In bunding up the de-:
billeted and run-down. .
Hood's Sarsaparllla I helping thou
sands at thla time of year. Let It help
you. Get a bottle today and begin taking
It at once. B sure to get Hood's. Noth
ing else acts like kt Advertisement
v .... : v r t "-s .
I i ii. i . x . if f
Wii ,T Pi V ' t an
For Saturday Only
' Consisting of Mas
Tite 3-Inch Chilless
Post Verms Martin
Bed. Heavy Wire
Fabric All Iron
Spring. Durable Soft
Top Sanitary Mattress.
structed throughout of well
seasoned wood, finished gold
en. Haas la fitted with three
roomy drawer.
wooa puns, mir
ror Is of French
i) late act in neat
ly turned - stand
ard. Am as Ins J.
TSo Cash . TBo KoatalT
ttv JWtl .
Bed Outfit
' UJ ' -
Oan 91J0Q a Ko&tb.
Str o o t