10 titt: bkk: (rtLviu. -satl'upay, ArniL 10, mis. HUE. DEPAGE TELLS HEED OFHOSPITALS Belgian Red Crosi LecturfryAiert -.Fathert Shot in Trenchei While . Families Are Being: Auieted. SEW ARMY OF BXLGIAKS READY , .. , i, . ,f - ,. Mm. ABtrtioi; Depaee. Belgian Tied Cross lecturer, addressed a gath ering at the Hotel Rome laat night, when (the (old noma vivid Incidents of the war. "What we are asking," aha Mid, "la that you help us mend what war has destroyed." She pointed out ttat weny people who are furnishing money (or relief do not real lie that while they ere saving a wife and baby by this relief work the father la per haps being killed In the trenches and that this means there will be much relief necessary for this little family long after the war la over. h sild ttist a new srmy 'of Belgian would t in the told this spring, and that s soon s the roada were dried o that til heavy artillery ronid b moved V,0" Felglsji soldiers would be on ths move toward tha (rent Mm. tpsg herself ha a an In h trenches. -Bb related soma of t a things he hss written to her as for example how r and hi comrsde remained In a trench for forty-eight hours with bullets lnglng over. their head constantly, with hllit and shrapnel bursting over thera day and night 'uritH om of the men actually becsm dUtracted , with th nervoua straw.. He told her also of a battle In which mn fell dead so rapidly that th lsst of the stricken did not fall, but re trained standing, walled in by th dead abound them. y of Hospital gerrlo. ' he made a plea for help for th hos pital work, atstlng that what la needed Is a ,rvtm whereby a large relief forea eng always aecompan th army 'with hWepital tents. To show the lack o ado uu'at relief, eh save an Illustration of we -work In which she engaged along Htt other. In an effort to handle ,0t wounded men in a llttl village alter one greet battle. There were but two doctors ar several nurses. Of the 6,000 men, only J' were saved, and th rest died, larsly tecaua of the laofc of attention, a th doctor worked day and night un til they'slmpty fell exhausted and bad to negieot ' the areat majority of the wijnded. I jKdgsr' fcott Introduced th speaker. ; MMI at Mr. Jonas' How. ' "Th Belgian Red Cross Is not healing men to nd them back to war. TV are working for after th war-thet w may id bicH men who wltl b able to sup port their wives and children. If all th strong.' brav men are hilled, not only br bullets, but by th" ravage of In ftlon due to ahaene of surgical treat ment, the next generation will b feth- ' ered by orlpp'e. coward and weaklings." Thus spoke Mm. Depag to an audleiy of-women at th home of Mrs. A. F. Jon, Thursdsy afternoon. Vine. Da psa is touriex th United Rtatae and stpesllng In every elty tor th fund to nuip field hospitals to follow la th waka of th arm!. -Mme, Depsge said that Infenrlo of the greatest danger, sine wound re nisfnrd iinwsshrd snd unattended for tter-k. "If w could equip sufTioierit f'eld hospltsls. th work ot tfalva la humkn bodies would be enormous. " The speaker mphaslsd the neutrality of o'-h hoerltals whtct ar already cpeistlon. "Til soidler of 11 BKutse are; rerfnl for alike," she said. Mine. Depeg related harrow! rut cs Iwrienrea In crossing th freUr, sad mid of a party which acquired a hear. il'ied a coffin with aend and. atmulatrng , a ' party of mourners, was permitted t rots. She told of a prrrnshirelj? ad, shabby ; oint. the ton of on of. th oldest f'reti h fainillee, whom she had instructed how to nh bottles In a Belgian ho. I'ltftl. When his work prov4 unsatt. 'S'-tnry. a'trr reproving him. sh had n- Kciscd In conversation with him and learned bis Identity. Their families had ten friends. "I had danced with htm kt soviet affairs in the happy days befor the war,'' asiri Mitt. Depage. .Mm. Dig said that King Albert of Belgium had instructed her never to ba- e'rs a speec h without thanking Amertrana 'or th generous ld given to his country, "tour work hs been a unique one in ths world's hletory to save a whole country from stsrvatlon." she Said. ft wa.anniun'-"3 thct Tii Millard of the oinal.a Nstlorat bank would b irea surer for the fum.' -ollm ted' through Mm. Ie psitc'b lectures. The speaker wss ntmd'i'l by Mr. I. F. t'rofoot Oar 'JUe-w Ofrr-. ThU ass Be, Don't miss this, cut out this slip, en ierm wnn ec lo roiry b i.o Chicago III., writing -your nam and address orarlv. Tou will receive In return a trial psVksg , contsinmg Foley's Honey end Ter Compound, 1 for coughs, colds, and i-rouvj Foley Ktfney nils, for palo In sides and back.! rheumatism, btcksrhe, kliney and bfdfl-r sllirnrnts, and Falny Csihurr'c- Tablets.', a wholesara nd thor oughiy clranslng , cathartic, eapscltlly (Omforung o stout persons. . r?old vry w taere.A ov ert uienwn t. tiiin ip iiiincuip iitt FUKDS FC1 CHEATER OMAHA Anticipating a neV financial situation by reason of a prupetilv . Greater onifcha. . nuperintendesit Hummel, of varus ana wuifvinu. is proceeding rsu tioiisly with his funda lest ha find hlin elf in a Unlit place before the end et the year, providing he' shall succeed hlm 'lf. He stiite Hist t. ov somebody else will have to face this situation it Is staled that th snncxed territory woud eme la without park or boulevard lund. which would nwaa that th prea ent tmiaha park and boulevard budget would have to cover the enlarged terrl loiy. Mr. Hummel Is, however, going ahead elth work sJrt-ady planned and also doing all ueM&ry work, but ho Is not entering ufx.-n any bljf program at thl . time. Many OUufim I wM tnm tka iJkvrv V oiiktipatlun, headache, bilious S(M-)m jii'H.kU.t a )oih llvr. Th tried i.,i,bdy Is lr. Kings New Lit Fill! Only ISe. liy all Srtgglta. Advert! !;,"ii. IV.PERIAL POTENTATE CF SHRIfERS COMING Tir. Fred Smltb of Itorbteter S. T.. ltn i rlai pou-iiiet or the Bhrtnars. wtil b la r,t werk and a big ban'juot wtli " r n at tt.t J-'.'iiitn.. lie m his h-jnor by 8WZDISIt HUMORIST TO SFfeAK HERE T0KI0HT. " II mil' ' ISJ I nr DR. DAN BERGMAN. Dr. Dsn Bergman of Stockholm, noted Swedish humorist, will deliver a lectur at the Swedish auditorium this evening for the benefit of th Swedish building fund . , , Dr. Bergmsn Is regarded on of th greatest humorous talkers' which th Swedish nation hss produced. Ml lecture will be delivered in hi native language A musical pregrsm for th ssm even ing hss been arranged for the local Swed ish Norrlen of twentr-flv voloe. In Chicago recently Dr. Bergman twtc repeated his leetww by request.- Noble of th Mystic Bhrlr .The heed of th national order will aniv Sunday and haa rterrd th "rrldent's suit" at Hotsl ronton!!. H will mak a short trip out In th stat and then return for he. banquet, which occur Wednesday evening. , ,. , . . e.j""f' ' ti'-f. S V; V,! o wA a a rosT YOUIIG ATTORNEYS URGED TO AIM HIGH Speakers at Crttj-hton Law Banquet 8et Goal Before the Oncom ! in j- Clatief. HONEST ACHTEYIMUTT BY TOtt The perpetuation of high ideals In the legal profession was the key note of the second annual get-together banquet given last evening by 'the' Cretghton' college of law' at Hotel Fonterielle.. Tbe principal speaker ware President MeMenamy of ' Creighton law, Matthew Oer-lng-of Plattsmoutb, and Edward J. Plunkett, Waldo B., Bhlllingtob, John V. Beverldge, Mark J. Ryan and Perry McD. Wheeter of the etu dente. Louis D. Kavanagh. toast master, aocompanled his Introduc tion with witty references and ato rlea. , Bcveral paraphrased versions of popular Songs were rendered by th banqueters ttulrng th course. Thirty members of th senior class were frequently reminded that they are soon to forsake th dss room to taks up th rsalltle of their Ufe a work. .'. ' riskt for Ha maw Mights. Mr. Oerlng adjured the prospectlv young lawyer In his hearing to beootn advocates of human rights in the sens that Ourran of Ireland gained promlneno a being perhaps th greatest exponent of this art In th svorld. "Every lawyer should take pride In be ing an advocate. Th legal profession I the noblest in th world, bacaus lawyers hold ' within th hollow of their hand th lives and money of their clients. Ad- - . . . Actual tire expense m-unmani i im j r ' 'm2tmiim r siawiuii u ia ig in iaig an i u rr'r -'iff imii n 1 aa i mill amii gaai iigasat ar irrt ' ' ' and juit onei tfiihij-r-viz: the final-cdct-pei- IIlllC' ! . ..-t-w. . -- .. '.-... ., . v.;.-., .-!.;; "Nobby Tread" Tires deliver more miles for less money than ' any other tires in the world. ' : . ' . ' : are adjusted upon, the basis of v . if -but the great majority of "Nobby .Tread?, users ; secure vastly more than 5,000 miles, using proper inflation. J ; i " Nobby Tread " Tires are today . by far the largest 1 selling high-grade anti-skid tires in the world, f ii Omaha Branch: United States Tire Company OMAHA RUBBER CO., Agent, 1608 Harney Street "Nobby Tread " Tirciar told by Leading Reliable Dealer: Do not accept tubstitute$ 'aV R'lfR'in Hinged states isresi Mad by Largett Rubber vc-rnpioymg TT IT voracr, if used to good purpose, la. a proud legs ey to lesv. and it I a shrln at which every young lawyer should wot ship. Advocacy In the west Is sn srt which hos slniost been lost In the vortex Of commenMellwm," declared lh Platts moutb. lawyer. . " ', ' President MeMenamy said that success aswusually judged from th standpoint at a lawyer Is Illusive. ' Jastlrr llaaeely. "We freqnently measure the sucoees of a lawyer by tbe number of clients he msv hsv. Equity should be the ambition of very lawyer who Is true to hi profe lon. He should stand for Justlr and honesty. A' glorion field Is presented to you young lswyers, who should pro mote equity. "Those skilled In the law can throw a ell over honesty until It ha plausibility, but' when the profession gives us men who will not .throw this veil upon hon esty, then dlahonesty will not prevail. "Th glory of Creighton college of law will depend upon your high Intellectual and moral powers." were the words, of counsel offered by the president of Oelghton University. . r Hreal- Tata l.sw. Mr. Wheeler ot the seniors snswered to the toast, "Aequltted." He con tended that In the law profession a man cannot Just break in, aa may hav been charged In th Imaginary Indictment of the evening. . , "Clients demand .that their lawyers must b men who are experienced, welt trained and competent. There are cora monplac and abnormal event lrv th live of ah men. and It Is th nil' thst th clients seek the lawyers when ab normal affairs--occur In their - business ' lives. X can say that th class of thirty uiors nere are, acquiiiea or in onarge of "breaking and entering' into th pro fession of law," deolnred Mr. Wheeler. Mr. Beverldge referred to th fact that th faculty of th Creighton College of Law had been drawn from the best In stitutions of th country.-and he' mad th point that' the could b no excuse for Ignorano of th law at Creighton. Mr. Shllllngtoa made a facetious refer .... ... depends on one thincr. IE Company In the Worlj od&a Monj ence to virtue bing something quite general among lswyers. and h added that whe there exists great Virtue, there Is sure to be perseoutlon. Mr. Plunkett, for the freshmen, said the Juniors and seniors had aided and abetted the freshmen In their effprfs to master tha lew. Mayor Dshlman. Congressman LobeclT' and the district court Judaea attended th banquet. Among th Songs sung by th young jurists were some written by a senior. 1 Chspman. On ran thus, to a wll known air: . I dldn t raise my boy to be a loafer. I brought him up to be a lawyer bold, I had htm act like gtory and Ilka Web ster. For thse two wer great lawyer, to I'm told. - . When other boy wr wetlng ttm and money, My. bov wns reading property and Code, Bo, students, tske a tip, and Don't sire up the ship, It takes a lot of work to be a lawysr. Domestic Science Expert Gives Two V ' .. Lectures in Omaha Miss Anna Barrows, a domestic science expert of nstlonsl reputation.- gav two lect tires in Omaha Frldsy. In the morning she addressed the students of the domestlo solcnce' dopartirtent at Brownell Jfall and after lunching with Miss Euphemia John son, gave a talk before th Omaha Higk school economics student. The horn eoonomloe department Ct law Omaha Woman' club co-ope rated with Mies Johnson and Mis Neva Tur ner, heejl of the high eohool depart ment. In bringing Mlas Bsrrows her. Miss Barrows is a lecturer In th Teach ers' college at Columbia university and at Simmons' college, Boston. Bh I also author of several books on domestlo science subjects. and a national dtreotor of th Chautauqua Achool of Cookery. Th Be Want Ada Are nest Business Booster. . '- ?" ' 'r-- C J': . I 'linn rsim,D) i?7) ri i If r . 1 THE greatest cf motion picture aerials Eves on! . Gone' already far bey cod (he length erer allotted to a photoplay now by special acclaim of twenty niffion of people, spread over Iheae' entire United Slates, Elaine's startliogly Borcl and fascinating history continue!, The New follow munfldiately on the dis closure of ihe "Clutching Hand" and may be seen m Palhe Motion Flciureg in" your favorite theatre beginning Monday. , , Now In addition to th famous mernVere of - tha cast perhaps th moat port adly balanced ag ' gragatlon of stars arar gathered in ona production is Edwin' Ardan. ; A career noted for its . 'artistry, and Jot, Ji classic iaiv, ' dlUons In leading yolea, Edwin ' Ardan stands among' tha first - sis names in American thaatri cats. H bring t the - Exploit of Elaine a following that in cludes these who want tha bast Edwin Ardan plays, tha Chinas Criminal..', .".'".;'' ;, V, hmm Of courtf, Pearl White will be teen at usual. Ai Elaine Dodge the haa be come firmly entrenched in the hearts . of her myriad! ' , admirerg 1 Pearl White hai certainly earned her right to the enviable title of MQieen of the Rim." Poor, dear Dainel And Arnold Daly, who haa breathed tha breath of reality into tha character Craig Ken nedy, that ha is as much flash and blood as your dearest friend he, of course, will bo with you. Whan Arnold Daly accepted thia part, it was a victory for motioa pictures, and his career, in the part of Craig Kennedy, has bean a further triumph. . W IS b arm jmKT Tl If you haven't yet gotten aboard hip ahoy," now the time. Arthur EL Reeve, enthuaed beyond all ttoppina by th i e aucceas ne nas won, nag crown more wnl, fir with th hourt and he hag written hig great detective Craig Kennedy into the most mytterioua and plausible wondera of hia career. I Let The Bee get you a job. "Situations, Wanted" ads are free or iLriaine a. ami e tonnin bv j ri e J N . . ag)gaBWSsa II H 11 . H VI la 14 1 9 m V a m ni mr w r b a mm a a a m aw . . an ar around xen: 1