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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1915)
TIIK BEK: OMAHA. TIHilfSnAV. AVRU. f. 113. MIEF CITY NEWS ntml I Nw KMtron Frees Bates-raaae Ca. UfMlasflatareej. reaiins of aweamy is eee o the beafltes acquired wbm jrctt orflc. In The Bee. BuUdlnr, "tbe bundles; tat Is al ways new." Fe u now tor fc few room araliable April t lector at First Christian. Caarca Jacoe 8. Shield, Boston, will lecture Friday and Saturday night at the First Church of Christ. Scientist, at Twenty fourth street and 8U Mary's avenue. laa State aa mt Omaha paya 4 par cent on tlma depoatu. I per cent on savlafs accounts. All deposits la this bank are protected -jr the deiKMritors' ruarantea fund of the state of Nebraska, Today's Complete Moris Frosiwse elaeslfLU section today, and appears la The Bee IXCXU8IVETLT. lno out what the various movlnr picture theaters offer, guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska T Make Some . a Orefoa Miss - Graoo Ward, niece of the late William T. Canada, leaves for Bend, Or., Thurs day, tsHine with her Mrs. Cans-la. They expect- to reside tn Oregon, where they hare relatives. . . ; Colonel Canning-bam to Speak "The 1'evtl in Literature" Is the subject of an address to the Omaha Philosophical so ciety by Colonel C, G. Cunningham at ? Sunday. The society meets In Labor temple,. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Anderson keleased- Earl M. Anderson of Dea Moines, held as a federal prisoner In the county Jail since last November on a white slave charge, has been die charged from custody. Jle was arrested by the police on complaint of his wife. ,'Mrs. Pearl Anderson. ZIMMAN, JARDUTE, SIMON WIN The Winners. J. C. Dahlman. J.' to. Hummel V. Huge I CY II. lYlthnell Thomas MeGovern ........ Dan li. Butler II. n. Zimman. W. S. Jardlne J. Ryder Edward Hlnion A. A. LamoreauK J. C. nrexel W. Metcalfe Harry J. Harket . '. Next Two In Order W. McDonald . G. Hhrlver JTew Apartment Hons Hastings & Heyden commenced excavation work on their lot at Twenty-seventh and Harney streets, upon which a modern apartment house will be erected. The house will have six four-room apartments and eight of two rooms each. Body Takea to Battle Creek The body, ot Miss Maynie Olltner, who ended her life by Inlialine illuminating gus in a boarding house at G42 South Nineteenth street, Monday morning, was taken to Battle Creek,- Neb., Tuesday fur burial, J. N. Oiltner, father, of the girl, was In Omjxha and made the. arrangements. Sprain His . Ankle Jim McKlnzle of Boise, Idaho, was brought to police head quarters with a sprained ankel Wednes day morning which he received while jumping from an express wagon at Ninth and Douglas streets. He was attended by Dr. C. B. Kelts and then taken to the Salvation Army Industrial' home, 'where he will be kept' until recovery. Mc Kinslc was without funds. Olss Club Concert The Association Glee club, assisted by May Flanagan Joseph Woolcry, Ralph Wood and Harold H. Thorn, will give a concert Thursday night at the Diets Memorial church, Tenth and Pierce streets, for the bene fit of the Sunday school piano fund Others to take part will be G. f. Swan son. Jess Johnson," George Skalla, M. lWaekson', Walter Seltzer, O. a Hudson and Lee O. Kratz. . Longer Term Pair Unable to Put Over Senate Assistants P.ITV I ATT. on vim I AftL WIN PLACES Present 1 Commissioner! Are nominated in Contest at Primaries. Re- 7,069 e,ft3.i A.238 ft.lOfl 5,478 5.318 4,333 3,3t5 3.277 2,837 2,3 3,587 2,348 2,267 ,2,167 , 1,088 Revised figures of the primary election In Omaha Thursday for city commissioner shows that Mayor Dahlman'a lead over the entire field Is a substantial margin, his total be log 7,969. At the primary three years ago be received 6,056. Hummel. Kugel, Wlthnell, Mo- Govern and Butler followed . the mayor In the order named. Ryder la ninth tn the list, Zimman breaking Into the first division of seven and Jardlne leading Ryder. All of the present city commission ers were renominated, Zimman be ing the only outsider to get within the first seven, and Ryder being the only present commissioner to show a decided slump. Ryder's vote threo years ago was 4,528; yesterday. 3.277.' Nominees Chosen for City Commission J. C. DAHLMAN". J. B. HUMMEL. A. C. Kt'QEU CH AS. WITHKELL. 7mmlm yi'. i f WHSSSBSi BBSBSBBS- BBBSBSSBBBPaBBJ s Vote Cast for Sixteen High Men ' 5 5 T, K 5 N ? r P K I K 2 ward. Sr55rs?::2:?sg int .v ;." 4H 3 i w ! :i . i:t to ;t m :i M'i -,2 ':. vi ax- ir. .i in 1.0 i? m i7 m 73 M . MS J!W m; l 2 i Ml 3U .i H oh ?.4i v- 4.vj ;su 4i7 ::s :7 ?it im iw ik W v l" sth t-4 h m t7 n 13 4W ait : i m i ;th :i ;, w 4i 34 4U ii v r.i 211 i'. nm ii 7th 4i M2 M 4'.'4 tut Isfi :t? SKI '-' 7 H SU Sth 4.!0 44 432 V) 0 1 H'l r.7 2M H2 lt ! 74 M th R34 Sf. l Ml Ml M 7 6"i7 20 2.V -V.2 3 3-2 22 2." 10th hN4 IS'! 3'.4 3!4 4:17 IfJ UV1 21 14.S 57 1 71 : : 4)7 M iih ; 4-w 417 3wj 4it S2i 44 im vj a r.w s: im w t2(h k0 S2S 77T ;5 4S& 4T4 :1 4; ?M 34 672 Sol 4W Ml IM 44 Total!..7W 3ii:". 61W 5r M18 4J.'J 3341 5-T7 L37 2-142 r.7 4S 22! 21H7- 1?" Total Votes of All the Candidates THOS. M'GOVERN. D. B. BUTLER. H. B. ZIMMAN. W. S. JARD1NK. TWO HUNDRED APPLY FOR JOBS AT FEDERAL OFFICE More than 200 application blanks have ben filled out at the postoffire under the new federal employment bureau act. Most of these want positions as farm hands or laborers, to which class of work the net applies. Some, however, ask to be employed on the railroad building; In Alaska, and one wants the government to procure him a place as a civil engineer. A number of blanks have been filled out also by. employers. All blanks are sent to Denver, which Is headquarters for this labor district. Including Nebraska, Colo rado, and Wyoming. A number of em ployers and employes have been brought together already. y " JMLjA tt ;. yv. " -" 1 - - -1 f l ; - 3. 3. RYDER. EDWARD SIMON. A. A. LAMOREAUX J.' C. DREXEL. 1 i i I C. Palilman. H Hiimmrl.. I'. Kns'l M. Wlthnell. McOovern.... 14. Hutler.... 11. Zimman. . cV Jardlne.. J. Ryder...... A.tiamoresus C lrexel Edward Hlmnn. Marry .1. llacket 27THor jorensen..iH.i W. McDonald. 211 " r . amicn.. W. O. Shrtver... 19;R. nriesenow.ini Thos. F. Stroud. .1TT!l M.F.Ftinkhouser !' Ed K. Howell. ...17 .T. KOVP ; - IP. J. veicn r Mlrhnelsen.. U llllillnaer. A. Fester.... .144H Frunk J. Hllia.. Hertford. 1W K- M- Hrftnr.. T,1.oils Rirmester.1S4lW. atwlf . n llnve IVMlA. ti:ll J. I'eter IM,,H. tl'lN. 1. Anderson. ..I44H f'-'Meff W WORKMEN NAME DELEGATES TO GRAND LODGE SESSION Omaha lodge No. IS. Ancient Order of United Workmen, has named Its dele satea to the grand lodae which meets at Lincoln In May. The following were se lected: C. H. Collier. J. Currsn.. D. 3. Cullrn. C. Q. Wslker. T. 8. Oranvllle, C. H. Reynolds. C. Weetertleld. BOY CORN GROWERS PAY VISIT TO STOCKYARDS Twenty-lwo boys who were winners of last year's corn contest st the Iowa Agricultural college, accompanied by Prof. Bliss of Ames, la,, visited tlio stock yards Tuesday 1 and were entertained by the management at luncheon. In the contest they won prises furnished by the Union 8tock Tarda company. The boys were from 12 to IS years of age. The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. DAHLMAN IN CAMPAIGN TO URGE AUDITORIUM BONDS 3. W. METCALFE. H. J. HACKETT. Mayor Dahlman announces that during hla campaign of the next few weeks hl torlum property by the city will urge that the voters support tha Auditorium bond proposition of $150,000, which will be sumbltted on May 4. coramiss4cner. Mcuovern win also sup port this bond Issue. The other commis- Isloners favor the purchase of the Audi Ons of the -humorous revelations et the primary Is a situation in which Treasurer Ure and Clerk of the District Court Smith and- State Senators Bedford and Howell are the principal objects of In terest. Ure and Smith have" been making their bed and board at Lincoln for some time la the Interests of a bill.; an amendment to which would extend the tenure of their office. It was generally understood around town that this court house twam was to "put over" Bedford and Howell at the city primary. Ur and Smith came up from Lincoln Tuesday at 6 o'clock to vote and re turned to the Capital city at 11 o'clock Bedford and Howell did not come up from Lincoln, feeling secure. It Is stated. In the thought that Ure and Smith would put them through. The result of the prlmery as It at fected Bedford and Howell is a political morsel . which Is being relished at the court house and the city hall. GIRLS BETTER DEBATERS THAN BELLEVUE YOUNG MEN Nebraska ' City Ttlgh school - defeated Bellevue academy by a 2 to 1 decision at Bellevue last night 1n the second round of the state high school league debates on government ownership of railways. The Nebraska City team, upholding tha nega tive, was composed of Hasel Fullrlede, Olga Alber and Sara James. The Bellevue team was made up of Clint Day, Randall Blart nad Jack Phelps. The Judges were Secretary E. F. Den- nison of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation, Frank C. Bullta of the Nebraska Telephone company and E. E. McMillan of Omaha High school; President Nicholl of Bellevue presided. oar Stomach IndUestloo Cared Your stomach and bowels need cleaning oUt. Vr. King's New Life Pills give quick relief. ' Only 2uc. . All druggists. Ad ver Usement SOCIAL SETTLEMENT HAS FORMED A WOMAN'S CLUB . The Woman's club of the Soulal Settle- ; ment ha completed' organlzatln with membership of -thirty-five and plans soon to federate with other local women's or ganlxations. Mrs; Mary Fadll Is the pres ldent, Mr. W. Y. Doten first vice pres Idciit, Mrs. Baysdprfer second vice. pres ident. Mrs. West secretary, Mrs. Mlchsel Huller treasurer and Mrs. John KUIian chairman of the membership committee The Washington boys' elub will give their monthly dinner Wednesday evening at the settlement house. Louis Wavrin and Anton and W. 8. Fadil of thedra matlc club will give the program. The Dramatic club Is rehearsing tor Its pro duction of the "Merry Wives of Wind sor," which will be given later In the spring. The first Issus of "The Settle ment'' wm be on fhe press the middle of tb month. Arrangements .for the Social Settle ment's annual summer camp are being completed. It is also planned to continue the activities of the settlement house dur ing the summer months. The tennis courts will be in especially fine condition. WHITE HOSE ATHLETES SPEND NIGHT IN OMAHA Tha members of the Chicago White Pea No, 1 spent part of the night tn Omaia. There were thirteen In the party aad they arrived from the west at 1:30 o'clock In the -morning over the Rock Island. They remained here until 7:40 o'clock, going out to Sioux City over tha Northwestern. They are traveling In a spectsl car. The Hose, were to play the Slotix City team yesterday and today, returning to Omaha tonight. Friday and Sat urday they will play BUI Rourke's team at the. Vinton street park. Makes nl Feel Llk tfl. "I suffered with kidney ailment for two years.' writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robin son. Miss., "and commenced taking Foley Kidney Pills about ten months ago. am now able to do all my work without fatigue. I am now a years of age and feel llks a lt-year-old glrL" Foley Kid ney Pills strengthen and Invigorate weak. tired and deranged kidneys; relieve back. ache, wak bark, rheumatism and blad der trouble. They are tonic la action. bold everywhere. Advertisement Meta Fsbmsi Beck Beer. Guaranteed to be the only Genuine Bock Beer brewed In Omaha. On draught and In bottles on and after April t. William J. Swoboda, retail Dealer. Phone Douglas 222.-TAdvertUement. . Now the. Supper Dance A A Beginning Thursday - eve and con tmuing u you will, a series of Souper Dansants. Arrange for your table with it.' Charles Maya'rd. The . t ; : price you pay you shall say. Know this, that everything is cooked bet ter, served better than anywhere else in town. - 1 !K. I. Morrw....K . Mm. . f M E. Wsloh 17'N. Cherek km'E. A, Krl-eon.... KM.John Ylrsk wn J. j. ('union Mn!.l. A. Davis WW, 4". Miller 7"jT. M. C. l.lrm- T?sl inrhsm ".mi ft. H. Oalliurne. .' v. M. Nasll T M. J. I-aooy Frank Hark?r.. 4 l. H. Christie. .. Ma H4.1:V. Ilylnml Andrew Klewit.. J. N. Carter...... Owen Eleven A. W. Bonner... W. N. Chambers. .1. 8. Oooiey. l.oils V. Ouye... John W. Light.. A. T. MnnaRan.. N. Dargarsewskl 44. 4--v! 410 ? s;n lit 2S 2) Till 274 S4 3ni l:t 11 ITS FRED TURNER. VETERAN. OMAHA SALESMAN, DEAD Fred F. Turner, veteran Omaha sales man. Is dead at St. Taut, Minn., accord ing to word received here by friends. He died at the home of his brother. For the last few years he hss been employed by tha Faxton-Oallagher firm. Ha was to years old and a bachelor. LOCAL ART PATROHS PLAH ORGANIZATION T 1 Men to Form Auxiliary Association at Banquet at Hotel Fonte nelle Tuesday. IMPORTANT OMAHA MOVEMENT Ornslia men whe formed an auxiliary assnrlstlon to asslKt the Fine Arts' asse elation in purchasing pictures, will nei hosts at a dinner In the banauet room of the Hotel Fontenelle next Tuesday evenh-g, to which their families amt members of the Fine Arts association will le Invited. Invitations are already bring mailed. It Is expected that et th'e dinner sn organisation will be formed under the name ot the "Frlehds of Art Association." and temporary offleera elected. Prof. Fred Morrow Fling has agreed to be present and to speak on "Art and Life." An effort is being made to have F. Mopklnson Pmith also present. All friends ef art who desire to participate In the organisation wilt be welcome, John 1 Webeter. one of the principal sponsors, announced. Mr. Webster sstd about 100 prominent mm have each subscribed $35 per year for five years for this cause. Important plans for . the advancement of art In Omaha are understood to be Involved In the movement. A musical art gallery h been suggested. . ' ,. The Be Want Ads Are vest Business Boosters. . , . Mareaseats er t-rtu ateasaers. Fort. rrlT4. OMSIOW .....TuMSnl.. UlvKHectOU. PonilniM.. N AIM. .....A sow..... tism.N MAM1LJ4 NKW YORK MAN rRANCIIWVsa BAN I RANCIIKX) Mum.... Ilea. , .Kills. , VlnnbiV. . MIsiKWHa. .NmUHta . Calu, Wednesday, April -Bl'IlGESS-NASH 8TORR NF.W8- -ITaone Poucias 1ST. 4i Built for You to Enjoy. Hotel ITonteelle FUNERAL IS HELD TODAY FOR WILLIAM BISHOP Wlhiam Bishop, aged 89 years. 433S Franklin street, who was found dead In Council Bluffs Tuesday as the result of a severed artery tn hla left arm, will ba burled in Forest Lawn cemetery this aft ernoon. Services will be conducted by Hev. T. J. Collar of the Church ot the Good Shepherd, and will be held at I tn the afternoon from the Bralley & Dorranoe chapel. Crook pott of the Grand Army of the Republic will have charge of the services at the grave. Several out-of- town relatives will attend. ST0RZ FAMOUS BOCK BEER On draught throughout the city. now. A cenuine old mellow Bork and the best brewed in Omaha. Watch for the "8urz sign. Uava a ease sent home. I'hone Answer the Alarm "ery lloturs TsUs a tory." If your kidneys are Inflamed, don't stand around and do nothing. I.Ike a fire. It will soon get be yond control. You will get tho alarm In Urn e backache or dlszl nesa or disorders of the urine. Heed the warning. Live simply, flush the kidneys by drinking plenty of pure water, and use Doan'a Kidney Pills i to help stamn out the cause of the HI eaa't staad this." trouble. There is ne other, kidney remedy so widely used, nor so well recommended. Omaha Proof: Mrs. G. H. Miller. 1(11 Jf. 26th Street, Omaha, says: "My kidneys weren't la good shape and my back ached most ef the time. It was hard for me to stoop or lift. Doan's Kidney Pills strengthened my kidneys and the pain In my back was relieved. It haa been quite awhile aince I have had any trouble." D 0AN 'S Kn Is 50 at all Drug Stores Foelar-Milburvt Qx Buffalo. NY IN PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS only, can you obtain th vry latest styles. . The Sectional" Sldrt 6255-l5c The new "Corsage" Waist 6226 15c l WalMtllt II a Skirt MM The Country Club Waist , 621 1 1 5c Tbe Suspsndsr Skirt 6196 15c - f2f flrfrtp Make them up. You will be months ahead in style. The New FASHION BOOK now en sale at the Pattern Counter. , Ony 10 cents when purchased with one 15c pattern ' MAY Fashions now ready. , ' iuhgess-Nash Gomrany. "sTvanvaoor aTcma" . WARNER' Corset Fashion Opening Authoritative Style Look at the styles on this Page. They show the features that will prevail this season. It is with pleasure ive endorse through our presentation, the illustration which appears in the March issue of The Ladies9 Home Journal, Woman's Home Companion, De lineator and other high class magazines. It Is True There is 110 style speculation in the purchase of a. Warner's Corset. Warner spring models are. harmonious with dress fashions, whether the style selected be a lace-back or lace front Every model is guaranteed to shape f ashionably, fitting; comfortably the figure for which the'eorset was designed. With the introduction of theso new Warner Models, every -woman who buys a moderately priced corset can have a model aa . correct for her fijrure as the woman who buys the most expen-; $ive corset made, , The New Figure You must begin the reshaping of your figure now. Yourorset of last season will not serve for the fashioqs of this year. Busts are higher, from three to five incites above the waist. Waists are curved, and the clasp flexible above the waist, but taut below to hold the abdomen. This reshaping of your figure can be done comfortably. We cannot recommend to you loo highly a Warner Corset.' Jt accurately diapes, comfortably fits and will wear as long as you wnnt a corset to wear until it is worn out like "The One Horse Shay." The bones cannot rust, break or punch through the fabric. Two thin strips of boning give flexibility and add a greater strength 1 than one single bone of equal weight, ... The figure of the young girl can be developed healthfully and gracefully in a Warner's Corbet if she will begin today. Every average figure can be perfectly fitted. Large figures require no corset of unusual construction, but a corset that is, like War ner's, anatomically cut and properly made, , We Are Showing These New Models This Week owing to our desiiH to create this new silhouette or contour. The types shown here ure representative of the models we carry. Every Pair Guaranteed. Second rioot. URGE $1.00 to $5.00 Per Pair -Wash GOMRftKnc -everybody's store C'naa. Stors. Web. l-.