THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. APRIL 9, 1915. 11 FARM KEAL ESTATE. RANCH LAND FOR SALR Mlaaeswtaw J5ARCJAIN 240-acr farm 19 miles from , auinneapciie; iw acre I'aoer cultivation, 40 acres good imtdow, 94 acres timbered ipestur; can practically all be cultivated; food corn land; (inn Is fenced; 10-roorn ousa, bar, granary, msch no shed, wind mill, etc.; U heed food milk com, 4 good horses, harnesses, wagons, complete set of machinery, hogs, chicken ami every thing on tha farm arowa at 84a ter acre: $$,0(4) cash, balanco can stand lor 10 years at S par cent. Schwab Bro. mouth Bid. Minneapolis. Minn. iW l'ly. FARMS WANTED WANTED-To correspond with owner of I good farm or acreage for sale or ex- change. C. Q. Buckingham, Houston, Tex. RKAXi ESTATE LOANS 1ii0 TO 810.000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bid., 18th and Farnam Sta CITT and farm loan, 6, 6H, 4 per cant. J. K. Dumont Co.. 414 Stata Bank. WANTKD-Clty loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. ISM Farnam Pt WONKY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder, City National Bank BUlg. WANTED City loana. Fetor Truat Co. 1100 to $10,000 made promptly. F, D. Wead, . Wend Bldg., lth and Farnam St. SEE us first for farm loana in eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. CITY IOAN8 C. O. Oarlberg, 310-41 Brandela Theater Bldg. 6?0 OMAHA homes. Kast Nebmaka farms. O'KEKr E REAL ESTATE CO.. 1011 Omaha National. phone Douglas 1711 ABSTRACT OF TITLE Kerr Title Guarantoe and Abstract Co., a modern, abstract office, 305 So. 17th St. Phone D. 64R7. Jessen & Morrell, 201-3 State 1 Bk. Bid sr. IV 2X REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat abstract oinoe in Nebraska. 209 Brandela Thea. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bearish Report and Bain Responsi- ble for Lost in Wheat on the Local Exchange. . OATS "BEARS, SELLING STRONG OMAHA. "April 8, W5. ' Losses wera ahown In the wheat mar ket yesterday, the rain In many sections or me winter wheat or It and a promise for more, coupled with a bearish govern ment report, brought general liquidation by longs, aa Well as short selling by the more pronounced bears. The govern ment report gave the condition ot wheat prll 1 as 88.8 per cent. Bulla admit. ed that the crop report waa bearish on Ita fare, but aald It la wo months to harvest and many things can happen to a crop In that time. A majority of local traders are bear- Ish on corn, and nay it Is only a ques tion of a short time before longs will liquidate May holdings and make lower prices. Tbey aay the improvement In the cash demand Is hot sufficient to more than hold the market around pres ent prices for a time. Predictions of rain and ceneral llaulda- tlon started outs easy, and there was ag gressive selling by local profeaaionaie. Outs bears look for a break should there be good general rains within the next tew days. Omaha spot market: Wheat was 2Ho to 3c lower; corn was Mo to tic lower; oats were unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat ana flour, equal to 474.000 bu.t corn. 603.000 bu.: oats. 366.000 bu. Liverpool cloae: Not quoted. Primary wheat receipts were 450,000 bu. and shipments 423,000 bu., against receipts f 45Z.00O bu. and shipments of 321.0UO bu. last year. Primary corn receipts wera 332.000 bu. and shipments B1T.00 bu..' a gainst, receipts 295.000 bu. and shlDmenta of 636.000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 437.000 bu. nd shipments 740.000 bu.. against receipts of 696,000 bu. and shipments of 689,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats c WANT light 5-passenger car; prefer Ford; might make exchange of de sirable lot if agreeable.' Address L 06, care Bee, 'or Walnut 3037. vt 89 23 42 12 REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST your property for quick sale. 711 D. 1013. with P. N. McCoy Stata Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE NORTH 8IDB Beautiful Stucco House Muat aell brand new 6-room house. Owner has cut the price to move it quickly. Has large living room arrange ment, with beamed ceiling and fireplace, pleasant dining room, with south ex posure, complete kitchen with a butler's pantry, three large bedrooms with plenty of windows and good closets, oak floors throughout. This house is located on an east front lot, high and sightly, two blocks from car line In the Bcmls Park district. Will make the terms very at tractive. Let us show you this house. Glover & Spain 919-20 City National. Phone Douglas 8962, Chicago 76 Minneapolis .. 68 Duluth- 84 Omaha .' 11 Kansas City 24 St. Ixiuls 8S Winnipeg 2 mese sales were reported today: No. 1 ard winter: 3 cars. S1.47S4: No. 3 hard winter: 3 cars ll .47 : 1-a caj. 11.46. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. SI. 45. Corn No. S white: 1 car. 7044: 4 cars. 70Uc. Na 1 Yel low: 7 cara, 69WC No. 4 yellow: Z cars, 694c; 3 cars, 69c. No. 6 yellow; 1 car, 6Mkc No. 6 yellow: 1 car. 69Sc. No. S mixed: 1 car (neat white), 70c; 4 cars, 69c No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 68fc; 1 car, 6lc: t cars, 68c. No. S mixed: 1 car (near white). 69Vic; 1 car (near white), 67 Vic. Oats standard: 1 car. 54Vc; No. S white: 4 cars, 64c. No. 4 white: S cars, 63Vo; No. mixed: 1 car, 62s. Sample: 1 car, 62Vfcc; cars, 62c. Rye No. 3: 2-3 car, $1.08. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. S tur key, tl.4Atfl.4U, No. S turkey, $L47V 48; No. 1 hard. II. 4711. 47U: No. 3 hard, S1.46W1.47; No. 3 spring, S1.4n1.4TVii No. durum.'l.40; iso. 3 durum, ii.3gi . Corn: No. 1 white, -lUmiSte; No. i white. 7K&7H4C; No 3 white, 70H&W4C No. 4 white. u9Uitt70c: No. 6 white. 6W3 6!4c; No. 6 white, 8'436lc : No. 1 yellow, 70?70c; No. 2 yellow, SMy&TC : ; No. 3 yellow, 69iu:-n-re; No. 4 yellow. 69f9Vc; No. 6 yellow, 08g8a,tc; No. yellow, 63 694c: No. 1 mixed, 68Hiiic; No. J mixed, ewifcl'ic; No. S mixed. SSVfMWo; No. 4 mixed. Wr8Vc: No. 6 mixed. 67 mtytl no. mixed, 6H?e7,c. Oata: N-. white, 64t7Mo; standard. MiiMM; No. 3 white. &3ih4r: No. 4 white. 43V 63HC. Barley: Malting, W4e: No. 1 feed, Wirtc. Bye: No. 2, $1.091.10; No. Si.084fi.OB v Just Finished Bungalow A aplendld new bungalow, five rooms and bath, with beautiful oak finish and floors; butlt-in bookcases and buffet set- In bevel plat glass; large attic and basement; classy, up-to-date lighting- fix tures; guaranteed furnace; large lot. Lo- i-aiea sua urunora Ave. irice i3,ZoU, Easy terms. Norris & Norris" 400 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4170. :New Cottage This new 4-room cottage of the hunsra low type, located Just south of Miller park on Z4th, Is thoroughly modern and up-to-date In every respect; principal rooms in. oak ; full basement; east front: lot nicely aodded; investigate if you want a well-built, well-arranged home at a reasonable price; easy terms. I JOHN B. PHIPPEN, A208 Boston Store Bldg. Doug. 6107. WILL SEUL. AT SACRIFICE, separate or collectively, 6 houses ranging from 6 to S rooms at 26th and Caldwell; walking: distance. Will take small payment down and bala.'nce monthly. 8e(Lowner at 207 Boston Store Bldg. Douglaff 2017. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE f Field Club Home Remarkable Bargain, $6,000 Beaf location In this choice district. Beautiful east front lot. 64xU3. This Is a nrutioallv new S-room house, all modern. oak finish; positively cannot be dupli cated for anywhere near-tne prioe. a atralsht loan of 13.600 at S per cent now on property. Splendid opportunity either for home or investment, investigate. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler lfrM, m State Bank Bldg. NEAR FIELD CLUB 7 rnoma. all modern, hot water heat cement basement and walks; fine east front lot: paved street; choice location. Price $3,600. Located on 38th Ave. C. G. CARL-BERG, 813 Band els Theate Bldg. REAL ESTATE: SUBURBAN Daadee. See Happy Hollow whkti is locsted between Underwood Ave. and Dodge el and &:d and Happy Hollow THE REASON WHY you' will find ao many substantial, attrac tive nousea alreaoy built and In courae of construction will b easily unuersiooa after making this trip. ONE OF THE REASONS ia that this Is the only addition of Us in nr around Omaha where every thing has been planned ao that the beau ties Of nature nave oeea prtitrug wim r.ut sacrificing any of the conventencea of the most moacrn resiuerrce aiuim-is LET US SHOW YOU how vou can secure a lot on KA8Y TERM in this Ideal rcaidence district, where valuea are Increasing and many fine homes to be built. I George & Company P Phone D. 7M WC-K City Nafl Bank Bldg X , s bcuos. Fine Home in Benson Two-story, seven-room house, has all modern conveniences, beautiful large lot wniiihArrv hedKes. two blocks to car. Owner Is going on farm and has reduced the price from $3.6u to $3,0u) for uuitk VroK VrtftKT. REALTY AOBNCT. rOlJ-1 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 3891 C'oaatrtl ttlwffa. int r-nunril Bluff a All modern home. Practically new. Nine rooms. Beauti ful i..i-aii,n. Ciaraaa with cement drive wsv. Fruit treea and garden siace; m blocks from Broadway. Conveniently i,,rit in schools and churches Mia. Anna Bender. Ii6 Park Ave. TL 42:1 CIIICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading: and Cloalac Prices Board of Trade. - CHICAGO. Anrll 8. Wheat ranted lower today, chiefly in consequence of enlarged .rutiun Riven IV in tTllLIUUK lur yenvo. Closing quotations were unsettled at shade to mc under last night. Corn lost l-16c to H'Sc net. and oata Wound up unchanged to "nc higher and provisions with a gain of 8c to 12H Most or the active traders in wheat leaned to tha bear side from the' start, but covered quickly on rallies, and showed considerable anxiety as .to a re newal of crop complaints from the soft winter wriest states. Tno reports of many circumstances thought Indicating- a possible speedy end of hostilities formed the dominating Influence throughout the session, and prevented upturns becoming of a nature likely to encouraire the bulls. Absence of Important export Inquiry was one of the elements that gave weight to peace taiK. Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri wera the wheat states mentioned as still having a handicap from the extreme dry weather of the entire month of March. Karlv rosslD that rains had been of great benefit waa declared later to have not been confirmed, except aa to Kansas and Nebraska. Notices came of some spring wheat seeding northwest, but ac tivity of this character was not looked on as likely to be general for more than week yet. Corn showed a good df al of weakness at tlmea. largely aa a result of the set backs suffered by wheat. On the other hand, shorts evinced a disposition to cover promptly on all soft spots In the mar, ket. . signs or a liberal export bualness in tha eaat made oats relatively strong. Cash demand here, nevertheless, appeared slow. Provisions rose In response to an ad vance in the hog market. There was said also to be an Improved .transatlantic call far lard, hams and bacon. Futures ranged aa follows:- n 6.1H S7! MS July, Oata. May July. I Pork. I May. July. I l.ani I May. I 10 10 I 10 IS Julv.l 10 W 40 Hi hi. I I Mav.l V 10 revk I July. 10 27HI 10 10 rWI 7SI 7P! 7SV 76 14 7VV 17 li W I 17 73SI 6S 16 974 11 DM W 10 10 KVil ' 10 10 12S 87H M4 14 !CH KSJ 17 60 10 AS 10 37V 10 io oo 1 n 10 10 Chicago Cash Pricea Wheat: No. 1 red. nominal: No. 2 hard, Sl.MVUDl.MV Corn: No. 3 vellow. nominal: No. 4 yellow, 70 7114c. oats: No. 8 while, ftiWSc; stand ard, 67'4c- Rv: No- S11'1 ' 1'srley. lOtj?-. feed: Jimotny, m vd so: ciover. H XtflS 76. Provisions: Pork, J16.W; lard, t.'7'- ribs fSOOWOh'. Bt TTKK-Mlgner; ririnr;, FxlG-Hlgher; receipts. 13, V casea: at mark, casea Included, 17"4jis-c; ordinary firsts, 17c: firsts. wc. POTATOfcS MeceipiB, cars, un changed. POl ITRY Alive, nigncr; iowia. lot. springs, 17Vic. OMAHA GKKEkAti MARKET. BUTTER No. L l ib. cartons, Mc; Nv. $, so-lb tubs, 2c CHKKSbi importea tw t, can Swiss, S6c: blocK nwis c; iwim, lVc; dalslea, 17Hc; triplets, 17; Young Amerloas. lSHc; blua label .brick, 17c; Urn burger, S-lb., 20c; 1-lbj S0c; New Tots: white. lc; imported French Roquefort, 4vc. . .... FIBII Trout. 18c; large crappiee, leo; haiibut. 15c: channel catfish, 14c SWEET POTATOES Kansas, obi. Cl'T MEATS Bibs. No. 1. lc: No. I. 14?; No. 3, HVc Liolns. No. 1, lSVic: No. J. WHO; NO. 3, lJC. vnucaa, no. No. 2. 8Vic: N i. 3 sc. Rounds, No. 1, 12c; No. 2, llSc: No. S. llfcc. Plates. No. 1, 7,c; No. 2, 7c; No. 3. C. POULTRY Broilers, oc; spring cnun- ens, 15c; bens. 14o: cocks, He: roosters, SVtc; stags. SSc; ducks, l&c; geeee. iwj turkeys, iwniioc; pigeoua, per uu... yvi ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, go; aquaDS. jvw. u, no. 60c. . . . . ' . Market quotations rurrjisnea oy uiunaai Fruit company. FHUlTf oranges: .w.niornim nin all siiea. 12.75 per box; S-box lots or mora. S2.66 per box. ljemons: Fancy riunklst. 300s, 3fA, $4 0O644 60 per box ; choloa Had Ball. s.ou per oox. uraiH-irun; f'- per box: 64s, $2.75 per box; 4s, Wa, $3.00 per box. Apples: Extra fancy Washing ton W. W. Pearmalnes. $160 per box; extra fancy Washington Sultxenburge, $1 60 per box; extra fancy Black Twigs, $1.50 per box; extra fancy Black Ben Davlft $1.40 per box; extra fancy Utah Oanos. $1.40 per box; Wine flapa. $1.80 per box. Bananas, $2,00i2.25 per bunch, 4Cio. Strawberries, 60c per quart. Uiimea, per basket. Figs, 50 8-os., $2.0u per box. Dates: Walnut. $1.40 per box; Hallo wi. c Tft 1b.. v. VEXjKTAbbb-Kw lora lBJlien base. 2! per lb. California new cabbage. cralea, 86 to luO lbs.. 31e per lb. Celery, Jumbo, 90c per dos. peppers, wo in; basket. Head lettuce. $L00 per dps; leaf. 40c tier dox. Tomatoea, fancy. 4.w per crate; choice, $4.00 per crate. Onions: Yel low, 2c per lb.; reo, rc per id.; wmie, tiro tier lb. Radishes. 50c per dos. Turnips, 600 per dos. Splnlch. 60c per dos. Parsley, 600 per dos. jtrucnoaes. i.pv pr Endive, S c per lb- uanic, ttaiian, wo per lb. Bruseel sprouts. 20o per lb. onion sets: leuow ana rea, sj.w ir uu., mi, $1.7S per bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rurals, T.So ner bu.: Red River Ohios, per bu.i Minnesota White, 65c per bu. Sweet pota toes: Beed stock, delivered April 6 to 10, $2.00 per bbl. Mushrooms, soo per box. NUTS No. 1 California walnuts, 10c per lb. Filberts, l&c per lb. Black walnuts, 2Ve per lb. Pecana, 12V4c per lb. Brazils, 124c per lb. Almonds, 20c per lb. Cocoa nuts. $3.60 per sack. Peanuts: Raw, 7o per lb.; roasted, SHc per lb; raw, sack Iota, Jumbo, 8c per lb.; salted, $1.50 per can. MISCELLANEOUS Shelled popcorn, 4c per lb. Crackerjack, $3.60 per case; per 4-case, $1,76. Checkers, $3.50 per case; per Vi-case. $1.75. ' Cora and Wheat Region Balletla, United 6Ute Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, corn and wheat regton bulletin for Omaha. Nebraska, for the twenty-four hours ending at S a. m., 76tfe meridian time, Thursday, April $, 1916; - OMAHA DISTBJ8T. r Temp. Raln- ttatlons. HUih. Low. fall. Ashland. Neb.. 63 . 62 . 20 Auburn, Neb... 63 60 .02 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET All Kinds Cattle Generally Steady and in Spots Strong: Fat Lambs Ten Cents Higher. HOC 3 FIVE TO TIN CENTS UT SOUTH OMAHA. April . 191$. Receipts wore: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Official Monday 4 744 7.??2 12.M tfficlal Tuesday $.6 1S.1i .7 tirrti'ial Wednesday .. 4 w 114" l.vo Estimate Thursday ... $.& 9,ono 6,xio Four davs this week.H.7 4I.M5 $ HR Fame days last eek..1S.". 47.44S at.4.-, Same days S wka. ago.17.473 49.41.1 40.V": Rame days 3 wks. ao.26,f4 64.4 62.W fame days 4 wks. ago.21.323 62.916 $0.7 Same days last year..U.t 3l,l 3)30 The following table anew the receipts f cattle, hoga and shevp at the Kouth Omaha live stock market for the year te date as compared with last year: 191$. fwl4. lne Cattla 273,404 S.Wl 84,s3 Hogs 9R8.943 7.MH 172.S Bhecp 7W.2HS W49.608 .! Tke following table iwwi tba average price for bogs at tha South Omaha live stock snarkat for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. I 1916. llitu. 119 11413. 11911. 11910 190O. Mar. a. Mar. 94. Mar. Y Mar. 96. Mar. n. Mar. 28, ssar. a Mar. (0. Mar. IL April 1. Aprld 1 April a April 4 April $. April 8. April T. AprU a $ 1H1 $ 6 $604 S44S 47 $831 8 M4 8 40SI M 8 80 8 8fS S7v7 $ K 96 S 6.1; 9 64 S 46 8 Hl ,i mi S 45 8 86 8 W 8 90) 8 6ft 8 63 8 4? 8 43! 8 47 I 9l 4 44; S 901 8 87 T m I 941 T 1 8 41 8 86 S Ml 7 17 It 88 8 941 T 411 8 42110 Tj 10 l 10 3 10 (6 19 i 8 M T $4 8 MHO 71 8 88 9410 H H I 29110 47 8 8 87110 80 $ 78 TO I OS 8 $7$ SO 10 w 8 22 10 42 $ 75 I T o 4 2110 m 8 8 791 I $ 12iW l 90 8 88 7 60! 1210 1l 8 90 I 78 8 85 8 69 81 8 77 8 741 T 71 s t n t 191 T 79 7 61 T 3 H 8 61 8 69 8 67 $73 'Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Htock Tarda, South Omaha, tor tha twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. 8t P. C M. & Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific .... 8 Union Pacific $1 C. & N. W., eaat... CAN. W.. west... 30 C, U P, U. O.. 7 C, B. A Q., east... 1 C-, B. A Q., west... 40 C, R. I. A P., east. 4 C, R. I. A P.. west. .. Illinois Central .... 4 Chicago O. W t Total receipts ...13 t t 2 .. .. 44 IS $ 7 .. .. .. 1 $ .ji ii 8 1 1 4 t 133 26 3 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hops Sheep. 1,099 B'ken Bow. Nb 68 Columbus, Nb. 49 Culbertson, Nb. 66 Fairbury, Neb. 63 Salrmont, Neb. 63 r. Island, Nb. 64 Hartington. Nb (7 Hastings. Neb., .. Holdrege, Neb. 67 Lincoln, Neb.,, 63 North Platte... 6S Oakdale. Neb.. 57 Omaha, Neb.... 62 Tekamah. Neb. 67 Valentine, Keb. 42 Alta, Ia , 64 Carroll Ia 60 Clarinda, Ia.... 60 Sibley, Ia. 4s gloux City. Ia.. 56 DISTRICT District. . Columbus, O. Loulaville, Ky.. Indla'polta, Ind, Chicago. Ill St. Louts, Mo 49 .24 46 .12 47-. .65 4$ ' .0 44 .00 48 ".t4 44 .34 46 .06 48 .. .13 60 .23 48 .4 44 .OS 49 .02 46 .26 40 .08 40 .66 41 .00 49 .00 41 .80 46 .24 AVERAGES. No. of i Temo.. Rein stations. High. Low. fall Sky. Cloudy Raining Cloudy , Cloudy Cloudy ' Cloudy Cloudy ' Pt. cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Morris A Co Kwlft A Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Schwarts A Co J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co So. Omaha Packing Co. Kay Packing Co Benton, Vanaant A L.. F. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Huss Hosenstock Bros F. J. Kellogg Wertheimer A Degen... H. F. Hamilton Sullivan- Bros. Rothschild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Huffman Roth Meyers Baker. Jones emltru. Tanner Bros. John Harvey Mine Dennis A Francis Other buyers 403 T6 694 7 12 4 "ii 18 7 II 17 33 216 66 40 66 23 46 62 31 7 8 14 20 136 38 96 150 1.0O7 1.413 1,872 . 3.4S3 1.231 137 1108 794 1,132 really make a market Prices were nomi nally The receipts have been light thus far for the week as they foot up no more than 29 8l hesd. as compared with 4M"! for the same time last week and ;9Vvio n vear ago. The hulk of the lambs at the rn of last week found an outlrt to th parkere st $10.10 as against $10 SOfrio 40 this mnrnln There l-v not been enough old sheep of any kind here this week to indicate any maifriai uiuereme In prlcea. quotations on enrep inn is inns: uimnr llght., 110.00110 40; lambs, heavy, 89 HO'u 1 10; Jsmbs. shear ng It. ?v -Jieji- NRXV TORK. April 8 -Manipulation In cans 39 4IW.7S; Ismbs, fed western, $H9vf ,hp lM,n,mun fumrvt ot the Bethlehem Hteel HEW Y0RKST0CK MARKET Manipulation of Bethlehem Com mon Shares Reaches Its Climax in Series of Movements. EARLY RISE ORDERLY, SURE 9.66; lamb, shearing. $.1(W(8 90; yearllnrs, light. 9S7.-ir9.0O; yearlings, heavy, sk.ixi $.,6: wethers, good to choice, 9i.8,Ti8.1; wethers, fair to good, ir.irn 6; ewes, good to choice, $7.5HI$.1C; ewei, fair to good. $ Ilepreseniauve saiea: No. ff.3 Mexic an lambs 29 fed In nine 447 fed lambs 14 fed lambs 231 fed lamba 100 Nebraska ewes 73 Colorado lsmbs Av. 79 74 84 73 rr 10 40 10 SO 10 20 10 f.7 10 90 4 75 10 40 1.645 18 a is 24 23 Des Moines, la. 24 Minneapolis .... 61 Kan. City, Mo.. M Omaha. Neb.... 17 'Rains were general wee tern districts, and points in Kansas and 84 48 42 40 60 44 36 60 48 60 76 66 62 76 62 53 g 60 in tha extreme were heavy at Oklahoma. Falls Totals.: 1.383 16,261 6,663 CATTLE Receipts were fair for a Thursday and the total for the four days this week foots up 16,974 head, being smaller than any recent week, but larger than a year ago by over 4.000 head. Beef steers were In very fair demand .and while the market was not especially active it was suincientiy so to errect a reasonably early clearance. Good beavy beeves sold up to $8.36. Cows and heifers, while not quite so prices, the more desirable of tha offerings changing hands in good season. Stockers and feeders were In good de mand and commanded firm prices. Right good Colorado feeders sold up. to $7.96. Quotations on cattle: Good to choloe cornfed beeves, 17 fAfj..26; fair to good cornfed beeves. $7.267.60: common to fsir lomfed beeves, $4.5u?.25; good to Choloe heifers. $140(37.10; good to choice cows, 18.255175; fafr to good cows, $5.6frfi.2: common to fair cows. $3.754.50; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.207.60; fair to good stockers and feeders. $6.7f,9 7.20; common to sir stockers and feeders, $6.75178; stock 'heifers. $6.&!&e; stock cows, $6.00S26: tock calves, $.O0Q7.6O; veal calves, $7.008.50; bulula, stags, etc., $4.76S.O0. Representative sales t BEEF STEERS. a. Ft. U20 f Article) Open, j High. Uw, eloee.l Ves'y. Whaatl May. July. Corn. May 1 6I4 1 21H . 72H I 1 53 1 $2U 1 53 1 644 1 22V9 1 21Ti 1 22 1 22V4 72T4 72 73?4 724 REAL TSTATE WEST SIDH BIO BA RQAIN,' WEST FARNAM HOME. Owner leaving city offers elegant ten- room house on one of the finest residence streets on West Farnam bill at a sacri fice. Telephone Harney 1968. $1.30t-Flne lot, 86th and Dodge St.; will consider an auto for equity of $iU0. C. J. Canan, 510 MoCague Bldg. REAL ESTATES MISCELLANEOUS New Six-Room Bungalow Built by dav labor and built right. Oak finish; splendidly arranged; pretty ex terior. Fine location, new and attrac tive homes. We can sell this on a mod erate payment down if desired. This la a beauty. Bee It before It s gone. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 1009. 307 McCaaue Bldg. STRICTLY MODERN WELL BUILT HOMES IN BENSON Come out any time this evening after (30 or phone for auto. Take Benson car. get ort at flat M.: come soutn block, to 9Uj, Phone Benson 122 r B. TK1 1.MMIEK. O Natl Realty Co. Sells and trades R. E. 11$ Bee Bldg. D. 8409. FIVE KOOMH, MODERN. $2,960. TERMS. OWNER, WEH8TKR 1S3. HOT WATER HEAT T ROOMS, all modern, birch finish, ele gant eaat front lot, paved street with paving ail paid, choice location on Satb Ave. Price UauO. terms If desired. C. G. CARLBERG, 313 Brand'els Theater Bldg. of one Inch or more occurred at the fol lowing atations: In Kansas Macksvllle, 2.60; Anthony and Coldwater, 1.90; Eureka. 1.10: Liberal. 1.201 Sedan. 1.40. In Oklahoma Enid. 1.60, and Oklahoma City. 1. L. A. WELSH. Xvocal Forecaster, Weather Bureau New York General Market. NEW TORK, April l-SUQAR Fu tures opened easier today under trade selling prompted by the continued easi ness or tne spot market. Prlcea at mid day were 2a3 nolnts lower. Raw. easy. centrifugal, 4.64c; molasses, t.87c; refined, steady. ui'TTEH steady; receipts, 8.493 tubs; creamery (92 score), 8Hc: creamery tnigner i scoring i. xxjj3?ic; iirtis, w,V9 31c; seconds. 2aTIc. EGGS Firm: receipts. 89.96$ esses: fresh gnthered extras, 22Stc; storage packed. extra firsts, 21'c: firsts. 20V921UC; regu lar packed, extra firsts. 30i2i4o: firsts. 20i?2ic; nearby hennery whites, fine to rancy, 23c; nearby hennery browns, 31 &23c. CHEESE-Steady; receipts, S.462 boxes: state whole milk, fresh specials. 15 'Ac: state whole milk, average fancy, 14o. pou ltbi-uive, firm; western fowls, 17c; turkeys, 16616c; dressed, quiet. Kaasas City Grata aad PvwvUloaa. KANSAS CITT. Anrll 8 WHEAT No 1 hard. $1.4tol.50: No. t red. ll.tfr&1.4M4: May. $1.44Va: July. 3l.HSai.l4: Hentem. ber. $1.03. CORN No. 1 mixed. ?r: No vhit 76c; No. 2 yellow. 74'e: No. 8. 74c: M v 7ic: July, 73Hc; September, 7rAtt74c. OATSNO. 2 while. 67c: No. i mliul 52Hc. BUTTER Creamery. 28c: firsts, de- seconds, 24c; packing. lSVic. EW8 Firsts. 17c: seconds. 17c Pol LTHY-Hens. 12Wc: , roosters. Iftr- turkeys, 16c. , Mlaaritolli Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Anrll 9 WHB!iT May. $1.46Wt1.44k to $1.46'4; Julv. $1.40 bid: No. 1 hard. tl.KK: No. 1 noVihl. 81. 44t 1.5214; No. 1 northern. $' ! FU)L.'R Unchanged. ! BA RLKY-417730. R Y E $1 . lofjl. U. BRAN-322.01). CORN No. $ yellow, 68Vc OATS No. 8 white, 64V&64ic. FLAX-$L87ei.91'4. t. Loala 'Grata Market. ST. I5UIS. Mo., April I WHEAT No. 1 red, 81.49V1.60; No. 1 hard. $1.63 1.64; May, $1.4; July. $1.1714. CORN-No. 1. 76c; No. S white, nomi nal; May. 73'4c: July. 75kc. OATH No. 1 66W4l7c: No. S white. && FIVE ROOM(4. MODERN, $2960. TERMS. OWN KR. WEB. 11AE two close in dandy apartment aitea cheap. Call Walker at 917 Omaha National Hank Building. , GOOD BUILDING LOTS. A few high, sightly lots on car line, all street Improvements In, good neighbor hood: prlie low. WRIGHT A LASBCRY, Tel. D. lii Me. I. ... 7... $.... 9.... 40.... 3.... 4... 13.... 17.... 98.... IS.... II. ... II.... 94.... Me, 4.... to..., 30.,., 4..., St.... 9.,., ...1164 T TO ...IK T IS ...lit, 7 T 9S ...1114 Hi ...1139 1 a ...1M 7 94 ...14e 9 1 ...Hit 4 94 Llveraoel Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. April 1 WHEAT Spot. No. 1 Manitoba. 13s THd; No. S, IS 4d, No. 1 hard winter, lis id. CORN Spot, American mixed, aew, 7s 1W, American mixed, old, 8s Id. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Frails NEW YORK, April 8. EVAPORATED a rrtr.R-puii. DRIED FIU ITS-Prunes. steadier. Ap ricots, quiet tint steady, peaches, dull and easy. Ralalns, quiet. A. ft. .... T SO 8 00 .... Ill 4 94 ....iai 1 ao .... rt T ii ....w4 t as ....IMS 7 H ....loo 7 40 no t 4 ....iM 1 to 1 a f m B't-a-iuKH AND HEIFERS. .... WIN 4 M Is .... IM 7 10 14 10" T 40 .... 9M T 90 i 144 T Ik .... I 7 91 4 .-1499 t 9 8TEERM AND BULLri. STOCK EK9 AND FEEDERS. t W 4 OS 10 I4 18 J. ."...... 96 4 TS 99 4M 7 90 8 i4 7 40 . 41w ....1161 t 44 I ...!!..!... 7J0 T 14 37 739 7 90 HOGS Supplies were very moderate this morning, only about 134 cars, or 9,000 head being received, lne week's total amounts to something like 41.&&5 head, being almost 4,0(0 smaller then a week ago. but more than s,6uv larger than a yes f ago. Advices from other points were of sn encouraging nature and as the local de mand was good all amund buyers went after the moderate offerings right from the jump. Shippers accounted for tha pretty fair ahare of the supply at figures that were a big dime higher than yes terday's prices for the same grades, mak ing most ot their purchase around $4.70, with a few as high as $0.76, and an ex treme top of $4.80. Packers bought a few or the first hogs big So higher, but these figures soon Improved so that the big and of their purchases was made on a fully 6 10c higher basis. Movement was lively and practically everything had been sold by 1(1 o'clock. The general market was mostly 10c higher than yesterday and today's aver age la nearly steady with Mondsys, or mostly 6e lower than the close of last week. Most of the packing hogs sold at Htud.4s. putting the bulk of all the salsa at Bs.mxua.iu, and tops at only 3'o below the beat price paid last month. In fact, current prlcea are about as high aa th-y have been for somo time past. Representative saies: Me. A. IT- Ne. at. gh. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK M4.HKET Cattle alow- Hoga Firm sheep ftteady. CHICAGO. April 8 CATTLE-Receipts, 8,000 head; market alow; native beef steers, $t,.U(X'(i6..90; western ateers, $3 SMy 7.30; cows and heifers, $3.Ootf7.90; calves, $6.COp8.75. HOGS Receipts. 1.1,008 head; market firm, 5o to 10c higher: bulk of sales, $! i.7'4; light, ..7iJi7O0; mixed. 9.7n;r T.024; heavy, $ 507.00; rough, 84. SOS4 46; pigs, $,YMnr.SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000 head; market steady; sheep, $7.4O(f6.50; lambs, $7.HjN0:60; Kaaeaa City live stork Market. KANSAS. CITY, Mo.. April $.-CATTLE Receipts. 1,200 head; market aleady: prime fel ateera, $S.iOf?A66; dressed beef steers. $7.254jS.0O; western ateera, $6.7fff 9.16; stockers and feeders, $6.36tW.96; bulls. $6.(Xrti660; calves. $8.00tj 10.0O. HOGG Receipts, t,uu head; market hlfrher; bulk of sales, $6.Suwe 90: heavy. $6 8iVu.90: packers and butchers. $6.804i 1924; light. 36.804tf.9fi; pigs, $i.X.7. SliEKP AND lAMllJ Receipts. $.000 head; market higher; lombs, $.7,VR 10.46; yearllnngs. $s604i.60; wethers, r.764l60; ewes, $;.50j8.50. St. Loola 1. 1 to Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Aaril 1 CATTLE Receipts, 1.400 head; market strong: na tive beef steers, $7.00rJ9 90; cows and heif ers, $8. SOfi 8.60; stockers and feeders. $6.76 47.36; southern steers. $o.36(i)7.76; cows and heifer. $4.003.00; native calves, $6.00ui 8.00. SHEEP AND LAMBR-Recelpts, 800 head; market strong: native muttons, $7.0 )8.26; lambs, $9.6Otil045; yearlings, $7,509 8.90; sheared yearlings. $.60tf7.9l). gloax City Live Stock Market. 8IOUX CITY. Ia., April 8. CATTLRV Receipts, 900 head; market 10a higher; na tive ateera, $6..9tXU7.76; butchers, $5.00$T6.86; cows and heifers, $4.6066.38; canners, $3.60 9-4.60; stockers aa1 feeders, 94.46HP7.0O; bulla, stags, etc., $4.606.60. HOGS Receipts , none; market loo higher: heavy, $6.70ifi.76; mixed. 36 65fi70; light, $6.50(&i.66: bulk of ealea. $6.tM370. HHEEP AND LAMB Nona. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April S.CATTLF Re ceipts. 1,100 head; market higher; steers, I7.00Q3.60: cows and hellers, $4.00tj.00; calves, $6.(Vfi.60. HOGS Recelpta, 7.900 head; market higher; top, $6.85; bulk ot sales, $6.76$' 6.R2H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.600 head; market higher; lambs, 39.7r.tfl0.45. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 8. COFFEE The market for coffee futures was lower to day under scattering liquidation, which seemed to be largely in tha near positions. The opening waa at a decline of 4 to 7 points and prices eased off further during the day on reports of slightly lower coat and freight offers from Rio. The close waa at a net decline of 13 to 16 points. Sales. 17.760 bags. April. 6.90c; Msy. t.lfic; June. 8.00c; July. 7.09c; August, 7.16o; Sep tember. 7.2be: October. 7.31c: November, 7.36c; December, 7,42c; January, - 7.47o; February, 7.52c; March, 7.67c. Knot, quiet; Rio No. 7, fco; Bantos no. 4, ios,c. cantos offers were scarce and generally firm, but Rio 7s were reported here at a de cline of about 10 points. Mllrels prices were unchanged in Bra til and there was no chang.o in Rio exchange on London. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. April 6. PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland, $12.50fn 13.00. must be choice to bring $13.00; No. 1, $11.6012.60; No. 1, $10.00sfll.00: No. 3. $H.00Hj 10.00; choloe midland,; ivo. 1, $11.0012.00; No. 2. SlO.OiKS'll oo; No. 8, 9S.OOrfio.on; choice lowland. $9 .504770.00: No. 1. $9 00tft 9.60; No. 1. l8.OCr3a.OC; No. S, $6.00iga.00. STRAW Choice wheat straw Is quot sbie at $6.00&4.tiQ: choice oat or rye. $7.00760. ALFALFA Choice pea green, leafy, fine stem, 318.5-iH.fcO; No. 1, $13MV313.60; No. 1, $u.oo8i5.oo; No. a $9.ooqii.oo. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 8 METALS Lesd. steady, at I4.17fi4.22: Indon. 21 16s, fipelter. nominal; London, 43 10s. Tin: Strong and nominal; five-ton lots. bid. Copper: Firm; electrolytic, 36: casting. $16.62(916.87. Iron: Iv and unchanaed. At London: Spot copper. 71 Is M: fu tures, 73 17s 6d. Snot tin, 170; futures, conp.iny, long a teaiure 01 the stock market, reached Its climax today in a suiorsslon of violent movements which arried the shares up to 117 from Its open ing price of cV The earlv rise was ordei ly, but sure, th. new high nrlc of 9'.4, bring recorded before midday and par soon after. In the early afternoon it rose to loj, where profit taking sent the price hack io par and from which figure It slowly renewed Its progress up to 106. In tha final half hour the atock became furiously active, rising In lots of 100. to $i0 shares and with Jump of 1 to 3 points to 117. As suddenly It declined to 105, recovered to Ho and closed at 106. Its maximum rise was 24 half point and Its net gain 17 half. Transactions In Bethlehem Steel ag gregated KO.OoO shares, or about 13 per cent of the whole, lleaaona for tne phe nomenal movement were lacking in or llclal uusrter. but traders were of the nnlnlnn that it waa mado Possible by the opposition of the short Interest which has persistently fought the advand eno gathered further courage on the failure of the directors to put the slock on a divi dend basis. Bethlehem Steel preferred waa also active and strong for a time, but loat more of Its gain. Standard ahares, which J-nd Shown Ir regularity for the great part of the ses sion, became unsettled whlls the move ment la Bethlehem Steel was under way and closed with general net losses, these, however, beinc mostly nominal. General Motors was strongest of In automobile stocka. rising 9 points, and General Chem ical led the fertiliser group, with an ad vance of 6 points. Rock Island and Missouri Pacific Issues were active In connection with the reor ganisation nlsns now pending, the former showing some strength, with weakness ln the other shares on renewed rumors of a heavy lien. ... Total sales of stock amounted to 980,800 shares. - Bonds were steady In the main, some of the low priced Ifsuea selling et smart advances. Total sales, par value, $ I'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call Nunfber of ssles and lesdlnf quotations on stocks todsy were: Ptia. H'ta. i-w, v - Alka r)14 Amslranuted Onr .. Amsrlran Bt 8utar.. .1 Atrrlra a AmtrlM . A 3V. Amsrlesa g. R. Bt4.. Am. Husar Rf1nln , Airerlisn 7V1. Tel..., Anrtra Tntaooo AnannKla Mining , Atchison Palllmora Ohio. ....... Brooklra Rrl4 Trsnslt., Olltornla Ptrola ... CsnsillsB Psrltla Central Ltether (I.twpesks a Ohio Chlraso rat Western. rhlaa,' M. St. P.... Thlraio N. W Chlse tapper Colorado Fuel a Iron... Colorado Southern Denver A Rio Grands... Platlllors' ftecurltles .... Erie General Klectrle Great Northern pfd..... Oieat No Ora rtt flt'icanhalm Biplorallon. Illinois Central Ir.terborouah Met. pf4... Il.nilratlon Copper Inlamatlonal Harvester .. Kanaas City Southera.... LaMlh Valley 1.rnlvlll Nashville... Meilraa retro I sum ...... Miami Conpar MlMonrl, K. T Mlvaourl Pafiria National Biarult National Lea4 Navsiis Copper New York ( antral n. r. n. h a m Norfolk a Wertara N ort ham Pacific FarlflR Mall Panne Tal. a Tal Pennsylvania Pullman raise Car Ray Cob. Co'' ttManing HepuiJim iron a meai... Rork laland Co ,., iftock Ilan4 Co. ptd Ht. I. H. P. 94 t4... Houtharn Paoltla aoutharn Kallwaf Tenneases Coppar Taaaa Company I nlon faoitio t'nlos raellle pfd Vol lad Kism Steal Vt. 8. fttaal ptd Utah Copper Wahaan ptn Weatarn lnloa Waatinshnuee Rlectrlo ., Montana fewer 1.000 li'-i 4H 14 4" 100 1(1 10t inn 119 100 99n ton iiv im inni TOO 1 4t.S lS 4T4 10S 4 OT' tor llH III 4 91 7 1.900 o 9.1(10 1(M 1.700 4.0O 1.4n 7i nS ll it!h 7i I. W0 3.1(4 4.M "i'iiiii 10.000 7S'4 W4 144 J 4T ' US to 1 40 V4 to It I 97S 117V t WBJ MS tJ jn'4 94 l!Vi 991 1V w It St ltl 844 t9'4 i4;v in M 14 1.000 n 13714 l.tno 4.7oa I.900 10. in l.ono I, an 1 ano l.sno 1904 9,mo 10TV4 1, too 1114 a i 171 )4 14 9 4 14 131 "4 4f4 l4 M(4 9114 1H 90 4 107 1M4 "i i in: tit $A2.00 bid $16. 12rl6l Steady a 169. Antimony, 83387. I.M JWS4 too u4 I MM t0'4 K ino H'4 1W14 4.011O H 344 M I, bOO 1 H4 1I.0MI 10 3.700 1IV4 9,700 ii4 l.ono ia 91, WO 11714 90,100 '9014 toft 10714 9, t0 64 4M4 l.po e 74 17 AS4 14t 1N14 'iiii l' 17 43 Total salt lor th ear, oaO.OM abaraa. a i 100 7?S 9!S 1S 1M(4 "4 44 4 US 9 9(4 y, .1(4 T14 u 117 4 4H in 414 ..', tt ni 11 '4 70 US "4 114 121 94 1V 94 lt4 10! 104 II . 97 1414 la 9DH 141 84 44 9714 17 1 141 l4 9n 4M W 4 2 H, 74 4SH WHO MOST HONEST, RAIL ORTOIL BOSS? Illinois Central President Tat 01 Grill at Harriman Shopmen's Strike Bearinsj. HE ROUSES . COMMISSIONEll CHICAGO, April 8. A colloquy about the honesty of a man who, starting at the bottom, advances to the head of a great railway, as compared with one who become the bead of a great labor organtzatto enlivened today's eesalon of the United States Commission on Indus trial Relations. The argument was between Charles H. Markham, preeldent of tha Illi nois Central railroad, who was on the witness ntand practically all day, and Austin D. Oarretaon, president of the Order ot Railway Conductors and a member of the commission. Hew Striate Caaaed. Tha groat strike of shopmen of 1911 on the Illinois Central and other so-called Harriman lines, Mr. Markham tared, really grew out of the attempt e( tha American Federation of Labor to organ Is the crafts of each railroad system and It was opposed regardless of cost. "The proposed organisation was seri ous menace, . as. It carried to loglcat ccncluslon, It would have left tha . rail roads and Industries along their lines helpless In tha hands of a few men.;' said Mr. Markham. "But the railroads are In the' hands ef a fow men aa It Is," suggested Mr. Qrrret son. "But they are checked by tbalr re sponsibility, to tba stockholders, to law ad to the public," replied tha witness, q west ten far Markkas. "Are you, Mr. Markham, aay mora honest now than whsn yen war shovel ling coal at Tucson T' asked Mr. Oarret aon. - "Not a bit, but my responsibilities ara greater." "But when It comes to tha honesty of tha few men who control most thing. 1 a man less honest because he choose to rise through th labor arm of the rail road business to th presidency In a union Instead of a railroad eompanyT' No essential difference hypothetical!?, but th history of th cases ot th Knights of Labor, th American Railway union and simitar organisations have been bad." Investigation of wages and working conditions of Pullman conductors and porters waa suspended until next Satur day upon receipt of Information ' that John 8. Bunnell, president of th Pull man company, and Robert T. Lincoln. chairman ot th board of directors are too 111 to appear before th commission. I.eeal Stocks aad Bands. Quotations furnish a hy Kama. Brisker A Oa., 44 Omasa National bank kalUlsf ; Btocae gia. AJkea. ' rant pt4.... 1 par cant.. P'4... Tal.... .114 th XI It 00 11 8 j. .art tw m 111 4 94 M IN 01 . ... 4 0 71., ... 4 42 ... IUI 04. ... 44 SO. 0 4 II M., U I 07 II, ...IT 1M ... ... ...m 4 ... ...r-i ... ...if ... 914 ... Pr. 4 17 4 7 I 70 4 71 4 74 4 74 4 B9 17 11 ... 4T 41 144 ... 8 74 SHEEP Lambs lumnad La new htvh levels this morning when about a doian cars of riuraka and Colorado fed Mexicans commanded 810.40, the record for the season and the hlghast since 19)1 The record price for lambs In the history of this market was In April, 1910, the top during that month being $19.60. It still takas the light and handy weight lamb te bring the higheat prices as a rule, the bulk of such kinds today selling around SltaooyiO.OO. The heavy offerings moved largely .at $14 0010 80. according to quality. Among the sales were about 700 Wyoming lambs that sold to an Illinois feeder buyer at $10.36. The packer buy ers were strong competitor for tha mod erate run of some $,5ou head on sain, but the shipper buyers were practically out of the market altogether. The top on fed weatern lambs was $10 90 and the bulk of tlitrm aold chiefly at $l0.9(rff'10 30. Trade waa anappy all the way through and another early clearance wa made. Old aheep war scarce, there being, as a matter of fact, not enough on hand to t ' Dry Goods Market. NEW. YORK, April S-DRY GOODS Cotton goods markets war steady today. Yarns wera quiet. Colored cotton goods houses placed stock cloths at value or withdrew them from ssls on account of the dyeatuff shortage at mill centers. Men's wear for Immediate use was more active. Raw silk markets wera more quiet, with some, prices essing. CoUoa Market. NEW YORK, April 8 COTTON Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 9.90c; no sale. Future closed steady; May, 9.S9c; July, 9.87e: October. 10.25c: December. 10.44c: January, 10.62c. The cotton market ciosa was steioina by covering, but last prices wer from 14 to 16 points net lower. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. April 8. MERCANTILE PAPER 3 per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-BUadyt 90- day bills. $4.77; for cables. $4.80; for de mand, $4.7976. .... SILVER Bar, oo'ic; Mexican oonars, 38o. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, steaxly. TIME IjOANS-FIrm; 60 dys. H per cent; 90 dsys, i per cent; six months, $W Per cent. ' CALL MONEY-Steady: high. t per cent; low, 3 per cent; ruling rate, $ per cent; last loan. 2'A per cent; closing bid, I per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today wer as follows: II S rat. 3a rag .. 94 Mo. ! rr. 9a 44 4o touBoa 94 N. Y. C. 1..... I r S 9s. rag loi '4 N. Y. City 4a im Ao'eeusoB 10lN. Y. rStat a....lo U S a raglaurad 10t N. Y . N. H. A H o eupoe " 114 Paaama la oupoa..l01 No. radlle a t: liTiioltora a....H5 ! 44 ATA T. cv 4a. 0. S. L. raf. 4a.... ft Armour Co. 4a.. Par. T. a T. la,.... M l 00 ron. a.. !!!!!!! !lo's t Raadlus n. 4a U t . 1. a g. r. Paara a On. pM talrnMnt Creamery 7 pa Fairmont Creamery com. Lincoln Tal. A Tal. ca Omaha A C. B. Ht. Rr. Mountain Stataa Tal. a H.iate Bank st Osisea ....... Trl-Clty Hallway A Ulhl I). S. National Bank. Omaha llpitlk urala p(4 troika Grala 00m Colon Block Yards. Omaha BosOa Continental 0 A 1. I. 14CT (Nk... rula Co., Nab., 4. 1R4 Lincoln Traotloo 4. 191 jji.ooln. Nth.. Bat. la, 1139 , Naw York Btatt 4s, 1941 City ot Omaha Imp. 4s, HIT Omaha Vvaler 4, 1141 Omaha School 4a, 1111 Omaha A V,. B. St. Rr. la, 1131.-... Pactllo G. a B. Q an. A Rat. It, 1941.. Roakr Mountals Fual 4a St lJOll Mo., 4a. 1134 Bwltt A Co. It, 1M4 arlhnar. Nab.. Wat- 9a, Ittl I'nKorslty Piae. Nab., 4, 191T..,, Wichita t'nloa Suck Yarsa 4s. 1M4.. II 99 90" 76 19 114 st 41 91 91 U 104 IX 91 77 - 103 111 109 100 Atrhlaoa e Bal. Ohio 4a Chaa. Ohio 4a. 0. B A Q. J. 4... c M A S 4. do a. 4a C 8. raf. 4a . I. R Q ret. 4a KrU s- 4a.. Gaa. Klectrlr 4a ... 01. e. 1st 4 III. . rat. K. C. So. 4. 1 N nnl. 4a .. M K a T. 11 4 Bid. 90 94 41 lot 104 rt 1 l 3014 - wt n 10 a iw M 9T 94 101 10414 IOO li 9 Kaiser Visits Ally; 1 Urges Placate Italy LONDON, April 8 Th RoUerdsm cor respondent of the Dally Telegraph, says ho Las absolutely reliable authority for stating that the German emperor himself recently visited Emperor Francis Joseph at Vienna to urge thst Austria make tor rltorlal concessions In order to secure Italy's continued neutrality. 1 Belgian Cities Ask Frisco How Rebuild SAN FRANCISCO, AprU t,-Wr torn Belgian cities have appealed to San Fran cisco for advice, based on experience, in building new cities from their ruins. A letter received today by M. M". O'Bhaughnessy, city engineer, from Charles Petri, on of a board of archi tects now conferring In London, asks answers to a series of question and re quests photographs bearing on th re building of San Francisco after th earth quake and fire ot 106. Materials, designs, methods and fin ances are Included la th soopa of tha Questions, l 1 1 French Fliers Chase German Army Train GENEVA, Switserland. April 8. -(Via Paris.) Two French avistors pursued a German military train yesterday ' from Marbach to VUllngen, tn th Black For est They damaged th railway and ata tions along th lino. On their return they dropped bomb on Muelhttm and Neuborg. A French biplane which waa - being pursued by German aviators, ost ita way In tha mist last night and, crossing th Swiss frontier, landed uear Poremtruy It wll! b Interned. - " ' I Belted Earl Enters Army as Private LONDON, Aprn ".Th rl of Craw, ford ha lust enlisted as a private In tha Royal Army Medical corps for th dura tion ot the war. Th earl was born In 1871. lot So. '". r. 101 4o rat. 4a U 4a rv. la 4 in. Railway tm .... It I'nlos Psrillc la... 11'4 4o c. 4a ('. S. Dunbar la.. 14 V A meal la It Wabaih I at la. .... 91 W eat. t'nloa 4a. . 71 Waot. fclau. cr. Is . 12 . . 9.1 . t . f . M 10J .101 . 9 . 94 91 ' Loudoa Slock Market. I5NDON. April $. American securities lost part of yeeterday'S buoyancy. Cana dian Pacific and I.'nlon Paciflo were ac tive, but prices were Inclined to droop in the rest of the list. The cloae waa Bteady. SILVER Bar. 23Sd per ounce. MONEY IIH P-r cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short and thre months' bills, tUVA per cent. Baak C'leaHaga, OMAHA. April I-Htnk clearings for Omaha today were $2,771,460.61, and for the corresponding day last yr. $2,651,. 394.94. Apartments; flats, houses and eottafeg can be rented quickly and Cheaply by a Be "For Rent" Ad. WOMAN ROBBED ON STREET WHILE WAITING FOR CAR While waiting tor a car at' Eleventh and Farnam streets Tuesday afternoon, a Mrs. J. B. Heffley of Lincoln was at tacked by a man who tried to wrest her handbag from her. In the struggle for th bag th men succeeded In wrenching a large gold bracelet from her arm. Then ho fled without securing th handbag. Sh aald that there was no one nesr st the time to answer her callls for asilstince, but she was able to give th police g very good description of her assailant. ORIGINAL OF CHARACTER IN"THE SPOILERS" SHOT PORTLAND. Or.. April 8.-Wllon T. Hume, an attorney widely known In tha west and In Alaska, was shot In tha hack at his office today during a quar rel with another lawyer, and seriously wounded. Hume is said to have been th original of a leading ftgur In "Th Spoilers," a novel by Rex Beach, dealing with th gold rush la Alaska. miftnn Hill fihiirnh Has Some Cash Ahead With $11 on hand and $100 In pledges yet unnel anil all ifebta satisfied, members of Clifton Hill Presbyterian church last night at th annual meeting took Urn to congratulate themselves. Ladles of th church served dinner and 100 member were seated. It was shown that thirty eight new members had been taken Into the church In two months. Elder elected are F. W. Booth and Robert Wise; trustees, Ooorg Taylor, H. C. Ellison and W. S. Houston. The new pastor of th church Is Rev. R. B. von der Llpp. BELGIAN RELIEF FUND REPORTED AT LINCOLN Following 1 a list of subscriptions to the Betglsn relief fund rport4 at Lincoln: Amount previously reported $0,7431 p E. O.'s. Nelson Tuesday Evening Musical. Nel son. Neb Woman's club, Avoca Mrs. Hofmsn's class. Preaby terrisn church Mr. W. E. Chsptn. Mlts Box, Lincoln Bohemian Club Mite Box, Lincoln. D. D. Club Mite Box. Lincoln Card party, Lincoln hotel, Lin coln I'lyases. Neb.. R. F. D. No. 2 Athena Club Mite Bog. Uncoln... Tuesday Travel Club Mite Box, Lincoln - Lecture Circle Mite Box, Lincoln., Miss Estelle Downing, Lincoln.... 10 00 $25 $.40 SOU I1M 1.7S 1.75 83.611 14 M 4 24 144 .90 $.00 ARRESTED ON ONE CHARGE AND HELD ON ANOTHER Frank Brown is In Jan on a charge of robbery. About 8:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Jss Mlllros missed his watch nd chain and reported th matter to th police. Only a short while after. De tective Rich and Pisanowaky aneated Brown on another charge. When ha waa searched at tha station Mlllroae's watch and chain were found lu his possession, and he wa lodged with tha more serious charge against bis name. Brown was bound over to tha district court this morning with bond flxsd at $7W. 1