THK BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APRIL 8. 1015. I Dandruff Makes Hair Fall Out 25 cent bottle of "Danderine" keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful. Girls! Try this! Doubles beauty of your hair in few ' ' ' moments. H By MELLIF1CIA. Wednesday AprU 7, 1915. AVE you noticed how sort of unsteady the fashions are becoming? We do not seem quite prepared to regard the style makers of our dear United States as being the last word in styledom, and as a consequence when anything new Is advanced we begin to criti cise, accept and reject at our own sweet will. Several times lately we have beard of new ideas as likely to be popular this spring and summer. We looked forward, many with eagerness to the revival of the hoop skirt. A few even went to a recent musical afternoon here, where charac ters appeared in hoop skirts, thinking to find an easy way of handling them. But some prominent member, of the fashion world (I wonder who she was, here's to her anyway) frowned upon the Idea and the rest of that feminine contingent followed like sheep, with the result, death to the hoop. Not that I'm advancing a plea for the hoop skirt perish the thought, for I'm ag'in' 'em. ' Then the question of head gear weighed heavily on all. Whether hats were to be large or small, to et on top of the head or fall down over the ears was a very perplexing query. Now we are somewhat "puckered" over the latest ban on foot gear. Is the "glove-shoe" going, to be taken upT Shoes are now, you know, made of cloth, canvaa or satin to match the gown of the wearer, and some with side lacers there's the rub. FIRST SPRING RAIN FAILS I MRS. REBECCA REMER. 81, uaaV mm W 1 .a.saaBBBk feaMBatMatA.Baiaa kijk nUNtt.11 NtbrvAoKAN, Ulti Light Precipitation ii General Over Mr. Rrcra Rrrrvr, H years old. wlf State. Startinr Tneidar and N0' A- M- a farmer who lives two er Continuing Next Day WlUtia tn tnlnuUa after an applica tion of Denderlne you can not find .a aintfs trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will pleaae you most will be after a few wecke un, when you fee ww hair, fin and downy at firrt "yto-but really nsw toalr srowlnc all over th scalp. A little Panderine Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and ecracBy, Just tuoUtm a cloth with Dandertne and carefully draw It throuch your hair, t ak in ona email strand at a time. The ef fect' Is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy ajid wavy, and have an appear ance of abundance; an Incomparable luHter, softness and luxuriance. Get a 2S cent bottle of Knowlton's Xenderlne from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair la as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treat mentthat's all you surely . can have beauttful hair and lota of It If you will . uat try a Utile Danderlce. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin entertained Tuesday evening for their niece, Made line Catherine Peterson, when Miss Peter son's engagement was announced to Mr. Io A. Haly. The table decorations mere lavender end yellow, the colors to be used at the wedding. The centerpiece was of violets and yellow tulips and the place- cards were original verses In which Cupid an nounced the date of the wedding as Msy 1. Those preaent were: Messrs. and Meadames ' Mark MarUn, Paul Martin. Mlaaea Misses Margaret Ortman, Maud McKeniie, Mary McGrath, Urace lalr. Ida Daly. Bernadette Martin, Marie Martin, lla Mclaughlin. Henrietta WadswortrMarle Brown, Hon McJJermott. Amitie Club Party. Mrs. F. E. Slnkey was hostess at the meeting of the Amitie Card club Tuesday afternoon. The prises for the games were awarded tar Meadames O. Kenny, C. L. Mitchell and F. K. Slnkey. The guests present were: It as mr suss m SPRING WEDDING GIFTS Whether for the bride or bridegroom, you are always sure to find here just the thing you have In mind. Gifts for HKR or for MM in an almost endless variety from the least, expensive to th finest. "The name Combs gives an added value to your present, . because for 1 over 25 years It has been recog nized as the mark of quality. Luncheon at Hotel Loyal. Mrs. L. C. Peter gave a luncheon to day at the Hotel Loyal In honor of Mrs. P. V. Arnold. The table was decorated with yellow jonquils and yellow ahaded candles. Covers overs placed for: Meadamea , Meadames r. V. Arnold. M. 1. Cameron. Frank Peapetchrr, H. M. McClanahan. E. R. Porter, Campbell, Phelan, Hutthlns. Wednesday Bridge Club. Mies Mildred Butler was hostess at the regular meeting of the Wednesday Bridge club this afternoon at her home. The members Include: PONCA CREEK BECOMES RIVER The first of the apr'ng rains of the season -fell Tueeday night over practically all of the state, according to reporta to the railroads. In many localities they I continue yesterday with temperatures of 90 degrees and above. Along the Missouri valley Tuesday nlght'a rain was the lightest of any sec tion across to the mountains. Beatrice, Chester, Puperlor. WUW, Republican. McCook, Benkleman, Aurora, Reward, Ericann, Burwell and Pauline reported one-half to three-quarters of an Inohr Madrid, Orleans, ft Paul, Holdrege, Mlnden and Gothenburg, an Inch, and Psrgent, two Inches. Through the extreme northern portion of the state a rain of from one to two inches was general and continued at I o'clock In the morning. Tn this locality some damage a reported on account of the high water caused by the melting anow and the heavy rain. The Jorth western's grade on the Bone- steel branch has been washed oonsiderablo at points where the grade extends' up the Ponca . creek valloy In a distance of thirty miles the road crosses this creek fifteen , times. The creek Is out of Its banks and a number of the bridges are threatened. Today an emergency train waa aent out from Norfolk and all sec tion men along the line have been taken to the bridges, whore they are working to save them. Under ordinary condltlona the Ponca creek la a stream that a man can Jump across. Now It Is said to be a roaring river, In many places a quar ter of a mile wide. The high water Is the result of rapid melting of snow. miles south of South Omaha, Is dead at her home. Mrs. Remer had lived In that vicinity for sixty years. Mr. Remer and four children survive JLE. Hover, Elisabeth nir. Mrs. . J There are her. The children are Mrs. Mrs. .P. E. McDuke, Mrs. Grant and Miss Mollis' Re Remer outlived five children fWe grandchildren and one gtfat grand child. . . I Funeral servlcee will be held Friday afternoon at 10 o'clock at the home and at 2 o'clock In Union church. Interment will bo In Bailey cemetery. ih mmr CoaierBi Cold. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey goes right to the spot. Checks the coigh, easea throat, kills the old geims. Only 25c All drug gists. Advertisement. Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad. Meadames Ben Wood, Harold Prltchett, Misses 1-onine Dinning, Elisabeth Davis, Menle Davla, Mary Burkley, Meedamea i K. K. Klnkey. C. U Mltchi'll, XT. Kenny, W, J. hhaw. It. C. 8haw. W. R. Howard, ' Mesdames Ralph Hraddock, H. Lambert, W, If. Houser, H Uwum, 0 J. Merson. Donald C. Kull, Entertains at Kensington. Mrs. U R. Wallace gave a kenslngton this afternoon at her home. The rooms were decorated throughout with yellow tulips, Jonquils and Mrs. Ward roses. About fifty guests were entertained. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Myers plan to leave the latter part of the month for California. Fashion Hint sAeiswtk 1 fl AJU.WtlE.K3 i ate eovsiA r omm " U ''V ,y--..aaiSjre.Ml c V . A J J : i i i i I ! 1 1 '' I Out-of -Tovn Customers can now -have lust- "as good Cleaning and Dyeing, at the same cost, as Omaha people. Send your work to us by Farcel Post or Express; we pay charges one way on all orders .' regardless 'of the amount. Write fcraPrice list ' It contains full Information as to prices, terms, methods, etc. Ilemember we are the Old rut, Larfcost and Ptt Cleaners and Drs la Oiaslia and have hundreds of wtibfid custom ers throughout the West. wine tooay, or- send us a trial order. We guarantee eat l&f-ction. Tli 2 Pantorium "(kkkI CleauT ud Dyera. I31S-I.V17 Ji.'iM-a fctrert, OiiimIik, .N-t, IT f I J Mesdames J. Potter Webster. Misses Kllxabeth Bruce, Gladys Peters. Daphne Peters, Katherlne ThummeL Last Subscription Dance. The seventh and last subscription danc ing party of the season wilt be given this evening In the ba.ll room of the Fonte- nelle. The members are all planning to dina at the hotel before the dance. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis will have as dinner guests: Messrs. and Mesdames L. K Crtffoot, C M. Wllhelm, E. M. Fairfield, Osgood Eastman. . C. George, One of the most attractive dinners be fore the danoe will be given by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Eraser. Violets will be used throughout tne decorations. A large mound of vloleta will be used for a 'table centerpiece. Small bouquets of violets will be the place carda and the ladles will each receive a beautiful corsage of vloleta and aweet paas. Mr and Mrs. Eraser will entertain: Measrs. and Meadames . H. Gaines. - Dr. Charles Kull. M. C. Peter, Mrs. J. M. Hetcalt. Messrs Meaars W. T. Page. . A. L. Reed. One of the a mailer dinners before the dance will be given by Mr. at.d Mrs. A. Q. Beeeon, when their guests will be: Meaars. and Meadames M. A. Hall. , .David Baum, ' ; Pleasures. past : The offlcera of the Prairie Park Needle Craft club gave a card party to the membera this afternoon at ths club rooms. Meadames C. C. Haynes, Albert Wedemeyer, C, T. Walker and Charles Grand en were the hosteasee. The deco rations were In yellow jonquils and Eas ter lilies. The prises were won by Mesdames T. C. Rich and Herold Felt- Mrs'. T. J. Wllburn, from Atkinson, Neb., gave a few vocal solos. Ftftaen tables of players were entertained. On the Calendar. The regular meeting of the Prairie Py k Needle Craft club will be held Tuesday, April IS, at the club house. Mrs. D. K. Smith will entertain the members of the Wlnormtaslt club at her home Friday, April 16. .' Whist Luncheon. Mrs. W. J. Broatch entertained at luncheon today at the Hotel Loyal. The guests were seated at smalt tables In the booths of the private dining room. Each table waa decorated with tulips and Jon quils- Mrs. Broatch entertained fifty guests News of the Wayfarers.' Mrs. A. L. Reed la In New York City. Mr. C. 3. Glaason Is registered at the Hotel McAlpin tn New Tork City. STCRZ GENUINE BOCK BEER Our , brew this sesson Is exceptionally good. 'We have yet to taste Its equal. Try It down town, Bdnd ai case home for. the family. Phone Chaa. - Store, Web. 1260. Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad. HUGH MURPHY PUTS HIS PAVING GANGS TO WORK Hugh Murphy, paving contractor. started 'his season's work on Eighteenth street, between Nicholas and Grace streets, which will be repaved. I I For Sauces and Gravica . For smooth, rich sauces and gravies AruKAIIS 113 LI Etar014 v I UaswsstaaaJ is far superior to Wtle milk. Its uniform richness down to ths last drop always fives satisfactory results. Cottage MUk b always fresh, pure and sweet. It it the richest milk with most of the water taken out, perfectly sterilised and with nothing added. Cottage Milk baa snore than twice t&e food value ef bottle tnilk and lasts indefinitely. It Is made la spotless condenseries under most sanitary conditions. 7A Milk W.thoat . thm CeeW Towf In Two Sizes G and lOc Ai s3 Geel Dealers AJCaUCAU Mill CO. 1 CHICAGO T.'k Li! 0 ULai Vcur Lyes Hy 1.A RAtOXTEl 8K. A very smart suit Is thu- of black and while checked cloth with short semi circular aklrt showing a tingle wide Pleat both front and back. Juat a Mt longer than lap length Is the ooat, slightly cutaway, and with flup pockets sloping downward toward the back. A straight belt of the material la attached to the aluVa of the coat by tlu.k and white novelty button, which alo appear on the frunt of the mat and on the eleevea. Kiikv the aklrt la very short the tuttund IkjoI ais fitted very carefully arvund the anlslu. 9) i wmm Many New Arrivals Showing Now Spring's best suit styles cor Tectly inter preted in ev ery model. A style for all $25 SUITS Style Aristocrats Shades and materials fully . in ac cord with fashion's idea In spring modes. At thi popular price, 125, Faihionseal Suits offer the ulti mate of value. They equal suits usually sold at from $30 to 35. They arc copies of higher priced and imported models. They are correctly and expertly tailored in every detail. An Outgoing Thursday of Dresses Worth to $12.50, for only $7.75 This fascinating selection of dresses priced o attractively, "comprises models of Crepe de-Chine, Crepe Meteor, wool crepe and serges. They are in plain or trimmed styles and combination effects in all the new shades lor pfj$ l .. ri tv.flr A11 a!ra seat tcAA- vailf k 1 1 - K wvt - -- Thursdaysecond floorchoice WJa Moth-Proof Cedar Bsqs For storing furs, eoaU, etc, , each, 50c. The Sprlno Bsr- oaln Bulletin I ready. Ask for your copy. o .Q Women's $4 and $5 Pumps and OxfordSfThursday, pair 12,000 Pairs of Pumps and Oxfords, every one in the latest spring pattern, made by one of the best known factories in the country go into this sale 25 U U :!'vv:::;M :n:;&v ik. fAffh ,: fl w Almost every style that woman's heart could wish may be had at this-little price Thursday, and also in every size and width ' There are patent or dull leathers and combinations; there are straight pumps, strap, cross strap and LaValliere styles with French or Cuban heels. Soles are . hand-turned and sewed or welted extension soles all the preferred new models m This is truly an exceptional lot of footwear, onered at a ' time when just such styles are in Greatest demand ; a reduced i price on such ashionable shoesyhen the season is still young is very unusual. (Main floor.) These pumps and oxfords were made by a firm that advertises from ocean to ocean, and whose product has a fine reputation for qual ity. For obvious reasons we are not per mitted to use this maker's name. ' . . S pecial Purchase of Manufacturers9 Entire Stock 1,485 Elegant SU In a Really Wdhderful Sate Beginning Thursday Tbeee petticoats were bought of the Stewart-Howe-May Co. of New York City, who have retired from buai nees and sold us their entire stock at a great sacrifice. Every petticoat is of high quality. $2.50 to$4 Silk Pettic . $ 1 75 JL MM Dancing petticoats and street petticoats of Crepe de Chine with large bottoms and lace insertion; petticoats of plain and' change able Messalines; Satin Charmeuse, Jac- Juards, Pompadour silks, tub silks, wool ersey and silk Jersey. ' $4.00to$6.00 Silk Pettic'ts Petticoats of everv wanted crk1nrn.iiai9n Seen, navy blue. Emerald green. Peacock f ue, amber. Nell Rose. Ciel blue, brown, II pink, purple, king's, blue, Copenhagen, wistaria. Lavender, plum, old rose, taupe, f oucjc, American Deauty, maize, white. Petticoats are made of serviceable silks, cut on generous lines, finely finished 2 with double stitched seams; petticoats in all or this spring's best models. Petticoats with deep knee flounce5, accor- dian pleated. Petticoats with sec tional flounces, tucked and pleated. Petticoats with cross bar tucks and Van dyke pleatings. Petticoats, with flounces of shadow lace, ribbon trimmed. Because ' of the great quantity of silk petticoats in this Thursday bargain event we shall sell them in the Bargain Basement and on the main floor Crepe de Chine Blouses, $1.98 Worth 13.00 For your selection at this small price there are twenty-five doz en . new blouses very new. too, as they just have arrived. All are the most modish styles some are semi-tailored, oth ers are trimmed with Venice lacei and with pin tucks. Many styles to choose from Thursday at $1.98 LingericBlduses $ j 00 They are of voile and organdie and are exceedingly smart. Numerous new arrivals, are offered in fetching styles. Millinery Department f ' Second Floor Untrimmed Shapes, $1.19 A great Thursday sale, offering 200 dozen untrimmed hats of Hemp, Lizere and Belgium Split la all of the beat shadea of the new apring season Gray, New Blue, Rose, Sand, etc. and Black Included are sailors, smart turbans, pokes and other styles that the season fancies. ! Thursday choice of the group at $1.19 Boys9 Wash Suits for 75c A Regular 1. CO, 11.25 and SI. 50 U ty irii t 41 it it ui new aijricu ouiio iu kiiuiu assortment of color effects, either short or long sleeve models, in these very popular styles: Oliver Twist. Vestee. Middy. Sailor, Balkan. Russian and Eton Styles Choice on Thursday for only rSc Sizes to fit every age from two to eight years. -A Many mothers will secure a season s supply. r. Boys New Department, Third Floor 3 USD